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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.472619[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>472624

What are the political implications of the world's first presidential mugshot? What will happen if he's convicted?


Do you have any reason to believe they'll start going after all the previous war criminals that have been in office, for much more serious crimes? If not, then the answer is this:
The US justice system, which has always served the ruling class, is eviscerating its own credibility with these extraordinary indictments and the question will be who takes advantage of it next.


>>472619 (OP)
I haven't payed attention to this. But in general going after politicians is risky, you can end up martyring them or discredit the judicial system as politically biased.


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That one is fake this is the real one.
He tried to coup Biden, the US gov doesn't give a fuck about war crimes. GTFO of here


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It's not, Trump is retarded and so was his coup attempt. CHUDs aren't going to do anything. And if they do they'll get taken care of by the military.
Clinton showed how easy it was after he BTFO'd the militia movement in the 90's and those guys were actually organized.


Yeah he just fucked COVID and workers for 4 years.


Trump let the military run buck wild for his entire term.


>mass of non-violent protestors let into the capital building by a deliberately ordered police force
>no roads controlled
>no airports locked down
>no radio stations seized
>no involvement from armed forces
>It was a coup!
Welcome to /leftypol/, an image board for discussing anti-capitalist politics.


Still waiting on that indictment for Kennedy's stolen Chicago election, Nixon's October Surprise, Reagan's October Surprise, Bush's two stolen elections (one involving criminal collaboration with his brother), etc. When can we expect these?


This is so fitting for the united states.





>It's only a coup if airports are closed down
Apperently leftypol has become much more desperate and retarded than it ever has been at this point.
When did leftypol become the stupid broither of pol? We never have refused to believe basic facts because we simply refused to concede like children before.


>>mass of non-violent protestors
>Break down doors
>Run around with zip tie handcuffs
>bring a pipe bomb
>non violent
Sneed CHUDs


>Welcome to /leftypol/, an image board for discussing anti-capitalist politics.
>Cheering the arrest of a coup plotting billionaire isn't anticapitalist


Correct, the overwhelming majority of them had no weapons and were non-violent. On no planet did the small handful of provocateurs pose a significant threat to the ruling government. To pretend otherwise is to be a useful idiot for Democrat spectacle.


Reddit/.ogre transhumanists in da house


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Just because they were incompetent, doesn't mean they didn't try. Nice tits, though.




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>Angry mob that had elements of militia in and that had been goaded by Trump to "hang Pence" months before hand wasn't going to do anything to the legislators.
Haha looks like the booj tires of its fash attack dogs. You shouldn't have violated the booj's democracy, THEY LIKE THEIR DEMOCRACY.
Get read to see Trump get rekted in court and your MAGA movement to go back into the woods for a decade.


It's not work when you love what you do.


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Nice projection, it's .orges with their Haz fans that love Trump and depict his rabid fash base as just being babes in he woods.
We haven't even gotten to the civil suits. Trump is going to die pennyless k a pile of his own piss bottles a la Howard Huges.


Yeah, totally. Only the someone paid could think that a guy interfering in a national election is bad. Nice totally organic post, btw, faggot.


Can I just say that I've never liked giving these retards names. They always enjoy it. Just call them retards.


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Reminder. This is what shitlibs look like in real life (and I'm being generous here)


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Hecken based fellow CHUDerino.


He mad


>Ascribe asinine positions to those you're talking too
>'Haha, you're wrong, sweetie'
This place is a sewer


In fact they were a very small minority of the crowd, and the faulty logic you're using is the same shit deployed to discredit other movements with agent provocateurs–which it's confirmed were among the capital protesters.


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>Rush the House while it's certifying the election to try and cause a constitutional crisis and keep Trump in power.
>Talk about killing Dems for months before hand.
>Trump hinting that he'll pardon them all if successful
>So you think angry mod that outnumbered Dems 100 to 1 was going to be violent just because of that?
What are MAGApede copes so retarded?
>Inb4 yes
Like I said you're as retarded as your coup attempt.


*Why are MAGApede copes so retarded?


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Is he wrong though?


>Commit High Treason to keep your bloated ass in power.
>Uh guies they hate him because he went against the other billionaires
Just because your retarded view of politics posits that the rich can get away with anything forever doesn't make it true.


