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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.475107[Watch Thread]>>475111>>475115>>475164

Did this event really happen? Did the Americans actually put several men on the moon or did Stanley Kubrick shoot it on film at a sound stage in New Mexico?


Shouldn't footprints still be there? How come nobody bothered to check it?


Anyway, we need people on the moon again, this time with 8K footage to compare.

C'mon, Space Jesus, you had one job!


>>475107 (OP)
Yes the Moon Landing happened. The Soviets would have not let the US get away with faking it.

Also check out this video about the state of movie technology

>How come nobody bothered to check it?
A 2008 Japanese space mission flew over the Apollo15 landing site, they did see evidence.

>Anyway, we need people on the moon again, this time with 8K footage to compare.
Sure moon-missions would be nice, but it will not satisfy the skeptics, because cgi is really good now and you could actually fake it.


>The Soviets would have not let the US get away with faking it.
As far as I know people deny manned landings, not landings in general. That's why I said we need to check footprints and how human bodies act on moon to be 100% sure.


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So they landed and returned a fully automated moon mission ?
With bulky energy hungry computer technology from the 60s ?

To be honest fitting a tiny space ship with CO² scrubbers, oxygen tanks and a bunch of supplies to keep a few humans alive for a short while seems easier than fitting a computer from the 60s. Those filled rooms and used a lot of power.


>>475107 (OP)
Most ameribrained thread of all time. Muh HURR DID THEY REALLY CHALLENGE THE USSR IN THE SPACE RACE

of course they did. They pulled off a pointless stunt because they were 2nd in actually going to FUCKING OUTER SPACE for the first time. While the USSR was sending landers to like every fucking planet including the moon, venus and mars, the americans didn't do anything.


Of course not, you incredulous fool. They're laughing that you actually believe that.
As for "wouldn't the Soviets call bullshit" - they did, just as the Americans called bullshit on the Soviets. You do realize the only reason for the space program was to build satellites? There is nothing outside of Earth orbit that they'd pay millions of dollars to go see. It's all an aristocratic fantasy to convince idiots that they are going to conquer outer space. Any serious presence on the moon means a viable military outpost and all of the consequences that entails. No one would allow such a thing to happen because it would allow unilateral bombardemnt without retaliation.

Why do you think a bunch of Nazis and Satanists are going to be honest about anything? That's what the sci-fi mythos is, Nazism.


It was standard for the time for regimes to grossly exaggerate their capabilities. If the moon landings happened, they wouldn't abruptly stop for 60 years, while they talk about the "climate crisis" and resource crisis that would be trivial to solve with mining outside of Earth. The logistics of doing that have been worked out a long time ago. They don't do it because they don't want to, not because it is technologically impossible or too expensive, if they really wanted to do such a thing. No one actually wants to do any such thing, which you would know if you think about things for five minutes and aren't a screaming ideological retard. Even if they did, it's an aristocrat's fantasy of conquering space, so we would rightly oppose any such adventurism.

You won't see humans off of Earth for a long time, if ever. That is centuries away just to have a moon base - and this is not a technological problem or us being too stupid or weak, but because it is politically insane and serves no one's actual purpose to indulge in a child's fantasy. This whole production was a story told to children, which is how the rulers see you - infantilized children. The laughter when they lie to your face is so raucous and you idiots do their work for them, which makes them laugh even more.


Also it should be remembered at the time that the space project, with its overt Nazi overtones, was grossly unpopular. No one wanted to waste millions of dollars going to space to entertain aristocratic children while the world was still at war and people starved and died. The only reason that could be justified, so far as any was offered, was the fear of an enemy bombarding with impunity from outer space. Even this was only seriously considered by the Americans, who controlled the nuclear war threat from start to finish. No one else wanted to use nukes for the civilization-destroying Nazi delusion that they were made for. So the whole thing was Nazi faggotry to begin with, a story told to dumb children who wanted to get their war wank on.


I doubt most people in the Soviet Union cared about the space program, and where they did, it was entirely because of fear of the government or because space flight meant satellites and actually useful things. But most people around the world just saw another aristocratic oppression to kick them while they're down. That's all it ever was, and they lied about that like they lied about everything else.


