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Communists welcome Conservative slump as Labour vote stagnatesBritain’s Communist Party has given a cautious welcome to the local election results in England. ‘The voters have rejected the Conservative central government’s policies to let profits rip while cutting people’s living standards and public services’, election coordinator Andy Chaffer told the CP executive committee at the weekend.He reported on the collapse of the Tory vote in many areas, while noting that the Liberal Democrats and the Greens together had made more gains in terms of votes and councils than the Labour Party. Labour’s share of the poll stayed stagnant at around 35 per cent compared with the last set of local elections in 2019, Mr Chaffer pointed out, even though the Conservative vote has slumped from that figure to just 26 per cent. ‘But the biggest winner at the polls on May 4 was the stay-away party’, he remarked, pointing out that two-thirds of electors had again abstained from voting in local elections.
https://www.communistparty.org.uk/communists-welcome-conservative-slump-as-labour-vote-stagnates/How "Nevoyna" and Alexey Sakhnin cover up the right-wing terror"No one will compromise revolutionary social-democracy if it does not compromise itself." (Lenin, PSS vol. 5, vol. 30, p. 77 "A Caricature of Marxism and Imperialist Economism") The murder of Vladlen Tatarsky was received controversially by the left-wing media and their subscribers. About 200 readers of Rudoy regret for universal reasons, about 500 warmly welcome the execution of a criminal [Telegram channel "Rudoy"]. The telegram channel Nevoina expressed a triumphant mood on the occasion, declaring Trepova and the company to be the successors of the Narodnaya Volya cause, and individual terror to be a "traditional value" that paved the way for the revolutions of 1905 and 1917. The channel is hacked, and the post is deleted, so, with all the inconvenience, you have to quote from memory. No matter how you treat an individual, political action leads to political consequences. The murder of a significant person rumbles in the media, all of his ideological heritage (publications, reports, statements) emerge on the front pages of public discussion, like a fish stunned by dynamite on the surface of a pond. Daria Dugina acted as a political scientist and journalist on official TV channels, she was even honored with personal sanctions, but her death glorified her faster and more widely than all her activities combined. Tatarsky during his lifetime was a famous military correspondent with five hundred thousand subscribers at the end of 2022, but he ascended to the fallen hero, legend, martyr only after. Whoever the martyr is, he will be pitied and acquitted - a criminal record for robbing a bank, escaping from a colony and calls to rob everyone will be forgotten, but the sacrificial halo will remain; chauvinists will repent before the new icon, like the Black Hundreds before the innocently shot royal family. The loss of a propagandist, if a host of others rise behind him, raises his fame and recognition to a degree. The regiment of very significant persons has arrived - now the Solovyovs have someone to draw on the banners! The first emotion of the viewer of the federal channel is compassion. More than 30 people were wounded, the same supporters of the special operation as he himself. Therefore, the next emotion is fear, echoing the cry from the TV “ours are being beaten”: the enemy is already inside, the country is in danger, they will soon get to us! The mythical threat from the West has found flesh and blood - frightened citizens rush in search of protection to the party in power, and every revolutionary sees explosives behind their backs. Communists and social Democrats who take the side of terror are giving fans of fairy tales about bloody Bolsheviks a big gift.
https://rksmb.org/articles/left-movement/kak-nevojna-i-aleksej-sahnin-prikryvayut-pravyj-terror/https://translated.turbopages.org/proxy_u/ru-en.en.09158018-64595d65-3e592731-74722d776562/https/rksmb.org/articles/left-movement/kak-nevojna-i-aleksej-sahnin-prikryvayut-pravyj-terror/Errico Malatesta: While the Carnage Lasts Our interventionist friends (I’m speaking of the friends, i.e. those who see in the intervention in favour of France and England a necessity of defence against German despotism and a means of overthrowing militarism and creating an environment of freedom favourable to struggles for social revolution, and not warmongers who aim at substituting one imperialism for another and who are as odious to us as the despots of Berlin and Vienna), our interventionist friends therefore seem not to understand the real reasons for our equal hostility to the two fighting parties. And they believe that we, blind and deaf to all the reasons why the world is moving along a path that does not correspond exactly to any ideal programme, sacrifice reality to ‘formulas’, and, not being able to do anarchy directly and immediately, prefer to remain inert. This is a strange judgment indeed when it is made by those who know us and know how we have always fought every fatalistic and numbing philosophy, whether from the socialist or anarchist camp. They claim that we are as hostile to the governments of France and England as we are to those of Germany and Austria, because we believe that all governments are equal; and they endeavour to prove to us that while it is true that all governments are bad, it is also true that they are not all bad to an equal degree. This is an old question which, despite the inaccuracies of current language, should by now be clear to those who are aware of anarchist ideas and tactics. We know perfectly well that there is a difference; and there is no need to make much effort to persuade ourselves that it is better to be put in prison than to be hanged, and that to be in prison one year is better than ten. The reason for the difference, more than in the form of government, lies in the general economic and moral conditions of society, in the state of public opinion, in the resistance that the governed know how to oppose the intrusiveness and arbitrariness of authority; but certainly the forms, which are the consequence of the struggles of past generations, also have their importance insofar as they are a more or less powerful obstacle in contemporary struggles. And it is the task of the historian to objectively study the facts and their causes; it is his task to tell us, for example, that at a given time in France people were freer than in Germany, that in a given country under the republic people were less coerced than under the monarchy. But our task, that of those of us who fight for integral liberty and who know that all governments must by their law of life oppose liberty, is to try to overthrow the government and not to improve it – convinced, moreover, that even from the point of view of reform, this is the best means of forcing the government to make concessions, and it is the only one that allows us to profit from concessions without paralysing the struggle and without compromising the future.