>Seethe Chuds
>BTFO militias

Can we accept that the only people giddy about Trump being arrested are terminally online weirdos and the liberal managerial strata


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Never Surrender


No one is "excited" you morons. Can you fucking people go one day with out painting some elaborate strawman about people who disagree with you.
Trump deserves to be held accountable for attempting to over throw a legitimate election. And before you even start the rich controlling the political system through gifting political agents is not the same as overt out right corruption. People still get out to vote for who tey think is a better leader for the country and there is at least some modicum of accountability to the population.

Really all this cucking over trump is just fucking pathetic and it seriously exposes a massive nihilist current in the left today.


>Trump deserves to be held accountable for attempting to over throw a legitimate election.
So like these guys too then, right? Ready to demand they be held to account?


>knowing basic facts about the event makes you a Trump supporter

I think we can add deep state spooks to that list.


R/socialism misses you


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>And before you even start the rich controlling the political system through gifting political agents is not the same as overt out right corruption.


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wow do you have anything to actually say or are you just gonna be a self righteous faggot like 90% of leftypol?

Holyshit I kek ngl


He won't be convicted of anything. Stage managed election, and very clearly they want the Trump redemption arc.

It wouldn't change anything - the attitude of the country and Trump's backers remains the same. If Trump were dead, a proxy who is very clearly a Trump puppet would be elevated. None of those other clowns suggested as an alternative are relevant. This is purely about making the Trump brand the thing, not about using Trump to sell some shitty conservative candidate or moderate the country. It is clear that the faction backing Trump will accept nothing less than the destruction of the country, and right now they're the clear favorite to "win".

The Democrat base was killed off from COVID depop. The rightists and Nazis always won exemptions, while anyone not with them was purged, fired for noncompliance, and put through hell. That will be the story they go with, anyway. This country is done… of course, you could have just closed the government in 2020 and nothing would fundamentally change.


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Reminder: white liberals were molested as children


>This country is done
That's what happens when you raise a couple generations of fags


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>And before you even start the rich controlling the political system through gifting political agents is not the same as overt out right corruption.


On the contrary I highly doubt that the DA would actually prosecute him if they didn't think they actually had a case considering he's the ex president of the united states and this is a historical event.
As far as the actual validity of the case, you are missing the point and people like you have to make this shit up to justify loving that orange faggot so much; No one gives a shit if this changes anything it doesn't have to change shit trump committed very obvious crimes and should be held accountable for them.
Go back to pol retard.


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>He already knows my talking points of which I have no response so I will just keep spamming the iamfine.jpeg.




>Reminder: white liberals were molested as children
Most child molesters ‘religious,’ often target church members


>I highly doubt that the DA would actually prosecute him if they didn't think they actually had a case
Except for the three times they already did it? Your MSNBC-derived delusions are absolutely adorable.


We should just start redirecting this site directly to reddit


If they wanted to bust Trump for something real, they have a ridiculous laundry list of crimes provable far beyond a reasonable doubt. There wouldn't be a drawn-out drama. He would be apprehended, and the book would be thrown at him after a speedy trial.

There is another thing - a psychiatric record would almost certainly turn up some defect in him. That's worse than a crime. But, even if they did that - and they almost certainly have the psych report written without having to evaluate him - it wouldn't change the script. Trump is allowed to run because he is symbolic of America's retardation and insanity. The rulers would make him run more if he were adjudicated crazy, because they would say "this is you, America", just as they have the whole way.

Tell me about it. Lib brain has lost its ability to make logical connections. It really is Ingsoc now. Should be obvious from my writing that I am not happy to see any of this. Frankly, Trump should have been thrown to the wolves after the January 6 incident. If they actually cared about salvaging the country, they would have done that, if not just get rid of him before he became president. They don't care about that, of course. If I'm a liberal I want Donald J. Trump to be Eternal President because it freezes history in place and maximizes the rot in the country. The libs made it clear they want us to be their slaves forever.


If anyone thinks politics is about anything other than torturing your opponents, they must be cured of that delusion. No other politics is possible, and if it were, it would be a very different type of government, or it would just be despotic and we wouldn't have to bother with this farce.


Point being, the republic is "solved" for the political class. They discovered that with unlimited transgression, unlimited torture, and a preponderance of physical force at their beck and call, the republic ends with all useless eaters marched "by choice" to their death. That's what eugenics is.


And the result of that isn't just "fascism", but the decay of fascism into outright despotism, the choking of the world, and the control mechanism changing from "virtue" to outright mind control. It won't just create a slave society. Mankind will become nothing but screaming, insane animals. All life dies screaming forever.

