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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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There is clearly a crisis. The war in Ukraine has shown how industrial production in the Euro-Atlantic bloc is in a state of collapse, and emerging economies are demanding the re-division of the world. The nature of the contemporary crisis is imperialist, because it is about the re-division of the world. The growing tensions in the Middle East to secure the oil-rich maritime area of Gaza after the failure in Ukraine show that the capitalist powers are ready to extend this crisis to the world. The moment the crisis enters Taiwan openly, it will be obvious to everyone that this is a world war.
But in the face of the growing crisis of capitalism, the Euro-Atlantic proletariat seems to be relatively calm. There are no mass revolutionary organisations, revolutionary organisations capable of building the foundations for the dictatorship of the proletariat; the workers' organisations are dominated by religious or patriotic groups. They are usually in alliance with a bourgeois party and so on. They are the police organisations of the bourgeois state. Other organisations are NGOs dominated by liberals. These two are the hidden arm of the ideological discourse that is being fed to the agitated masses. The presence of bourgeois political parties in workers' and other organisations means the domination and spread of (petty)bourgeois habits of thought in their mass base.

The revolutionaries are separated or part of a sect and feel safe in their bubble. This is a symptom of the intellectual who calls himself a revolutionary. In times of peace and debate, when the concrete task is propaganda and education, the intellectual is more than welcome if he adapts himself to the needs of his pupils and does not impose knowledge by repetition. But when the movement takes a turn in the other direction, from the peaceful to the preparation for open struggle, the intellectual is afraid of this change. They prefer to stick to their dying sects, carry out symbolic revolutionary actions for other like-minded intellectuals and call it a day for the time being. They refuse to cooperate consistently with the emerging movement.

A clear example of the lack of consistency is this moment. The protests against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians have mobilised many progressive people into the ranks of the anti-war front and given new impetus to anti-imperialism. The sheer relative size of the movement compared to the small number of self-proclaimed revolutionary organisations will lead to the rise and revival of many organisations. But if the leaders do not allow the newly mobilised (and among them very young!) to learn how to organise, that is, if they do not allow new ones to emerge (I am talking here about different tactics, organisation, theoretical debate, etc.), and if the newly mobilised are constantly forced to blindly follow the existing leadership, so as not to be beyond the organisations of the professional revolutionaries (don't laugh!), then everything will quickly come to a grinding halt, and the historic moment will not be seized

One of our immediate tasks is to democratise the established organisations with the help of new members (radicalised by the general crisis) who will have learned a communist understanding of history. Comrades in the organisations should make sure that they are the first to call for this democratisation. The communist should see that this influx of members works in his favour, that he can use revolutionary sympathies to take over key sectors of the organisation with this sympathetic majority. This means: education, propaganda and agitation. We must teach them the Bolshevik method, we must show them what a Bolshevik organisation means, and they must all know how to agitate. Of course, some will be better at one or the other. That is the point of being organised, because organisation is only a tool that allows us to deploy our human resources in the best possible way.

Comrades, including workers, must be made aware of the work of socialist organisations through public debates of comrades or delegates of organisations which are regularly organised around a specific theme which needs to be illuminated. Open ideological struggle and the crystallisation of a general sense of revolutionary optimism is the immediate task of our socialists. Comrades are invited to discuss all problems with them. Organisations active in these discussions should try to abandon petty intellectualising. They will find it really difficult to win over workers if they can hardly convince a fellow-traveller!

Bolshevization also means being able to articulate clearly and as precisely as possible the pressing issue we face and a concrete approach to it. Clarity will always triumph over conspiracy. The foundations for a revolutionary mass party must be laid in the next few years. This can only be done if the movement abandons the involuntary Blanquism which is the indirect consequence of the intellectualisation of the leadership.


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Western communist practice should not shy away from popular movements or even anarchists and pseudo-leftists. There is enormous potential for building communist base among the youth who will participate in the many autonomous and grassroot alternative organisations. Equipped with communist theory and tactics, they have great unifying potential. The trade unions are all yellow. In culture, liberal NGOs dominate with their anti-humanism or religious patriotism for the capitalist XXI century. Education is integrated into the national and consequently the world market. The communists can exercise power in all autonomous communities and they must do so and consolidate them in order to actually create a mass base outside the established forms of power that have been But this is contrary to the whole elaborate application of Leninist organisational theory, the clarification of which should be the most urgent task.

