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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Russia is only winning cause stupid nazoid vatniks are cheating bastards!!

If those ruZZians played fair, Ukraine would have won by now.


Yes, made-up quotes sound very bad, pidor.


Cope glowfag


I feel like there's a saying about fairness in war…


kek, libs want everyone to follow their arbitrary rules.


>We're the good guys so you're supposed to lose
>Why aren't you following the rules that are designed so you lose?
>This just proves you are the bad guys, so now you really have to lose


If you have to make shit up, you're the one coping.


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>guy from the Pentagon sides with the side the US supports
Checkmate Ukratheists


What exactly was the situation with German Leopards ?
Wait a minute, is this about weapons prestige ?
Are they asking Please don't make our tanks look bad ?


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>What exactly was the situation with German Leopards ?
They're overrated and most of them got taken out by mines and fucking cold-war era artillery.
>Wait a minute, is this about weapons prestige? Are they asking please don't make our tanks look bad?
Yes and yes. There is literally trillions riding on american weapons performing well in Ukraine. If they end up getting wrecked the stock price of the arms manufacturers will tank, which is an apocalypse-like scenario for the US government.

This russian soldier explains it quite well.


Now this is shit posting!


Rings true, tanks surviving mines and artillery hits is not a realistic expectation.

>There is literally trillions riding on american weapons performing well in Ukraine. If they end up getting wrecked the stock price of the arms manufacturers will tank

Wait, they're fighting this war and the metric they're concerned about is arms industry stonks ? That might actually explain some of the strange decisions.


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Meanwhile in reality:


The US is a giant superpower and Syria is a tiny war-torn country. What do you think this proves ?


Those also included Russian mercenaries all armed with Russian vehicles and weapons. I’m sure the 2300+ lost Russian tanks shows how superior they are, kek.


Complete air supremacy tends to do that. All this shows is that the US air force can effectively bomb infantry formations in the desert.
Ukraine on the other hand, does not have air supremacy. Meaning this will be the first conflict the Abrahams has ever been deployed in without that advantage.

>I’m sure the 2300+ lost Russian tanks
I think you missed a 0, it's more like 23,000 according to the Ukrainian MOD. Or was it 230,000? I forget.


You can look at pictures of every single one on Oryx. Cope, faggot.


I have never heard of that website before but half of their most recent articles are hit pieces on Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi. I felt like I had been transported back to my youth when I saw the headlines.
What's the deal with that? Is this where neocons get their news from or something?


>Hit piece
>On Saddam Hussein
>and Muamar Gaddafi
Kek, you people are beyond parody. But don't worry about their supposed political bent. Pictures of destroyed Russian tanks speak for themselves.


>hit pieces on Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gaddafi
zigger is also a shill for third-world nazoids that killed communists

no surprise there


that's also why EVERY ZIGGER should be hunted down like a dog - it's either us or them


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also zigger, your multipolar nazoid Pootitin is on his way to being another nazoid martyr together with Saddam and Gaddafi

can't wait when that fuck is gonna get the Saddam treatment in Hague Tribunal


It's also a good time for a reminder that this whole thread is based on a made-up quote. Lloyd Austin never said that.


So when the US invaded Iraq in 2003 and toppled Saddam Hussein, they did that to avenge the fallen communists.



Ah, figures.

That guy has to be baiting.


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I don't post on the main board very often, so forgive me for asking, but is this a bit? I feel as if it is.
You are like the polar opposite of .org's maoist third worldist ultras lmao.


I wonder what russians did to anti-zigger anon to trigger such a strong emotional response in every thread they are mentioned.



It's almost like being sensible and not retarded is incompatible with the .ogre ideology.


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>It's also a good time for a reminder that this whole thread is based on a made-up quote. Lloyd Austin never said that.


Yeah so much more soy than


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>Yeah so much more soy than


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>So when the US invaded Iraq in 2003 and toppled Saddam Hussein, they did that to avenge the fallen communists.
No, they did it because of oil.

But nevertheless I would've popped a bottle of champagne for the fallen comrades when that nazoid fag got hanged.


>is this a bit?
a bit? you mean bait?

No. I speak my mind nazoid.

>You are like the polar opposite of .org's maoist third worldist ultras lmao.

I would take as compliment. The furthest I'm from the ogre nazoid trans-jans - the better.


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Remember kids: factual information is a western ploy. Real men believe anything you tell them.


The communists which Saddam killed were soviet-aligned and what you would refer to as tankies. Also it was the Americans who helped him kill all the Iraqi communists in the first place by giving him a list of all their names.

You're not making any sense here anon.