The best you can hope for in that situation is an enlightened despot that sees that society as too abominable. It will be too late for us, because we'd all be dead or tortured into oblivion. It is also unlikely anything coming out of that would remain recognizably human for long. The end result of humanity as a project is this. No humanity, and there is nothing like socialism, no empire, and really nothing at all. Humanity has proven it is both incapable and unwilling to be anything different, and will violently attack anyone who suggests we could peacefully reform.


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Schizo levels of delusion, but not in the ironic funny way - nor even interesting way. Just shitlibery blended conspiracy theories.


Oh shit. This tome writing samefag is back

America is in this weird place where it's both a highly decadent society owing to a century of capitalism-imperialism, and it's on the cusp of a world-historic global managerial revolution (highly surveilled society dominated by a self-serving political-financial elite ruling in the name of dominant values which they themselves institute).

Thus, America is somewhat poised for a populist rebellion in a unique way

Chinese, for example, were for thousands of years serfs and effective remain so without interuption, American have a longer history and culture of viewing themselves as a free people - at least in the political sense. But in today's world, China's bureaucratic elite promotes a unifying national culture of collective aspiration (i.e., returning to its historical prominence as a center of cultural and economic influence).

America's political elite, on the other hand, is actively trying to erode any historical American collective identity and declass the masses into to a sort of neo-serftom. Much of the "left", is an unwitting participant in this.

<Tldr: you're right in a lot of ways. But Trump isn't a puppet of some elite control system (he's actively being persecuted in a run up to an election), but more of a symptom of general burger 'retardation' that you speak of.


Of course they can't take the real crimes route because his peers in office are guilty of the same shit. Likewise they can't exactly take the psychoanalysis route with a dementia patient in office. It has to be a performative prosecution with little real consequences and the main function of which is to drive media spectacle.


What's really shocking about the entire affair is how the liberal politico class seems so myopic that they're unable to contemplate the immense blowback that could come from this by turning Trump into a martyr over frivolous bullshit. Remember when Eugene Debs got a million votes from a prison cell? Imagine that but Trump actually winning the election.


Brother in christ you are retarded: He hasn't been to court on any of those cases that he is charged with. This is the first one. So what you are saying is so mind blowingly stupid it only shows you have no idea how the legal system in the united states works. but you can't fix stupid I suppose.


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What is not "real" about what he did in georgia? What is not "real" about organizing a group of fraudulent electors to submit falsely verified votes certifying that trump won the election? what is not "real" about that? Can you explain to me somting he could do that he actuallt deserves to be in jail over since I guess organizing a ring of criminals to steal an election under the false pretenses of a stolen election isn't a criminal offense in your mind.


Glow back to 4chan


Perfect canthal tilt


I never said the charges against him weren't based on something legitimate - only that the courts do not matter, and if they did all of the other shit thrown at Trump would have stuck.

They had the impeachment proceedings. Twice. If they didn't get rid of him after that, they're never getting rid of him. That is the way you would get rid of an unfit president - and don't give me the "b-b-b-but Republicans" bullshit. Republicans do not care about Trump the man, or fear that they would lose the base. They know the Trumpfaggots will crawl back like the cowards they are. It was decided that Trump was the plan - and the smart Democrats would never, ever want to not see Donald J. Trump in office. Why on Earth would they ever stop that? Trump would have had to go wildly off-script, given what the impeachments entailed, to be axed. Trump of course knows his lines. The impeachments were performative politics, and pretty much admitted as such by Pelosi. The younger Democrats already moved on, having decided long before Trump they were done with the country and hated this democracy thing. Democrats despise their base.


I think you have to understand basic political operations - in a republic, almost everything passes unanimously. There is no "but my party", especially with the filibuster rules in Congress. The republic is designed so the real law is done behind the curtain. The representatives don't mean much at all, in the sense that their vote actually matters. The role of the representatives is that they were, in the past, among the men behind the curtain making these decisions, and they aspired to higher office or a cushy post-government gig. They were usually famous already and the office was a mark of being in the aristocratic club. If you get into politics thinking you will work, you do not understand what politics is. The work is done to get in the club, and any work after is purely about climbing in the secret system. Politics is never a meritocracy, nor is it ever what it appears to be to a naive observer. Politics is full of lies, especially in republican societies.


Trump never had anythin prior to this brought to a court in the first place for it to stick at all. How are you not understanding this makes everything else you said moot?
The impeachment proceedings are not a court of law they are an internal formality with in the congressional branch of government. Keep coping and seething you retarded faggot the DA would never charge an ex president with a fucking Criminal FELONY unless they thouht the charges could stick.

