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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.472472[Watch Thread]>>472488

Do you consider yourself to be pragmatic with your politics anon?
Or do you feel that making any ideological concessions is a betrayal of your values and beliefs?

I think it's interesting when groups with diametrically opposed outlooks and ideals work together for what they both perceive to be the 'greater good'. Pic related, and feel free to post more interesting examples of this occuring.


I used to think that have grounded values and beliefs was par the course and that it was the most important thing, but, as I got older and began to read more Marxist literature I realized that building socialism is a gradual process and strictly sticking to an apriori set of dogmatic idealsm such as anarchist is the wrong approach to achieving that end.
That being said everything one does must be in the support of building a socialist state of things.


No, I prefer to accomplish nothing while feeling good about myself for my splendid ideas and opinions.


Being right about everything all the time is the sole reason I even came to le ftard theories, along with finding reasons for the authoritarization of bols' governing so I could dunk on anarkitties too.
all of it is old outdated shit & got increasingly boring tho. gunna leave it all soon & move on


I have a public opinion-private opinion distinction as part of my worldview. Most of my private opinions remain close to heart, but a few close friends know how I am in my personal life.

However, I sometimes share the same public and private opinion. For example, my public opinion on leftypol mods is they’re all gay faggots. My private opinion on leftypol mods is they’re all gay faggots.


Honestly, instead of just throwing your hands up and reverting to your natural state drinking IPAs and eating hipster pizza at Telegraph Hill in SF, which I’m not saying isn’t a vibe, it’s just expensive and kinda gay also I definitely wasn’t eating delicious hipster pizza in that area recently or anything, just pick up on full contrarianism for fun. Be a Trotskyist on here or leftypol, tell other communists that China, Russia and Iran aren’t on their side this is actually true, etc. Debating is dumb and pointless, just mog other anons and make ogre jannies more paranoid and unhinged.


>>472472 (OP)

it's wrong to think mathematically about it. As in something being true or false but to envision it as a hierarchy of truth. For example, all left ideologies being a gradient of the 'truth'.


>Least ideological leftist

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