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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.471965[Watch Thread]

It seems that the US is trying too stir up a which-hunt against peace activists

The NyTimes already attacked a number of lefty peace organizations with this peace
It looks like mainstream media switched to China-war-advertisement mode. So one has to assume that their accusations are false, they always lie when they try to sell a war.


As much as I shit on China in other threads I'm shocked at just how cucked the western left has become to MSM hawks. Manufacturing Consent was too optimistic.


What is the deal with this Singham guy anyway?


>As much as I shit on China in other threads
China has a tendency of barely/not responding to western provocations. However i would be cautious of attributing this to cuckoldry. They might just be acting on a much longer time-table. Western strategists apply variations of tit-for-tat game-theory, but that has 2 fundamental flaws. It generally does not account for time delays between tit and a corresponding tat. And it does not account for resource opportunity costs of tit and tat actions.

>I'm shocked at just how cucked the western left has become to MSM hawks

So how does the western left un-cuck ?
Should it respond in kind with a which-hunt against war-hawks ? is that what you are implying ?


You misunderstand. I shit on China for unrelated reasons. IMO in terms of geopolitics they've been one step ahead of the US for a while now. Probably shouldn't have brought that up now that I think about it.
>So how does the western left un-cuck ?
By creating a political movement that is completely independent from all bourgeois parties and gives no fucks about which wing of capital holds the reigns of power.
As of right now the socialist left is packed with defeatists who willingly cuck themselves to left-liberals. They've fully bought into the lesser of two evils propaganda and put themselves in a completely undialectical mental stasis trap where they perceive independence as ultimately leading to le evil fashist rightoids seizing power and establishing the thousand year Reich. Basically, they've traded letting hawks take power + the potential to dismantle the governing international order, for the mere possibility that (what they perceive as) less hawkish hawks could take power instead.
>Should it respond in kind with a which-hunt against war-hawks ? is that what you are implying ?
Absolutely not. If the western left went on an anti-hawk moral crusade it would backfire tremendously, especially considering how the left is already completely absorbed into the oligarchy and has no positive agenda to speak of. It would be a repeat the 2000's all over again, but this time as a farce.


Fuck, on second thought the word "undialectical" isn't strong enough. The contemporary socialist left is anti-dialectical. They simply cannot accept that sometimes the only winning move is not to play. It's embarrassing and speaks to an unprecedented level of bad theory. They are hopelessly committed to pseudo-activity and constantly hand every opportunity for dissent or popular revolt over to the far-right.


>I shit on China for unrelated reasons.
Considering that they're currently banging the war-drum against China, maybe now is not the best time for that.

>By creating a political movement that is completely independent from all bourgeois parties and gives no fucks about which wing of capital holds the reigns of power. As of right now the socialist left is packed with defeatists who willingly cuck themselves to left-liberals. They've fully bought into the lesser of two evils propaganda

Yeah that's an unfortunate development. Tho how do you craft politics that feed off this phenomenon, so that the more lesser evilism propaganda they make the stronger we get.

>If the western left went on an anti-hawk moral crusade it would backfire tremendously, especially considering how the left is already completely absorbed into the oligarchy and has no positive agenda to speak of. It would be a repeat the 2000's all over again, but this time as a farce.

The 2000s had a lot of war-fatigue and that's why the "anti-hawk moral" resonated, i don't think that anybody on the left really set out to cause anything on purpose. Maybe a which-hunt against war-hawks would be effective, and the actual problem is that our side really doesn't enjoy which-hunting.

Anyway what strategy would you suggest against McCarthyism


Nice digits


Honestly anon, I can't effectively answer your questions. I feel like we're in a situation where it's a lot easier to diagnose the problem than it is to treat it.

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