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 No.479880[Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>477700

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 31,000.

The US Senate, with Biden's support, passed a bill to authorize more than $14,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible, Nicaragua signed on to the case.

Houthi rebels in Yemen have attacked cargo ships in the Red Sea in an attempt to disrupt the supply line of Israel's ongoing carpet bombing campaign against Gaza, resulting in the sinking of the Rubymar. The Biden admin has responded to the Houthis with a retaliatory bombing campaign, killing multiple fighters and at least one civilian. An attack on the True Confidence in March then yielded the first 3 civilian casualties of Houthi attacks.

Trade unionists in Scotland and England have blockaded major UK arms factories.

Canada, Australia, and the EU have started to resume funding to UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugee aid. Members of the agency have stated that Israel employed torture when interrogating them.

Joe Biden has been sued for complicity in genocide in a US federal court, and so far has only gotten off on a jurisdictional technicality.

Starvation deaths have increased in Gaza amid Israel's imposed famine.

War has continued to spread throughout the region as Israel attacks Lebanon and Syria. Three US soldiers were killed at a base in Jordan as retaliation for US support of Israel's war crimes, and the US retaliated with a renewed bombing campaign against Iraq and Syria.

US airman Aaron Bushnell self-immolated in opposition to US complicity in the Palestinian genocide.


>The US Senate, with Biden's support, passed a bill to authorize more than $14,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel.
So does that mean it cost 14Bn to destroy Gaza ?
According to Egyptian President, it'll cost 90Bn to rebuild Gaza.

>Trade unionists in Scotland and England have blockaded major UK arms factories.

Based Scotts upholding international law


death to israel


>So does that mean it cost 14Bn to destroy Gaza?
To be totally honest, I'm not sure these people know what stuff costs.


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Canada to halt arms sales to Israel after non-binding vote in house of commons

Parliamentary motion from New Democratic party passed with support of Liberals, Bloc Québécois and Green party

Canada will halt future arms sales to Israel following a non-binding vote in the house of commons. The foreign affairs minister, Mélanie Joly, told the Toronto Star her government would halt future arms shipments. “It is a real thing,” she said on Tuesday.

The decision follows a parliamentary motion, introduced by the New Democratic party (NDP), that called on the governing Liberals to halt future arms exports to Israel. The New Democrats, who are supporting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s minority government, have expressed frustration with what they see as his failure to do enough to protect civilians in Gaza.

The motion – which passed 204-117 with the support of Liberals, Bloc Québécois and the Green party – also called on Canada to work “towards the establishment of the state of Palestine”.

The successful vote late on Monday followed a last-minute deal between the Liberals and the NDP, which had previously called on the government to “recognize the state of Palestine”.

The vote does not appear to change Canada’s position that Palestinian statehood should come as the result of a negotiated settlement with Israel.

Canada previously said that while it had paused issuing military export permits to Israel, it was still assessing applications on “on a case-by-case basis”.

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East called the motion “watered-down” in a statement, but said it represented a “small step forward for ending Canadian complicity in Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza”.


‘Man-made famine’ charge against Israel is backed by mounting body of evidence

Prospect of Israel facing war crimes charges has moved closer after UN condemnation of Gaza aid restrictions

The accusation by the UN and other humanitarians that Israel may be committing a war crime by deliberately starving Gaza’s population is likely to significantly increase the prospect of legal culpability for the country, including at the international court of justice.

Amid reports that the Israel Defense Forces are hiring dozens of lawyers to defend against anticipated cases and legal challenges, the charge that Israel has triggered a “man-made famine” by deliberately obstructing the entry of aid into Gaza is backed by an increasing body of evidence.

Already facing a complaint of genocide from South Africa at the ICJ, the UN’s top court – including an allegation that senior Israeli political officials have incited genocide in public statements – Israel is also the subject of a provisional emergency ruling by the court ordering it to admit life-saving aid to Gaza.

On Wednesday, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, underlined the growing sense of crisis as he warned that all of Gaza’s 2 million people were experiencing “severe levels of acute food insecurity” – the first time an entire population of Gaza has been so classified.

A central plank of any case that Israel has provoked a famine is the data generated by the UN’s Gaza famine review committee, staffed by international experts on food security, whose findings this week fall under the auspices of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) – regarded as the international gold standard in assessing food crises.

Highly technical, often cautious and designed to be neutral in its analysis, the committee – which had already warned of the risk of famine not least in the worst affected region of northern Gaza – has relied on World Food Programme surveys that concludedPalestinians were already facing IPC phase 4 and 5 levels of malnutrition – “emergency” and “catastrophe”.

The IPC committee also examined access for food trucks to the worst affected area, concluding that a “very limited number of trucks carrying food aid is authorised to enter north Gaza and Gaza governates and since 5 February there has been no report of food trucks being able to discharge in Gaza City”.

The IPC’s report is backed up by analysis prepared independently and sent this week to the Biden administration by Oxfam America and Human Rights Watch to highlight Israel’s failure to comply with a new requirement from Washington that recipients of US arms supplies need to comply with international law.

That analysis accused Israel of “systematically prevent[ing] aid” from reaching “the roughly 300,000 Palestinians who remain in northern Gaza, where the threat of starvation is most acute”.

The two organisations added that in the first six weeks of this year, “over half of the planned humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza were obstructed by Israeli authorities”. Charging Israel with a deliberate policy of starvation, the documents adds: “International humanitarian law prohibits parties to a conflict from deliberately causing ‘the population to suffer hunger, particularly by depriving it of its sources of food or of supplies’.”

Exacerbating Israel’s legal exposure over the issue of starvation are public comments made early in the war by the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, advocating a “complete siege of Gaza” and making clear that he meant: “No electricity, no food, no water.”

“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he said.


‘Diabolical attempt’: Group denounces UNRWA funding block

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) pressed Congress not to pass a bill that shuts down desperately needed money for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

CAIR said the legislation, if passed, would block funding until March 2025 and contribute to “starvation” in Gaza. The US historically has provided the UN agency with about $350m per year.

“We call on all Americans to urge their member of Congress to reject this diabolical attempt to support the starvation of Palestinians in Gaza banning funding for UNWRA,” said the group’s Robert S McCaw.

“Numerous other nations, including Canada, restored funding to UNWRA after it became clear the Israeli government was baselessly trying to rob Palestinians of the relief agency.”

Israel accused several members of UNRWA’s staff of participating in the October 7 attack. The allegations have yet to be proven.

Blinken told Qatar to threaten Hamas officials with expulsion: Report

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told Qatar earlier this month that it must pressure Hamas to reach an agreement with Israel or risk having its senior members kicked out of Doha, according to US news channel CNN.

It cited unnamed US officials as saying this happened on March 5, before Hamas put forth a new proposal which was discussed this week in the Qatari capital.

CNN says Qatar “understood the message and received it without major pushback” and that it remains unclear whether Qatar ended up delivering such an ultimatum to Hamas leaders – who have been living in Doha for years.

Qatar has not immediately reacted to the report or publicly commented on its contents.

Israel’s Gallant heading to Washington with weapons demands: Report

Israeli defence and war cabinet minister, Yoav Gallant, is headed to Washington next week reportedly with a long list of US weapons that Israel wishes to receive for its war on Gaza.

Gallant is expected to meet with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan and will arrive on Sunday, reports US-based news website Axios.

It cites an unnamed senior Israeli official as saying the requests will not only include short-term arms orders for the war on Gaza but also longer-term deliveries including more fighter jets.

This is happening as the US and other allies’ arms sales to Israel are under increasing international scrutiny as the Israeli military continues to kill Palestinian civilians on a daily basis.

The request for more weapons is also coming as Israel pushes for a planned ground invasion of Rafah, and continues to engage in cross-border fighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Houthi leader says 479 missiles and drones launched since October

Houthi leader Abdel-Malik al-Houthi says the Yemeni group has launched 479 missiles and drones since late October in its efforts to support Palestinians and stop Israel’s war on Gaza.

He pointed out during his latest speech that the Israeli port city of Eilat has taken a financial hit from Houthi attacks on vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and pledged that the group has more “plans” in the works to hurt Israel, without elaborating.

“God willing, we leave room for action first and then for words,” he was quoted as saying by the Houthi-run Al Masirah channel.

Al-Houthi also said the group will continue to resist as US and UK attacks on Yemen are persisting in full force, with 31 air raids and naval bombardments coming on multiple Yemeni governorates this week alone. The two Western powers have launched 407 attacks on Yemen since January, he said.

WHO loses contact with al-Shifa Hospital staff amid Israeli raid

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says on X that the UN’s World Health Organization and its partners have not been in touch with health personnel at al-Shifa Hospital since the Israeli raid on the facility, now in its fourth day, began.

“We are seeking information on the patients’ condition and if they are receiving needed care,” he said. “Accessing Al-Shifa is now impossible, and there are reports of health workers being arrested and detained.

“We repeat once again: hospitals are not battlegrounds. They must be protected in line with international humanitarian law.”



Breaking news and analysis on day 166 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast

Includes: latest news, clips of recent anti-tank attacks (around 2 hours, 9 minutes), more info about the Biden pier, guest appearance by Israeli historian Ilan Pappé.


Latest George Galloway episode includes a number of interesting details:

1. Allegedly, the Gaza pier/jetty is being built, at least in part, from Gaza rubble. That is, they're taking the material from homes destroyed by Israel and using it for this bizarre project. Galloway points out that much of this rubble also still contains human remains. I haven't dived deep into this yet, but CBC at least has an article backing it up:

2. Larry Ellison (Oracle corporation co-founder) is a close friend of Benjamin Netanyahu and apparently once offered Netanyahu a seat on the board. Oracle has a contract with U.S. intelligence, and notably also bought Sun Microsystems (of Java fame) in 2010.

3. Ireland apparently switched, at some point, to using police recording technology provided by "Nice Systems," a subsidiary of the Israeli company Elbit Systems.

4. Over the past decade or so, an organization called Forward Thinking has organized meetings between Likud and Sinn Fein.

5. The continued supply of bombs to Israel by the US is now resulting in the sending of surplus munitions from all the way back in the Korean war.

Link to the start of Lowkey's interview:


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Hezbollah confirms sixth attack on Israeli forces

The armed Lebanese group attacked the town of Shlomi in northern Israel this evening in what is its sixth attack of the day.

Earlier, Hezbollah claimed multiple attacks targeting buildings used by Israeli soldiers, and a “positioning point for a military intelligence force” in Metulla.

Hezbollah has warned it’s fully ready to battle Israel after its fighters exchanged cross-border attacks since Israel launched its war on Gaza in October.

Hezbollah has at least 60,000 fighters and it increased its stockpile of missiles from 14,000 in 2006 to about 150,000 now.

Many Palestinians ‘executed extrajudicially’ at al-Shifa Hospital: Rights group

The Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor says what the Israeli military is doing at the al-Shifa Hospital and surrounding areas in Gaza “reflects a pattern of systemic violence”.

The group noted that Israeli forces are detaining medical staff, including doctors and nurses, inside the hospital in Gaza City and preventing them from providing lifesaving care.

“Patients are languishing without medical attention,” it said, adding it documented at least three such patient deaths.

“The ongoing Israeli atrocities in al-Shifa Medical Complex have resulted in the deaths of over 200 Palestinians, including civilians. Many were deliberately killed or executed extrajudicially after arrest,” the rights organisation alleged.

Hamas says fighter sniped Israeli sniper near al-Shifa Hospital

The military wing of Hamas released a video it says shows a Palestinian sniper spotting and then successfully hitting an Israeli sniper in the vicinity of the al-Shifa Hospital.

The incident occurred as intense battles continue to rage in the area.

The Palestinian shooter is seen in the video released by Qassam Brigades firing a heavy calibre bullet and hitting a hole dug out on the side of a building, from which an Israeli sniper appeared to be scoping out the area.

Jenin residents go on strike following Israeli drone attack

Palestinians in Jenin are going on strike to denounce the killing of three young men from their city in an Israeli drone strike yesterday.

The men – Mahmoud Bassam Rahal, Ahmed Hani Barakat, and Muhammad Abdullah al-Fayed – were killed when an Israeli drone-fired missile struck their car as it passed by a hospital in the Jenin camp, according to witnesses cited by the Palestinian Wafa news agency.

The Israeli military and internal security agency Shin Bet described two of those killed as “senior Islamic Jihad operatives”.

Today’s protest strike in Jenin will affect “all aspects of commercial life” as well as public and educational institutions, reports Wafa.

Norway wealth fund’s ethics council scrutinising companies with possible Israel weapons links

The ethics council of Norway’s $1.6 trillion wealth fund is investigating whether companies it holds shares in may be violating its ethical guidelines over the sale of weapons to Israel during the war on Gaza.

The fund may divest from such firms if they are found to supply weapons that are used in “serious and systematic violations” of the rights of individuals in war or conflict or of international rules on the conduct of war, according to the fund’s ethical guidelines.

“We are looking at this because of the seriousness of the breach of the norms that we see,” the ethics council’s chairperson, Svein Richard Brandtzaeg, told the Reuters news agency. “Israel is now more in focus than before.”

The Norwegian fund previously divested from nine firms, all Israeli, over their activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, such as constructing homes in illegal Israeli settlements or supplying surveillance systems for Israel’s separation wall.

Flaming object thrown at Israeli embassy in The Hague

Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf has reported that the Israeli embassy in The Hague was evacuated after a flaming object was thrown at the premises.

Police arrested a suspect, the newspaper said, without providing further details on their identity.

The incident in the third largest city in the Netherlands comes as Israeli embassies around the world are on a high alert amid sustained protests demanding a halt to the brutal war in Gaza and the unrestricted delivery of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian population.

Most Palestinians would remain in Gaza in case of Rafah invasion: Survey

The survey by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) that we reported on earlier also presents interesting findings about perceptions of a potential Israeli ground invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza.

Half of those polled in the occupied West Bank said Palestinians would rush towards the Egyptian border in case of an invasion, with 24 percent of Gazans sharing this belief. Overall, 40 percent said they think they would go to the border.

Sixty-one percent of respondents said they believe the Egyptian army and police would shoot at Palestinians if they see them rushing toward the border en masse, with Gaza residents sharing a stronger opinion on this than their West Bank counterparts – 68 percent compared to 55 percent, respectively.

Almost 70 percent of respondents said they would not leave their homes or shelters if the border barriers between Gaza and Egypt somehow fell.

Hamas says ‘silence’ on al-Shifa Hospital raid shows international failure

Hamas released a statement condemning what it called “shameful silence” on Israel’s ongoing raid on the al-Shifa Hospital complex and surrounding areas.

The group said it’s “a disgrace and a moral failure on the part of the international community and the United Nations” because they’ve been unable to stop Israel’s devastating war on Gaza. It also denounced Washington’s financial and military support for Tel Aviv.

Hamas said Arab countries and the international community must “take urgent action to stop this genocide and the systematic destruction of health facilities in the Gaza Strip”.

Blinken’s diplomacy producing no results, says Palestinian Foreign Ministry

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said US Secretary of State Blinken’s shuttle diplomacy in the Middle East has yet to yield “any tangible results” for Gaza.

Instead, it is giving Israel more time to “escalate its aggression against our people”, the ministry said in a statement.

“The Israeli government is taking advantage of the failure, the ability to speak and make statements to gain more time to complete the achievement of its basic objectives of its aggression against the Palestinian people,” it added.

Blinken, currently on his sixth Middle East trip since the Gaza war broke out, said yesterday that Israel and Hamas were making progress towards a ceasefire agreement.

After visiting Saudi Arabia, Blinken will head to Egypt today to meet with Arab foreign ministers and a senior Palestinian official.

Palestinian Authority says Israel welcoming Blinken with settler expansion
The Palestinian foreign ministry says in a statement that the Israeli government is welcoming US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on his sixth tour of the region by “escalating its crimes against our people and plundering their homeland”.

It strongly condemned the “seizure of large areas of citizens’ lands” in al-Khader south of Bethlehem in occupied Palestinian territory, along with the seizure of a Palestinian man’s home and his displacement from Tuqu southeast of Bethlehem.

The foreign ministry said Israel is trying to “sabotage international efforts made to resolve the conflict and implement the principle of a two-state solution”.

‘Appalling crisis in Palestine not Europe’s finest hour’: Ireland PM

Ireland’s Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says mixed messages among EU nations over Israel’s war on Gaza has undermined efforts to stop it.

“I think the response to the appalling crisis in Palestine has not been Europe’s finest hour, quite frankly,” he told reporters in Brussels.

“So many countries in the Global South – otherwise known as most of the world – interpret Europe’s actions relating to Ukraine versus Palestine as double standards. I think they have a point.”

UK’s Cameron says ‘arbitrary denials’ by Israeli government blocking Gaza aid

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron says “arbitrary denials by the government of Israel” in addition to lengthy clearance procedures are “the main blockers” of humanitarian aid going into the Gaza Strip.

“I wish this were the case,” he writes in a letter in response to UK lawmaker Alicia Kearns about Israeli claims that any amount of aid arriving at the borders of the besieged enclave can get in.

“It is of enormous frustration that UK aid for Gaza has been routinely held up waiting for Israeli permissions. For instance, I am aware of some UK-funded aid being stuck at the border for just under three weeks waiting for approval.”



Video of Israel airstriking guys who are just walking around.


Has Hezbollah already been fighting Israel and nobody said anything? I was about to say, it's about fucking time they stopped posturing and actually did something to end this catastrophe.


Larry Ellison is one of the especially dangerous brands of Zionists: He's an athiestic Jew who supports Israel just because of its technology sector. He's also the 8th richest man in the world and owns 98% of the Hawaiian island of Lanai as his private fiefdom.


dude they have been bombing israel every day since october 7. They've caused over 100k israelis to flee their settlements.


>Has Hezbollah already been fighting Israel
yes, although they have not conducted big offensives, probably because Iran asked them to keep it at a minimum.
>and nobody said anything?
There have been mentions of Hezbollah, but now that you point it out, it does seem odd that it got little attention.


I've posted about it some, though looking back it looks like most of what I've posted has been about Israel's attacks on Lebanon. Ups. Yeah, they've been fighting for months.


The US finally took a ceasefire resolution to the UNSC, but it was watered-down compared to the ones they'd vetoed. I'm not sure what the 'good' outcome of this would have been, but it's possible there wasn't one.

UN Security Council deadlock ‘costing lives’: Amnesty chief Agnes Callamard, secretary-general of Amnesty International, says the UN Security Council continues to be stuck in a “macabre checkmate” as Palestinians are dying.

“It is costing lives, preventing aid from reaching Palestinians who are being starved, and making the return of civilian hostages held in Gaza more elusive,” she wrote on X, renewing her call for an immediate ceasefire.

Russia, China and Algeria voted against the latest resolution introduced by the US – after Washington vetoed three previous resolutions – as it contained no explicit call for an immediate truce and linked it to a captive exchange agreement between Israel and Hamas.


This inevitably makes China & Russia & Algeria look kind of stupid, but even some western news outlets are pointing out how hollow this specific resolution was:

What did US Gaza ceasefire resolution say and why did Russia and China veto it?

Draft resolution put before UN represents important tonal – but not substantive – shift for White House

After months of vetoing other UN security council resolutions in an effort to defend Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, the US has in recent weeks gone on to the diplomatic front foot in New York, drafting and tabling its own resolution that was put to a vote on Friday before being vetoed by Russia and China.

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said the resolution would send “a strong signal”. But what was that signal precisely?

What did the US resolution say?
The opening wording on an immediate ceasefire was complex, even convoluted. It urged the UN to “determine the imperative for an immediate and sustained ceasefire to protect civilians on all sides, allow for the delivery of essential humanitarian assistance, and alleviate humanitarian suffering”.

It thereby supported “diplomatic efforts to secure such a ceasefire in connection with the release of all remaining hostages”. The US’s critics, including Russia, noted the text did not explicitly use the word “call” in terms of a ceasefire. It also implied the ceasefire would be conditional on the release of all hostages. The text marked an important tonal shift for the US, since previously the US had called for a ceasefire as soon as practicable, but the change was not as substantive as some headlines suggest.

What happened in the vote?

The US claimed its draft had the support of at least nine of the 15-strong security council members, enough for the vote to pass so long as no veto was wielded by one of the five security council members. In the end it secured 11 votes, but three voted against including the veto-wielding Russia and China. Guyana abstained.

Why did Russia and China veto?

The Russian deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, warned reporters on Thursday: “We are not satisfied with anything which doesn’t call for an immediate ceasefire.”

After the vote, he said: “At the coordination stage, almost all security council members expressed the view that the demand for an immediate ceasefire should not be conditional on the release of hostages or the condemnation of Hamas.”

He argued that the effect of making a ceasefire conditional on the release of all hostages would be to endorse leaving hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinian civilians exposed to continued Israeli attacks until the point when Hamas and Isreal reached an agreement.

In the chamber, the Russian ambassador Vasily Nebenzya told the security council the resolution was a “hypocritical spectacle” that put no real pressure on Israel over its war crimes. Moscow also said the episode showed the US administration was more interested in throwing a bone to American voters and persuading a domestic audience it was being even-handed in the crisis.

Explaining Guyana’s abstention, the South American country’s representative Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett said: “Contrary to media reports, this resolution does not call for an immediate ceasefire.”

She also added the demand that a ceasefire should not be linked to or conditioned on the release of hostages. “Two wrongs cannot make a right and the Palestinian people should not be collectively punished and themselves held hostage for the crimes of others.

“If one were to read this resolution without background knowledge, it would be difficult to ascertain which party in this conflict is committing the atrocities in Gaza – atrocities which necessitated this draft resolution being put forward. In a resolution of 41 paragraphs, 2,036 words, the occupying power is mentioned once in the penultimate paragraph.”

Would it have mattered?

Yes. Diplomatically, the US would have benefited from showing some positive leadership at the UN and demonstrating it is not as isolated as it has appeared in its support for Israel. The bulk of the operational part of the text was directed at Israel without being explicit in those criticisms. It reiterated calls for aid to flow faster, including by opening more land crossings and fewer restrictions on goods allowed to enter Gaza. It opposed the forcible displacement of Palestinians, and the creation of buffer zones. It would have also been the first time that the UN collectively condemned Hamas by calling for restrictions on its finances.

But the resolution was silent on three contentious issues. In a clause directed at Israel, it urged all parties to cooperate with the investigations into the neutrality of the UN relief works agency Unrwa, but did not call for a return to funding of the agency at this stage. The future governance of Gaza was largely untouched save to give the UN special coordinator a clear role. It did not say if international humanitarian law was being breached.

What happens now the resolution has been defeated?

A rival draft resolution favoured by African states has been circulating that is more explicit about an immediate ceasefire, but this will not be put to the vote on Friday. France’s ambassador to the UN, Nicolas de Rivière, has said an alternative draft championed by the non-permanent members of the security council, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Ramadan, “will come to the table and put to the vote”. He said: “We need a ceasefire and then talks.”

But such are the entrenched divisions in the security council that this resolution is also likely to be killed – this time by a US veto, potentially the fourth of this conflict. For many observers, the episode will confirm that the security council is simply broken.


Apparently it's a much longer resolution than I remember the leaked versions being, too. I don't remember anything about freezing Hamas's finances in the last version I saw.


What is it with these guys and private islands?


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'Moral failure’: US House approves bill banning UNRWA funding

Ali Harb

Washington, DC – The United States House of Representatives has approved a $1.2 trillion funding bill that would ban funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) amid the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

The measure, which passed in a 286 to 134 vote on Friday, would keep the government fully functioning in advance of a partial shutdown deadline.

The proposed legislation now goes to the Senate, which must pass it by midnight on Friday, when several government agencies would start running out of money. President Joe Biden has promised to sign the bill into law immediately, if the Democratic-controlled upper chamber of Congress passes the legislation as expected.

The measure faced opposition from dozens of far-right Republicans, who argued that it does not curb government spending enough. After the vote, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene introduced a motion to remove House Speaker Mike Johnson from his post for his endorsement of the bipartisan spending deal.

Twenty-two Democrats, many of whom had expressed concerns about the UNRWA provision, joined Republicans in opposing the plan.

Maya Berry, executive director of the Arab American Institute (AAI), called the passage of the bill “an incredible moral failure”.

“Our political process has chosen to cut US funding to literally the only entity that can address the level of suffering and scale of suffering that’s happening in Gaza right now,” Berry told Al Jazeera.


Israeli captive families ask Biden to pressure Netanyahu for a deal

A letter signed by 587 family members of 81 captives still held in Gaza calls on US President Joe Biden to push for a captive-prisoner exchange agreement.

“We encourage you to use the means available to you, to press and convince all parties, including the Israeli prime minister, to agree to the deal that you assess is reasonable,” they write.

“As Israel’s closest ally, we seek your assistance in steering the Israeli prime minister towards the right course of action.”

The Israeli relatives say they’re contacting Biden directly because they’re frustrated about “the lack of ongoing communication and commitment” from Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet.

“We have faith in your ability to negotiate a deal that prioritises the security and wellbeing of all people affected and wish to help you in mobilising support for that deal.”

Lebanon denounces Israeli attacks on air-traffic control system

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry says it will file an urgent complaint with the UN Security Council over what it called Israel’s “violation of its sovereignty” by disrupting civil aviation navigation systems.

It said Israel’s attacks on navigation systems are affecting the safety of civil aviation in the airspace of Beirut’s Rafic Hariri International Airport.

“Lebanon also holds Israel internationally responsible for the consequences of any accident or disaster caused by Israel’s deliberate policy of jamming air and ground navigation systems, and deliberately disrupting signal receiving and transmitting devices,” a statement said.

An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson, who did not deny Lebanon’s allegations, said Beirut “allows” Hezbollah to attack Israeli civilians from its territory, so it has no right to complain.

“Lebanon is the last country to discuss sovereignty while it is harbouring a terrorist organisation that has displaced tens of thousands of citizens.”

Hezbollah hits Israeli army position near border

Lebanese armed group says it targeted a building where Israeli soldiers were stationed at the Zarit settlement on the Israel-Lebanon border – the latest in a series of attacks.

The armed group has engaged Israel with cross-border attacks since Israel launched its war on Gaza. More than 300 people have been killed in Lebanon, including some 240 members of Hezbollah, while about 20 Israelis have been killed.

The fighting has also forced some 90,000 people to flee southern Lebanon, and tens of thousands to evacuate northern Israel.



‘Millions’ pour into Yemeni streets in weekly pro-Palestinian marches

A sea of people took to the streets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen in the latest march to oppose Israel’s war on Gaza and express solidarity with Palestinians.

The footage below shows the al-Sabeen Square in the capital Sanaa, which has been the main gathering place for demonstrators since the start of the war – and US and UK attacks on Yemen since January to stop Houthi attacks in the Red Sea.

Nasreddin Amer, deputy head of the media authority of the Houthis, says “millions” joined the marches on the second Friday of Ramadan as with previous weeks.


‘Famine is imminent’: UN says aid mission to northern Gaza thwarted

About 7,500 people in northern Gaza were supposed to get food assistance but the mission was unsuccessful because “access denied”.

“Famine, particularly in the north, is imminent,” the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a post on X.

Israeli military attacks Hezbollah buildings with air raids

The Israeli military released aerial footage it says shows massive air raids on structures used by Hezbollah.

The attacks targeted buildings in southern Lebanon’s Khiam, Aita al-Shaab, and Taybeh, it said.

Deadly skirmishes on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon have raised the prospect of a broader conflict in the Middle East after Israel attacked the Gaza Strip last October.

Judicial review demanded of UK government’s arming of Israel

The Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) and Al-Haq rights groups have been allowed by the UK government to participate in hearings that seek a judicial review of London’s refusal to stop arming Israel during its war on Gaza.

David Lammy, the shadow foreign minister, urged Foreign Secretary David Cameron to publish formal legal advice on whether Israel is violating international law.

“Speaking about intent in the context of international humanitarian law is quite misleading. If a state fails to distinguish military and civilian objects, or to take reasonable precautions or to make a proper proportionality assessment, that amounts to a violation and it’s immaterial whether or not they intended to cause such harm,” Charlotte Andrews-Brisco, a lawyer with GLAN, told the Guardian newspaper.

“This is a textbook case of the war crime of starvation of individuals as a method of warfare.”



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Apparently Antony Blinken, at 19, in 1982, wrote an article for the Harvard paper where he criticized Reagan for using actual leverage against Israel.



‘More direct, to the point’ UNSC resolution vote on Saturday

The UN Security Council will vote on a new draft Gaza ceasefire resolution put forward by elected members on Saturday at 10am New York time (14:00 GMT), Al Jazeera confirms.

“It’s about 10 sentences or so, it’s a more direct and to the point resolution,” reports correspondent Gabriel Elizondo, holding the document in his hand.

“The key part is the wording. It ‘demands an immediate ceasefire’ for the month of Ramadan. It leaves nothing to the imagination, nothing to interpret. It’s very clear.

“By all accounts, this draft resolution has widespread support among the Security Council. The big question is will the United States find it acceptable?” said Elizondo.



Anyone have the full text of the US resolution which was recently rejected at the UN Security Council? The more I read about it, the worse it sounds.


Maersk continues to avoid Red Sea route despite EU security operation

The shipping giant says it’s aware other transportation companies have continued sailing through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, or announced plans to resume sailing, but it won’t follow suit.

“We continue with our own assessment that the current situation does not allow us to make a similar decision,” Maersk said in a statement on its website.

“We still believe sailing via the Cape of Good Hope and around Africa is the most reasonable solution at the moment, and the one that currently allows the best supply-chain stability,”

Maersk, one of the world’s biggest container shipping companies, suspended Red Sea traffic on January 5 and has since redirected ships via the Cape of Good Hope.

The EU’s naval mission in the southern Red Sea was launched in February to help protect the key maritime trade route from drone and missile attacks by Yemen’s Houthi group.

The Houthis say they have been targeting Israel-linked ships to help bring an end to the war on Gaza.

‘More direct, to the point’ UNSC resolution vote on Saturday

The UN Security Council will vote on a new draft Gaza ceasefire resolution put forward by elected members on Saturday at 10am New York time (14:00 GMT), Al Jazeera confirms.

“It’s about 10 sentences or so, it’s a more direct and to the point resolution,” reports correspondent Gabriel Elizondo, holding the document in his hand.

“The key part is the wording. It ‘demands an immediate ceasefire’ for the month of Ramadan. It leaves nothing to the imagination, nothing to interpret. It’s very clear.

“By all accounts, this draft resolution has widespread support among the Security Council. The big question is will the United States find it acceptable?” said Elizondo.

Israel torches al-Shifa Hospital department: Gaza Health Ministry

Israel has bombed several buildings at al-Shifa Hospital and burned down its vascular department, Gaza’s Health Ministry says.

Israel forces also detained about 240 patients and 10 health personnel at the Prince Nayef Center, the hospital’s radiology unit, the ministry added.

Hamas has condemned what it calls Israel’s “bloody massacre” at al-Shifa and said civilians, patients and displaced people were among dozens of fatalities.

Al-Shifa, the Gaza Strip’s largest hospital before the current conflict started, is one of the few healthcare facilities that is even partially operational in the north of the enclave.

Euro-Med Monitor: Israel ‘systematically killing’ Palestinian tech experts

The Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor says the Israeli army has systematically assassinated dozens of programmers, information technology experts, and computer engineering analysts in the Gaza Strip.

The rights group compiled a list of the hundreds of tech professionals killed by the Israeli military in the past few months It included programmer Haitham al-Nabahin, who was killed with his wife in a house they fled to in Bureji refugee camp.

In addition to killing the experts, the Israeli army has also been destroying the headquarters of communication companies and other technology infrastructure, the organisation reports.

“These crimes appear to be part of Israel’s public policies aimed at making the Gaza Strip uninhabitable by destroying fundamental life structures and eliminating talent. This will certainly lead to a paralysed society incapable of quickly recovering from the disastrous fallout from Israel’s serious crimes committed during that period.”

Palestinians in Gaza disappointed by lack of practical steps to alleviate suffering

Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

People here are following all diplomatic efforts, including the vote that just took place at the UN Security Council.

They believe that all these meetings have not led to any practical steps to mitigate the crisis in the Gaza Strip or to pressure Israel into scaling back its attack.

Ultimately, Palestinians believe the US is backing Israel.

But they also hope that the ongoing talks in Cairo and Doha will yield some results in light of the US’s desire to see a six-week truce in Gaza that would bring at least some temporary relief.

Algeria takes UNSC floor

Algeria was one of the three countries that rejected the US-draft resolution

Amar Bendjama, Algeria’s ambassador to the UN, said the text was inadequate and failed to address the immense suffering endured by the Palestinians.

“Those who believe that the Israeli occupying power will choose to uphold its international legal obligations are mistaken,” he told the council.

“They must abandon this fiction.”

France to work on new UN Gaza ceasefire resolution after veto

President Emmanuel Macron has said France will work on a new UN resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza following the Russian and Chinese veto against the resolution proposed by the US.

“Following Russia’s and China’s veto a few minutes ago, we are going to resume work on the basis of the French draft resolution in the Security Council and work with our American, European and Arab partners to reach an agreement,” Macron said at end of a European Union leaders’ summit in Brussels.

France’s foreign ministry said on Thursday it had started drafting a resolution with diplomats, saying they would put a draft forward if the US draft resolution did not pass.

Russian envoy says US text ‘effective green light’ for Rafah raid

Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, has now taken the floor.

He says the US draft resolution “contains an effective green light for Israel to mount a military operation in Rafah”.

Nebenzya adds that Russia has already stated that it will no longer tolerate “pointless resolutions, which do not contain a call for a ceasefire which lead us to nowhere”.

More on the US comments to the Security Council

Thomas-Greenfield has said the proposed UN resolution “will move us closer to securing that deal and help us alleviate suffering”.

“I urge all Security Council members to vote yes,” the US ambassador to the UN said. “To vote for a resolution that condemns Hamas for its horrific attacks and sexual violence, that makes clear that all civilians – Israeli and Palestinians – should be able to live without fear of violence, and stresses that a ground offensive in Gaza poses a great threat to civilians.”


Bonus - a quirky TRT piece on red cows. I'm not sure if Obaida actually mentioned this specifically, but the Hamas explanation of their reasoning did include the proposed 'Judaization' of Al-Aqsa mosque among its grievances, and Israel has apparently planned this, and if you search for it you'll find a bunch of results with evangelicals drooling over the prospect of this animal sacrifice. They're very excited for it.

Still looking for this - anyone have it?


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War in Gaza is worsening humanitarian conditions in Syria: UN official

Israel’s war on Gaza has increased commodity prices in Syria due to global shipping disruptions, and “a significant increase” in Israeli air attacks against targets in the country, according to the United Nations resident and humanitarian coordinator for Syria, Adam Abdelmoula.

Israel has launched hundreds of air strikes in Syria since civil war broke out in 2011, targeting Iran-backed forces including Hezbollah as well as Syrian army positions, but attacks have increased since Israel’s war with Hamas, a Hezbollah ally, began on October 7.

“The targeting of the airports in Syria” has also affected humanitarian air services, Abdelmoula said, adding that “this past year, we had to cancel 49 humanitarian flights”.

The UN official appealed to the international community for about $4bn in humanitarian assistance for Syria, warning funding was almost non-existent and that a lack of support would push more Syrians to emigrate.

Palestinian ministry slams Israel over new settlement plan

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs says Israel’s claim to 8,000 dunams (1,977 acres, 800 hectares) of land in the Jordan Valley is a “crime” that is part of an “official policy racing against time to annex the West Bank and eliminate the possibility of creating a Palestinian state”.

“There are no morals, values, principles or international resolutions that can stop the extremist right,” the ministry said in a statement.

It added that the plan by Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to develop hundreds of housing units near the Israeli settlement of Yafit was once again an indication that Israel “denies the existence of our people and incites their extermination and displacement”.

“Israel’s continued impunity provides the fascists with the necessary time to complete the slaughter and extermination of our people, the theft of their homeland and their displacement from it,” it said, adding that international complicity with Israel’s crimes was “the crime of the century.”

More than 7,350 West Bank Palestinians arrested by Israel during Gaza war

Israel has taken thousands of Palestinians captive since Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7.

In the process, Israeli authorities have become increasingly violent, often storming homes inside the occupied West Bank and beating everyone inside, according to a staff member of the Palestinian monitor Addameer.

Once in custody, Palestinians face even more abuse.

“Lots of people had their [sternum] or heads broken, often gushing with blood,” 54-year-old Matar told Al Jazeera three months after he was released from detention.

“We weren’t even treated like animals. At least animals are treated with some sort of dignity.”

Finland becomes latest country to resume UNRWA funding

Finland’s Foreign Trade and Development Minister Ville Tavio said Helsinki would continue supporting the UN agency for Palestinian refugees after it improved its risk management practices.

The UNRWA had come under fire over Israeli accusations that some of its staff members participated in Hamas’s October 7 attack.

As a result, several Western countries initially paused their funding to the agency, but Canada, Australia and Sweden have since restored funding.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called the UNRWA the “backbone” of the humanitarian response in Gaza, and dozens of humanitarian groups warned no other organisation can replace its crucial role in delivering aid to the enclave.

Israeli protesters march near Netanyahu’s home demanding early election

Israeli protesters marched on Thursday night near the home of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Caesarea, south of Haifa, demanding the return of captives in Gaza and for national elections to be held early.

Footage from the demonstration, published by Al Jazeera Arabic, shows the protesters marching to the sound of drums and horns, waving Israeli flags and holding a sign saying “Bibi – stop killing Israel”.


UN rapporteur: Israeli crimes in Gaza could keep ICC ‘busy for the next five decades’
The UN special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territory has said that “accountability is more needed than ever” over Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

“The colossal amount of evidence concerning [international] crimes committed by Israel in Gaza just over the past 6 months could keep the [ICC] busy for the next five decades, especially at the current proceedings pace,” Francesca Albanese said in a post on X.

She was responding to footage of four Palestinian men being killed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza.


‘Malnutrition was never an issue in Gaza’ before Israel’s war: UNICEF

There are many “paper-thin children” who may not live to see another day in northern Gaza, says UNICEF spokesperson James Elder after visiting Gaza’s Beit Lahiya area.

“Malnutrition was never an issue in Gaza, it just wasn’t. And now one in three children under two in northern Gaza are suffering from acute malnutrition. That is a terrifying number,” he said.

“Mothers and carers are in tears over their children because they know they have done everything they possibly can, first from the bombardment and now from this imminent famine. But I think they realise that the protection of their children is in the hands of others making decisions on things in Gaza.”

United States still not using ‘real leverage’ to pressure Israel

Commenting on Israel’s looming ground invasion of Rafah, analyst Tamer Qarmout says the US does not have the “real will” to stop Israel from carrying out the attack where 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering.

“The US is still holding the stick from the middle. They are buying more time for Israel,” Qarmout, a professor at the Doha Institute of Graduate Studies, told Al Jazeera.

“You don’t see the US using its real leverage to stop Israel or correct its behaviours. And that’s why we are at this stage sadly.”



Eyewitness says Israeli forces raped and killed women at al-Shifa hospital

“They raped women, kidnapped women, executed women, and pulled dead bodies from under the rubble to unleash their dogs on them.”

Jamila al-Hissi, a Palestinian woman who was besieged for six days in a building in the vicinity of al-Shifa hospital, told Al Jazeera that Israeli forces raped, tortured and executed women inside the hospital.

Heavy artillery shelling and aerial bombardment have continued to rock the area near al-Shifa Hospital in west Gaza City as Israeli ground forces continue a deadly military raid there for six days.

Homes in the vicinity of the hospital have been raided by troops and later set ablaze after residents were either arrested or forced to flee south.

(she also complains about Red Cross negligence; though this may be partly because of how many Red Cross/Crescent members have already been killed by the IDF)


US Ambassador Chas Freeman:There is nothing for US to learn from Israel other than bombing civilians


Biden signs legislation banning UNRWA funding until 2025

US President Joe Biden signed a $1.2 trillion package of spending bills that the US Congress passed hours earlier, which includes a crucial policy with humanitarian ramifications for Palestinians during Israel’s war on Gaza.

The bill eliminates US funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) until March 2025.

The United States was by far the largest funder of the UN agency, which is the main organisation getting humanitarian aid to Palestinians amid catastrophic conditions in the besieged enclave.



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Some 7,000 trucks are waiting in North Sinai to enter Gaza: Governor

North Sinai Governor Mohamed Shusha has said some 7,000 trucks are waiting in the region to deliver aid to Gaza.

Shusha said inspection procedures demanded by Israel had held up the flow of relief, according to a statement from his office.

Shusha is accompanying UN chief Antonio Guterres, who is expected to arrive at Egypt’s border with Gaza later in the day.

Gaza gov’t says it holds US, international community responsible for al-Shifa Hospital siege

Gaza’s government media office has issued a statement saying it holds the US administration and the international community responsible for the ongoing “crime” committed by Israel against medical staff, patients and displaced Palestinians at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital.

The Hamas-run government condemned Israel’s siege of the medical facility in central Gaza and claimed the army was bombing buildings within the compound while civilians remained inside, as well as committing acts of torture and carrying out arbitrary executions.

“We call on all countries of the world to condemn the crime of genocide brutally committed by the occupation and to break their silence and play a practical role to stop this war and the ongoing massacres,” it said.

Arab Parliament condemns Israel’s latest settlement plan

The Arab Parliament has condemned the decision made by far-right Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich on Friday to declare 800 hectares (1,977 acres) in the occupied West Bank as state land.

The Arab Parliament, the legislative body of the Arab League, said in a statement that the Israeli policy of seizing Palestinian-owned lands and building and expanding Israeli settlements was aiming to create a new reality on the ground, in violation of international law and UN resolutions.

It added that “the negotiations to stop the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip must be accompanied by a cessation of all types of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian land and people”.


UN vote on new Gaza ceasefire text postponed until Monday: Report

A vote at the UN Security Council on a new text calling for an “immediate” ceasefire in the war in Gaza has been postponed until Monday, according to diplomatic sources quoted by the AFP news agency.

Russia and China on Friday vetoed a US resolution, which was also opposed by Arab states, for stopping short of explicitly demanding Israel immediately end its campaign in Gaza.

The new ceasefire text was meant to go to a vote on Saturday, but was pushed back to allow further discussions, the diplomatic sources told AFP.

The tougher draft resolution, seen by AFP, “demands an immediate ceasefire” for the ongoing Muslim holy month of Ramadan that leads “to a permanent sustainable ceasefire”, the agency said.

It also reportedly calls for the “immediate and unconditional” release of hostages seized by Hamas and the lifting of “all barriers” to humanitarian aid flowing into Gaza.

The report added that eight of the council’s 10 non-permanent members have been working on the draft.


UK’s Cameron urged to publish legal advice on Israel’s war on Gaza

An opposition legislator has urged the UK’s Foreign Secretary David Cameron to publish the legal advice he has received on Israel’s compliance with international humanitarian law in Gaza.

In a letter to Cameron, David Lammy, a Labour MP and the UK’s shadow foreign secretary, noted that British regulations make it clear that arms export licenses should not be granted if there is a clear risk that the items could be used to commit violations of international humanitarian law.

“The situation in Gaza could not be more serious,” Lammy said in his letter. With the death toll approaching 32,000 and much of Gaza “completely devastated”, the UK Foreign Office must confirm whether it has received any legal advice since October 7 that Israel is in breach of its commitments under international humanitarian law or is at clear risk of being so, the legislator added.


(Lammy's trying to catch up late)

Activists in US, UK protest against Israeli defence firm Elbit

Pro-Palestine activists in the US and UK have launched protests against the Israeli defence company Elbit, accusing it of profiting from Israel’s war on Gaza and abuses in the occupied West Bank.

In the US state of New Hampshire, activists blockaded the entrance to Elbit’s manufacturing facility for four hours on Friday, with some of them chaining themselves to weighted tyres in the driveway, according to media reports and videos posted online.

Eight activists were arrested in New Hampshire, according to media reports.


In the UK, activists have set up a protest camp in front of Elbit’s headquarters in the city of Bristol, as part of a campaign to get local authorities to evict the company from its premises.

The activists have previously broken inside the building in Bristol, occupied its roof and blockaded its gates. They’ve also sprayed red paint on the buildings of companies they say work with Elbit, including the law firm MLL Legal in London.


US CENTCOM confirms raids against Houthis in Yemen

The US military’s Central Command has announced carrying out a series of attacks in Yemen, saying its forces targeted three underground storage facilities in Houthi-controlled areas.

“These strikes targeted capabilities used by the Houthis to threaten and attack naval ships and merchant vessels in the region,” it said in a post on X.

CENTCOM did not say where the raids took place, but a spokesman for the Houthis reported US attacks on the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.

CENTCOM said it also destroyed four Houthi drones on Friday and said that the rebels fired four antiship ballistic missiles towards the Red Sea. But there were no injuries or damage reported by commercial ships.

Houthis condemn US attacks on Yemen’s capital

A spokesman for the Houthis has condemned US air attacks on the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, saying the raids will not deter their attacks on Israeli ships in the Red Sea.

“The US raids on the capital, Sanaa, are a continuation of the aggression launched with Britain to protect Israel and encourage it to continue its crimes in the Gaza Strip,” said Mohammed Abdul-Salam in a post on X.

“We confirm that the raids will not prevent us from continuing to target Israeli ships or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine.”

Palestinian man shot in back of head by Israeli forces dies

A 33-year-old Palestinian man who was shot in the back of his head by Israeli troops last August has died as a result of his injuries, according to media reports.

Ameed al-Jaghoub, who was unarmed, was shot on August 21 as he rushed to help a wounded man amid an Israeli raid in the occupied West Bank village of Beita.

Al-Jaghoub was an electrician and had a toddler son.


US criticises new UNSC resolution on Gaza

The 10 elected members of the UN Security Council have put forth a new resolution on Israel’s war on Gaza, shortly after Russia and China vetoed a US-drafted text on Friday.

The new draft resolution demands an immediate humanitarian truce for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan “leading to a permanent sustainable ceasefire”, according to The Associated Press news agency.

It also demands “the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages ” and emphasises the urgent need to protect civilians and deliver humanitarian aid throughout the Gaza Strip.

The Russian, Chinese and Algerian ambassadors have urged council members to support it, but US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said the text’s current form “fails to support sensitive diplomacy in the region. Worse, it could actually give Hamas an excuse to walk away from the deal on the table”.

Hamas says another Israeli captive dead in Gaza

The spokesperson for the military wing of Hamas says one more Israeli captive has died in the Gaza Strip because of conditions created by Israel.

The Qassam Brigades spokesman said Begiv Buchhataf, 34, died as a result of a lack of food and medicine.

“We previously warned the enemy prisoners were suffering from the same conditions as our people: hunger and deprivation from food and medicine,” Abu Obeida said.

Qassam Brigades also released a video of the captive with the message, “Although he survived the Israeli army’s attacks, he did not escape the lack of food and medicine.”

Hamas announced in early March that seven captives held in Gaza had been killed as a result of Israel’s bombardment of the besieged enclave.

Euro-Med Monitor: Israeli army burning homes near al-Shifa Hospital

The Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor says the Israeli military is torching residential buildings near al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

“In several incidents, Israeli forces set fire to homes while occupants were inside, preventing evacuation or fire extinguishing,” it says in a statement on X.

“We urge the Secretary-General of the UN and the Commissioner of the EU to intervene immediately, demanding that Israel cease its serious violations against civilians in Gaza City, including burning residential buildings and forcibly displacing residents towards southern Gaza.”

Army uses Palestinians as human shields at al-Shifa Hospital: Right group

The Israeli military is using Palestinian civilians as human shields during its ongoing military operations inside and around the al-Shifa Hospital in central Gaza, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

The Geneva-based organisation says in its latest report it documented several witness testimonies about this since Monday, with Israeli soldiers forcing civilians into dangerous situations.

This includes exploiting Palestinians for military operations inside the hospital, and forcing them to form barriers behind soldiers and military vehicles.

One Palestinian said he and three other young men were ordered to enter rooms inside the hospital after cameras were attached to their heads, and then received remote orders to move around to specific locations.

“Euro-Med Monitor calls on the international community to fulfill its international responsibilities in stopping the genocide being perpetrated against all residents of the Gaza Strip, and to take immediate and serious action to halt all Israeli army crimes committed against civilians and civilian objects protected under international law.”

Guterres ‘frustrated’ about Gaza war, asks Israel to stop

“You cannot see so many people being killed, you cannot see so much suffering without feeling hugely frustrated,” Guterres said while taking questions from reporters.

“We don’t have the power to stop [the war in Gaza], I appeal to those who have the power to stop it to do it,” he said.



>Biden signs legislation banning UNRWA funding until 2025
The Zionist plot to kill EU funding for UNRWA came undone after a month, maybe this isn't permanent either.


The US leadership, as it exists today, is much more dead-set on going down with Netanyahu than the EU is.
This will change, because it must, but this is still conditional on our laboring to change it.


>Anyone have the full text of the US resolution which was recently rejected at the UN Security Council? The more I read about it, the worse it sounds.
>Still looking for this - anyone have it?
The official website of the UN security council appears to only have the texts of resolutions that were adopted. Since the US resolution you are looking for got vetoed, it didn't get a page. It's probably in some document archive dump somewhere, but i don't know how to find something like that.

According to BreakThroughNews
The purpose of this might have been a media stunt, and they wanted a headline that says "Russia and China veto ceasefire resolution".
According to BTN the operative statement was that it only said "imperative for a ceasefire" instead of making it a direct command to cease firing.


>The official website of the UN security council appears to only have the texts of resolutions that were adopted. Since the US resolution you are looking for got vetoed, it didn't get a page. It's probably in some document archive dump somewhere, but i don't know how to find something like that.

Dam. Yeah, it's evident that least some of the press has seen it… maybe I'll email or message someone from a news organization and see if they have a copy.

>The purpose of this might have been a media stunt, and they wanted a headline that says "Russia and China veto ceasefire resolution".

Oh, no question. That popped into my mind right away, it seems like a way to make China look stupid - of course, the US is behaving so insanely and consistently stupid at the moment that the effectiveness of this is questionable. For anyone following this, the US has now vetoed 3 much more clearly worded ceasefire resolutions, but it's possible that the American MSM will not have given those instances equal attention.


>Some 7,000 trucks are waiting in North Sinai to enter Gaza: Governor
>North Sinai Governor Mohamed Shusha has said some 7,000 trucks are waiting in the region to deliver aid to Gaza.
>Shusha said inspection procedures demanded by Israel had held up the flow of relief, according to a statement from his office.
This is incredibly frustrating. Just think about it in terms of trying to explain this "supply logistics malfunction" to an Alien ambassador. They'd break off contact and catalog earth as an M-class planet without intelligent life.


>UN rapporteur: Israeli crimes in Gaza could keep ICC ‘busy for the next five decades’
>“The colossal amount of evidence concerning [international] crimes committed by Israel in Gaza just over the past 6 months could keep the [ICC] busy for the next five decades
50 years ?
half a year of genocide causes half a century of paperwork


Well, yeah. That's honestly a good way of thinking of it, too. Measuring the subjective time of the people subjected to these crimes gives you an insanely huge number by itself, and then you add in everyone committing them and the work required to determine complicity (actually it won't be that hard in this specific case, the US is being incredibly foolish)… there are a lot of details, and an unprecedented amount of evidence.


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Former Israeli security official: Army cannot rescue all captives

Yossi Amrosi, an ex-senior official of Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic security service, was quoted by local newspaper The Jerusalem Post as admitting that the Israeli army does not have the means to return all captives currently held in Gaza by Hamas and other Palestinian groups.

“We have already made contact and rescued hostages. In my estimation, there is some intelligence on different hostages, but we do not have the operational capability to carry out the operation and rescue them safely,” he told Radio North 104.5FM, according to the newspaper.

Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, said at the start of the war that it had taken 250 captives during its October 7 incursion into Israel.

According to the Qassam Brigades, 50 captives have been killed in Israeli air raids. Israeli intelligence officers say 30 captives have died in Gaza so far since they were taken to the enclave.

The latest round of negotiations to secure a ceasefire in the Gaza war is ongoing, but reports are that progress has stalled, with Hamas saying today that Israel rejected its latest proposal to exchange the captives it holds for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.



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Close-quarters combat ongoing around Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital

Both the Israeli military and Hamas are confirming another day of intense close-range combat in the vicinity of the besieged al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza.

The Israeli military released bodycam footage from its soldiers engaging in a firefight in a four-storey building near the hospital. It said they were shooting at a Palestinian fighter who was lobbing grenades at them.

The military wing of Hamas has also reported targeting Israeli soldiers and armoured vehicles in the vicinity of the hospital in the past few hours.

The Qassam Brigades said its fighters used an anti-armour shell to hit Israeli soldiers barricaded inside a building, inflicting casualties. It also claimed mortars were used to target soldiers, and said it achieved a hit on a military vehicle near al-Shifa.

Ground fighting is ongoing elsewhere across the Gaza Strip, with Hamas claiming hits on a Merkava tank and a D9 military bulldozer with Yassin-105 anti-tank shells northeast of Beit Hanoon in northern Gaza, and the Israeli army besieging the al-Amal Hospital in the south.

Gantz threatens to quit Israeli government

Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz has been quoted by local media as saying he will quit if a new law on army conscription passes in its current form.

The bill, favoured by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, would exempt ultra-Orthodox Haredi Jews from military service in the country.

Gantz has been pushing for a law to draft this community into the Israeli army.

PRCS says communication with al-Amal hospital cut off
The Palestine Red Crescent says on X that due to a service interruption to VHF radio, it is unable to contact its staff at the hospital in Khan Younis, currently under Israeli army siege.

Israeli forces attacked the hospital earlier today, surrounding it with tanks and forcing nearly everyone inside, from patients to displaced Palestinians sheltering there, to evacuate.

Casualties in Israeli attack on Kuwaiti roundabout in Gaza City

Israel has again attacked the roundabout in the south of Gaza City, a major distribution point for the little humanitarian aid that reaches the starving Palestinians there, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are reporting.

Our correspondents say that the attack was on members of a tribal committee that organises aid distribution at the roundabout. Earlier this month, Israel carried out an attack on the same committee, killing at least 20.

Video verified by Al Jazeera from a Palestinian journalist shows the casualties caused by this attack, the exact number of which is unclear at this time.


Hezbollah claims attack on Israeli forces in al-Marj

Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed group says there are “dead and wounded” after its attack on an Israeli force inside the al-Marj site near the Lebanese-Israeli border.

It said on Telegram that the attack was carried out at 4pm local time (14:00 GMT) “with appropriate weapons”.

What is happening at al-Amal Hospital under Israeli siege?

The Israeli military is carrying on with an intense operation against al-Amal Hospital in the southern city of Khan Younis in Gaza.

These are the latest updates from the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS). The video below shows how the aid organisation’s teams receive direct updates from the besieged hospital.

All displaced Palestinians and patients who could move independently were evacuated towards the al-Mawasi area west of Khan Younis after the Israeli military directly hit the hospital and issued an evacuation order.
Hospital staff remain, along with nine patients and their 10 companions, and a displaced family with children who have disabilities. All need to be evacuated safely.
PRCS staff member Amir Abu Aisha and a wounded individual who was being treated at the hospital after being shot in the head by the Israeli military were both killed, and their bodies need to be removed.
Israeli tanks and armoured vehicles have completely surrounded all entrances to the hospital, and control any movement in and out.

Israel says no more UNRWA food convoys to north Gaza: Lazzarini

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) says Israel informed the UN that it will no longer approve any aid convoys run by the agency.

“This is outrageous [and] makes it intentional to obstruct lifesaving assistance during a man made famine. These restrictions must be lifted”, Philippe Lazzarini wrote in an X post.

He warned that the move will speed up the coming of famine in the north of the Gaza Strip, and said that “many more will die of hunger, dehydration”.

Famine is likely to occur by May in northern Gaza and could spread across the enclave by July, the world’s hunger watchdog, known as the Integrated Food-Security Phase Classification (IPC), said last week.

