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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.476763[Watch Thread]>>476773

<How to Grow Leftychan
>A Tactical Guide

First, the why.

Why grow Leftychan?

Some of you fags honestly ask

The reason is simple. It’s a fun place to post about and read metadiscussion on the left. I like to post there, and I want more people to come and read my shit and effort posts.

and you fuckers needs to pick up the slack

It’s that simple.

>How To

Simply put, post more about things you think are interesting. Reply to discussion. Stir and spike emotions. Repeat

>What to post:

The golden ratio:

<4/10 complete shit posts

<4/10 news, of interest, question posts
<1/10 something completely irrelevant or irreverent (Collagenmaxxxing)
<1/10 effortposts

Don’t waste time making a bunch of long effortposts. Those should literally be one tenth of what you post. This isn’t Jacofag Magazine.

9/10 of what you post should take you less than 10-15 minutes (max) to post. Much of it is shitposting on different levels.

Don’t treat everything as serious. This is an image board, after all.

On the other hand, if you don’t have an interest in a niche topic, keep discussing it. (The technology posts are a great example)

Keep in mind the 80/20 principle. 20% of what you post will drive 80% of replies.

>How to post:

There is an art to shitposting:

<Always be challenging assumptions.

<Point out hypocrisies
<Stir emotions
<Use evocative language
<Point out conflicts (people vs people, between people and ideas, people and systems, between ideas and reality)

Of course, as it’s an image board, it should also function as metadiscussion on the left.

ask not what leftychan can do for you, ask what you can do for leftychan


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>Don’t waste time making a bunch of long effortposts. Those should literally be one tenth of what you post. This isn’t Jacofag Magazine.
Finally someone had to say it. Quit sniffing your own farts on essays and post more cheeky one liners.


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>>476763 (OP)
>Stir emotions
shaking is where it's at

trying out shit-posting


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Don't tell me what to do.


ok lets spread the live to OP


U wut, m8.

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