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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Being a soldier in the imperialist army is just a big humiliation ritual designed to break one's spirit.

>The grey UCP camo pattern US Army issued to troops in the middle east. Looks stupid and obviously does not work as camo. oh yeah and it's made of plastic to make sure it gets really hot and unbearable in the desert
>How US soldiers are taught to stand when shooting their rifle. Very imbalanced and not an effective fighting stance. Self-defeating
>army combat boot. hot, heavy, big heel, literally designed to give knee injuries and twisted ankles. meanwhile the ziomercs are fighting dudes who wear comfy sandals or go barefoot, the correct footwear for the terrain
>medical experimentation and forced muzzling. troops get injected with tons of shit that's not even legal to give to civilians. by the end of their service their health is in ruins.
>boot camp. have to put up with and get yelled at by a loser psychopath while eating shit food and taking no proper rest days. just one big MKULTRA hazing ritual.


You forgot about the part where they get stationed in places like P*land and Kuwait.


yeah lmaoing at Coyote Desert Brown in butt fuck Dülmen


>a humiliation ritual
You're probably right with that conclusion but you get some of the details wrong.

Inappropriate gear is the result of military supply contracts. Most of the wrecked health comes from soldiers getting their limbs blown off or mental damage from shell-shock. Medical experimentation on humans gone wrong that happens too, but most of the damage comes from fighting.


>Most of the wrecked health comes from soldiers getting their limbs blown off or mental damage from shell-shock. Medical experimentation on humans gone wrong that happens too, but most of the damage comes from fighting
No this is really standard stuff, not just the Wormwood shit but insanely toxic injections that are mandated to every troop. I quote from Aberration in the Heartland of the Real:

>On May 25th and 27th, days after arriving at Ft. Benning, McVeigh received a battery of standard

>(and not so standard) vaccines and immunization shots for tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella,
>smallpox, polio, flu and two other shots meant to prevent acute respiratory disease called
>Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7. 4 A week later, on the evening of June 6, 1988, at 9:40 pm, McVeigh
>made the first of what would be many non-routine visits seeking medical attention. The
>attending doctor noted that McVeigh received a “superficial abrasion” after he tripped over the
>man in front of him while running in formation and, since then, continued to feel dizzy. The
>doctor assigned him to light duty for the remainder of the day.

>After completing Basic Training, Private McVeigh arrived at Fort Riley, Kansas. Shortly afterwards,

>on September 9, 1988, though never mentioning his head and leg injuries, he wrote to Steve:Yesterday
>we got more shots. This time I was politely introduced to yellow fever, typhoid, and
>“Plague I” (whichever plague this one is, I’m not sure but “Plague II” didn’t hurt as much in Basic!)
>They told us some side effects would be flu-like symptoms. One hour later, we had a ceremony to
>welcome the new company in. The asshole CO made a dickhead 1 1⁄2-hour long faggot speech – it
>was just like the movies … people just crumbling all around me, falling down and passing out. I
>almost went myself; and just as everything was going black and my knees buckled, the CO
>finished and turned the company over to the 1st Sgt., who immediately gave us “Rest,” which is a
>command to talk or move as long as you don’t move your right foot. I went right to my knee.

>His medical records contain no entries until September 12,however. On this day his first

>documented yellow fever, typhoid, and ‘Plague Shot I’ vaccinations are listed, and a month later,
>his October 7 ‘Plague II’ shot. No signed consent forms are included in his immunization records;
>and redactions that obscure the identities of doctors who administered the shots as well as any
>identifying information (rank, etc.) about them, are found throughout the records; the first
>redaction being the name of the doctor who oversaw McVeigh’s yellow fever vaccination.


>A new report outlines how repeated exposure to artillery shockwaves left troops hallucinating, panicking and struggling.
Lol, they are being destroyed by shockwaves from their own fucking weapons


Those standard vaccines should be perfectly safe. With less than 1 in a million having adverse side effects. What's the rub ? Did they give the soldiers something different while pretending to administer the normal vax routine . That would be really unethical.


I hinestly think war really is just a racketerring scheme these days.

Its just a place to go for aimless low prospect prime age adults.


>standard vaccines should be perfectly safe. With less than 1 in a million having adverse side effects
lol. lmao.
please explain why mcveigh's entire company was collapsing onto the ground after receiving these safe and effective injections


They were probably using the shit earpro 3M got sued for. This falls again to shitty military contracts. I think mil uses peltors now


>I hinestly think war really is just a racketerring scheme these days.
it kinda always has been
>aimless low prospect prime age adults.
there are no low prospect people, just low prospect socio economic systems

>please explain why mcveigh's entire company was collapsing onto the ground after receiving these safe and effective injections
Maybe they used those soldiers as Guinea pigs for something, and lied about what was in those injections.


>it kinda always has been

Yep. Thats why I think alot of these reacrionaries and conservatuves whom advocate for war or hardship as a character/virtue-building exercise are sociopathic assholes whom never dealt with actual hardship in their lives.

They think life is like a comic book or acrion movie.
Theyre bored, aimless, and self-insulated. They dont have the balls to intwract with other people outisde of their immediate family.