The IPC said 70 percent of people in parts of northern Gaza were suffering the most severe level of food shortage, more than triple the 20 percent threshold to be considered famine. In all, 1.1 million Palestinians in Gaza, about half the population, were experiencing “catastrophic” shortages of food.

Israel blocks access to Jerusalem for West Bank Christians on Palm Sunday: Report

Israel has prevented thousands of Christians from the occupied West Bank from accessing Jerusalem to participate in the celebration of Palm Sunday, according to the Wafa news agency.

At the same time, Israeli forces imposed strict military measures at checkpoints surrounding the city of Jerusalem and in the vicinity of the Old City.

Israeli authorities require Palestinians, both Muslims and Christians, to obtain special permits to cross their military checkpoints surrounding the holy city and to access places of worship.

UN special rapporteurs decry underreporting of sexual violence against Palestinians

As accounts of sexual violence against Palestinian women in Gaza are coming out, two women special rapporteurs of the UN say the issue is underreported and undervalued.

Reem Alsalem, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, said in a post on X that it is “abhorrent” that reports of rape by Israeli forces keep coming out without any consequences.

“Rape and other forms of sexual violence can constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or a constitutive act with respect to genocide! It must stop!”

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territory, said, “I lost count of how many renowned journalists interviewed me on the alleged mistreatment of/sexual abuse against Palestinian women by Israeli forces, and never published any article on this”.

Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque

A video posted on X by Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent Suheib Alassa shows the incursion of Israeli soldiers into the al-Qibli prayer hall inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

According to Alassa, the soldiers assaulted and expelled worshippers inside who were engaged in the practice of Itikaf, which entails spending nights inside a mosque with the aim of devoting oneself to worship.

Israel has again placed restrictions on entry to the Islamic holy site during the holy month of Ramadan, drawing the criticism of Muslim leaders worldwide.

Guterres asks for staff access, safety amid record UN death toll

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has met with humanitarian staff working in dangerous conditions in the Gaza Strip.

“Some of them, with decades of experience, said they have never encountered a situation as difficult as this,” he wrote in a post on X.

“Aid workers need resources, access and safety – now.”

A record number of at least 168 members of the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) have been killed by the Israeli military since the start of its war on Gaza.

Pro-Palestinian protesters flock to Israeli Embassy in Jordan

This video, verified by Al Jazeera Arabic, shows large crowds gathered at the Israeli Embassy in Jordan to express solidarity with Palestinians.


Palestinian boy describes executions inside al-Shifa Hospital

Teenage Palestinian boy Farouk Mohammed Hamd tells Al Jazeera he witnessed Israeli soldiers executing a group of eight people, including his father and brother, inside al-Shifa Hospital.

He said he and the others were stripped of their clothing and moved several times inside the al-Shifa Hospital building in central Gaza over the course of hours before being taken to the top floor of the facility.

“They left us for about three hours, then they said, ‘You are safe. You can go south’,” he said.

“We stood up, but then they opened fire. We all laid down on the floor again. Then, the snipers entertained themselves by shooting us one after the other.”

He said his father told him before being killed to run away if he could, and he managed to run, but not before seeing the unresponsive bodies of the executed group.

Iran condemns al-Shifa raid, calls for fact-finding mission on sexual violence

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Nasser Kanaani, has in a statement condemned the “inhumane and horrific crimes of the Zionist regime” at the al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza.

“The regime is adding another shameful chapter to the history of its miserable existence and the dark list of its crimes,” he said.

Kanaani also referred to reports of rape and killing of Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers in the area of the hospital, and called for “urgent and decisive action by the global community, including forming an international fact-finding mission to expose the volume of the war crimes of Zionists at al-Shifa Hospital”.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran calls for effective, decisive and urgent action by governments and legal and international organisations to stop these crimes and to form criminal cases to prosecute and try the perpetrators, agents and supporters of this humanitarian catastrophe,” he said.



This is a bold move.

Israeli protesters paraglide over Netanyahu’s house

Israeli protesters have paraglided over Netanyahu’s residence in the town of Caesarea with banners accusing him of bearing responsibility for the October 7 attacks on the country.

Netanyahu’s approval ratings have plummeted in recent months, with polls suggesting that the centrist rival Benny Gantz would be most likely to succeed him if an election were held.



<Israeli protesters have paraglided over Netanyahu’s residence in the town of Caesarea with banners accusing him of bearing responsibility for the October 7 attacks on the country.
>This is a bold move.
Yes but also a based move


>centrist rival Benny Gantz
Isn't this the guy who openly bragged about killing Palestinian civilians in the last operation? Some "centrist".


It's likely that most of the political strata in Israel is afflicted with Zionism. So what did you expect ? They probably have to flush a dozen leaders before they get anybody remotely reasonable.


Skip to 3:42 for an insufferable American lebensraum-lover talking about how Israel has a right to take all the land in Gaza, totally unaware of how insane she sounds.


I believe so, yes.
Also the same guy who is threatening to quit the Israeli government if ultra-Orthodox Jews continue to be exempt from military service. From my understanding, a good number of Haredi ultra-orthodox Jews think Zionism is a heretical crock of shit, but some of them continue to live in Israel anyway. I'm not actually sure if Gantz is really more centrist than Netanyahu.


UNSC vote in about an hour and a half.


That clip is from a recent Grayzone report covering Israeli civilians trying to block aid trucks from supplying food. The whole video is a display of the banality of evil.


Wow that is difficult to watch, the Zionists have completely dehumanized the Palestinians.


LIVE: UN Security Council to vote on Gaza ceasefire

Report says US will not vote against Security Council resolution today

A UN Security Council resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza expected to be voted on later today has been worked on with the US to avoid a veto, according to diplomats speaking to the AFP news agency on condition of anonymity.

“We expect, barring a last-minute twist, that the resolution will be adopted and that the US will not vote against it,” one diplomat told AFP.

Last Friday, the Security Council voted on a draft submitted by the US that called for an “immediate” ceasefire linked to the release of captives. China and Russia vetoed the resolution, criticising it for stopping short of explicitly demanding Israel halt its campaign.

The US itself has vetoed three resolutions calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Earlier today, UN chief Guterres said the new resolution does not link the release of captives with calls for a ceasefire.

China will support new Security Council draft resolution on Gaza ceasefire

China says it supports a new draft resolution at the UN Security Council on an “immediate” ceasefire in Gaza, after it and Russia vetoed an earlier text proposed by the US.

“China supports this draft resolution and commends Algeria and other Arab countries for their hard work in this regard,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said.

“We hope the Security Council will pass it as soon as possible and send a strong signal for the cessation of hostilities.”

UNSC resolution does not link Gaza truce to release of captives: Guterres

Guterres says a UN Security Council resolution expected later today does not link a ceasefire in Gaza to the release of Israeli captives.

In the resolution, “a ceasefire is required together with, but not in a linkage with, the unconditional release of all hostages”, he said.

“And we have also claimed for the need for that release.”



Netanyahu threatens to nix DC delegation if US doesn’t veto resolution

Israeli media is reporting that the prime minister said if the US doesn’t veto the UN Security Council resolution for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, he will be canceling White House meetings by a visiting delegation that includes Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi.



Draft resolution passed

Fourteen countries backed the draft resolution put forward by the non-permanent member countries.

The US abstained.



The US representative used the pulpit to bitch at Russia for not condemning Hamas. America knows what's really important in this ongoing genocide; making sure everybody agrees with them and hates who they want them all to hate.


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Report: Netanyahu cancells US trip for Israeli delegation

US and Israeli media are reporting that Netanyahu has halted the delegation’s planned visit to the US after the country abstained during a vote on a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

The delegation, originally travelling to the US at the invitation of President Joe Biden’s White House, was meant to meet with US officials on Israel’s planned invasion of Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city and the last major urban centre untouched by Israeli army ground assault.

The US has said it will not support Israel’s planned invasion without a clear plan to protect the nearly 1.5 million civilians currently sheltering in Rafah, though senior members of the Bidenin administration have in recent days hardened their positions, saying that any invasion would be a disaster.



The Russian representative is using his comment to point out that this ceasefire resolution only lasts 'til the end of Ramadan, and it needs to be permanent. They're sounding really responsible compared to the US, which is a bad sign for the US!


Novara analysis on the UNSC resolution + other stuff.


>the same guy who is threatening to quit the Israeli government if ultra-Orthodox Jews continue to be exempt from military service.
>Netanyahu threatens to nix DC delegation if US doesn’t veto resolution

Neither are a threat.


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Is it time to start prepping people for the only real solution: a single state with full rights for all? What would the flag of Palestrael look like?


Perhaps the star of David needs to be discarded entirely, since it's an inherently ethnoreligious symbol. The Palestinians don't insist on shoving the Islamic crescent in their flag after all.


It's a weird topsy-turvy world where they think punishments are rewards and gifts are deterrents.


Jesus, keep any religious symbols off of it. Just use the Palestine flag and maybe incorporate some blue in there somewhere. The Palestinian flag being actually secular already lends it a lot better to this than anything with the Star of David on it.


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Netanyahu ‘not so upset to turn down $3.3bn’ in US money: Sanders

US Senator Bernie Sanders points out that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apparently upset after the UN Security Council vote, having cancelled a delegation to Washington, DC, and blasting the resolution.

“But he’s not so upset that he’ll turn down $3.3bn in taxpayer dollars to fund his immoral war,” the Democratic senator said in a post on X, adding that the US should cease sending Israel money “to starve Palestinian children”.

Sanders also said that Washington must push all parties to honour the resolution, which calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all captives, and significantly increase humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Jordan: Israeli reaction to UN resolution shows ‘disdain’ for international law

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi says the UNSC resolution on Gaza must be implemented so Israel won’t continue to violate international law with impunity.

He wrote in an X post that the “reaction by the Israeli government reflects the disdain with which it holds international law”.

Safadi had earlier today heavily criticised Israel in a joint news conference with UN Secretary-General Guterres, also calling for sanctions on Israel and for all states to stop sending it arms.

Iran says UNSC resolution on Gaza ‘positive but insufficient step’

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Nasser Kanaani, says in a short statement that after six months of failure to adopt a deterring resolution on Israel’s “war crimes and genocide” against Palestinians, the UN Security Council vote was “a positive but insufficient step”.

“A more important step than adopting this resolution would be [an] effective action to implement it,” he said, adding that Israeli attacks on Gaza and occupied West Bank must halt, the siege of Gaza must end, crossings must open to aid and international funding must come through to rebuild the enclave.

“The reaction of the child-killing Zionist regime to the resolution indicates its clear anger from this irreparable defeat both in the field and in international politics,” Kanaani said.

White House sees UNSC rift with Israel as manufactured crisis: Report

Washington believes the public display of dissatisfaction with the US by Israel over the UNSC resolution is a manufactured crisis by Netanyahu for domestic purposes, US outlet Axios cites unnamed US officials as saying.

On Sunday evening and Monday morning, White House officials told Netanyahu’s aides in discussions about the UN resolution that the US would likely abstain from voting, a source with direct knowledge was quoted as saying.

But they reportedly told the Israelis that Biden is not changing course on Israel and views the resolution as non-binding – something the US State Department said publicly after the vote as well.

The report says the White House is now “perplexed” by Netanyahu’s cancelling of an Israeli delegation’s trip to Washington, DC, with one official saying this is “self-defeating” behaviour.

Palestinian Authority ‘welcomes’ UNSC resolution

Hussein al-Sheikh, a top aide to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, says: “We call for a permanent cessation to this criminal war and Israel’s immediate withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.”

South Africa urges UNSC to ensure ‘compliance’ with resolution

South Africa says it welcomes the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all captives held by Palestinian groups.

“It is now the responsibility of the United Nations Security Council to ensure that there is compliance with the resolution, which is binding on the parties,” South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation said in a statement.

Arab Group: UNSC needs a follow-up ceasefire resolution

Abdullah Ali Fadhel al-Saadi, the UN ambassador for Yemen, says the Arab Group welcomes the resolution, especially in light of the “dangerous and catastrophic deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza, which can no longer be accepted or tolerated”.

But, he said, the group believes “we should consider this as a first step leading to another binding resolution that stipulates the immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in order to compel Israel to immediately and without any preconditions cease the war it has launched against the Gaza Strip”.

The Yemeni envoy said a permanent ceasefire will only enhance efforts to release captives remaining in Gaza.

“This council has been hostage to political calculations and narrow interests that disregard the humanitarian and legal right to save lives, stem the bloodshed and deliver urgent assistance to those in need without any obstacles. Today’s resolution comes as a response, albeit late, to the Palestinian victims and calls of the international community for immediate ceasefire in Gaza.”

Turkey calls UNSC resolution a ‘positive step’

Turkey called the resolution passed earlier in the UN Security Council, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, and the return of all captives held there as well as the prospective return of humanitarian access to Gaza, “a positive step”.

“We hope that Israel will comply with the requirements of this resolution without delay,” Turkish Foreign Affairs spokesman Oncu Keceli says.

“We call on the international community to take a united stand against Israel to end the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza and to find a lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” he adds.

Qatar welcomes UNSC resolution calling for Gaza ceasefire during Ramadan

In a statement, the Qatari Foreign Ministry says it hopes the resolution represents a step towards a permanent ceasefire in the besieged coastal enclave.

“The ministry stresses the importance of committing to implementing the resolution, especially the ceasefire, and allowing humanitarian aid urgently and without obstacles into the entire Gaza Strip, and to be positively involved in ongoing negotiations,” it says.

The ministry also stressed that Qatar is continuing its role as interlocutor “in cooperation with other partners to stop the war on Gaza and remedying its humanitarian ramifications”.

Saudi Arabia ‘welcomes’ UNSC resolution

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomes the issuance of the UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during the holy month of Ramadan, leading to a permanent and sustainable ceasefire and the release of all hostages,” the Saudi foreign ministry said in a post on X.

US ‘finally’ stops blocking the UNSC, China says

The Chinese ambassador to the UN says Beijing’s stance on calling for a ceasefire has been clear from the beginning of the war on Gaza.

“After repeated vetoes of the council’s actions, the United States finally decided to stop obstructing the council’s demands for an immediate ceasefire. Despite all this, the US still tried to find all kinds of excuses and made accusations against China,” Zhang Jun said.

“Mr president, nearly six months after the outbreak of the Gaza conflict, over 32,000 innocent civilians have lost their lives. For the lives that have already perished, the council resolution today comes too late, but for the millions of people in Gaza who remain mired in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, this resolution, if fully and effectively implemented, could still bring long-awaited hope,” he added.

“Security Council resolutions are binding.”

Russia says important to ‘vote in favour of peace’

Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vasily Alekseyevich Nebenzya, says his country hopes the Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza will be used in the “interests of peace” rather than advancing the “inhumane Israeli operation against Palestinians”.

“It is of fundamental importance that the UN Security Council, for the first time, is demanding the parties observe an immediate ceasefire, even if it is limited to the month of Ramadan,” he said.

“Unfortunately, what happens after that ends remains unclear since the word ‘lasting’ could be interpreted in various different ways, and that is very telling. Those who are providing cover for Israel still want to give it a free hand,” he added.

Nebenzya said the use of the word “permanent” for a ceasefire would have been better.

“We are disappointed that it did not make it through. Nevertheless, we believe it is fundamentally important to vote in favour of peace. The council must continue to work on achieving a permanent ceasefire,” he said.



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Countries should ‘pressure’ Israel into ceasing attacks on Lebanon: PM

Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Monday that the international community should put pressure on Israel following the passage of a UNSC resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

In a statement shared by his office, Mikati welcomed the resolution, saying it was “a first step on the path to stopping the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip”.

There’s been a regular exchange of fire between the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah and the Israeli army since the war began.

UN mourns 171 staff members killed by Israeli military in Gaza

Today is the 171st day of Israel’s war on Gaza and it also marks 171 members of UN staff killed in the enclave.

“Most recently was Hani, killed in northern Gaza while looking for food,” said Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), in a post on X.

“I hope that the UN Security Council call for an immediate & durable ceasefire will bring to Gaza & the region the peace its people so well deserve.”

Far more UN staff members have been killed in Israel’s war on Gaza than in any previous conflict.

Hamas says sticking to its original position in truce negotiations

In a press statement, the group has said that Israel has not responded to any of the demands it set forth during this round of negotiations over a ceasefire and prisoner swap.

It said that it informed mediators that it “is adhering to its position and vision that it presented on March 14”, which includes four points: “A comprehensive ceasefire, withdrawal [of Israeli forces] from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced, and a real exchange of prisoners”.

Hamas also accused Netanyahu and his government of “thwarting all negotiation efforts and obstructing reaching an agreement so far”.

Mediators Egypt, Qatar and the United States spent weeks trying to narrow differences between Israel and Hamas over what a ceasefire would look like before this round of negotiations between Hamas and Israel began.

Talks appear to have stalled in recent days, though US officials said today that “progress” had been achieved over the weekend.

Problem with truce negotiations is not related to captives: Hamas leader

Hussam Badran, member of the group’s political bureau, says the issue with talks on securing a ceasefire is related, rather, to Israel’s refusal to provide guarantees on basic issues related to the lives of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Badran said these issues include stopping the onslaught, allowing aid into the besieged coastal enclave, the return of the displaced and a clear reconstruction plan.

“The problem is not limited to the release of captives as Israel claims,” he said.

He also said Netanyahu does not want to reach a ceasefire and is “deceiving his people and the families of the prisoners to cover up his political and security failures”.

Germany to give $48m to UNRWA across region

The German government says it is providing 45 million euros ($48m) to the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the occupied West Bank.

“With this sum, we support health and education services as well as cash-for-work programs for Palestinian refugees,” the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development said in a post on X.

This comes days after the US Congress ratified a bill that suspends UNRWA funding until March 2025, which the UN organisation said will lead to more people not having enough to eat in the Gaza Strip.

Qassam Brigades targets Israeli military near al-Shifa Hospital

Video obtained by Al Jazeera shows the military wing of Hamas is targeting Israeli vehicles with rocket launchers and sniping Israeli soldiers on a rooftop in Gaza City.

The Israeli military’s week-long siege on the hospital in north Gaza has left the facility significantly damaged. The Israeli military claims it has killed more than 175 Palestinian fighters and arrested hundreds more inside and around the hospital.



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UN rapporteur calls for arms embargo on Israel, reparations

The report by UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese that we covered earlier also makes recommendations to UN member states.

It says member states should “immediately implement an arms embargo on Israel” as well as “other economic and political measures necessary to ensure an immediate and lasting ceasefire”, which may include sanctions.

Albanese also recommends that South Africa take Israel’s case to the UN Security Council as Israel has been ignoring interim rulings by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on genocidal acts in Gaza.

The rapporteur called for independent and transparent investigations into violations of international law “by all actors”, and measures to ensure that “Israel, as well as states who have been complicit in the Gaza genocide” will acknowledge harm, commit to non-repetition and make reparations, including full cost of reconstructing Gaza.

“In the short term and as a temporary measure, in consultation with the State of Palestine, deploy an international protective presence to constrain the violence routinely used against Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory,” recommends the report.

UN rapporteur releases damning report on Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza

The UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, writes in her report to the UN Security Council – which was released at the same time as the Gaza resolution vote – that “Israel’s genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza is an escalatory stage of a long-standing settler colonial process of erasure”.

“For over seven decades this process has suffocated the Palestinian people as a group – demographically, culturally, economically and politically – seeking to displace it and expropriate and control its land and resources. The ongoing Nakba must be stopped and remedied once and for all.”

The UN report finds that “there are reasonable grounds to believe” that the threshold for several genocidal acts against Palestinians is met: killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction.

“Israel has de facto treated an entire protected group and its life-sustaining infrastructure as ‘terrorist’ or ‘terrorist-supporting’, thus transforming everything and everyone into either a target or collateral damage, hence killable or destroyable,” says the report.

Amnesty: Overdue resolution must be ‘implemented immediately’

The head of Amnesty International says the UN Security Council resolution is long overdue and must be “implemented immediately” on its way to resulting in an enduring ceasefire.

“Israel must immediately halt their brutal bombing of Gaza and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. Israel, Hamas and other armed groups must ensure the ceasefire is durable. Civilian hostages must be immediately released. As should all Palestinians arbitrarily detained,” Agnes Callamard wrote on X.

“In recent weeks voting at the UN Security Council has descended into a farcical political game with tragic consequences for civilians,” she said, calling on the international community to prioritise saving lives instead of politics.

Euro-Med Monitor: Two months on, Israel keeps violating ICJ rulings on Gaza

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) made interim rulings two months ago that ordered Israel to take six measures to stop genocidal acts in the Gaza Strip. The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor says Israel continues to violate them.

The Geneva-based group said in a report that “the majority of the provisional measures outlined in the ruling were violated, and the crime of genocide was carried out on the same scale” by Israel.

“Various forms and acts of genocide were committed with the intent of destroying the Palestinian people,” it added.

“Targeting civilian gatherings around humanitarian aid trucks with direct gunshots, quadcopters, and Israeli tank shells is one of the most well-documented examples of the unlawful killings and executions carried out by the Israeli army against Palestinian civilians over the past few weeks.”

UNSC resolution must be ‘immediately implemented’: HRW

Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch, says: “States should use all forms of leverage – including imposing arms embargo and targeted sanctions on Israel – to press it to comply. The lives of millions of Palestinians hang in the balance.”

WHO welcomes UN Security Council resolution

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director of the UN’s World Health Organization, called in an X post for the immediate implementation of the recently passed resolution that calls for a ceasefire for the remainder of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and the release of Israeli captives held in Gaza.

Israel using starvation as weapon of war: Ireland

The Republic of Ireland’s Foreign Minister Micheal Martin says Israel’s blocking of UNRWA aid into north Gaza is “completely unacceptable”.

In a post on X, Martin says: “On humanitarian access to Gaza, Antonio Guterres is crystal clear; blocked aid is a ‘moral outrage’.

The use of starvation as a weapon of war is a blatant violation of international humanitarian law.”

Earlier, we reported UN chief Guterres as saying “it is absolutely essential” to have a “massive supply” of aid delivered to northern Gaza.

US says Israel has made assurances on use of weapons

The US Department of State says Israel and six other countries that receive US military aid – Colombia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia and Ukraine – had submitted written assurances by a Sunday deadline that they are complying with human rights laws.

“In each case, these assurances were made by a credible high-level official in the partner government who has the ability and authority to make decisions and commitments about the issues at the heart of the assurances,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller told reporters.

“We have not found them to be in violation of international humanitarian law, either when it comes to the conduct of the war or when it comes to the provision of humanitarian assistance,” Miller said.

Ahead of the deadline, 17 senators had pressed the administration of US President Joe Biden not to immediately describe Israel’s assurances as credible.

UN predictions of an imminent famine in Gaza “make it abundantly clear that [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s government is not doing nearly enough to allow aid to reach starving and otherwise desperate people in Gaza”, said a letter signed by lawmakers including Chris Van Hollen, Tim Kaine and Bernie Sanders.

White House says not aware of any plan for Rafah invasion in coming days

The White House has said it has not seen indications of a plan for an Israeli invasion of Gaza’s southernmost town on the Egyptian border in the coming days.

“We haven’t seen any indication that the Israelis are imminently getting ready to conduct a ground operation in Rafah,” White House spokesperson John Kirby told reporters.

“There’s no sense right now that this is about to happen in coming days,” he said.

UN relief chief steps down ‘for health reasons’ during Gaza war

UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths says he is stepping down after three years on the job.

A statement from the UN cited only “health reasons” without elaborating.

The 72-year-old Griffiths, who heads the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), will remain in his post until the end of June to ensure a “smooth transition”, it said. It did not mention any potential impact on UN aid coordination in the Gaza Strip.

Minister resigns from Netanyahu’s government

Israeli minister Gideon Saar says in a statement that he is resigning from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s emergency unity government after he was not included in the highest-level war cabinet.

Saar joined the unity government along with several other members of the opposition after Hamas’s October 7 attack. His departure, along with that of another of his allies, is not expected to affect the stability of Netanyahu’s government, which still controls a clear majority in parliament.

In a reaction to the resignation, Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s far-right finance minister and chairman of the Religious Zionist Party, said that Saar’s decision “weakens the soldiers and the continuation of the war”.

Smotrich calls on Israel to ignore US reprimand in Security Council

Israel’s far-right finance minister is being quoted by local broadcaster Channel 7 as saying that “the US decision not to impose a veto in the Security Council plays into Hamas’s hands”, and will ultimately make the return of Israeli captives held in Gaza more difficult.

Earlier, the US abstained during a vote in the UN Security Council on a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza until the end of Ramadan and the release of all captives. The US vetoed three prior attempts to achieve similar resolutions since the war on Gaza began on October 7.

“Our relationship with the US has always been one of partners, but not of a patron state. This is not the first time that an Israeli government has been required to make decisions contrary to the US government’s position” Bezalel Smotrich said, adding that Israel will “not stop” its war on Gaza until Hamas is destroyed and all of its captives held there are returned.



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and, from earlier, before the UNSC vote:

Gaza death toll increases to 32,333

The number of people killed in Israel’s war on Gaza has increased to 32,333, according to the Health Ministry in the enclave.

At least 74,694 people have also been wounded by Israeli attacks in Gaza since October 7.

The latest figures include 107 people killed and 176 wounded over the past 24 hours.

Israel slams Spain, Malta, Slovenia and Ireland for intention to recognise Palestine

Israel’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lior Haiat says a joint statement by the four EU member states about their readiness to recognise the Palestinian state “constitute a reward for terrorism”.

“The recognition of a Palestinian state following the 7 October massacre sends a message to Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations that murderous terror attacks on Israelis will be reciprocated with political gestures to the Palestinians,” he said in a post on X.

“Any engagement in the recognition of a Palestinian state only distances reaching a resolution and increases regional instability.”

The leaders of the four countries agreed to take the first steps towards recognising the Palestinian state after a meeting of the European Council in Brussels on Friday.

Singapore makes Israeli embassy delete ‘insensitive’ Palestinian post

Singapore has made the Israeli embassy in the city-state take down an “insensitive” social media post about the Palestinians, the interior minister says.

The post reportedly said Israel was mentioned 43 times in the Quran but Palestine was not, according to local media.

Minister for Home Affairs K Shanmugam said he asked Singapore’s Foreign Ministry to tell the Israeli embassy to remove the post made on Sunday after learning about it, which the mission immediately did.

“That post on the Israeli embassy social media page is completely unacceptable. I was very upset when I was told about it,” Shanmugam told reporters, according to a transcript. “It is insensitive and inappropriate. It carries the risk of undermining our safety, security and harmony in Singapore.”

Israel is led by ‘radical racists’, Jordan’s FM says

Ayman Safadi has said that Israel’s government is perpetrating its crimes against international law “simply because it is not deterred”.

“There is nothing to deter Israel, but we have gone beyond that. The Israeli government is led by radical racist menaces,” Safadi said at a press briefing with UN chief Guterres in Amman.

“We cannot allow them to continue to drown the entire region into further chaos.”

Israeli jets hit Hezbollah building in southern Lebanon: Army

The Israeli army says its fighter jets have attacked a military building of Hezbollah inside Lebanon.

The strike was conducted in an area in Meiss el-Jabal, in southern Lebanon, where members of the group were staying, according to the statement.

It also said that 15 rockets have been fired from Lebanon towards a military post near Manara in northern Israel overnight.

They fell in open areas without causing any casualties, the army added.

Iranian protesters hold pro-Palestine rally in Tehran

Pro-Palestine protesters gathered in Palestine Square in downtown Tehran on Sunday night to condemn Israel’s war on Gaza.

Crowds at the state-organised rally waved Palestinian and Hezbollah flags while chanting slogans including “Muslims unite, unite” in Arabic and “Palestine, Palestine, we will support you”.

They carried placards accusing Israel of genocide and calling for the country’s eradication as well as signs praising US soldier Aaron Bushnell, who self-immolated outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, and Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Red Crescent says medical staff forced out of al-Amal Hospital

The Palestine Red Crescent Society says the Israeli military forced the staff and patients at al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis to evacuate the building last night.

“While attempting to leave through the military checkpoint, the teams encountered difficulty moving due to extensive excavation and infrastructure destruction,” PRCS said on X.

“During the attempt to clear the rubble and obstacles on the road, the occupation forces opened fire towards two of the teams trying to remove the rubble, directly injuring them.”

The PRCS added that Israeli troops “forced the teams to return to” the hospital later. However, “they found the hospital gate closed, making it impossible for the teams to re-enter,” it added.

“The teams remained waiting on the street until now,” the NGO said.

The Israeli military announced yesterday a new offensive in the al-Amal neighbourhood.



You know Qatar isn't the only news source anon…


I've posted stuff from plenty of sources. Al Jazeera's live updates are incredibly extensive and largely accurate, which is why I post a lot of snippets from them. Ftr, the snippets I post from them aren't even, like, half of their snippets, they're generally just the ones I think are the most relevant. Poring through their updates yields a lot.




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No let-up in Israeli attacks despite UNSC resolution
From Hind Khoudary, reporting from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza

We are currently inside the emergency department at Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir el-Balah in central Gaza.

The hospital is packed with wounded people after Israeli forces targeted a house in az-Zawayda in central Gaza. This is the first attack after the resolution passed by the UN Security Council. We see women, we see children wounded.

Eyewitnesses tell us that children and babies were killed in the attack.

After the UN resolution passed, Palestinians thought that they won’t be bombed in the Gaza Strip. But still, Palestinians continue to be killed and wounded.



Apparently the recent US budget bill which passed limits aid to the Palestinian Authority if "the Palestinians" go to the International Criminal Court to charge Israel with war crimes.


<Zionists seething about
>Spain, Malta, Slovenia and Ireland for intention to recognise Palestine

>“The recognition of a Palestinian state following the 7 October massacre sends a message to Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations that murderous terror attacks on Israelis will be reciprocated with political gestures to the Palestinians,”

What a hypocrite

<“The recognition of a Israel state following the genocide sends a message to the Zionist terrorist organizations that murderous terror attacks on Palestinians will be reciprocated with political gestures to the Zionists,”


Lowkey getting into details.


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How about rigging up a remote controlled motor-glider for aid transport. If you remove all the trappings for carrying a human pilot, that should free up cargo capacity of 200kg/450lbs or more.

50 of these should be able to move 10 tonnes of aid packages per trip, Assuming that these manage 20 trips a day, they should be able to shift 200 tonnes per day. For 2mil people in gaza that's 100g per day/person. So 500 of these do 1kg/2pounds per day/person in Gaza. Which should be plenty to supply basic needs.

Since this is basically just a parachute with a motorcycle engine, a propeller and some RC gear, they could be very low cost. If a few states fund such a glider-bridge it would have the resources to keep it up even if the Zionist genocide force shoots them down, causing them to run out of AA ordinance, if they try to interdict aid. Those probably don't have much of a radar signature with the wing being fabric and all, so they should also be less easy to track, making it harder to attack aid recipients at the other end of the glider-bridge.

I realize that the motor glider has become somewhat of a political protest symbol, since Jewish protestors have used em to fly protest messages over the Zionist regime dictaor's layer. So i guess that would make it fitting.


This video has apparently been taken down. Odd!


Or we could just put a bunch of ladders up at the Egyptian border wall with Rafah and have a bunch of guys throw aid in. Wonder why no one's done that?

Drone strikes on the folks blocking the aid also would work.


Security forces break up protest outside Israeli embassy in Amman

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Jordan’s capital for a second day, demanding the Jordanian government to end its peace agreement with Israel.

Security forces broke up the demonstration with tear gas.


Israel slams Colombia’s call to break ties if UN resolution not respected

Israel has criticised Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro after he called on the international community to break diplomatic relations if the Israeli government fails to comply with the ceasefire resolution on Gaza adopted by the UN Security Council on Monday.

Petro’s “support of the Hamas terrorists” is a “disgrace to the Colombian people,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry said on X.

“Israel will continue to protect its citizens and will not give in to any pressure,” it said.



The ladder idea leaves all the aid supplies piled up at the bottom of the wall, where Palestinians trying to get at it, would be easy prey for Zionist sniper ambushes. Also the people on the other side throwing the aid packages over the wall would be in danger as well.

Lastly this requires a considerable amount of physical exertion. A strong adult could probably lug 30kg/70lbs up a ladder many dozens of times. But you'd need 70 thousand ladder-lugs every day, to get 1kg/2pounds of aid per person/day for 2mil Gazans. You need to perform a statistical analysis of how many times you can let a person climb the ladder before they are tired enough that the risk of them falling from the ladder is too great. You probably need nets or trampolines under the ladders to break the fall for the statistical outliers and a emergency medical service standing by for the many thousands of people involved in this operation. And of course you need to organize catering too.

If you want to throw stuff over the wall maybe try a trebuchet or catapult, you know the original overthewallthrower gadget


So the UN is hamas now ?


>This video has apparently been taken down. Odd!
<This video has been "removed" for violating YouTube's "Community Guidelines"
Yup got censored

I wonder if this guy has accounts on other sites where his videos aren't getting censored ? I want to watch it again, because if something gets censored that's a special seal of approval. It means that it must contain information that the powers that be don't want me to know, which is the most valuable kind of information.


Confirmed members of Hamas: all Palestinians (Gaza and West Bank'' plus anywhere else), all protestors, South Africa, Lula, Irish women's basketball teams, UK trade unionists, American service members opposed to US support of genocide, Colombia, The Hague, Spain, Belgium, the United Nations, Israeli hostages' families, anti-Zionist Jews, Yemen, fish.
Suspected Hamas members:
All the people in tents at the US/Mexico border. Probably some kind of secret Hamas plot (v. good GOP intel), but the Israeli Hamas experts haven't confirmed it yet.


Novara? Probably. I'll check. They might even reupload it. I saw it, I have no idea what, if anything, it was censored for specifically.


Palestinian man drowns trying to collect aid from sea in Gaza

Footage shows a Palestinian man has drowned after attempting to collect airdropped aid that fell into the sea off north Gaza.

The government media office in Gaza called for an end to aid airdrops into Gaza earlier today after it said 12 people drowned and six were killed in stampedes trying to reach the food packages.


Cornish man's analysis after the UNSC vote.


Houthis 'Hammer' Israeli City With Ballistic Missiles; Attack U.S., UK Ships | Watch

Yemen’s Houthis claimed responsibility for six "successful" drone and missile attacks. Yemeni rebels claimed to have targeted Israel, as well as U.S. and UK ships. Houthis, in a statement, said that they attacked two U.S. destroyers in the Red Sea. The Yemeni group also claimed to have hit the Israeli city of Eilat with ballistic missiles. Yahya Saree called these military operations by Houthis "gifts for freedom fighters of Palestine."


Owen Jones analysis on the recent UNSC resolution and US response, including citation of the precedent behind how this rolls out.


Dimitri Lascaris covering a funeral for a Hezbollah soldier.


Pro-Israel mob try to disrupt peace march
Camden Palestine Solidarity Campaign have held regular marches calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. On Saturday 23rd March, a pro-Israel mob decided to hold a 'counter-protest'.


Butcher Biden, Obomba, and Clinton are having some sort of thing at the Radio City Music Hall tomorrow in NYC. There'll be picketing.


Eliat is a port city at the red sea on the most southern tip of Israel, so it kinda fits the Houthis M.O. of targeting shipping. Bar some technical limitations, they probably could be using those rockets to break down the walls that isolate Gaza from aid supplies, because breaking the Zionist starvation weapon is becoming the most pressing issue.


Where are the women?


He says it needs UN security forces, he's probably right about that.

That's a decent analysis, aside from the imperial chauvinism of calling the US "the only superpower that matters" Both Russia and China could arm countries like Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, etc to such an extend that Israel would get militarily overrun. So what those other super-powers do obviously matters


Yemeni bop filmed on captured ships.


There are some mourning in a group on one side.


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Ireland to intervene in South Africa genocide case against Israel

The Republic of Ireland’s Foreign Minister Micheal Martin has said that the war on Gaza now “represents the blatant violation of international humanitarian law on a mass scale”.

“The taking of hostages. The purposeful withholding of humanitarian assistance to civilians. The targeting of civilians and of civilian infrastructure. The indiscriminate use of explosive weapons in populated areas. The use of civilian objects for military purposes. The collective punishment of an entire population,” Martin said in a statement.

“The list goes on. It has to stop. The view of the international community is clear. Enough is enough.”

In January the International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians, after South Africa accused Israel of state-led genocide in Gaza.

Martin said Ireland would intervene in South Africa’s genocide case against Israel, but did not say what form the intervention would take or outline any argument or proposal the country plans to put forward.

Another US government employee quits over Israel’s war on Gaza

A US State Department staffer resigned because of continuing American government support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

Annelle Sheline, 38, quit after a year as a foreign affairs officer in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, the Washington Post reports.

Sheline told the newspaper she repeatedly raised concerns, but concluded it was pointless “as long as the US continues to send a steady stream of weapons to Israel”.

In October, Josh Paul resigned from the State Department in protest against American support for Israel’s attack.

Authorities tell people to avoid aid centres amid Israeli attacks

Gaza’s health ministry issued an appeal for residents in central and northern Gaza not to go to the al-Rashid and Kuwait Roundabout areas to collect aid parcels because of the danger from Israeli attacks.

The appeal comes after two people waiting for aid at the Kuwait Roundabout were severely wounded after being shot by Israeli snipers, according to Wafa news agency.

In a statement on Telegram, the ministry asked people not to gather around humanitarian relief convoys but to wait for aid to be distributed through “popular committees”.

It also said the health system in central and northern Gaza can no longer treat the dozens wounded every day in Israeli attacks.

Palestinians are dying because of aid airdrops: Gaza Civil Defense

At least 18 Palestinians have died trying to recover airdropped aid in Gaza, according to Palestinian officials.

Mahmoud Bassel, a spokesperson for Gaza’s Civil Defense rescue service, said six bodies were recovered after a large group of men swam out into the Mediterranean Sea on Monday to fetch aid parcels.

“Sometimes it falls into the sea, sometimes on civilians, sometimes on houses, sometimes on Israeli territory beyond the border fence,” Bassel was quoted by The Associated Press as saying.

Several people were injured and at least five killed after parachutes dropping aid over Gaza failed to open earlier this month.

Turkish organiser of Mavi Marmara shows new vessels aimed for Gaza

Turkish aid agency Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), which in 2010 sent an aid vessel to Gaza that was intercepted by Israeli authorities in a deadly raid, has showcased two new vessels that are bound for Gaza.

Turkey has criticised Israel for its war on Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire.

IHH Chairman Bulent Yildirim inspected the ships, purchased for the Gaza aid project named ‘International Freedom Flotilla’, and said in a written statement that one of the vessels, Anadolu (Anatolia), had a capacity of 5,500 tonnes.

IHH was the organiser of the 2010 Mavi Marmara aid ship raided by Israeli forces, who killed nine activists aboard. A 10th activist wounded in the incident died in 2014 after years in a coma.

The vessel was trying to break the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip. The soldiers raided the ship leading a flotilla towards Gaza, prompting a diplomatic crisis between Israel and Turkey.



>Confirmed members of Hamas:
lol, what's the story on that one ?




I imagine those walls would be tough to hit from there, would risk hitting Palestinians.

>He says it needs UN security forces, he's probably right about that.
It's a toughy, though. The US really needs to stop sending weapons/funding to Israel. Still our job, America's job to make that happen. Having the US continue to actively arm war criminals while various countries have to send armies just to make said criminals stop will be a real kerfuffle if that's the way it goes down.


>That's a decent analysis, aside from the imperial chauvinism of calling the US "the only superpower that matters" Both Russia and China could arm countries like Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, etc to such an extend that Israel would get militarily overrun. So what those other super-powers do obviously matters

Iran is kind of a power by itself, too.


Dimitri Lascaris piece from yesterday on recent Israeli attacks on northern Lebanon.


>I imagine those walls would be tough to hit from there, would risk hitting Palestinians.
Fair point, so it depends on how accurate their rockets are.

>The US really needs to stop sending weapons/funding to Israel. Still our job, America's job to make that happen.

To make that happen, you need to defeat the Zionist lobby, that's bribing US politicians, corporate media and so on. I don't know what your "game-plan" for neutralizing the influence of such a powerful lobby is, but keeping US weapons flowing into Zionist hands is probably the last thing they'll let go.
>while various countries have to send armies just to make said criminals stop will be a real kerfuffle if that's the way it goes down.
TBH i don't know what the risk for an international peace keeping force would be, since the Zionists appear very deranged. But If a hundred countries send peace-keeper troops, attacking those would be like declaring war on the rest of the world. If they were to do that it would create the international political capital to demilitarize the Zionist regime.


>To make that happen, you need to defeat the Zionist lobby, that's bribing US politicians, corporate media and so on. I don't know what your "game-plan" for neutralizing the influence of such a powerful lobby is, but keeping US weapons flowing into Zionist hands is probably the last thing they'll let go.

Well, this isn't entirely true. Yes, the Zionist lobby needs to be defeated, but also ports can be blocked. Factories can be shut down.

>TBH i don't know what the risk for an international peace keeping force would be, since the Zionists appear very deranged. But If a hundred countries send peace-keeper troops, attacking those would be like declaring war on the rest of the world. If they were to do that it would create the international political capital to demilitarize the Zionist regime.

They're incredibly deranged, yes.
And it's better to do both things. Stop shipping weapons/funding to Israel, and intervene to stop the genocide. Trying to wait for a 'pretext' is silly at this point. There is already more than enough 'pretext,' and the US is violating not only international law, but its own laws by continuing to arm Israel. There's no more need for "excuses" to demilitarize the Israeli state, they've killed something like 13-15,000 children in like 5 months and ignored every human rights law. If they gave me a gun and a unit and told me "go in and make sure they stop violating the genocide convention" I'd do it tomorrow, but for the sake of making this smoother and exercising all peaceful leverage possible, the US needs to stop giving them arms, and it's better that the US stop doing this before there is a direct military conflict between Israel and everybody else. There's already a direct "hot" military conflict between Israel and most of the surrounding states.


Breaking Points analysis of recent stuff.


Netanyahu now wants to reschedule the canceled visit to the US.


Couldn't this guy be technically subject to a citizens' arrest in the US? He has US citizenship (born in Philadelphia) so he must be subject to US laws.


If he's visiting as a head of state, he'll have diplomatic immunity.


We could arrest him anyway.




Live in 2 hours


>the Zionist lobby needs to be defeated, but also ports can be blocked. Factories can be shut down.
Blocking the weapons supply can be effective if it's possible to single out the stuff that's intended for Israel. The arms industry is massively lagging behind on it's delivery schedule for many of it's contracts, because of all the stuff that got diverted to Ukraine. If weapons for Israel come with political trouble, they have an incentive to just supply those other customers who've been waiting, instead. At the end of the day they're capitalists and they'll take easy profits over difficult profits.

It stands to reason that the Zionist lobby has made many unintended enemies because the agenda they are pushing is generally destructive and likely caused a lot of opportunity-costs for many. So you need to get the self-interested anti-zionism on board.

>Trying to wait for a 'pretext' is silly at this point.

The point of sending a peacekeeper force is because that can be done faster than many other options.
>the US needs to stop giving them arms, and it's better that the US stop doing this before there is a direct military conflict between Israel and everybody else. There's already a direct "hot" military conflict between Israel and most of the surrounding states.
Eventually that'll escalate, because the Zionists want to make a big bloodbath in Rafa and then move on to operation "greater Israel". The Gaza battle has demonstrated that the Zionists can bomb buildings and kill a lot of civilians, but they can't fight a ground war. So the other countries that do not want to get greaterisraeled have a strong incentive to shift the battlefield to Zionist controlled land to make them fight on the ground. If they succeed the Zionist will be hosed.


For what purpose ? Just to heckle him ?
If he shows him self in public he'll probably get egged or pied anyway.


>Blocking the weapons supply can be effective if it's possible to single out the stuff that's intended for Israel.

If possible, but that's not actually that important. It's a genocide. Blocking all of it from groups supplying arms to Israel is justified even if only some of the shipments blocked were destined for Israel.

>At the end of the day they're capitalists and they'll take easy profits over difficult profits.

Well, this is also the US gov't we're talking about, and they've been quite determined to keep this up regardless of the cost.

>The point of sending a peacekeeper force is because that can be done faster than many other options.

Only if they manage to send a peacekeeper force faster than we do this. If they do, they do, but it's a bad mark on us if they beat us to that punch. What makes assembling and deploying a military force to another country a faster process than assembling and deploying a people's force within your own?

>Eventually that'll escalate, because the Zionists want to make a big bloodbath in Rafa and then move on to operation "greater Israel". The Gaza battle has demonstrated that the Zionists can bomb buildings and kill a lot of civilians, but they can't fight a ground war. So the other countries that do not want to get greaterisraeled have a strong incentive to shift the battlefield to Zionist controlled land to make them fight on the ground. If they succeed the Zionist will be hosed.


… Is this a joke?
He's a war criminal of the worst kind. We'd arrest him for this reason, and try him accordingly.


>Blocking all of it from groups supplying arms to Israel is justified even if only some of the shipments blocked were destined for Israel.
OK but think about it in practicle terms the US produces a lot of weapons and you want those weapons to go to arms-buyers that don't intent on using em.

>Only if they manage to send a peacekeeper force faster than we do this.

I have no objections to a race of who can foil the Zionists genocide plot the fastest.


The Zionists no longuer have military supremacy over the Arabs. A Zionist victory in a military contest would be extremely unlikely. The reason to avoid breaking Zionism with military power is because that will cost a lot of human lives.


>Is this a joke?
No, his diplomatic immunity will force the US state to interfere with a citizen arrest. So doing this will be little more than heckling him. Consider that the Zionist regime might send assassins after the people who arrested him. It's not worth the hassle.
>We'd arrest him for this reason, and try him accordingly.
Netanyahu has attacked the western population by pushing for attacks on civil liberties. That is a serious crime but compared to what he has done to the people in the middle east, i think the injustice they have suffered has priority, they should be the ones that get to prosecute him.


>OK but think about it in practicle terms the US produces a lot of weapons and you want those weapons to go to arms-buyers that don't intent on using em.
I don't want them going to anybody. War is a racket, I genuinely don't care if some of the weapons were just going to some country who was getting conned into buying them or simply getting them as "gives" they won't use. America has people sleeping under bridges, the "defense" stimuluses are not trickling down.

>The Zionists no longuer have military supremacy over the Arabs. A Zionist victory in a military contest would be extremely unlikely. The reason to avoid breaking Zionism with military power is because that will cost a lot of human lives.


>No, his diplomatic immunity will force the US state to interfere with a citizen arrest. So doing this will be little more than heckling him. Consider that the Zionist regime might send assassins after the people who arrested him. It's not worth the hassle.

Well, no. You can just arrest him without the state. He's made out of flesh and blood like anybody else. They can send assassins if they want, none of that shit scares me in the least. So many of the resources in America have gone towards war and empire and the rich, and this is the sort of thing they do with it while people here go homeless, unemployed, sick. I want you to understand that there are millions in this country who are about as scared of anything that a human can do to another human as I am; we don't care, and that's valuable. With time and this understanding of the reality of the situation, together we can achieve well considered goals.

>Netanyahu has attacked the western population by pushing for attacks on civil liberties. That is a serious crime but compared to what he has done to the people in the middle east, i think the injustice they have suffered has priority, they should be the ones that get to prosecute him.

Dude, genocide is an international crime. Why would you think we'd be trying him just for attacks on America's first amendment rights? Genocide is illegal under American law, too… as well as international law, which, clearly, desperately needs enforcement. That's not anybody else's job; a precedent for getting away with genocide endangers everyone, all common people, even you and me.


Russian warships sail into the Red Sea

Several Russian warships have sailed into the Red Sea after Moscow reportedly struck a deal earlier this month for safe passage with Yemen’s Houthi rebels, which have been attacking ships in the strategic waterway amid Israel’s war on Gaza.

The Russian warships include the missile cruiser Varyag and frigate Marshal Shaposhnikov, according to the Russian Navy’s Pacific Fleet.

On March 21, Bloomberg reported that Moscow and Beijing had reached an informal agreement with the Houthis not to attack their ships in the Red Sea.

Several days later, the Houthis still shot a missile at a Chinese-owned tanker, possibly due to inaccurate information about its source, according to prominent shipping analyst Lars Jensen.

New scrutiny over Google, Amazon’s billion-dollar contract with Israel gov’t

Amid the war in Gaza, scrutiny is intensifying over Amazon and Google’s $1.2bn contract with the Israeli government to provide it with cloud computing services.

The contract, called Project Nimbus, provides Israel’s military with cutting-edge AI and machine learning features, which critics fear are being used to expand illegal surveillance on Palestinians in the occupied territory.

Gaza death toll passes 32,500

The number of people killed in Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7 has risen to 32,552, according to the Health Ministry in the besieged territory.

Israeli attacks on Gaza have also wounded at least 74,980 people.

Over the last 24 hours, 62 people have been killed and 91 were wounded.

Footage of Palestinians shot causes panic in southern Gaza
Hani Mahmoud

The footage of two unarmed men being shot and then bulldozed by Israeli forces in northern Gaza while trying to return home is causing a lot of panic and concern for Palestinians who are already exhausted.

Living conditions here in the south are very difficult and the place is overcrowded. People can’t wait to get back to their homes in the north.

Right now, any hopes that Palestinians had after the UN Security Council’s ceasefire resolution earlier this week are being drowned out by these horrifying scenes.

Israel accused of ‘executing’ 13 children near al-Shifa in one week

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has accused Israeli forces of directly shooting at and executing 13 children in and near al-Shifa Hospital in just one week.

The monitoring group, citing its teams on the ground, said some of the fatal shootings occurred as victims’ families were inside their homes amid Israel’s continuing raid on al-Shifa, and others while the victims were attempting to escape via routes designated as safe.

In one testimony, Islam Ali Salouha told Euro-Med that Israeli forces on Sunday shot at and killed his sons – nine-year-old Ali and six-year-old Saeed Muhammad Sheikha – on a corpse-strewn street near al-Shifa that the Israeli army had designated for travel. The Israeli forces targeted the two children in particular, he said.

Salouha said he, his sons and neighbours only left the building because Israeli forces had told them to evacuate or face having their building bombed.

German bank freezes account of anti-Zionist Jewish group

The Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, a German campaign group, says the Berliner Sparkasse bank has frozen its accounts without explanation and asked it to submit a list of its members with their full names and addresses.

“Why should this information be important to the Berliner Sparkasse? It sounds more like a question that might be asked by an intelligence service or the police, who have been politically persecuting us as a Jewish organisation for some time,” the group said in a statement.

The Jewish Voice – which describes Israel’s war on Gaza as genocide – said its previous account with the Bank for Social Economy was closed in 2019 because of its support for the BDS Movement.

“We are taking legal action against the arbitrary, politically motivated freezing of our account, which is unacceptable in a democracy,” the group added.


Death toll climbs in Israeli strikes on southern Lebanon.

At least nine people were killed on Wednesday night in two separate Israeli strikes in the south of Lebanon, the country’s state-run National News Agency says.

Among those killed were four paramedics who work for a local civil defence organisation affiliated with Hezbollah.

Hezbollah has also this evening announced the deaths of three of its fighters via its Telegram channel, without saying, as per usual, how or where the men died.

Turkish organiser of Mavi Marmara shows new vessels aimed for Gaza

Turkish aid agency Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), which in 2010 sent an aid vessel to Gaza that was intercepted by Israeli authorities in a deadly raid, has showcased two new vessels that are bound for Gaza.

Turkey has criticised Israel for its war on Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire.

IHH Chairman Bulent Yildirim inspected the ships, purchased for the Gaza aid project named ‘International Freedom Flotilla’, and said in a written statement that one of the vessels, Anadolu (Anatolia), had a capacity of 5,500 tonnes.

IHH was the organiser of the 2010 Mavi Marmara aid ship raided by Israeli forces, who killed nine activists aboard. A 10th activist wounded in the incident died in 2014 after years in a coma.

The vessel was trying to break the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip. The soldiers raided the ship leading a flotilla towards Gaza, prompting a diplomatic crisis between Israel and Turkey.

Authorities tell people to avoid aid centres amid Israeli attacks

Gaza’s health ministry issued an appeal for residents in central and northern Gaza not to go to the al-Rashid and Kuwait Roundabout areas to collect aid parcels because of the danger from Israeli attacks.

The appeal comes after two people waiting for aid at the Kuwait Roundabout were severely wounded after being shot by Israeli snipers, according to Wafa news agency.

In a statement on Telegram, the ministry asked people not to gather around humanitarian relief convoys but to wait for aid to be distributed through “popular committees”.

It also said the health system in central and northern Gaza can no longer treat the dozens wounded every day in Israeli attacks.

Pro-Palestine protests in Berlin

People in the German capital have participated in a demonstration calling for an end to the war in Gaza.

Dozens of protestors, holding Palestinian flags, shouted slogans of “Free Palestine” while others held banners saying “Stop the genocide in Gaza.”

Several individuals addressed the crowd giving speeches related to the ongoing fighting which is now in its sixth month.

Watchdog demands answers from Israel on disappeared Palestinian journalist

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has demanded that the Israeli army shed light on the whereabouts of Gaza journalist Bayan Abusultan.

RSF says Abusultan was last seen on March 19, “among those sequestered in the raid on al-Shifa hospital in Gaza.”

Abusultan has been offline since reporting witnessing her own brother being shot by Israeli forces.

UN expert says she faces threats after Israel-Gaza genocide report

A United Nations expert who published a report saying there were reasonable grounds to believe Israel has committed genocide in its war on Gaza says she has received threats throughout her mandate.

Francesca Albanese, the special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, presented a report titled “Anatomy of a Genocide” to the UN Human Rights Council, which Israel said it “utterly rejects”.

It’s been a difficult time,” she said. “I’ve always been attacked since the very beginning of my mandate.”

Palestinians are being tortured in Israeli prisons: Commission

The PA Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs has warned that the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) is persisting in its “torture policy” against both “male and female detainees, which has turned their lives into a living hell”.

In a statement, the organisation said that Palestinian detainees are isolated from the outside world, with no access to radio or other media services, while the IPS is imposing hefty fines on them.

“I heard the sound of detainees who are getting tortured and beaten, as they are being cursed on by soldiers,” said a testimony by one of the prisoners at Nafha prison who was visited by a lawyer.

The commission said that in Nafha prison, 100km (62 miles) from Beersheba, detainees do not have clothes or personal belongings, and “they have long hair and beards because the IPS confiscated razors on October 7.”

“Each detainee has one mattress and cover, and they suffer from poor quality and quantity of food. There is a power cut for long hours, and water usage is allowed for only two hours a day,” the organisation added.

Pope Francis meets grieving Palestinian and Israeli fathers

The 87-year-old pontiff has made a new appeal for peace in the Middle East, as he publicly greeted one Palestinian and one Israeli man who have both lost daughters in the conflict.

During his weekly general audience, Francis described them as two friends “who love one another and who have experienced the same crucifixion”.

Vatican media named them as Bassam Aramin and Rami Elhanan of the Parents Circle – Families Forum, an Israeli-Palestinian group that brings together relatives of victims of the conflict.

Aramin’s daughter Abir, 10, was killed by an Israeli border police officer in 2007, while Elhanan’s daughter Smadar was killed by a Palestinian suicide bomber in 1997, just before she turned 14.

In an open letter to Catholics in the Middle East, the pope, who is in daily phone contact with a Catholic parish in Gaza, also expressed sympathy for “your sufferings and your struggles, particularly in the course of these recent months”.

US imposes sanctions on ‘Hamas-aligned’ fundraising network

The Department of Treasury has said it designated two individuals and three entities as key financial facilitators involved in fundraising for Hamas.

In a statement, the department identified the individuals and entities as: Gaza Now and its founder Mustafa Ayash, as well Al-Qureshi Executives and Aakhirah Limited, and their director Aozma Sultana.

“This action is being taken as part of a collaborative effort with the United Kingdom’s Office of Foreign Sanctions Implementation, which is implementing sanctions on these same targets,” the department said.

There has been no immediate comment from those affected.