We both agree that over all it wont matter though. Nothin will. I never said it matters over all. you just pressumed that because the left is full of snobby yuppies constantly folding the same 100 arguments in and itself over and over again. We have become completely useless and you are the biggest faggot of them all. Just fucking kill yourself.


You're preaching to the chior you stupid fucking faggot. God just kill yourselves. Seriously. You poeople are impossibly faggy. No wonder the right is winning so much ground. what a bunch of insufferable faggots.


You're thinking as if the institutions follow the letter of the rules and operate mechanically, without the input of the members. That is, you imagine them as philosophical zombies, from a position where that is not warranted. Yet, at the same time, you attribute to the members some volition that makes their motives inscrutable. This is one of the central contradictions (in the logical rather than Marxist/Hegelian sense) of eugenics.

These things are so basic that if you can't see this, you are incapable of engaging with what politics is. It's very simple - no one decides at the spur of the moment whether they're convinced by the evidence of impeachment. If any proceeding begins, the outcome would be decided in the back room. There wouldn't be some surprise evidence, and what you saw was only the open deliberations. They had a bunch of closed sessions in Congress, as they often do, where they talk about things that are actually important to them, and that's not including the backroom deals and how this shit really works.
Again, if you followed the impeachments, the leading Democrats were very clear that doing impeachment was politically pointless. Privately, there is not a competent member of the government that thinks Donald Trump is a good idea. Any piece of shit will do for passing their shitty agenda, since all Trump does is play golf and act like a retard.
If you are shilling, you are really bad at it.


As for whether the charges "stick" - it wouldn't matter if Trump is found guilty. In the eyes of the cult of personality, Trump can do no wrong. He's fighting the Deep State, remember? Trump isn't going to pound in the ass federal prison. And, as I said, even if Trump died or was incapacitated, an obvious proxy for Trump like Don Jr. would run in his place and do the same things.
No one who is still with Trump - you know, retards - cares about the charges, as if they believe the courts would delegitimize him. You don't get more illegitimate than calling for a blarant coup multiple time, supporting Nazi street gangs on global television and giving all of the signals that the terror is sanctioned. If anyone cared about saving the country, Trump would have been eliminated long before he did any of that, and the first whiff of starting that nonsense would have been the end of him. Nixon was done in for far less overt behavior, and really the thing against Nixon was petty compared to everything Trump did.



>supporting Nazi street gangs on global television
But supporting Nazi militias in another country on global television to the tune of over a hundred billion dollars is perfectly fine, right?


The election likely was stolen though


You have no idea what I think you pretentious fucking uyghur.

Trump is going to be tried in a court of law for his crimes of attemptin to over throw a democratic election that is fact. That is literally all I am saying you fart huffing fucking yuppie.


Are you ok?


No, I am not ok. no one is ok.
that's why I fucking am the way I am jesus fucking christ. I am tired of these faggy presumptious fucking self rightous communists theorizing over fucking everything. Some times a spade is just a fucking spade you faggot. Like why would you even bring up the conversation in the first place if you are just going to obfuscate your reasoning behind such a dry and boring wall of text. God just fuck off. All I was saying was stating facts that people are trying desperately on the right to obfuscate themselves.

If you have nothing to say about the actual factual reality of the situation than just shut the fuck up. no one cares about your posturing about the nature of the political economy, fuck. We need less theory circle jerking and more ideals for action.


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>democratic election
Sorry, liberal, that Orwellian propaganda isn't going to fly anymore.


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You know I used to think the left was the big brain camp but I'm starting to think that leftists are just the smartest dumb fucks.


No, it's simply not democracy at all. You're peddling an oxymoron that only functions to justify oligarchy.


Yes it is you moronic psuedo-intellectual.
It's just not an ideal form of it.
This is what happens when your population cannot understand data analysis.


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Please try to understand. It's not that it's not an ideal form of it. It simply isn't democracy at all. From Aristotle all the way up into the Renaissance, for two thousand years the word democracy had a clear meaning: rule by random lot. In fact we could still find this definition in some of the earliest dictionaries after the development of the printing press:

Please try to understand. You are operating off of a repurposed definition of the word, pushed intentionally by Classically-educated aristocrats who knew better, in order to trick people into supporting what was in fact the historic opposite of democracy. Elections are not democracy. Elections are a fundamentally oligarchic institution. You can realize this just as easily as the ancient inventors of democracy did by observing the demographic composition of any elected body today. Before a single vote is ever cast, elections select only from the oligarchic stratum of society that has the time, resources, and power to run for office. I hope this was helpful anon.


