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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.479729[Watch Thread]>>479731>>479732

judging government based on their policy is wrong.
judging government based on what said government said is wrong.
judging government based on what the people said is wrong.
potraying government as hating queers and minorities is wrong.
stop potraying goverment as if they monitor their citizen 24/7 to see sign if they do things that are considered queer or againts making hetero familliy. and then arrest them becuase they hate queer people and put them on scary labour/torture/cell camp. it is wrong to potray government like this.
stop potraying government as if their country have every region filled with anti-queer/ anti-minority people who are the same as american conservative level people. it is wrong to potray government and country as that.
always remember to specify everytime everywhere.


Archive. An idiot and a degenerate.


>>479729 (OP)
Not sure where you're going with this.

Can you explain for example the first one
>judging government based on their policy is wrong.


>>479729 (OP)
>judging government based on their policy is wrong.
no it isn't


it actually is but not for faggot op reasons. If a bourgeois government finances its military it can be sure to be used against the proles. If a DotP does the same policy it can certainly be a good thing. Liberals get into the policy only mindset and end up supporting backwards policies like higher tax rates for the sake of "public works" ie paying off your campaign backers.


>If a bourgeois government finances its military it can be sure to be used against the proles. If a DotP does the same policy it can certainly be a good thing.
This is true, it matters what class interests are served. But here is a question: did socialist countries actually use the same policies as capitalist countries ?


yes, this is especially true for elementary policy like setting sales tax in regional governments. Policy is broadly defined such that the capitalist kernel is removed and it spans multiple modes of production.

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