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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.472596[Watch Thread]>>472643

As some of you anons might be aware, Donald Trump has just been indicted a fourth time in a series of lawsuits designed to prevent him from running for office again. Trump is, of course, not being prosecuted over his many high crimes–the same high crimes that every other president has committed and gotten away with–instead, the lawsuits are only over completely frivolous shit, the illegality of which is dubious. The legal system is thus being used in ways it's never been used before to violate the unwritten rule that rulers are above the law and immune to legal retribution. The are historic parallels for this.

We saw what happened in Rome when this began to occur. The Roman legal system was used in unprecedented ways in Tiberius Gracchus's struggle against the Roman oligarchy for populist land reforms, the legal system used to undermine the powers of elected officials, both Gracchus himself and his opponents. This eventually culminated in the Senate-organized murder of Gracchus. What ensued after was a spiral of escalations where politicians became emboldened to use increasingly violent methods to go after their rivals, until finally the legal system was ignored entirely and culminated in a hundred years of civil wars and hundreds of years of despotic dictatorships.

My question is this: what should the left be doing when a crisis of faith in the current state's legal system seems to be approaching?


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It seems to me that we need to have a new, clearly different form of government outlined to replace the one that people are losing faith in, and we need to shout it at people as loudly as we can.


It's not frivolous at all retard.
What trump did during the georga election isn't something that any other president has done you fucking blithering retards. Him and his cronies organized a false certification of the vote and that is what he is facing criminal charges over in fucking Georgia currently. FFS Stop defending this retard porky because you have nothing in your life of value.


Check this out there was an article in favor of sortition in the mainstream media

<On the eve of the first debate of the 2024 presidential race, trust in government is rivaling historic lows. Officials have been working hard to safeguard elections and assure citizens of their integrity. But if we want public office to have integrity, we might be better off eliminating elections altogether.

<If you think that sounds anti-democratic, think again. The ancient Greeks invented democracy, and in Athens many government officials were selected through sortition — a random lottery from a pool of candidates. In the United States, we already use a version of a lottery to select jurors. What if we did the same with mayors, governors, legislators, justices and even presidents?
<People expect leaders chosen at random to be less effective than those picked systematically. But in multiple experiments led by the psychologist Alexander Haslam, the opposite held true. Groups actually made smarter decisions when leaders were chosen at random than when they were elected by a group or chosen based on leadership skill.

OK it's a little elitist because it requires a test
<In ancient Athens, people had a choice about whether to participate in the lottery. They also had to pass an examination of their capacity to exercise public rights and duties. In America, imagine that anyone who wants to enter the pool has to pass a civics test — the same standard as immigrants applying for citizenship. We might wind up with leaders who understand the Constitution.

Obviously, Cockshott's sortition democracy scores much higher in terms of democratic representation compared to this. And it won't create a giant political fight around manipulating the civics test. However this "dictatorship of the civics-test-passers" would none the less be an improvement compared to the current system.


You know this isn't /democratpol/ right?


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>uhhh I don't like reality so hey it's not /democratpol/

Fuck off soyberg left curve retards.


>Fag detected


>>472596 (OP)
Even if he was found guilty and jailed, this would not prevent him from running, nor would it technically prevent him from assuming the office of the president. Trump is being indicted because he's a fucking criminal.


>Trump is being indicted because he's a fucking criminal.
Every US leader is a fucking criminal, and Trump isn't being indicted for the actual crimes of the bourgeoisie ruling class in America, it's over petty bullshit.

The theatrics of it are becoming apparent to the common prole. If elections are commonly seen as a joke then what are the consequences of that? (hence this thread).

I don't know the answer, but it seems that there is a coalition of booj that wants to cancel Trump the same way that they want to cancel anyone else they may disagree with, (kind of like Andrew Tate). They actually believe Trump to be a threat to them.

I wonder if Elon will get hit the same way after the stunt he pulled with turning of starlink for the military. I can see that happening.

I guess booj in-fighting is a good thing for the proles, this is more evidence that they are fighting and maybe their divisions can be taken advantage of, but I don't know where to start really.


>Every US leader is a fucking criminal
True, but convicting one criminal is better than convicting none.
>and Trump isn't being indicted for the actual crimes
No, what he did were actual crimes. He's on a recording admitting as much. He deserves to be in prison, and these are multiple crimes.
>The theatrics of it are becoming apparent to the common prole.
Because the common prole doesn't read shit or know anything about the law. Trump's crimes go beyond the petty bullshit done by the ruling class. He's a man who tried to stay in power illegally. Even in a bourgeoise democracy, that's a step too far.
>I don't know the answer, but it seems that there is a coalition of booj that wants to cancel Trump the same way that they want to cancel anyone else they may disagree with, (kind of like Andrew Tate).
He's not being "cancelled". He's being prosecuted, and Andrew Tate is a human trafficker who also deserves to be in prison.
>I wonder if Elon will get hit the same way after the stunt he pulled with turning of starlink for the military. I can see that happening.
If he does it now that he's under an actual DoD contract, not only will that happen, but his infrastructure will be expropriated for by the state. Incidentally, starling is down worldwide right now. I wonder if that has anything to do with it?
>I guess booj in-fighting is a good thing for the proles, this is more evidence that they are fighting and maybe their divisions can be taken advantage of, but I don't know where to start really.
If anybody knew that, we wouldn't be discussing this. I believe that nobody knows the answer, but it is my opinion that even bourgeoise democracy is better than a fascist dictatorship that Trump and company hope to achieve.


>Trump's crimes go beyond the petty bullshit done by the ruling class.
He's guilty of the same heinous war crimes as every other president since at least Truman. And no, he's certainly not the first president to try to game an election.


Can you name another president that explicitly has tried to make his vice-president invalidate an election which he knows he lost? Can you name one with an explicit and published plan to get set up for a dictatorship? No. You fucking can't. Stop making excuses for actual fascists, you stupid faggot.


Trump is guilty of everything he has done. He won't even face jail time though because our whole capitalist system is feckless and corrupt. Yet you all find it pertinent to do this pointless mental gumnasitto defend the capitalist pig in order to cling to some type of relivance. It's just lazy and this type of fucking exposes how inept and irrelevant the left, unfortunately, has become.

Sad times.


Go back to reddit


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>Can you name one with an explicit and published plan to get set up for a dictatorship?
No, and neither can you, you stupid faggot.


Yes, Trump. Project 2025 is explicitly a plan to set up loyalists all throughout the federal government and involves firing nearly 1M federal employees, because the last time his faggot ass was president, they told him they couldn't comply with orders that were illegal. But hey, maybe you like fascism. You should just come out and say so.


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Shut up you dumb fucking fag and kill yourself.




Not seething at all.
Why would I care what a retard with nothing to say thinks?


Idk. Why do you? You certainly do reply a lot, so why?
It's certainly not too educate. Anyone could turn CNN on to get the same info/narrative as the one you're bleating


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>>473356 Even Greco-Roman philosophers agree Sodomy is contrary to nature. Romans 2:14-29
King James Version
14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:


Wrong post?


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Problems, little spartanlets?


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True that brother yeehaw, red this redpilling chart


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Actually damn this thread is fucking garbage, why did I bump it


Not as fucking garbage as this fag.


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Remember these are the people calling you a soyboy and saying poljak looks nothing like themselves


And that has what to do with this thread?


>Omg, this guy's fashion is a statement against my fashion


>the common prole
>I guess booj in-fighting is a good thing for the proles
>maybe their divisions can be taken advantage of, but I don't know where to start really
Keep doing good work, agent!

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