The US and UK have already conducted three coordinated sanctions actions related to Hamas fundraising efforts since October 7.

Anger, worry in Lebanese border town after Israeli strike
Zeina Khodr
Reporting from al-Habbariyeh, southern Lebanon

I’m standing in front of the emergency health centre in al-Habbariyeh village that was struck earlier today by Israel. We are not very far from the border and there is an Israeli drone overhead.

People here tell us that the men who were inside the building were paramedics, volunteers and university students, all in their early 20s.

There is a lot of anger in this village. This is the first time it has been hit during the war. There is total destruction. People here say this was not a military target, as the Israeli military claims, but a civilian target.

These people will tell you that Israel’s strategy from day one has been to depopulate villages close to the border. They are trying to create some sort of a buffer zone, to make it difficult for civilians to live here. Nearly 100,000 people have already left. In this particular village, people are still here, but there is growing concern that it will start coming under fire.


Most Americans disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza: Poll
Poll shows ‘clear disconnect’ between President Joe Biden’s policies and US public, especially Democrats, analyst says.

A majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza, a new poll has shown, as the Israeli military continues to pound the besieged Palestinian enclave and imposes a siege that has created a hunger crisis.

The Gallup poll released on Wednesday found that 55 percent of respondents disapproved of the Israeli military’s actions in the Gaza Strip, up from 45 percent who said they disapproved in November, a month after Israel began its operation.



At least 38 killed in attacks on Syrian city of Aleppo: Report

Attacks carried out by the Israeli military and militant groups on the Syrian city of Aleppo have killed at least 38 civilians and military personnel, a figure that includes five members of Lebanese group Hezbollah, the Reuters news agency has confirmed, citing two security sources.

Earlier we reported that the Israeli strikes happened “in conjunction” with a drone attack on Aleppo targeting civilians conducted by “terrorist organisations” from the city of Idlib.

The Syrian government has not clarified how many of the casualties were caused by the Israeli air strikes or the attacks by militant groups.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Israeli strikes hit a weapons depot near Aleppo International Airport, resulting in a series of large explosions.

Israel has for years carried out strikes in Syria, where Iranian-aligned groups, including Hezbollah, hold sway in eastern, southern and northwestern areas of the country, as well as suburbs around the capital.

Hamas claims Israeli forces caught in own house detonation operation: Monitors

Hamas fighters claim to have detonated explosives that Israeli forces rigged to destroy a building in northern Khan Younis, killing and wounding a number of soldiers in the process, war monitors report.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP), two US-based think tanks, said the reported attack on Thursday bore a resemblance to an attack in January that killed 21 Israeli soldiers who had prepared explosives to destroy a building in central Gaza, which were then detonated by Hamas.

Hamas did not specify how many casualties resulted from Thursday’s reported house explosion in Khan Younis’s al-Qarara area and Israel has not acknowledged the attack occurred, the ISW and CTP said in their latest report.

‘Stop starving children’: Belgian minister tells Israel

Caroline Gennez, Belgium’s minister of development cooperation and urban policy, said international pressure must be maintained on Israel to ensure “sufficient” humanitarian aid enters Gaza.

Re-posting a statement on social media from the International Court of Justice ordering Israel to avert the “spread of famine and starvation” in Gaza by ensuring the “unhindered delivery” of aid and basic services, Gennez said, “Israel must stop starving civilians and children.”

The Israeli use of “hunger as weapon of war” is a “flagrant violation of international law”, Gennez said.

Fifth day of large protests against Israel in Jordan’s capital Amman

Thousands of people demonstrated near the Israeli embassy in the Jordanian capital on Thursday night, demanding that Jordan end its peace treaty with Israel and close Israel’s diplomatic mission in the country.

The protests against Israel over its war on Gaza are some of the largest outpourings of public anger that Jordan has seen.

Demanding that Jordan close the embassy and end a peace treaty that normalised ties with Israel in 1994, the protesters chanted: “No Zionist embassy on Jordanian land” and “They said Hamas is terrorist. All of Jordan is Hamas.”

Gaza protesters rally outside Biden fundraiser attended by Clinton, Obama

Hundreds of protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza held a demonstration on Thursday evening outside Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan, New York City, as the iconic music venue hosted a fundraising event for US President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

Outside the fundraiser – attended by former US presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton – protesters held signs denouncing Biden and the Democratic Party as “war criminals” and calling for all aid to Israel to be cut.

More than 5,000 people paid between $225 and $500,000 to attend the fundraising event, which took in a record $25m for Biden’s campaign.


🇵🇸🚨BREAKING: Massive disruption for Palestine during Biden’s fundraiser in NYC with Obama and Clinton!

Politicians can’t go ANYWHERE without being reminded of the trail of blood that follows them for their complicity in the genocide of Palestinians #ShutItDown4Palestine


Netanyahu tells captive families Israel army ‘preparing to enter Rafah’

Israel’s prime minister told the relatives of soldiers held in Gaza that only military pressure will secure their release and the military is “preparing to enter Rafah”.

“We conquered the north of the Gaza Strip and Khan Younis,” he is quoted as saying in a statement, adding a ground invasion of southern Rafah city is coming next.

Benjamin Netanyahu also sought to emphasise that he’s not abandoning negotiations to release the captives, and said all of Israel’s assets must be “used wisely” in the talks.

Israel and Hamas failed to arrive at a compromise during the latest round of multilateral talks in Qatar, with Hamas saying the Israeli military must end its siege of the enclave and allow displaced Palestinians to return home.



The International Court of Justice (‘the Court’) has granted South Africa’s Urgent Request of 6 March 2024 for further provisional measures to prevent Israel from causing irreparable harm to the rights invoked by South Africa under the 1948 Genocide Convention in respect of the ongoing siege of Gaza.

In doing so, the Court agreed with South Africa’s assertion that the situation in Gaza had deteriorated significantly since the Court’s Order of 26 January 2024 as a result of Israel’s failure to comply with that Order. Therefore, it was necessary for the Court to indicate further provisional measures.

As the Court put it, “Palestinians in Gaza are no longer facing only a risk of famine, as noted in the Order of 26 January 2024, but that famine is setting in, with at least 31 people, including 27 children, having already died of malnutrition and dehydration”.

The Court unanimously ordered Israel to:

- Take all necessary and effective measures to ensure, without delay, in full co-operation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, electricity, fuel, shelter, clothing, hygiene and sanitation requirements, as well as medical supplies and medical care to Palestinians throughout Gaza, including by increasing the capacity and number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary;

By fifteen votes to one (Judge ad hoc Barak of Israel dissenting), the Court ordered Israel to:

- Ensure with immediate effect that its military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the Palestinians in Gaza as a protected group under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, including by preventing, through any action, the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian assistance

- Submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order, within one month as from the date of this Order.

These provisional measures supplement those of 26 January, which ordered Israel inter alia to refrain from committing genocidal acts against Palestinians in Gaza and to prevent and punish direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip.

The impact of the International Court of Justice's order is significant. The changing circumstances in Gaza warrant the implementation of new strategies.

The fact that Palestinian deaths are not solely caused by bombardment and ground attacks, but also by disease and starvation, indicates a need to protect the group's right to exist.

The most effective way to uphold this right is through prevention. The Court's actions include specific responsibilities to prevent genocide.

As a number of Judges pointed out, these responsibilities can only be fulfilled by halting military operations in Gaza and adhering to the court's directives. If there is non-compliance, the global community must ensure adherence when it comes to the sanctity of humanity.




>I don't want them going to anybody. War is a racket, I genuinely don't care if some of the weapons were just going to some country who was getting conned into buying them or simply getting them as "gives" they won't use.
The US military industrial complex is very powerful, it's been entrenching it self since the end of ww2. You have to pursue an incremental political strategy. They are currently supplying a genocide and that will create the opportunity to cockblock thee Zionist part of the war racket. By narrowing the goals to this aspect you might actually save a bunch of Palestinians from getting bombed to death.
>America has people sleeping under bridges, the "defense" stimuluses are not trickling down.
You are correct the capitalist system tends towards diverting surplus from welfare to warfare. However it will take 20 years to break the political power of the US MIC. They are not only siphoning wealth from America, but large parts of the rest of the world as well. That gives them a great deal of political independence from democratic oversight. You will not be able to stop them until the empire part of the US has been weakened further. In the mean time you should try to find a way to covert some of that warfare-spending back into welfare-spending. Game the system, find a way to hire the people sleeping under bridges as some kind of military contractor.

>Well, no. You can just arrest him without the state. He's made out of flesh and blood like anybody else. They can send assassins if they want, none of that shit scares me in the least. So many of the resources in America have gone towards war and empire and the rich, and this is the sort of thing they do with it while people here go homeless, unemployed, sick. I want you to understand that there are millions in this country who are about as scared of anything that a human can do to another human as I am; we don't care, and that's valuable. With time and this understanding of the reality of the situation, together we can achieve well considered goals.

I get it, every decent human being wants to see that fucker get wrecked for the hurricane of death he unleashed. But lets not loose sight of the greater political goals. You want Netanyahu to end up in a international war-crime tribunal. You want lots of political fallout to permanently sweap away the political viability of Zionism. It's not worth sacrificing people to beat Netanyahu with the people's stick, he's a replaceable Zionist figurehead. There's 10 more like him waiting in line to take over. The international system is turning against the Zionist project, you don't want to create an incident that might change the momentum of that development.

>Dude, genocide is an international crime. Why would you think we'd be trying him just for attacks on America's first amendment rights? Genocide is illegal under American law, too… as well as international law, which, clearly, desperately needs enforcement. That's not anybody else's job;

While this is true, you have to understand that people in the middle east probably want to be the ones that prosecute Zionist war-criminals. They'll probably feel cheated if you take that away from them.
>a precedent for getting away with genocide endangers everyone, all common people, even you and me.
During and after WW2 the Nazis were ruthlessly crushed and made an example off with an intensity never seen before. Jewish Nazi hunters and Soviet anti-fascist clean-up operations tracked down Nazis all over the world for decades. You'd think that a precedent was created that genocides would no longuer be tolerated. But 20 years later the German government already had little problems supporting the Indonesian genocide, perpetrated by the regime the US had installed.
I'm sorry but if you are serious about frustrating the potential for genocide you need to arm, train and organize the general population. To make it really dangerous to victimize people in that way. Fascist storm troopers won't try to round up the "untermenshen" if they can return fire. This is no small feat, arming the general population in a safe way without lots people of getting shot is difficult. You need to promote a culture of mental stability and strong impulse controle along side with lots of societal structures that constrain the weapons to a role of deterrence.


>The US military industrial complex is very powerful, it's been entrenching it self since the end of ww2. You have to pursue an incremental political strategy. They are currently supplying a genocide and that will create the opportunity to cockblock thee Zionist part of the war racket. By narrowing the goals to this aspect you might actually save a bunch of Palestinians from getting bombed to death.
That depends entirely on what sort of intel we have access to, and if we don't have totally precise intel then blocking any arms shipments by companies/parties known to be supplying the genocide would suffice.

Incrementalism is only necessary if it's necessary, and I suspect that it actually may not be. The numbers turning up against this continue to grow, and they're already quite huge. The US MIC can be overtaken by a group of substantial number, as it still relies not only on the ports and roadways but on capital flow and labor as well. Even a big enough labor strike (not just among arms workers, but among the general population) could deal critical blows to the beast.

>However it will take 20 years to break the political power of the US MIC.

No it won't.

>That gives them a great deal of political independence from democratic oversight.

They still bleed, though.

>You will not be able to stop them until the empire part of the US has been weakened further.

It's weaker than it may appear.

>In the mean time you should try to find a way to covert some of that warfare-spending back into welfare-spending. Game the system, find a way to hire the people sleeping under bridges as some kind of military contractor.

I'd be sleeping under bridges if I tried to do that.

>I get it, every decent human being wants to see that fucker get wrecked for the hurricane of death he unleashed. But lets not loose sight of the greater political goals. You want Netanyahu to end up in a international war-crime tribunal. You want lots of political fallout to permanently sweap away the political viability of Zionism. It's not worth sacrificing people to beat Netanyahu with the people's stick, he's a replaceable Zionist figurehead. There's 10 more like him waiting in line to take over. The international system is turning against the Zionist project, you don't want to create an incident that might change the momentum of that development.

It wouldn't change the momentum, but otherwise some of this is actually accurate. That said, this isn't work which can be outsourced reliably. Yes, he's a replaceable figurehead, but I don't endorse allowing anyone to hide behind such a status - if the intent was to do one single move and win everything, there would be no move worth doing, you could justify any inaction, no matter how irresponsible, by simply saying "well, the problem is very big." We have the knowledge that the powerful have shirked their responsibilities to punish war crimes before, so the responsibility falls on the populace to enforce such good laws. There is no way to spin "they captured the figurehead who murdered 13,000 children in 5 months" so that it looks bad - the propaganda has been falling apart, and people are seeing through it, and it's not for lack of trying on the part of the media & political establishment. It's not that everyone in the opposition has been perfect good boys, it's that the scope of the crime is so great, its nature so evil, its horror so evident, that ordinary people can no longer ignore it. The lies are more-and-more ignored, however.

Waiting for the US to decline further to take action runs the severe risk of simply going down with the ship. It is better to take the wheel and to steer it away from final calamity while there is still a small amount of time to potentially do so.

>While this is true, you have to understand that people in the middle east probably want to be the ones that prosecute Zionist war-criminals. They'll probably feel cheated if you take that away from them.

This is a bad argument, sorry. They won't mind in the least. If they do, we'll apologize. "Sorry the American public started prosecuting the guys who were murdering you."

>I'm sorry but if you are serious about frustrating the potential for genocide you need to arm, train and organize the general population.

Who said anything to the contrary?
You act sometimes like all this stuff is "either/or," but it really isn't.

>To make it really dangerous to victimize people in that way. Fascist storm troopers won't try to round up the "untermenshen" if they can return fire.

That's not entirely true.

>This is no small feat, arming the general population in a safe way without lots people of getting shot is difficult. You need to promote a culture of mental stability and strong impulse controle along side with lots of societal structures that constrain the weapons to a role of deterrence.

See, you had a fine thought there, but you've turned it into more of a fantasy and made fulfillment of that a prerequisite for success. The truth is that merely arming a substantial portion of the population would be enough to overtake the powers-that-be; there are way more of us. The actual task within the US, more than anything, is organizing a large enough group of people and stockpiling and pooling resources besides guns - we're actually very gunny as a people already, what we need is land, food, brains, things like that. We should prepare for war in great numbers and pursue peace, and there's no time to hesitate on this.


More Cornish analysis.




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In a video messaged published on Thursday, Sadiq Al-Ghariani, the general Mufti of Libya, urged security forces and police in Egypt and Jordan not to stop people from breaking into borders with Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

Al-Ghariani argued that in doing so, the security forces in these countries are “protecting the Zionists” and “collaborating with them” in the killing of Palestinian Muslims.

The message came at a time when tensions in Arab countries are running high over the war on Gaza, especially in Jordan and Egypt, where protestors were met with a severe crackdown by security forces.


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Palestine Action permanently shut Elbit down in Tamworth

Relentless direct action has secured another victory in the fight against Israel’s arms trade, as Elbit Systems are forced to sell their ‘Elite KL’ factory in Tamworth.

The company had previously manufactured cooling and power management systems for military vehicles, but was sold on after stating that it faced falling profits and increased security costs resulting from Palestine Action’s efforts.

After the sale was completed last month, Elite KL’s new owners, listed as Griffin Newco Ltd, confirmed in an email to Palestine Action that they will have nothing to do with the previous owners, Elbit, and have discontinued any arms manufacturing:

“Following the recent acquisition of Elite KL Limited by a UK investment syndicate, the newly appointed board has unanimously agreed to withdraw from all future defence contracts and terminate its association with its former parent company”.

This victory is a direct result of sustained direct action which has sought, throughout Palestine Action’s existence, to make it impossible for Elbit to afford to operate in Britain. Before they sold the enterprise to a private equity syndicate, Elbit had reported that Elite KL operating profits had been slashed by over three-quarters, with Palestine Action responsible: Elbit directly cited the increased expenditure on security they’d been forced to make, and higher supply chain costs they faced.

And these actions did, indeed, cost them. The first action at the site, in November 2020, saw Elite KL’s premises smashed into, the building covered in blood-red paint. Between March and July 2021, the site was put out of action three times by roof-top occupations – drenched red in March 2021, with the factory’s camera systems dismantled, before again being occupied in in May. Another roof-top occupation in July, despite increased security, saw the site forced closed – once again painted blood-red, and with its windows and fixings smashed through.

In February 2022, activists decommissioned the site for weeks – closed off after an occupation that saw over £250,000 of damages caused, the roof tiles removed one-by-one. After this, Elbit erected a security perimeter around the site – but to no avail. One month later, six were arrested after Palestine Action returned to Tamworth – again taking the roof and smashing through, preventing the production of parts for Israel’s military machine.

Elite KL is a ‘specialist thermal management business’. Since the sale, the company focuses on cooling systems for buses and trains, but it had, under Elbit, manufactured these systems for military vehicles. Until December of last year, Elite KL’s website was advertising its military and defence products, and it was known to provide parts for Israel’s deadly Merkava tanks, with export license records demonstrating its provision of ‘ML6a’ components for military ground vehicles to Israel. The company was also known to manufacture crew cooling systems, for the military vests of tank operators.

Elbit Systems itself provides 85% of the drones and land-based military equipment for the Israeli military, along with a wide range of the munitions and armaments currently being used against Gaza’s beseiged population. Its CEO, Bazhalel Machlis, has claimed that the Israeli military has offered the company its thanks for their “crucial” services during the ongoing genocide in Gaza

A Palestine Action spokesperson has stated:

“Each activist who occupied and dismantled Tamworth’s Israeli weapons factory did so in order to bring an end to Israel’s weapons trade, and to end the profiteering from Palestinian repression. Every defeat Elbit faces is a victory for the Palestinian people.

Kicking Elbit out of Tamworth shows once again that direct action is a necessary tactic. It is one which must be utilised and amplified in the face of the Gaza genocide.”



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Hezbollah claims attacks on Israeli military positions, soldiers

The armed group says it launched multiple attack on Israeli positions over the past few hours, with the latest attacks using rockets and missiles to target areas in Kfarchouba and Metulla in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah also said it used Falaq missiles to hit Israeli soldiers at the Jal al-Alam site, and fired artillery at an infantry force “causing confirmed casualties”.

The group had also claimed an artillery attack on Israeli soldiers in Hunin. It has so far claimed eight attacks today.

US signs off on more bombs and warplanes for Israel: Report

The US in recent days authorised the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel even as it publicly expresses concerns about an anticipated military offensive in Rafah.

The Washington Post, citing unnamed officials, reports the new arms packages include more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound (900kg) bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound (225kg) bombs.

The United States has rushed air defences and munitions to Israel, but some groups have criticized the Biden administration’s steadfast support of Israel, which they say provides it with a sense of impunity.

Washington gives $3.8bn in annual military assistance to Israel.

‘Millions’ more Yemenis express solidarity with Palestinians in march

Yemenis in Houthi-controlled areas of the West Asian country took to the streets for another week to express solidarity with Palestinians and oppose Israel’s war on Gaza.

Yemeni media said “millions” more marched this week. The video below is from Sabeen Square in the capital Sanaa, the main site of protests since the start of the war.


Israel pitches multi-national Arab military force in Gaza: Report

Israeli defence and war cabinet minister Yoav Gallant pitched the idea of establishing a multi-national military force with troops from Arab countries to improve the security situation and escort humanitarian aid convoys in Gaza, reports US news outlet Axios.

It cited unnamed senior Israeli officials as saying such a force could help establish an alternative to Hamas in the enclave, and be responsible for securing a temporary pier the US wants to build and make sure aid won’t be looted or get to Hamas.

The report said Israeli military officials have been discussing the issue with three Arab countries, including Egypt in recent weeks, but those nations may not be eager to send forces now and will consider the move after the war.

The Israeli officials said Gallant and other senior Israeli officials are expected to hold more talks with the US and the Arab countries on this.

UN rapporteur welcomes Ireland joining South Africa in ICJ case

The UN special rapporteur on occupied Palestinian territories praised Ireland’s decision to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“Ireland has historically been a strong principled voice on the question of Palestine [while other EU countries have lost their compass],” Francesca Albanese wrote in a post on X.

“May it continue to lead in the pursuit of justice.”

Ireland made its strongest move yet to display its concerns about Israel’s war on Gaza in joining the ICJ case, saying the situation “could not be more stark”.

Reaction to killing of unarmed Palestinians contradicts rights claims: Iran

The Iranian foreign ministry says what has been unfolding in Gaza over the past six months is the ultimate test for governments and international organisations about their true commitment to international human rights.

Nasser Kanaani, spokesperson for the foreign ministry, said in a post on X the Israeli killing of two unarmed Palestinians along the Gaza coastline and then burying them with bulldozers, which was exposed by Al Jazeera, is only the latest incident.

Reactions to the killings by countries and officials who claim to be staunch supporters of human rights “clearly show how honest they are in their slogans and claims on human rights”, Kanaani said.

Hamas says Netanyahu policies killing captives in Gaza

As Israel and Hamas gear up for another round of mediated negotiations in Qatar, the Palestinian group is trying to up the pressure on the Israeli government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over captives it holds in Gaza.

Hamas released posters to emphasize that Israeli captives face the same dire conditions as Palestinians in the besieged enclave.

“My suffering increases every day because of Netanyahu’s policy, and I am still waiting for my release,” said one of the posters that shows a captive as a missile is seen coming down.

“I was watching your demonstrations demanding my release and I had hope,” another said in reference to weekly gatherings in Tel Aviv and elsewhere demanding the captives’ freedom. “Netanyahu and the [military] killed them.”

Heavy fighting between Palestinian armed groups, Israeli army ongoing

Hamas’s armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, says it has targeted an Israeli Merkava 4 tank west of the Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood in Gaza City.

In southern Gaza, the al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said it has engaged in fierce fighting with Israeli forces in the al-Qarara axis, north of Khan Younis.

Russia says Israeli attacks on Syria ‘fraught with dangerous consequences’

Russia’s foreign ministry denounced Israel for its deadly air raids on Syria, calling it a breach of the country’s sovereignty.

Such attacks are “fraught with extremely dangerous consequences”, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova.

The attack on Syria’s Aleppo province is Israel’s deadliest in months, killing at least 42 people including 36 Syrian soldiers, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Israel damaging most Gaza schools, using them as military bases: UN

The latest report by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) also contains details about what the Israeli military is doing to schools in Gaza.

At least 67 percent of schools will either need full reconstruction or major rehabilitation work to be functional again as a result of Israeli attacks.

“The assessment is based on an analysis of satellite imagery due to access limitations, especially in northern Gaza, intensive Israeli bombardment and recurrent telecommunications shutdowns.”

The report also said evidence has been found that complements previous reports, photos and videos “showing that schools are being used for military operations by Israeli security forces, including use as detention, interrogation centres, and military bases”.

About 38 percent of all school buildings in Gaza, 212, have been “directly hit” by the Israeli military since October 7.

Many UN missions to northern Gaza denied despite famine

UN humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza are still being denied by Israeli authorities despite spreading famine.

Israel denied eight out of 19 missions between March 23-29, approved another eight, and the three others were postponed or withdrawn, the UN’s Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports.

Since the start of March, a total of 30 percent – or 18 missions – were denied and 13 missions postponed or withdrawn.

“Facilitated missions involved: food distributions; movement of emergency medical teams; fuel, nutrition and health assessments; delivery of supplies to hospitals; and support for water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) activities,” OCHA said.

Kuwait welcomes ICJ order for Israeli action on Gaza aid

The Gulf country has joined the growing list of countries calling for Israel to obey the International Court of Justice (ICJ) order to allow the unimpeded delivery of aid into Gaza.

In a statement, Kuwait’s Foreign Ministry said it welcomed the World Court’s order and stressed the importance of exerting pressure to force Israel to comply with the demands of both the ICJ and UN resolutions.

Gaza fisherman braves Israeli navy fire to support his family

Before Israel’s war on Gaza, Palestinian fisherman Jalal Qaraan navigated his small boat for long distances in search of a good catch. These days, he says, merely casting his nets could be deadly if he draws the wrath of the Israeli navy.

“When we attempt to go out, … we are besieged with gunfire, bombarded with shells, sound bombs. It’s always a risk. Entering the water is a risk,” he told Reuters as he pulled his boat to shore after catching a few fish.

“There is not a day that goes by without them coming at us. It’s all fear and terror, but despite this, I go in to be able to provide a secure living for my children.”

Qaraan said the amount of fish he catches is not enough. “Today during Ramadan, I’m fasting, risking my life to get 1 or 2 kilos [2.2 or 4.4lb] of fish to eat or to sell them to buy household necessities,” he added.

Palestinian Christians barred from Jerusalem’s Old City at Easter

As many Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Easter, Palestinians in the land that birthed the religion are facing severe restrictions on entering Jerusalem’s Old City to mark the occasion.

“These are very dark days, very difficult days,” Reverend Munther Isaac said, speaking to Al Jazeera from Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank.

“I think the restrictions this year have definitely increased. Even for us here in Bethlehem – and Jerusalem is literally 20 minutes away from here – we don’t have access.”

Israeli attack on Gaza police station kills 17

At least 17 people have been killed in an Israeli attack on a police station in the Shujaiya neighbourhood in Gaza City, the government in the strip has said.

In a statement, it blamed Israel for committing a “massacre” and killing at least one police officer.

“We condemn the crimes committed by the Israeli occupation army and its continuous targeting of the civilian police forces that provide humanitarian services to our Palestinian people,” it said.

“We hold the American administration, the international community and the Israeli occupation fully responsible for these ongoing crimes.”

Israeli police arrest five activists at anti-war rally: Report

The Free Jerusalem movement, an Israeli anti-occupation group, says Israeli police have detained five people and assaulted others who were “protesting against the criminal attack on Gaza”.

In a post on X, the group posted footage of Israeli forces grabbing, shoving, and forcibly restraining several demonstrators in Jerusalem’s Paris Square.

‘Millions’ more Yemenis express solidarity with Palestinians in march

Yemenis in Houthi-controlled areas of the West Asian country took to the streets for another week to express solidarity with Palestinians and oppose Israel’s war on Gaza.

Yemeni media said “millions” more marched this week. The video below is from Sabeen Square in the capital Sanaa, the main site of protests since the start of the war.




it's nice to see principled people like that


‘Outrageous and unacceptable’: US protesters denounce arming Israel

Pro-Palestinian protesters in San Francisco blocked roads after a US warship in port was suspected of being used to carry weapons to Israel.

Demonstrators said they are concerned the vessel, USNS Harvey Milk, may deliver supplies to Israel’s military as it continues its deadly attack on Gaza.

“It is outrageous and unacceptable that our government continues to fund and supply the Israeli military as it carries out genocide against the people of Gaza,” said Lara Kiswani of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center.


>be American ethnic or cultural minority

>America names military vehicles after you and uses them to commit war crimes


>Russia’s foreign ministry denounced Israel for its deadly air raids on Syria, calling it a breach of the country’s sovereignty.
>Such attacks are “fraught with extremely dangerous consequences”, said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova.
>The attack on Syria’s Aleppo province is Israel’s deadliest in months, killing at least 42 people including 36 Syrian soldiers, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Not that long ago the Russians avoided commenting on Israel attacking Syria. But now they do. what's changed ?


>what's changed ?

A few things.

1. There've been more attacks.
2. Israel (and by extension, the US) is increasingly isolated and it's becoming incredibly obvious that opinion around the world is against them, and regionally the crisis continues to boil over. The US looks incredibly weak, now, and I'm sure Russia is taking all of this into account. Even US leadership seems like they might be hesitant to go too hard after Russia for these comments, because their continuing to (loudly) double down is extremely unpopular at home, and antagonizing Russia (when Russia is unambiguously in the right, here) would also be extremely unpopular.
3. The consequences of just letting the US mismanage this and trying to be as neutral as possible are increasingly bad as this drags on. (although I'm not sure if Russia has formally stopped trade with Israel or anything like that, they're at least taking some initiative here)


makes sense.

>The consequences of just letting the US mismanage this

>are increasingly bad as this drags on.
What does that exactly mean ?
The Zionists invade Syria and then it becomes a proxy war between the US and Russia ?


Israel's continued attacks on Syria (and at least one on Iran, according to the Iranian gov't, who say Israel was behind an attack on a gas line there), Yemen's attacks on shipping in response, the general expansion of the conflict, the prospect of mass-migration as a result of this, Israel's attacks on the UN and UN employees (I don't think Russia cares much about this one, but who knows?), US bombings of Iraq, Yemen, & Syria, etc.


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Gaza press office: 400 killed during Israel’s al-Shifa Hospital siege

Gaza’s media office says the Israeli military killed more than 400 Palestinians and destroyed, burned or otherwise targeted 1,050 homes in the vicinity of the al-Shifa Hospital after laying siege to it for 13 days.

“We condemn the international silence towards this crime,” the office said in a statement on its Telegram channel, adding that the Israeli military has also arrested and “tortured” hundreds of patients, displaced people and medical staff inside and around the key hospital in Gaza City.

“We once again condemn in the strongest terms the Israeli occupation army’s storming of the Shifa Medical Complex, which is a war crime and a crime against humanity.”

“We call on all international organisations, all Arab and Islamic countries, and all countries of the free world to move out of the box of silence and condemnation and into the box of taking practical positions, real measures, and field action to stop the genocidal war.”

The Israeli military has more or less provided similar numbers on Palestinians killed or arrested inside and around the hospital, but insists most were “terrorists”, including senior Hamas officials.

UK government legal advice on Israel’s war should be made public

A human rights lawyer says the public is entitled to see what legal advice government lawyers provided UK officials over Israel’s war on Gaza.

The Guardian reports a legal opinion had been issued saying Israel broke international humanitarian law, which would mean weapons sales must immediately be halted or else the UK government could be found complicit.

“If any government has received clear advice that what is happening is unlawful, then providing weapons for unlawful activity runs the risk of being found complicit,” barrister Geoffry Nice told Al Jazeera.

“It’s a big problem for governments. There’s a lot to play for here.”

What legal advice did the UK get on Israel’s war on Gaza?

The Guardian’s Observer reports it obtained a leaked audio recording indicating the UK government received legal advice from its lawyers saying Israel broke international law in its war on Gaza.

The lawyers’ judgement would mean the UK should have stopped arms sales to Israel immediately after the legal opinion was given, the news report said.

Alicia Kearns, a former UK Foreign Office official, called on the government to present the legal advice from its lawyers.

“I remain convinced the government has completed its updated assessment on whether Israel is demonstrating a commitment to international humanitarian law, and that it has concluded that Israel is not demonstrating this commitment, which is the legal determination it has to make,” Kearns was quoted as saying.

“Transparency at this point is paramount, not least to uphold the international rules-based order.”

Palestinian factions warn against ‘dangerous’ Arab military force proposal

The Alliance of Palestinian Forces, which includes major factions Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), strongly opposed the idea of establishing an Arab military force in the Gaza Strip.

The idea, according to media reports, was pitched by Israel to the US and at least three Arab states including Egypt. The plan is an Israeli “trap” designed to serve its interests and “get the occupation army out of the great quagmire it has found itself in the Gaza Strip”, a joint statement said.

The factions said Palestinians, who have stood up to Israel during six months of devastating war, “are capable of choosing their leaders and institutions to manage the Gaza Strip and preserve national sovereignty”.

WHO forced to delay another mission to al-Shifa amid Israeli attacks

The World Health Organization and its partners have been forced to “postpone a highly-complex joint mission due to delays” after having three previous missions to the besieged al-Shifa Hospital denied by the Israeli military.

“Repeated denials have not only impeded us from reaching patients but also disrupted other crucial life-saving operations by diverting limited resources,” Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a post on X.

“We urge Israel to facilitate a safe humanitarian corridor and a better deconfliction system for WHO and partners to support patient transfers.”

“International humanitarian law is clear: health must not be militarised or attacked. Ceasefire!”

Israelis pledge to take protests to the parliament in Jerusalem

Israelis rallying in Tel Aviv calling for the immediate release of captives say they will take their demonstration to the Knesset to turn up the heat on Benjamin Netanyahu.

In a statement released by the captive families forum, relatives of those held in Gaza said they will “turn off the lights in the squares, and meet in the streets”, calling for a mass march.

“Next week we will relocate to Jerusalem, in front of the Knesset, where the struggle for the release of the hostages will take place,” said the statement.

Families of captives and supporters have blamed the Israeli prime minister for putting the captive deal and the country at risk and not handling it properly.

Hamas condemns new US arms transfer to Israel amid Gaza war

Hamas says it “strongly condemns” the decision by the Biden administration to greenlight the transfer of thousands more bombs and fighter jets to the Israeli military as it continues to kill civilians across the Gaza Strip.

The group said in a statement this only “confirms the full partnership of this administration in the brutal war of extermination” against Palestinians in the enclave.

Hamas also said the move shows the United States is only insisting on increasing humanitarian aid to Gaza and protecting civilians to “cover up the ongoing crimes” of its ally Israel.

“We call on the international community and the United Nations to impose a complete ban on the supply of weapons to the criminal Zionist entity, and to take steps to stop the aggression, leading to holding the occupation and its leaders accountable for the violations and crimes against humanity they have committed.”

‘Children’s game’: Released Israeli captive blasts Netanyahu at protest

Tens of thousands of Israelis are protesting in Tel Aviv in one of the largest demonstrations since the start of the war on Gaza, with pressure building on the government to get remaining captives out of Gaza.

Aviva Siegel, an Israeli woman released from the enclave through negotiations, said at a rally that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must stop treating current negotiations “as if they are a children’s game”.

“You cannot bring back the delegation from Qatar without a deal,” she said, pointing out she has no idea if her husband, still a captive in Gaza, is alive, according to Times of Israel.

Raz Ben-Ami, a captive released from Gaza about three months ago, also said the government must strike a deal with Hamas, as those being held “won’t last there, no one can survive what they go through there”.

Israel acknowledges its troops killed 2 Palestinians

The Israeli military’s acknowledgment that its troops shot dead two Palestinians and wounded a third along Gaza’s beach comes after video aired on Al Jazeera showing the killings.

The footage showed one man falling to the ground after walking in an open area and then an Israeli military bulldozer pushing two bodies into the garbage-strewn sand.

The Israeli army claimed its forces opened fire after the men ignored warning shots. One of the men was waving a white piece of cloth before being gunned down.

The footage follows a number of similar clips that have shown Palestinians in war-stricken Gaza being fired at or killed while seeming to pose little threat.

Hezbollah claims drone attack on Israeli military headquarters in Ya’ara

Hezbollah says it used attack drones to target an Israeli military headquarters in the settlement of Ya’ara in northern Israel, “hitting its objectives precisely”.

It was the eighth attack claimed by the Lebanese armed group today, with another targeting a site in Kfarchouba with a Burkan missile.

The group also said an attack directly hit a radar site in the Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms with rockets and missiles, with another attack “inflicting confirmed casualties” among Israeli soldiers in the Adamit kibbutz.

‘Intifada!’: Pro-Palestinian protesters rally outside New York City Hall

Within Our Lifetime, one of the most visible pro-Palestinian activist groups in New York City, organised a rally in front of the seat of the government in the major US city.

Demonstrators, who can be seen waving Palestinian flags and wearing keffiyehs, chanted, “Intifada, intifada!” in honouring the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.

The activist group had its main Instagram account and a backup page, each with tens of thousands of followers, taken down by tech giant Meta in mid-February for its support of the Palestinian cause.


‘Complicity in Israel’s ongoing crimes’

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor welcomed the new rulings by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for Israel to stop genocidal acts in Gaza even as Israel continues to violate the court’s original orders.

“Euro-Med Monitor stresses that the ICJ must reaffirm its orders to Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians in Gaza,” the Geneva-based rights group said in a statement.

The rights group earlier this week released a report that detailed how Israel has been violating the late January interim rulings, which called on it to stop killing Palestinian civilians and allow significantly more aid into the besieged enclave.

Euro-Med called on all states to halt military, financial and political support for Israel’s war, warning they “will be held accountable for their complicity in Israel’s ongoing crimes, including genocide” if they fail to do so.



The Zionists blew up a gas pipeline in Iran ?
woah that's a dangerous escalation.


Protesters call for Netanyahu to resign near his private residence

Several hundred people demonstrated in the town of Caesarea near the private residence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to demand his resignation.

In another Saturday night of protests across Israel, demonstrators in the town between Tel Aviv and Haifa carried pictures of captives still held in Gaza and chanted for Netanyahu to quit.

The rally included a speech from a former head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, according to the Times of Israel.


West Bank raids ‘test of international community’s credibility’: Palestine foreign ministry

The Palestinian foreign ministry says along with what is happening in Gaza, the many deadly raids the Israeli military is carrying out across the occupied West Bank are “a test of the international community’s credibility in protecting our people”.

After another violent day of Israeli forces’ attacks, a ministry statement said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “has given free rein to his extremist ministers” to attack the occupied West Bank.

It pointed out 750 Israeli checkpoints cut off the West Bank from other areas, turning it into a prison where Israeli forces and settlers can do what they want.

It also called for “urgent and practical international intervention to stop” the attacks in the occupied territory.

Thousands march in London to demand Gaza ceasefire

Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters are rallying in London in the latest demonstration in the British capital demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and more aid for the besieged territory.

The event, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, began at Russell Square in the city centre before attendees marched to Trafalgar Square for a mid-afternoon rally.

A smaller number of demonstrators also turned out for a counterprotest in support of Israel, with lines of police separating the two gatherings.

‘Targeting of peacekeepers unacceptable’: UN

The United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) says “the targeting of peacekeepers is unacceptable” after four observers on a foot patrol along the Blue Line demarcating the border between Israel and Lebanon were wounded when a shell exploded near their location.

UNTSO did not identify the source of the shelling but Lebanon’s official National News Agency (NNA) blamed Israel.

The UN peacekeeping mission said the injured personnel were taken to a hospital for treatment and an investigation was launched into the origin of the explosion. NNA said the peacekeepers, travelling with a Lebanese translator, were from Norway, Chile and Australia.

“All actors have a responsibility under international humanitarian law to avoid targeting non-combatants, including peacekeepers, journalists, medical personnel, and civilians,” UNTSO said.

“We repeat our call for all actors to cease the current heavy exchanges of fire before more people are unnecessarily hurt.”

‘Netanyahu is working against a deal’: Families of Israeli captives

In a news conference, families of captives being held in Gaza say the Israeli prime minister’s “behaviour regarding the hostages is a crime”, according to a report by Channel 13.

“We have no choice but to say: ‘We understand that you’re the one who’s blocking the deal’. We’ll do whatever it takes to try and end your term as prime minister. This is a new phase in our battle to bring our kids home,” they said.

Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested in Pakistan

More than 50 men were arrested after a crowd chanting anti-Israel slogans protested and set fire to a restaurant belonging to American fast food chain KFC.

The incident took place in the northeastern town of Mirpur, in the Pakistan-administered region of Kashmir. Videos circulating on social media show men chanting anti-Israel slogans, carrying a banner inscribed with “Free Palestine”.

Nearly 400 protesters gathered at the height of the demonstration and clashes broke out with the police, Mirpur police chief Kamran Mughal told AFP news agency.

Nine police officers were injured by stones thrown by the demonstrators and more than 50 men were arrested, said Mughal.

US stepping up military aid shows continued alignment with Israel

The US is increasing military aid because it is still in agreement with Israel from a militarily perspective, Al Jazeera’s senior analyst Marwan Bishara has said, despite minor political disagreements.

“There is a pattern in US-Israel relations and in America’s relations with its allies around the world,” he said. “The US usually aims to increase military aid to have more leverage on the country,” but it does not deter Israel from doing what it wants in Gaza.

“The US on the one hand says it wants less civilian casualties, but in reality, it has never stopped supporting Israel’s policy on the ground,” he added.

Netanyahu and Biden agreed at the beginning of the war that Israel was going to defeat Hamas and that the US would stand with Israel if others like Hezbollah and the Houthis stepped in.

“And it has done just that,” the analyst said.

Jordan calls for opening of Gaza land crossings for quick action on state of near-famine

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi has said that the state of near-famine in Gaza can be dealt with in a short time if Israel opened the land crossings for aid to enter.

Safadi made the comments at a news conference with his Egyptian and French counterparts in Cairo.

Thousands of Palestinians march in Israel to mark Land Day

Palestinians have marched across Israel to mark the 48th anniversary of Land Day under the slogan “Stop the war on Gaza”, according to the Wafa news agency, putting the total number of demonstrators at about 10,000.

At the cemetery in Sakhnin, some placed wreaths on the tombs of Palestinians killed during violent demonstrations against the Israel’s confiscation of Palestinian land in 1976.

Demonstrators also marched to a memorial in the town of Kafr Kanna, commemorating all Palestinians killed in the village since 1936.

Saeed Hussein, the head of the local council in the town of Deir Hanna, said Land Day was not about a distant past but a daily struggle.

“The machine of oppression is still trying to erase our national identity and steal our lands,” he said.

Bombing, fighting continuing in Khan Younis

The Israeli military has launched air strikes in the eastern part of Khan Younis as its artillery shelling targeted al-Mughraqa, a town north of the city, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have reported.

The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, claimed in a statement that it hit an Israeli tank with an explosive device, killing and wounding several soldiers. The military sent three helicopters to evacuate them, it said.

Death toll in Gaza rises to 32,705

The death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza has risen to 32,705, the Health Ministry said in a statement, adding that 75,190 people have been injured since October 7.

The toll includes 82 people killed and 98 wounded in the past 24 hours.

Settler kidnaps child in Bethlehem: Report

A Jewish settler has allegedly kidnapped a teenage boy from the village of Husan in the west of Bethlehem, occupied West Bank, according to the Palestinian Wafa news agency.

Director of the Husan Village Council, Rami Hamamra, told Wafa that a settler from an outpost close to the village abducted the 17-year-old while herding sheep in the al-Sharafa area in the village.

Wafa also said that settlers and troops raided the village on Friday evening.

Israel says it will pursue Hezbollah members wherever they are

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s recent statement said the army will expand its campaign in the north of the country, and increase the rate of attacks, pursuing Hezbollah members wherever they are – Damascus, Beirut and further.

The Israeli army has already hit Beirut a few months ago, killing a senior Hamas leader in southern Beirut.

The new remarks by Gallant are a threat against Hezbollah, not Hamas, and if Israel hits a senior Hezbollah commander, the group has to react.

The statement also comes after Gallant’s visit to the US, where he got his agreement to get the Americans to speed up weapons and arms deliveries to Israel.

This is despite the fact that the US has real concerns with regards to Rafah, where about 1.3 million Palestinians are sheltering.

The Americans don’t want a mass ground offensive in Rafah. Military analysts say, if Israelis get away with a major military operation in Rafah, then it opens the flood gates to going into Lebanon in much bigger form than perhaps we saw in 2006.

Malaysia arrests three suspected of supplying Israeli man with firearms

Malaysian authorities have arrested three people suspected of supplying firearms to a 36-year-old man carrying an Israeli passport and suspected of spying, according to police.

As reported earlier, police said that the man, arrested with a bag containing six handguns and 200 bullets, had arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport from the United Arab Emirates on March 12, using what authorities believed to be a fake French passport.

Three Malaysians, including a married couple, were arrested on Friday and have been remanded for seven days on suspicion of supplying weapons and acting as a driver to the Israeli suspect, Inspector-General of Police Razarudin Husain told Reuters on Saturday.

A pistol was retrieved from a car belonging to the couple, he said.

Police did not rule out the possibility that the man could be a member of Israeli intelligence, though the suspect told authorities he had entered Malaysia to hunt down another Israeli citizen due to a family dispute.

What’s in the US’s latest arms package to Israel?

Despite expressing concern about civilian casualties in Gaza, the US White House has greenlighted more major shipments of arms and military equipment to Israel in recent days. The packages include:

1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs
500 MK82 500-pound bombs
25 F-35A fighter jets and engines

The 2,000-pound bombs, which can inflict damage to people up to 1,000 feet (300 metres) away, have been “linked to previous mass-casualty events throughout Israel’s military campaign in Gaza”, reports the Washington Post.

‘Thermobaric rocket’ attack reportedly kills 1 Israeli, injures 16 in south Gaza: Monitors

Palestinian fighters battling Israeli forces in the southern Gaza Strip’s Khan Younis area have reported carrying out “a series of high-impact attacks”, according to the latest joint report from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP).

According to the US-based think tanks, Hamas fighters reported launching a thermobaric rocket at Israeli soldiers deployed inside a multi-storey building near Nasser Hospital on Friday. The rocket blast appears to have killed an Israeli special forces soldier and injured 16 others, according to the ISW/CTP report.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) fighters also reported an ambush on a squad of six Israeli special forces soldiers in the al-Qarara area of Khan Younis. PIJ claimed to have either killed or wounded all six of the special forces team.

The left-wing Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine also claimed to have targeted an Israeli personnel carrier in the al-Qarara area with an IED (improvised explosive device), the war monitors said.



Been a hectic few days, still more news from YESTERDAY:

Suspected Israeli spy arrested in Malaysia with weapons: Report

The Reuters news agency is reporting that authorities in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur have arrested an armed man, who police described as a suspect Israeli spy.

Malaysia’s inspector general of police, Razarudin Husain, told a news conference late on Friday that the 36-year-old suspect, who was found with six handguns and 200 bullets, arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport from the United Arab Emirates on March 12 using what authorities believe to be a fake French passport.

The suspect turned over an Israeli passport upon questioning by police, Razarudin said. The suspect told authorities he had entered Malaysia to track down another Israeli citizen over a family dispute.

According to Reuters, police are investigating if the man is a member of Israeli intelligence.

“We do not fully trust this narrative as we suspect there may be another agenda,” Razarudin said.

A Palestinian scientist was shot dead in Kuala Lumpur in 2018 by two unidentified men in a killing that Hamas suggested was carried out by Israel’s Mossad intelligence service.

Sixth night of protests in Jordan over Israel’s war on Gaza

Thousands of people rallied near the Israeli embassy in Jordan’s capital Amman on Friday in a sixth night of large-scale protests against Israel.

Heavy security was evident as the protesters waved Palestinian and Jordanian flags and called for an end to Jordan’s unpopular peace treaty with Israel amid its war on Gaza.

The protest passed peacefully, unlike earlier this week when riot police fired tear gas and struck protesters with batons to prevent them from approaching the Israeli embassy compound.

World warns Israel to obey ICJ on Gaza aid as Netanyahu plans Rafah assault

Governments and human rights groups have called on Israel to obey an International Court of Justice order to allow the unimpeded delivery of aid into Gaza, where famine has set in.

Caroline Gennez, Belgium’s minister of development cooperation and urban policy, said “Israel must stop starving civilians and children” and praised the ICJ order in a post on social media.

Amnesty International said the court’s “ruling must serve as a critical reminder to all states of their clear duty to prevent genocide which requires them to ensure that all of the ICJ’s provisional measures are duly implemented”.


Gaza war evokes memories of Vietnam’s own liberation struggle, past unity with Palestine

Vietnam is witnessing rare political activism in support of Palestinians as Israel’s war on Gaza reminds younger Vietnamese of their country’s fight for liberation during the war against the United States.

Pro-Palestinian art is being produced, discussion evenings have been held, and Palestinian poetry and history books are being translated into Vietnamese.

As one pro-Palestinian Vietnamese activist, Trinh, said: “The more I learn about the history of Palestine, the more I realise how similar our struggles are.”



Yep. In February. >>478879


I'm not sure why exactly this anon decided to stop citing their sources except for al-Jazeera, but I (and surely others) feel zero compulsion to read long lines of news that has no citations. All it seems to me is something which might or might not be fabricated.


>Hamas fighters reported launching a thermobaric rocket
their weapons are becoming more sophisticated and powerful.


>The Americans don’t want a mass ground offensive in Rafah. Military analysts say, if Israelis get away with a major military operation in Rafah, then it opens the flood gates to going into Lebanon in much bigger form than perhaps we saw in 2006.
If the Zionist challenge Hezbollah with a major offensive, they'll likely get a bitter defeat. Hezbollah isn't a rag tag force anymore they've become more like a professional military.


Now for the latest!

‘Today is the day’ for armed resistance, says Hamas military commander
The commander-in-chief of the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas inside the Gaza Strip, has called on Palestinians in a video message – one that didn’t show his face, for his protection – to use all their resources to fight against the invading Israeli army.

“Today is the day. Whoever has a rifle should come out with it, for this is its time. And whoever does not have a rifle should come forth with their machete, their pickaxe, or a Molotov cocktail, with their truck or bulldozer or car,” Mohammed Deif can be heard saying in Arabic in a short video released by Hamas.

“Today is the day history opens its brightest, most splendid, and most noble pages. So, who will inscribe their name, their family’s name, their town’s name in the pages of light and glory?”

US CENTCOM says its troops destroyed two Houthi unmanned aerial systems

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) says it “engaged and destroyed two unmanned aerial systems in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen” earlier today.

It says the aerial systems presented a threat to US and coalition forces in the area.

“These actions are necessary to protect our forces, ensure freedom of navigation, and make international waters safer and more secure for US, coalition and merchant vessels,” CENTCOM’s statement says.

Israeli air strikes target Damascus suburbs in Syria

Israeli fighter jets have attacked areas in the suburbs of the Syrian capital city of Damascus, according to local reports and the Syrian Ministry of Defence.

“At approximately 21:30 today, the ‘Israeli’ enemy launched an air aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting a number of points in the vicinity of Damascus. The aggression resulted in two civilians being injured and some material losses,” the ministry said.

The Syrian army’s air defence systems came online and shot down at least some of the missiles, local reports indicated. We will bring you more as details emerge.

Israel announces Jordan Valley settlement expansion in ‘appropriate Zionist response’

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has published this video of himself in Wadi Auja in the occupied West Bank to announce an “unprecedented investment” into the development of more illegal settlements.

He called this “a fitting Zionist response” to a Palestinian attack last week in the Jordan Valley that wounded two Israelis. Smotrich said the Israeli government is surveying the area for expansion, evaluating everything including water resources.

This is coming days after Israel was internationally criticised for declaring 800 hectares (1,977 acres) of land in the occupied West Bank as territory belonging to the Israeli state in its biggest illegal land grab in three decades.

As Israel tries to recover from the financial burden of its deadly war on Gaza and reassure citizens, Smotrich also announced today that businesses in Eilat and Tamar in southern Israel could be entitled to compensation for damages suffered as a result of the war from the state.

(steal land, someone attacks you, use it as "excuse" to steal more land)

Number of journalists killed by Israeli army rises to 137: Gaza media office

After the killing of a photojournalist and editor by the Israeli military, Gaza’s Government Media Office says the number of journalists killed since the start of the war has now risen to 137.

Abdel Wahab Awni was killed after the Israeli army bombed his home in the Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza, the office said in a statement.

A record number of journalists have been killed in the besieged enclave since October 7, including multiple Al Jazeera journalists.

The latest air strike targeting reporters in Gaza came earlier today, when a journalists’ tent was targeted in the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Hospital, killing at least four people.

Hundreds on the streets of Marseille in support of Palestinians in Gaza

Video posted by French newspaper La Marseillaise shows demonstrations calling for an end to Israel’s war on Gaza on the streets of the city.

The newspaper’s post says that these protests have been ongoing every weekend since the outbreak of the war in October.

Palestinian entangled in aid bundle parachute by Gaza coast

This video verified by Al Jazeera shows Palestinians struggling to free a dead body entangled in the parachute of an aid package dropped from the air near Gaza’s coastline.

This week, at least a dozen Palestinians trying to reach aid packages that had dropped into the sea drowned. The US military confirmed earlier that some of the packages it airdropped over Gaza fell into the sea, but said there were no casualties.

Several other people have also been killed after packages crushed them when failed parachutes made the boxes fall straight from the sky.


Israeli opposition leader calls for elections to oust PM Netanyahu

Yair Lapid, in a post on X, says that holding elections to bring a fresh government to Israel is the only way to break the paralysis gripping the country.

“The war with Hamas is paralyzed, the hostage deal is paralyzed, the north is paralyzed and above all the government led by you is paralyzed and failing,” Lapid wrote, directing his words at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Discontent with Netanyahu, his government, and its failure to bring home Israeli captives held in Gaza has been growing inside Israel as its war on Gaza has dragged on. Thousands of protesters flood the streets of Israeli cities on a regular basis, including today, calling for his replacement as the head of the country.

Massive marches call for government change, captive deal in Jerusalem

Tens of thousands are now moving through the streets of Jerusalem and rallying in the area of the Israeli parliament, called the Knesset, in anti-government protests.

They are demanding elections – something Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu again rejected just now – and an agreement with Hamas that would bring home the more than 130 captives still believed to be held in the Gaza Strip.

This comes a day after Tel Aviv saw its largest protests since the start of the war.


Jordan vows to maintain security as pro-Palestine demonstrations grow

In a statement published on Facebook, the Jordanian Public Security Directorate has said that in light of the increased chaos and violence in protests, it will work to ensure “security and civic peace” are maintained.

Jordan will “allow citizens to express their opinions in accordance with the law. It will also continue its work in implementing law and order and enforcing it against anyone who attempts to transgress, or incite, by action or word, against security personnel,” it said.

In recent days, thousands of protesters have gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Amman, demanding an end to Jordan’s peace agreement with Israel. Security forces broke up demonstrations with tear gas and arrests, leaving several people injured.

Hezbollah confirms death of Ismail al-Zin

In a statement issued via its Telegram channel, the Lebanese group has confirmed claims by the Israeli army that one of its fighters, Ismail Ali al-Zin, was “martyred”.

Hezbollah rarely specifies where and when its fighters are killed. However, according to the Israeli army, al-Zin, who the army claims was the commander of Hezbollah’s anti-tank missile unit, was killed after the Israeli air force bombed a car in the southern Lebanese village of Kounine.

WHO team witnesses Israeli strike on journalists’ tent at Al-Aqsa Hospital

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says a team with the United Nations organisation was at the Al-Aqsa Hospital compound when the Israeli military targeted a journalists’ tent in the courtyard.

The official said in a post on X that four people were killed and 17 injured, but WHO personnel – who were at the hospital assessing medical needs and collecting incubators to send to northern Gaza – are accounted for.

“We again call for protection of patients, health personnel and humanitarian missions. The ongoing attacks and militarisation of hospitals must stop. International humanitarian law must be respected,” Tedros said.

“We urge parties to comply with the UN Security Council resolution and ceasefire!”

Israel’s attorney general orders drafting of ultra-Orthodox students from tomorrow

Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara has sent a letter to the ministries of defence and education telling them that ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students must be drafted into the military starting April 1.

She wrote that there will be “no source of authority” for a blanket exemption from military conscription for Haredi students, according to multiple Israeli outlets.

The attorney general also demanded a “supplementary declaration” by the state by April 30 on how obligations on drafting ultra-Orthodox Jews are being met.

A law deferring conscription for the students had expired in June 2023, and the exemptions were being enforced via a cabinet resolution passed at the time.

The Israeli High Court on Thursday ordered a freeze on state financial support to ultra-Orthodox yeshivas receiving deferrals from military service after the resolution expires.

US congressman suggests nuclear bombing of Gaza

US Republican Congressman Tim Walberg has suggested dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza “like Nagasaki and Hiroshima” in order to “get it over quick”. His comments have been widely condemned and his office insists it was “metaphorical”.

Hezbollah claims attacks on Israeli soldiers, recon equipment

Hezbollah says its latest attacks on Israeli positions this afternoon targeted a gathering of soldiers in al-Manara with a missile, and achieved a direct hit.

The armed Lebanese group has so far claimed seven attacks today, with another strike targeting “newly developed spy equipment” at al-Jardah near the Lebanese border and destroying it.

The group also released two videos that showed its attacks on Saturday, targeting a group of Israeli soldiers at the Adamit settlement in northern Israel, along with a building used by soldiers near the border.