Please understand you must actually present an argument and cannot simple exclaime something like a pompous fag in order for it to be true.
Please understand this. It seems somewhat democratic to me. This is just your average cope that the left deploys on a daily basis to deal with and endless stream of loss since the start of the 20th century.


interesting as fuq tyy


This guy >>472730 is a bit of a sperg, but he's not wrong. That is what democracy meant for the longest time. A popular vote is nothing but rule by those who control the media. Terrible form of government which inevitably results in a dumbing down of everything to the point where a despot is chosen to overcome the general ineptitude of the ruling elite. I say bring it. Why hold back the natural progress of things. Trump is our Ceasar.


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Many different ways to define many different things are found all through out history and yet we all seem to agree that there are many different definitions for many different words. It is lazy and lame to stonewall a conversation by simply appealing to a semantic argument and strutting around like a pigeon who just finished a hot game of chess. Lots of shit was one way for a long time and now it is different.

Sortition is one form of democrac, syndicalist unionization of the economy is another. What we current find is that we cxurrently have a system where the general population is given the right to vote to elect a leader once every 4 years. That IS democracy weather the left wants to cope about it or not. Just because it isn't our ideal form of democracy doesn't change that.

>I say bring it why hold back the natural progress of things

Finally at least one of you can be honest but this blind and frankly naive additude will result in nothin but more and more innocent people not only getting hurt through your incompetence, but, it will also drive more and more people away from the left. I know you idealistic young leftists don't understand it now but people like the CPUSA who aren't acting like insane terrorists are the people who truly are bringing the american working class over to the cause of socialism by actually appealing to normal american values and the average american worker not voting to literally turn the world into a neo fudealist facist state which is what your dumb fucking line of reasoning will achieve and nothing else. Go ahead and push the reactionaries into power I am sure they will thank you as they blow your brains out in the street.


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>Go ahead and push the reactionaries into power
Too late, they're already in power.


The CPUSA is a nursing home for dysgenic boomer midwits who shill blue. Literal useful idiots for the parasite state


Lol he thinks the rule of law still exists and that the liberals actually believe any of this will "stick".
Rightoids are the most retarded race. I can't even.


Democracy in the 18th and 19th century was understood not as the state of affairs but an aspirational idea at best, or a menace to be controlled. The classical liberals advocated for a republic in the philosophical sense, and very much disdained democracy. They would write this openly. The democrats of the time represented the interests of those who had money, but who were oppositional to the dominant economic forces that became apparent. That is, democratic politics was associated with an opposition to the banking establishment, trading companies, and rising oligarchs. This was a real trend and remained so until the 20th century.

The reason we speak of "democracy" this way is because the democratic movement was defeated. Oligarchy won in the 1930s, smashing the last significant resistance to it. Liberal "democracy" is entirely alien to any form of democracy, and it is alien to the classical sense of a "good republic". It is a republic, but it is the "bad end" in which the republic becomes nothing more than a vicious machine of backbiting, because the oligarchs decided a long time ago who really rules. The oligarchs see themselves not as citizens, but as princes and kings, and act accordingly.

All of your talking points rely on a purely ideological and philosophical view of what these things are, rather than their material origins or what they meaningfully represented. None of the liberal democracies would qualify as republics in the sense that was meaningful. Very clearly, liberal democracy entailed an oligarchy with command over machines and information, where the entire political process is managed by institutions that are placed "above politics". The parliamentary systems are explicitly not republics - Britain is ruled by a king and maintains overt aristocracy, and the university system openly announces their contempt for the people and that they will dictate what you are allowed to do, think, and be. That is not a democratic society, or anything close. It is the exact opposite. That's why we are told "this is what democracy looks like".

Selection of candidates by lot is not the purpose of democracy, as if the forms and procedures were the meaningful content. The aims of the democrats, and the Athenians knew this, was to raise citizen-soldiers and motivate them to participate in the institutions. The democrats of Athens did not believe ideology or procedure was the basis for their system. The procedure matched what the Athenians with the votes believed was necessary to protect their stake in the process. There wasn't an educated elite in Athens, and the republican philosophical idea is the first to suggest that the state is actually ruled by that educated elite and a military clique. Aristotle defines democracy in that way because he is very hostile to that democracy, being a member of said educated elite who conceived of the different system. So too are the vast majority of political writers - they know what side of the war they are on. They do not want an ideal republic and believe that will last forever. They all believe that some day they will be kings, if not gods.