I can say that if anything did happen, it would be an agreed-upon secret and anything told to the people would be complete lies. That was their stated policy by the way, that anything outside of "political reality" would be lied about endlessly, including anything outside of their territory. The poeple were to be slaves tied to the land - forever. That was the whole arc of this Germanic culture we're forced to live under now.


>A 2008 Japanese space mission flew over the Apollo15 landing site, they did see evidence.
This proves Apollo 15 landed on the moon, not Apollo 11.


So you basically saying it's delayed man on the moon

Appollo 15 was the one with the moon rover i.r.c. If that was the first manned moon mission, it changes very little from a historical perspective.

With regards to Apollo 11. I think that the Soviets could not have been fooled, they could scan what was happening in space and they almost certainly had spies in Nasa. They would not have let the US claim the moon-landing if it wasn't genuine.


>So they landed and returned a fully automated moon mission ?
No, I'm saying they could've landed a remotely controlled mission, took the soil samples or whatever the fuck they were doing there and fucked off back to Earth.

Anyway, if burgers really staged the landings, it would become known to people when the Moon missions become as routine as missions to the ISS.


>They could've landed a remotely controlled mission, took the soil samples or whatever
If you fly to the moon you first go into moon-orbit and then you have to decelerate to deorbit until you can land. That means you have to circle around the moon until you have bled off enough speed. Doing that via remote control means you need a relay satellite to beam control inputs to the far-side of the moon.

There are 2 options for doing that.
1. send a hole bunch of satellites that form a ring around the moon that bounce signals off each other until it reaches the far side of the moon.
2. park a satellite in Earth–Moon-L2 Lagrange point, that's a tricky thing to pull off, the first to achieve that were the Chinese with the Queqiao relay-sat in 2018
<Lagrange Points are positions in space where the gravitational forces of a two-body system like the Sun and Earth produce enhanced regions of attraction and repulsion. These can be used by spacecraft as “parking spots” in space to remain in a fixed position with minimal fuel consumption.

Something else to consider is that the moon has gravitational anomalies from areas of mass concentrations, that makes it hard to calculate stable orbits for satellites, many moon satellites have crashed because of that. It took until 2001 until the anomalies were understood and mapped.

Option 2 can be ruled out. Option 1 might have been doable with 1960s tech, tho i have some doubts about the communications reliability of that relay ring, it might have some problems with signal echos. This is on the edge of technically plausible, but you'd have to explain how nobody noticed the satellite ring around the moon and where all the extra Saturn rockets to put them there, came from.

>Anyway, if burgers really staged the landings, it would become known to people when the Moon missions become as routine as missions to the ISS.

Japan, South Korea, Russia, India, the United Arab Emirates and the United States are planning new moon missions. I don't know the mission plans of these but it's conceivable that they will produce further evidence of the moon-landing.


>Doing that via remote control means you need a relay satellite to beam control inputs to the far-side of the moon.
you're overcomplicating things

As I understand landing has been automated.

how did probes land on Venus and Mars otherwise? At least I know that nobody lands probes manually lol.

>Japan, South Korea, Russia, India, the United Arab Emirates and the United States are planning new moon missions.

Those faggots need to combine their efforts and do something like an ISS but on the Moon. I'm tired of useless probes.

>it's conceivable that they will produce further evidence of the moon-landing

it's also conceivable that they will produce contrary evidence that the moon-landings were a hoax lol


oh wait, I forgot that the moon doesn't rotate kek

hmm.. yes, I guess that rules out remote control


>hmm.. yes, I guess that rules out remote control
at least if there is no way to send remote control signals to the far side without a bunch of relay satellites


>As I understand landing has been automated.
No problem with modern tech but not with 1960s computers.

>how did probes land on Venus and Mars otherwise?

