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 No.478653[Watch Thread]

>why are the Yemeni people so based???

Vaxxies BTFO eternally


>dies from cholera


caused by Saudis ruining sanitation infrastructure. not muh virus. I guarantee you have never received a cholera "vaccine."


My vaccine for cholera is not living in Yemen.


kys zionist


I thought it was due to Obama and Bush


There was no need for the COVID op in a warzone. COVID was about cannibalizing the wealtheir countries and the final cut of the ladder, before the "Jehad" of eugenics could enter its highest stage. That shit has no appeal in Yemen - that sort of thing is what the Yemeni are fighting against, and what the Gulf monarchies have joined.

There have been people saying for decades what was done with vaccines was entirely about curtailing population growth. Bill Gates brags openly that this is his goal, and you're supposed to pretend it isn't happening. The eugenic creed dominates all spaces. To speak against eugenics is social death, unless it is a fawning meekness that welcomes the eugenist overlords.


You're right but it still seems pretty significant to me that the empire is willing to gigavax its own troops, crippling many of them, while leaving much of the third world unvaxed, giving people like the yemenis an actual fighting advantage.

I think the point of poisoning and hobbling american and israeli soldiers is probably to accelerate the robotization of the military.


Those grunts aren't for fighting. They're for experiments - that's what the military has been tasked with, and really war is a social engineering activity rather than the thing it purports to be, and the evidence of this is something invoked often by the true believers. They laugh at the stories of sacrifice and glory.

Besides, the empire can't inspire loyalty, and hasn't tried since the 1970s. They set up the story of losing Vietnam as the excuse to say the problem was that the country was too democratic and democracy sucks - ever since then you never hear an end to them bitching about mass armies being evil and incompetent and how great aristocracies are. For the purposes the empire wants, they don't want loyal and competent soldiers. They want technology so they can bomb the shit out of stuff from orbit. The US military is fairly good at that, when it chooses to do so. Whether it cares to actually "win" is a wholly different matter - why win? The worse they do, the greater the job security and the threat that can be used to bilk the people for more of their stuff. They only have to ensure that no one gets any idea that it could or should be any other way, and the weaker the people - soldiers and civilians alike - the stronger their hand. The Arabs are not an exception to this where they are the antipode to imperial suet. Their armies have historically been run like shit and turn on each other for a nickel, and the exceptional commander from that part of the world manages to turn that into something functional - usually by exploiting the incompetence of their neighbors when their pants are down. They've been using the Pals as props since 1948 and care not about ever winning. Again, why win? They know the empire isn't going away, and many of them know to cut deals with whatever the Romans are up to these days. There's nothing for le glorious jihad or whatever dumbass narrative the rubes believe in.

Vaxx uptake is certainly lower than reported. The colonies don't need to pretend, and if their leaders actually believed in that shit and did anything more than token acceptance of the latest eugenics shit, their own people would hang them from lamp-posts. COVID "works" here because eugenics is stronger and there is a critical mass of true believers. That shit doesn't exist in the rest of the world, and they've been laughing at these fucked up white guys, as they should. You have to be white to believe any part of the COVID insanity. In any event, anyone they actually want to keep in the imperial core was pulled aside and told they don't have to comply. It's thrown in your face often enough - why else would Newsom and the other aristos flaunt their violation of "COVID", except to signal to those who get it what this is? COVIDism is largely powered by a thirst for human blood and sacrifice, and there are a lot more of those people than I thought at first. I knew they were vocal and that a lot of assholes will march with Nazism when the time came, but I didn't expect the intellectual resistance to be this weak, and for the idea of anything but eugenics to be so far removed from anything we can do. This really would end tomorrow if there were a concerted and violent disgust towards the entire operation and anyone who aided and abetted it. Unfortunately, there's a strong enough core of true believers, and there are hangers-on who see this as an opportunity for their pet project. They don't get how fucked humanity is right now - really, really fucked. They always try to go back to past examples, but there are no past examples for what the world is going through and will see in the decades to come. History does not work in any way like their stupid narratives and theories believe it does, and they should know that by now. The communists have been particularly shameless in relitigating their failed theories and insisting it will work this time - probably because those who really get what it was see that they have a way to get in the club and be useful again. They made that bargain a long time ago, believing that they can play the aristocratic game and think that is a worthwhile example to emulate. You can see them trying to push the Palestinians like props to get in on the fun. The people there aren't fighting for glory or a narrative. They're fighting because they have no fucking choice in the matter, and people tend not to roll over and die when an invader makes le scary ultraviolent propaganda videos which is all the IDF does.

