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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Hey leftychoods

Let's play a game. I list a topic, you write a very short explanation of your line on that issue.

>Milgram's Obedience Experiment

>Green New Deal

>Bukarin's Confession



>People waiting in line for the new iPhone

>Chou En Lai


Legalize it. Legalize prostitution too and legalize all drugs, end the drug war and treat drugs like a health problem like Portugal did so successfully. That will take all the profits out of the cartels and terrorists and human traffickers. They won't have an illegal black market niche to operate in anymore where they can undercut prices and get drug/vice profit monopolies


>Green new deal

A lame concession but I guess i'll take it. Better than nothing.


>Milgram's Obedience Experiment

Scary/sobering insight into human nature

>Green New Deal

In principle, exactly what America needs. In actuality, a watered down welfare package for a handful of favored porkies

>Bukarin's Confession

Bukharin was a bit of a midwit, but not a fag


Watching porn is training yourself to be a passive cuck


Ugly shoes for people who live for comfort

>People waiting in line for the new iPhone

Great marketing, stupid people

>Chou En Lai

A bit of a fag, but not a midwit


>Milgram's Obedience Experiment
Fake and doctored, early test of "predictive programming". It is standard for PR to just state bald faced lies and assert that you have to believe them. In every such experiment, the experimenters had to cajole and berate the lab rats to perform the experiment "correctly" and applied ridiculous pressure. Quite a few participants saw through the entire charade, and the setup of the experiment was not right by smell. They remembered the Nazis doing things like this. It's pure sadism and the usual Fabian rot.

>Green New Deal

Gay and dumb. If you know what it is, the GND is COVID and depopulation. It's an op to get the left to immolate themselves, and it was successful on the internet. In wider society, the left continued being irrelevant and anyone who was a friend of the workers knew it was all BS. Greens and ecologists are the mortal enemies of labor.

>Bukarin's Confession

There was no way for Bukharin to live. Stalin wasn't going to let a rival live. Two Caesars is one Caesar too many, as the saying goes. You narrative idiots have to make it about ideas and stories where you can totally cajole politics to work in this fantastical manner.
Bukharin almost certainly was innocent of wrongdoing - he wouldn't have been able to stay in the Party as long as he did. If he thought he could get along with Germany after the Nazi takeover, he was deluding himself. It goes to show though how the Nazis we're seen as out of the ordinary during the 1930s, and more were amenable to eugenics than anyone cares to admit in hindsight. The people who were going to get fucked hard by the Nazis were saying this since the 1920s, but the powers that be already decided to throw away the ritual sacrifices.
In case you're saying "well except the Jews" - at this time the Jewish population of Germany and Europe is very much working class. Those who had the means to get out would get out, but a lot had no such option because they weren't useful and didn't have that college degree that made someone a global citizen and an actual human.


Garbage and should be banished.
Maybe you should ask why all pornography is grotesque and why you can't find a single woman who isn't glammed up or made to do intensely degrading acts, and encourage male viewers to be as degen as possible. It's designed to destroy those who watch it and push the "sexual revolution" agenda of aristocracy. It's gone on for too long now. I doubt there is much point for men to be with women at this point, and women will get less and less until they're pushed to artsem. That's always been the goal. Don't know why we're supposed to maintain kayfabe that any of this is normal or compatible with life.


Literally what.

>People waiting in line for the new iPhone

I never understood the excitement for consooming. I preordered one game because there was a promotional deal to get a special cartridge if you did. Other than that, I buy things that I like, and detest fads and gurus, especially when the experience is hollow.
I don't know why people rushed to give the NSA a listening device, but now they're almost mandatory. No one uses old type phones without paying a shit ton of money for the service. Congratulations you dumb fucks, you make the Cybernetic Consciousness real, except for the part where the human machine is integrated with it - because the bastards are killing us off. You dumb assholes.
I must say the interface for "smart" phones sucks balls and is designed to scream in your face that the phone is not yours. User-unfriendly, doesn't allow a command-line interface which it should be able to do with current technology. Swiping is finicky and annoying. It sometimes flips to horizontal and it's a pain in the ass to switch it back. Settings suck.
All of this is designed to make it not a personal computer, even though the phones could very easily be used as a computer. If that happened, it would obviate a lot of information access restrictions, since these phones are ubiquitous. Obamaphones are all "smart" phones now if people pony up 100 bux for them and they give free service. If they're going to destroy private life, at least they could make the device useful in obvious ways instead of reminding users that they are alien to the machine and society. It's a device of pure neoliberalism.
Don't get me started on Apple's horseshit in particular, or Made in China horseshit to put CCP backdoors in everything.