Venus and Mars have atmospheres, that makes it easier, you can do atmospheric breaking with a heat-shield, and use parachutes to slow down. Also most of those unnamed probe missions didn't land, they had controlled crashes where the probes used huge airbags to avoid being damaged. For example how pathfinder got down to mars
If you want to land on the moon you have to break with thrusters.

>Those faggots need to combine their efforts and do something like an ISS but on the Moon. I'm tired of useless probes.

While probes are very useful, a international moon base (IMB) would be really nice. I guess in the present international political climate you would have to lock a bunch of politicians into a hotel room until they agree to build something together, to get something like this done.

>it's also conceivable that they will produce contrary evidence that the moon-landings were a hoax lol

the probability of the moon-landing being a fake is minuscule, but sure ok.


Anyway, even if the landings were proven to be a hoax, it would largely be irrelevant, because America won the Cold war, and SU proved to be inferior.


>While probes are very useful
their usefulness diminishes when it's just nazoids reinventing the wheel for PR reasons

how many more samples of the lunar soil do we need?


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The Soviet Union won most of the space race. The moon-landing was one of the few wins the US actually took. It's kinda weird that it's primarily Americans who think it didn't happen.

>Probes can only be used for lunar soil samples
They can be send ahead of people to make sure everything is ok, as well as go places people can't go. If somebody squanders resources for the sole purpose of PR-stunts that is hardly a fault in the concept of a probe.


>The Soviet Union won most of the space race.
But it lost the cold war. The space race outside of the cold war is irrelevant, and so is the question of the moon landings.

The only way to confirm that the landings happened is to land on the Moon again kek. And who the fuck cares if the landings happened or not if you're already on the Moon kek?


>If somebody squanders resources for the sole purpose of PR-stunts that is hardly a fault in the concept of a probe.
Again, how many MORE probes are we supposed to send? They are useful, alright, but are they THAT useful? Maybe it's time we sent something ELSE for a change?


The Soviet Union disolved, but they technically didn't loose the cold-war, they dropped out. Also to what extend the US won the cold war is questionable. If the Soviet Union had persisted and the space race had continued, the US would likely be in a better place than it is now.

>The only way to confirm that the landings happened is to land on the Moon again kek.

I find the available evidence convincing, but going back to the moon to check is as good a reason as any.
>And who the fuck cares if the landings happened or not if you're already on the Moon kek?
The people going to the moon next probably see the people like Neil Armstrong as personal heros.

>Again, how many MORE probes are we supposed to send? They are useful, alright, but are they THAT useful? Maybe it's time we sent something ELSE for a change?

I'm all for manned missions and i disagree that they would compete against probes. The point of manned missions is about figuring out how to live in space or other planets and so on. Of course the pioneers going first will do lots of exploration too. Probes are scientific instruments and they're better at gathering data than people in the same way a thermometer is better at measuring temperature than your finger. It's not one or the other you send people and probes.


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>they technically didn't loose the cold-war, they dropped out.
that's called losing

the other side didn't drop out

>Also to what extend the US won the cold war is questionable. If the Soviet Union had persisted and the space race had continued, the US would likely be in a better place than it is now.

this is like asking to what extent the Roman Republic won in the Punic wars kek

There could be only one. And this "one" was the US.

>The people going to the moon next probably see the people like Neil Armstrong as personal heros.

The public wouldn't care. And I doubt the astronauts would too - after all, they would become "the heroes" themselves kek.

>I'm all for manned missions and i disagree that they would compete against probes.

I think you overestimate benefits of probes.

>Probes are scientific instruments and they're better at gathering data than people

How many more data do we need for a manned mission? We could keep gathering data until the Sun burns out. The question is: What for?

>It's not one or the other you send people and probes.

For now we are only sending probes (what for?) with no end in sight lol.


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>>475107 (OP)
fuck this thread
start posting space waifus




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>start posting space waifus
how about gay space waifus?


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>USA-chan on her way to save USSR-chan from the evil hyper-galactic space aliens.


God, imagine the hatefuck.


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as long as they are hot lesbians in space, they are blessed


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>you're not getting away, Earth-chan!
w-what does he want to do to her?


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why is life so beautiful? :')

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