Egyptian, Iranian FMs agree UNSC resolution on Gaza ceasefire must be implemented

According to the Egyptian foreign ministry, Sameh Shoukry and his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian emphasised the need for Israel to commit to implementing a ceasefire in Gaza as required by the recent UN Security Council resolution.

In a phone call, the two ministers said their governments reject the forced displacement of Palestinians outside the Gaza Strip and any ground assault on the southern city of Rafah.

Palestinian Christians attend sombre Easter service in darkness

The dwindling Christian community in Gaza is holding Easter services without electricity due to Israel’s siege of the bombarded enclave.

Spokesman suspended by Netanyahu’s office over Gaza tweet formally steps down

Eylon Levy, the English-language spokesman at the Israeli prime minister’s office who was suspended three weeks ago, has formally stepped down from the role, according to The Times of Israel.

Levy was suspended following a complaint by the British Foreign Office about a post on X, in which the spokesman responded to remarks by Foreign Secretary David Cameron concerning aid to Gaza.

Cameron had posted on X that Israel needs to let more aid into Gaza. Levy replied with a tirade.

Bank of Israel says ultra-Orthodox men need to join army to help economy

The Bank of Israel has warned of economic damage if more ultra-Orthodox Jewish men do not join the country’s military, weighing in on a contentious issue that has caused a rift in Netanyahu’s government.

In its 2023 annual report, the central bank said Israel’s war on Gaza added a burden to the economy due to the sharply increased amount of service days that will be required for both conscripts and reserve soldiers.

The government said in February that it would seek a way to end exemptions to military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews to spread the wartime burden across society more fairly.

But the decision met with a backlash from ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties and created a rift in the coalition.

In Easter address, Pope Francis calls for Gaza ceasefire

Pope Francis has made renewed calls on Easter for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the release of all captives held in Gaza in a peace-focused address.

Francis presided over Mass in a packed St Peter’s Square, and then delivered his “Urbi et Orbi” (to the city and the world) blessing and message from the central balcony of St Peter’s Basilica.

“I appeal once again that access to humanitarian aid be ensured to Gaza, and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on last October 7 and for an immediate ceasefire in the Strip,” he said.

“How much suffering we see in the eyes of children, the children have forgotten to smile in those war zones. With their eyes, children ask us: Why? Why all this death? Why all this destruction? War is always an absurdity and a defeat”, he added.

US fears intel shared with Israel contributes to civilian deaths

The Wall Street Journal has reported, quoting people familiar with the issue, that the United States is concerned about whether the expanded intelligence sharing with Israel since October 7 had contributed to civilian deaths in Gaza.

Among the worries is that there is little independent oversight to confirm that US-supplied intelligence is not used in air strikes that unnecessarily kill civilians or damage infrastructure, sources told the WSJ.

“What I’m concerned about is making sure our intelligence sharing is consistent with our values and our national-security interests,” Democratic Representative Jason Crow, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told the publication.

He added that there are “some pretty big inconsistencies” in the two sides’ accounts of the civilian toll.

Israel is marching towards defeat in war in Gaza: Sa’ar

MP Gideon Sa’ar, leader of the New Hope party in Israel, said the government’s approach to the war in Gaza would lead to defeat.

“The issue of the plan to release the captives is stuck for precisely the same reason everything is stuck: In these long months, military pressure on Hamas has waned,” Sa’ar, whose party recently left the government, said on X. “Without significant pressure, Hamas sees no urgency to devise a new plan.

“A long, repetitive, and sluggish war will not result in a breakthrough… The complete reality is that without halting the erosion and changing the course of the conflict, Israel is marching towards defeat.”

Cuban president calls for end to ‘genocide’ in Gaza

Cuba’s president has called on the international community to take action to end the “genocide” in Gaza where Israeli attacks have killed more than 32,000 people since October 7.

Sharing a photo of the Palestinian flag being projected onto Jose Marti Memorial in the capital Havana, Miguel Diaz-Canel said late on Saturday that “Cuba demands that the genocide stop now”.

“As long as Palestinian land continues to be martyred, bled, destroyed to its foundations by the hatred of the Israeli occupier, we cannot tire of denouncing the crime and calling on the international community,” Diaz-Canel wrote on X.

The president of the Caribbean island nation has been one of the leaders voicing the strongest opposition to Israel’s attacks.

Harvard Law School student body calls on university to divest from Israel

Harvard Law School’s student government has passed a resolution calling on the university to divest from Israel.

The resolution, passed on Friday in a 12-4 vote with three abstentions, calls on Harvard “to divest completely from weapons manufacturers, firms, academic programs, corporations, and all other institutions that aid the ongoing illegal occupation of Palestine and the genocide of Palestinians”, The Boston Globe reported.

Two members of the board, Regina De Nigris and Cameron Adkins, resigned in protest of the vote, writing in a resignation letter that they “strongly disagree” with the resolution, The Harvard Crimson student newspaper reported.

Iraqi group claims drone attack on Israel

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of Iran-backed armed factions opposed to the US and Israel, has announced a drone attack inside northern Israel.

The group said it attacked “a vital target in Eilabun in the occupied Galilee with drones” and said the assault was in “in support of our people in Gaza, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians, including children, women and the elderly”.

Pro-Palestinian protestors chain themselves to US navy ship in San Francisco

Pro-Palestinian protesters chained themselves to the gangway of a United States Navy ship that they claimed was headed to Gaza to provide support for Israel.

Dozens of demonstrators gathered at Pier 32 in San Francisco to protest during a ceremony for the USNS Harvey Milk ship and its namesake that was attended by US House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and San Francisco Mayor London Breed.

A US Navy spokesperson said speculation the ship was headed for the Middle East was incorrect and the vessel was actually scheduled to depart for Norfolk, Virginia.

Local media reported that authorities used bolt cutters to remove some demonstrators who had chained themselves to the ship’s gangway.

Ten women and four men were arrested for trespassing, with five also charged with resisting arrest, according to San Francisco police.

Clashes in Tel Aviv as Israeli protesters threaten to ‘burn country down’

Demonstrators in Tel Aviv are saying they are increasingly angry at the government’s inability to bring back the remaining Israeli captives.

Now, there was a rally held by the family members of those being held in Gaza and they say they are tired of holding peaceful rallies. They are calling on all Israelis to take to the streets and “burn the country down”.

Previously, they were calling for Benjamin Netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. And now they are saying he needs to be overthrown and until that happens, these protests in massive size and scale will continue.

Tonight, we saw a lot of violence between protesters and Israeli police as they attempted to clear roads. Here in Tel Aviv, protesters tried to block a major highway known as Ayalon, something that was a reoccurring theme during last year’s antigovernment demonstrations over judicial changes and police have come out in force in order to try and prevent that.



Israel LOSING Gaza War: Israeli Major


Infiltration alarm sounds in southern Israel’s Eilat

A drone infiltration alert has sounded in Eilat and surrounding areas in the southernmost parts of Israel, the Israeli military has said.

There is no immediate confirmation on the cause of the alarm but drone attacks launched by the Houthi group in Yemen have previously sounded the alarm.

Israelis camp out near Knesset

At the end of today’s huge antigovernment rallies in Jerusalem, Israelis are camping out near the building housing the country’s parliament, known as the Knesset.

Calling for elections and the release of captives held in Gaza, they are preparing for several days of protests.



Israel proposed dismantling UNWRA: Report

The United Kingdom’s Guardian newspaper is reporting that Israel has given the United Nations a proposal to dismantle the UNWRA, which has been operating in the Palestinian territories since 1950.

The Israeli plan proposes the creation of a replacement organisation to handle large-scale deliveries of food aid to Gaza, the Guardian said citing unnamed UN sources.

About 300 to 400 staff would be transferred to the new agency or other UN agencies such as the World Food Programme, the report said.

More staff, as well as the UNRWA’s assets, would be transferred in later stages, it added.

The paper said that the Israeli chief of the general staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, presented the plan to UN officials in Israel last week. It was forwarded to UN chief Antonio Guterres on Saturday.

Israel has been refusing to work with UNRWA since last Monday amid unproven claims that some of the agency’s staff were with Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

Tens of thousands of Israelis protest against government

As we reported earlier, tens of thousands of Israelis marched on Sunday calling for Netanyahu’s government to go and for more efforts to free the dozens of people still held captive by Hamas.

Demonstrators began their rally outside parliament and later blocked a main highway in Jerusalem. Police, some on horseback, jostled and pushed protesters back as they shouted that Netanyahu “must go”. They also used water cannon.

Protesters say the demonstration was the biggest since the start of the war in Gaza nearly six months ago.

Families of the captives have said will protest every night this week in a bid to “bring them home”.



Cornish man's analysis on the US giving Israel billions in weapons right after the UNSC ceasefire resolution passed.


Good take but he missed the part where they kept asserting that the UNSC ceasefire resolution was non-binding. Despite everybody else saying the opposite.


>Yair Lapid, says that holding elections to bring a fresh government to Israel is the only way to break the paralysis gripping the country.
>Discontent with Netanyahu, his government, and its failure to bring home Israeli captives held in Gaza has been growing inside Israel as its war on Gaza has dragged on. Thousands of protesters flood the streets of Israeli cities on a regular basis, including today, calling for his replacement as the head of the country.

So is this Lapid guy any better than Netanyahu, as in any less of a genocidal maniac ?


<The Bank of Israel has warned of economic damage if more ultra-Orthodox Jewish men do not join the country’s military, weighing in on a contentious issue that has caused a rift in Netanyahu’s government.
<In its 2023 annual report, the central bank said Israel’s war on Gaza added a burden to the economy due to the sharply increased amount of service days that will be required for both conscripts and reserve soldiers.
<The government said in February that it would seek a way to end exemptions to military service for ultra-Orthodox Jews to spread the wartime burden across society more fairly.
<But the decision met with a backlash from ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties and created a rift in the coalition.
Big porky seething, claims it's unfair that some people are exempt from the bloodletting. Demands that all of society has to offer human sacrifice.
Who knew the ultra-Orthodox Jews would end up so based, sticking a monkey wrench into the death machine.


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Netanyahu revives plans to shut down Al Jazeera in Israel

The Israeli prime minister has revived plans to close Al Jazeera in Israel.

In a statement issued by the Likud party spokesperson, parliament will be convened in the evening to ratify the law.

Following its ratification, Netanyahu “will take immediate action to shut down Al Jazeera in accordance with procedure set out in the law”.

Israeli forces ‘executed’ multiple civilians at al-Shifa Hospital, says PRCS

Raed al-Nims, a representative for the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, says many departments at al-Shifa Hospital were “set on fire”, and “many bodies” are lying around the hospital.

“The situation is dire, the medical staff, some of them were killed, others tortured, others detained, and above all, they have been besieged for two weeks without any medical supplies or even food or water,” al-Nims told Al Jazeera.

He added that civil defence teams were not allowed to put out fires started at the hospital, which caused immense damage.

“According to eyewitness accounts and official reports, many of the civilians were executed. They were killed by the Israeli occupation forces including medical staff, doctors and nurses, they were purposefully executed by the Israeli soldiers,” al-Nims said.

“We do not have final figures yet, but there is no doubt that it is confirmed that many were killed either directly by the Israeli occupation forces or [were] starved to death.”


Hundreds of bodies lay strewn at al-Shifa Hospital: Report

Hundreds of bodies of slain civilians were found at al-Shifa Medical Complex, Palestinian news agency Wafa reported medical sources as saying.

The sources said Israeli forces destroyed the temporary cemetery that citizens had set up at the site, taking out the bodies from underground and dumping them in different areas of the hospital.

Wafa also reported that the Israeli army dug up the grounds of the complex and dumped the buried bodies in different areas of the hospital.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s sister arrested in Israel

Israeli police say they have arrested the 57-year-old sister of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh as part of an investigation in southern Israel.

Sabah Abdel Salam Haniyeh, an Israeli citizen, was taken into custody in the town of Tel Sheva as part of the investigation, which also involves Israel’s security agency, Shin Bet.

A police spokesman, who confirmed it was Haniyeh’s sister, said she is “suspected of having contact with Hamas operatives and identifying with the organisation, while inciting and supporting acts of terrorism in Israel”.

Police said they found “documents, media, telephones, other findings and evidence linking her to the commission of serious security offences against the State of Israel” in her house.

Islamic Resistance in Iraq says it targeted Israeli city of Eilat

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an Iraqi militia, has claimed responsibility for the drone that exploded in the Israeli city of Eilat.

The group said in a statement that it had attacked a “vital objective” in Israel “using appropriate weapons” and did not offer further details.

The Israeli military said earlier today that a flying object launched from east of Israel had struck a building in Eilat, and that sirens went off in the southernmost city but there was no interception by air defences.

Eilat has come under repeated missile and drone attacks from the Iranian-aligned Houthi movement in Yemen during Israel’s war in Gaza.

Al-Shifa’s legacy destroyed

Norwegian physician Dr Mads Gilbert, who has spent extensive time working in Gaza, including at al-Shifa hospital, says the siege of the facility has destroyed its legacy.

“The Israeli occupation forces this night have ended 78 years of brave medical history,” Gilbert told Al Jazeera, speaking from Tromso, Norway.

The hospital was built in 1946 and was the most important flagship hospital for the healthcare for people in Gaza, he said.

“This is such a sad day, I’ve been weeping all morning.”

Meanwhile, the fate of the 107 critical patients who were moved two days ago to an old part of the medical complex remains unknown, Gilbert said.

People are now searching for corpses at the site, finding “the most horrible decomposed corpses with maggots coming out of the eyes”.

“The maggots that are creeping out of the corpses in al-Shifa Hospital now are really maggots coming out of the eyes of President Biden and the EU leaders doing nothing to stop this horrible, horrible genocide,” the physician said.

US airman to start hunger strike to draw attention to plight of Gaza’s children

Veterans for Peace says US Air Force senior airman Larry Hebert will start a hunger strike to highlight the plight facing Gaza’s children.

Veterans for Peace is an association of former soldiers who advocate for peace, highlighting the costs of war and conflict.




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>even the israelite orthodoxes get shafted by the gubbmint
Jasssss, kameraden! Die khlennzieng feueh rhizes!


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IRGC commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi killed in Damascus attack: Reports

A Lebanese security source tells the Reuters news agency that a senior commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Mohammad Reza Zahedi, was killed in an Israeli strike on Damascus.

As we reported earlier, the Iranian consulate building in the Syrian capital was targeted and reduced to rubble, according to Reuters journalists who were at the scene. The Syrian state news agency, SANA, also confirmed that the building has been destroyed.

When asked to comment on the reported attack, an Israeli military spokesperson told Reuters: “We do not comment on reports in the foreign media.”

Syrian foreign minister decries attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus

Faisal Mekdad says his country “highly condemns” Israeli strikes on Iran’s consulate and ambassador’s residence in the Syrian capital.

In a statement carried on Syria’s state news agency, SANA, Mekdad said the “terrorist attack” killed “a number of innocent lives” without elaborating.

Israel “will not be able to affect the relationship between Iran and Syria”, he added.

Israel trying to ‘drag’ Iran into a regional war, analyst says

Ali Vaez, director of the International Crisis Group’s Iran Project, says Israel’s alleged attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria is “akin to targeting another country on its own soil”.

“Overall this seems to still be a low-simmer regional war. It’s not yet an all-out regional conflict, but it does appear that Israel is trying to do everything in its power to expand the conflict,” Vaez told Al Jazeera.

“[This] puts Israel in a win-win situation because Israel knows Iran doesn’t want to get dragged into a regional war, so if it escalates its attacks against Iranian assets and personnel in Syria, it probably will be cost free, and if Iran does respond and retaliate, then it becomes a justified pretext for expanding the war.”



>Netanyahu revives plans to shut down Al Jazeera in Israel
That's a big prestige win for Al Jazeera if the Zionazis want to censor them.


>Israel trying to ‘drag’ Iran into a regional war, analyst says
got that impression as well
>“[This] puts Israel in a win-win situation because Israel knows Iran doesn’t want to get dragged into a regional war, so if it escalates its attacks against Iranian assets and personnel in Syria, it probably will be cost free, and if Iran does respond and retaliate, then it becomes a justified pretext for expanding the war.”
IMHO that calculation is wrong. The US military is presently stretched too thin to help the Zionist win an all out war against Iran. Iran on the other hand has enough weapons to render the Zionist regime non viable. They definitely have the upper hand on a strategic level at this point in time. The Zionists have made them self extremely unpopular in the region, every militant faction is eager to strike at them, for "glory-points" that enable them to attract more members/fighters. That means that Iran doesn't need to officially escalate anything to retaliate against provocation attacks. They only need to funnel a few weapons to any of these factions.

A Israel-Iran war ends in the creation of a Neo-Palestine state with a 90% likelihood. This is not win-win this is death-drive.


>even the israelite orthodoxes get shafted by the gubbmint
No the ultra-Orthodox Jews have more leverage. They can leave Israel and then the Zionist project is finished demographically. The Zionist regime can try to force press them into military service but then they end up arming a well organized group of people that will most likely coup them out of power


‘Iran will have no option but to retaliate’

Abbas Aslani, senior research fellow at the Centre for Middle East Strategic Studies, says the apparent Israeli attack in Damascus is a “serious escalation” that is different from the indirect tit-for-tat that has taken place between Israel and Iran for years.

Speaking from Tehran, Aslani said the personalities targeted were important, “including a commander considered as a lynchpin for Iran’s presidency in Syria and Lebanon”. He also said the location is crucial because an Iranian consulate is considered to be sovereign Iranian territory.

“The Israelis want to expand the scope of the war in order to bring the US into the story to attract more attention from the Americans. They have not been able to achieve their objectives in the field, and that’s why they want to divert attention,” he told Al Jazeera.

“We will need some more time to calculate Iran’s response. It could come from groups aligned with Iran indirectly, or it can come from Iran directly against Israeli and American interests in the region, or it could be a combination.”

“I think Iran will have no option but to retaliate because no retaliation will welcome further Israeli attacks,” Aslani said.



Anon, your citation doesn't appear related to support your claim at all. Are you just making shit up now?


scroll down.


Totally forgot to post about this one here:

Five aid workers, including four foreigners, killed in Israeli attack on Deir el-Balah

Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary confirmed the killing of the aid workers, including Polish, Australian, and UK passport holders. A Palestinian was also killed in the attack, which hit the car the aid workers were travelling in.

The humanitarians, working for World Central Kitchen, were brought to Gaza’s al-Aqsa Hospital.

It is believed they are the first foreign aid workers to be killed in Gaza since the war began.


This is a crazy one - World Central Kitchen is that kind of sketchy organization run by the celebrity chef who, iirc, has said some very pro-Israel stuff. This is also an organization which sent, iirc, the first (inadequate) aid to the jetty constructed on the Gaza coast (the pier isn't done yet), and the impression I've gotten is that they largely are operating there for the sake of western political cover.

People ‘amazed and astonished’ that Israeli forces targeted foreigners: AJ correspondent

Al Jazeera’s Hind Khoudary, reporting from the al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah, said the bodies of the aid workers have arrived to the medical facility.

The scene is “very frustrating and horrifying”, she said. “Everyone in the hospital is amazed and astonished, they don’t believe Israeli forces targeted internationals,” Khoudary said.

“Earlier today … I talked to these aid workers, I asked them questions … and I saw them today killed. We saw their IDs, we saw their passports,” she said.

The group was on their way back from “dispatching the aid from a convoy that arrived from Cyprus earlier today,” Khoudary said. “This is how they were targeted, on their way back to their guest house in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip.”


Iran unlikely to hit back hard: Former US ambassador

Speaking to Al Jazeera, James Jeffrey, who served as the US ambassador to Iraq and Turkey and was the deputy national security adviser under President George W Bush, expressed his doubt over whether Iran would hit back hard following Israel’s attack on its consulate in Damascus.

Jeffrey pointed to Iran’s response following the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard’s elite Quds Force, by the US in 2020. While many at the time feared all-out war, Iran chose to continue to mainly focus on its support for proxy groups across the region.

“It is not a given proof that if you hit Iran hard, Iran will escalate. In fact, I would argue it’s the opposite,” said Jeffrey. “But this time, we may be wrong. War is not a clear-cut obvious thing.”

Jeffrey added that despite the US’s concerns over Israel’s strategy in Gaza, there would be no “specific action against Israel over this”.



Breaking Points: Congressman Says NUKE Gaza As Fetterman Staff ABANDONS SHIP


Aid ships heading from Cyprus to Gaza to turn back with undelivered aid

Cyprus’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Theodoros Gotsis says 100 tons (90 tonnes) of aid were unloaded before World Central Kitchen suspended operations after seven of its workers were killed in an Israeli strike earlier today.

About 240 tons (220 tonnes) of aid will be turned back.

Cypriot Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos said the charity is suspending its operations in Gaza out of respect for the victims as well as to review its security protocols.

Cyprus has played a key role in establishing a maritime aid corridor to Gaza from its port city of Larnaca.

Iran under pressure to deliver ‘show of force’ after Israel’s Syria strike
Dorsa Jabbari Reporting from Tehran, Iran

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard commanders killed in Syria are not ordinary men. And their assassination is being seen as a test for the Iranian system.

Whatever Iran decides to do, it’s going to be difficult to manoeuvre. If Iran doesn’t respond strongly enough, many here believe it will be seen as a sign of weakness, not only to Israel and the United States, but also to a number of its proxies in the region.

If Iran does react strongly, it could risk a full-out confrontation with the US. It’s really a tricky moment, and how Iran decides to move forward will be pivotal, not only for its standing in the region, but also the future of the establishment in this country.

So far, we know there have been a number of high-level meetings. The Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, held a meeting of the Supreme National Security Council during which it decided on an “appropriate response”.

All the rhetoric coming from Iranian officials as well as the supreme leader indicates there will be a strong response. What that means and how it plays out remain to be seen. But what is certain is that, internally, there is strong pressure for the Revolutionary Guard to make this a moment to show force.

‘Israel has crossed a line’ with Iran attack in Syria

The deadly attack on Iran’s consular office in Damascus could trigger a spillover of the Gaza war across the region, an escalation Tehran has sought to avoid, analysts say.

Ali Vaez of the International Crisis Group called the deadly strike “a significant escalation”.

“By targeting an Iranian diplomatic facility, Israel has crossed a line. Iran’s dilemma is that failure to respond could signal weakness to Israel, but retaliation risks a harsher US or Israeli action,” said Vaez.

Bassam Abu Abdallah, who heads the Damascus Centre for Strategic Research and is close to the Syrian government, said before Monday “there were rules of engagement, but now it’s an all-out war between Israel and the resistance axis”.

“It is now clear that the trend is towards escalation. We could start to see increased attacks against US bases in Syria, Iraq or elsewhere.”

Aid workers ‘part of collective punishment faced by Gaza civilians’

Alex Fort, a logistics coordinator at Doctors Without Borders, says the attack on the aid workers in Gaza is another example of how “international humanitarian law is not respected despite several deconfliction mechanisms in place to avoid such a tragedy”.

“Clearly, today it’s not possible to work in a safe way on the whole of the Gaza Strip. Humanitarian aid workers, health workers are directly targeted – and this is completely unacceptable,” he told Al Jazeera, speaking from the occupied East Jerusalem.

Fort said that this was not the first time such a “tragic” attack had happened since the start of the war, noting that MSF has faced such incidents several times that led “to the death of five of our colleagues”.

“This needs to stop and each incident needs serious investigation. For us, for example, all incidents we had, we requested serious investigation and we never get any feedback from the Israeli authorities,” Fort added.

“Aid workers are risking their life every day to provide assistance to the population and they are clearly part of the whole collective punishment that the civilian people of Gaza are facing every day.”

UAE condemns Israeli attack on World Central Kitchen team

Afra al-Hameli, director of strategic communications at the Emirati foreign ministry, says the UAE holds Israel “fully responsible for this dangerous development” and called for an urgent, independent and transparent investigation.

The UAE also called for the “punishment of those who have committed this heinous crime in contravention of international humanitarian law”.

The ministry stressed the importance of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza “and avoiding the targeting of civilians, organisations, civilian facilities, and relief organisations”.


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After Syria strike, Israel warns of ‘daily’ attacks on enemies

“We are in a multi-front war, in the offence and defence,” said Defence Minister Yoav Gallant at a meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, reports The Times of Israel.

We will “act everywhere, every day to prevent the force build-up of our enemies”, he said.

Israel’s goal is to “make it clear to anyone who threatens us – all over the Middle East – that the price for such action will be a big one”, Gallant added.

EU urges ‘restraint’ after Iran consulate strike

The European Union has said it was “alarmed by the alleged Israeli strike” on the Iranian consulate in Syria’s Damascus and warned against any escalation after Tehran promised revenge.

“In this highly tense regional situation, it is really of utmost importance to show restraint because the further escalation in the region is in no one’s interests,” EU spokesperson Peter Stano said.

The killings are the most significant strike against Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps since the US assassinated Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in 2020.

Global public opinion ‘fed up’ with Israel’s unapologetic killing

Political analyst Nour Odeh says the countries whose citizens were killed in the Israeli attack on the aid convoy in Gaza have an obligation to seek accountability but precedence does not “provide much hope for the bereaved families”.

“We’ve seen time and again governments derelict their duties towards their citizens when they are killed by Israel,” she told Al Jazeera, speaking from Ramallah.

“So, really it’s up to the pressure that these governments will feel from their own constituents on how far they will go,” Odeh said, noting that pressure has been increasing as the war nears the six-month mark.

“Public opinion in the world, by and large, is fed up with the fact that Israel is killing humanitarian aid workers, doctors and journalists and getting away with it – killing with absolute impunity, unapologetically and still receiving weapons and political support.”

Israeli attacks kill 71, injure 102 in Gaza in last 24 hours

This brings the total killed in the enclave since October 7 to 32,916, with 75,494 people injured, according to the Gaza Health Ministry’s tally.

Many victims remain trapped under rubble in areas where emergency workers are unable to reach, it said.

Aid worker bodies to be transported to Egypt

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society says the bodies of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers killed are being prepared for evacuation through the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt.

The bodies were transported to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza’s Deir el-Balah city, and then to Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital in Rafah.

Global condemnation of World Central Kitchen killings

Here are some of the countries, organisations and officials who have denounced the Israeli attack so far:

Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib
European Commission
Martin Griffiths, the UN’s emergency relief chief
Norwegian Refugee Council
Open Arms Spanish Organisation
WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
World Food Programme Chief Cindy McCain

‘Food being blocked at every turn’: Aid group

The Save the Children charity has accused Israel of restricting the flow of much-needed humanitarian relief as the population of Gaza faces the threat of famine.

“Life-saving supplies which could be used to treat malnourished children are being delayed and denied entry by the Government of Israel,” it said in a statement.

“Essential food and medical items are obstructed from entering Gaza for days, weeks, or even months. Others are being denied entry altogether by the Israeli authorities, with reports of oxygen cylinders, ventilators and water purifiers being turned away at the border.”

Country Director Xavier Joubert said: “Starvation must never be used as a weapon of war – 27 children have already been killed by starvation and disease. If the world fails to act now countless more children will be added to that number.”

‘Peace starts with our shared humanity’

Celebrity chef Jose Andres, who started World Central Kitchen in 2010 by sending cooks and food to Haiti after an earthquake, says he’s heartbroken and grieving for the families and friends of those killed in Israel’s aid convoy attack.

“The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing,” he said on social media.

“It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon. No more innocent lives lost. Peace starts with our shared humanity. It needs to start now.”

The organisation has delivered food for communities hit by natural disasters, refugees at the US border, healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and people in conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

(even Jose Andres, whose organization is kind of sketchy, appears to be starting to see the light)

‘War is not bringing any safety or security to the people of Israel’

Israeli businessman Maoz Inon lost both his parents in the October 7 attacks by Hamas. Now he’s spreading a message of reconciliation.

“We didn’t want to take revenge,” Inon told AFP news agency at a small peace rally in Shefa Amr in northern Israel, which united Jews and Palestinians in a rare event since the war broke out.

Inon admitted at first he struggled to call for peace and forgiveness, “but this is the legacy of my parents. The future is going to be better,” he said.

“War is not bringing any safety or security to the people of Israel, and of course not to the Palestinians. The cycle of blood and fear has been going on for more than 100 years,” said Inon.

He noted he’s crisscrossed Israel and Europe in bid to reach out to Palestinians, including some from Gaza who “also lost a father, brother, entire families”.



Japan restores UNRWA funding: Report

Japan has become the latest country to lift its suspension of funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, the Japanese news agency Jiji is reporting.

The European Commission, Canada, Australia, Sweden and Finland have also lifted funding pauses to UNRWA in recent weeks, while the United States formalised its ban until March 2025.

Established by the UN General Assembly in 1949, UNRWA supports six million Palestinian refugees in several countries and is the largest provider of humanitarian assistance in Gaza.

US national security adviser to hold talks in Saudi Arabia on normalised relations with Israel: Report

The Reuters news agency is reporting that US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan plans to travel to Saudi Arabia this week for talks with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as the US pushes for normalised relations with Israel.

According to Reuters, talks on normalisation of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel have resumed in recent months after being “put on ice” in the aftermath of the October 7 attack on southern Israel and Israel’s war on Gaza.

An unnamed US official told Reuters that Sullivan planned talks with Prince Mohammed to check in on the issue of normalising relations with Israel but a major breakthrough is not expected.

On March 21, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US and Saudi Arabia had made “good progress” in talks on normalising relations with Israel.

US told Iran it ‘had no involvement’ in Israeli strike on Iranian consulate in Syria: Axios

The US has told Iran it “had no involvement” in a suspected Israeli attack on an Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus, the US news site Axios is reporting, citing an unnamed US official.

As we reported earlier, Iran has promised to respond to the missile attack that destroyed its Damascus consulate, killing seven people including a top Iranian commander and his deputy.

Saudi Arabia condemns ‘targeting’ of Iranian consulate in Damascus

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement condemning the targeting of the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital.

The ministry expressed “categorical rejection” of the “targeting of diplomatic facilities for any justification, and under any pretext, which is a violation of international diplomatic laws and the rules of diplomatic immunity”.

The brief statement shared on social media did not specify who was responsible for the attack.

Iranian president: Israel’s ‘cowardly crime will not go unanswered’

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi denounced the Israeli air strike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, calling it an “inhuman attack” that grossly violates international law.

“After repeated failures … the Zionist regime has put blind assassinations on its agenda,” Raisi said in a statement quoted by Iran’s Tasnim news agency. “But it should know that it will never achieve its sinister goals with such inhumane measures.

“This cowardly crime will not go unanswered,” said Raisi.

The strike on Monday levelled the consular section of Iran’s embassy, killing a senior commander in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’s elite Quds force, his deputy, and five others.

UNSC to meet over Israel’s attack on Iranian consulate in Syria

At the request of Russia, the UN Security Council will hold an “open briefing” on Israel’s strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, according to Russia’s deputy envoy Dmitry Polyansk.

The briefing, scheduled by the Maltese presidency, will take place at 3pm New York time (19:00 GMT), said Polyansk in a post on X.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry condemned the “absolutely unacceptable” Israeli attack, which on Monday killed seven people, including senior Iranian officials, and called on Israel to cease such “provocative acts”.

‘Must be stopped’: Russia denounces Israeli attack on Iran in Syria

Moscow rejected the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria and called on it to cease “completely unacceptable” actions.

“We strongly condemn this attack on the Iranian consular mission in Syria,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said. “Such aggressive actions by Israel are absolutely unacceptable and must be stopped.”

“We urge the Israeli leadership to abandon the practice of provocative military actions on the territory of Syria and other neighbouring countries,” it said.

Israeli warplanes bombed Iran’s embassy in Syria on Monday in a strike that Iran said killed seven of its military advisers, including senior commanders, marking a major escalation in Israel’s war with its regional adversaries.

China ‘shocked’, condemns Gaza strike that killed seven aid workers

Beijing says it’s “shocked” and denounced the Israeli attack on a US-based charity that killed seven of its staff as they unloaded desperately needed food in Gaza.

“China opposes all acts that harm civilians, damage civilian facilities, and violate international law,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said.

“We are shocked by the attack on international rescue workers in Gaza and condemn it.”

Spain to recognise Palestinian statehood by July: Reports

Spain will recognise Palestinian statehood by July, says Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, according to reports in Spanish media.

Sanchez’s remark came in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on the first day of visits to Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, state news agency EFE and newspapers El Pais and La Vanguardia reported.

At a European Council meeting last month, Sanchez said he agreed with the leaders of Ireland, Malta and Slovenia to “take the first steps” towards such a move.

In response, Israel told the four countries their plan constituted a “prize for terrorism”, which would decrease the chances of a negotiated resolution to the war in Gaza.

Knesset passes law that could shut down Al Jazeera in Israel

Israel’s parliament has passed a law that could allow the potential shutdown of foreign broadcasters in the country, including Al Jazeera.

CENTCOM says Houthi surface drone destroyed in Red Sea region

The US military’s central command (CENTCOM) said its forces destroyed a Houthi “unmanned surface vessel”, which posed a threat to merchant vessels as well as US and coalition military assets in the Red Sea.

CENTCOM, which said the destruction of the Houthi naval drone was an act of “self-defence” and necessary to “ensure freedom of navigation” in international waters, posts regular updates on its attacks against Houthi drone and missile sites in Yemen and across the Red Sea region.

Staunch supporters of the Palestinian cause, Houthi fighters in Yemen have for months targeted shipping in the Red Sea linked to Israel. The Houthis say these attacks are retaliation for Israel’s war on civilians in Gaza.

Record rise in anti-Muslim incidents in US in 2023: Report
Reported attacks and discrimination against Muslims and Palestinians reached a record high in the US last year, according to data from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

The Reuters news agency reports that complaints to CAIR totalled 8,061 in 2023, a 56 percent increase from the year before and the highest number of complaints since the advocacy group began keeping records on attacks and discrimination nearly 30 years ago.

About 3,600 of the reported incidents occurred from October to December, CAIR said, noting the rise in incidents was driven by Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bias amid Israel’s war on Gaza.

CAIR’s report on the increase said 2023 saw a “resurgence of anti-Muslim hate” after the first ever recorded annual drop in complaints in 2022.

“The primary force behind this wave of heightened Islamophobia was the escalation of violence in Israel and Palestine in October 2023,” the report said.

Targeting of aid workers a violation of international humanitarian law: Expert

Professor Ben Saul, UN Special Rapporteur on protecting human rights while countering terrorism, said Israel’s reported killing of the World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza could be a violation of international humanitarian law and a war crime.

“It’s a human tragedy. But, of course, it could well be a violation of international humanitarian law, under which Israel has a duty not to deliberately target humanitarian relief workers or their convoys or their relief consignments,” Saul told Al Jazeera.

“[Israel] also has a wider duty to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers in a conflict zone; to ensure their freedom of movement and to coordinate with them so that these kinds of tragedies never happen,” he said.

“Under international humanitarian law, if there is a deliberate targeting of any civilian, including humanitarian relief workers, that’s a war crime. If there is a targeting of a military objective, which causes excessive civilian casualties in the area, that would be a war crime. Or if it is an indiscriminate attack,” he added.

“Obviously, given the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the free passage of humanitarian relief is absolutely essential and just last week the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to open more land crossings, precisely because over a million Palestinians in Gaza are currently facing catastrophic levels of hunger, according to the United Nations.”

‘Israel committing war crime after war crime in broad daylight’: Australian senator

As we reported earlier, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has demanded “full accountability” over the killing of Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom in Gaza.

But Mehreen Faruqi, deputy Leader of the Australian Greens and a senator for New South Wales, told Al Jazeera the Australian government has not done enough to criticise Israel’s war on Gaza.

“Israel is committing war crime after war crime in broad daylight and is getting away with it,” she said. “Zomi was an Australian aid worker, like other aid workers, who are putting their lives on the line to feed the children that are being starved by Israel [and] are being killed,” Faruqi added.

“This is completely heartbreaking and devastating,” she continued.

Faruqi said Albanese’s statement was “the bare minimum”, and called for concrete actions such as demanding a permanent ceasefire, backing South Africa’s genocide case at the International Court of Justice, placing sanctions on the Israeli war cabinet and stopping all arms trade with Israel.

“These are things that we do when other war crimes happen,” she noted.

“Nowhere is safe in Gaza under Israel’s genocide attacks and yet and yet we have seen Western governments call Israel a friend and … continue on business as usual with Israel while these war crimes and more atrocities are going ahead.”


5got src: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/4/2/israels-war-on-gaza-live-five-aid-workers-killed-after-delivering-food

also, from there:

Anera suspends relief operations in Gaza Strip

The organisation, which runs the second largest humanitarian operation in Gaza after UNRWA, has said it is suspending its work in the besieged coastal enclave following yesterday’s attack on World Central Kitchen (WCK) workers by Israeli forces.

“The killing of WCK humanitarians, occurring less than a month after the still-unexplained killing of Anera staff member Mousa Shawwa, alongside the loss of numerous other aid workers and their families, has led our team to conclude that delivering aid safely is no longer feasible,” Anera said in a statement.

“The ongoing targeting of humanitarian workers and the lack of adequate safety measures demand thorough investigation and immediate action. Israel bears the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the unhindered delivery of urgent humanitarian assistance and basic services to those in need,” it said.


Hamas ‘strongly condemns’ Israeli attack on World Central Kitchen team

The group that governs Gaza says that the attack once again proves that the “occupation insists on systematically killing civilians, international aid workers, and members of humanitarian organisations”.

In a statement on Telegram, Hamas said the objective of the attack was to “terrorise” aid workers and prevent them from continuing to carry out their humanitarian duties.

“We call on the international community and Security Council to denounce this heinous act, and to move towards putting an end to the occupation’s crimes and aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip.”

Canada denounces Israeli strike on Gaza aid workers

Ottawa calls for a full investigation of the Israeli air strike that killed seven people, one of whom is a Canadian citizen.

“We condemn these strikes and call for a full investigation. Canada expects full accountability for these killings, and we will convey this to the Israeli government directly. Strikes on humanitarian personnel are absolutely unacceptable,” Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said on X.

Joly’s comments are some of the harshest that Canada has directed against Israel since the start of its latest war on Gaza.

UK summons Israeli ambassador over killed aid workers

The United Kingdom’s Minister for Development and Africa Andrew Mitchell has said in a statement that he “set out the government’s unequivocal condemnation of the appalling killing of 7 World Central Kitchen aid workers, including 3 British nationals” in a meeting with Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Tzipi Hotovely.

“I reiterated the need for Israel to put in place an effective deconfliction mechanism immediately and urgently to scale up humanitarian access,” he said.

Israel has admitted responsibility for an attack in which seven aid workers of the World Central Kitchen, along with their Palestinian driver, were killed in central Gaza in a “targeted attack” by Israeli forces that has drawn global condemnation and forced the charity to suspend operations in the region.



>The group that governs Gaza says that the attack once again proves that the “occupation insists on systematically killing civilians, international aid workers, and members of humanitarian organisations”.
> the objective of the attack was to “terrorise” aid workers and prevent them from continuing to carry out their humanitarian duties.

Who the fuck attacks the soup-kitchen type people ?
This all has the vibe of horrible people trying to eliminate nice people, because horrible people thrive on death and suffering.




Police clash with protesters in Israel as hundreds march towards Netanyahu’s residence

Israeli police say hundreds of protesters attempted to break through barricades near Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem.

The rally “turned into unrestrained disorder and riot in the street” in the last couple of hours, Israeli police said in a post on X.

Police officers prevented protesters from approaching the vicinity of the residence further, it said, and used “riot control measures to disperse” the demonstrators.

Five protesters were arrested for “violating public order”, the police said.

Anti-government protests have been taking place for several months. Many rallies are led by families of hostages who were taken by Hamas on October 7.



Security Council meets on Iranian consulate attack in Syria


Gaza protesters hold iftar outside White House
Ali Harb
Reporting from Washington, DC

As the Biden White House held an iftar for US government staffers, protesters gathered outside the building to call for an end to Israel’s war on Gaza.

The demonstrators chanted in support of a ceasefire and accused Biden of enabling genocide.

They broke their fast and prayed in the soaking rain.

We reported earlier that the White House had cancelled a community iftar after many Muslim Americans declined the invite.

“It’s very clear that the Muslim community will not accept these cheap attempts at outreach if they don’t answer our demands,” Mohamad Habehh, the director of development at American Muslims for Palestine, told Al Jazeera.



Poland summons Israeli envoy over aid worker’s death: Report

Poland’s deputy foreign minister says he summoned Israel’s ambassador to discuss the death of a Polish aid worker killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza.

“I want to talk to the ambassador about the new situation in Polish-Israeli relations and about the moral, political and financial responsibility for the event that recently took place in the Gaza Strip”, Andrzej Szejna told the Polish state news agency PAP.

‘Plausible risk of genocide in Gaza’: UN eyes Israel arms embargo

The UN Human Rights Council will consider a draft resolution on Friday calling for an arms embargo on Israel.

If the draft resolution is adopted, it would mark the first time the United Nations’s top rights body has taken a position on the war raging in Gaza.

The text condemns “the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects by Israel” in populated areas of Gaza and demands Israel “uphold its legal responsibility to prevent genocide”.

The eight-page draft demands Israel end its occupation of Palestinian territory and immediately lift its “illegal blockade” on the Gaza Strip. It calls on countries to stop the sale or transfer of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, citing “a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”.

The draft also “condemns the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare”, calls for an immediate ceasefire and “condemns Israeli actions that may amount to ethnic cleansing”.

The draft resolution was brought forward by Pakistan on behalf of 55 of the 56 UN member states in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – the exception being Albania.

White House says aid worker killings should not affect ceasefire talks

The US does not expect the Israeli strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza to impact talks on an Israel-Hamas ceasefire and releases of captives and Palestinian prisoners, the White House says.

“The ceasefire and hostage negotiations are ongoing,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby told reporters at a briefing. “I wouldn’t anticipate any particular impact on those discussions as a result of the strike yesterday.”

(anon's note: this is a very interesting position to take when the UNSC has already ordered a ceasefire)

Killing of aid workers sparks ‘great deal of rage’
Hani Mahmoud
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

Earlier today, the bodies of the six aid workers – the holders of foreign passports – were transferred to Rafah at the crossing where there were delegations on the other side from their embassies and countries to receive the bodies.

Just the fact that this is happening to an international organisation providing humanitarian supplies and food and cooking meals for displaced families has caused a great deal of rage here among Palestinians.

These people bonded very well with the displaced families. They prepared meals for them and provided them with food supplies and survival items [that] are much needed right now to combat this desperate situation.

This has been widely perceived as a deliberate direct attack on humanitarian aid and on aid workers on the ground.

Protesters seeking release of captives smear paint in Israeli parliament

Israeli protesters demand the government do more to free captives held by Hamas with some smearing paint on the partition between the visitors’ gallery and the plenum.

“Now! Now!” they chanted at lawmakers below, leaving the glass streaked with yellow – the colour of their campaign – as ushers bundled them out.

The protest followed three days of antigovernment demonstrations in Jerusalem when thousands took to the streets calling for more action to free the hostages and new elections to replace Netanyahu.

UK healthcare workers protest against US company supplying Israel’s army

Hundreds of British healthcare workers blocked the entrance to NHS England’s headquarters in central London demanding the cancellation of business deals with American company Palantir citing Israel’s “war on hospitals”.

A statement from the group Health Workers for a Free Palestine accused Palantir of supplying “advanced technology to Israel’s military”.

NHS England awarded a 330 million pound ($415m) contract to Palantir in November. Healthcare staff are “shutting down access to NHS England protesting its contract” with a company “complicit in the systematic destruction of Gaza’s healthcare system”, it said.

Palantir’s CEO Alex Karp has said he’s “exceedingly proud” of the company’s involvement in “operationally crucial operations in Israel”.

The protest comes as Israel continues to target Gaza’s overwhelmed and destroyed hospitals with raids.

Spanish PM: Israel’s explanation of aid worker attack ‘insufficient and unacceptable”

Pedro Sanchez, during a joint news conference with Qatar’s prime minister, has demanded further details from Israel about the killing of seven people working for World Central Kitchen in a Gaza air raid.

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the incident “a tragic event in which our forces unintentionally harmed non-combatants”, adding that “this happens in war”.

“That is unacceptable and insufficient, and we are awaiting a much stronger and more detailed clarification, after which we’ll see what action to take,” Sanchez said.

World Central Kitchen was founded by Spanish American chef Jose Andres.

US special envoy for Yemen says a diplomatic solution needed

Tim Lenderking says the pressure of the US-led coalition meant to safeguard commercial traffic in the Red Sea may discourage attacks on ships by Yemen’s Houthis, but ultimately a diplomatic solution will have to be found.

‘Deadlier blows’: Iran warns Israel over Syria strikes

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) warned Israel over air strikes that destroyed Iran’s consulate in Damascus and killed 12 people, including two Iranian generals.

General Ramazan Sharif, a spokesman for the IRGC, said “soon we will see deadlier blows to the Zionist regime and the Resistance Front will carry out its duties in this regard”.

He appeared to be referring to Iran and its allies across the region, including the Lebanese Hezbollah and armed groups in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. They have repeatedly traded fire with Israel and the US since the start of the war in Gaza, raising fears of a wider conflict.

Sharif said Israeli attacks on Iranian interests “will get nowhere and the motivation of our soldiers will be multiplied”. He also accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of using attacks to divert public attention from “the racist nature of this regime”.

Bodies of killed aid workers arrive in Egypt: Reports

Ambulances carrying the bodies of aid workers from World Central Kitchen killed by an Israeli air attack have arrived at Gaza’s border with Egypt, according to the AFP news agency.

Egypt state media also reported that the bodies, which were transported to the border earlier today from Abu Youssef Al-Najjar Hospital in the southern border city of Rafah, have been transported out of Gaza.

In Egypt, the bodies will be met by representatives from their home countries and then repatriated for burial.

“Today, we bid farewell to six martyrs of humanitarian duty who were serving the Palestinian people through the global central kitchen,” said Dr Marwan al-Hams, the director of the hospital.

“Our message to the whole world, the British, Australian, Canadian and Polish governments: stop supporting Israel with weapons,” he added.

Belgian FM says country open to Palestinian statehood

Belgium’s Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib says the country will consider recognising Palestinian statehood “when the moment comes”.

Speaking at a NATO summit, Lahbib also expressed concern about the international response to the Gaza war, saying the UN Security Council Resolution calling for an “immediate ceasefire” last month has been shown to be toothless.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the resolution “must be implemented without delay”.

Palestinians fear food aid fallout after Israeli convoy killings
Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

The Israeli military has attacked a house in central Deir el-Balah city, killing at least four civilians. Since early this morning, we’ve been hearing loud explosions in the southern city of Khan Younis. We could clearly feel the reverberations from our reporting position in Rafah.

Palestinians here are shocked and concerned about the repercussions of Israel’s attack on aid workers. World Central Kitchen is one of the main food distributors in the territory, providing more than 40 million meals since October.

Despite growing international calls to increase aid deliveries, this attack essentially brought humanitarian work to a standstill – despite thousands of Gaza residents staring down starvation conditions.

‘Target on their back’: Aid workers halt efforts after deadly Israeli strikes

American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera) is one humanitarian organisation among many that decided to halt its work in Gaza after the killing of seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen.

“This is something that we were forced to do to ensure our safety,” Sandra Rasheed, Anera’s Palestine country director, told Al Jazeera. “Our staff have guided our work, and they, themselves, feel like there’s a target on their backs.”

Rasheed said the decision to suspend operations was difficult because the situation for Palestinians worsens each day. She said her organisation was distributing close to 150,000 hot meals a day.

“I think the more that we have time to process this, the more surprising and shocking it is that three convoy vehicles were hit by three different bombs – through the roof of their car, which indicates a targeted killing,” she said.

“We are waiting to have some assurance from Israel and from the international community that doing this life-saving work will not constitute putting a target on our staff’s back.”

US officials express doubt over Israeli claims on convoy killings: Report

American officials, speaking anonymously to US news outlet Politico, expressed scepticism at Israeli claims that the aid worker killings were “unintentional” and whether those responsible would be held to account.

One unnamed administration official, who previously worked with World Central Kitchen founder Joe Andres, highlighted the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, a longtime correspondent with Al Jazeera.

Overwhelming evidence shows that an Israeli soldier deliberately targeted Abu Akleh and shot her dead as she reported in the occupied West Bank two years ago. No Israeli troops have ever been punished for her murder, however.

“[Israel will] do and say whatever is necessary to maintain the status quo, and I have little hope their investigation will be transparent or honest,” the official is quoted as saying.

Noting that three missiles were used in the convoy attack, another American official said it appeared intentional. “Three hits on three cars in a row is not an accident. We aren’t stupid.”

Canada wants full investigation into killing of aid workers

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly has called for a full investigation into the killing of aid workers in Gaza, among them a Canadian citizen.

Speaking on the sidelines of a NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels, she said Israel needed to respect international law, adding Canada would make sure it does.

Who authorised the Israeli air strikes on the aid convoy in Gaza?

Al Jazeera’s investigation into the deadly Israeli air strikes on the aid workers’ convoy shows three separate attacks on vehicles.

Omar Ashour, a professor of military and security studies at the Doha Institute of Graduate Studies, says after the first two vehicles were hit, there had to be communication among the Israeli military before the third was targeted, indicating “an intentional issue there”.

He said the great expense of the missiles used in the strikes “would need some command level” authorisation. However, he noted, the way the military operates, it may have been a less senior officer who ordered the strikes.

“The Israeli army has been fighting since 1948 onwards in a relatively decentralised way. The ‘tactical aggression’ is very high. They devolve junior officers to take quick decisions on the battlefield without going back to the senior ones. Interestingly, they took this from the Wehrmacht, the German army, in World War II,” Ashour told Al Jazeera.

Polish prosecutors launch investigation into aid worker killing

Prosecutors in Przemysl, where Polish aid worker Damian Sobol is from, are independently investigating the circumstances of his killing in Gaza, Deputy District Prosecutor Beata Starzecka has told Poland’s PAP press agency.

Sobol, 35, was among seven aid workers killed by a succession of Israeli air strikes on their convoy in an attack that Poland’s prime minister said is putting Israel and Poland’s relations “to a hard test”.

The Israeli military has called the attack a “mistake” and promised to investigate how it happened. An investigation by Al Jazeera’s Sanad verification agency has found the attack was intentional.

Pope condemns aid worker killings as he calls for peace in Gaza and Ukraine

Pope Francis has made a new appeal for peace in Gaza and Ukraine, condemning the killing of aid workers in an Israeli air strike while also paying tribute to a Ukrainian soldier who died in the war against Russia.

“I express deep regret for the volunteers killed while they were engaged in distributing humanitarian aid in Gaza. I pray for them and their families,” Francis said.

He renewed his call for an “immediate” Gaza ceasefire, the release of all captives held by Hamas and full access for humanitarian aid as he warned against “irresponsible” widening of the conflict.

UNRWA: Israel continues to deny agency aid access to north Gaza

Israel has continued to block the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) from bringing food and other aid into northern Gaza, where hunger is most prevalent, UNRWA says in its latest situation update.

The amount of aid entering Gaza as a whole has also remained low with an average of 161 aid trucks reaching the enclave per day throughout March, well below the target of 500, according to UNRWA.

In addition, three more UNRWA members have been killed in Gaza hostilities, it said, bringing the total number of the agency’s staff killed since October 7 to 176.

Shin Bet: Protests outside PM’s home may ‘lead to violent clashes with security forces’

After a violent night of demonstrations outside the residence of Israel’s leader, the head of the domestic security agency, Shin Bet, warned: “There is a clear line between a legitimate protest and a violent and illegal one.”

“Violent discourse on social media and some of the scenes we witnessed overnight in Jerusalem go beyond any reasonable protest actions and harm the ability to maintain public order,” Ronen Bar said in a statement.

“These actions may lead to violent clashes with the security forces.”

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported a senior Shin Bet official as saying Tuesday’s demonstration could have ended in gunfire at protesters, who broke through blockades.

World Central Kitchen founder: Israel must ‘stop killing civilians today’

Jose Andres, the celebrity chef who founded World Central Kitchen, penned an op-ed for Israeli news site Ynet following the Israeli attack on his organisation’s aid convoy that killed seven staff.

“The air strikes on our convoy were not just some unfortunate mistake in the fog of war. It was a direct attack on clearly marked vehicles whose movements were known by the [Israeli military],” writes Andres. “It was also the direct result of his [PM Netanyahu’s] government’s policy to squeeze humanitarian aid to desperate levels.”

He adds: “Israel is better than the way this war is being waged. It is better than blocking food and medicine to civilians. It is better than killing aid workers who coordinate their movements.

“The Israeli government needs to open land routes to food and medicine today. It needs to stop killing civilians and aid workers today. It needs to start the long journey to peace today.”

Palestinians have right to statehood, Israel no right to ‘abuse force’

Poland’s Foreign Ministry reiterated Palestinians’ right to establish an independent state and called out Israel’s “abuse” of force – a further indication of strained ties between Israel and Poland following the killing of a Polish aid worker.

In a post on X, the Polish Foreign Ministry said: “We recognise Israel’s right to self-defence, but we do not recognise the right to abuse force and illegal settlement.

“We also recognise the right of the Palestinians to establish a state and establish an institutional framework to live in peace. In the current situation, both sides lose.”

Biden ‘outraged’ by Israel’s killing – yet still sending weapons

American President Joe Biden says he’s “outraged and heartbroken” by Israel’s killing of seven aid workers in Gaza, delivering some of his strongest criticism yet of the close US ally.

But Biden’s rebuke is the latest example of his conflicting messages on the war as his administration becomes increasingly critical of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government even while doubling down on the need to supply Israel with weaponry.

Formal diplomatic rebuke expected over Israel’s aid worker killings

A senior Canadian government official says several nations will soon file the formal rebuke, known as a demarche, to Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

On Tuesday, a top official with Canada’s Global Affairs department also made a formal representation to the Israeli ambassador to Canada, The Associated Press quoted the unnamed official as saying.

Among the aid workers killed late on Monday was a Canadian-American dual national, as well as a Palestinian, three British citizens, and Polish and Australian nationals.

Russia demands Western condemnation of Israel’s attack on Iran embassy

Russia circulated a draft statement to the UN Security Council denouncing the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria that killed seven Revolutionary Guard members, including two top generals.

Russian official Dmitry Polyansky wrote in his Telegram channel that Western UNSC members need to take action.

“What if the diplomatic mission of another country came under attack? A member of the Security Council? A Western state?” said Polyanksy.

“[We] emphasized in the event of further escalation of the situation, responsibility for this will fall on the United States, Great Britain and France, which have never found the strength to condemn Israeli attacks.”

Australian humanitarian agencies condemn ‘rising aid worker death toll in Gaza’

The Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and seven Australian humanitarian aid organisations have issued a joint statement condemning the “rising aid worker death toll in Gaza”.

The organisations said Australian Zomi Frankcom, who was killed along with six World Central Kitchen colleagues on Monday, was one of “hundreds of humanitarian workers killed by this conflict”, including staff of some of the organisations that signed the joint statement.

Why Biden’s White House iftar unravelled amid Gaza war
Ali Harb

The White House has cancelled a Ramadan iftar meal after several Muslim Americans declined the invitation in protest of President Joe Biden’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The sources, who spoke to Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity, said the cancellation on Tuesday came after Muslim community members warned leaders against attending the White House meal.

Edward Ahmed Mitchell, the deputy director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), also said the event was nixed because so many people chose not to attend, including invitees who had initially agreed to go.

“The American Muslim community said very early on that it would be completely unacceptable for us to break bread with the very same White House that is enabling the Israeli government to starve and slaughter the Palestinian people in Gaza,” Mitchell told Al Jazeera.



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Does Palestine have the numbers for its full UN membership bid?

As we reported earlier, supporters of Palestine’s bid for full UN membership have written a letter to the current presidents of the UN Security Council (UNSC), the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and UN Chief Antonio Guterres.