Put another way - democracy for most of humanity is some sort of cruel joke, and was never the state of affairs we lived in. Democracy in Athens granted the vote to slave-owning male citizens who were soldiers. It was premised on military service as an obligation. It used to be you had to do the service time but you got absolutely nothing for it but a kick in the teeth, and the democratic reforms were about bringing those soldiers into the system by suggesting they were part of the process, and making them take on the obligations of political office. Who the fuck wants to be selected by lot to do more work?


How are Tankies able to talk without saying anything all day?


>Who the fuck wants to be selected by lot to do more work?
People who decide to not do more work, idiot.




>Except for the three times they already did it? Your MSNBC-derived delusions are absolutely adorable.
This didn't happen, STFU. Trump is guiltier than hell. You can literally hear him demanding vote counts be changed


>All those billions is going to a single battalion in Ukraine.
Seethe Vatnik


>I think you have to understand basic political operations - in a republic,
OMG this thread is bringing out the absolute dumbest people


false flag post


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>Milqutose liberals and Nick Fuentues are the exact same thing

You people are stupid and fucking lazy and the left deserves everything it's getting right now. Kill yourself.


Said the loser n33t who hasn't left his house in a month posting on an irrelevant Albanian basket weaving forum.


Go back to reddit smooth brain.


So if your argument is that democracy has to cajole and threaten people from above to be democracy, how is that a meaningful democracy? That implies there is a ruling power that is not accountable to the people, or that the people are subsumed into an abstract master. It's Satanic, fascistic thinking, and very obviously so. If that is the case, then the democracy is a farce and no one has any reason to believe there is such a condition. It would reduce democracy to nothing but a procedure, and someone will figure out that you might as well just have a despot or a king. If that happened, though, the fictions of a democracy or republic are no longer valid. The government becomes nothing more than a gigantic lie, and this is intended. It's what criminals do to shit up a country. It's Germanic, it's retarded, and you're an idiot for telling people that is what democracy is.

Democracy in a meaningful sense existed because there were people who had shit and who were the armed body to fight wars, police the city, and so on. Democracy exists because there is already a base of people who see what they possess. There is a sense in a democratic society that if a man had land, arms, and the knowledge to use them, then hooray - you created another citizen-soldier, which is what you would have wanted out of your polity. Democracy is antithetical to aristocracy, which wants to limit the number of men with arms or any means to resist it.


Democracy had nothing to do with "me wantee" or this idiotic self-abasement. Democracy existed because the interests of individual free men and the interests of the state aligned. Because there wasn't an intellectual or technological elite in that society, any man who looked smart and did meritorious things could be just as good as the next man in political life and political office. The problem with this is that politics is not about doing meritorious things, but about ruling where merit is suspect.

Democracy as a concept is premised on enough self-interest of the participants to realize that cannibalizing your own society is fucking retarded. I used to think this was enough for me to be able to live, but… no. Humanity really is a Satanic race, a failed race.


Biden is a liberal? Sure fooled me.


In the sense that the word is meaningful, Biden along with most of the political class is liberal. The people calling themselves conservative are archetypical liberals in their outlook - that's what Reagan was, a liberal who was nasty and said the quiet part out loud.

Biden's history and positions throughout his career are liberal - the right wing of liberalism but still within acceptable boundaries. It is merely a difference in posture that makes him seem different from an ordoliberal of the sort that was common when Biden's career started. Strangely enough he started out as an environmental advocate, taking orders from DuPont and the oligarchy.

People who think ideologically do not understand what American politics is - or frankly, do not understand what politics is anywhere. Ideology is for the slaves, and Americans were never invested in ideology the way it became a thing for Europeans. Most of the world never gave a shit about ideology.


It's also why the same people have difficulty understanding Japan - a very large and economically influential force, that never bought into ideology or the theories of democracy at all. The LDP is full of the same sorts who dominated imperial Japan and keep trying to rehabilitate that. If you bray about ideology to the Japanese they look at you like you're a madman, and this was true in the imperial period as well. Ideology is a particularly Germanic disease.


No in reality people understand both political groups are liberal political groups with minor differences but it's those very self admitted minor differences that is why people still go out and vote for republican or democrat deppending if your a socialist/communist or a facist. You're so pompous and snobby as I was mentioning earlier. You believe that no one could be smart enough to have the very milquetoast revelation that both parties are basically the same and still cont to vote for them. It's like I said earlier the biggest problem with the left is self righteous faggots like you.


He's going down, and he's going down hard like all Mafia Don's do.
He has 91 fucking charges against him. And RICO is notoriously hard to defend against.


