>>477073>In a democracy, people would vote each year on a minority of weak, unsavory people to expell from their society.I somehow doubt you can bend a democracy to do this. Besides if you can establish a genuine and authentic democracy that actually serves the interests of the demos, the power of the ruling class will fade away, and you won't have to expel them from society.
>During pandemic, they'd skip that practice for a year or two since the pathogen accomplishes the same end.Not sure you get how plagues work.
There are 2 lotteries in a plague.
Lottery 1: what kind of bug manages to hack the human organism.
Lottery 2: did you get a immune system that happens to know or find a counter, before the bug wrecks you.
Pathogens can attack every group in society, there are no people who are exempt. This can be very un-intuitive, check out H1N1 (birdflue) for example, that was very deadly to children and healthy young adults while it affected old and sickly people much less.
Pandemics are just a bio-hazard, they have no purpose, any society retarded enough to think it can somehow gain utility from having the cells of their citizens be invaded by hostile micro-organisms will get destroyed. While it appears to be possible to make reasonable predictions that could massively help with mitigation, it is not possible to control rapidly evolving micro-organisms. The Rona didn't evolve into the black death, because we got lucky,
this time. Remember that
extinct by a plague, is a common way for a species to disappear, so there is no guaranties that some people will always survive.
Either we level up and invent super effective scifi medicine that puts humanity above the bio-hazard lottery before too long, or we're just going to roll the dice until we loose.