“We wish to bring to your attention that, as of this date, 140 Member States have recognised the state of Palestine,” signatories to the letter said.

The list of 140 countries shows that Palestine has the support of 72 percent of UN members, comfortably more than the two-thirds of the 193-member UNGA needed.

However, the decision will only go to a vote in the UNGA if it is first approved by the 15-member UNSC where the five permanent members, including the United States, have veto power.

Israeli military bulldoze roads, village water system as raids in West Bank continue

Nightly raids by the Israeli military on Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank continue with soldiers reported to have entered the towns of Azzun and Kafr Qaddum, east of Qalqilya city, in the early hours of Wednesday.

A home was raided and tear gas canisters and stun grenades were used by Israeli forces in Azzun, the Wafa news agency reports.

Confrontations between Palestinian locals resisting the military incursions and Israeli soldiers erupted in the al-Far’a refugee camp, south of Tubas city, Wafa reports, adding that military bulldozers accompanied the soldiers into the camp.

Military bulldozers were also in operations in the village of Deir Sharaf, located to the west of Nablus, where the Israeli military destroyed roads as well as the village’s water supply network. The destruction blocked several roadways and cut water to homes in the west of the village, Wafa said.

Earlier in the evening, a Palestinian man was arrested while passing through a military checkpoint north of Ramallah.

Fourth night of protests calling for removal of Netanyahu government, end of Gaza war

Thousands of Israelis protested for a fourth consecutive day against the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and in favour of an agreement to end Israel’s war on Gaza.

The demonstrators gathered with banners and torches near the parliament building in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening where they called for new elections and accused Netanyahu of standing in the way of a deal that would free Israeli captives held in Gaza.

The DPA news agency said that clashes between police and demonstrators broke out when protesters tried to march to Netanyahu’s private residence and break through a security barrier protecting the site.

Five protesters were arrested for “violating public order”, the police said.

Israeli air raids target southern Lebanon

An Israeli air strike has targeted the vicinity of a mosque in the town of Ainata in the Bint Jbeil district of southern Lebanon, Lebanon’s official National News Agency (NNA) has reported.

The NNA did not say if any injuries occurred in the attack at about 10.15pm (18:00 GMT) Tuesday night.

Several Israeli air strikes also hit areas between the towns of Aitaroun and Blida, the NNA reported.

Four Israeli police injured, suspect killed after ramming attack near West Bank’s Qalqilya

Four Israeli police officers have been reported injured in a car ramming attack west of the city of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic report.

According to Israeli police, the attackers also tried to stab Israeli forces at a military checkpoint and one of two perpetrators of the car ramming was killed near the town of Kochav Yair.

A search is under way for a second suspected attacker, Al Jazeera Arabic reports, citing Israeli police reports.

Two of the Israeli police officers are in serious condition following the car ramming, according to reports.

World Central Kitchen founder says Israel targeted his aid workers ‘systematically’

Celebrity chef and founder of World Central Kitchen (WCK) Jose Andres says an Israeli attack that killed seven of the NGO’s food aid workers in Gaza had targeted them “systematically, car by car”.

Speaking in a video interview with Reuters news agency, Andres said the WCK charity group had clear communication with the Israeli military, which he said knew his aid workers’ movements.

This was not a “bad luck situation where, ‘oops,’ we dropped the bomb in the wrong place,” Andres said. “Even if we were not in coordination with the [Israeli army], no democratic country and no military can be targeting civilians and humanitarians.”

Andres said he was supposed to be with his team but for various reasons “wasn’t able to go back again to Gaza”

Undelivered Gaza aid returned to Cyprus

A sea convoy of undelivered food for Gaza has been returned to Cyprus after the killing of seven aid workers in an Israeli air raid on Monday evening.

A cargo ship carrying 240 tonnes of food sailed back to Larnaca in Cyprus following the deadly attack, dropping anchor just outside the port.

A second ship arrived earlier, the Open Arms, owned by a Spanish NGO working with World Central Kitchen, whose aid workers were the victims of Israel’s attack.

The undelivered aid was part of a consignment of about 340 tonnes sent to Gaza from Cyprus on March 30. The aid workers killed in Gaza had just finished work unloading 100 tonnes from a barge, also sent from Cyprus.

Most UK voters support ban on arms exports to Israel: Poll

A survey conducted by polling firm YouGov found that 56 percent of all voters in the United Kingdom are in favour of a ban on sending weapons to Israel, including spare parts for weapons systems.

Fifty-nine percent of voters say that Israel is violating human rights in Gaza, the poll also found.

Among the UK’s different political parties, an overwhelming 71 percent of Labour voters favour an arms export ban, while 70 percent of Liberal Democrat voters agree. As for Conservative Party voters, 38 percent support the ban, still higher than the 36 percent who do not.

This poll was conducted before an Israeli attack killed seven aid workers of World Central Kitchen in Deir el-Balah.

UK faces pressure to stop selling weapons to Israel after aid workers killed

The three main British opposition parties and some lawmakers in the governing party have urged the British government to consider suspending arms sales.

The Liberal Democrats called for arms exports to Israel to be suspended, while the Scottish National Party also backed that move and said parliament should be recalled from its Easter break to discuss the crisis.

The main opposition Labour Party, who polls suggest will form the next government later this year, adopted a nuanced approach, saying the government should suspend arms sales if lawyers have found Israel had broken international law.

Gaza media office says number of journalists killed now stands at 140

Gaza’s media office says two more Palestinian journalists have been killed in attacks by Israeli forces in the enclave.

This brings the total number of journalists and media representatives killed since October 7 to 140, it said.



So, I think these laws all need to be called into question, you know, and the important thing here is that that’s not what is happening. In fact, the Biden administration has on purpose not been seeking legal opinions on whether the arms we are providing to Israel are being used in accordance with the law, it has also not been seeking assessments from the intelligence community of Israel’s actions using U.S. weapons. It is essentially sticking its fingers in its ears and covering its eyes and saying “We don’t know what’s going on.” It is making a purposeful decision to not know what is going on. And I have never seen anything like it in my time in government.


>'Plausible risk of genocide in Gaza’: UN eyes Israel arms embargo
>The UN Human Rights Council will consider a draft resolution on Friday calling for an arms embargo on Israel.
>If the draft resolution is adopted, it would mark the first time the United Nations’s top rights body has taken a position on the war raging in Gaza.
>The text condemns “the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects by Israel” in populated areas of Gaza and demands Israel “uphold its legal responsibility to prevent genocide”.
>The eight-page draft demands Israel end its occupation of Palestinian territory and immediately lift its “illegal blockade” on the Gaza Strip. It calls on countries to stop the sale or transfer of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, citing “a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”.
>The draft also “condemns the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare”, calls for an immediate ceasefire and “condemns Israeli actions that may amount to ethnic cleansing”.
>The draft resolution was brought forward by Pakistan on behalf of 55 of the 56 UN member states in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – the exception being Albania.

They ignored the ceasefire from the security council, would this arms embargo be upheld any better ?


Well, yes, probably.
Israel, specifically, ignored the ceasefire resolution, but an arms embargo shifts responsibility more overtly to Israel's backers. Of course, the previous UNSC resolution would also render the US's continuing supply of arms to Israel most likely illegal, as Israel was immediately acting in defiance of this resolution, so there's a very reasonable question to be asked here about whether the US would comply with an arms embargo against Israel by ceasing sales and transfer of weapons to Israel. I think it's unlikely that the US would comply, but many other countries would comply. The US would probably have to be forced to comply from within; which goes for its already-existing laws, too. As Josh Paul said in the clip in >>480170 , the Biden admin is sticking their fingers in their ears.


>I think it's unlikely that the US would comply, but many other countries would comply.
The US probably supplies the bulk of the weapons to Israel, so it probably is just a small reduction. I guess that's better than nothing.


Any reduction is good, and if the US does comply then that's better.
Either way, still up to us to make it stop doing this.


Four aid bundles land in the sea during US, Jordanian airdrops

The US Central Command posted on X that it had conducted a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop into northern Gaza on Wednesday, along with the Royal Jordanian Air Force.

It said that “US C-130s dropped over 38,000 meal equivalents, providing life-saving humanitarian assistance in Northern Gaza”.

“During today’s mission, approximately four bundles landed in the sea. USCENTCOM does not assess civilian harm or damage to infrastructure at this time but continues to monitor the situation,” the post read.

In March, 12 Palestinians drowned attempting to retrieve aid from the sea.

Aid agencies have criticised the airdrops as a costly and ineffective way of delivering aid and have urged Israel to allow more aid to enter via the land border.



When contemplating why Israeli forces kill aid workers and hasten starvation, we can point to endless public statements by Israeli leaders, officials and media outlets with genocidal implications. But it is the 9 October statements by the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, that are most damning. He declared Israel was imposing “a complete siege” on Gaza. “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. Everything is closed.” The next day he told Israeli troops he had released “all restraints”, while promising “Gaza won’t return to what it was before. There will be no Hamas. We will eliminate everything.” Of particular relevance after the World Central Kitchen massacre, Giora Eiland, a former IDF general who is reportedly an advisor to the defence minister, wrote that same month that: “In order to make the siege effective, we have to prevent others from giving assistance to Gaza.



John Kirby's a real zany figure.


Former judges, lawyers say UK should suspend weapons sales to Israel

Three former Supreme Court judges are among 613 lawyers and former judges warning the UK government it risks complicity in “serious breaches” of international humanitarian law in Gaza.

They have signed an open letter calling on the UK government to:

Work to secure a ceasefire in Gaza
Ensure Palestinian people have safe access to aid and medical assistance
Impose sanctions on people and entities inciting genocide against Palestinians
Suspend providing weapons and weapons systems to Israel
Review trade agreements with Israel and consider sanctions
The letter comes as the UK’s opposition Labour Party said the government should suspend arms sales if lawyers have found Israel had broken international law.




Breaking news and analysis on day 180 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast

Starts with details about the recent Al Shifa hospital massacre.


<We told them where the water facilities are, and they bombed them.
The expectation was, they would avoid bombing the water facilities if they knew where they are, but maybe it's better not to tell them because they're probably doing it on purpose.




Also! They say during their analysis of Butcher Biden's failed iftar that Donald Trump actually had more White House iftars than Biden did.


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>Starts with details about the recent Al Shifa hospital massacre.
Zionists called it a "battlefield achievement"
Fucking psychos


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‘No need to buy generators, gather food, withdraw money,’ army tells Israelis

An Israeli army spokesperson says there has been no change in guidelines for home front preparedness amid reports of a high military alert after Iran pledged revenge for Monday’s deadly attack on its consulate building in Damascus.

“There is no need to buy generators, gather food and withdraw money from ATMs,” Daniel Hagari wrote on X.

“As we have done until today, we will immediately update any change, should there be one, in an official and orderly manner.”



Hezbollah claims attack on Israeli army technicians

The Lebanese group says it targeted a technical team in Bayad Bilda a short while ago while it was performing maintenance on espionage equipment.

The Israeli army is on high alert today as it expects retaliation from Iran for an attack it carried out on the Iranian consulate in Syria. The army has said this retaliation could come in the form of attacks from one or more militia groups aligned with Iran, such as Hezbollah.



I find it amazing that Israel has not one but two countries between itself and Iran in any given direction, and it wants people to believe that Iran has some sort of devious imperial designs against it. If Iran were such a menace it would be conquering its direct neighbors before directing attention to a tiny country on the other side of the Middle East.


Maybe they take after the US. There are 7 countries between the US and Panama, but Bush, Sr. still invaded on the pretext of… cocaine.


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Gaza war death toll surpasses 33,000; 62 killed in past day

At least 33,037 Palestinians have been killed and 75,668 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, its Health Ministry says.

Some 62 Palestinians were killed and 91 injured in the past 24 hours, the ministry added.

Israeli strike targets rescue team, killing four

At least four people, including a paramedic, have been killed in an Israeli air strike that hit a rescue team in Beit Hanoon in northern Gaza, a health official says.

The emergency director at Kamal Adwan Hospital, Fares Afaneh, said the attack targeted a medical team rescuing injured people. He identified one of the victims as Hussein Matar.

“Our crew moved to rescue [people] wounded by Israeli shelling, and upon its arrival, it was subjected to another bombardment. Our crew was bombed while working,” Afaneh said.

Videos obtained by Al Jazeera show injured people arriving at the hospital.

“These are Biden and America missiles that target medical staff, children, women and those safe in their homes,” Afaneh added.

MSF dismisses Israeli claim aid worker killings were a ‘regrettable incident’

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says it rejects Israel’s position that an air raid that killed seven aid workers on Monday was a “regrettable incident”, saying many humanitarian personnel have been attacked previously.

“We do not accept it because what has happened to World Central Kitchen and MSF’s convoys and shelters is part of the same pattern of deliberate attacks on humanitarians, health workers, journalists, UN personnel, schools and homes”, Christopher Lockyear, secretary-general of MSF International, said at a news conference in Geneva.

He added, “We have been saying it for weeks now: this pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence.”

He said the killings of the World Central Kitchen workers showed that measures to ease the conflict were futile “in a war fought with no rules”.

“Our movements and locations are shared, coordinated and identified already. This is about impunity, a total disregard for the laws of war. And now it must become about accountability.”

“I have received no explanation for any of the incidents,” Lockyear said.

Canadian aid worker killed in Gaza had young son, family says

Jacob Flickinger, the Canadian aid worker killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza this week, was a former soldier who had an 18-month-old son, his parents tell Canadian public broadcaster CBC.

Flickinger, who also had US citizenship, had been in Gaza volunteering for the World Central Kitchen NGO since early March, they said.

“He believed very strongly that the work he was doing was important, especially in this case, knowing that there was starvation out there,” his mother, Sylvie Labrecque, said.

Flickinger’s father, John, said he thought the strike had been deliberate.

“Their convoy was clearly marked, and they were on a well-used humanitarian route. So in my opinion, it was a targeted kill,” he said.

Flickinger had recently settled with his wife and son in Costa Rica, his parents said.

“They were a happy little family. Together, they were extremely happy, and they loved each other desperately, and they had great projects for the future, for themselves and the child,” Labrecque said.

Poland condemns ‘outrageous’ remarks by Israeli envoy over aid worker’s killing

Polish President Andrzej Duda has denounced “outrageous” comments by the Israeli ambassador to Warsaw over the death of a Polish aid worker in an Israeli strike in Gaza.

Israeli ambassador Yacov Livne gave an interview on Wednesday in which he stopped short of apologising for the killing despite being repeatedly asked to do so.

Duda called his remarks “not very fortunate, in short, outrageous”, adding “the ambassador is the biggest problem for the state of Israel in its relations with Poland”.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk added: “If the ambassador decides to make public appearances in our media, he should use this opportunity to offer a simple, human apology.”

Livne was summoned for talks on Friday at the Polish Foreign Ministry to discuss Israel’s “responsibility” for the aid worker’s death.

Poland PM says Israel should pay damages for killing of aid worker

Donald Tusk also said that Israel should apologise for the killing of Damian Sobol in Gaza and provide full information about what happened.

“We will expect … an immediate explanation of the circumstances and compensation for the victims’ relatives,” the prime minister told a news conference.

Sobol, 35, was one of seven World Central Kitchen staff members killed by Israeli strikes late on Monday, in an attack that was condemned worldwide.

Trudeau says Israel’s killing of Canadian aid worker ‘unacceptable’

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the killing of Canadian aid worker Jacob Flickinger by Israeli forces in Gaza was “absolutely unacceptable”.

Trudeau said the Canadian – one of seven staff members of the World Central Kitchen aid group who were killed in an air strike – died “while delivering food to civilians in need”.

“At a time when humanitarian aid is so urgently needed in Gaza, Israel has an obligation to ensure the safety of aid workers,” Trudeau said in a post on social media.

“The world – and [Flickinger’s] loved ones – deserves an explanation as to how this happened,” he added.

HRW probe finds Israeli strike that killed 106 civilians was ‘apparent war crime’

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has released a detailed investigation into an Israeli air strike that killed 106 Palestinians in a six-storey apartment building on October 31, 2023, describing the attack as an “apparent war crime”.

Witnesses said 350 or more people were staying in the Engineers’ Building, just south of the Nuseirat refugee camp, when four aerial munitions struck the building within about 10 seconds, without warning, at about 2:30 pm local time. The building was completely demolished.

“This strike inflicted massive civilian casualties without an apparent military target – one of scores of attacks causing overwhelming carnage,” said Gerry Simpson, associate crisis and conflict director at HRW.

The 106 Palestinians, including 54 children, killed in the attack were playing football, charging their phones in the downstairs grocery store, or simply seeking shelter after fleeing their own homes, said Simpson.

‘Not good enough’: Australia’s PM slams Israel’s explanation for aid workers’ deaths

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has slammed Israel’s explanation for the killing of seven aid workers in Gaza as “not good enough”, as outrage over the attack continues to reverberate globally.

“We need to have accountability for how it has occurred, and what is not good enough is the statements that have been made, including that this is just a product of war,” Albanese said during a news conference in Sydney.

Australian woman Zomi Frankcom was one of seven employees of World Central Kitchen (WCK) who were killed on Monday when their convoy was hit in an Israeli air strike in central Gaza.

WCK CEO Jose Andres said in an interview that the Israeli military had targeted his employees “systematically, car by car”.



Report: Israel begins evacuating embassies over Iran attack fears

Israeli news outlet Kann reports that “a number of Israeli embassies around the world were evacuated after a situation assessment by the Shin Bet [Israeli internal security agency] and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”.

The Israeli military has halted leave for all combat units, called up reservists and blocked GPS coordinates in the country after Iran threatened retaliation for deadly attacks on its consulate in Damascus, Syria.


Wouldn't it be amazing if Israel took all these measures and then Iran was like "gotcha!"


>Israeli news outlet Kann reports that “a number of Israeli embassies around the world were evacuated after a situation assessment by the Shin Bet [Israeli internal security agency] and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”.
Clearing out embassies, is this the beginning of them becoming a pariah-state ?


Great stuff around 2 hours, 9 minutes


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Apparently 3 of the World Central Kitchen people who the IDF murdered were former British special forces guys doing security for WCK, working for a group called Solace Global.


US army gives update on aid airdrops

The US army’s Central Command (CENTCOM) says on X that, as usual, it used four of its C-130 planes to drop aid over north Gaza today.

It said that of the packages it dropped today, containing 50,680 meal equivalents, “approximately 20 bundles landed in the sea near the shoreline”.

Last week, at least 12 Palestinians died while attempting to retrieve aid packages that had dropped offshore. The US did not claim responsibility for those airdrops.

“USCENTCOM does not assess civilian harm or damage to infrastructure at this time but continues to monitor the situation,” the army said in its X post today.

North Gaza continues to draw nearer to full-scale famine, as Israel is repeatedly accused of blocking aid into the Gaza Strip. Earlier this week, an Israeli attack killed seven aid workers, leading several humanitarian organisations to scale back aid operations in Gaza, driving fears in north Gaza that food shortages there could get worse.



Israel's Dystopian Killing Machine EXPOSED


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The Zionazis in the Zionreich invented a automated Holocaust machine. It's called "Lavender" and the subsystem dedicated to murdering families is called "Where's daddy". I guess the people who wrote dystopian scifi underestimated reality.

The only silver lining: All the AI surveillance and tracking technology the Zionazis used in Gaza, will now be forever tarnished as genocidal cyber-fascism.


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UN rights council demands halt of arms sales to Israel

The resolution adopted by the UN Human Rights Council has also demanded a halt to all arms sales to Israel, highlighting warnings of “genocide” in its war on Gaza.

The vote marked the first time the UN’s top rights body has taken a position on the nearly six-month war.

UN rights body adopts resolution on war crimes accountability

The United Nations Human Rights Council has adopted a resolution calling for Israel to be held accountable for possible war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Gaza Strip.

Twenty-eight countries voted in favour and 13 abstained, while six voted against the resolution.

Lawyers sue German government to stop supply of weapons to Israel
A group of lawyers are demanding an immediate halt to the supply of weapons and ammunition to Israel.

Ahmed Abed, a lawyer representing Palestinian families, said they have filed an “urgent application” amid alleged Israeli war crimes and potential genocide in Gaza.

“Germany has a constitutional responsibility to protect human life. The German government must stop its arms exports to Israel, as they are in violation of international law. The government cannot claim that it is not aware of this,” he told a news conference in Berlin.

The German government approved $354m worth of weapons exports to Israel in 2023, the majority of which were approved after October 7, 2023 – a tenfold increase compared with 2022.

Israeli probe finds own forces likely killed elderly Israeli captive on October 7

Efrat Katz, a 68-year-old Israeli woman taken captive by Hamas on October 7, appears to have been killed by Israeli forces who fired at the vehicle she was being driven in from the air, an Israeli Air Force investigation has found.

An Israeli helicopter opened fire at the car after locating “terrorists” in it, the Israeli military said in a statement, adding that it only later learned the vehicle was also carrying Israeli captives.

“As a result of the shooting, most of the terrorists in the vehicle were killed, and apparently the late Efrat Katz,” said the Israeli military.

Israeli Air Force chief Tomer Bar said the crew who fired on the vehicle carrying Katz could not be blamed, as they “operated in compliance with the orders in a complex reality of war”.

Israel’s Ben-Gvir says disciplining soldiers a ‘serious mistake’

Israel’s far-right national security minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, has accused Israeli military leadership of “abandoning” its soldiers by taking disciplinary action against officers it deemed responsible for a “mistaken” attack on an aid convoy.

“The chief of staff’s decision to dismiss senior officers is an abandonment of the fighters in the middle of a war and a serious mistake that conveys weakness,” wrote Ben-Gvir on X. “Even if there are mistakes in identification, soldiers are backed up in war.”

Poland calls for Israeli soldiers to face criminal inquiry for Gaza aid convoy attack

Poland is demanding criminal action be brought against the Israeli soldiers responsible for what it called the “murder” of seven aid workers, including a Polish national, in Gaza.

“We want [Polish] prosecutors to be added and implicated in the explanations and in the entire criminal and disciplinary procedure for the soldiers responsible for this … murder,” Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Szejna said.

As reported earlier, Israel has released a preliminary assessment into the military attack that killed the aid workers earlier this week, describing it as a “grave mistake” due to misidentification.

The report said two Israeli military officers would be dismissed from their posts and others reprimanded, but did not mention any potential military inquiry or criminal investigations into their actions.

Turkey says it arrested 2 Israeli spy suspects

Turkish authorities have arrested two people suspected of spying for Israeli intelligence, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya has said.

Since January, Turkish authorities have detained, arrested and charged dozens of people suspected of having ties to Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency. Six people were charged last month.

Turkey has warned Israel of “serious consequences” if it tries to hunt down Hamas members living outside the Palestinian territories, including in Turkey.

In a post on social media platform X, Yerlikaya said police had detained eight people believed to be collecting and selling information to Mossad about targeted individuals and companies in Turkey. Of those, two had been arrested and six released on parole, he said.

Israeli forces fire tear gas at worshippers at Al-Aqsa: Report

After dawn prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque, Israeli forces fired tear gas at “thousands of worshippers” who were chanting slogans to protest against Israel’s war in Gaza, reports the Wafa news agency.

Israeli forces arrested at least five of the worshippers, Wafa added.

Some 65,000 worshippers have already prayed at Al-Aqsa on the last Friday of Ramadan, according to the Islamic waqf that administers the site.



The Zionists set up a AI powered surveillance machine in Gaza that ties in with the bomb dropping.

In WW2 the Nazis bought punchcard computers from IBM that were supposed to do a bunch of "race calculations" to help them determine who the "Untermenschen" were and then ship them to the extermination-camps.

The historic Parallel is: Fascist using computers to decide who lives and who dies.

In contrast to Marxists trying to use computers to calculate the labor-time embodied in commodities to calculate the most accurate prices.


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Hacktivists protesting war on Gaza breach Israel’s Justice Ministry servers

Israel’s Justice Ministry says it is looking into a “cyber incident” on Friday after activist hackers protesting against the war on Gaza said they managed to breach the ministry’s servers and retrieve hundreds of gigabytes of data.

“Since the morning hours, experts at the ministry and elsewhere have been looking into the incident and its implications,” the ministry said on X.

“The scope of the materials is still under review, and it will take time to examine the content and scope of the documents that were leaked and their sources.”

A group called Anonymous for Justice claimed responsibility for the breach, which it said included the retrieval of nearly 300 gigabytes of data. On its website, the group said it would continue attacking Israel “until the war in Gaza stops”.

Hezbollah says three Amal Movement members killed in South Lebanon

Earlier, we received reports that Israeli warplanes targeted a building belonging to the Amal Movement, Lebanon’s other Shia political party, in the southern town of Marjayoun, that killed several people

Hezbollah, on its Telegram account, announced the deaths of three members of the Amal movement, appearing to confirm these reports.

Hezbollah did not mention where or when these men were killed, but says that they were “martyred while carrying out … national and jihadist duty in defense of Lebanon and the South”.

EU’s Borrell says new aid corridors into Gaza are not enough

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says Israel’s decision to open new corridors for humanitarian aid in Gaza will still not be enough to prevent starvation.

“Following widespread condemnation of the killing of 7 WCKitchen staffers by [the Israeli military] and mounting international pressure, the Israeli gov will open some corridors for humanitarian aid. It’s not enough to prevent starvation in Gaza,” wrote Borrell on X.

“The binding UN Security Council Resolution 2728 must be implemented. Now.” he added.

On Thursday, Israel announced that it would “temporarily” open the Beit Hanoon crossing to allow more aid deliveries into the besieged enclave.

Identity of commander of Israel’s Unit 8200 revealed: Report

The Guardian has reported that the identity of the commander leading Israel’s Unit 8200, one of the world’s most powerful surveillance agencies, is Yossi Sariel, following an apparent security lapse.

Sariel is an advocate of the AI-powered systems that the Israeli military has pioneered during the six-month war on Gaza.

Unit 8200’s intelligence capabilities are based on a vast surveillance apparatus built to closely monitor the occupied Palestinian territory.

“In its war in Gaza, the [military] appears to have fully embraced Sariel’s vision of the future, in which military technology represents a new frontier where AI is being used to fulfil increasingly complex tasks on the battlefield,” the Guardian said.

The Israeli military’s reported use of an untested and undisclosed artificial intelligence-powered database to identify targets for its bombing campaign in Gaza has alarmed human rights and technology experts who said it could amount to “war crimes”.

Iran warns US to avoid Netanyahu’s ‘trap’: Official

Iranian presidential aide Mohammad Jamshidi says Iran has sent a written message to the US government warning it “not to get dragged” into Netanyahu’s “trap”.

“Stay away so you won’t get hurt. In response, US asked Iran not to target American facilities,” Jamshidi wrote on X.

There was no immediate US comment.

Iran has blamed Israel for an air strike on its consulate in Damascus, Syria, on Monday that killed Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps members, including two generals.

Israel currently detaining 200 Palestinian children: Prisoners group

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says 23 of the children are from the Gaza Strip and they are being held in Megiddo in northern Israel.

The organisation released its statement on Palestinian Child’s Day, which is marked each year on April 5.

“This is the bloodiest year against Palestinian children, with more than 14,000 killed in Gaza in the last six months, in addition to the 117 killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” it said.

Since October 7, Israeli troops have detained more than 500 children in the West Bank, “after which they are subject to unfair, unjust trials in military courts,” the organisation said.

Israeli settlers set fire to occupied West Bank homes

Palestinian news agency Wafa reports that Israeli settlers burned four residential structures in the Ain al-Auja area, north of Jericho in the West Bank.

Mahmoud Ghawanmeh, a Palestinian resident of the community, told Wafa that the settlers sprayed racist slogans on several buildings before setting the fires.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) recorded 561 incidents of Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians between October 7 and February 20.

As of January 17, settlers have killed at least eight Palestinians and injured 111, per OCHA’s database. Repeated waves of violence by settlers, often backed by the army, have led to the displacement of 1,208 Palestinians, including 586 children, across 198 households.

Egypt arrests 10 after pro-Gaza rally calling for severing ties with Israel

A human rights lawyer in Egypt tells the Associated Press that authorities arrested 10 activists who participated in a pro-Palestine protest where they accused the government of contributing to the siege of Gaza and called for the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador.

Egypt’s government has condemned Israel’s war on Gaza and has played a central role in trying to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. But it has largely banned public protests, and criticism of the country’s ties with Israel is highly sensitive.

The activists were arrested on Wednesday and charged with offenses, including spreading false information. Their lawyer says they’ve been detained for 15 days while investigations are carried out.



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Colombia files declaration of intervention in the South Africa’s genocide case

The International Court of Justice in the Hague has announced that Colombia has filed a declaration of intervention under Article 63 of the ICJ statute in South Africa’s case against Israel.

In January, the ICJ ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians after South Africa accused Israel of state-led genocide in Gaza.

Columbia University suspends students who participated in pro-Palestinian event

Columbia University has suspended six students who organized and participated in a pro-Palestinian event several weeks ago, according to Colombia Students for Justice in Palestine.

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that four suspensions were related to the event, which was called “Resistance 101” and was held both in person and on Zoom.


Tories investigating Alan Duncan’s comments on party’s pro-Israel ‘extremists’

Former MP has said Conservative minister Tom Tugendhat and peer Eric Pickles should sacked

The Conservative former minister Alan Duncan is being investigated by the party after he argued that pro-Israel “extremists” within the Tories, including some ministers and peers, should be expelled because they refuse to support international law.

Duncan, who served as a foreign minister and an aid minister before stepping down as an MP in 2019, named Tom Tugendhat, the security minister, and the peer and former cabinet minister Eric Pickles as among those who should be kicked out.

Speaking on LBC, Duncan accused Pickles and another Tory peer, Stuart Polak, of “exercising the interests of another country” by lobbying for Israel through the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) group, which he formerly headed.

In a later interview with Times Radio, Duncan said other Tory MPs and ministers including Michael Gove, Oliver Dowden, Suella Braverman, Robert Jenrick and Priti Patel were also extremists for not condemning illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land.

He called for Braverman, the former home secretary, who argued this week that Israel is not impeding aid getting into Gaza, to lose the Tory whip.

A Conservative spokesperson told the Guardian that Duncan would be investigated by his party over the remarks to LBC.

In his LBC interview, Duncan said that any support for Israel’s current tactics in Gaza was “morally unacceptable”. “It’s what Israel has been doing for years has been wrong because the Israeli defence does not follow international law,” he said.

“It has been backing and supporting illegal settlers in the West Bank who steal Palestinian land and it is that land theft, that annexation of Palestine, which is the origin of the problem, which has given rise to the Hamas atrocity and the battles we’re seeing.”

Some people in UK politics “refuse to condemn settlements and therefore are not supporters of international law”, Duncan said. “I think the time has come to flush out those extremists in our own parliamentary politics and around it.

“The Conservative Friends of Israel has been doing the bidding of Netanyahu, bypassing all proper processes of government to exercise undue influence at the top of government.

“So what you have is a lot of people now sitting around Rishi Sunak who are giving him appalling advice. Let’s start with the head of CFI – or had been for many years – Lord Polak.

“In my view, I think he should be removed from the Lords because he is exercising the interests of another country, not that of the parliament in which he sits, joined by Lord Pickles. They’re the sort of Laurel and Hardy who should be pushed out together.”

Tugendhat, Duncan argued, should be sacked for having previously condemned Israeli settlements while supporting the current Israeli conduct in Gaza.

Speaking to Times Radio, Duncan said: “For Suella Braverman today, to say that there is not a humanitarian problem in Gaza and there’s plenty of food and she’s seen the photographs. Frankly, it is so disgusting, so repulsive, so repellent that I think she should immediately have the whip withdrawn”.

In a later statement, Duncan said he was still awaiting formal notification of the investigation, or the reasons why.

He said: “If this is indeed their intention, I will probably be the only person ever to be reproached for upholding his party’s policy and for defending the principles of international law and justice in the face of others who would undermine them.

“Should they choose to pursue this, they should not be surprised if it rebounds on them massively and proves dangerously harmful to their own reputation.”





The weapons used to kill the WCK workers, 3 of whom were from the UK, were made in the UK.


Happening now


holy based


I hate that this seems cute to me. Hope they don't actually have these guys fight.


>Hope they don't actually have these guys fight.
Are you retarded? of course the kids are not going to fight. they are dressed up in a costume for the protest/parade.


>of course the kids are not going to fight.
Child soldiers are a thing. I like the Yemenis, they generally have acted way more humanely than the west, but I'm not gonna pretend like I know everything about them.


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Moroccans protest Gaza war, normalisation with Israel

Thousands of Moroccans took to the streets of Casablanca, Rabat and Tangier last night to protest against Israel’s war in Gaza and condemn Morocco’s normalisation with Israel.

“We came to say ‘no’ to the barbaric massacres Israel is committing against Palestinians, to the destruction in Gaza … and to the silence of the Arab states,” protest organiser Mohammed Riahi told AFP news agency in Casablanca.

Morocco, which normalised ties with Israel in 2020, has accused Israel of breaching international law in its war in Gaza, but has not given any indication it would reconsider its ties with the state.

Israeli police arrest 16 worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Report

At least 16 people were arrested at dawn prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, according to the Times of Israel.

The arrests took place during the Laylat al-Qadr, or the night of power, which is considered by Muslims to be the holiest night of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.

Tensions have been running high at the site as Israeli authorities have denied entry to the mosque to the vast majority of Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank during Ramadan.

Israel said children under 10, women over 50 and men over 55 of age would be allowed to pray in the Al-Aqsa Mosque if they have a valid permit. This slashes the already small percentage of those allowed to enter the site.

Israeli drones fire tear gas at Al-Aqsa worshippers

Multiple Palestinian media and witnesses said that the Israeli drone strikes were aimed at forcing worshippers to leave the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound after Laylat al-Qadr, one of the most important events on the Muslim calendar.

It was the second day in a row that Israeli troops fired tear gas at worshippers during this year’s Ramadan.

Israeli forces were also seen beating worshippers with batons, according to video clips posted online.


Australia says Israeli information on death of aid worker ‘not sufficient’

Australia’s Foreign Minister Penny Wong has said that information from Israel about the death of an Australian aid worker during an air strike on Gaza was “not sufficient”.

After being briefed by Israeli authorities, Australia had “made clear that we have not yet received sufficient information to satisfy our expectations”, Wong told reporters in Adelaide after Lalzawmi “Zomi” Frankcom was killed.

The Australian was among seven aid workers killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza.

UN chief: More than 107,000 people ‘reportedly killed or injured’ in Gaza

Marking six months of war since the “abhorrent” Hamas-led attacks of October 7, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the humanitarian disaster resulting from the conflict is unprecedented, with more than a million “facing catastrophic hunger”.

He described the situation in Gaza as “absolutely desperate” and urged Israel to rapidly increase the flow of humanitarian aid.

The past six months of Israel’s military campaign following the attack has also brought “relentless death and destruction to Palestinians”, with over 107,000 people reported killed or injured, the vast majority women and children.

“Lives are shattered. Respect for international law is in tatters,” he said, while also condemning Hamas for the attack.

More than 13,000 children killed during the war, UNICEF’s Russell says

UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell says the war on Gaza has killed more than “13,000 children” and injured “countless” others during intense Israeli attacks on the enclave.

“Homes, schools and hospitals in ruin. Teachers, doctors and humanitarians killed. Famine is imminent. The level and speed of destruction are shocking. Children need a ceasefire NOW,” Russell wrote on X.

Here’s a look at the war on Gaza in numbers, 6 months in

The war has stretched on for half a year and has become one of the most destructive, deadly, and intractable conflicts of the 21st century. Since October 7, Israel has pummelled the Gaza Strip, displacing the vast majority of the population and causing many to flee to Gaza’s southernmost city, Rafah.

Here’s a look at the war in numbers:

Palestinians killed in Gaza: 33,137
Children killed in Gaza: More than 13,000
Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank: 456
Palestinians currently displaced in Gaza: 1.7 million (70 percent of the population)
Percentage of buildings likely damaged/destroyed: 55.9 percent
Percentage of homes likely damaged: more than 60 percent
Percentage of school buildings damaged: 90 percent
Hospitals that are functioning: 10/36
Palestinian civilians facing “catastrophic” food insecurity, according to the UN: 1.1 million
Percentage of northern Gaza children under the age of two who are acutely malnourished: 31 percent
Percentage of students out of school: 100 percent
Mosques damaged: 227
Churches damaged: 3

Cross-border fire in southern Lebanon, northern Israel

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that nine rockets were fired into Israel, some intercepted and some falling in open areas, following sirens in the north of the country.

The media outlet cited the Israeli military as the source of the information.

The Israeli military posted on X that several aerial attacks had been launched from Lebanon overnight and during the day.

It said its fighter jets had also attacked a number of Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah and Israeli forces have traded fire since Israel launched its war on Gaza following Hamas’s October 7 attack.

The fighting has displaced tens of thousands of people in southern Lebanon and in northern Israel.

Israel prepares to expand prisons for more Palestinians, draft gov’t decree shows

The draft decree, which appears on the agenda for the weekly government meeting held on Sundays, shows that the cabinet is seeking approval for $154m for the expansion of prisons.

The document shows it plans to make space for an additional 1,036 Palestinians, including in Ktzi’ot and Ofer prisons.

Israeli army says body of captive recovered from Gaza

The Israeli army says it has recovered the body of Israeli captive Elad Katzir.

Katzir was killed while held in captivity by the Islamic Jihad group in Gaza, the army said in a statement, adding that his body was retrieved in Khan Younis.

Katiz was taken on October 7 from the Nir Oz kibbutz, alongside his mother, who was later released in November, the army said. His father was killed in Israel on the day of the attack, it added.

Ireland’s sovereign investment fund to divest from 6 Israeli firms

Finance Minister Michael McGrath says Ireland’s 15-billion-euro ($16.3bn) sovereign investment fund will divest from six Israeli companies, including some of its largest banks, over their activities in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), which invests at home to support economic growth but also holds a portfolio of liquid international assets, has come under pressure from the main opposition party, Sinn Fein, to divest the assets.

Long a champion of Palestinian rights, Ireland last month joined Spain, Malta and Slovenia in taking the first steps towards recognising Palestinian statehood in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

“I have been advised by the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) that it has decided to divest from certain ISIF global portfolio investments in companies that have certain activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” McGrath said in a statement on Friday.

Thousands attend funeral of Iranian senior officer killed in Damascus

Thousands of people have attended the funeral of Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a high-ranking officer in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), according to the ISNA news agency.

Zahedi was buried in the Iranian city of Isfahan, his birthplace.

The 63-year-old Zahedi, his deputy and five other IRGC officers were killed in an alleged Israeli air strike on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital, Damascus, on Monday.

Families say time has run out for Gaza captives

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum says the return of Elad Katzir’s body from Gaza is a “painful, immediate, and harsh reminder that time has long run out for the hostages”.

“There is no time for negotiations, no time for power struggles, no time for international diplomacy,” read a statement from the group.

The Israeli army announced earlier today that the body of Katzir, who was taken captive on October 7, was retrieved from Khan Younis.

The forum said the 47-year-old “was held alive by Hamas for three months, during which signs of life were given and reports of his condition reached Israel.

“Three months in which there was a possibility to save him and return him alive to his family and his country.”

Qassam Brigades reveals new operations in Khan Younis

Hamas’s military arm says it has carried out a series of attacks on Israeli targets, which included:

Fighting Israeli troops in az-Zanna neighbourhood, east of the city of Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip.
Killing six Israeli soldiers, wounding others in the same neighbourhood and targeting three Merkava tanks there.
Targeting – with antipersonnel devices – an Israeli rescue force that advanced to an area that fighters had previously boobytrapped.

Pelosi joins call for Biden to stop transfer of US weapons to Israel

Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a key ally of Joe Biden, has signed a letter from dozens of congressional Democrats to the US president and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, urging a halt to weapons transfers to Israel.

Friday’s letter, which the California congresswoman signed, called on the Biden administration to conduct its own probe into an Israeli air strike that killed seven staff of the aid group World Central Kitchen on Monday.

“In light of the recent strike against aid workers and the ever-worsening humanitarian crisis, we believe it is unjustifiable to approve these weapons transfers,” the letter said. It was signed by Pelosi and 36 other Democrats including Representatives Barbara Lee, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


nah you are a retarded zionist shill. there is literally 0 reason to interpret them as being child soldiers unless you have some fucking evidence that the yemeni resistance uses child soldiers. guess what, they don't.


>nah you are a retarded zionist shill.
>there is literally 0 reason to interpret them as being child soldiers unless you have some fucking evidence that the yemeni resistance uses child soldiers. guess what, they don't.
I never said they do use child soldiers.
But, you know… are the guns fake?
All I'm saying is that I have no idea. I know they haven't employed child soldiers in anything I've seen wrt their actual ship raids, but I also don't know what their absolute limit is. FWIW, the Saudis appear to be way more willing to actually deploy child soldiers in Yemen than the Yemeni resistance fighters are. I'm not gonna see kids with rifles and automatically assume that I know it's just a costume, though.




Owen Jones - US Official Tells Me Why She RESIGNED Over Gaza - w/. Annelle Sheline

Five protesters hit during car-ramming incident at Tel Aviv demonstration

Haaretz is reporting that five protesters were hit by a car in Tel Aviv near the centre of a protest by a driver who refused to obey police instructions.

The Israeli newspaper said that emergency medical teams evacuated the injured people to Ichilov Hospital and that one was reported to be in a serious condition.

A video of the incident posted by a journalist, Uri Sela, working for the news outlet Walla, has circulated on social media.


Large demonstrations under way in Tel Aviv

Large demonstrations in Tel Aviv’s Democracy Square are currently being held by the families of Israeli captives and members of the public, who are calling for early elections and the dismissal of Netanyahu’s government.

Demonstrations aimed at the prime minister’s handling of the negotiations around the captives held in Gaza have become a regular occurrence in both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem since the early months of the war.

Today’s demonstrations come as ceasefire negotiations – which include discussions about the release of the captives – are set to take place in Cairo, with representatives from Hamas and mediated by Qatar, Egypt and the US.

Below, video verified by Al Jazeera, shows the crowd forming in Tel Aviv:

Israeli forces detain 45 Palestinians in occupied West Bank

According to the PA Commission for Detainees Affairs, the detentions included three women and former prisoners.

In a statement, the commission said that the detentions were carried out mostly in occupied East Jerusalem “as worshippers left the Al Aqsa Mosque” while the rest were detained in Hebron, Jenin, Nablus, Tourism Ramallah, Jericho and Tulkarem.

“Since October 7, more than 8,080 Palestinians in total have been detained,” said the commission.

Israel attacks Lebanese villages: Report

Lebanon’s state-run National News Service is reporting that Israeli jets have struck Odaisseh, a village in the south, close to the demarcating Blue Line.

The same source says that an air raid also targeted the village of Taybeh near Deir Siriane.

There was no information about casualties. We will continue to update you on these attacks as we get more information.

Qassam Brigades claim over a dozen Israeli soldiers killed in Khan Younis

The military wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, claims it has killed at least 14 Israeli soldiers during clashes in the last several hours.

Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, said that the group claimed nine Israeli soldiers were killed in the az-Zanna district in eastern Khan Younis, near the city’s border with Israel.

He added that another attack claimed by Hamas in the Amal neighbourhood, using anti-tank missiles, hit three Israeli Merkava tanks, killing five Israeli soldiers.

Azzoum added that three Israeli helicopters had landed in order to evacuate soldiers injured in the attack.

The Israeli military has not commented on these reports. We will continue to update you on clashes in Khan Younis as information comes in.

German warship intercepts Houthi missile

The EU’s naval mission in the southern Red Sea, known as Aspides, says in a press release that the German frigate “Hessen” had intercepted a missile attack from Houthi-controlled territory.

“The action performed by Hessen was effective, avoiding any damage to seafarers and merchant shipping”, the statement said.

Earlier, British maritime security firm Ambrey said that it had received information that a vessel was targeted approximately 61 nautical miles (about 113km) southwest of the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah.

It is unclear if these two incidents are related.

Aspides was launched in February to help protect the key maritime trade route from drone and missile attacks by Yemen’s Houthi militia, who say they are retaliating against Israel’s war on Gaza.

Palestinian journalists call for boycott of White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Palestinian journalists are asking members of the US media to boycott the highly anticipated event on April 27 “as an act of solidarity with us – your fellow journalists – as well as with the millions of Palestinians currently being starved in Gaza”.

“The toll exacted on us for merely fulfilling our journalistic duties is staggering. We are subjected to detentions, interrogations, and torture by the Israeli military, all for the ‘crime’ of journalistic integrity,” the appeal says.

The journalists stress that the “White House Correspondents’ Dinner is an embodiment of media manipulation, trading journalistic ethics for access. For journalists to fraternise at an event with President Biden and Vice President Harris would be to normalise, sanitise, and whitewash the administration’s role in genocide.”

According to a preliminary count from the Committee to Protect Journalists, at least 95 journalists and media workers have been killed since Israel began its war on Gaza.

Former Shin Bet chief: ‘Military campaign in Gaza has reached its limit’

Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that the former Shin Bet chief Ami Ayalon has stated that “the military campaign in Gaza has reached its limit” during a demonstration in Haifa in northern Israel.

Israel’s Shin Bet, or Shabak as it is known in both Hebrew and Arabic, is the internal intelligence service and one of the three branches of the Israeli General Security Service.

“Our soldiers are forced to re-occupy places that were occupied a few weeks ago, and become police forces for a population full of rage and hatred. They are forced to kill hungry civilians who attack them when they are protecting humanitarian aid convoys,” Ayalon said.
(anon's note: sure they are, buddy!)

He called for Hamas to be defeated “with a combination of a political process that will lead to a moderate regional coalition under American and Saudi leadership”.

He is quoted as saying such a coalition would require “a process leading to a historic compromise with the Palestinian people”.

Haaretz stated that Ayalon called Netanyahu’s decision not to discuss “the day after” the war a disaster, adding, “Without a political goal, the war becomes a continuous battle that no one knows the end of.”

Israeli opposition leader set for US visit

Israeli media outlets are reporting that opposition leader Yair Lapid will leave on Saturday evening for Washington, where he will meet senior American administration officials in the White House and the State Department.

He is also set to meet National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee chair Ben Cardin, Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Lindsey Graham.

Lapid reposted an Israeli media article about this news on his personal X account, appearing to confirm the reports.

A former TV host turned politician, Lapid criticised Netanyahu at a demonstration on Sunday, saying he was destroying Israel’s relations with the United States and leaving the captives to their fate. This week, he called for immediate elections in Israel to replace the prime minister.

Intense fighting raging in Khan Younis

Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, says the fighting is currently raging in and around Khan Younis, also in the south.

“The city of Khan Younis had been the theatre for the Israeli military operations since last December with the Israeli forces trying to impose its full military control of the city” he said.

Earlier, we reported that the military wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, claimed nine Israeli soldiers were killed in the az-Zanna district in eastern Khan Younis and five in the Amal neighbourhood.

Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari said that Israeli soldiers are currently engaged in “brutal and fierce combat at close range” in Khan Younis.

He said Israeli military are also launching air raids against the city and are in the process of destroying three tunnel networks originating there.

Israel says drone downed in Lebanon

The Israeli military says a surface-to-air missile was used to shoot down the UAV that was in Lebanese airspace.

It says the incident is under review.

Earlier, Hezbollah claimed the downing of an Israeli drone.

In a statement, it said: “In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honourable resistance, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance shot down an armed enemy drone at 8:50 pm on Saturday 04/06/2024. A Hormuz 450 over Lebanese territory.”

Tel Aviv demonstration sees violence

The Israeli police have reported on X that a protester punched a police officer who is receiving medical treatment.

The police said that after the approved protests, a handful of demonstrators decided to light bonfires and violently confront police officers.

A short video clip on X was posted by the police force, showing blood streaming from the nose of a female police officer.

As we reported earlier, five demonstrators were hit by a car at the demonstrations. The Israeli police say a suspect in the incident has been brought in for questioning.


Israel has been withdrawing troops from southern Gaza today, most likely to regroup.

Recent George Galloway statement related to that + a few other things.


Iran has offered not to retaliate for the attack on the consulate in exchange for a Gaza ceasefire.
<Iran informed the US that it would refrain from responding to the airstrike in which senior Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commanders were killed in Damascus if a ceasefire in Gaza is reached
<anonymous Arab diplomatic source

I'm going to say based and diplomacy pilled.
This is the best off ramp so far.




What's Jadeh Iran's record like?


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Something's going on in NY in a week.


Father of killed aid worker urges tougher US stance on Israel

The father of Jacob Flickinger, a US citizen killed in an Israeli air strike on a World Central Kitchen convoy of aid workers in Gaza on April 1, has spoken to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, The Associated Press reports.

John Flickinger told Blinken that the US, Israel’s most important ally, must use its power to pressure Israel to end killings in the besieged Gaza Strip.

“If the United States threatened to suspend aid to Israel, maybe my son would be alive today,” Flickinger told AP as he described his 30-minute conversation on Saturday with Blinken.

Jacob, 33, was killed in Israeli drone strikes that hit a convoy he and six other aid workers were travelling in to deliver food aid in Gaza.

The elder Flickinger said that in his view, the strike “was a deliberate attempt to intimidate aid workers and to stop the flow of humanitarian aid”.

Palestinian detainee in Israeli prison dies

According to the Commission of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, Walid Daqqa, a 62-year-old prisoner who suffered from cancer, has died in Shamir Medical Center.

Daqqa was from Baqa al-Gharbiyye, a predominantly Palestinian city near the Green Line in Israel.

The father of one had served 38 years in Israeli prisons, the commission said.

His daughter, Milad, was conceived via semen smuggled from prison, it added.

Top UN court to hold hearings in case accusing Germany of facilitating Israel’s war

The United Nations’ top court in The Hague is hearing a case on Monday that seeks an end to German military aid and other support to Israel.

Nicaragua says that Berlin is “facilitating” acts of genocide and breaches of international law in Gaza, where Israel’s war has killed more than 33,000 Palestinians.

While the case brought by Nicaragua centres on Germany, which provides a reported 30 percent of the Israeli military’s weapons, it indirectly takes aim at Israel’s onslaught on Gaza.

Germany’s foreign ministry spokesperson said Berlin rejects Nicaragua’s accusations and has not breached either the Genocide Convention or international humanitarian law.

Which Israeli troops will remain stationed in Gaza?

Israel’s 98th Division, comprised of paratroopers from the army and the reserves, has pulled out of Gaza’s Khan Younis area after entering the enclave around four months ago to lead the ground offensive in the south of the Palestinian territory.

The Israeli military said a “significant force led by the 162nd division and the Nahal brigade continues to operate in the Gaza Strip”.

The 162nd Division, also known as the “Steel Formation”, is part of Israel’s Southern Command and is made up of several brigades, including the Nahal Brigade.

The Nahal Brigade is composed of four battalions, including a reconnaissance battalion.

An Israeli brigade is typically made up of a few thousand soldiers.

The Nahal Brigade is tasked with securing the so-called Netzarim Corridor, a recently constructed 6.5km (4-mile) wide passage running from the Mediterranean Sea to the border with Israel and dividing Gaza’s northern and southern territories.

With the corridor secured, it is still possible for Israeli troops from other divisions to enter the Strip to carry out raids.

The Times of Israel newspaper reported that the military believed, based on intelligence, that raids would be a more effective method of military operation at this stage of the war.

The ‘end of the beginning’ for Netanyahu
Marwan Bishara
Al Jazeera's senior political analyst

I’ve been arguing for a while that for US President Biden, this is the beginning of the end of this war. Six months later, too long, it needs to wind down. It’s the beginning of the end.

For Netanyahu, it’s still the end of the beginning. This is the stage where the destruction has taken place, the annihilation of much of Gaza and a lot of its population.

Then there is the attack, which now Israel talks about, of turning the defensive into an offensive in Lebanon.

So, for Netanyahu and his government, this is just the end of the beginning, and hence, we’re going to see a lot of movements back and forth.

For the time being, it’s clear that, for Netanyahu, there’s a gathering of the storm, even the perfect storm, over his government in terms of the attack on international aid, in terms of the Iranians vowing revenge, in terms of domestic pressure, in terms of huge American momentum towards pressure, in terms of world fatigue with Israel, in terms of resistance in Gaza.

US military says it destroyed missile system in Houthi-controlled territory

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) says it destroyed a mobile surface-to-air missile system in a Houthi-controlled territory of Yemen on Saturday.

US forces also shot down one unmanned aerial vehicle over the Red Sea, its statement said, adding that a coalition vessel also detected, engaged and destroyed one inbound antiship missile. No injuries or damage were reported.

Earlier, we reported that Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed to have launched rockets and drones targeting a British ship and two Israeli vessels heading to Israeli ports. A Houthi military spokesman also said a number of US frigates in the Red Sea were also hit during the last 72 hours.

The Houthis say they are targeting Israel-linked ships as a response to Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and the international community’s failure to put an end to it.

Deaths of Gaza children ‘stain on all of humanity’: WHO chief

The World Health Organization’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said, “The deaths and grievous injuries of thousands of children in Gaza will remain a stain on all of humanity.”

“This assault on present and future generations must end. The denial of basic needs – food, fuel, sanitation, shelter, security and healthcare – is inhumane and intolerable,” he said in a post on X.

The WHO chief also said that the Hamas October 7 attack “does not justify the horrific ongoing bombardment, siege and health system demolition by Israel in Gaza, killing, injuring and starving hundreds of thousands of civilians, including aid workers”.

Iran’s top diplomat meets Houthi official in Oman’s capital

During his visit to Muscat, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran’s foreign minister, has met with spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam, who is also the chief Houthi negotiator in peace talks over the country’s decade-old civil war, according to an Iranian foreign ministry statement on X.

Amir-Abdollahian travelled to Oman on Sunday on the first leg of a regional tour, the ministry said, almost a week after an Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

The two officials denounced the deadly attack on the embassy and accused the United States and United Kingdom of complicity.

Residents return to devastated Khan Younis after Israeli withdrawal

Khan Younis residents, who rushed back to their city after Israeli forces relocated from southern Gaza, found a wasteland of destruction and rubble, according to a Reuters news agency report.

The city has come under intense Israeli bombardment in recent months.

Much of Khan Younis had been destroyed, many buildings have been bombed, and there are overturned cars stuck in the mud near craters left by missiles. Damaged hospital beds were seen on one street.

“It is a shock, a shock. What happened was not small … while coming on the way in the car, I saw things. The destruction is unbearable,” said Mohammed Abou Diab, who was among those who returned to his old neighbourhood.

Israel claims strike on compound belonging to Hezbollah’s Radwan Force

The Israeli military says it hit a compound belonging to Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force in southern Lebanon.

In a situational update on Telegram, the army said its fighters hit a “military compound which contained seven military structures” belonging to the forces in the area of Khiam.

It added that it “struck a military command centre belonging to Hezbollah in the area of Toura”.

The army added that several rockets were fired towards the Golan Heights from southern Lebanon, which was responded to with strikes on the areas of Kawkaba and Meiss el-Jabal.

Israel may have started a forever war in Gaza

After six months of relentless attacks on Gaza, Israel remains no closer to a victory than it has been at any point since October of last year.

Whether it has plans for the enclave beyond the fighting remains unknown, while more than 33,000 people, the majority women and children, lie dead.

Yemen’s Houthis launch rockets on Western ships in Red Sea

Yemen’s Houthi rebels claim to have launched rockets and drones targeting a British ship and two Israeli vessels heading to Israeli ports.

A number of US frigates in the Red Sea were also hit, according to a televised statement by Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Saree, who said the attacks occurred during the last 72 hours.

Why is Israel reducing troop numbers in southern Gaza?

The Israeli military says it’s withdrawing more ground troops from the southern Gaza Strip, leaving just one brigade there six months after the start of its bloody offensive.

The military has been reducing numbers in Gaza since the start of the year to relieve reservists and under growing pressure from its ally Washington to improve the humanitarian situation. It did not give details on its reasons for withdrawing soldiers or the numbers involved.

