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Less than 2 hours until Assanges extradition hearing

This will likely decide the fate of Julian Assange who is a journalist that was kidnapped and tortured for his democracy advocacy.

If the UK extradites Assange to his executioners in the US, the UK will declare it self a rogue state.



>the UK will declare it self a rogue state
What does this mean?


Reminder that a couple weeks ago they sentenced the alleged Vault7 leaker (the real reason they finally decided to go after Assange), Joshua Schulte, to 40 years in a US dungeon. Quote:

<According to Inner City Press, one of the few publications to have extensively covered the case, the alleged whistleblower told the sentencing hearing: “The US Federal government tortures me with 24/7 white noise and solitary confinement. The window is blacked out. When I am offered access to the law library, I have to urinate and defecate on the floor. I am left there for 9 hours.”

<Schulte added: “I have been locked in my torture cage with rodent excrement. Ice accumulates near the window. I wash my clothes in my toilet. I’m forced to eat with my bare hands like an animal. They look down on you like you are not human.”


If Assange's story ends with him getting handed over to the US warmonger faction. The UK will have kidnapped a foreign citizen/journalist and then handed him over to a cabal that runs official torture prisons. That's tinpot dictator rogue state level shit.

Assange was a Canadian citizen irc. If the Canadian government didn't/doesn't fight on his behalf, he become stateless by omission/neglect. Stateless people aren't really legal subjects in the traditional sense, if they don't have a state that upholds their civil rights they can't bare any legal burdens either, and these people can't really be legally accused of anything. That means that the only legit action for the UK is to tell him to leave UK territory by sending him to international ground, like an air-port or a naval-port. At that point he'd be stuck there until he can petition an other state to give him a visa or asylum papers that allow him to travel. Or he could board a ship and technically become a pirate.

The other part is that they are accusing Assange of spy-crimes, that is also tin-pot dictator rogue state level shit, in civilized nations journalists and diplomats have to be immune from such accusations in order to be able to pursue their profession without intimidation.

Then there is the declining health of Assange, if you imprison people you make your self holy responsible for their well-being.

Lastly there are US government officials who have stated that their motivation for seeking the extradition of Assange is revenge. If the law serves vengeance instead of justice that's also tin-pot dictator rogue state level shit.


He's an Australian citizen, and after four fucking years the Australian parliament just passed with overwhelming support a motion demanding his return to Australia. Is Australia finally ready to stop being a US vassal state?


>He's an Australian citizen
thanks for correcting my error

>after four fucking years the Australian parliament just passed with overwhelming support a motion demanding his return to Australia.

>Is Australia finally ready to stop being a US vassal state?
To be honest i know next to nothing about Australian politics. If they decide to defend Assange that doesn't necessarily mean they uncucked from being a vassal. The Assange case isn't about geo-political interests. It's about petty revenge.


For domestic US politics it is about petty revenge (and partisan bullshit when Clinton is involved), but on a geopolitical stage the Assange case is about flexing hegemonic soft power and keeping its "allies" in line.


I remain unconvinced that soft-power behaves analogous to a muscle that can be flexed. I think soft-power behaves analogous to a finite resource. It has to be build up before it can be spend. A muscle grows stronger the more it's used, a resource just diminishes the more it's used.

I think they are wasting finite soft-power resources for the sake of taking petty revenge on Assange.


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I love how everyone outside the tiny neolib/neocon bubble universally agrees that Assange is based


yes very based indeed


The same thing applies to hatred of Israel.

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