Anyway, the US relies heavily on mercenaries and "off the books" forces to do most of its dirty work. A while back you could find Erik Prince of Blackwater/Academi saying why this works and is a great tool for empires - more reliable than state armies and institutions for what the empire needs, which is Einsatzgruppen. That's really all an army needs to be - the greatest enemy an army faces is its own people, and that's what most of the world's armies are there to do, rather than fight a great power. None of the great powers want to fight each other directly in any engagement which entails significant risk. They always seek to limit the theaters of war and keep the war cult tamed and serving aristocracy. Putin is all about this. He's not grandstanding about how he's going to take over the world - he's smart enough to see that is fucking retarded. He's received the signal that what he's doing now is what makes WEF ghouls happy, makes Klaus Schwab and the usual Kraut ghouls happy, and Germanophilia has long been a disease in Russia. So much of the fighting in Ukraine is done by outfits like Wagner and every soldier of fortune looking for something to do, and Putin has gone out of his way to keep the war in this situation so that the interests that really matter are happy. He won't win in Ukraine until the suits get their stakeholder capitalism social experiment to shit up the world, and enough poor sods have suffered. As for the US, they knew the moment Russia stepped into what is basically their backyard, that they had no ability to prop up a joke government like that thing Zelensky ostensibly rules. Mostly, people in Ukraine get fucked over when they were sort of getting on with their life, because neocon aligned faggots decided to run yet another country into the ground. It's all these Nazis know how to do.

The point being - no one at this point actually "believes in COVID". If they are advancing the narrative, it is because they see it as a way to kill off people they don't like, and there's a right-wing angle - don't forget that everything that the US did under COVID is a Trump policy, that Trump could step in any time if he didn't like what was happening. He had all of the authority to do so, and did everything to exacerbate the lockdowns and killings, giving doctors enough administrative chaos to act with a free hand and do what the institution was always designed to do, without any fetters of public inquiry. As it turns out, there were inquiries into what the vaccines were doing and what happened in the hospitals during 2020, but they are memory holed because no one believes in that public thing any more.
For most people, "COVID" is over and has been since 2022. It was withdrawn when the theater moved to its new production, World War 3 - Ukrainian Boogaloo. Israel is there too - gotta keep the end times prophecy going! It surprised me how quickly COVID was dropped from the grand narrative, and how much of it was fake. They threw that bitch running New Zealand under a bus, even. It did help that normie libs basically gave up on "COVIDism" after reports of the first vax showed what anyone paying attention would expect. A few people did promotions in the normie media spaces but it was always perfunctory, and even there, one of the guys I know who was shilling COVID acknowledged something was wrong by time the second vax came around, and dropped the matter as much as he could. That's been the pattern - normie libs would rather forget about it, and kind of figured that this was about getting rid of the useless eaters like the ruling class has wanted for the past century. As long as it isn't them, they don't care, and I don't expect them to be any different. It was always those selected to die who've lived in fear, and by now that fate is locked in. Humanity does not want us - humanity itself is our enemy at this point, and everything that comprises "humanity" now is pure eugenic creed. They made sure of that and stripped away any other meaning it might have entailed. Against the spirit of Man, what can we expect? We're just fucking animals, and the ruling ideas talk about this all the time to make it true. Empires create their own reality, as the bastard said. But, it isn't just a conceit of theirs. They really have wiped out the concept of "human" over the past decade and, by insinuating this new "humanity plus" that can only be eugenist screamers is the new humanity, they made it impossible to really speak of humans as if they were going to be any different. They could be, of course. It could be different tomorrow, if only anyone who mattered wanted that. To want something other than eugenics and express that, or act in accord with something other than eugenics, makes someone "retarded" or suspect of retardation, and that has been the great victory of the eugenist "Jehad".

As for Israel, it has long been known the IDF is a shit tier diaper wearing military. For a while, the dips were relying on "Israeli Arabs" to supply fodder for them, because can you seriously imagine Larry David with a howitzer? Come on. The Israeli high command has extreme contempt for their troops and their people, and they're tied to the dissolution of American pretenses and have a role to play in that. The Zionists have done the most to push the "fuck America" plotline and promote a bunch of sniveling fags who will be good slaves when the Zionists come here to take our shit too. It makes perfect sense for them to advance a narrative which tells the former property holders that they are bad for wanting things like security and food, and they should give those things to Israeli "refugees" who are suspiciously rich and treat the war they left as a joke, unlike the usual refugees who had lives that were shit up. Israel is founded on a scam to suck in people who had nowhere to go, while the elite all have dual citizenship somewhere.


Basically, most of what is said about America being "nothing but slavery and genocide" is the Zionists' preferred image of us, to justify taking more shit and demanding more aid money, which American leaders are happy to do because the leaders of America, as I mention, hate Americans more than anything else in the world. They want Americans to see nothing but the most depraved images of themselves, and they pulled off the greatest version of that with Trump - basically saying "this is you. you are retarded, like Trump."


It's the shit that child abuse does to fuck up the mind, and they have science and shit to guide them on how to abuse the people en masse and train them to think they're going to be raped at all times. Now the horror so many children live through is a mass thought form and a movement. It's been disgusting to watch anyone enable this faggotry and to see how it was destined since the 1990s.


sweet schizo thread


don't forget to take your tenth booster vaxxie

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