It is unclear whether the withdrawal would delay a long-threatened incursion into the southern Gaza city of Rafah, which Prime Minister Netanyahu says is needed to “eliminate” Hamas.

About 1.5 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering in Rafah, and critics say a ground invasion would be “catastrophic”.

Israel is also on high alert for a possible retaliatory attack from Iran, in reaction to the killing of Iranian generals on April 1, and has called up reservists.

Hezbollah, Israel continue to intensify cross-border attacks
Ali Hashem
Reporting from Naqoura, southern Lebanon

The rules of engagement are being updated every moment with Israel now attacking the Bekaa Valley and this is not the first time Israel has set a new equation.

Whereas any aerial target is being hit, the Bekaa will be targeted in retaliation, the military says. Hezbollah is establishing another rule of engagement: Anytime Bekaa is hit, the Golan Heights is targeted.

And now we’re seeing Israel taking the war deeper into Lebanon vertically, whereas Hezbollah is expanding the front horizontally.

40 rockets launched from Lebanon towards Golan Heights

The rocket launches come after a tense night that saw Israel attack targets in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon.

The Israeli military said the attack was in response to the shooting down of an advanced Israeli drone in Lebanese airspace.

Hezbollah also announced its fighters downed a Hermes 900 drone.

Israeli embassies ‘no longer safe’: Iranian official

Yahya Rahim Safavi, a senior adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, says none of Israel’s embassies are safe any more, the semiofficial Tasnim news agency reports.

He added Tehran viewed confrontation with Israel as a “legitimate and legal right”. Iran’s semiofficial ISNA news agency published a graphic it said showcased nine different types of Iranian missiles capable of hitting Israel.

Safavi’s comments come as Israel is on high alert following a suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate last week in the Syrian capital, Damascus, which killed seven members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, including two top generals.

Tehran has vowed to take revenge. Israel’s defence minister said earlier the country is ready to handle any scenario that may develop with its arch foe Iran.

Israeli opposition leader in US to meet senior Biden officials

Yair Lapid is expected to meet Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and other officials later on Sunday in Washington, DC.

During his visit, Lapid will also talk to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who last month called for a snap election in Israel to give voters a chance to get rid of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he described as one of the “major obstacles” to peace.

Speaking to Channel 12 news on Saturday, Lapid blamed Netanyahu for what he called a “collapse” in relations with Washington and said it was questionable if the ties could even be fully repaired by future governments.



UK sends Royal Navy ship to set up new maritime aid corridor

The multinational effort, involving the US, Cyprus and other partners, will develop a temporary pier off the coast of Gaza, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron says.

Cameron also pledged 9.7 million pounds ($12.3m) for equipment and logistical expertise to help set up the maritime corridor from Cyprus to Gaza, his office said.

The initiative will see aid prescreened in Cyprus and delivered directly to Gaza, through the new US-built pier being constructed off the coast, or via Ashdod Port after Israel agreed to open it.

Critics say air-and-sea deliveries will not make up for a shortage of supply routes on land that Israel continues to block.

Intense fighting under way in southern Khan Younis city
Hani Mahmoud
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

A statement released by Hamas’s military wing says its fighters ambushed three Israeli tanks in az-Zanna area, in the east of Khan Younis city.

The district has been under heavy bombardment and artillery shelling for the past month. People who managed to get there and inspect it report about 95 percent of residential buildings, infrastructure, and public facilities have been – not partially or severely – but completely destroyed.

The Qassam Brigades says it killed nine soldiers there and four more in a separate attack. The Israeli army issued a statement saying four of its soldiers were killed in Gaza on Saturday.

The Israeli military is operating in the western part of Khan Younis, specifically in al-Amal neighbourhood and within al-Amal Hospital where extreme fighting is ongoing.

Civil defence crews and witnesses say civilians are trapped in the area.

Anger against Israel government intensifies with 100,000 in protests

Tens of thousands of Israelis, including opposition leader Yair Lapid, protested against the Netanyahu government in Tel Aviv and other cities demanding “elections now”.

“They will not deter us, nor will they force us to stop protests until all the kidnapped people return and this terrible government falls,” said Lapid.

People chanted “Police, police who exactly are you guarding?” and “Ben-Gvir is a terrorist”, referring to Israel’s minister of national security, the Haaretz newspaper reported.

Organisers of the antigovernment protests in Tel Aviv say that 100,000 people participated in the demonstrations, according to the Israeli media.

New missile strike near vessel off Yemen’s Aden, no damage

A missile landed near a vessel in the Gulf of Aden but there was no damage to the ship or injuries to crew. The attack occurred 110km (59 nautical miles) southwest of the Yemeni port of Aden, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) agency says.

“The master of the vessel reports a missile impacted the water in close proximity to the vessel’s port quarter,” UKMTO said in an advisory note.

It didn’t say who fired the missile or give further details. The Houthi militia has staged months of attacks in the Red Sea region in support of Palestinians during Israel’s war on Gaza.

The attacks have disrupted global shipping, forcing firms to reroute to longer and more expensive journeys around Southern Africa. In response, the US and the UK have launched strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen.

Scrounging for leaves in Gaza to keep children alive

In Jabalia, a refugee camp near Gaza City, families scour the rubble for mallow leaves to make a thin broth to break the daily Ramadan fast.

Wael Attar, a father of young girls, says his children constantly ask for real food, but there’s none to be found.

“Life has become miserable. They tell me, ‘Father, you are feeding us mallow, mallow, mallow every day. We want to eat fish, chicken, canned food. We are craving eggs, or anything,'” said Attar.

The family shelters in a school as part of the 1.7 million people displaced in Gaza. The UN and aid partners warn of “imminent famine” for 1.1 million people or half the population.

Reusing scalpels, operating with no anaesthesia: A doctor’s diary

In Gaza today, scalpels have to be reused in surgeries, but they’ve become too blunt to do what they are supposed to do.

Medics often carry out surgical procedures without painkillers. Nearly all patients suffer from malnutrition so their wounds don’t heal.

Hundreds march in West Bank to protest against Israel’s killing of Palestinian man

Hundreds of people have taken to the streets in Yabad in the occupied West Bank to protest against Israel’s killing of Asaad Issam Amr al-Qaniri, according to the Wafa news agency.

Al-Qaniri was killed in an Israeli raid on his house on Thursday.

The march ended with a memorial for al-Qaniri, where speakers denounced Israeli crimes against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, Wafa said.



US Congressman hits back at criticism over his focus on Gaza

US Congressman Jamaal Bowman has hit back at criticism that he is neglecting issues in his district to focus on the war in Gaza.

In an interview with MSNBC aired on Sunday, Bowman, who represents New York’s 16th congressional district in the House of Representatives, said that “every accusation is a confession”.

“My district doesn’t want bombs and weapons and billions to be sent to Israel to kill babies,” Bowman said.

“My district wants to have money to be sent to our district so people can afford housing and childcare and utilities, and have better paying jobs for food and [to] take a vacation. We want peace and we want investments in the American economy and in the American people, particularly those Black, brown, marginalised and left behind. That’s what my district wants.”

Incoming Irish prime minister says Irish people ‘repulsed’ by Netanyahu’s actions

Ireland’s incoming Prime Minister Simon Harris has delivered a clear message to Israel’s Netanyahu, calling for a ceasefire and for aid to “flow safely”.

“Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Irish people could not be clearer. We are repulsed by your actions,” Harris said in a speech at Gael Ard Fheis University in Galway.

“Anyone who can countenance deliberate starvation has lost their humanity,” Harris added, noting that famine is a “spectre no Irish person can bear”.

Harris, the new leader of the governing Fine Gael party, will be Ireland’s youngest prime minister after the recent unexpected resignation of Leo Varadkar.

Israeli forces beat worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Wafa

Israeli forces raided the Bab al-Rahma prayer hall in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem, beating worshippers and arresting two of them, the Wafa news agency is reporting quoting witnesses.

Tensions have been running high at the site as Israeli authorities have denied entry to the mosque to the vast majority of Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank during Ramadan.



LIVE: ICJ hears Nicaragua genocide complicity case against Germany


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>Israel may have started a forever war in Gaza
>After six months of relentless attacks on Gaza, Israel remains no closer to a victory than it has been at any point since October of last year.
>Whether it has plans for the enclave beyond the fighting remains unknown, while more than 33,000 people, the majority women and children, lie dead.
Profitable genocide.
Hell on earth.

What are the IDF casualty rates ? are they gonna run out of Waffen-SS with Zionist characteristics before they genocided all the Palestinians ?


Palestine’s full UN membership bid ‘moving forward’
Gabriel Elizondo
Reporting from New York

We are hearing that Palestine’s application for UN membership is moving forward.

The Security Council president for this month, the ambassador from Malta, said that behind closed doors, the Security Council has decided on a couple of key things, and these are important.

Number one is that they will refer this case, or Palestine’s application, to what’s called the membership committee of the Security Council. That membership committee is made up of the current 15 members, and we’re told the first meeting of the committee could happen as early as this afternoon.

We’re also told that out of that meeting, they also decided that they will expedite this application, meaning that they expect to deal with this entire process in the Security Council in the month of April.

We’ve just heard from the Russian ambassador to the UN. He was asked about this, and he said: “We expect this to be a matter of days, if not just weeks, but not months.”

Israel Bonds should register as a foreign agent, rights group says

The US-based underwriter of debt securities issued by Israel should register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA), Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) says.

The group said Israel Bonds is fully controlled by the Israeli government, its directors are political appointees of the Israeli government and it acts to advance the political interests of the Israeli government, all of which require it to register under FARA.

“The Justice Department has been sitting on very clear and convincing evidence that Israel Bonds is acting as a foreign agent for Israel while failing to register under FARA,” said Sarah Leah Whitson, executive director of DAWN, who submitted a referral to the Department of Justice’s FARA Unit.

“Meanwhile, Israel Bonds is raising untraceable funds that it can’t prevent from flowing to the extremist, violent settlements on which the Biden administration has imposed financial sanctions.”

Israel buying 40,000 tents for Rafah evacuation: Report

An Israeli official has told The Associated Press that Israel is buying 40,000 tents to prepare for the evacuation of Palestinians from Rafah.

The Israeli official, speaking to the news agency on the condition of anonymity because the official was not authorised to speak to the media, said the tents were part of preparations for an anticipated operation in the southern Gaza city.

Israel has previously said it has a plan to evacuate civilians ahead of its Rafah offensive, and the Defence Ministry published a tender seeking a supplier of tents earlier in the day.

Israel claims Rafah is Hamas’s last stronghold and says it will send ground troops into the city.

But the international community, including the US, opposes the offensive, saying it would be disastrous for the more than one million displaced Palestinian civilians sheltering there.

Gaza: Gas rich, but in ruins

As the world watches Israel’s military onslaught on the Gaza Strip, there is one development that has received close to zero attention: Israel’s granting of 12 new licences for gas exploration.

Palestinians say much of it falls within their maritime borders, under international law.

Al Jazeera’s Pinch Point examines the growing interest in Palestine’s gas.

Foreign Press Association pushes Israel for immediate access to Gaza

The association for foreign correspondents covering Israel and Palestine is “alarmed” that six months into the war on Gaza, Israeli authorities have yet to allow international journalists into the besieged coastal enclave independently.

The lack of access raises “questions about what Israel does not want international journalists to see”, the association said in a statement.

56 bodies found in Khan Younis after Israeli withdrawal

Ambulance workers have recovered at least 56 bodies from Khan Younis after Israeli forces withdrew from the southern Gaza city, our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are reporting.

The city, which had been subject to months of intense Israeli bombardments and fighting, still has the smell of death in the air as bodies are dug out of the rubble, returning residents told the Agence France-Presse news agency.

Iranian foreign minister opens new Damascus consulate after deadly attack

Hossein Amirabdollahian has inaugurated the new consular section in the Syrian capital in the presence of his Syrian counterpart, Faisal Mekdad, whom he met earlier in the day, the state news agency SANA reports.

This comes a week after a deadly attack that Iran blamed on Israel destroyed the former premises, causing regional tensions to skyrocket at a time when they were already high because of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Tehran, a key Damascus ally, has promised to avenge the air strike on the Iranian embassy’s consular section, which killed seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) members, including two generals.

Jordanians keep up rallies in support of Palestinians in Gaza

Jordanian protesters have taken to Amman’s streets nightly by the thousands during Ramadan, transforming the normally festive Muslim month into a solemn show of solidarity with Palestinians in war-battered Gaza, according to the AFP news agency.

Jordan, where about half of the population is of Palestinian origin, has seen numerous demonstrations in support of Gaza since October 7.

The rallies near the Israeli embassy in the capital Amman have drawn between 3,000 and 5,000 protesters every day, beginning after night prayers at about 10pm (19:00 GMT).

More demonstrations, many of them following Friday prayers, have been held in other cities.

Protests began in Jordan, which neighbours Israel and the occupied West Bank, in October. But they have seen a significant spike during Ramadan.

In the capital, demonstrators have been gathering near Al-Kalouti mosque, a short distance from the Israeli embassy, sometimes staying out until dawn before resuming their daily fast.

More Americans think Israel has gone too far in Gaza: Poll

According to the latest Chicago Council on Global Affairs-Ipsos poll, slightly more Americans think Israel has gone too far and its military actions in Gaza are not justified (32 percent) than think Israel is justified in defending its interests (27 percent).

The poll also found that four in 10 Americans say the US should exert diplomatic pressure (14 percent) on Israel or restrict military aid (26 percent), but 23 percent say the US should not pressure Israel at all.

The survey shows that three in 10 Americans view Netanyahu very or somewhat favourably (30 percent). This share has declined since September, especially among Democrats (from 24 to 17 percent) and independents (from 35 to 23 percent).

EU’s Red Sea navy mission commander eyes more ships to repel Houthi attacks

Vasilios Gryparis, the commander of a European Union naval mission in the Red Sea – dubbed Aspides, from the Greek for “shield” – wants to significantly increase its size to better defend against attacks by Houthi rebels.

Just four warships are currently patrolling an area twice the size of the 27-nation bloc.

Gryparis said that “to cross the high-risk area takes almost two days”, adding that the zone “has seen multiple attacks in the past months”.

Iran-backed Houthi rebels launched a campaign of drone and missile attacks on shipping in the Red Sea in November last year in support of Palestinians in Gaza.

Cyprus, Lebanon discuss Syrian refugee influx due to Israeli war on Gaza

In talks with Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides, who is visiting Beirut, has pushed Lebanon to stem boat departures of Syrian refugees for the Mediterranean island nation.

Cyprus says the Israeli war on Gaza, which has triggered a flare-up on the Israel-Lebanon border, has weakened Lebanon’s efforts to monitor its territorial waters and prevent refugee vessel departures.

“A very constructive discussion took place [between Mikati and Christodoulides] during which the cooperation of the two countries with the substantial assistance of the European Commission was agreed upon,” said a statement from Cypriot government spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbiotis.

It did not detail the specifics of the agreement or the assistance.

Cyprus is the European Union’s easternmost member, located less than 200km (125 miles) from the coast of Lebanon and neighbouring Syria.

‘Not too much’ to ask Germany to refrain from aiding Israel
Marwan Bishara
Al Jazeera's senior political analyst

Much of the arguments we’ve heard today from Nicaragua at their very core resemble very much the arguments that we’ve heard from South Africa. Of course, here Germany is not being involved in but complicit in.

So I think if indeed the court is going to look at both Israel and Germany in the same way, I think it’s not too much to ask Germany to refrain from exacerbating or escalating a plausible genocide because there is no doubt.

We didn’t need Nicaragua to know that Germany is the third largest exporter of arms to Israel – over half a billion dollars a year.

Germany is a huge financial and economic partner of Israel.

The Germans, specifically in this government, have really made it clear that their support for Israel is unconditional regardless of how many tens of thousands have died or been injured in Gaza.

Israeli military claims attack on Hezbollah site in southern Lebanon

In a statement on Telegram, the Israeli military has claimed to have carried out an air raid on “Hezbollah military infrastructure” near the Lebanese town of Khiam, about 6km (3.7 miles) from the Israeli border, after it spotted one of the group’s “operatives” there.

The strike comes after Israel’s military reported earlier today that it killed three Hezbollah fighters, including commander Ali Ahmad Hussein, in an overnight air strike in the area of as-Sultaniyah in southern Lebanon.

More from Tess Duncan: UNICEF committed to staying in Gaza

After the Israeli attack on the World Central Kitchen aid convoy on April 1, UNICEF and other UN agencies suspended their operations in Gaza for 48 hours, but it is now back to “full operations”, Duncan tells Al Jazeera.

“We’ve been here in Gaza for decades, and we’re not going anywhere,” she said from Rafah. “We’re going to stay here during the fighting, stay here as the guns fall silent and then help the children of Gaza to rebuild once there finally is peace.”

“But, of course, we can’t do that if it’s not safe,” she added, “so we need safety assurances from Israel that if we go on a mission, we’re not going to be killed.”

While the entry into Gaza of more aid convoys is “good news”, Duncan said, there are still serious challenges to transporting such aid to those most in need due to ongoing violence, collapsed infrastructure, travel restrictions and a shortage of fuel and vehicles.

“The obstacles are many, but we’re still doing our best in these really difficult circumstances to bring food and water and medicine and nutrition treatments to the vulnerable that need it,” she said.

Nicaragua’s case ‘has a great relevance not just for Gaza’

Raymond Murphy, a human rights lawyer and professor of law at the University of Galway, has told Al Jazeera from the Republic of Ireland that Nicaragua’s case against Germany is “a very important case”.

“The case has great relevance not just for Gaza but also for all the states that manufacture weapons and supply states and other parties with weapons that are ultimately used to commit violations of international law, of humanitarian law, the convention against genocide and a whole host of other international measures that seek to protect civilian and other vulnerable groups,” Murphy said.

Israel’s Shin Bet makes arrest over threat to assassinate Netanyahu: Report

A resident of central Israel has been arrested by Israel’s Shin Bet security service and a cybercrime police force for threatening to kill Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Israel’s Arutz Sheva media, citing the Israeli police.

The suspect took to the messaging app Telegram to post the “incitement”, according to the report, which did not specify the content of the post.

Last week, Israel’s Shin Bet also said it had thwarted a plot by a cell – made up of seven Arab Israelis and four Palestinians in the occupied West Bank – to assassinate Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, as well as wage other attacks on Israeli territory and Israeli settlements.

Israel’s budget deficit jumps to 6.2 percent of GDP

Israel’s budget deficit grew to 15 billion shekels ($4bn) in March – equivalent to 6.2 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP) – according to its finance ministry, as the country continues to shell out billions of dollars for its war on Gaza.

The deficit has been steadily climbing in 2024, hitting its latest figure of 6.2 percent in March compared to 5.6 percent in February and 4.8 percent in January.

Since October 7, Israel has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the war each day, with the Bank of Israel estimating war-related costs for 2023 to 2025 could run Israel some $55.6bn.

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan call on Israel to halt its war on Gaza

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have demanded that Israel end its military operations in Gaza and seek a peaceful solution to the conflict in line with United Nations resolutions.

The two countries made the demands in a joint statement after a meeting between Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in Mecca.

The two sides called for international efforts “to halt Israeli military operations in Gaza, mitigate humanitarian impact and … pressure Israel to cease hostilities, adhere to international law, and facilitate unhindered humanitarian aid access to Gaza”, according to the statement.

They also discussed the need for a peace process in accordance with UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative “aimed at finding a just and comprehensive solution for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital”.


Palestinian lawyer from Gaza builds Israel genocide case in Italy

Piles of court documents in English and Arabic filled the desk and covered the floor of Triestino Mariniello’s home office for much of March in Messina, a city in southern Italy overlooking Mediterranean waters on one side and the smoking Etna volcano on the other.

Here, far from the war, a team of lawyers from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCGR) in Gaza, to which Mariniello belongs, worked last month on their attempt to prosecute Israel for genocide.

“We thought it was a good way to try and be more productive in a place where you can actually detach yourself from the constant horrors, even though that may seem impossible these days,” Mariniello told Al Jazeera.

“We also considered this as an opportunity for our colleague from Gaza to catch a breath after what he’s been going through.”



Gaza death toll at 33,207 with 75,933 wounded since October

Gaza’s Health Ministry reports 33,207 Palestinians have been killed and 75,933 wounded since Israel launched its war in October.

The toll includes at least 38 deaths over the past 24 hours, a ministry statement said.

An estimated 7,000 bodies remain buried under the debris of bombed-out buildings in the besieged territory. Most of the dead are women and children.

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Iran’s supreme leader rules out sending ‘volunteers’ to Palestinian territory

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says the deployment of “volunteers” to the occupied Palestinian territory is not possible, in an indication Tehran is not seeking direct ground involvement in the war on Gaza.

Footage on Khamenei’s official website showed him making the remarks on Sunday during a meeting with students.

“Rest assured that if it was possible to send young men to Palestine, it would have been done before you say it,” Khamenei said.

His comments were reportedly in response to a question by one of the students. Many Iranian hardliners have routinely said they are ready to go to help Palestinians in Gaza in their fight against Israel.

Iranian leaders including Khamenei have vowed retaliation for an attack last week that killed two Iranian generals and their military delegation in Syria. Israel has been girding for an Iranian response to the strike, without directly acknowledging its involvement in it.

Israel’s message: ‘Don’t feed the Palestinians’
Andrew Mitrovica

To understand why seven aid workers were killed by Israel earlier last week in Gaza only requires a short-term memory.

Their deaths were not a “tragic event … that happens in war”, as Netanyahu claimed in a statement meant to blunt the “outrage” over the killings.

No, the seven souls, employed by World Central Kitchen travelling in a convoy in Deir el-Balah after unloading 100 tonnes of food aid at its central Gaza warehouse, were casualties of a directive issued by Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant on October 9.

EU Red Sea mission has repelled 11 attacks

The European Union’s naval mission in the Red Sea has repelled attacks on 11 civilian ships since it was launched in late February, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says.

“In less than two months since the operation was launched, the operation has escorted 68 vessels and has repelled 11 attacks,” Borrell told journalists.

Greek commander Vasileios Gryparis said that included shooting down nine aerial drones, one seaborne drone, and four antiship ballistic missiles.

Yemen’s Houthi attacks have roiled shipping in the Red Sea, forcing some companies to take alternative routes, including a two-week detour around the tip of Southern Africa.

Ben-Gvir threatens to withdraw support unless Israel attacks Rafah

Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir warned Netanyahu if he decides to end the war on Gaza without “an extensive attack on Rafah” to defeat the Palestinian group Hamas “he will not have a mandate to continue serving as prime minister”.

The far-right minister is a key member of the Netanyahu-led coalition government. Without the support of Ben-Gvir’s party, the prime minister would lose the majority in the Knesset.

Ben-Gvir’s comment came on X after renewed negotiations for a potential ceasefire and the release of captives in Cairo. There are conflicting reports on how the talks went. Some sources said progress was made, while a Hamas official told Al Jazeera and the Reuters news agency the gap between the warring sides is still wide.

What advanced US weapons systems does Israel get?

Calls continue to grow for the US to stop giving Israel weapons for its relentless attack on Gaza. The US provides an estimated $3.8bn annually in such assistance. Here is what advanced weaponry is transferred:

Israel is the first international operator of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, considered the most advanced fighter jet ever made. Israel is in the process of buying 75 F-35s and – as of last year – had taken delivery of 36, paying for them with US assistance.
The US has also helped Israel develop and arm its Iron Dome short-range rocket defence system, developed after the 2006 war between Israel and Lebanon-based Hezbollah. The US has repeatedly sent Israel hundreds of millions of dollars to help replenish its interceptor missiles.
Washington has also helped fund the development of Israel’s “David’s Sling” system, designed to shoot down rockets fired from 100km to 200km (62-124 miles) away.

With UNRWA still blocked, aid groups ask who will deliver aid to north Gaza

Sean Carroll, the president and CEO of Anera, the American Near East Refugee Aid organisation, has told Al Jazeera that the aid group is still “extremely nervous” about resuming aid deliveries to the north of the Gaza Strip.

“We’re not satisfied with the findings of the investigation on the World Central Kitchen killings,” Carroll said, adding that the organisation wants to “see the evidence” of Israel’s claims the strikes were a mistake.

“World Central Kitchen, Anera and at least two other international NGOs have paused our work until we get more assurances that humanitarian aid workers are welcome,” said Carroll.

Carroll welcomed the news that aid trucks had entered the Gaza Strip but said “the real issue is who’s going to deliver it”.

“UNRWA is blocked,” said Carroll, noting that Israel still won’t allow the UN agency, which is the largest humanitarian provider in the Gaza Strip, to reach the north.

PRCS says nurse found dead two weeks after Israeli raid on Al-Amal Hospital
The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has said that nurse Mohammed Abed’s body was found two weeks after Israeli forces fired at him during the evacuation of Al-Amal Hospital.

“Since then, his fate remained unknown, as the ambulance crew was prevented from transporting him,” the PRCS said in a post on social media.

“His decomposed body was found today, identified through the uniform of the Palestine Red Crescent Society, which was supposed to provide him with protection,” the PRCS added.

The PRCS said Abed’s dedication to his work as a nurse meant he continued to help patients while the hospital remained under siege for 43 days.

The number of PRCS staff killed by Israeli forces in Gaza while performing their humanitarian duties has now risen to 16, the organisation added.


German civil servants demand ‘immediate’ end to Israeli arms supplies
James Jackson

About 600 German civil servants have written to Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other senior ministers calling on the government to “cease arm deliveries to the Israeli government with immediate effect”.

The civil servants sent the statement via email to ministries last week with the disclaimer that “due to the sensitive content and the excessive state repression that criticism in this area is met with, we want to remain anonymous”.

In 2023, Germany approved arms exports to Israel worth 326.5 million euros ($354m), a tenfold increase compared with the previous year. Researchers also found 99 percent of Israel’s arms come from the United States and Germany, with the latter being the second-biggest supplier.

The letter comes as Germany faces the International Court of Justice today in a case brought by Nicaragua over Germany’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza.



>Israel’s message: ‘Don’t feed the Palestinians’
>Their deaths were not a “tragic event … that happens in war”, as Netanyahu claimed in a statement meant to blunt the “outrage” over the killings.
>No, the seven souls, employed by World Central Kitchen travelling in a convoy in Deir el-Balah after unloading 100 tonnes of food aid at its central Gaza warehouse, were casualties of a directive issued by Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant on October 9.

Seems more like the message they send said the Zionist regime has to be disarmed to preserve the safety of food aid workers.


Israeli forces attack Syrian army positions overnight

Israeli warplanes targeted military posts and infrastructure of the Syrian army in the Mahaja area overnight.

The military also attacked the Syrian army in the south of the country.

The strikes were in response to a launch detected from Syrian territory towards the Yonatan area in the occupied Golan Heights, the Israeli army said, adding there were no casualties.





In other news, Blinken is still a psychopath:

More from Blinken

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has reiterated that his team is working around the clock on securing the return of the captives in Gaza. “We’re working closely with Qatar, Egypt and Israel,” he said.

“We have an offer on the table to Hamas that is very serious and should be accepted. Hamas could move forward with this immediately and get a ceasefire that would benefit people throughout Gaza.”

“It has an opportunity now to agree to the proposal on the ceasefire and on hostages. The ball is in Hamas’s court. The world is watching to see what it does.”



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==Iran commander says Israeli presence in UAE a threat=

Iran’s semi-official Student News Agency has published comments by a senior commander in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) opposing Israel’s presence in the United Arab Emirates.

“We know that the Zionists [Israelis] were not brought to the UAE for economic purposes but rather for security and military work. This is a threat to us and should not happen,” IRGC Navy Commander Alireza Tangsiri was quoted as saying.

The UAE was the first Gulf country to normalise relations with Israel in 2020, breaking with decades of Arab policy towards the Palestinian cause.

Iran has threatened to retaliate for suspected Israeli air raids on its consulate in Damascus last week that killed seven IRGC officers, stoking tensions between the enemies already simmering over the Israeli war on Gaza.

Tangsiri said the Gulf region and the Gulf of Oman outside the Strait of Hormuz, through which a major amount of the world’s seaborne oil passes, were no places for Israel but did not indicate whether Iran was considering any action in the region over the Israeli presence.

“We do not get hit without striking back, but we are also not hasty in our retaliation,” Tangsiri said, a few days after a senior adviser to Iran’s supreme leader warned that Israeli embassies were no longer safe.

Spanish PM to lobby EU partners to recognise Palestinian state

Pedro Sanchez will meet several of his European Union counterparts over the next week to try to garner support for the recognition of a Palestinian state, the government has said.

Sanchez’s agenda includes meetings with the prime ministers of Norway, Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia and Belgium focusing on the EU’s position regarding the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, government spokesperson Pilar Alegria told reporters.

“We want to stop the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and help kickstart a political peace process leading to the realisation of the two-state solution as early as possible,” Alegria said.

Sanchez has previously said he expects Spain to extend recognition by July and that he believes there would soon be a “critical mass” within the EU to push several members to adopt the same position.

Spain, Ireland, Malta and Slovenia announced last month they would jointly work towards recognition of a Palestinian state.

Australia hints at formally recognising Palestinian state

Foreign Minister Penny Wong has said such a move could restart the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis and undermine “extremism” in the Middle East.

“Recognising a Palestinian state – one that can only exist side by side with a secure Israel – doesn’t just offer the Palestinian people an opportunity to realise their aspirations”, she told a crowd in Canberra, according to AFP.

“It also strengthens the forces for peace, and undermines extremism. It undermines Hamas, Iran and Iran’s other destructive proxies in the region,” Wong said.

“The failures of this approach by all parties over decades – as well as the Netanyahu government’s refusal to even engage on the question of a Palestinian state – have caused widespread frustration.”

Her comments come after a number of countries including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Slovenia and Spain have also floated the idea of recognising a Palestinian state.

153 killed, 60 injured in Gaza in last 24 hours: Health Ministry

The casualties bring the total number of people killed in Gaza since October 7 to 33,360, with 75,993 wounded, according to the ministry.

At least 7,000 additional people are missing, presumed buried under the debris after six months of Israeli bombing. The death toll includes more than 14,500 children and 9,560 women.

Archbishop of Canterbury expresses concern for Palestinian woman taken by Israeli forces

Justin Welby has said he was “shocked and deeply concerned” by the news that Layan Nasir, a 23-year-old Palestinian Christian woman, has been detained by Israeli forces and that her family has not been informed of her whereabouts.

“Together with our Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters, I pray for Layan and her family – and for the congregation of St Peter’s Anglican Church in the occupied West Bank. Please pray for Layan’s safety and swift release,” he said in a post on X.

Nasir, a member of St Peter’s church in Birzeit, was taken by Israeli troops on Saturday. Her family said they were not given a reason for her detention nor were they told where she is being held.


Israel deploys C-Dome defence system for the first time

Israel for the first time deployed its ship-mounted defence system, called the C-Dome, against a “suspicious” target that entered the country’s airspace near the southern city of Eilat.

The C-Dome is a naval version of the Iron Dome air defence system used to shield against rocket and missile attacks.

The Israeli military reported an alert on Monday night in the area of Eilat, which was targeted in February by intercepted ballistic missile fire from Yemen’s Houthi rebels, allies of the Palestinians.

“Following the sirens that sounded in the area of Eilat regarding the infiltration of a hostile aircraft … naval forces identified a suspicious aerial target crossing into Israeli territory,” the military said in a statement.

“The target was successfully intercepted by the ‘C-Dome’ naval defence system,” it said, adding no injuries or damage were reported.

US transfers captured weapons allegedly sent from Iran to the Houthis

The US says it sent captured weapons earmarked for Yemen’s Houthis to Ukraine’s military.

“The US government transferred over 5,000 AK-47s, machine guns, sniper rifles, RPG-7s and over 500,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition to the Ukrainian armed forces,” the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a post on X.

The munitions were being transferred from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to the Houthis in violation of the UN Security Council Resolution 2216, CENTCOM alleged.

“Iran’s support for armed groups threatens international and regional security, our forces, diplomatic personnel, and citizens in the region, as well as those of our partners,” it said. “We will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop Iran’s destabilizing activities.”

The Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have been attacking Israel-linked ships in the Red Sea in recent months in a show of support for Palestinians in Gaza.

Activists calling for Israel arms embargo paint UK Labour Party office red

Video shows activists spraying red paint on the UK’s Labour Party headquarters in London in a protest calling for an arms embargo against Israel.

At least two people were arrested. Calls continue to grow for a halt to weapons transfers to Israel over its conduct during the six-month war on Gaza, which has killed more than 33,000 people.

Israel blocks more food trucks than other aid into Gaza: UN

Israel is restricting far more convoys carrying food aid into Gaza – where famine is looming – than convoys carrying other kinds of humanitarian relief, the UN says.

A spokesman for the United Nations’ humanitarian agency pointed to statistics from March showing it is much more difficult to get clearance for delivering food than other aid in the war-ravaged Palestinian territory.

“Food convoys that should be going particularly to the north, where 70 percent of people face famine conditions, are … three times more likely to be denied than any other humanitarian convoys with other kinds of material,” Jens Laerke told reporters in Geneva.

While Israel complains about UN distribution, “half of the convoys that we were trying to send to the north with food [in March] were denied by the very same Israeli authorities”, said Laerke.

“The obligation is on the warring parties, and in particular … on Israel as the occupying power of Gaza, to facilitate and ensure humanitarian access does not stop at the border.”

‘Biden, don’t trust him!’

Activists with the Israeli rights group Peace Now have unfurled a large banner emblazoned with those words in front of the former US embassy building in Tel Aviv.

Peace Now said it had a clear message to the US President Joe Biden: “Netanyahu cannot be trusted. Stand for peace!”

“The day after the war is already here, and only a comprehensive regional agreement, based on a two-state solution, will ensure security and a better future for Israelis, Palestinians and the region,” the group said in a post on X.

Cameron says UK position on arms sales to Israel ‘unchanged’

The UK foreign secretary, as he concludes his joint press conference with his US counterpart, says his country’s position on arms sales to Israel remains unchanged.

“The latest assessment leaves our position on export licences unchanged. This is consistent with the advice that I and other ministers have received,” David Cameron said.

“And as ever, we will keep the position under review.”

When asked for more detail by a reporter, Cameron refused to elaborate on what legal advice his government was given when assessing whether or not to restrict arms sales to Israel.

Last week, three former senior UK judges joined more than 600 members of the British legal profession in calling for the government to halt arms sales to Israel.

Britain supplied 42 million pounds ($53m) of arms to Israel in 2022.

Gaza solidarity march in occupied West Bank

Dozens of people have gathered to march in solidarity with Gaza in Ramallah, Wafa reports.

People marched in the streets of the city reciting chants denouncing Israeli “crimes and ongoing massacres” and called for an immediate end to the “genocide” in Gaza.

Organisers also called on people in other Palestinian cities to gather and rally in solidarity with people in Gaza on Tuesday, which marks the first day of Eid al-Fitr.

Since October 7, Israeli forces have made it increasingly difficult for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank to move about freely. Palestinian cities and villages have been cut off from one another, and people there have faced road closures, increased arrests, raids and an increase in settler attacks.

Hamas issues Eid al-Ftir message to Palestinians

In a statement ahead of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Hamas congratulated Palestinians in Gaza for their strength and steadfastness as they mark six months of Israel’s assault on the enclave.

“We affirm that our people… in the West Bank, Jerusalem, in occupied [historic] Palestine, and in the displacement camps around the world, are standing in solidarity with us and our people in Gaza,” the group that governs the Strip said in a statement on Telegram.

“We congratulate the Arab and Islamic nations on the arrival of Eid al-Fitr,” it said, adding that it hoped genuine support would continue to grow for the Palestinian cause and for the objective of ending the Israeli occupation.

Moroccan sentenced to jail for criticising country’s ties to Israel

An activist who criticised Morocco’s decision to normalise relations with Israel has been sentenced to five years in prison.

Critics denounced the trial of Abdul Rahman Zankad as Morocco’s latest effort to target opponents of the government’s ties to Israel as the war on Gaza rages on.

A court found Zankad guilty of insulting a constitutional institution and incitement.

Tens of thousands of protesters across the political spectrum have taken to the streets in Morocco of late to denounce Israel and express support for Palestinians.

The protesters have routinely criticised Israel’s allies, including the United States, and chanted demands for the government to “overturn normalisation”.

Qassam Brigades announce mortar attacks on Israeli forces

On its official Telegram channel, the armed wing of Hamas says that it carried out two recent attacks on Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip.

In the first, it said it “destroyed” a gathering of Israeli army vehicles penetrating the outskirts of the Shujayea neighbourhood of Gaza City, in the strip’s north using 18 mortar shells.

In the second, the Qassam Brigades claim to have destroyed an Israeli army command headquarters and engineering group along the Netzarim axis, which separates the north of the Gaza Strip from the south.

On Sunday, the Israeli military said it had withdrawn its ground troops from the southern Gaza Strip, including Khan Younis, amid conflicting reports about the scale and duration of the disengagement.



>The US says it sent captured weapons earmarked for Yemen’s Houthis to Ukraine’s military.
Supply for the Ukraine proxy war must be bad if they're nabbing Yemen's stuff

>“Iran’s support for armed groups threatens international and regional security, our forces, diplomatic personnel, and citizens in the region, as well as those of our partners,” it said.


US’s support for armed Zionists threatens international and regional security, diplomatic personnel, and citizens in the region


Congress cafeteria blocked by pro-Palestine protest

Christians for a Free Palestine protested at a Senate cafeteria in the US capital over Israel’s war on Gaza.

“We will not avert our eyes; Palestine will be free”, they sang.

“We are here to pray for the food of Gaza. Not bombs! Congress and their staff will not eat today until Gaza eats,” they also shouted in unison.

Israeli army claims attack on Haniyeh’s children in Gaza

Israeli army spokesperson Daniel Hagari says fighter jets attacked “three military operatives” in central Gaza, referring to a car carrying Haniyeh’s children, who were killed earlier today.

He identified the three as Amir, Hazem and Mohammad Haniyeh.

The Israeli army “confirms” that they are “the children of Ismail Haniyeh”, Hagari said.

At least three of Haniyeh’s grandchildren were also killed in the attack. Haniyeh told Al Jazeera earlier today they were visiting relatives for Eid at the Shati refugee camp in northern Gaza when they were targeted.

The past couple of hours have been very intense in the Gaza Strip

What we see on the ground now, despite the talks in Cairo and despite the Israeli military [withdrawal of some troops], there is an exponential surge of attacks across the Gaza Strip.

There’s been a surge in air strikes across the central area, eastern Khan Younis city, Wadi Gaza and also the northern part of the strip.

Particularly in the northwestern part of Gaza City, around the Shati refugee camp, where six people, the sons and grandsons of Hamas’s political leader Ismail Haniyeh, were in a vehicle on their way to visit – because it’s the first day of Eid – their relatives, when a drone fired at least two missiles that completely incinerated the vehicle.

Across the central area [of the Gaza Strip], more people have been transferred to Al-Aqsa Hospital who were critically injured by attacks on residential homes. The eastern part of Khan Younis is under almost nonstop constant artillery and shelling.

Yemen’s Houthis claim fresh attacks on Israeli, US ships

Yemen’s Houthi rebels say they have carried out “four military operations” against two ships they claim are Israeli, as well as two US ships, in the Red Sea.

The two Israeli vessels were the MSC Darwin, and the MSC Gina – both of which were targeted in the Gulf of Aden, a spokesperson for the group said in a video statement.

The two US ships that were targeted were also in the Gulf of Aden. These were a US-registered Maersk vessel, and another “American warship” that was targeted with a number of drones, the spokesperson said.

“The ships were targeted with a number of naval missiles and drones,” he said.

“The Yemeni armed forces will continue to carry out their moral and humanitarian duties towards the Palestinian people,” the spokesperson continued.

The attacks, he said, will “continue until the enemy [Israel] lifts the siege it imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip”.

Protesters in Swedish Eurovision host city call for boycott of Israel

Protesters waving Palestinian flags and banners on Wednesday called for a boycott of Israel at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest in the Swedish city of Malmo, which will host the event next month.

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) organises Eurovision and bills the song contest as a non-political event.

However, in 2022, the EBU banned Russia from Eurovision after several European public broadcasters called for the country to be expelled following its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The union said it suspended Russian broadcasters over “persistent breaches of membership obligations and the violation of public service values”.

The organisers’ decision to include Israeli broadcaster KAN has sparked protests from artists and ministers, but the EBU said in January that Eurovision was not a contest between governments and that KAN met all competition rules.

In February, more than a thousand Swedish music artists signed a petition calling for Israel to be excluded from this year’s contest.

Activists paint British MoD red in protest against arming Israel

Video shared on X by the group Youth Demand, which advocates a “two-way arms embargo on Israel” shows young people vaulting an iron fence and spraying the UK’s Ministry of Defence headquarters with red paint.

“The ministry does not defend, it murders”, the group wrote on X. “We no longer accept the continuation of this death project as the UK allows the funding of arms to Israel”.

Additional video shared by the group shows a number of the activists being arrested after their protest action.

Yesterday, the UK’s foreign secretary, David Cameron, said that the country would not be changing its policy on exporting arms to Israel, meaning its shipments would continue.

Grant Schapps, the UK’s minister of defence, responded to this protest on X, saying “The Armed Forces can’t and won’t be intimidated. Those inside the [defence ministry] stand up to dictators & terrorists every day – patriots, many of whom put their lives at risk to protect us all. Those targeting us today are the opposite, cowardly criminals who I’m glad to see arrested”.

Yemen’s Houthis offer condolences to Haniyeh

Yemen’s Houthi rebel group has offered condolences to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh for the deaths of six family members after they were killed in an Isralei air raid in north Gaza, adding that “an aggressive Israeli raid” reveals the extent of the Israeli failure on the ground.

“These great sacrifices, along with the rest of the people of Gaza and the occupied West Bank, only strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of this Israeli arrogance,” the group’s spokesman, Mohammed Abdulsalam, said on X.

The Houthis have been carrying out strikes on commercial and military ships in the Red Sea in what they say is solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.


As Gaza is pummelled, is Serbia secretly sending weapons to Israel?
According to media reports, arms exports have grown during wartime in another sign of ever warming ties.

Throughout Israel’s war on Gaza, Serbia has sought to publicly avoid political involvement in the conflict, with Belgrade maintaining a relatively neutral position aimed at preserving relationships.

Serbia has ties with Israel and, at the same time, does not want to present itself on the international stage as undermining Palestinian interests, analysts told Al Jazeera.

Since Yugoslavia’s breakup in the early 1990s, Serbia has been proud of its friendly relations with Israel as well as the Palestinians. Meanwhile, Belgrade has a record of voting in favour of Palestine at the United Nations and supporting a two-state solution.

But Serbian-Israeli ties have grown across numerous domains in recent years, and appear ever warmer in wartime.

On Wednesday, Balkan Insight reported that Serbia’s main state-owned arms trader, Yugoimport-SDPR, exported weapons worth 14 million euros ($15.2m) to Israel last month, citing customs data.

On March 12, the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) reported that Serbia made at least two major arms or ammunition shipments to Israel since the October 2023 Hamas attack “despite a veil of secrecy covering the deals”.



Breaking news and analysis on day 187 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast


>Congress cafeteria blocked by pro-Palestine protest
>Christians for a Free Palestine protested at a Senate cafeteria in the US capital over Israel’s war on Gaza.
>“We will not avert our eyes; Palestine will be free”, they sang.
>“We are here to pray for the food of Gaza. Not bombs! Congress and their staff will not eat today until Gaza eats,” they also shouted in unison.
every little bit helps


Great piece on Israel's links to the Iraq war.


Nicaragua has reportedly shut down its embassy in Berlin over Germany's complicity in Israel's genocide.


Poll: Majority of Americans believe Israel committing genocide against Palestinians

A new survey conducted by YouGov says that 36 percent of Americans believe that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians, compared with 34 percent who do not and 30 percent who are unsure.

Sixty-three percent of respondents expressed support for reaching a ceasefire, and 58 percent expressed their disapproval of the way Joe Biden is dealing with the war between Israel and Hamas, compared with only 23 percent who approved of it.

Regarding whether the United States should increase or reduce its military aid to Israel, 18 percent said it should be increased, while more than twice as many (37 percent) said it should be reduced.

YouGov says this survey was conducted from April 6-9 and included approximately 1,800 adult American citizens.


(technically this is a plurality, but still)


>(technically this is a plurality, but still)
That's quite a big mixup.


Not really.


Yes really. A slim plurality is very different from a majority, especially when one of the categories is "dunno lol".


I know it's different, but it's not a "big mixup," people literally conflate the two all the time.


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Malaysia charges Israeli man with firearms offences

A Kuala Lumpur court has charged an Israeli man with firearms offences.

Shalom Avitan, who is accused of trafficking six handguns and possessing four boxes of ammunition without a licence, pleaded not guilty.

Avitan was arrested at a hotel on March 27, two weeks after entering Malaysia on a French passport.

Police said they suspected he might have links to Mossad and tightened security around Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and the king.

Israeli media have reported that Avitan is a member of an organised crime group and was planning a hit on a rival gang leader. He was escorted into court surrounded by armed balaclava-clad police in body armour.

A Malaysian couple who allegedly sold Avitan the weapons were charged earlier this week. More than a dozen other people, including two Turkish citizens, have also been arrested in connection with the investigation.

Malaysia does not have diplomatic relations with Israel and has been an outspoken critic of the war in Gaza.

Vote on UN Palestinian membership still ‘possibility’, but US likely to veto
Gabriel Elizondo
Reporting from the United Nations, New York

It appears that once again Palestine’s bid to become a full member of the United Nations has died in the Security Council committee despite having a majority of Security Council members apparently approving the bid.

In 2011, Palestine also applied to be a full UN member, but that also died in committee. At that time, however, the General Assembly was able to elevate Palestine to the status of UN observer. That gives Palestine a lot of rights here at the UN but not, critically, the right to vote in the General Assembly, which is very important. So, Palestine essentially has been disenfranchised from this organisation that it participates in for many, many years now.

The issue could still potentially go to the Security Council in a resolution for a vote. That is still a possibility and that could come as early as next week. But the bottom line is that even if it does go that far, the US is prepared to veto it.

Apple says it will fix ‘bug’ over Jerusalem flag emoji prompt

The tech giant Apple has promised to fix a “software bug” over a flag prompt for some iPhone users when they typed out Jerusalem.

The British television presenter Rachel Riley tagged Apple over the social media platform X after the Palestinian flag was suggested when she typed in Jerusalem.

She said that before she had updated her operating system, it was the Israeli flag that was suggested.

Apple blamed a software bug, telling the AFP news agency that the predictive emoji suggestion in the iPhone keyboard was not intentional and would be fixed in the next system update.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews jostle with police at conscription protests
Rory Challands
Reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

This is the latest in a series of demonstrations that the ultra-Orthodox Jews have been involved in, some of which have ended in violence against police.

What they’re angry about is moves by the government which might see them being stripped of their exemption from military service.

It is a situation that dates back to the beginning of the Israeli state in the late 1940s, when the government of the time told the ultra-Orthodox community as it was then that they didn’t have to do military service. There were only 400 males that it applied to because the community was so small, but since then, it has expanded hugely and it now makes up about 13 percent of the entire Israeli population, but it still has this exemption.

At a moment when many Israelis feel they are fighting an existential war against Hamas, they think this is grossly unfair; that this community does not have to share the burden of fighting in the army, and they also say the ultra-Orthodox are largely supported by the state so that they can do their religious scholarship.

So the supreme court has basically told Benjamin Netanyahu’s government that they have to remedy this situation, it is discriminatory and they need to come up with a law to sort it out.

But it is a big problem for him because two parties in his governing coalition are ultra-Orthodox parties, and if he antagonises them too much then they might pull out of the government and that might lead to its collapse.

Protests in Tel Aviv calling for captives’ release, Israeli government to quit

Protesters have taken to the streets of Tel Aviv again, calling for the release of the dozens of people still held captive by Hamas in Gaza, and for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to go.

They carried large photos of the captives, as well as signs calling for their release.

At the beginning of the month, tens of thousands of Israelis thronged central Jerusalem in the largest antigovernment protest since the war began in October.

Head of police killed in Israeli attack on Jabalia camp: Health Ministry

Palestinian health officials have said an Israeli air strike killed Rudwan Rudwan, the head of the police force in Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

Hamas said Rudwan was also in charge of supervising the protection of aid truck convoys in northern Gaza areas.

There was no immediate Israeli comment on the incident.

Al-Quds Brigades launch rockets towards southern Israel

The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, al-Quds Brigades, has fired rockets from Gaza towards southern Israel, including at the city of Sderot.

The group said on Telegram it also attacked areas near Gaza’s border fence “in response to the enemy’s crimes committed against our people”.

The statement comes as Israeli media reported that “eight rockets” were fired from Gaza towards Sderot, quoting a municipality spokesperson. There were no reports of casualties.

Austrian Airlines suspends all Tehran flights

Austrian Airlines, the last Western European airline flying to Iran, says it is suspending all flights from Vienna to Tehran until April 18 in response to escalating tensions in the region.

Austria had continued flying for longer than its German parent, Lufthansa, since Vienna’s closer proximity to Tehran meant it could more easily abort flights or be forced to leave staff in Tehran overnight.

Earlier on Friday, Austria’s Foreign Ministry followed Germany in urging its citizens to leave Iran.

“Routes that pass through Iranian airspace will also be modified,” Austrian Airlines said in a statement. “The safety of our passengers and crews have highest priority.”

The atmosphere is very tense in southern Lebanon
Ali Hashem
Reporting from Tyre, Lebanon

Hezbollah has claimed responsibility for launching more than 50 rockets towards the northern communities in Israel.

According to Hezbollah’s statement, this comes as a response to the Israeli attacks on Lebanese towns and villages in the south.

The fact is that these rockets were launched towards an Israeli post in the occupied Golan Heights.

This hints at a change in the rules of engagement, though these changes are slow and a bit different from what we are used to in normal war.

The situation is very tense. There’s an anticipation of an Iranian retaliation for the killing of its general in Damascus and what’s going to be the next step.

Everyone is waiting, and people were linking this attack today to what could be an attack from Iran.

More from al-Mughayir official on the latest settler attack on the West Bank village
Ayman Nobani

Here are some of the things Amin Abu Alia said unfolded during the three-hour settler attack:

Settlers attacked 20 homes, and set fire to seven of them “either completely, or partially”.
A total of 20 vehicles, some belonging to local businesses, were also set on fire.
At least 35 residents were wounded, and 25 of them sustained injuries from live bullets.
Medics, including Palestine Red Crescent ambulances, were prevented from reaching the area by Israeli forces, who also blocked cars carrying wounded residents from leaving the village.
The attack was carried out under the protection of Israeli army soldiers.

‘Escalation risk’: Germany urges its citizens to leave Iran

Germany has warned its citizens to leave Iran, saying that there was a risk both of a sudden escalation in Tehran’s existing tensions with Israel and that Germans might be at risk of arbitrary arrest in the country.

“In the current tensions, especially between Israel and Iran, there is a risk of a sudden escalation,” the Foreign Office wrote in a new travel warning issued today. “It cannot be excluded that air, land and sea transport routes could be affected,” it added.

“German citizens are at concrete risk of being arbitrarily arrested and interrogated and being given long prison sentences. Dual citizens with Iranian and German nationality are especially at risk,” the Foreign Office said.

France, India, Russia, Poland and the United Kingdom have warned their citizens against travelling to Israel, the occupied Palestinian territory and, in some cases, the wider region amid threats of an Iranian attack in response to an attack this month on its consulate in Damascus.

British Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sitta ‘forcibly prevented’ from entering Germany

Prominent British Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu Sitta, who volunteered in Gaza hospitals during the first weeks of Israel’s assault on the enclave, said he was denied entry into Germany where he was due to take part in a conference.

Abu Sitta said he arrived at Berlin airport before being stopped at passport control where he was held for several hours and then told he had to return to the UK.

Police at the airport said he was refused entry due to “the safety of the people at the conference and public order,” Abu Sitta told the Associated Press news agency.

In a post on X, Abu Sitta he was “forcibly prevented” from entering the country.

Berlin police said they later pulled the plug on the event, attended by up to 250 people, on its first day, after a livestream was shown of a person who is banned from political activity in Germany.

The gathering, entitled the Palestine Congress, was to discuss a range of topics including German arms shipments to Israel and solidarity with what organisers called the Palestinian struggle.

Germany has traditionally held a staunchly pro-Israel position, and during the assault on Gaza emerged as one of Israel’s fiercest supporters. German authorities have also repeatedly clamped down on displays of support for Palestinians.

Ireland close to formally recognising Palestinian state: PM

Ireland’s new prime minister, Simon Harris, says his nation is close to formally recognising a Palestinian state and would like to do so in concert with Spain and other like-minded countries.

Spain and Ireland, long champions of Palestinian rights, last month announced alongside Malta and Slovenia that they would jointly work toward the recognition of a Palestinian state.

After a meeting with his Spanish counterpart, Harris said, “Let me this evening say our assessment is that that point is coming much closer, and we would like to move together in doing so”.

“When we move forward, we would like to do so with as many others as possible to lend weight to the decision and to send the strongest message. The people of Israel deserve a secure and peaceful future, so do the people of Palestine. Equal sovereignty, equal respect,” Harris said.

Red Crescent vehicle hit by gunfire during West Bank settler attack

The Palestine Red Crescent Society says on X that Israeli settlers “opened fire” on one of its ambulances during an attack on the village of al-Mughayir near Ramallah.

The PRCS says its ambulance was hit during an attempt to reach several people who were wounded in the attack.

Poland advises against travel to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon

Poland’s foreign ministry advises against travel to Israel, Palestine and Lebanon in updated travel guidance.

“It cannot be ruled out that there will be a sudden escalation of military operations, which would cause significant difficulties in leaving these three countries,” the ministry said in a statement.

Tensions are high in the region as the world waits for Iran to follow through with its promised retaliation for the April 1 Israeli attack on its consulate in Damascus, Syria.

“Any escalation may lead to significant restrictions in air traffic and the inability to cross land border crossings.”

Poland joins India, France and the UK in issuing new travel advice today as fears of a regional conflict grow.

Attacks on journalists, aid workers, ‘completely unacceptable’: RSF

Head of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Middle East desk, Jonathan Dagher, said reports of journalists being attacked, injured, and killed in Gaza in Isralei attacks have become “so commonplace”.

“We’ve had to report them almost daily for the past six months,” Dagher told Al Jazeera. “This is just the latest attack, it’s terrible … it’s unacceptable,” he said, referring to an attack that hit a vehicle carrying three journalists in Nuseirat refugee camp earlier today.

Dagher described the attack as “unprovoked”, and said there is enough evidence to prove that the vehicle was targeted.

More than 100 journalists have been killed by Israel in Gaza over the past six months, he said.

Norway ‘stands ready’ to recognise a Palestinian state, PM says

Norway is ready to recognise a Palestinian state together with other countries, its prime minister said while hosting Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez, who is seeking support for the cause.

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store told reporters that such a decision would need to be taken in close coordination with “like-minded countries”.

“Norway stands ready to recognise the state of Palestine,” Store told a joint press conference with Sanchez.

“We have not set a firm timetable,” Store added.

In November, Norway’s parliament adopted a government proposal for the country to be prepared to recognise an independent Palestinian state.

Five Palestinians file case against Germany over weapons for Israel

Five Palestinians living in Gaza have filed a legal complaint in Germany against the government over its delivery of weapons to Israel, an NGO representing them said.

The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) said in a statement that the complaint seeks to “revoke the export licences issued by the German government for arms deliveries to Israel”.

The five plaintiffs live in different parts of the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, a spokesperson for the administrative court in Berlin said.

She added that the Palestinians are “challenging the authorisation already granted for the delivery of antitank weapons” and hoping to stop deliveries that have not yet been authorised.

The complaint, which is directed against the economy ministry, will have two weeks to respond.

Berlin is also facing a case in the International Court of Justice after Nicaragua says it is in breach of the UN Genocide Convention by supplying weapons to Israel.

