▶ No.479624
Because taxonomical categories became politicized categories, and ambiguity ensues to muddy what anything even is.
There were people in the 19th century debating the concept of biological race and what applies to humans - how many races are there, how are these groupings identified, and so on. The historical understanding of old taxonomy is that species did not breed with other species, while races interbred with other races. Growing knowledge of evolution as a process upended this understanding since in principle every life-form would be a transitional organism, rather than defined by any "species-being". In principle, this suggested biological modification in total was possible, and that life functions were mechanisms that could be taken apart and re-assembled. This thinking already entered the mind of some vanguard intellectuals when they thought of the potential of splicing human bodies and their genetic material (whatever that turned out to be, since the concept of genetics was very murky at this time, and genes originate not as a material thing but an abstraction of hereditary factors).
So if you want the real answer, it's the same answer as the explanation for the overt face of society for the past 100 years - eugenics and nothing else. Eugenics as a theory requires a very peculiar definition of "race" and treatment of a "race" for eugenic objectives, and this displaced earlier concepts of race in anthropology, science, or the concept of race in non-humans.
If you're arguing that "liberal leftist science" claims all humans are biologically equal and indistinguishable, and that everything about them is "social issues", that's never been the claim of anyone. Get high enough in biology and you'll see both virulent racists who make no qualms about it, and you will find very liberal-minded and progressive people who will flat out tell you the different qualities of every human race, that black people are not like white people, and that this is entirely correct. Many black Americans have always said they are not the same thing as whites and do not expect to be treated as equal in a biological sense. "Different does not mean deficient" - and ultimately this was used to justify a political project and the idiocy of the lowest elements of the white race, who should have been ignored and beaten more as children so they didn't shit up society with their faggotry. What's funny is that the ideological racists fixate on the most performative and stupid shit, because they're too cowardly to be actual racists, and they think this is supposed to impress anyone. The reason they are "strong" is because their faggotry is encouraged, because they mark themselves as enablers. The actual racists are far more excoriating. See a liberal in their private meetings and the mask comes off very quickly - and then you can hear black people turn on each other to win a position on the life boat. It's all a sick game played over things that should not have become this, always targeting the people who did the least to shit up humanity but who were seen as unsightly for a bunch of Satanic Nazi screamers.
For my part, I don't bother lecturing people about who gets to be what race or what they "ought to be" by some theory. I believe people know themselves, their family, their history, well enough to be the best authorities on defining what they are, and that's what is relitigated more than any racism in the genuine sense - the philosophical claims allowing false equivocation and insinuations about bullshit. If you look at people as they really are, none of the racist ideology is warranted or justifies what they're doing, because most people are quite aware of what a human is, what they could be if humanity weren't so fucking evil and sadistic, and that clearly deserve better than what they're getting. You don't need to invent some statistics and then bastardize them beyond recognition to justify more misery and insinuation, and the point of the eugenists isn't to reach some set goal or look for any objective metric. It's to defend their insinuation machine and select for the most predatory fucks of any race, and encourage their filthy religion through unlimited fear. If you really need a Final Solution in this world, the eugenists are the race to be exterminated first, and inshallah, it will happen.