If they were so kind to give a shit about the country, they would do that. I think they've shit up the country enough that they don't need to bring Trump to the general to destroy it.

As I said though, if Trump has to run from a jail cell, he will have a proxy run in his place, and he will run on a platform of pardoning Trump and restoring him to the throne - and these people think that Trump really should be their fantasy king. If Trump is dead, the "Trump movement" - that is, the faction that is boosting the Trump brand as the standard of revolt - will find another talking head that says everything Trump says, and follows a Two Whatevers policy regarding Trump.


Some dumbasses think that anyone the Republicans put up will be an acceptable substitute, but that won't fly. It's either Trump, or someone who is a clear inheritor of the Trump movement. None of those idiots on the debate stage are real candidates.


The PR ghouls seriously think they can keep selling the idea that the primaries are real. The party system is falling apart, and it's happening in both tents - deliberately, because both parties go out of their way to shit on any mass political base. Why would they give the people a single thing ever again? If they were going to do that, they would have done so since 2008. Nothing they give to the people would mollify them at this point. They shit up the country for too long for the people to ever forgive this.

If the bastards cared about salvaging the United States, they would immediately see that the two-party narrative is so disgusting that it would be necessary to present a credible alternative. They already have the alternative in mind - dictatorship. It's what they've always wanted, and they made it clear in 2020 the political class is done with the farce they call democracy. No one who can say anything at this point wants democracy - all interests are given over to dictatorship. Progressives want eugenics. Rightoids want eugenics. Liberals want eugenics. Socialists by and large want eugenics and gave up on the people they didn't want to keep. It went on for too long. There is no mass politics in this country - how can that be possible when a third of the country is invalid and has no rights whatsoever? You guys are crazy to think that revolution just happens in a blank slate of atomized perfect agents. That's not what people or humans are.


The only alternative I see to a Trump-approved candidate is the support lining up behind something like RFK Jr., who immediately runs outside of the party system and declares he will save the country. That's the angle he's going for, since he isn't winning a Democrat primary. The liberal base by and large does not want him in any way, shape, or form, and the progs are trained to see scary antivax man.


Only reason I say this is because of the known relationship between RFK Jr. and Michael Flynn, who has been going around the country calling for a revolt. There's been a group around that which has gone way past the political narrative that is permissible, and they have some fanatical people and a base ready to follow.



He's getting more faces and influential players with him, so it's not just the usual Dominionists. That's the sort of thing you would need to follow - the base that is capable of determined resistance, rather than some Trumpfaggots.


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>basic facts
radlib dogwistle

if that was a coup then I'm princess Diana


Record stuck?


How do you define a coup?


attempt to seize state institutions by an organized group with a plan

there was no organized group and no plan


also, can we please build a wall against ogrefugees already?

I can't stand their radlib whinings about "b-but he wanted to overthrow muh constitution!". I fucking wish motherfucker.

Trump is obviously not a part of the establishment, he is a part of the bourgeoisie that is marginalized in the political system. Which is why him becoming a president again would be the best case scenario - the more infighting among the ruling class, the better.


Yes there was lol. Do you know nothing about what went down in George? Trump literally tried to organize a group of fake electors to turn in fake ballots to elect him not Biden.


>Waaa I need my safe space blah blah blah free speech is fine until people disagree with me.

Maybe you would be better suited on org yourself.


> projecting this heavily
You're a clown.


butthurt ogres lol

>Trump literally tried to organize a group of fake electors to turn in fake ballots to elect him not Biden.

<election fraud is a coup
kek, I guess we have coups every 4 years then

listen here, you dumb radlib.. when I said "seize" I meant SEIZE BY THE MEANS OF VIOLENCE, not by the means of procedural manipulations - that's why I DON'T CONSIDER nazi seizure of state power as a coup for example, Hitler came to power constitutionally kek

Even Mussolini was appointed as a head of government "constitutionally" by the king lol.

October (actually November) 17 would be a classic coup if only Provisional Government wasn't a government on paper only by that point. In reality there was NOTHING to seize - the old state institutions have completely collapsed, leaving only revolutionary chaos.

I would consider De Gaulle's return to power as a coup, as the army in Africa was ready to do a Spanish civil war rehearsal with French characteristics.



how am I projecting when you're whining about muh violence muh proper parliamentary procedures lol?

why are you so afraid of chaos fag? have something to lose?