At studying the history of revolutions (and failed revolutions), it is clear how important element is the construction of alternative power. And logically it is also necessary - not we cannot rely on the capitalist media to spread the news about radicalisation events or new local groups, or simply the discourse of etc. We cannot have a strong workers' democracy without having a very a very involved and engaged population on the ground, holding representatives accountable (or to ensure that there are also communist, non-market ways of representing people, such as such as pre-determining politics as a party made up of the working class, and ensuring that the representatives of that party are committed to our decisions).
There are two revolutions; one revolution is in those who are conscious communists, actively devoting their time and energy to the problems they face, and in their independent organisations. The other is the sum total of the gains made by the working class has gained from the bourgeoisie. With the first, the situation is more binary, everything is either revolutionary or counter-revolutionary, and the growth happens when we attack the ideological/cultural camp of the enemy and explicitly win individuals for communism, but also when we look out for each other in mutual aid and defence, the second is when we (and anyone who doesn't submit) push little by little the non-revolutionary organisations towards socialism (consciously or unconsciously). We attack the enemy camp and feeding each other, building brick by brick. The broader process of construction of socialism is so vast, it will involve so much education and so much struggle, that we will not be finished with the bricklaying until long after we reach the top. Building of socialism, while repressing the bourgeoisie, must be on the offensive wherever we have advantage.

People, the proletarians, who are harmed by other things - pollution and the use of land, monopoly prices, real estate speculation that drives up rents, undemocratic governments leading to discriminatory police and justice systems, state sales of beloved public land, high taxes and the fact that these taxes are used to subsidise the rich or pay politicians' friends, etc., are not issues that can immediately point to class, but there are such a web of interrelated problems that we face as proletarians (i.e. as citizens, as consumers, as human beings, as families, etc.), and tracking the problem, either by action or by education, always leads to radical and communist solutions.

For communists, for the proletariat, revolution is something we cultivate. We nurture it and care for it, it grows when we educate each other, when we become novice, when we we organize around issues that concern us, and when we become involved in the culture of care that sustains these practices - because they require time and energy, exactly what capitalism is trying to squeeze every last bit out of us.


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In the past, socialist movements in bourgeois-democratic countries grew up to a certain point, then faced fascism and failed to overcome it. We must be prepared to resist fascism and to grow within the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, in spite of it. It will be very important to incorporate knowledge of the historical examples of fascism into all left-wing organising. This should be our aim, as well as the growth of the revolution by bringing together the scattered and sometimes conflicting organs of the working class and spreading revolutionary culture, otherwise we will survive. Last time, wherever the liberal understanding of fascism led the way, fascism won and imposed extreme repressive violence, while the communists threw their bodies on the front line and tried to change things, but without a plan to grow the revolution or win the civil war.
The Communists are in no way prepared to win any civil war. When fascist violence begins, we will still not be able to win a civil war, because there will not be enough experience of the horrors that would prevent us from making peaceful progress to convert our comrades from anarchists or social democrats completely to communism. The period between 1905 and 1917 allowed the Communists in Russia to develop in a way that would have led them into war. For those 12 years they endured black reaction and only then did they finally move to a war footing.

Reactionary violence is a bourgeois offensive. In the meantime, we should have learned to retreat, regroup and make ourselves less repressive, but before that we should have been very visible, because we are scattered and we need to find each other, eliminate our differences and work together. At a time when reaction is growing, we need to learn to move from a defensive position to a place where we can actually deal with reaction, at a time when they are weak and unpopular after bad governance, and when we have the necessary military capabilities. This is the situation in which it makes sense to think of revolution in terms of a revolutionary civil war. The whole course of the revolution leads us from nurturing the revolution in an open way in peaceful times, to nurturing the revolution with a view to military victory in a repressive atmosphere, to victory and the need to rule a country full of rebellious capitalists and unconvinced liberals and reactionaries, and in a way, that actually allows the working class to become the ruling class in the same way that the bourgeoisie is the ruling class - not with a few representatives who have acquired an elite education and take professional decisions behind closed doors, but maintaining a vibrant workers' democracy while tackling all these new questions.


Source? Or do you really think you're worth all that spilled ink?


>The growing tensions in the Middle East to secure the oil-rich maritime area of Gaza after the failure in Ukraine show that the capitalist powers are ready to extend this crisis to the world. The moment the crisis enters Taiwan openly, it will be obvious to everyone that this is a world war.
I still harbor some hopes that China finds a way to frustrate the efforts to create a Taiwan war. The Chinese tend to look weak because they barely react to neo-con provocations. But on the other hand they set up elaborate slow unfolding power-moves that have imposed bitter geo-political defeats on the US empire.


>Western communist practice should not shy away from popular movements or even anarchists and pseudo-leftists.
The pseudo-left tried to sell me Ukranian neo-nazis with giant swastika/Hitler-face tatoos, doing the "Siegheil" pose on social media, as "based pro-democracy fighters".

