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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.477470[Watch Thread]>>477498

So I wrote the second book. This is a rough draft. There is at least one typo I will correct during my next upload but I'm busy writing and want to check over it again for clarity.


Book 2: Mechanisms of Economic Actors in Nature and Society

The subject of the book is to establish some concepts that allow us to pose what the "economic question" is as mechanisms. Mathematically, "value" doesn't really exist as a proposition that economics can make, because the values - utilities of technology or the technology itself - are discrete and not interchangeable. For every utility, there is a definite sequence of events which we would have to arrest if we are to speak of it as something that can be managed.

Maybe this will help explain my thinking when I bring up economic theories of what "value" is, dispute Marx. (I really don't think Marx had a "theory of value" as such - he's elaborating on liberal political economy and showing how it contains perverse incentives which are nonetheless true in that situation, and nothing about this suggested a trans-historical concept.) Money, ultimately, is valuable because we agree, for various reasons, that it is worth anything at all, and these reasons always return to politics and society rather than anything "in nature". In nature, nothing has any economic value whatsoever, because "we" really don't matter to nature. In society, and in realistic situations, this value ultimately follows from political concerns, temporal authority, and spiritual authority. I get into that in the middle chapters of the book, but I avoid too much discussion of politics which is the subject of the next book. I have the first few chapters of Book 3 written and I'm rewriting them for web, and have the structure of Book 3 planned out. I want to plan Book 4 as well and I'll probably write both of them concurrently, so I know what Book 3 has to lead into and can make them work together.

I don't know if I can rewrite Book 2 to say what I want it to say, without escaping the limited purview I assigned to it. Basically, I need to make it clear that technology and contests for it are the proper understanding of economic value, but I don't believe I can do that without getting into politics and a theory of history (which is what Book 4 is, a theory of history given what was set out in the first three books, and how we can ask questions about a "mode of production" in the first place).


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Never been more appropriate.


>>477470 (OP)
I really sincerely hope that somebody reads this. The possibility of it not being shit is pretty tempting, but I'm not gonna check for myself.


You might like it. I'm pretty sure it's not an "old take", although I don't possess any privileged knowledge or really new insights. I see one task here as not just synthesizing past knowledge, but suggesting a way in which we can independently synthesize knowledge and approach these questions in the future. I'd really hate to come down as a guru quoted like scripture, because that's not the point.

I am quite aware of my flaws as a writer and a "philosopher". What I have suggested is that, by removing the shibboleth where we do not mention past "the human", we can see what has really transpired or at least something sufficient, and what has really motivated human behavior up to now. We have no further reason to pretend this isn't happening, where in the past there was a strong incentive to maintain kayfabe. For most of us, there really is no hope, but one of us damned fools may write, and I haven't seen anything of this nature from our view, so I might as well take my swing. I would actually hope someone does better than me, without the standard re-directs to deny the centrality of eugenics. I have no reason to lead the reader softly into a scathing disgust towards eugenics, because breaking the eugenist shibboleths early is necessary to bypass much of the programming instilled in my target audience. I am writing this for the damned who have been lied to all their life and continue to be cajoled by the most shameless and venal assholes calling themselves "friends". People in the know won't gain much from this, other than confirmation that their Satanic cycle techniques have worked up to now and that they'll probably win. But, there's no point in expecting them to be different. To a lesser extent I write to relatively normal people, though I wouldn't expect them to read my work and I would prefer there is a "sanitized" version of my thinking on technology and knowledge. I am not the person to write that, and I am certain something of the sort already exists in secret. What is often missing is the unmentionables eugenics entails, since to broach the topic too honestly would make clear that none of the present institutions is suitable for a society worth living in. But, it would be possible to independently construct how this reality control works, what scams are launched. Those who create these mystifications do not need my assistance to make worse versions of what they've already done, and I doubt anything I write is new to them. What they don't like is others telling them no, because they have no further reason to pretend this shit can ever work or that it will ever be in their interest to respect any part of it. There's a reason they insist that "you will be happy" and that you will love Big Brother.


Is reading book one a hard pre-requisite to getting into this? I skimmed over the first book but (me being bad at reading) never got into it.


Based. Eugene, please provide book 2 in an easily downloadable format.


Not really but it helps to explain why I structured it the way I did, and you might get lost because I refer to systems without too much explanation of why I'm saying this.


I made a ZIP file of the website.




File (hide): 1704642267658-0.pdf ( 2.75 MB , 232x300 , output.pdf )

File (hide): 1704642267658-1.epub ( 901.76 KB , output.epub )

Hey uh I took the liberty of using pandoc to convert this to pdf and epub, without any guarantees of correctness.


It's nice to know the approximate length of the book when published is around 760-800 pages. I didn't think it would be that big.


One thing about the pdf is that the footnote hyperlinks didn't translate.

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