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>Fag still mad about Trump because of 'our democracy' state intelligence talking points. Lashing out desperately because the state attacks against him have only made him more popular. Worm


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>kek, I guess we have coups every 4 years then
No since Republicans losing is not election fraud


>Trump is obviously not a part of the establishment,
He's a Billionaire, he was a long time supporter of the Clinton's and long time associate of Epstein.


Trump plays his cards like a boss. Those idiots in silicon valley are seriously gonna have Trump's march on Washington or something one day if they keep this shit up.


>No since Republicans losing is not election fraud
massive smear campaigns are election fraud too lol


>He's a Billionaire
no shit sherlock

I missed a part where all billionaires are supposed to be a hivemind lol

even basic stratification based on industries would give different groups you leftoid dumbfuck


I hope they waterboard him quite frankly. Anything to rile up his base and destabilize the present state of things


>I don't know the meanings of words.
Sad! Many such cases.


tho wait, I'm not even sure he's a billionaire

he might be just a little wee multi-millionaire kek

anyway, the times of burger capitalists all living hunky-dory in a post-soyviet Pax American wonderland ended with Lehman Brothers lol

Allegiances change


>I'm a pedantic clerical rat
words are not mathematical formulas autismo

you can't take mass media out of the voting process - it's an integral part of it



The left is dead.


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Listen here you delusional faggot.
Trump is not going to sieze anything. He is a politician that serves the interests of capital. You are a pusedointellectual child incapable of critical thinking.
Actually I take that back you are closer to a religious dogmatist that anything.

Under no circumstances does a coup have to be defined by such trivially pedantic lines. Your semantical argument is retarded as are you.
Semitics are the lines draw by cowardly faggots who cannot actually argue in kind. Kill yourself you worthless fag.


you're hysterical

escalation of the intra ruling class conflicts is as good a strategy as any

Divide and Conquer - it works both ways bitch


It's not intraclass anything.
Again you are a delusional psychopath. Kill yourself please, or, at least stop being so fucking desperate and have a god damn spine.


>It's not intraclass anything.
you have no idea what you talking about hysterical leftoid

there is obviously a conflict brewing on the Mount Olympus kek


>1000 boomers larping in the capital was a political revolution lead by trump to guide the proletariat to the promised land!

Kill yourself delusional fag


>He is a politician that serves the interests of capital.
spare me your meaningless abstract ritualistic formulas dumbfuck leftoid

"THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS CONCRETE" t. some bald dude

every dumbfuck leftoid should tattoo this expression on their dumbfuck forehead

Trump is obviously worrying US establishment enough for them to escalate it into a formal prosecution. It means they couldn't come to an agreement.

Which is GOOD.


>You're historical;!!!


Kill yourself.

Do you even consider yourself a communist? Why are you here?



It's you who is foaming at the mouth at the prospect of Trump getting into office kek.


>Do you even consider yourself a communist? Why are you here?
First, to your second question: I have always been here.

Second, to your first: I'm a blackpiller.


>Oh you think that angry mob could have gotten violent just because they threatened to for months and were a part of a coordinated plan to overthrow am election. Delusional!


I like the potential Trump redemption arc which casts him as the revolutionary leader who usurps the aristocratic power of the international banking community and their oligarch corporate servants and ushers in a new era of economic progress for the working classes


To do that you do realize he has to win the general election and not just pander to retard MAGA CHUDs like you right?


Retard I don't give a shit if he's in office. Again that is just you projecting your own cuck ideology onto me and pulling your victim narrative out.
You mistake the facts for me giving a shit.
I would just prefer a dem more than a Republican. Simple as.


>I just prefer sucking penises. Simple as
You could have just said that


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>uniparty ghoul sounds the alarm that nothing they've done so far has hurt Trump with his base of support.

Remember, people with terminal TDS are despirited psyoped fags who simply repeat DNC-RINO-NeoCon talking points


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>Newton believed in alchemy. Should we believe that too?


MAGAtards are 10 times more psyoped


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did you really just post Communist Drive Trump


>Muh magatards
>I'm not psyoped, you're psyoped x 10
What a faggot


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He would have been convicted way sooner if Dems didn't think he was their golden goose to stay in power. Dems poll awful against almost every candidate except Trump.


>He would have been convicted way sooner if Dems didn't think he was their golden goose to stay in power.
Convict him of what? After 8 years of investigations and impeachments and lies and propaganda they ended up convicting him of putting a business expense in the wrong tax category. The only rational explanation at this point as to why the richest and most powerful people in the establishment hate him so much is precisely because he is so clean they have nothing to blackmail him with.

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