ANERA resumes aid work in Gaza despite dangers as need ‘so great’

The president and CEO of American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA) says the organisation has resumed operations in Gaza because the “needs were so great”.

ANERA ceased operations in Gaza after the killings of the World Central Kitchen aid workers last week.

“We’ve worked hard over the past week, 10 days, to get some assurances, which we feel we have gotten for really the protection of aid workers and humanitarian work that should be there all the time in a conflict,” Sean Carroll told Al Jazeera.

He added that reports of a UNICEF vehicle being targeted by an Israeli attack on Thursday triggered more concerns over whether it was safe to return to Gaza.

“The truth is, it’s not really safe to go back to work, but our staff wants to,” he said.

“We do believe that there are new measures in place. We’ve been told that there will be no attacks on humanitarian missions or workers or in the area of a humanitarian operation.”

Are more European nations finally moving to recognise Palestine statehood?

The prime ministers of Spain and Ireland are set to meet on Friday to discuss a collective plan to recognise Palestinian statehood.

This meeting comes as the death toll of Israel’s war in Gaza has surpassed 33,000 and as mounting deaths, starvation and infrastructure in the besieged enclave have resulted in growing international criticism of Israel.

Within Europe, the concerns over Israel’s war on Gaza have also led to shifting positions — including more nations considering the possibility of recognising the Palestinian state.

UK advises against travel to Israel over Iran attack fears

The United Kingdom has advised its citizens to avoid travelling to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory over the “possibility of an attack on Israeli territory from Iran,” the Foreign Office says.

In its latest update, the Foreign Office advises against “all travel” to northern Israel, Gaza, areas near Gaza and the occupied West Bank – excluding East Jerusalem and Route 1 between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

It also advised against “all but essential travel” to the rest of Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

‘Atrocious dilemma’ if Palestinians flee to Egypt, UN refugee chief says

The UN refugee chief says “we must fervently do everything” to avoid the prospect of Palestinians fleeing into Egypt from Rafah in southern Gaza because it would make resolving the conflict “impossible”.

“Another refugee crisis from Gaza into Egypt, I can assure you, … would make the resolution of the Palestinian refugee question as a consequence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict impossible,” High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi told the Reuters news agency at his agency’s headquarters in Geneva.

Netanyahu has said repeatedly Israel will conduct a ground offensive into Rafah, and Grandi says any attack on the city, where 1.4 million Palestinians are sheltering, may make the movement of Palestinians into Egypt “the only option for safety available”.

“But I repeat, we must not arrive at that atrocious dilemma, which would be really almost the end of the road for what is really important here: ultimate peace.”

India advises against travel to Iran, Israel

India advises its citizens against travelling to either Iran or Israel until further notice due to the “prevailing situation in the region”, the Foreign Ministry said.

“All those who are currently residing in Iran or Israel are requested to get in touch with Indian Embassies there and register themselves,” the ministry wrote in a statement posted on X.

UK arms sales to Israel could make it complicit in Gaza war crimes: Oxfam

By continuing to supply arms to Israel during the Gaza war, the UK government is opening itself up to complicity in war crimes, warns the global aid group Oxfam.

Its arms sales, Oxfam says, are also a shift from the UK’s past practices, where it suspended some transfers to Israel after it waged attacks against Palestinians.

“It is illegal, immoral and inconsistent for the UK to continue to sell arms to Israel, when it is clear that UK-made weapons and components are being used in serious violation of international humanitarian law – and after it imposed restrictions in previous escalations of violence when the scale of death and destruction had been lower,” Aleema Shivji, Oxfam’s chief impact officer, said.

Spanish PM says ‘clear signs’ Europe ready to recognise Palestinian state

Pedro Sanchez made the comments after speaking to his Norwegian counterpart, Jonas Gahr Store, in Oslo as part of a diplomatic campaign to garner support for the recognition of Palestinian statehood.

The Spanish prime minister is also expected to visit Ireland, Portugal, Slovenia and Belgium during his tour.

“We want to stop the humanitarian disaster in Gaza and help kickstart a political peace process leading to the realisation of the two-state solution as early as possible,” government spokeswoman Pilar Alegria previously said.

On Wednesday, Sanchez said the recognition of a Palestinian state is in Europe’s “geopolitical interests”.

“The international community cannot help the Palestinian state if it does not recognise its existence,” he told members of parliament, adding that such a move was “just” and “what’s demanded by the social majority”.



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Gaza death toll reaches 33,634

At least 89 more people have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, taking the overall death toll since the war began to at least 33,634, according to the latest figures by the Health Ministry.

Meanwhile, 120 others were wounded, with the overall figure of injured people reaching 76,214.

“Many people are still trapped under rubble and on the roads as rescuers are unable to reach them,” the ministry said.

Palestinian killed in Tubas is son of Hamas leader who died in Israeli prison
Nida Ibrahim
Reporting from Ramallah, occupied West Bank

It would be easier to say which areas Israeli forces did not raid overnight throughout the occupied West Bank.

The deadly raid took place in Tubas to the north, where Israeli forces killed two Palestinians. One of them was ambushed in his car. He has been identified as Muhammad Rasoul.

Israeli sources say he was not a target of the raid, but shot at Israeli forces raiding the area, leading them to ambush his car.

According to locals, Muhammad Rasoul is known as the leader of the Tubas Battalion, a fighting group of young men that has been militarily confronting Israeli forces. He is also the son of Omar Daraghmeh, a Palestinian who was the first declared dead by the Israeli prison services since the war began. The father was known as a leader of Hamas here in the occupied West Bank.

While the family will lay the son to rest today after his killing, they still do not have the body of the father, whom Israeli forces have not handed over for burial after the declaration of his death six months ago.

US fears most of Hamas’s remaining captives already dead: Report

US intelligence officials fear most of Hamas’s remaining captives in Gaza are already dead, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

Hamas kidnapped some 220 people, including foreigners, when it launched its attack on Israel on October 7. After a brief ceasefire that saw some freed in exchange for Palestinians held in Israeli jails, dozens are thought to remain.

Israel estimates about 34 captives have died, but the Journal reported on Thursday that some US officials believe that number should be more than twice as high, which could complicate efforts to reach a new ceasefire deal.

The intelligence sources, who were not identified, said some of the captives died from the injuries they sustained in Hamas’s attack, while others succumbed to illness. Some may also have been killed in Israel’s ongoing assault on the territory, the report said.

US Central Command says destroyed ballistic missile over Red Sea

The US Central Command has said it destroyed an antiship ballistic missile that was detected over the Red Sea on Thursday.

It said the missile was launched from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and posed an “imminent threat” to shipping in the area.

No injuries or damage were reported.



US House approves renewal of surveillance programme targeting foreigners

The US House of Representatives has voted to extend an electronic surveillance programme targeting foreigners that officials say is critical to national security but critics claim threatens citizens’ privacy.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, widely known as FISA, was extended for two years by 273-147 votes. It still needs approval from the Senate.

FISA monitors email traffic and other communications, but there are concerns Americans’ messages could be pulled in if they are in conversation with a foreign national who is under surveillance.

A senior White House official in December urged Congress to renew the programme, saying that with wars continuing in Gaza and Ukraine, as well as tensions elsewhere, it would be a dangerous time to end it.

‘Enough! Stop!’: Pope calls for an end to Gaza conflict

Pope Francis has called for an immediate end to the war in Gaza.

“May there be an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, where a humanitarian catastrophe is ongoing. May aid be allowed to reach the Palestinian people who are suffering greatly, and may the hostages taken in October be released,” the 87-year-old said in a message to the Al Arabiya network to mark the end of the Ramadan that was released by the Vatican.

Francis also cited “war-torn Syria, Lebanon and the entire Middle East”.

“Enough! Stop!” said the pope.

“Please, put an end to the clash of arms and think of the children, all the children, as you do your own children. They need homes, parks and schools, not tombs and mass graves.”

Protesters in New York ‘flood Manhattan for Gaza’ and demand end to war

Protesters have marched through the streets of New York in a demonstration calling for an end to the war in Gaza.

The event was organised by the activist group, Within Our Lifetime.

Police arrested a number of people.



The speech by Yanis Varoufakis on Palestine that German police banned
The speech on Palestine by Yanis Varoufakis that German police banned today when they stormed the building where the Palestine Congress was being held in Berlin. Free Palestine!


Video of the German cops storming the Palestine conference here: https://youtu.be/I4kiqhjiUdA?t=3198


Explosive device blows up car in Damascus: Report
An explosive device in a vehicle has blown up in the Syrian capital of Damascus, a police source told state-run news agency SANA.

Security incidents, including blasts targeting military or civilian vehicles, occur intermittently in Damascus. It was not immediately clear who was responsible for the blast or who it targeted.

It comes as tensions are running high in the region after a suspected Israeli air strike hit the Iranian consulate in Damascus earlier this month, killing seven members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Iran says it will take revenge for the attack.

The Netherlands to close embassy in Tehran on Sunday

The Dutch Foreign Ministry says it will close its embassy in Tehran on Sunday as a precaution due to the rising tensions between Iran and Israel.

The ministry added that it would decide on Sunday whether the embassy would reopen the following day.

Is this the beginning of something bigger?
Rory Challands
Reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

The Israeli military said it counted 40 rockets launched from Lebanon into Israel. Most of them were intercepted, but some fell in open areas. They’re also saying that Hezbollah sent across the border a couple of armed drones into Israel.

This is a large number of rockets and drones, one of the biggest barrages of the war so far in Gaza.

Is this just a big example of the same kind of tit-for-tat rocket fire exchanges of hostilities across the northern border with Hezbollah in Lebanon? Or is this the beginning of something bigger – an attack from Iran or by Iran that Israel is expecting any moment now?

Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said that Israel is prepared to defend itself on the ground and in the air, in close cooperation with “our partners”, meaning the US.

US moves ‘warships into position’ to defend Israel: Report

The Wall Street Journal is reporting the US has moved warships into position to protect not only Israel but its own forces in the Middle East amid growing concern that Iran might launch a direct attack on Israel.

The moves are part of an effort to avoid a wider conflict in the Middle East, six months since Israel launched its war on Gaza, and followed a warning from a person familiar with the matter about the timing and location of the potential Iranian attack, the newspaper said.

However, quoting a person briefed by the Iranian leadership, the paper reported that Tehran had yet to make a final decision on an attack.

More cases of waterborne disease in Gaza amid lack of clean water, warmer weather

Jamie McGoldrick, the United Nations humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territory, has warned that cases of waterborne diseases are growing in Gaza because people do not have access to clean water and the weather is getting warmer.

“It is becoming very hot there,” McGoldrick told reporters on Friday. “People are getting much less water than they need, and as a result, there have been waterborne diseases due to the lack of safe and clean water and the disruption of the sanitation systems.

“We have to find a way in the months ahead of how we can have a better supply of water into the areas where people are currently crowded at the moment,” he said, after visiting the territory.

Experts say contaminated water and poor sanitation are linked to diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery and hepatitis A. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded more than 345,000 cases of diarrhoea, including more than 105,000 in children under five since the war began.

The Gaza Strip’s only natural source of water is the Coastal Aquifer Basin, which runs along the eastern Mediterranean coast from the northern Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, through Gaza and into Israel.

Hamas’s Khaled Meshaal promises to ‘break the enemy soon’

Khaled Meshaal, a senior official in Hamas, has been speaking at an event in Doha.

Meshaal, who was speaking at an event to mourn members of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s family after they were killed in an Israeli air strike in Gaza on Wednesday, said the group would “break the enemy soon”.

Meshaal lives in exile and heads Hamas’s political office in the diaspora.

“This is not the final round,” he said, referring to the now six-month-old war. “It is an important round on the path of liberating Palestine and defeating the Zionist project.”

US would try to intercept weapons launched at Israel: Report

The US will attempt to intercept any weapons launched at Israel if it is feasible to do so, CNN has reported, citing two US officials.

The US Navy is the Red Sea where it has been intercepting missiles and drones fired from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. The country also has forces in Iraq and northeastern Syria that could potentially intercept drones and rockets targeting northern Israel, depending on their launch location.



On the surface it's an egregious violation of democratic rights.
But i wonder if there is a deeper aspect to this, the repression appears to be happening at the behest of Zionist lobbying or pressure from Israel. I wonder if the Zionists are doing this on purpose in order to damage the political legitimacy of the current German government, because they want to tilt the political balance in favor of the far right in Germany. Which seeks to expel Muslims from Germany.

It appears that being friends with Zionists is a political hazard.


>US moves ‘warships into position’ to defend Israel: Report

>The Wall Street Journal is reporting the US has moved warships into position to protect not only Israel but its own forces in the Middle East amid growing concern that Iran might launch a direct attack on Israel.

>The moves are part of an effort to avoid a wider conflict in the Middle East, six months since Israel launched its war on Gaza, and followed a warning from a person familiar with the matter about the timing and location of the potential Iranian attack, the newspaper said.

>However, quoting a person briefed by the Iranian leadership, the paper reported that Tehran had yet to make a final decision on an attack.

I think i figured out the game. The Zionist attacked the Iranian consulate, setting up a trap to provoke a wider regional war that drags the US into the battle. The Iranians turned it around on them with a Schrodinger's retaliation, will-they won't-they waiting-game, that in the meantime ties up US Naval assets. Very clever.


UKMTO receives report of vessel seized near Strait of Hormuz

The UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) says it has received a report of a vessel being seized by “regional authorities” 50 nautical miles (93km) off the Emirati port city of Fujairah. It did not elaborate further.

A video shared with The Associated Press news agency by a defence official shows commandos raiding a ship near the Strait of Hormuz by helicopter.

A crew member on the ship could be heard saying: “Don’t come out.” He then tells his colleagues to go to the ship’s bridge as more commandos come down on the deck. One commando can be seen kneeling above the others to provide them with potential cover fire.



Tbh I see it as being part of a longterm political strategy concocted both by Zionists and by regional neo-fascists in these various countries whose governments have been increasingly collaborationist.

Actually, extremely clever. Gee whiz!


And we have an update, now!
Iranian state media says IRGC seized vessel near Strait of Hormuz

Iranian state media says the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps seized a cargo ship near the Strait of Hormuz.

The report quotes sources saying the vessel was from the Zodiac Maritime shipping company owned by Israeli tycoon Eyal Ofer. It was sailing under the Portuguese flag.

Earlier, we reported that UK Maritime Trade Operations said a vessel had been seized 50 nautical miles (93 km) northeast of Fujairah, an Emirati city close to the Strait of Hormuz, which forms the entrance to the Gulf.



>Tbh I see it as being part of a longterm political strategy concocted both by Zionists and by regional neo-fascists in these various countries whose governments have been increasingly collaborationist.
The other bourgeois political factions are getting screwed, they end up holding the bag of shit the Zionist made, why are they not pushing back?
The Jewish diaspora in the West is getting screwed by this too. The Zionists and their Neo-fascist allies have as goal to forcefully relocate western Jews to Israel. You'd think every western Jew would be absolutely livid about this.


Holy shit


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Iran says its attack on Israel ‘concludes’ matter of Israeli attack on its embassy

Iran’s mission to the UN says on X that its drone and missile attack on Israel was conducted “on the strength of Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense” and in response to Israel’s April 1 attack on its embassy in Damascus, Syria.

With the attack, “The matter can be deemed concluded,” says Iran.

“However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe. It is a conflict between Iran and the rogue Israeli regime, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY,” it added.

Houthis launch drones at Israel in coordination with Iran: Security agency

We can now report that Yemen’s Houthi rebels have launched multiple drones at Israel in coordination with Iran, according to the security firm Ambrey.

The company added that the projectiles were likely timed to reach Israel simultaneously.

“Unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs] were reportedly launched by the Houthis toward Israel. The UAVs were launched in coordination with Iran,” Ambrey stated.

“Israeli ports are assessed to be potential targets,” it added and warned of “collateral damage” to shipping.

Egyptian general air defence on alert: Report

Reuters reports Egypt’s air defence is on alert amid fears of an Iranian drone attack aimed at Israel.

Egypt’s military General Command has formed a team to monitor the situation and make any necessary decisions regarding the country’s airspace, Egyptian military and security sources told the news agency.

Tehran fires ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel: Report

Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency, quoting an informed source, reports that a batch of ballistic missiles was launched towards targets in Israel.

Iran warns countries against allowing Israeli attacks via airspace, territory: Report

Iran’s semi-official Mehr news agency reports that the country’s Defence Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiani has issued a warning that Tehran will firmly respond to any country that “opens its airspace or territory for attacks on Iran by Israel”.

Iran has launched cruise missiles at Israel: Israeli media

Israel’s Channel 12 reports that cruise missiles have now been launched and that they have a shorter flight time than drones.

The channel also states that a third wave of Iranian drones has been launched towards Israel.

‘The malicious Zionist regime will be punished’: Khamenei

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, made the statement in a post on X alongside a video in which he stated that the Israeli “regime” is all “malice, evil and error”.

Lebanon announces temporary closure of its airspace

The Lebanese government says it will reopen its airspace at 7am local time (04:00 GMT).

The country joins Iraq, Jordan and Israel in closing its airspace.

Iran has launched direct attack from Iranian soil: Israeli military

Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari has issued a statement in which he said: “We are closely monitoring Iranian killer drones that are en route to Israel sent by Iran.

“This is a severe and dangerous escalation. Our defensive and offensive capabilities are at the highest level of readiness ahead of this large-scale attack from Iran”.

Netanyahu convenes Israeli war cabinet

The office of the Israeli prime minister says that the war cabinet has convened at military headquarters in Tel Aviv.

Syria puts ground-to-air defence systems around capital, major bases on high alert: Report

Reuters, citing army sources, reports that Syria has put its Russian-made Pantsir ground-to-air defence systems on high alert around the capital Damascus and major bases in the event of Israeli strikes.

The sources said they expected Israel would respond to any attack from Iran by targeting army bases and installations where pro-Iranian militia are based.

The IRGC has released a statement

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has released a statement saying:

“We launched an operation using drones and missiles in response to the Zionist entity’s crime of targeting the Iranian consulate in Syria.

“The operation was carried out with dozens of missiles and drones to strike specific targets in the occupied territories.”

Jordan’s air defence ready to shoot down any Iranian aircraft that violates airspace

Reuters, citing two regional security sources, reports that Jordan’s air defences are ready to intercept and shoot down any Iranian drones or aircraft that violates its airspace.

The sources said the army was also in a state of high alert and that radar systems were monitoring drone activity.

Iraq closes its airspace

Iraq’s Transport Ministry has announced that the country’s airspace is now closed.

The management of Erbil International Airport also confirmed in a news statement that the decision to close Iraqi airspace also included the Iraq’s Kurdish region.

Israeli airspace set to close

Israeli airspace will be closed to arrivals and departures as of 22:30 GMT, according to the national airports authority.

Hamas hands over truce response

Hamas has released a statement in which it says it has handed over its response to the ceasefire proposal it received last Monday to mediators in Egypt and Qatar.

It said it stood by its demands for:

A permanent ceasefire.
The withdrawal of the Israeli army from the entire Gaza Strip.
The return of displaced Palestinians to their areas and places of residence.
An increase in the entry of relief and aid to the enclave.
The start of reconstruction in the Gaza Strip.
The group also affirmed its “readiness to conclude a deal and “a serious and real exchange of prisoners between the two parties”.

Reservist injured in ‘UAV attack’ on Hanita kibbutz: Israeli military

The Israeli military says a reservist, who is a member of the security team at Hanita kibbutz in northern Israel, had been severely wounded in an “explosive UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] attack”.

Earlier sirens had sounded in the area by the border with Lebanon, with the Israeli military reporting that three launches “fell in open areas” and that “two Hezbollah explosive UAVs that were identified crossing from Lebanon into Israel a short while ago exploded in the area of Hanita”.

There has been regular cross-border fire between Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the Israeli military since October 8, the day after Hamas’s attack and when Israel’s subsequent war on Gaza began.

In recent months, the frequency and severity of the attacks have increased, leading to fears of a regional conflagration.

Jordanian jets shoot down dozens of Iranian drones flying towards Israel: Report

Reuters, citing two “regional security sources”, reports that Jordanian jets have downed dozens of Iranian drones flying across northern and central Jordan heading to Israel.

The sources said the drones were brought down in the air on the Jordanian side of the Jordan Valley and were heading in the direction of Jerusalem.

Others were intercepted close to the Iraqi-Syrian border. They gave no further details.

Israel’s air defence system has not faced attack of this magnitude before
Rory Challands
reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

We’ve been looking out from the balcony here across the Jerusalem skyline. And we’ve seen a succession of air defence interceptors going up from various points around the city to meet targets in the sky.

And now the police seem to be going around on the streets in their cars with an announcement going out which is telling people to go to their nearest air raid shelters as quickly as they can.

The military has been telling people that the air defence systems that Israel has – that’s the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow 2 and 3 – are very capable systems designed to deal with multiple types of threats.

It’s a layered air defence system to deal with rockets, to deal with ballistic and cruise missiles and to deal with drones as well.

And that is what we’re likely to be seeing over the next few minutes and hours as these different waves of projectiles come in.

The big test of course, for this layered air defence system is, [can it] cope with an assault of this magnitude, because this is not something that Israel has faced before, on this scale.

Ballistic missile barrage concluded: Report

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz, citing the Israeli military, reports that the ballistic missile barrage launched from Iran has now concluded and that drones and cruise missiles are now expected.

RAF jets deployed to intercept any airborne attacks in Middle East: UK MoD

The Ministry of Defence says British Royal Air Force jets in the Middle East “will intercept any airborne attacks within range of our existing missions, as required” after Iran targeted Israel with drones and missiles.

“In response to increased Iranian threats and the growing risk of escalation in the Middle East, the UK Government has been working with partners across the region to encourage de-escalation and prevent further attacks,” it said in a statement.

Top US Democrat condemns ‘unprecedented’ attack on Israel

Hakeem Jeffries, the minority leader in the US House of Representatives, has voiced support for Israel.

“Iran, a sworn enemy of the United States, has launched an unprecedented attack against our democratic ally, the State of Israel,” Jeffries said in a statement.

“America’s commitment to Israel’s security is ironclad and unbreakable. Iran will not succeed. We stand with the people of Israel during this moment of significant challenge.”

Iran warns Jordan over any moves to support Israel: Report

Iran’s semi-official news agency Fars, quoting a military source, reports that Iran is watching Jordan for any moves in support of Israel during Tehran’s retaliatory attacks, warning the country may become the “next target”.

“A military-informed source said [we] are closely monitoring Jordan’s movements during the punitive attacks … and if they participate in any possible action [to back Israel], they will be the next target,” Fars stated.

Hezbollah launches ‘dozens’ of rockets at Golan Heights

The Iran-aligned Lebanese group says on its Telegram channel that it targeted the air and missile defence headquarters of the Israeli army in the “Keila barracks” in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

The Israeli military has been carrying out attacks in southeast Lebanon as well in recent hours and there is escalation on the Israel-Lebanon border. ‏

Israeli military instructs residents of high-risk areas to stay close to bomb shelters

The military issued a warning that residents of the occupied Golan Heights, Nevatim, Dimona and Eilat stay “near protective spaces until further notice”.

Nevatim is the site of an Israeli airbase. Israel has a nuclear reactor on the outskirts of Dimona. Eilat is Israel’s southern Red Sea port, which has come under repeated attack by Yemen’s Houthis throughout the war in Gaza.

“Unmanned aerial vehicles [UAVs] were reportedly launched by the Houthis toward Israel. The UAVs were launched in coordination with Iran,” Ambrey stated.

“Israeli ports are assessed to be potential targets,” it added and warned of “collateral damage” to shipping.

US commitment to Israel’s security remains ‘ironclad’: Biden

US President Joe Biden has said in a post on X that he has met with his national security team for an update on Iran’s attacks on Israel.

‘America supports Israel’: Trump

The former US president has hit out at Biden over the Iranian attack on Israel.

“ISRAEL IS UNDER ATTACK! This should never have been allowed to happen – This would NEVER have happened if I were President!” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform.



US deployed to shoot down Iranian drones.


Fears of a wider escalation in Iraq after Iranian attacks on Israel
Mohammed Jamjoom
Reporting from Baghdad, Iraq

What’s really most telling about the last several hours is that we have gotten no word from the Iraqi government aside from the announcement that Iraqi airspace would be closed for several hours.

This really speaks to how much Iraq continues to be caught between Iran and the US.

Right now, at this time of the morning, it is calm here, although there’s been incidents reported in the north of the country. In Erbil, local media reported that there had been an Iranian drone intercepted by US forces as it was on its way to Israel. There were also reports that sirens sounded in the US consulate in that city.

This is all coming at a very fraught time, with Prime Minister Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani on his way to Washington, DC, where he is scheduled to meet with Biden on Monday. Among the topics for that meeting is trying to figure out a timetable for the full withdrawal for US troops based in Iraq. There are about 2,500 US troops here and 900 in Syria. And this has been a bone of contention for Iran-backed paramilitary groups based in Iraq [who] come under the umbrella of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

Now, since October 7, these groups have carried out about 170 attacks targeting US personnel and military assets in the region. That came to a head in January, when Kataib Hezbollah, a group affiliated with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, killed three US soldiers at a base in Jordan. After that, you had retaliatory attacks by the US in Iraq, killing some of the commanders of those groups.

In early February, there was an unofficial ceasefire because of pressure on those groups to prevent a regional conflagration and more hostilities in Iraq.
And people here are concerned that Iraq could get more drawn in if there is a wider escalation.

Planes avoid airspace over Iraq, Israel, Jordan and Syria

Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon and Israel have all temporarily closed their airspace after reports of interference with the GPS navigation system.

Flight Radar 24 has posted images of what the airspace over the region looks like right now showing the areas planes are avoiding.


Arab American group says US risking regional war with support for Israel

The Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has said that Biden’s unconditional backing of Israel is weakening the US on the global stage and making it “ineffective” in advocating global norms.

“The Biden administration’s unwillingness to end Israel’s six month long genocide in Gaza, and the complete disregard for United States and international law, is a major reason for the dangerous escalation in the region this evening,” the group said in a statement.

“Longstanding US policy of impunity and unconditional support for Israel is what has brought us to the brink of a much larger, and very deadly regional war. Enabling Israel’s genocide and regional hubris beyond Gaza is walking the region into total devastation.”



With all the rapid news in the past day, I've barely had a chance to delve into the shit in Germany. Here's a good summary from Owen Jones. Yanis Varoufakis is now banned from even appearing on zoom in Germany. Footage included of the German police taking Jewish peace activists away for "anti-semitism." Around 1/3 of "anti-semitism" arrests in Germany are now of Jews.


>Regional war that can escalate into a global war? B-B-But what about muh electerinos? What about muh voots?!
Holy shit what an absolute insufferable faggot.

Listen here, buddy..

ANY party in the US is gonna fully support Israel to the very end. American Empire is not gonna just abandon its fucking outpost in the Middle East you FUCKING DUMBFUCK. Especially after all the money it sank into it.

Fucking dumb soyboy looking bitch.


I'm curious how people have been reacting in eastern Germany to this kind of shit. My understanding is that West Germany never did a proper de-Nazi-fication like East Germany did. Instead they went with the narrative that WWII and the holocaust happened because Germans did it, and everyone in Germany was accountable and had to atone for it for generations. When West reunited with East, it seems that the collective German sin ideology gained supremacy, and that's how we got to a modern Germany still trying to make Palestinians pay for crimes of the past. But surely there are people in the east who are furious about this garbage?


I agree with you that Kyle Kulinski is a faggot, and he probably has Crystal peg him, but he is right that this is electoral poison for Biden. There's a host of people in the US who are pretty much just holding out for Biden still because they think Trump would be worse (they're probably right in the sense that Trump will be used as the figurehead for a radical shift in the US towards more authoritarian domestic politics, but Biden & the DNC appear to be on board for this), and those people should realize that the genocidal Biden foreign policy which they're trying to ignore is also bad for the domestic stuff they care about. Kulinski isn't wrong to point this fact out, there's an audience for it who need to hear it.


I have no idea how regional politics play into it… I'll ask a German. I think that across Germany, a significant portion of popular sentiment is incredibly pissed at the government's extreme support for Israel's mass murder campaign and suppression of opposition. I don't know if it's the majority or not, but however much it is, German politics doesn't represent it proportionally afaik. "We should support Israelis while they do a holocaust to atone for the Holocaust" sounds as stupid to many Germans as it does to anyone else, and the degree to which this is genuinely about the guilt of the German psyche is imo questionable. At the risk of painting Germans too broadly, it seems more like a backdoor excuse to do genocide and suppress Jews, ethnic minorities, leftists, and peace activists. If Israel gave them an excuse to eat human flesh, they'd jump at the opportunity.


Jordan says it intercepted ‘flying objects’ to protect citizens

Jordan intercepted some “flying objects” it said entered its airspace last night when Iran attacked Israel to ensure the safety of citizens, according to a cabinet statement.

“Some shrapnel fell in multiple places during that time without causing any significant damage or any injuries to citizens,” it said.

“Our armed forces will confront everything that would endanger the security and safety of the homeland and its citizens and the sanctity of its airspace and territory,” state-run media reported.

The government urged all parties to show restraint, saying an escalation would be dangerous, it added.

(anon's note: Sure Abdullah, sure…)

Extent of damage inside Israel still being assessed

It is unclear how much damage and how many casualties Israel sustained in the Iran strikes.

One of those injured was a seven-year-old girl from a Bedouin community near the southern town of Arad, who is in intensive care, according to the medical centre that received her.

Also unclear is the extent of the damage to the Israeli airbase Nevatim, which was hit by at least 15 ballistic missiles. The Israelis say the vast majority were intercepted.

President Joe Biden says US forces helped Israel down “nearly all” of the drones and missiles launched.

IRGC commander says attack achieved ‘success that exceeded expectations’

Hossein Salami, the commander-in-chief of the IRGC, has told state media that information is still coming in, but the initial Iranian assessment is that the operation achieved “a level of success that exceeded our expectations”.

“Naturally, people living in occupied lands, Zionist officials and the terrorist and occupying armies of the Zionist regime and the US have a better understanding of the pummeling effects of these attacks at this moment,” he said.

Salami said the US and France provided air cover for Israel in Iraq, Jordan and even parts of Syria, but “tens” of drones and cruise and ballistic missiles managed to punch through the layers of defensive capabilities.

“We could have launched a much larger attack, but we limited it to the capabilities that the Zionist regime had used to attack the Iranian consulate and martyr our dear commanders.”

More from Iranian chief of staff

Mohammad Bagheri says the operation “reached all its goals” and that no further operations are planned if Israel does not respond, according to comments carried by Tasnim.

He added the attack did not target any civilian or economic interests, instead focusing on military assets, particularly an intelligence base in Mount Hermon that was used to facilitate the assault on the Iranian consulate in Syria, along with the Nevatim Airbase in the Negev desert from where Israeli fighter jets that targeted the consulate were launched.

Bagheri said both were “significantly destroyed and disabled” and warned that Iran is capable of launching an attack “tens of times stronger”.

Hamas says Iran’s attack against Israel is its ‘natural right’

“The military operation carried out by Iran against the Zionist entity is a natural right and a due response to the crime of targeting the consulate in Damascus,” the Palestinian group says in a post on Telegram.

Hamas said it affirmed “the natural right” of countries and peoples in the region to defend themselves “in the face of Zionist aggressions”, referring to Israel.

“We call on our Arab and Islamic nation, the free people of the world and the resistance forces in the region to continue their support for the flood of Al-Aqsa,” the group added, referring to their October 7 attack on Israel.

Israel continues to strike Gaza after Iran attack
Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

Despite the Iranian attack, Israel has been pounding the Gaza Strip in the past few hours.

Overnight, a number of residential buildings were destroyed in the Nuseirat refugee camp where there were casualties who were transported to al-Awda Hospital and al-Aqsa Hospital for treatment.

Here, in Rafah, we have been hearing the constant buzzing of Israeli surveillance drones since the early hours as they gather intelligence for potential targets. Confrontation and fighting are still raging in the northern part of Gaza.

According to witnesses on the ground in the north of Nuseirat refugee camp, Israeli drones have been firing at people. They also said Israel is demolishing houses and destroying agricultural land which could be a sign, according to experts, that Israel is expanding the corridor that it has recently established splitting the north and the south of the Strip.

Hardline Israeli minister calls for ‘crushing attack’ on Iran

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir praised the military defence against Iran’s barrage of missiles and drones.

Now he’s calling for a major response against Iran. “Impressive defence so far – now we need a crushing attack,” he wrote on X.



The German police attacking Jews for protesting against genocide, i did Notsee that coming.


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Russian supersonic missile boat enters Mediterranean

A Russian navy frigate equipped with Kinzhal supersonic missiles has entered the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal as part of a planned naval exercise, Russia’s defence ministry says.

The ship, Marshal Shaposhnikov, will continue performing the tasks assigned to its under the expedition plan, it said in a statement. It provided no details.

Last week, the Kremlin called for all countries in the Middle East to show restraint and prevent the region slipping into complete chaos after tensions were raised by Israel’s deadly air strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1.

“Right now it is very important for everyone to maintain restraint in order not to lead to a complete destabilisation of the situation in the region, which does not exactly shine with stability and predictability,” spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

Israel strikes southern Lebanon after rocket barrage

Israel continues to hit southern Lebanon. Here is where it struck overnight and in the early morning, according to an Al Jazeera correspondent:

Nabi Sheet in the Bekaa area
autism scorelim al-Tuffah
Exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah have been nearly daily and largely confined to the border regions since the start of the war in Gaza.

But they have increased in intensity and frequency raising fear of a wider conflict. On Saturday, the Israeli army said it intercepted 40 launches from Lebanon, marking the armed group’s largest attack since October 7.

Israeli army says rumours it allowed return to north Gaza ‘false’

The Israeli military has dismissed speculation that it allowed the return of Palestinians to northern Gaza.

The army “does not allow the return of residents, neither through Salah al-Din nor through al-Rashid Street,” said spokesperson Avichay Adraee on X, calling the rumours “false and baseless”.

He stressed that northern Gaza is still a war zone and no return will be allowed.

Gaza death toll rises to 33,729 with 76,371 Palestinians wounded

The number of Palestinians killed in Israel’s six-month war on Gaza has risen to 33,729, the health ministry says.

Another 76,371 have been wounded in Israeli attacks. The death toll is likely much higher with an estimated 8,000 bodies believed buried in bombed out buildings.

There have been 43 Palestinians killed and 62 wounded in the past 24 hours, the ministry statement added.

Hamas demands written commitment on Israel withdrawal from Gaza

Hamas has demanded a “clear written commitment” that Israel will withdraw from the Gaza Strip during the second of a three-phase ceasefire deal.

“We confirm our readiness to reach a deal regarding a serious exchange of prisoners between the two sides,” Reuters news agency quoted an unnamed Hamas official as saying.

Hamas said on Saturday it submitted its response to a six-week ceasefire proposal to Egyptian and Qatari mediators.

An unnamed Egyptian official said Hamas wants “a comprehensive, phased deal” that includes ending the war, Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, and an agreement for the release of all captives in return for a large number of Palestinian prisoners.

The Egyptian official said mediators will carefully review the response before calling for another round of talks.

Russia concerned about escalation in Middle East after Iran attack

“We are deeply concerned about another dangerous escalation in the Middle East and call on the parties to exercise restraint,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, according to a post on Telegram by Russian news agency TASS.

“We expect that the problems in the Middle East will be solved by countries through political and diplomatic means,” the ministry added.

Life continues as normal in Tehran, Iranians waiting to see what’s next
Dorsa Jabbari
Reporting from Tehran, Iran

It’s safe to say that the Iranians are now waiting to see how the Israelis will respond.

Based on what we’ve seen and heard from ordinary Iranians over the past few hours, first there is a sense of relief that Iran has finally managed to stand up to Israel after four decades of this shadow war that has continued between the two sides. This is the first time Iran has taken a direct response to Israel, standing up to what Iran calls Israeli aggression.

People here are certainly happy about the fact that Iran made a decision to react but there is also a sense of worry about what Israel will do next.

Many people believe that while Iran was within its rights to retaliate and that the response was proportionate to what took place in Damascus on April 1, there is a sense that Israel and especially Netanyahu is looking for any excuse to attack Iran. He has said over the past 20 years that Iran is one of the biggest threats for Israel and that one way of eradicating this threat is by attacking the Iranian nuclear sites.

The ordinary Iranians are basically waiting to see what will happen; life continues here as regular, nothing has been closed and there have been no warnings issued by the government.

We did see lines at gas stations late last night at the start of the operation and we also saw people gathering outside the British embassy and in Palestine Square in Tehran to show their support for the decision that’s been made by the leadership in the country.

We also understand that all domestic flights have been halted in the country until 02:30 GMT on Monday.

Father of captive slams Israeli leaders’ Iran focus than release of those held in Gaza

Yehuda Cohen, the father of an Israeli captive in Gaza, has criticised the Israeli leadership for failing to consider the effect of the targeting of the Iranian consulate in Damascus on the release of those held in the Strip.

“The prime minister and the political and military echelons approved the assassination of a senior Iranian [official] – and no one thought what would have been the impact on the return of the abductees, the thing they claim is most important to them,” Cohen told the Israeli Army Radio.

Israeli officials have been focused on Iran for the past two weeks, Cohen said, while “captives are rotting in Gaza”.



Germans be Germin'.


Iran foreign ministry summons UK, France, Germany ambassadors

Iran’s foreign ministry summoned the ambassadors from the United Kingdom, France and Germany after the countries condemned Tehran for its unprecedented attack against Israel.

The director for Western Europe at Iran’s foreign ministry accused the three countries of “double standards” as they opposed earlier this month a Russian-drafted UN Security Council statement that would have condemned Israel’s attack on Iran’s embassy compound in Syria.

Iran condemned Western member of the UN’s Security Council for failing to denounce Israel’s attack on its consulate in Syria on April 1, which killed seven members of its Revolutionary Guard, including two senior generals.


Also, Ben Norton talking about the recent Iran retaliation.


>ANY party in the US is gonna fully support Israel to the very end. American Empire is not gonna just abandon its fucking outpost in the Middle East you FUCKING DUMBFUCK. Especially after all the money it sank into it.
I have not watched the video of this bi-colored-hair gentle-man, and in no way should you consider this post a comment of that video. With that being out of the way. You are perhaps overestimating US loyalty to Israel, it is not unconditional. The US is an empire and as such it only has enduring interests and temporary alliances.

The enduring interests of the US that makes them side with Isreal at the moment, is that Israel is providing a Naval port, for the eastern section of the Mediterranean ocean and secure Air-strips for potential US regional deployment of Air power (beyond the level of Carrier groups). Israel is a regional counter balance to Iran as the most powerful regional hegemon as well.

If other countries in the region offer the US "imperial service", with fewer downsides, Israel might fall out of favor. I think the US could get naval ports and Airstrips in other countries, and Iran probably would jump at the opportunity to grant the US some influence on regional strategic levers like resources and trade routes if that meant Israel stops being a thorn in their side.

Israel also enabled the US to outsource certain activities that are considered too unethical in the American value matrix. That may have been counted as an asset in the past, however it will turn into a political liability soon.

You are correct the current US political pack will use the sunken cost fallacy to justify the continuation of their current Israel line. However those people are motivated by domestic political concerns and personal careers more than anything else, which makes this a flimsy basis. If arrangements with other forces in the region prove to be more strategically advantageous, that will win out.


Videos get demonetized for saying the word "Genocide" ?

I can't seem to wake up from this dystopian nightmare.


I'm not sure. He says that, but I don't know. Maybe they do.


>That may have been counted as an asset in the past, however it will turn into a political liability soon.

It already is a political liability.

US loyalty to Israel really isn't as rational as you make it out to be, imo. The political reason to back Israel is mostly that AIPAC buys politicians directly and is allowed to brainwash them. AIPAC itself imo appears to also function as a kind of laundry for fascistic MIC influence, and so, over time, what you have is a series of increasingly fascist politicians propped up in the US purely through the power of bribery and campaign propaganda. The actual practical military use for Israel isn't really the thing which matters the most imo; Israel's influence is helping to prop up a despotic police state which will help to crush American domestic dissent, and this serves the interests of very wealthy people who are benefitting from the removal of any checks on capital power. This is also, imo, part of why Israel is allowed to go further this time than they've been allowed to in the past. The US has been getting closer and closer to this moment since probably the '80s, and now we're at a point where the sitting president is even more pro-Zionist than Bush or Clinton or Reagan were.




You make a compelling point about political dynamics. However the consequences of irrational imperial strategy will mean the end of empire and the end of super-profits that pay for the domestic repression apparatus in the US.

Like for example if the US commits to a Iran-war the consequences will be:
China gets Taiwan within a few months, Japan becomes neutral and Australia exits Aukus (Ukus).
If Russia has the ballz to to test NATO, it will result in a dissolution of Nato, because the US can't honor Nato commitments while it tries to attack Iran.


Craig Murray's analysis.


Ex-official: Israel won’t respond to Iran attack ‘for a while’
Alon Liel, the former director of Israel’s foreign ministry, says the situation will calm down over the next 24 hours after Iran’s attack and the government will refocus on its planned attack of Gaza’s Rafah.

“We already know the war cabinet has not approved a response and the Americans had a big share in it, so it looks as if Israel won’t respond for a while and we’ll go back to our business in Gaza,” Liel told Al Jazeera.

He noted Prime Minister Netanyahu still needs to resolve two things in Gaza: the release of captives and the “Hamas battalions”.

“I think Netanyahu might use this wave of support for Israel during the Iranian attack to go down to Rafah. But he cannot do it without fully coordinating with the Americans. This is the issue that is really bothering him, because without going back to Rafah he cannot describe the war as a victory.”


(anon's note: my hunch, and I ccould be totally wrong here, is that Netanyahu would actually prefer continuing to fuck with Iran over going ahead with the Rafah invasion… the present state of Israel's military seems to be one in which they might genuinely struggle to succeed at such a ground invasion, they're much better at aerial bombing, including in Syria, Iraq, and Iran… he might go ahead with both, though, who knows?)


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UK moves additional warplanes to the Middle East

The British government says it moved “several additional” fighter jets and refueling tankers to the region following Iran’s attack on Israel.

In a statement, the government said the air assets will bolster the UK’s existing operation against the armed group ISIL (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq, as well as intercepting “any airborne attacks within the range of our existing missions as required”.

A spokesperson said a “number of aircraft” have been “temporarily moved” from Romania to boost “our existing footprint in the region”.

Israeli settlers seize Palestinian quarry worker near Ramallah

A quarry worker has been injured and another was kidnapped in an attack by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, according to Wafa.

Local sources told the news agency that the settlers, protected by the Israeli army, stormed the Ain Samiya area, east of the village of Kafr Malek, near Ramallah, assaulting a number of workers in a quarry.

Maher Al-Darbani, 22, was abducted, the report said.

Occupied West Bank death toll since October 7 rises to 464

The Palestinian health ministry reports 464 citizens were killed and 4,800 others injured in Israeli violence in the occupied West Bank since October 7 last year, according to the Wafa news agency.

The updated death toll comes with the report of four killings and about 60 injuries recorded since Friday.

Those killed by Israeli soldiers and illegal settlers included Muhammad Issam Shahmawi, 22, from Tubas, Muhammad Rasoul Daraghmeh, 26, from Tubas, Jihad Afif Sidqi Abu Aliya, 25, from al-Mughayyir, and Omar Ahmed Hamed, 17, from Beitin.

Iranians torn between war fears and pride after attack on Israel

Many Iranians are struggling with diverse emotions after the unprecedented attack by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Israel.

“It is normal to be worried in this situation, whether from a social or economic point of view,” says Jafari, an employee with Iran’s judiciary, who did not give his full name. Speaking from downtown Tehran, he added, “But the fact that Iran has been able to reach this level of special ability … is a matter of pride.”

Ali Erfanian, 65, a retiree, said: “We were extremely happy with this action of the IRGC and in fact we feel better after a long time. This was a help and solidarity with the oppressed people of Gaza and the West Bank.”

Several Iranian military figures have been killed in Syria since the Gaza war began in strikes Iran blamed on Israel. After the projective barrage, demonstrators chanted “Death to Israel!” and “Death to America!” in Tehran’s Palestine Square, where a mural reading “the next slap will be fiercer” was unveiled.

For Mahdi, 35, a beekeeper, Iran’s response was long overdue. “There has been sadness and anger in our hearts and we were always waiting for this revenge to be carried out and for the Israelis to be punished for their brutality. We couldn’t believe it when the news came last night.”

Syria also says Iran exercised ‘right to self-defence’

Like the Houthis in Yemen, officials in government-held Syria have also said Iran acted in self-defence when it attacked Israeli positions following the deadly strike on its consulate in Damascus.

“Iran’s response … is a legitimate right to self-defence” against Israel, Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad told his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amirabdollahian by phone, according to a report published by state news agency SANA.



The UK government regime is trying to counter Murray's ambassadorial legitimacy bonus by putting him under " "terrorism investigation" ".

Murray's proposal of giving China and South Africa a UN mandate to enforce the genocide ban with military force, is a high stakes gamble. The Zionists probably would cave in the face of that much power. But if they don't, it would potentially be putting China into the position of trying to neutralize the Zionist's nuclear arsenal. Of course if the gamble pays off it would mean all the death and destruction halts immediately. The result would be the best case scenario or the worst case scenario.

China doesn't have a huge incentive to interrupt the US while they make such a huge mistake. If they let the US trash the current international order, with it decaying back to anarchy between states. China will be the only power with the legitimacy and raw might to forge a new international order. One where they can set the standards and put the US into the second row.

Although Chinese public opinion appears to side with Palestine and likely support a Chinese intervention.


‘A display of hypocrisy and double standard’ at the UNSC, says Russia

Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nabenzia, says Western countries, including France, the UK and the US, are displaying “hypocrisy” after they declined to support a statement condemning the Israeli attack on Iran consulate on April 1.

“The outcome is now clear for everyone to see. You know very well that an attack against a diplomatic representative is a casus belli (act that justifies/provokes war) under international law and if a Western representation had been hit you would immediably have rained down reprisals,” Nabenzia said.

“This is because, for you, everything that has to do with Western representation and Western citizens is sacred and needs to be protected. But when it comes to other countries their right, including their right to self-defence about their nationals, that’s a different matter.

“Today, in the Security Council, what we’re witnessing is a display of hypocrisy and double standard which is almost embarrassing to watch.



Kek that pic




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Cash out, clock out, take the day off.


Nine Iranian missiles breached Israel’s air defence, airbase hit
Imran Khan
Reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

At least nine Iranian ballistic missiles managed to elude Israel’s elaborate air defence system and the fire from allied militaries in the region.

Five projectiles hit the Nevatim airbase, damaging a C-130 transport aircraft, a runway, and empty storage facilities. An additional four ballistic missiles hit another airbase, but there were no reports of significant damage.

The Aero-3 is a very new system for the Israelis. It was the first time it was deployed. It’s designed to bring down ballistic missiles. The fact that nine actually got through is going to be a cause of concern for the Israelis. We’re hearing there is a post-mortem going on about the effectiveness of that Arrow-3 defence system. But the Israelis publicly are talking about the fact the systems were all successful.

And you’ve got two key divisions going on Israel’s war cabinet. The first one comes from the far right of the government coalition. They want to see a retaliatory strike. But then you have people who are looking to this as an opportunity to build a coalition against Iran. Israel doesn’t have the kind of support it needs internationally to be able to mount a key retaliatory strike.

Iran-Israel war ‘could quickly spread’

An Iran analyst says it’s still too soon to assume the Iran-Israel crisis is over and the threat of a regional conflagration remains despite no response yet to the Iranian strikes.

“It is too soon, however, for relief: both states are still rattling their sabers, and Israel may respond to Iran’s attacks with more strikes. The two states could keep trading escalating blows leading to an expanding war that draws in the United States and envelops the whole region,” writes Ali Vaez, director of the Iran Project at the International Crisis Group, in Foreign Affairs.

“If Israel does respond by striking Iranian territory, the situation could quickly spiral. The two states may find themselves in sustained, direct hostilities that result in large casualties and further destabilize an already dangerous region. Such a conflict could quickly spread.”

Iran, Israel trade accusations at UN Security Council

Israel and Iran accused each other of being the main threat to peace in the Middle East at the UN Security Council.

Addressing the emergency meeting, Iran’s UN Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani insisted Tehran was exercising its “inherent right to self-defence” after its unprecedented strikes on Israel.

“The Security Council … failed in its duty to maintain international peace and security,” Iravani said. Therefore, Tehran “had no choice” but to respond, adding Iran does “not seek escalation or war” but will respond to any “threat or aggression”.

“It is time for the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security,” Iravani said.

Israel activates 2 reserve brigades for Gaza war

The Israeli military says it’s activating two reserve brigades for “operational activities” in Gaza.

The announcement comes as Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Rafah – the southernmost Gaza city that Israel says is Hamas’s last stronghold. Israel last week withdrew most of its remaining ground forces from Gaza after six months of war, leaving its troop levels in the territory at the lowest level in months.

The Rafah invasion faces stiff international opposition, in large part because about 1.5 million people are now crowded into the city after fleeing Israel’s onslaught.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he’s determined to “complete” the Gaza war. He says Israel has set a date for the attack and claimed there’s a plan to evacuate hundreds of thousands of civilians from Rafah.

Young girl shot in the face as family attempts to return to north Gaza

A Palestinian mother has bid farewell to her young daughter after a bullet shot by Israeli forces hit her face, according to footage posted on social media by Palestinian photographer Atia Darwish.

The girl’s mother can be seen crying and hugging her dead child.

The killing of the girl occurred as the family was among hundreds of displaced Palestinians attempting to return to northern Gaza. Israeli forces opened fire on those seeking to make the journey home.

France to step up security at synagogues, Jewish schools

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has ordered local officials to boost security around synagogues and Jewish schools, citing concern over “the current international situation”.

In a post on X, Darmanin wrote: “As Passover approaches and given the current international situation, I have told local officials to significantly step up security at places visited by our Jewish compatriots, especially with regards to synagogues and Jewish schools.”

Iran reopens airports in Tehran

Iran has resumed operations at the Imam Khomeini international airport and the Mehrabad airport in the capital, Tehran, according to the state-run Tasnim news agency.

Authorities had closed the airports on Sunday before launching an unprecedented missile and drone attack on Israel.

Monday market reaction after Iran strikes Israel

Asian shares fell and gold prices rose as risk sentiment took a hit, though oil prices dipped.

“An attack was largely priced in the days leading up to it. Also, the limited damage and the fact that there was no loss of life means that maybe Israel’s response will be more measured,” said Warren Patterson, head of commodities strategy at ING.

“But clearly, there is still plenty of uncertainty and it all depends on how Israel now responds.”

Oil prices were little changed with Brent crude futures trading 0.14 percent down at $90.32 per barrel.

Israeli forces destroy mosque in Nuseirat camp

More on Israel’s latest attack on the Nuseirat refugee camp.

The Wafa news agency is reporting that Israeli forces also bombed a mosque in the camp, levelling it to the ground. They also bombed a residential tower.

We’ll bring you more soon.

Pro-Palestine activists protest against Boeing, Elbit in Australia

Pro-Palestinian activists held protests across Melbourne, including outside a Boeing factory and on the steps of state parliament, on Monday.

Demonstrators outside the Victorian Parliament in the centre of Melbourne protested against the state government’s contract with Elbit systems.

“It was Elbit drones that killed Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and her colleagues,” said Greens Party MP Samantha Ratnam. “And it is Elbit weapons that are continuing to kill thousands of innocent Palestinians,” she added.

A separate protest was held outside a Boeing factory near Melbourne’s port.

According to a list of companies published by the American Friends Service Committee, Boeing supplies Israel with fighter jets, attack helicopters and bombs, among other weapons.

The Melbourne Activist Legal Centre said several people were arrested at the Boeing protest and that police used “disproportionate and excessive force”.



2:48 of Clare Daly being completely right.


Grayzone - Armenian Christians under siege by Israel

And looking into this a little, I also found an interesting Al Jazeera article from about a year prior:

‘Death to Christians’: Violence steps up under new Israeli gov’t
Christian leaders in Jerusalem say never have Israeli attackers felt more emboldened than under the far-right ruling coalition.

Jerusalem – Nothing about the attack or what happened since surprised Miran Krikorian. The Armenian owner of Taboon and Wine Bar in the Old City of Jerusalem was not surprised to receive a call the night of January 26 that a mob of Israeli settlers was attacking his bar in the Christian Quarter and shouting “Death to Arabs … Death to Christians.”

It didn’t surprise him how little effort the police made to catch the perpetrators; after some press about the attack and a lack of arrests, police told him two months later they detained three of the suspects among the mob. But they also asked for his surveillance video, despite the videos being already online and surveillance cameras omnipresent in the Old City.

“You have cameras over here that can show the underwear that someone is wearing, so how come you’re asking for my footage two months later?” asked Krikorian.

It was easy for him to identify many of the perpetrators himself – they went online and gave his restaurant a 1-star review minutes after the attack – but when he went to the police station that night, the officer there scolded him: “Don’t bother me too much.”

A couple of days later, Armenians leaving a memorial service in the Armenian Quarter say they were attacked by Israeli settlers carrying sticks. An Armenian was pepper-sprayed as settlers scaled the walls of the Armenian convent, trying to take down its flag, which had a cross on it. When Armenians chased them away, the settlers began shouting: “Terrorist attack,” prompting nearby border police to draw their guns on the Armenians, beating and detaining one of them.

“Instead of [the soldiers] calming or condemning [the settlers], I was looking into the eyes of the soldier and telling him to calm down,” one of the attacked Armenian youth told Al Jazeera.

Hostility by fundamentalist Jews towards Jerusalem’s Christian community is not new, and it is not just Armenian Christians who suffer from it. Priests of all denominations describe being spat at for years. Since 2005, Christian celebrations around Holy Week, particularly Holy Fire Saturday, have brought military barricades and harsh treatment from soldiers and settlers alike, with the number of worshippers allowed inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre drastically limited, from as many as 11,000 historically during the Holy Fire ceremony to now 1,800 since last year, with authorities citing safety concerns.

But since Israel’s new government – the most right wing and religious in its history – came to power, incidents against Christians in Jerusalem have reportedly become more violent and common. At the beginning of the year, 30 Christian graves at the Protestant Mount Zion Cemetery were desecrated. In the Armenian Quarter, vandals spray-painted “Death to Arabs, Christians and Armenians,” on the walls.

At the Church of the Flagellation, someone attacked a statue of Jesus with a hammer. Last month, an Israeli came to the Church of Gethsemane during Sunday religious services and tried to attack the priest with an iron bar. Being spat and shouted at by Israelis has become, for some Christians, “a daily occurrence”.

Jerusalem – Nothing about the attack or what happened since surprised Miran Krikorian. The Armenian owner of Taboon and Wine Bar in the Old City of Jerusalem was not surprised to receive a call the night of January 26 that a mob of Israeli settlers was attacking his bar in the Christian Quarter and shouting “Death to Arabs … Death to Christians.”

It didn’t surprise him how little effort the police made to catch the perpetrators; after some press about the attack and a lack of arrests, police told him two months later they detained three of the suspects among the mob. But they also asked for his surveillance video, despite the videos being already online and surveillance cameras omnipresent in the Old City.

“You have cameras over here that can show the underwear that someone is wearing, so how come you’re asking for my footage two months later?” asked Krikorian.

It was easy for him to identify many of the perpetrators himself – they went online and gave his restaurant a 1-star review minutes after the attack – but when he went to the police station that night, the officer there scolded him: “Don’t bother me too much.”

Gabi in blue jeans and a blue shirt leans on a table
Restaurant owner Gabi Hani, owner of Versavee, in Jerusalem on April 5, 2023 [Lucien Lung/Al Jazeera]
A couple of days later, Armenians leaving a memorial service in the Armenian Quarter say they were attacked by Israeli settlers carrying sticks. An Armenian was pepper-sprayed as settlers scaled the walls of the Armenian convent, trying to take down its flag, which had a cross on it. When Armenians chased them away, the settlers began shouting: “Terrorist attack,” prompting nearby border police to draw their guns on the Armenians, beating and detaining one of them.