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I may be able to tell you on this. You can call me Г. After 91 this man's mother сука didn't have a flat. She was addicted to heroin for 4 years 1997 when I found her in Одесса. He was living with his sick бабушка until I started renting a flat with his mother. He didn't take to me well and found me close to being like his mums customers. He left home when he turned 14 in 2009. He hates his mum almost as much as he hates me. I think he rents a flat in Warsaw now. I'm home in Улан-Удэ now where I live a quiat live.


>I wonder what russians did to anti-zigger anon to trigger such a strong emotional response in every thread they are mentioned.
I don't have problems with russkies per se.

My problem is with ziggers PARTICULARLY because they are the product of the leftist thought, just as interwar fascists were. Leftoids don't want to take any responsibility for it, but the intellectual roots of classical fascism ARE in leftist thought. Where bourgeoisie provided bullets and bayonets, leftoids provided the intellectual foundation.

But I'm not a pathetic little leftoid.


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вернуться домой Олексий! Ты нужен своей матери, и ей очень жаль.




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Couldn't it also be said that leftists (particularly trotskyists) are providing the intellectual foundation for the hawkish liberal interventionism of the west? As well as the historical revisionism that the soviets and nazis were "just as bad as eachother" - something we saw exemplified in the Canadian parliament this week.


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>My problem is with ziggers
it's a spook in your head

>but the intellectual roots of classical fascism ARE in leftist thought.

Fascism doesn't have coherent ideology, it's just the political form of decaying capitalism.


>The communists which Saddam killed were soviet-aligned and what you would refer to as tankies.
except the soviet-aligned communists were as good as they get at the time when the soviet experiment was still ongoing

while the current tanks are just plain class collaborative nazoids

>Also it was the Americans who helped him kill all the Iraqi communists in the first place by giving him a list of all their names.

So? I shouldn't celebrate dumbfuck nazoid getting thrown away as a used condom lol?

That americans used him and then killed him like a dog is a poetic justice nazoid kek.


You ever notice that exact thing happens IRL on the street when you run in to karen types of libs?


>Couldn't it also be said that leftists (particularly trotskyists) are providing the intellectual foundation for the hawkish liberal interventionism of the west?
Sounds like zigger red-brown cope.

I don't see any connection between the so-called "neocons" boogeyman that nazoids keep on whining about and the actual trotskyism.

>As well as the historical revisionism that the soviets and nazis were "just as bad as eachother" - something we saw exemplified in the Canadian parliament this week.

I didn't say they are "just as bad". I said they are RELATED.

I personally consider fascism as a cancerous tumour on the body of leftism - it's harmful, but it is ORGANIC. Which yes, speaks VOLUMES about it, as we see its metastases in today's ziggers.


Lol that guys is a good point


>it's a spook in your head
nah, it's fascism with multipolar russkie characteristics

>Fascism doesn't have coherent ideology, it's just the political form of decaying capitalism.

checks out too
ziggerism is fascism of russkie capitalism in decay

You think current Russkia has a coherent ideology? lol


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Пожалуйста мальчик твоя мама хочет поговорить с тобой


Lol russkie zigger got so butthurt that he randomly switched to his native language.

No russkies they said…


I doubt any Russians post here, if you see Cyrillic letters it's probably somebody using a translation program.


Ukraine might be going text-book fascism, open bourgeois dictatorship.
And they might be calling it a "Postponed democracy"

<Zelensky hints at postponing elections

>Ukraine will not hold any elections while martial law remains in force in the country, President Vladimir Zelensky said in an interview to the Washington Post published on Sunday. The country is scheduled to hold elections for parliament in October and for president early next year.

>However, no voting will take place while martial law is in place amid the ongoing hostilities with Russia, Zelensky told reporters, implying that the elections will not actually take place on time.

>“If we have martial law, we cannot have elections. The constitution prohibits any elections during martial law. If there is no martial law, then there will be [elections],” Zelensky stated.


If you consider this in the context of them having already banned all 11 major opposition parties. It looks rather ominous.


Reddit spacing. Reddit posts.


>Reddit spacing. Reddit posts.
Reddit spacing is when somebody leaves a space between the quote and their response because otherwise reddit would treat the whole paragraph as part of the quote.

Leaving spaces between your paragraphs to make your post more readable is called not being a retard.


> all 11 major opposition parties
More lies by someone who doesn't know anything about Ukraine. There's 349 parties in Ukraine, you fucking idiot. Furthermore no one was taken off his seat for membership in any of those parties. Literally just dissolution of an organized. You do not know anything about Ukraine.

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