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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1703246480939.png ( 594.88 KB , 603x1268 , ClipboardImage.png )


I hate America with every fiber of my being and I pray for its destruction. I hope for an asteroid to hit or a massive earthquake happens, but whenever I see this like this, I just can't hate America anymore. It makes hating America cringe-worthy and annoying, and I do not want to be associated with these people


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It's like this shit, I agree with everything said but at the same time I would despise anyone who wore this unironically.


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>i want to be a socialist but those other socialists are being cringy and i dont want to be associated with them omg i wish i could be a socialist


I don't want to be associated with retards calling themselves "himbos" on the internet. It's stupid and makes a mockery of the Communist movement.


>defending succs instead of hunting them

>the Communist movement
You're not in the 1920s or even 1968. Find some meds in this ancient trash already ffs.

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