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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1696297729227.jpg ( 40.5 KB , 571x548 , wrinkly pepe.jpg )


>"""rules-based international order"""
>there are no rules
>it's not based

Who comes up with this shit??


More like
>Rules for thee, not for me


File: 1696301227652.png ( 72.75 KB , 720x720 , lol-soviet hat.png )

<rules-cringe international order


I kek'd


Read Franko.



kids named capitalists:


I think the idea is that states live in anarchy with each other. They want the opposite of this that is one state enforcing rules to other states.


>one state enforcing rules to other states.
The world's a sphere, can't be done. Even ignoring the complications of geography, sphere's will produce at least 2 major centers of power. Power projection diminishes with distance to the center and if you live on the surface on a sphere, you get 2 optimal spots for a center of power. If you add in geography you probably get between 5 to 7.

>states live in anarchy with each other

Unification by power of Dominion can't solve this, we need to find a different way.

Maybe the offices of politicians need to have globes.

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