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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.477133[Watch Thread]

>Edward Said
>Frantz Fanon
>Michel Foucault
The fathers of Soycialism who ruined leftism in the west. there collective faggotry spearing to generations of leftists.


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Don't forget this ugly faggot


should have mentioned him as well, the 4 soy-makers


I only know about Foucault. What'd the others do?


Samir Amin's 'eurocentrism' is the Marxist equivalent to Said's 'Orientalism'


Did they really ruin anything, or was it socioeconomic factors that played a greater role? What was the stratum of people that even gave a shit about these ivory tower naval gazers?


>Did they really ruin anything,
They kinda gave bad strategical advice. But technically nobody was forced to take it.


They made being a pretentious pussy synonymous with being left-wing.


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tbh, most politics, regardless of left or right, is just ivory tower divas.


What's so bad about Said, exactly?


He was an Arab Christian who lived his entire life in the West and was deeply insecure about the fact that he couldn't connect with his own heritage. So, he blamed white people. But that doesn't change the reality that all those hated white orientalists were more respected by native Arabs than him. Edward William Lane, arch-orientalist though he may be, is vastly more important for the study of Arabic and all history involving Arabic because of his indispensable dictionary of Classical Arabic


I would also point you towards Bernard Lewis's critique. Lewis was a major target of the original book and I think that it is fair to say he and Said were nemeses.

The essential point that Lewis makes is that Said cherry picks authors to make the rise of Orientalism seem to coincide with colonialism in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century except that the authors he cites are arbitrarily only from Britain and France and ignores, explicitly, the scholars in very similar lines of thought from places that did not colonize the Middle East (again, Said largely ignores the rest of the East). He also ignores early research into the Orient. Seventeenth century scholarship is rather plentiful about the East at a time when no Western power had any aspiration or ability to conquer the Middle East.
Said attempts to tie intellectual developments to imperialism through a number of dishonest and dubious means. It is worth reading the article in its entirety if you have time.


said and fanon should not be lumped in with those french pedophiles

most people who quote said and fanon are shitty radlibs but guess what, so are most people who quote marx and lenin. their job is to shit up good theorists by selectively quoting them out of context in favor of liberalism.

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