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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.472480[Watch Thread]>>472490>>472511

Why are rightoids so bent out of shape about this guy? As far as capitalists go, he doesn't seem so bad, especially considering his left leaning social views.
>Inb4 who dat?
Get with the program. it's Larry Fink, head of Black Rock, pioneers of socially responsible investing and the largest asset management company in the US today.


>As far as capitalists go, he doesn't seem so bad, especially considering his left leaning social views

You can’t actually be serious.


Without this guy, Trump would still be fuhrer, the trans genocide would have reached final solution scale, and blacks would be underrepresented in the HR sector. He's basically Mark Rudd in a business suit




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>>472480 (OP)
There can be good-guy bourgeoisie that sides with the proletariat against their own class during capitalist crisis. But the largest "asset-management" finance mega porky in the world is somewhat an unlikely candidate.

I think BlackRock profited a lot off the 2008 finance crash, which makes them look like a misery vampire.

Apparently Fink is also funding a lot of idpozzed class-phobic pseudo-left, that always attacks the class-conscious left. So he doesn't appear to be a political ally by any stretch.

BlackRock does fictional capital finance stuff in China, but i have no idea what because all the information you can find on it is gibberish, written in idealist econ-speak. Blackrock seems to be in support for US imperialism in Ukraine, but perhaps less so for imperialism in China ? I can't really tell if BlackRock could be a viable candidate for a temporary tactical alliance against china-war-hawks. What these people say is mostly unintelligible to me, i guess i could check whether they dump all their war-profiteering investments, maybe that's a good indicator of their intentions.

>Get with the program.

Our program is the proletariat seizing all of the means of production and to remake the world to serve the interests of the masses. If Fink wants to show support and hand over some m.o.p. he certainly is welcome to do so.

BlackRock might have been the template for Evil Corp in MR Robot.


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>>472480 (OP)
>especially considering his left leaning social views.
>Black Rock, pioneers of socially responsible investing and the largest asset management company in the US today.
Top'o'the mornin to ya deartháir!


>somewhat unlikely

Incredible understatement.


>Muh pop culture Netflix reference
Psyoped opinion discarded


The right gets bent out over shit like this because they are to stupid to understand systemic issues.


they are to stupid


You think they'd be less "bent out of shape" if they understood it ?
I doubt it. I read a bunch of Marxist theory and roughly understand how monopoly capital formation and financialisation works, but i still find it infuriating. The anger won't go away until the broken shit gets fixed. There is only some alleviation from understanding it.

But maybe you're not entirely wrong, at least part of the right thinks that capitalism is exclusively small and medium sized enterprises competing in a utopian market where no capitalist ever manages to corner the market, and nobody can extract monopoly rent or super-profits. And when actually existing capitalism is corporate hell standing on your neck, it generates anger from broken expectations.

Maybe we should invent a new economic ideology that argues for automatic caps on the maximum size of companies and limits on capital accumulation. The chances of this type of utopian capitalism working in praxis are not great. But at least that could work as a entry point to structural thinking.


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>Maybe we should invent a new economic ideology that argues for automatic caps on the maximum size of companies and limits on capital accumulation.

If you're willing to compromise, just do Georgism.

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