>there are no low prospect people, just low prospect socio economic systems

True. But society is harsh towards young adults. Especially young adult males.

The ultinate form of discrimination is not race or gender or religion but age.

The oler you are, the more "relevance" ypu have.

Ever notice society always blames "kids these days" but never "ADULTS these days"?
Eveb though adults do more damage to the moral fibre because they have more rights and capital?


>whom never dealt
Anon, it's super cringe to use "whom" wrong and I wanna assist so you'll stop. "Who" is used when it's the relative subject of a relative clause. Use "whom" when it's the object or all other cases. Here's an easy construction to remember it: "who acts on whom".


thanks anon.


all vaccines are poison,it is laughable that you believe adverse events are only 1 in a million. do some research.


kill yourself


ironic coming from a vaxxie. fortunately you will die "suddenly" from an adverse event soon


We used to have horrendous plagues that killed half the population. We don't anymore since we began vaccinations. I think its fair for you to criticize this or that specific vaccine. But overall vaccines are one of the big success stories in technology, like fertilizers, steam engines, penicillin and microchips.


This. Retards like that who are saying all vaccines bad are undermining legitimate criticism of the engineering and safety of the recent mrna vaccines.


yep, just because capitalism abuses technology and puts out harmful products doesn't mean a communist country would.


I gotta love how you guys will complain about generalisations except any positive stereotypes about communism.


it's because communist states have methods of accountability for producers unlike in the west where the people who caused the opioid crisis go free. Even in revisionist China billionaires are executed for their crimes


show proof



<Fuck Marshall, ask us the questions

<Like who is D12, how did we get started

>But what about about Eminem

<Bitch, are you retarded


Yeah it seems that mrna vaccines had a flaw where they "leaked" and that resulted in immune reactions causing damage to the brain and heart in some people.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to speak intelligently about this, but maybe that stuff was rolled out prematurely.


This is true but, we still need a general theory on technology abuse.


The problems with mRNA vaccines are a) the mRNA is not staying localized to a shoulder muscle as it's supposed to, in fact it circulates systemically and b) the stabilization technique (RNAs are normally unstable molecules with half-lives of no more than a day) was too effective and has resulting in mRNA remaining in the body for weeks or more. This is very dangerous for vulnerable tissues like cardiac muscle, only skeletal muscle should be subject to an immune attack by taking up the mRNA and secreting spike protein.


>The problems with mRNA vaccines are a) the mRNA is not staying localized to a shoulder muscle as it's supposed to,

You know what the circulatory system is, right? You're aware that humans have one and how it works? Maybe you've heard of lymph nodes also?


The vaccines did cause some cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, and some menstrual issues, but I've never heard of it causing brain damage.


You know how vaccines are supposed to work, right? You're aware that they inject into muscle tissue intentionally to keep the immune response localized and out of the circulatory system, right? This is standard vaccine practice since the invention of vaccines, because even when not using mRNA technology it's bad to get an inflammatory agent in the heart or near other sensitive tissues connected to the circulatory system.


The Johnson & Johnson vaccine (which was not even an mRNA vaccine) was pulled off the market due to some people getting blood clots (9 died from it happening near the brain). I think the Astra Zeneca vaccine (an mRNA vaccine) might have been implicated in some blood clots as well.

I think some of these clotting and inflammation problems in Western countries from recent vaccines may be due to a lost culture of aspiration (pulling back on the needle plunger briefly to ensure you didn't hit a blood vessel) when administering the vaccines. For some insane reason doctors and nurses in Western countries have stopped doing this over the past couple decades. If you hit a blood vessel your vaccine is guaranteed to end up in the blood stream, and the only way to be sure you haven't done that is to aspirate.


Actually, it seems the Astra Zeneca vaccine was an adenovirus vector vaccine just like the J&J vaccine. Would make sense that they're both implicated in similar side effects.


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It's something that's preventable. It's why the Marines limits how many times you can fire some weapons concurrently.
The guys seeing the ghosts was on some covert mission where regs are often flouted.
His story is kind of a hint that these Special Operations guys are actually cannon fodder all the same as regular troops and maybe even more so since abuses or fuck ups are easily buried.


>Kill and arrest peasants because they hired one other person sometimes temporarily. This is proof communists held producers accountable.
Horseshoe theory confirmed.


>muh plagues
These were all caused by bad sanitation, bad nutrition, and chemical poisoning. They went down because of working class victories in the fight for better living and working conditions.



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>Being a soldier in the imperialist army is just a big humiliation ritual designed to break one's spirit.
I agree. Russian soldiers should kill their officers and storm kreml.


>he doesn't know
lurk moar


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>go be an occupier for the masters of your shitty life
>lose your balls to an old ass sovshit mine which xploded just by chance under yo ass
>die ballless & homeless @ the streets like a good citizen Kuck
Militoids are retarded wherever you go.

>defying their masters
Once a millenia, maybe. & even then it could only be led by joos with a new edition of their main jewish magic book. Btw don't forget that "Rus" were actually varangians who enslaved these shitsluts & gave them their today's name jej.
r*ϟϟwineϟ cope so hard @ it they even invented some crap about "ros" meaning red in gayreek.

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