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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File (hide): 1692544454581.jpg ( 579.15 KB , 996x2142 , duginconnection.jpg )


 No.472459[Watch Thread]>>472464>>472467>>472470

It is obvious that the fascists just went underground like the rats they are to rebuild power and start the psychological war to end all psychological wars. There is a global fascist conspiracy including Russia, the Republican party, billionares and C.E.Os including Elon Musk, and most likely other bad actors to overthrow democracy worldwide and establish a global fascist alliance to make sure that the entire planet is enslaved forever.

The psychological war has largely been focused on the U.S. and has involved psychologically grooming and condition American conservatives into becoming completely deranged genocidal cultists, while conditioning everyone else to tolerate them. The game plan was for Russia to establish an Eastern front in Europe while the Republicans work to overthrow U.S. democracy, purge the country of non-cultists, and then join the war to attack Europe from the West. If the U.S. falls, so does Europe, and if Europe falls, so does the world.

The question is now: how do we stop them and expose the conspiracy?


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>It is obvious that the fascists just went underground


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>US democracy
Found the liberal.


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>>472459 (OP)


>>472459 (OP)
You appear to be attempting to drag us into an inter-bourgeois fight, without offering anything in return

At minimum you have to offer peaceful social democracy and a strengthening of civil liberties.
-perpetual public social housing, and abolition of all homelessness.
-universal healthcare
-minimum wage that gets daily indexed to purchasing power based on all available commodities.
-public sector spending for infrastructure and public sector industry instead of printing money to inflate wall-street
-end warmongering against China, Russia, … and use those resources to rebuild the domestic economy.
-stop fucking with the internet, do away with the censorship and surveillance
-empower investigative journalism legally and economically.

Fascism ultimately comes from the reactionary imperial finance bourgeoisie. And so far all the bourgeois factions that got into power have attacked bourgeois democracy and civil liberties, which makes them potential crypto-fascists too.

>to attack Europe from the West

the democrat faction of the bourgeois dictatorship in the US also attacked Yurop. They blew up Europe's cheap-energy-pipe, they made hostile economic policy to drain industry from the EU, they used NATO to force the EU to shoot it self in the foot with sanctions-warfare and drain it's military defences. Of course Europe also attacked it self, because it let all those neocon-warmonger-shills get political power that facilitated all that crap.

>psychological war

read this


Dugin is based


💎 all I drive are German cars and my lone suit is a Hugo Boss


>>472459 (OP)
>wwii never ended
>because trotsky said so!
kill yourself


USSR elites made new trade deals with IG Farben in the 50s. No surprise tho, summa their golden kids turned up @ evening parties in a full SS uniform, as noted by @ least one of the nomenclatura girls who participated in them.

fix your bot, fag.


>USSR made trade deals with IG Farben in the 50s
So they bought means of production for the chemical industry, if that was cheaper than industrial espionage, there's nothing particularly wrong with it.

>Somebody from the USSR wore an SS uniform shortly after WW2

Would've been suicidal. I'm guessing that's made up.

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