They got so wrapped up in their imaginary personal feud with Putin, that they were willing to send the Ukrainian proles to their deaths, starve the African proles, freeze the Euro proles, and fuck over the US proles with more military spending.

They are also nearly impossible to work with, they will constantly try to exclude you by accusing you of a nonsensical faux-pas like "reductionism" or invent constantly changing social-conduct-rules with byzantine complexity, so that everybody they don't like can always be accused of being in breach of conduct. It's like hugging a cactus.

The only thing nice you can say in favor of the pseudo-left: a decent percentage did not side with the Zionazis and apposed the Palestinian genocide. Maybe mass-murdering/displacing millions of people is a bridge too far, even for them. Or maybe they just took a contrarian position to the pro-Zionist faction of the right-wing, and that accidentally turned out to be the correct position.


Or maybe individuals are more complicated than group labels imposed on them.


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>But in the face of the growing crisis of capitalism, the East-Asian proletariat seems to be relatively calm. There are no mass revolutionary organisations, revolutionary organisations capable of building the foundations for the dictatorship of the proletariat; the workers' organisations are dominated by religious or patriotic groups. They are usually in alliance with a bourgeois party and so on. They are the police organisations of the bourgeois state. Other organisations are NGOs dominated by neo"liberals". These two are the hidden arm of the ideological discourse that is being fed to the agitated masses. The presence of bourgeois political parties in workers' and other organisations means the domination and spread of (petty)bourgeois habits of thought in their mass base.
Yes, that's true. Anything else, ChatGPT?


>They are also nearly impossible to work with, they will constantly try to exclude you by accusing you of a nonsensical faux-pas like "reductionism" or invent constantly changing social-conduct-rules with byzantine complexity, so that everybody they don't like can always be accused of being in breach of conduct. It's like hugging a cactus.
Nice projection, 15-cuck.
>words words words words whomever doesn't suck my payers off just like me is a pseud words words words words words
What even they try to achieve by sending you here idfk.


We're talking about the west here. That there is no revolutionary movement in Asia has literally nothing to do with what's written here.


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opinion discarded


There is revolution in Asia. Communist China is leading the revolution.


Yeah seeing all the fucking yellow and blue flags in my city was infuriating and depressing to see how many people will side with nazism just because they were told to.

With the whole anti-zionism thing, I'm not even sure that people learned their lesson even after seeing how the media had to flip-flop from being 100% pro-israel to backpedling and offering a modicum of criticism of the genocide. I can't count on these same people to be on the same side as me in the next happening.


OP I don't necessarily disagree with anything you said but I have very little idea about how to move things forward in my own actions.

>we need to find each other, eliminate our differences and work together

All that other stuff aside, this resonated with me because I lack any kind of organization with other leftists in real life.

Okay this is going to sound cringe as fuck but in the interest of having at least some way for leftists to find each other, maybe we can have some kind of website to help facilitate that, even if it's just a section of leftychan with a board for every city that we have users in. Then people can take it from there to organize in real life.

I know this is sort of backwards - usually you have a local org you go to, and from there you join their socials. However I don't have any groups worth participating in, and to be honest it would be nice to just meet up with other leftists and discuss issues and solutions, both local and national. And I think what I want is a pipeline from the internet to local IRL organization.

Would that work?


>Yeah seeing all the fucking yellow and blue flags in my city was infuriating and depressing to see how many people will side with nazism just because they were told to.
Yeah wonder how that happened. Maybe people didn't pay attention to what was happening in Ukraine between 2014 and 2022. Tho there was news coverage about it, I only ever saw people talk about it on places like lefty-pol. Maybe nobody gave a shit about Ukraine.

>With the whole anti-zionism thing, I'm not even sure that people learned their lesson even after seeing how the media had to flip-flop from being 100% pro-israel to backpedling and offering a modicum of criticism of the genocide.

I think the propaganda contradiction was too stark. Between stirring the blood-thirst in Israel, while at the same time trying to appear sane and normal in the west.


>in the interest of having at least some way for leftists to find each other, maybe we can have some kind of website to help facilitate that
Never talk about actual political organizing on the internet, unless it's abstract theory or general strategies. Don't talk about anything too personal, like where you live and so on.

>I don't have any groups worth participating in

So start one.


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>Never talk about actual political organizing on the internet

What about this idea?


You can talk about it mom the Internet. Just don't use glow sites like Facebook and reddit. Ffs. Encryption is important, etc etc


>What about this idea?
i have think about this

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