>Chou En Lai

Dunno enough about him. Political fixer and executive agent, in many ways was keeping the country in one piece. Such figures are usually priests of power. Again, people who are narrative-tarded do not understanding political thought at all. If you're worshipping any politician, you're a dumb faggot.


>I must say the interface for "smart" phones sucks balls and is designed to scream in your face that the phone is not yours. User-unfriendly, doesn't allow a command-line interface which it should be able to do with current technology. All of this is designed to make it not a personal computer, even though the phones could very easily be used as a computer.
You should be able to get a command-line interface with Termux on android. Other than adding CLI how would you change smart-phones to turn them into a decent pocket-able personal computer ?


>Green New Deal
Based and Marxpilled, in its original form. Insulting virtue signaling socdem vomit, in the form co-opted by Fraud Squad operatives.


Should've called it the green dictatorship of the proletariat nobody would have coopted that name.


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>Maybe you should ask why all pornography is grotesque and why you can't find a single woman who isn't glammed up or made to do intensely degrading acts, and encourage male viewers to be as degen as possible. It's designed to destroy those who watch it and push the "sexual revolution" agenda of aristocracy.
Sounds like a (you) problem. I only watch vanilla porn like Hitomi Tanaka creampie rape JAVs. What kind of degen stuff are you watching? BBC Cuck or something?


retard writing if there was any


Confessions obtained under duress are inadmissible in civilized courts.




>I never understood the excitement for consooming.
<leftists don't understand basic human nature
That's what makes you so easy to exploit.

>doesn't allow a command-line interface

What do you think ADB is. It sounds like you wouldn't even know what to do with a commandline anyway.

>Sounds like a (you) problem.
I think his point is why does it exist and why does it appear to be so popular.

You have to remember money is not real. The 1% are the 1% because they have a license from the government to print their own dollars and then "invest" in whatever they want. Since the money printers don't care about profit what they invest in is social causes. That's why things like social media, hollywood and legacy news media refuse to die despite hemorrhaging money. They are essentially propaganda platforms propped up by the 1%.

Large parts of the mainstream porn industry are probably in the same boat. If you think about it then it's not a big leap to assume "degenerate" porn is being funded by the billionaire class to affect some kind of social agenda too.

>I only watch vanilla porn

If you're watching videos of men having sex with girls you like then you are training yourself to be a literal cuck. The most innocuous kind of porn would be gravure style (no dicks just girls posing and looking into the camera), but that's still harmful because you are raising your expectations for how girls should look like to be worthy of your attention. Especially since most of it is makeup, lighting and photoshop anyway.


>If you think about it then it's not a big leap to assume "degenerate" porn is being funded by the billionaire class to affect some kind of social agenda too.
Then why did big advertisers, presumably of multi-million or billion dollar corporations, almost totally kill 4chan, OnlyFans and Tumblr for hosting porn? And in the latter 2 cases triggered a big uproar on social media from OnlyFans creators, their subscribers + a lot of the general public on social media? And did succeed in killing Tumblr's Golden Age of popularity when it allowed Tumblr blogs to post and re-post porn gif's? Seems more like a lot of people want porn on their social media and the big corporates want it driven away or underground because it's not advertiser-friendly.
>If you're watching videos of men having sex with girls you like then you are training yourself to be a literal cuck.
<If you're watching videos of POV mom/milf-son porn then you are training yourself to literally fuck your mom
This is "violent video games cause violence" tier. Come on now.


>Then why did big advertisers almost totally kill OnlyFans and Tumblr for hosting porn?
Because advertisers are actually concerned with making money. The point was more about the way PornHub's algorithm pushes specific things to the front page is probably part of a social engineering agenda.

><If you're watching videos of POV mom/milf-son porn then you are training yourself to literally fuck your mom

In that case you're training yourself to be turned on by post-menopausal women who can't have babies which I'd argue is also probably part of the malthusian agenda.

>This is "violent video games cause violence" tier. Come on now.

The sensory inputs you experience during orgasm feed back into your sexuality. Your brain basically learns what things are likely to lead to sex and then prods you in that direction again. In the age of infinite internet porn this creates dangerous feedback loops where you fap to videos of girls you like getting fucked by someone else and pretty soon the mere idea of it turns you on.

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