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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.474596[Watch Thread]>>474823


Klaus Schwab, some moderately influential figurehead of a rich-people club that calls it self "world economic forum" gave an interview where he attacks not only the right to privacy but the right to person-hood all-together.

He's attacked the privacy for thoughts. Brain-privacy is the basis for people to become individuals.

I think violations of brain privacy is a crime that is so heinous that it requires punishment by death penalty. The stakes are so high that this is a reasonable measure. Lets put it this way brain privacy is the reason why humans and most animals evolved the capacity for conscious experience and a sense of self, yes even insects with only a few 100k brain-cells probably have it in a very limited capacity. On the species level it's a evolutionary adaptation of dealing with the separation of thoughts residing in distinct brain boxes. If you remove this separation by making brains loose their opacity, people's brains will most likely become unconscious neural clusters. It will probably be accompanied by severe mental atrophy, because all the brain muscles that used to be exercised for conscious thought would wither away.

You wouldn't make this up for a fictional villain because it's too comically evil, and yet here we are.

I don't know. maybe privacy has to be defined as informational opacity of people and their personal lives. Given that the anti-privacy-crime-cartel knows no bounds and wants to do away with privacy for your skull. We have to conclude that privacy can have no exceptions and may never be violated for any reason.


>Finally, a decent post here that's not from me. Keep it up anon

That shifting definition of 'transparency' from citizens knowing what the government is up to towards the government knowing everything about citizens personal lives and inner world is by far the greatest psyop of the 21sy century.


>That shifting definition of 'transparency' from citizens knowing what the government is up to towards the government knowing everything about citizens personal lives and inner world is by far the greatest psyop of the 21sy century.

Is this a language battle ?

Do we have to specify opaque citizens and transparent institution specifically ?


>>474596 (OP)
I watched the video and kind of don't get what he's saying


When the ruling elite tell you for over a century that they plan to exterminate you and take everything over and over, in every propaganda outlet they own, and beat you until you accept it, you should take them at their word.

Schwab is just declaring victory. They won, so they will proceed. You will indeed own nothing, and you WILL be happy. There is no choice and there is no will. I have yet to see a convincing argument that this won't succeed, save one - that no one has any reason to go along with this. Yet, they are doing so, and have no concept that it could be anything different.

Krauts, my friends. Not even once.

Anyway, you never had a "right to privacy" or a right to believe your brain was made of sacred matter that must be protected. When you stripped away the soul or any idea, these are the consequences. Some of us tried to warn you. Even then, the question isn't about a right to privacy that never existed. It was about simple security, which was always understood to be the basis for any genuinely free society - not Kraut "freedom", but freedom in the sense we vaguely still held when I was growing up. No one is going to give you security out of gratitude. The only way this stopped would be to not allow such a concentration of technology to enter private hands. Once it starts, there is no going back. Ever.


The best you could hope for is to reclaim some part of your brain and force a settlement where this overbearing managerial hell-state is subverted. Only way I could see that happening is to stop believing tech can be controlled, and to work through it. So, the biological transformation will be understood, and you would welcome contact with the brain - give up your private thoughts and secrets, or at least the sort of privacy we once accepted. You're going to have to accept that this is a slave society now, and make of that what you will.

Basically the only way this ends is mass refusal to ever comply with institutions ever again. Most of the slaves will die. There is no other way. That was always the plan for us. Now it's too late to stop it.

I plan to keep going for however long this lasts, since compliance is not an option for me. They don't want my compliance, or even to kill me. They enjoy seeing me suffer too much, and I'm too stubborn to off myself. I don't feel like giving them the satisfaction of finding my corpse, and I suspect the worst is already done. I don't know what new torture they could make. All they could do is make my life more deprived and empty and take away the few nice things I hold onto.

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