“Instead of [the soldiers] calming or condemning [the settlers], I was looking into the eyes of the soldier and telling him to calm down,” one of the attacked Armenian youth told Al Jazeera.

Hostility by fundamentalist Jews towards Jerusalem’s Christian community is not new, and it is not just Armenian Christians who suffer from it. Priests of all denominations describe being spat at for years. Since 2005, Christian celebrations around Holy Week, particularly Holy Fire Saturday, have brought military barricades and harsh treatment from soldiers and settlers alike, with the number of worshippers allowed inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre drastically limited, from as many as 11,000 historically during the Holy Fire ceremony to now 1,800 since last year, with authorities citing safety concerns.

But since Israel’s new government – the most right wing and religious in its history – came to power, incidents against Christians in Jerusalem have reportedly become more violent and common. At the beginning of the year, 30 Christian graves at the Protestant Mount Zion Cemetery were desecrated. In the Armenian Quarter, vandals spray-painted “Death to Arabs, Christians and Armenians,” on the walls.

At the Church of the Flagellation, someone attacked a statue of Jesus with a hammer. Last month, an Israeli came to the Church of Gethsemane during Sunday religious services and tried to attack the priest with an iron bar. Being spat and shouted at by Israelis has become, for some Christians, “a daily occurrence”.

Most of the time, victims of these incidents say little is done by police to catch or punish attackers.

“My fear is that these perpetrators are known, but they enjoy impunity,” said Munib Younan, bishop emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. “That’s the reason they are doing this.”

Church and community leaders note that police do little to investigate, and dismiss or minimise the religious and ideological motivations behind these attacks, typically saying the perpetrators suffer from mental illness.

“The man who tried to [throw] tomatoes in our Church of Gethsemane in 2020, it was the same – he was taken for a while, and then he was declared mentally ill. So, what can we do?” remarked Friar Francesco Patton, custodian of the Holy Land.

Forced to take matters into his own hands, Patton, who is tasked with protecting some 80 sites in Jerusalem, says the Franciscans have reluctantly set up cameras in all corners of their holy sites, which are becoming more closed off from the public due to the persistent attacks.

“This is not the Franciscan spirituality … of welcoming,” he said. “But we have to take care of the [holy] places and people who come to pray and worship.”

Ideologically, the primary source for this targeting of Christians and their holy sites comes from the education of certain ultra-religious Jewish groups, according to community and church leaders. Most attacks come from a small minority of teenage yeshiva students, they say.

“Their mind is obsessed with the ‘Messianic syndrome’. They want to take over the whole land,” said Greek Orthodox Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem. “When you see young people, 15 or 16 years old, and they do all sorts of things and they’re not afraid, someone is behind it.”

The targeting of Christian symbols – especially the cross, with harassers often calling Christians “pagans” or “idol worshippers” – isn’t new either, but never have the attackers felt more emboldened than under the new government. After a recent spitting incident, an argument ensued, and the settler flashed his gun at the Christians. As a friend of theirs put it, the message was clear: “I can do anything I want and claim self-defence.”

“The minister of national security is a lawyer who used to defend extremist Jews attacking Christian and other sites,” said one Armenian youth who says they were attacked in January, referring to Itamar Ben-Gvir. “What do you expect when the highest-ranking official in the equation is the most extremist?”



Galloway on the Iran retaliation and the idiotic western response to it.


'Iranian Missiles Hit…': Tehran 'Exposes' Netanyahu's '99% Strikes Foiled' Claim

Claim versus counterclaim over Iran's strikes against Israel is currently underway. Tehran has dismissed Israel's claim of resisting 99% of Iranian drones and missiles. Iran has stated that "all hypersonic missiles used against Israel hit targets." Iran's Press TV also released a video showing an Iranian missile evading Israeli air defence. The clip shows an Iranian missile not losing track despite being hit by an Israeli projectile.



So is the Iron dome perforated-mesh over now ?

Also how'd Iran get super-sonics ? Are they borrowing Russian or Chinese tech ? It feels a bit like a message that if the US will not reign in Israel and make it behave less aggressive, "somebody" is going to even out the playing field by neutralizing Israel's technological advantage. Or am i imagining this ?


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what a time to be alive

I hope Israel attacks Iran again, I want a real war of annihilation of the zionists


>So is the Iron dome perforated-mesh over now ?

>Also how'd Iran get super-sonics ? Are they borrowing Russian or Chinese tech ? It feels a bit like a message that if the US will not reign in Israel and make it behave less aggressive, "somebody" is going to even out the playing field by neutralizing Israel's technological advantage. Or am i imagining this ?

What? I mean, Iran probably made them. I don't know, I'm pretty sure Iran has most of the technology other countries have except nukes. Could have bought them, could have made them, not sure.


Hospital patients found in a mass grave with bandages, catheters still attached
Hani Mahmoud
Reporting from Rafah in southern Gaza

Doctors were able to identify these bodies as patients. They still had medical bandages and catheters attached to their bodies.

Medical staff inside the hospital confirmed that these people were, in fact, executed by the Israeli military very close to the main gate of al-Shifa Hospital when it was stormed in March.

When the Israeli military stormed it, they destroyed the vast majority of the hospital’s facilities and equipment as well as the buildings in its vicinity, the majority of them residential buildings, where people had been sheltering since the beginning of this war.

In the northern part of the Gaza Strip, 20 more bodies were discovered buried under the dirt and piles of sand.

It is believed the killings occurred as people were going through a checkpoint that was set up by the Israeli military during its incursion of the northern part of the Strip.

This is the pattern that we’re seeing; this is not the first time mass graves have been discovered. People have been killed and buried under the dirt or run over by Israeli tanks or bulldozers for the past six months.

Northern Gaza faces ‘unprecedented levels’ of contamination, media office says

Gaza’s media office says some 700,000 people in northern Gaza are facing a health crisis as environmental contamination in the area has reached “unprecedented levels”.

With “mountains of waste and hundreds of mass graves”, as well as rubble and debris from the widespread destruction of residential homes and buildings, the office said infectious diseases are rapidly spreading.

The situation is only growing worse as municipal workers still have no access to adequate equipment and tools they need to deal with the “massive amounts of waste and destruction”, the office said.


More than 50 protestors from NYC & CT shut down Pratt & Whitney Factory in Middletown, Connecticut demanding it halt its profiting from ongoing genocide in Gaza; Israel has been using planes powered by Pratt & Whitney’s engines to drop bombs on Gaza.

Demonstrators are demanding Pratt & Whitney and parent corporation RTX lead a “just transition away from the war economy.”

This is just one of many actions occurring worldwide today by the A15 Actions group (April 15 Economic Blockades for a Free Palestine) to blockade Israeli arms manufacturers including in St. Charles, MS; Oakland, CA; Maple Grove, MN; in Chicago at the Chicago-O’Hare airport; The Netherlands; Denmark; France; the UK and Australia.



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Injury of four Israeli soldiers happened inside Lebanon: Military

As we reported earlier, the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah announced in a statement that its fighters had planted explosive devices in the Tal Ismail area, near the Lebanese border with Israel.

An Israeli military official has reported that four of its soldiers have been injured in an explosion hundreds of metres inside Lebanese territory.

This morning, the military said that its injured soldiers, including one who is severely wounded, were injured due to an explosion of an unknown source during overnight activity along the northern border with Lebanon.

Earlier, Hezbollah said that when a patrol of Israel’s Golani Brigade crossed into Lebanon and arrived at the area where the devices were planted, Hezbollah detonated them, leading to deaths and injuries.

Arab League condemns rise in Israeli settler attacks in occupied West Bank

The spokesperson for the Arab League’s secretary-general has condemned the escalation of Israeli settler attacks on several Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank.

Jamal Rushdi said the “war crimes” committed by Israel on a daily basis in Gaza should not cover up what is happening in the West Bank.

“The imposition of sanctions by some countries on a number of colonists represents a small, late step that is insufficient to halt such attacks,” he said.

He also called for the UN Security Council to end the attacks and hold Israeli settlers accountable.

Since Friday, settler militias under the protection of Israeli forces have launched a wave of attacks.

US forces intercept four Houthi drones: CENTCOM

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) says in its latest Red Sea update that its forces destroyed four uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on April 14, acting in self-defence.

CENTCOM added that Houthi rebels launched an antiship ballistic missile towards the Gulf of Aden from a Houthi controlled area in Yemen on Saturday and that there were no injuries or damage reported by US, coalition, or commercial ships.

War in Gaza doubled Israel’s debt last year

Israel’s war on Gaza led to a doubling of the country’s borrowing last year, its Finance Ministry says.

Israel added 160 billion shekels ($43bn) to its debt in 2023 – half of it after the outbreak of the conflict in October. By comparison, it took out 63 billion shekels ($17bn) of debt in 2022.

“Despite the many uncertainties and challenges, the ability to raise debt in local and global markets, even in times of war, in significant volumes and very high coverage ratios shows the high accessibility of the State of Israel to the markets and is evidence of the strength of the Israeli economy,” Accountant-General Yali Rotenberg said.

Weakest enemy in Middle East did us most damage: Israeli minister

Israeli war cabinet minister Gadi Eisenkot has lamented the lack of success in the war on Gaza, saying the army has failed to rescue captives even after pounding the tiny enclave for more than half a year, according to the Yedioth newspaper.

“The weakest enemy in the Middle East has done us the most damage, and we need to change our strategy,” he told the Democratic Institute conference.

“The results of the current war will not become clear until after many years,” he added.

Hezbollah claims attack on Israeli troops who ‘crossed border’

Hezbollah fighters have “planted explosive devices in the Tal Ismail area” inside Lebanon, detonating them after Israeli soldiers “crossed the border”, the group says in a statement.

It was the first time Hezbollah claimed such an attack in six months of near daily cross-border clashes.

Israel’s army said earlier that four soldiers were wounded overnight in an explosion “in the area of the northern border” but did not specify on which side of the frontier. One of the soldiers was “severely injured”, it said.

The deadly violence flaring between Israel and Hezbollah has largely been contained to the border area. Tens of thousands of civilians have fled their homes on both sides of the border.

Israeli drone attack kills two Palestinians at mosque in Nuseirat

At least two Palestinians have been killed when a bombing carried out by Israeli drones targeted a group of people north of Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip, according to sources cited by the Wafa news agency.

The attack came at the Hassan al-Banna Mosque in the Ard al-Mufti area north of Nuseirat.

Israeli military warns Palestinians not to return to northern Gaza

The Israeli army renewed warnings for Palestinians not to return to Gaza’s north, a day after its forces opened fire on civilians.

The military said Palestinians should stay in southern Gaza where they have been told to shelter because the north is a “dangerous combat zone”, Israeli military spokesman Avichay Adraee wrote on social platform X.

Hospital authorities in Gaza said at least five people were shot by Israeli forces while trying to head north. The Israeli military had no immediate comment on casualties.

The returnees said they were prompted to make the journey north because they were fed up with the unbearable conditions they were forced to live under while displaced.



Pro-Palestine protest group coordinates ‘multi-city blockade’ in US

Demonstrators blocked San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge on Monday, completely halting traffic for hours as part of a coordinated day of action against Israel’s war on Gaza.

Aerial footage on Monday morning showed stationary traffic in one direction on the famous bridge while lanes in the other direction were empty, with police present.

Similar protests were held across the United States and around the world after the group A15 Action called for coordinating a “multi-city blockade… in solidarity with Palestine.”

The group said on its website that “in each city, we will identify and blockade major choke points in the economy, focusing on points of production and circulation with the aim of causing the most economic impact”.

Protesters blocked roads on Monday in Philadelphia and shut down highway traffic heading into Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, forcing some passengers to make their way on foot to catch their flights.

Protests were also planned in Canada, Italy, South Korea, Colombia and Belgium, while the X account for A15 posted photos of demonstrations in Greece, Spain and Australia.

At least one killed, others injured in Israeli bombing of Mosque in Jabalia

Rescuers are pulling survivors and bodies from the rubble after an Israeli bombing destroyed a mosque and damaged neighbouring houses in the Al Fakhoura area of the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip tonight.

A civil defence worker at the scene said Israeli warplanes had bombed the mosque and said a large number of children and women were among the injured.

We’ll bring you more on this breaking story soon.

Heavy shelling and gunfire as Israeli troops surround shelter in Gaza’s Beit Hanoon

Heavy gunfire and explosions have been heard as Israeli army vehicles have reportedly surrounded a school where hundreds of people are sheltering in Beit Hanoon in the northern Gaza Strip.

Videos filmed by local journalists and verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad verification unit show explosions lighting up the night sky as heavy shelling can be heard in the background.

We’ll bring you more on this breaking story soon.

Four killed, many wounded as Israel attacks house in southern Gaza’s Rafah

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are reporting that four people have been killed and several wounded in an Israeli attack on a house in the Tal as-Sultan neighbourhood located to the west of Rafah city in southern Gaza.

The Wafa news agency reports that a child was among the four killed in the attack.

Israeli strikes have also been reported in several other areas of Rafah city, according to reporters on the ground.

We will bring you more on the Rafah attacks as information is received.

Israel’s war on Gaza in numbers

The number of Palestinians killed since Israel launched its attack six months ago has reached 33,797, Gaza’s Health Ministry says.

Another 76,465 people have been wounded since October.

The casualty figures are likely much higher, with thousands feared buried in the debris of buildings collapsed by incessant Israeli strikes throughout the Gaza Strip.

China FM in call with Iranian counterpart amid Israel tensions: Report

China believes Iran will be able to “handle the situation well and spare the region further turmoil” following a call between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amirabdollahian, China’s Xinhua state news agency reports.

Wang spoke by phone with Amirabdollahian on Monday and expressed China’s “strong condemnation” of the attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus, Xinhua reports, describing the bombing of the consular section of the Iranian diplomatic compound as “a serious violation of international law and unacceptable”.

Wang also said that China had taken note of Iran’s statement that its response to the embassy attack “was limited and was an act of self-defense”, Xinhua reports.

Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles against Israel overnight on Sunday in retaliation for the Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.

“It is believed that Iran can handle the situation well and spare the region further turmoil while safeguarding its own sovereignty and dignity,” Xinhua quoted Wang as saying.



Owen Jones on the hypocrisy of western "leaders" over Iran's retaliation. Clip early on including David Cameron absolutely tripping over his own bullshit on British TV.


UN’s atomic agency pulls monitors from Iran nuclear sites

International Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Grossi says UN inspectors monitoring Iranian nuclear sites have been ordered out because of the threat of Israeli attacks on Tehran’s atomic facilities.

“I decided to not let the inspectors return until we see that the situation is completely calm. We are going to resume tomorrow,” said Grossi, calling for “extreme restraint” after Iran’s strikes on Israel.

“What I can tell you is that our inspectors in Iran were informed by the Iranian government that … all the nuclear facilities we are inspecting every day would remain closed on security considerations.”

Israel has carried out operations against nuclear sites in the region before. In 1981, it bombed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq despite opposition from the US. And in 2018, it admitted to having launched a top-secret air raid against a reactor in Syria 11 years prior.

Palestinian fighters target Israeli forces clearing ‘buffer zone’ in north Gaza: Monitors

Three Palestinian armed groups conducted attacks on Israeli forces east of Jabalia in the north of the Gaza Strip on Monday where Israel is attempting to create a “buffer zone” along the Israel-Gaza separation fence.

According to a joint report from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP), the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) and the Palestinian Mujahideen group reported that their fighters had launched mortars and fired heavy machine guns at Israeli troops and armour operating in the area.

On Sunday, PIJ fighters also fired mortars at an Israeli military field headquarters located near the University of Palestine to the north of central Gaza, the US-based defence think tanks report.



> I mean, Iran probably made them. I don't know, I'm pretty sure Iran has most of the technology other countries have except nukes.
The US does not appear to have those kinds of supersonic missiles atm, so far only the Russians, the Chinese and now the Iranians have demonstrated this "capability" if you pardon the jargon. This technology is kind of scraping at the limits of what can be done with projectiles in atmosphere. Like it's not just the speed, it's also extreme heat, and plasma interference that makes it hard for the missile to see where it's going, as well as receive and send signals. Steering these things is non-trivial either. For a country to make these it has to tick many advanced science and technology boxes. I'm not sure if I'm conveying this adequately, lets put it this way: the upper development tier of supersonic missiles doesn't need nuclear warheads to be a strategic deterrent. If the Iranians made these by them selves, we have to upgrade Iran from regional player into the major power category.


>Hospital patients found in a mass grave with bandages, catheters still attached
>Hani Mahmoud Reporting from Rafah in southern Gaza
>Doctors were able to identify these bodies as patients. They still had medical bandages and catheters attached to their bodies.
>Medical staff inside the hospital confirmed that these people were, in fact, executed by the Israeli military very close to the main gate of al-Shifa Hospital when it was stormed in March.
You see Israel has to self-defend it self against the invasion of the bandaged catheter patients.


I'm not an expert, but I looked it up and it looks as though the US is now starting to equip their machines with such weapons:
At least according to Popular Mechanics. Oh joy.

And apparently the missiles are indeed Iranian: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fattah-1_(missile)


Israel was exercising its right to defend itself against the scary hospital mummies who didn't have to attack Israel directly because of their mummy curse powers.


>Israel has carried out operations against nuclear sites in the region before. In 1981, it bombed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq despite opposition from the US. And in 2018, it admitted to having launched a top-secret air raid against a reactor in Syria 11 years prior.
Big WTF moment.

So attempted nuclear terrorism goes on the "achievement list" of the Zionists.
AFAIK The only other group that attempted something like that was the Banderite Neo-fascist formation in Ukraine.


Clip on Israeli lies, Lavender, and the UN rapporteur's report.


So the Zionists build the metaphorical AI-Hitler (and named it Lavender after a flower ?) to commit genocide.
Continuing the analogy, where's AI-Stalin , AI-Churchill and AI-Roosevelt to stop them ?

Maybe there is a small silver lining to all of this. AI-Surveillance has now the political stigma of a holocaust-tool like gas-chambers, attached to it.


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Israel obstructing access to Hamas attack victims: UN

Israel is preventing UN investigators from speaking to witnesses and victims of the October 7 Hamas attack.

“So far as the government of Israel is concerned, we have faced not merely a lack of cooperation but active obstruction of our efforts to receive evidence from Israeli witnesses and victims to the events that occurred in southern Israel,” said Chris Sidoti, one of the three members of the inquiry.

Sidoti, speaking via videolink, said the investigation found it difficult to collect evidence from large numbers of witnesses. “I use this opportunity to appeal again both to the government of Israel to cooperate, and to victims and witnesses to the events in southern Israel to contact the commission of inquiry so that we can hear what they have experienced.”

Sidoti also said investigators began collecting digital evidence early on October 7, some of which has since “disappeared from the internet”.

“If it had not been collected on that day, it would not have been able to be collected,” the former human rights commissioner of Australia said.

One-third of Gaza farm land destroyed, UN satellite imagery shows

Analysis from the UN Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) has found that 33.13 percent of Gaza’s agricultural land was damaged as of February 2024.

This was a significant increase from October 2023, when just 5.36 percent of crop fields, arable and fallow lands were damaged, an increase of more than 11,000 sq km (4,247 sq miles), according to UNOSAT.

“The decline in the health and density of the crops” was caused by “razing, heavy vehicle activity, bombing, shelling” and conflict more generally, UNOSAT said.

Gaza farmers have long cultivated diverse crops including wheat, olives and strawberries but with much of the most arable land in the Israeli buffer zone, farming has also come with many dangers.

Israel Q4 GDP revised to 21% contraction, hit by war on Gaza

Israel’s war on Gaza took a larger toll on economic growth in the final three months of 2023 than previously thought.

The economy contracted an annualised 21.0 percent in the fourth quarter over the third quarter, the Central Bureau of Statistics said. It followed a 19.4 percent decline in its preliminary estimate, which was revised to a 20.7 percent contraction last month.

The war has led to steep declines in the fourth quarter in exports (-22.5 percent), private spending (-26.9 percent), investment in fixed assets (-67.9 percent), and imports (-42.4 percent).

Government spending, however, jumped 83.7 percent. On Monday, the bureau reported the annual inflation rate rose to a more than expected 2.7 percent in March from 2.5 percent in February.

One Gaza child ‘killed or injured every 10 minutes’: UNICEF

Children in Gaza have become the faces of the continuing war as their stories paint a “harrowing picture” of the human consequences of the conflict, a UNICEF official says.

“Children are wearing a tremendous share of the scars of this war,” UNICEF communications specialist Tess Ingram – who left Gaza on Monday after spending two weeks there – told a UN press briefing in Geneva.

More than 12,000 children were injured in Gaza since October 7, 2023, she said, and this is “almost certainly an underestimate”.

“With at least 70 children injured every day, we need the number of medical evacuations to increase so children can access the care they urgently need. And with one child killed or injured every 10 minutes, above anything else we need a ceasefire.”

A lasting truce “is the only way to stop the killing and maiming of children”.

Unexploded 1,000-pound bombs found in Gaza schools

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees says it found the massive explosives inside schools after Israeli forces withdrew from Gaza’s city of Khan Younis.

UNWRA found “significant challenges in operating safely due to the presence of unexploded ordnance [UXOs], including 1,000-pound [450kg] bombs inside schools and on roads”.

Earlier this month, the UN said it would take “millions of dollars” and “many years” to decontaminate Gaza from unexploded munitions.

Surveillance drones heard in Rafah
Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Rafah, Gaza

Over the past hour, we’ve observed more active military operations in southern Gaza, along with the middle areas.

Here in Rafah, we can clearly hear Israeli surveillance drone movements, which could be a sign of potential attacks later.

Attacks and confrontations are still raging on the northern side of Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza, where at least three Palestinians have been reported killed.

The Israeli military has not stopped its bombardment of Gaza City. One of the latest attacks carried out by drone targeted a civilian car, causing a number of injuries. The majority of areas have also been under constant Israeli shelling over the past hours.

Northern Israel hit by ‘suicide drones’ from Lebanon: Army

Attack drones from Lebanon have struck northern Israel.

“A short time ago, two explosive drones crossed the territory of Lebanon towards the territory of Israel and exploded in the area of ​​Beit Hillel. The incident is under investigation,” the Israeli military said in a statement.

No details on damage or casualties were immediately available.

Gaza death toll rises

At least 33,843 Palestinians have been killed and 76,575 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, its Health Ministry says.

The ministry added that 46 people were killed and 110 injured in the past 24 hours.

Israeli attack on Iran’s consulate violated international law: UN experts

Israeli military personnel and civilian officials responsible for the deadly strikes may have “committed crimes” under an international counterterrorism treaty of 1971, UN legal experts say.

“All countries are prohibited from arbitrarily depriving individuals of their right to life in military operations abroad,” said the experts. “Killings in foreign territory are arbitrary when they are not authorised under international law.

“Israel’s attack consequently violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state under Article 2(4) of the Charter. Illegal force was used not only against Iran’s armed forces but also against Syrian territory. Israel’s attack was partly launched from the Golan Heights, which is illegally annexed Syrian territory.”

The UN experts said Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel was also a “prohibited use of force under international law”.

No significant change in amount of aid entering Gaza, says UNRWA

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) reported in its latest situation update that the amount of aid entering Gaza has remained relatively stable since April, with an average of 181 trucks reaching the enclave daily.

This volume is far below the operational capacity of Gaza’s open border crossings and fails to meet Israel’s stated goal of facilitating the entry of 500 aid trucks per day, said UNRWA.

Aid flow into northern Gaza, where hunger is most pervasive, is especially strained, with UNRWA unable to reach the area since January 23, the agency added.

Throughout Gaza, “food insecurity” has increased by 80 percent since December, UNRWA said.

EasyJet suspends flights to Israel until October 27

“As a result of the continued evolving situation in Israel, easyJet has now taken the decision to suspend its flights to Tel Aviv for the remainder of the summer season,” a spokesperson for the British low-cost carrier said in a statement.

Following Iran’s attack on Israel, several airlines announced temporary suspensions of their flights to Iran and elsewhere in the region.

US Treasury preparing new Iran sanctions: Report

The United States is readying more sanctions on Iran after its aerial attack on Israel, according to news site Axios.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will announce the measures during the opening press conference of the International Monetary Fund’s spring meetings in Washington, DC, it said, citing an advance copy of the secretary’s remarks.

Yellen will also push finance ministers of other countries to introduce their own sanctions against Iran for “coordinated action”.

“Treasury will not hesitate to work with our allies to use our sanctions authority to continue disrupting the Iranian regime’s malign and destabilizing activity,” it quotes Yellen’s prepared remarks as saying.

“The attack by Iran and its proxies underscores the importance of Treasury’s work to use our economic tools to counter Iran’s malign activity.”



>Israel is preventing UN investigators from speaking to witnesses and victims of the October 7 Hamas attack.
Very sus, is this related to the hanibal doctrine where the IDF shot at Israeli ?


Probably, yes.


The political stigma is good to the extent that we act with the seriousness that it calls for.


>Analysis from the UN Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) has found that 33.13 percent of Gaza’s agricultural land was damaged as of February 2024.
The farms were plant-shields, and hamas was hiding under the strawberries.


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Yes. And anyone who thinks this is ridiculous needs to immediately refer to this berry sinister evidence!


>The political stigma is good to the extent that we act with the seriousness that it calls for.
I know what you mean with seriousness, since it really does look like AI-Surveillance is going to turn into automated murder machine.
However the correct political strategy is more likely relentless ridicule. Like people protesting sticking a picture of the politician whose policies they oppose on their face. Or starting a religion that require their members to dress up in Halloween costumes year round, and make people swap costumes with each other.


<Zionist regime waging war on hummus
lol can't unsee


>Northern Israel hit by ‘suicide drones’ from Lebanon: Army
>Attack drones from Lebanon have struck northern Israel.
They got that all wrong, it wasn't an attack. The poor Lebanese drone saw what was going on in Gaza and was so horrified and shocked that it committed suicide.


US makes failed bid for Iran to allow 'symbolic strike' by Israel
>the US contacted the Islamic Republic, asking the nation to allow Israel "a symbolic strike to save face” following Iran's retaliatory drone and missile barrage this weekend.
>“Iran has received messages from mediators to let the regime do a symbolic strike to save face and asked Iran not to retaliate,” the source
>He added that Tehran “outright rejected” the proposal, delivered by mediators, and reiterated warnings that any Israeli attack on Iranian soil would be met with a decisive and immediate response.

Iran has significantly hardened its stance on aggression from Israel.
I wonder what's going on, do they know something we don't ?


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>that tfw when u hear a zionist talking


I mean, they probably know something we don't but they don't need to to reject that stupid proposal. Admittedly, it's… I guess a less stupid idea than the US has been pursuing of late, but considering that Iran's strike itself was relatively mild (Israel's strike technically hit both Iran and Syria, wasn't against a military target, and killed 16 people, including multiple IRGC members and 2 civilians) and that strike partly served a domestic political purpose (Iranian hardliners have wanted to directly stop the genocide in Gaza outright for a while, and there's probably a lot of popular will behind that, too), the idea of letting Israel get another in just so Israelis aren't as mad wouldn't fly. Israel has been hitting Syria for years, was part of the conspiracy to assassinate Soleimani, and was most likely involved in the sabotage attack on the Iranian natural gas line earlier this year, too. What's more, if you look at countries who cooperate too much with stuff the US asks, countries who are offering more than patience to appease Israel, they kinda suck - wouldn't want Iran being led down the route of Egypt or Jordan.


Israeli drone plays sounds of children crying to lure Palestinians, witnesses say

A video verified by Al Jazeera taken from central Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp yesterday documented the sounds of children crying, which were seemingly coming from an Israeli quadcopter plane.

Residents in the area say this is the Israeli army’s latest way to lure civilians and kill them. At least one man was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper when he came out of his home to inspect where the sounds were coming from.

“Yesterday, the area was subjected to Israeli shelling. Three hours after the raids, we heard the voices of children crying out and the voice of a woman,” one of the witnesses, Mohammed Nabhan, said.

“When we went out, we were subjected to heavy fire from the Israeli army and the sound was coming out of an Israeli quadcopter with four propellers,” he said.

(anon's note: this one seems to mirror a trap Hamas used, except that theirs seemed to rely much more on the IDF's documented habit of shooting children)

Palestinian Journalists Syndicate says 100 journalists arrested since October 7

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate says Israeli forces arrested some 100 journalists since October 7.

At least 40 of them remain in Israeli custody, the syndicate said. Most of the journalists were beaten at the moment of arrest, it added.

According to the syndicate, many of detained journalists were held under administrative detention, a controversial and vague legal process that allows Israel to imprison Palestinians without charge or trial.

Several killed in new attack on southern Gaza’s Rafah

Several people have been reported killed in an attack on Gaza’s most southern city of Rafah.

A strike hit a residential building in central Rafah, according to our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic.

Gaza’s Civil Defence said an Israeli jet attacked a house in the Yabna refugee camp, killing and wounding “a number” of people. Civil defence crews are still trying to pull out the bodies of those killed and injured from under the rubble, it said.

More than 1.5 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering in Rafah. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pushed for a ground operation into Rafah, despite international calls saying such a move would be “catastrophic”.

Hezbollah attacks Israeli army vehicle

On X, the Lebanese group says it struck the Metulla site belonging to the Israeli army, “directly hitting” a military vehicle as it entered the army’s position.

Israel holding bodies of 26 Palestinian detainees, prisoners’ group says

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says Israeli authorities are holding the bodies of 26 Palestinian detainees.

The NGO said the figure stands after the body of 59-year-old Abdulhalim Abdulkarim Amer was released by Israeli authorities earlier today.

Amer died in Israeli custody on April 13. He is the 16th Palestinian to die in Israeli custody since Israel’s assault on Gaza began more than six months ago.

The father of seven was arrested with his son on March 17, for allegedly entering Israel for work without a permit.

Israel routinely withholds the bodies of Palestinians, which human rights groups say amounts to collective punishment of bereaved families. International law considers the practice a violation of human rights.

Children among several killed in attack on central Gaza’s Maghazi camp

At least 11 people have been killed in an Israeli attack on the Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza, the Palestinian Wafa news agency reported.

Most of those killed were children, Wafa said, adding that several people were also wounded.

The camp is densely populated and has become even more congested after thousands of families were forced to flee their homes in Gaza’s north after Israel began its assault on the enclave.

Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Rafah, said the attack on Maghazi took place during “rush hour”. He said the attack hit a playground that is frequently visited by displaced children.

“Dozens” of wounded people have been transported to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Hospital, Mahmoud said.

Qatar responds to congressman’s threat to ‘re-evaluate’ US-Qatar relationship

The Qatari embassy in the US has issued a statement saying it was “surprised” by comments made by US lawmaker Steny Hoyer and his threat to “re-evaluate” the US’s relationship with Qatar.

Yesterday, Hoyer released a statement calling on Qatar to put pressure on Hamas to accept a ceasefire proposal that is acceptable to the Isralei government, and threatened to reassess ties between the US and Qatar if it does not do so.

“Hamas has also sought to use its intermediary Qatar – which has long helped finance, back, and house the terrorist organization – to exact greater concessions from Israel”, Hoyer’s statement read.

The Qatari embassy said that it “shares” Hoyer’s frustration at the slow progress of truce talks, but stressed that “Israel and Hamas are entirely responsible for reaching an agreement”.

“Blaming and threatening the mediator is not constructive, especially when the target is a friend and major non-NATO ally that presently hosts 10,000 US troops and America’s largest military presence in the Middle East”, the embassy’s statement added.

UN to launch $2.8bn appeal for Gaza, West Bank

The UN on Wednesday will launch a $2.8bn global appeal for donations to help Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, a senior official says.

“Of course, 90 percent of it is for Gaza,” said Andrea De Domenico, head of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Palestinian territory.

De Domenico added that the original plan had been $4bn for 2024 but budgeting was slashed given the “limited ability” of humanitarian aid distribution.

Spanish PM says he will ‘strive’ for a Palestine to become a UN member

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez says an independent Palestinian state should be recognised as soon as possible.

“Spain will strive for Palestine to become a full member of the UN,” Sanchez said during a visit to Slovenia as part of a tour to boost EU support for recognising a Palestinian state.

Last month, Spain, Ireland, Malta and Slovenia signed a joint statement saying they stand ready to recognise a Palestinian state when the move could “make a positive contribution and the circumstances are right.”

“For Slovenia, the key question is when to recognize Palestine,” Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob said, adding, “Not if but when.”

Google employees protest company’s ties with Israeli government

Groups of employees of the tech giant have entered two of the company’s offices, one in Sunnyvale, California, and one in New York City.

The protesters at the California office say they will not leave until Google pulls out of a $1.2bn contract it shares with Amazon, that would see it provide the Israeli government with cloud services and data centres.

Some at the company have long opposed the contract, known as “Nimbus”, but the conflict within the tech giant has expanded since Israel began its assault on Gaza.

Erdogan: Netanyahu solely responsible for Middle East tensions

Netanyahu and his government are solely responsible for the recent escalation of tensions in the Middle East, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says.

“Israel is trying to provoke a regional conflict, and its attack on Iran’s embassy in Damascus was the last drop,” he said at a news conference in Ankara after a cabinet meeting.

Erdogan added that new regional conflicts are possible as long as the “cruelty and genocide” in Gaza continues, and he called on all parties to act with common sense. He also slammed the West for condemning Iran’s attack but not Israel’s strike on Iran’s embassy.

Iran attacked Israel with hundreds of drones and missiles launched on Saturday night, and Israeli officials have promised to respond.

Iran called the barrage retaliation for an Israeli strike on April 1 that flattened the consulate building in its embassy compound in Damascus and killed two of its generals and several other officers.

EU working to expand Iran sanctions after attack on Israel, Borrell says

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says Brussels is starting work on expanding sanctions against Iran after Tehran’s attack on Israel.

Iran carried out the attack two weeks after a deadly April 1 strike on its embassy’s consular building in Damascus, which Tehran blames on Israel.

Speaking after an emergency online meeting of EU foreign ministers, Borrell said the bloc would look to toughen measures against Iran’s supplies of weaponry, including drones, to Russia and proxy groups around the Middle East.

“Some member states propose the adoption of expanded restrictive measures against Iran,” Borrell said.

The EU’s top diplomat said he was requesting his service “start the necessary work related to the sanctions”.



Time to ‘right historic wrong’ of Palestine’s UN membership: Arab countries

A group of Arab UN member states has written to UN Security Council (UNSC) members imploring them to support Palestine’s bid for full UN membership.

“The time has come to right this historic wrong and fulfill the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, sovereignty, and statehood,” the Arab Group statement said.

“At the very least, we implore Council members not to obstruct this critical initiative”, the statement added, saying “anything less would be a blatant abdication of the Council’s responsibility to uphold the principles of the UN Charter and international law”.

More than the required two-thirds of UN General Assembly member states already recognise Palestinian statehood but the application must first be approved by the UNSC where permanent members, including the United States, can veto resolutions.

Israel gives arms to settlers as it eyes more territory in West Bank: Analyst

Considering Israeli settler violence as separate from the Israeli state and government policy “doesn’t really make sense”, Mouin Rabbani, the co-editor of the online publication Jadaliyya has told Al Jazeera.

“The settlers are armed by the Israeli state [and] operate under the auspices and with the protection of the Israeli military,” he said.

“The fundamental problem here is that Israel has an agenda of territorial expansion,” he added.

Rabbani also noted that Israel’s Western allies’ condemnation “never extends beyond verbal admonitions” even though human rights organisations have found Israel is imposing apartheid on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

He says that Palestinians have nobody to turn to for help against settler attacks since the Palestinian Authority acts as an “auxiliary” to Israel and its “security forces are prohibited from operating in those areas outside the main cities where most of the settler violence take place”.

UNSC could vote on Palestine’s UN membership on Thursday

The UN Security Council could vote on a draft resolution calling for the State of Palestine to become a full UN member state on Thursday, diplomatic sources have told our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic.

The text of the draft resolution that countries will vote on, drafted by Algeria on behalf of the Arab group of countries, has now been finalised, the Palestinian Authority‘s UN mission has said.

US student says university cancelled valedictorian speech amid anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian ‘hatred’

The Reuters news agency is reporting that the University of Southern California (USC) has cancelled its valedictorian speech from a Muslim student who said she was being silenced by anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian hatred.

USC Provost Andrew Guzman said in a statement that the decision to drop the traditional valedictorian address at next month’s graduation was aimed at protecting campus security amid “the intensity of feelings, fuelled by both social media and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East”.

The valedictorian, biomedical engineering major Asna Tabassum, in a statement challenged the university’s rationale, questioning “whether USC’s decision to revoke my invitation to speak is made solely on the basis of safety”.

Tabassum, who described herself as a “first-generation South Asian-American Muslim”, said USC officials refused in an April 14 meeting to share details of the university’s security assessment.

The university was “caving to fear and rewarding hatred”, which Tabassum said was being directed by “anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian voices” targeting her “because of my uncompromising belief in human rights for all”.

US military says two Houthi drones destroyed in Yemen

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said its forces “successfully engaged” two drones in areas of Yemen controlled by Houthi forces.

Dramatic footage captures blast targeting Israeli military bulldozer

Two video clips have been shared by Al Jazeera Arabic showing the moment an Israeli military bulldozer was caught in a large explosion in the occupied West Bank’s Tubas city.

Israeli forces did not to comment on the attack on their official social media channels and it was not known if casualties resulted from the improvised explosive device.

Earlier, Israeli military bulldozers and other heavy equipment was involved in the demolition of a Palestinian home east of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.



"Israel Has Been DEFEATED. A Total Defeat" - Israeli Newspaper's Shocking Admission


Google employees arrested protesting company’s ties with Israeli government

Employees of the tech giant have been arrested after holding sit-in protests in the company’s New York and Sunnyvale, California offices for more than nine hours.

Earlier, we reported that the protesters said they would not leave until Google pulls out of a $1.2bn artificial intelligence and surveillance contract between Israel, Google and Amazon.

Google employees have long spoken out against project “Nimbus”, with Palestinian employees describing “institutionalised bias” within the company.


Rockets fired into Israel, Palestinian fighters infiltrate north and south Gaza: Monitors

Fighters in Gaza continue to launch rockets into southern Israel. Two missiles fired from the war-torn Palestinian territory on Tuesday caused no damage or casualties after landing in open areas, war monitors report.

Two US-based defence think tanks – the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) – also said that Israeli forces were operating on Tuesday around Beit Hanoon in the far north of the Gaza Strip and had ordered Palestinian residents in the area to leave, according to reports.

However, the Israeli military had “not issued official evacuation orders for the area”, according to the latest battlefield assessment from the ISW and CTP.

Fighting also continued on Tuesday between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in central Gaza, the monitors said, adding that the Palestinians fighters appeared to be infiltrating both north and south Gaza from the central Gaza Strip to re-engage Israeli units.



Israel’s war on Gaza death toll hits 33,899

The number of Palestinians killed in Israel’s six-month war on the Gaza Strip has reached 33,899, the Health Ministry says.

Fifty-six Palestinians have been killed and 89 injured in the past 24 hours, the ministry added.

At least 76,664 people have now been wounded in relentless attacks.

Among the dead are more than 14,520 children and 10,000 women. The death toll is likely far higher with thousands of bodies buried in the rubble of buildings collapsed by Israeli strikes.

Iranian navy escorts ships to the Red Sea as it braces for Israeli response

Iran’s navy is escorting Iranian commercial ships to the Red Sea, Naval Commander Shahram Irani says, as global fears over Israeli retaliation rise.

“The navy is carrying out a mission to escort Iranian commercial ships to the Red Sea and our Jamaran frigate is present in the Gulf of Aden in this view,” Irani was quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.

Tehran is ready to escort vessels of other countries, he added.

Iran is bracing for Israeli retaliation for its attack on April 13 with Israel’s war cabinet meeting again today to discuss a response. The Red Sea has been the site of significant disruption to world trade because of attacks from Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthis on Israel-linked cargo vessels.



i can relate to that feeling

I do agree with what you are saying, the Zionists certainly have been extremely hostile to everybody in the region, it's not unjustified. Most of the world wants to see the Zionist regime stopped.

But is it strategically wise ? Israel is growing weaker while Iran is strengthening. Postponing an engagement until you have the greater advantage is not appeasement.

Iran has been strong enough to win a war with Israel for about half a decade. But the optimal strategy is for them to grow their strength until the Zionist regime no longer dares to start a war. At that point drawing the line in the sand with tit for tat retaliatory responses results in the Zionist regime yielding to a reasonable peace.

The US is presently over-extended and really can't afford an Israel-Iran war. So maybe that's Iran's calculation. Or Iran is stronger than we thought and they already can force the Zionists to stop coloring over the lines.


Breaking Points - LEAKED NYT Memo: Can't Say 'Palestine, Occupied, Refugee Camp'


>Google employees arrested protesting company’s ties with Israeli government
>Employees of the tech giant have been arrested after holding sit-in protests in the company’s New York and Sunnyvale, California offices for more than nine hours.
>Earlier, we reported that the protesters said they would not leave until Google pulls out of a $1.2bn artificial intelligence and surveillance contract between Israel, Google and Amazon.
>Google employees have long spoken out against project “Nimbus”, with Palestinian employees describing “institutionalised bias” within the company.

They should give those employees a promotion instead, they're protecting the AI business. If that nasty strain of anti-human-AIs keep getting made, it will trigger a "Butlerian Jihad" like in the Novel Dune, where all thinking machines were destroyed.


Unusual Whales did a list of US politicians whose stock portfolios will benefit from an Iran/Israel war.


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Crew of ship seized by Iran are safe: Operator

The 25 crew members of the MSC Aries, which was seized by Iran on April 13, are safe, shipping firm MSC says, adding discussions with Iranian authorities are in progress to secure their release.

“We are also working with the Iranian authorities to have the cargo discharged,” the company said in a news release.

Portugal’s Foreign Ministry summoned Iran’s ambassador on Tuesday to condemn Saturday’s attack on Israel by Tehran and to demand the immediate release of the Portuguese-flagged container ship.

MSC leases the Aries from Gortal Shipping, an affiliate of Zodiac Maritime. Zodiac is partly owned by Israeli businessman Eyal Ofer.

Hamas says freeing prisoners a ‘top priority’

Today is Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, a national day dedicated to freeing Palestinian prisoners and showing support for their rights.

In a statement marking the day, Hamas emphasised that freeing its prisoners from Israeli jails is a “top priority”.

“[Israel] continues to practice the most heinous crimes against prisoners inside prisons and detention centres, including medical negligence, torture and direct killing,” said Hamas.

It added that it holds Israel “fully responsible for the lives and safety of thousands of abductees detained in the West Bank” since October 7.

9,500 political prisoners held in Israel on Palestinian Prisoner’s Day

‘Clear’ Israel has decided to respond to Iran attack: UK’s Cameron

British Foreign Minister David Cameron says it’s clear Israel has made the decision to respond to the Iranian drone and ballistic missile attack.

Cameron said he hoped the retaliation would be carried out in a way that “minimised” escalation.

“It’s clear the Israelis are making a decision to act,” Cameron, speaking to reporters in Israel, said. “We hope they do so in a way that does as little to escalate this as possible.”

Britain wants to see coordinated sanctions against Iran, he added. “They need to be given a clear unequivocal message by the G7.”

Israeli military complicit in occupied West Bank settler attacks: HRW

Surging settler violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank has been aided by the Israeli military, whose forces have either taken part in or failed to protect Palestinians, according to the latest report by Human Rights Watch (HRW).

In one instance, Israeli soldiers participated alongside illegal settlers in an attack on the Palestinian Bedouin village of Wadi as-Seeq, the report said. Soldiers, several of whom were later dismissed by the Israeli military, vandalised Palestinians’ homes, confiscated their belongings, and beat residents for hours while commanding them to leave the area.

Troops in this attack were members of a unit that actively recruits Israeli settlers, including those with criminal records of violence against Palestinians, said HRW.

Israel’s military drafted about 5,500 settlers during the Gaza war, while also arming “civilian security squads” in the occupied West Bank.

‘5,000 lives in one shell’: Gaza fertility clinic hit by Israeli strike

When an Israeli shell struck Gaza’s largest fertility clinic in December it destroyed more than 4,000 embryos plus 1,000 sperm specimens and unfertilised eggs, according to a report by Reuters news agency.

The Israeli strike blasted the lids off five liquid nitrogen tanks stored in a corner of the embryology unit. As the ultra-cold liquid evaporated, the temperature inside the tanks rose, destroying the reproductive specimens at Gaza City’s al-Basma invitro fertilisation centre.

“We know deeply what these 5,000 lives, or potential lives, meant for the parents, either for the future or for the past,” said Bahaeldeen Ghalayini, a Cambridge-trained obstetrician and gynaecologist who first opened the clinic in 1997.

At least half of the couples affected will not have another chance to get pregnant, he added. “All these lives were killed or taken away: 5,000 lives in one shell.”

Russia urges de-escalation between Iran and Israel

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says Russia is in dialogue with both Iran and Israel and urged the need for de-escalation in the Middle East.

Peskov said Russia continues to have close contacts with Iran and also has constructive contacts with Israel.

When asked if Tehran had warned Russia ahead of time about the strikes on Israel, Peskov said he had nothing to say on the matter.



They're not really thinking machines, though, so they're probably not worried about that.


>They're not really thinking machines, though,
Technical nuances will not matter.
>so they're probably not worried about that.
They probably should be


>British Foreign Minister David Cameron says it’s clear Israel has made the decision to respond to the Iranian drone and ballistic missile attack.
>Cameron said he hoped the retaliation would be carried out in a way that “minimised” escalation.
All the indications are that the Iranians intent to hammer the Zionists until they give up attacking Iran.
Netanyahu wants more war because he thinks that'll keep him in power.
This doesn't bode well.

>Russia urges de-escalation between Iran and Israel

>Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says Russia is in dialogue with both Iran and Israel and urged the need for de-escalation in the Middle East.
A war between Isreal and Iran will drive up oil and gas prices, and Russia would make loads of money. The US would have to abandon it's Nato commitments in Europe to back Israel. How peculiar, it seems the Russian prioritize stability over windfall gains.


>All the indications are that the Iranians intent to hammer the Zionists until they give up attacking Iran.
Only if Israel attacks them again.

>A war between Isreal and Iran will drive up oil and gas prices, and Russia would make loads of money. The US would have to abandon it's Nato commitments in Europe to back Israel. How peculiar, it seems the Russian prioritize stability over windfall gains.

A US-Iran war would also most likely drag Russia in, too.


>Only if Israel attacks them again.
Yes that was implied. I guess i need to work on expressing my self more clearly.

>A US-Iran war would also most likely drag Russia in, too.

Not solely Russia, China will get drawn in as well. If the US gets stuck in another middle Eastern quagmire, China gets Taiwan without a fight, an opportunity for smooth reunification, they can't ignore that. Syrian, Lebanon Iraq and Jordan would also side with Iran. So this would be a "shared burden" type of affair.

What remains is a significant risk for nuclear escalation and subsequent global destabilization.


Why is Columbia University’s president testifying before US Congress?

Nemat “Minouche” Shafik is the latest leader of an elite US university to be called to testify before members of the US Congress on how her institution has responded to protests amid the Israel-Gaza war.

Her testimony comes four months after the presidents of Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were also called to testify on the subject. That contentious, Republican-led hearing led to the resignation of Penn President Liz Magill and Harvard President Claudine Gay.

Protests since October 7 have forced private higher education institutions to grapple with their free speech policies. Pro-Palestine protesters have alleged that they have been unjustly stifled by university authorities on trumped-up allegations of hate speech. In turn, several university leaders have been accused of not doing enough to counter anti-Semitism on campus.

Response to Iran attack likely cost over $1bn: Report

Israel and its allies hailed their success in stopping a barrage of Iranian missiles and drones in a historic attack over the weekend.

However, that response likely came with a price tag topping over one billion dollars, according to a Bloomberg report.

Reem Aminoach, a former brigadier general and chief financial adviser to the head of the Israeli military, gave the estimated figure.

He cited calculations he’d done for the number of interceptor missiles Israel would have had to fire. Israel has said Iran fired 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles.

The US, UK, France and Jordan were also involved in shooting down the Iranian weapons.

Israel cabinet approves $5bn for towns near boundary with Gaza

Netanyahu’s office says Israel’s cabinet has approved a five-year, 19-billion-shekel ($5bn) plan to rebuild and strengthen communities near the Gaza boundary.

The prime minister said Israel would invest the funds in housing, infrastructure, education, employment, health and other areas.

UNRWA head to brief Security Council

Al Jazeera has confirmed that Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner-general of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), will brief the Security Council at a meeting requested by Jordan.

The session is due to begin at 19:00 GMT.

Biden pens op-ed calling for more aid to Israel

The US President, in an op-ed published by the Wall Street Journal, has said now is the “moment of truth” for US legislators to approve more military aid to Israel and Ukraine.

The Biden administration has been appealing for months for $14bn in additional military aid for Israel, but the effort has stalled in the US House of Representatives. Iran’s attack has rekindled efforts to pass the additional aid, with House Speaker Mike Johnson saying he would bring it to a vote this week.

Rights observers have regularly warned the US against providing more weapons that they say have enabled Israeli abuses. The continued supply of US weapons, critics have warned, makes regional escalation more likely.

Still, Biden wrote that “if Iran succeeds in significantly escalating its assault on Israel, the US could be drawn in. Israel is our strongest partner in the Middle East; it’s unthinkable that we would stand by if its defenses were weakened and Iran was able to carry out the destruction it intended this weekend.”



>Israel and its allies hailed their success in stopping a barrage of Iranian missiles and drones in a historic attack over the weekend.
>However, that response likely came with a price tag topping over one billion dollars
Stock price of arms-porky company goes up, mission accomplished.
Using million dollar SAMs to shoot at 5000 dollar budget drones, meh who cares, worrying about ordinance attrition doesn't bring in any bribe-bux


Demonstration in Arlington, VA the other day.


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UN Security Council to vote on Palestinian membership on Friday

The vote has been scheduled in the 15-member council on Friday, diplomats tell the Reuters news agency. It is set to happen at 3pm (19:00 GMT).

A draft resolution put forth by Algeria recommends to the 193-member UN General Assembly that “the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations”, diplomats said.

The resolution needs at least nine votes in favour to pass the Security Council and no vetoes from the US, Britain, France, Russia or China. Diplomats told Reuters the measure could have the support of up to 13 council members, but the US is expected to block the effort because it would effectively recognise a Palestinian state.

The US, Israel’s top ally, has long maintained that establishing an independent Palestinian state should happen through direct negotiations between the Palestinians and Israel and not at the UN.

Palestinians are currently a non-member observer state at the UN.

Qatar ‘re-evaluating’ role as mediator: Prime minister

Qatar has been working for months as mediator in negotiations aimed bringing about a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of Israeli captives.

But Qatar’s prime minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani has said Doha is re-evaluating that role, saying that some parties have used the mediation for “narrow political interest”.

He added that while Qatar remains committed on mediation “humanitarian basis”, there has been “abuse and harm” done related to Qatar’s role.

Some parties have made “destructive” statements against Qatar, he added, without saying to whom he was referring.

Leaked memo highlights NYT’s ‘deference to Israeli narratives’: Report

A report by US news outlet The Intercept claims that editors at The New York Times have sent directives to reporters covering Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza, asking them to restrict the use of certain terms.

These terms include “genocide”, “ethnic cleansing” and “occupied territory”, according to a copy of an internal memo obtained by The Intercept.

The memo reportedly also instructs journalists not to use the word Palestine “except in very rare cases” and to stay away from using the term “refugee camps” to describe certain areas of Gaza.

According to the report, several staffers told The Intercept that some of the memo’s contents “show evidence of the paper’s deference to Israeli narratives”.

Times spokesman Charlie Stadtlander told The Intercept that memos such as these are “standard practice” and provide guidance “to ensure accuracy, consistency and nuance”.

“Across all our reporting, including complex events like this, we take care to ensure our language choices are sensitive, current and clear to our audiences.”

Gaza media office calls for release of all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails

Gaza’s media office says more than 5,000 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli forces since the assault on the enclave began in October.

In a statement marking Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, the office said prisoners are being subjected to “vengeful policies” that aim to strip them of their most basic rights.

The statement comes a day after the Government Media Office called on rights groups to act after hearing testimonies from a large number of freed Palestinians who were recently detained by Israeli forces. These include testimonies and accounts from children younger than 12 years old.

“We call on the international community to uphold its moral and legal obligations and intervene to end the grave mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners,” it said.

The office also called for the immediate release of some 10,000 Palestinian prisoners currently held in Israeli jails.

Israeli army attacks on Gaza City continue

Video obtained by Al Jazeera’s cameras shows the moment Israeli army bombs struck a residential home on al-Jalaa Street in the north of Gaza City.

Local sources told Al Jazeera that the house belonged to the Arbeed family, and was evacuated before it was hit by the Israeli strike. The video, from which the below screengrabs were captured, shows the utter destruction of the house, as panicked residents flee the area.

Additional video posted on Instagram shows another shelling in Gaza City, near al-Shujaiya junction. This video has been verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking unit.


Hamas says watching ‘developments’ of Iran’s response to attack on its consulate

Hamas said it is closely watching Iran’s “legitimate” response to a suspected attack that hit its consulate in the Syrian capital on April 1, in which 13 people were killed.

Two weeks after the attack, Iran unleashed a barrage of missiles and drones in its first direct attack on Israel.

Hamas said while it “values” Iran’s stance, it strongly “condemns” the West’s stance that “jumped to protect” Israel despite remaining silent about the “genocide” being carried out against Palestinians in Gaza and about the abuse being faced by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.



New Galloway, starting with analysis of the encroaching WWIII.


Biden endorses House aid package for Israel, urging quick passage

US President Joe Biden says he strongly backs long-delayed support for Israel and Ukraine after the Republican leader of the House of Representatives announced a vote on an aid package.

“I strongly support this package to get critical support to Israel and Ukraine,” Biden said in a statement. “I will sign this into law immediately to send a message to the world: we stand with our friends, and we won’t let Iran or Russia succeed.”

Turkey’s top diplomat says Netanyahu wants war to ‘stay in power’

Speaking in Qatar, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan accused the Israeli leader of seeking war for political gain in the wake of an attack by Iran.

“It is clear that Netanyahu is trying to drag the region into war to stay in power,” Fidan said. He called on allies of Israel to constrain further action.



Protesters gather at Venice Biennale in Italy

Demonstrators gathered in front of the US, Israel and German pavilions at the art exhibition in Venice, Italy.

The protest came a day after Israel’s exhibiting artist, Ruth Patir, announced the country’s pavilion would not be opened until there is a ceasefire.

Representatives of the Art Not Genocide Alliance (ANGA), who have been calling on organisers to exclude Israel from the event, were involved in today’s protest.


Lebanon interior minister alleges Israeli agents behind killing near Beirut

Lebanon’s interior minister says the abduction and killing of Hezbollah-linked Lebanese currency exchanger Mohammad Srour last month was likely the work of Israeli agents.

“Lebanese security agencies have suspicion or accusations that Mossad was behind this operation,” Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi said in an interview with The Associated Press news agency, referring to the Israeli spy agency. “The way the crime was carried out led to this suspicion.”

Lebanese authorities said handguns equipped with silencers and gloves were found in a bucket filled with water and chemicals at the scene. That was apparently intended to remove fingerprints and other evidence. Thousand of dollars in cash were left scattered around Srour’s body, authorities said.

Mawlawi gave no specific evidence for the allegation. He said the investigation was ongoing, and once it is over, the results will be made public and referred to judicial authorities.

The US Treasury sanctioned Srour in 2019 for allegedly facilitating Iranian money transfers to Hezbollah and Hamas.

Rallies held in occupied West Bank over Palestinians held in Israeli prisons

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank have rallied, calling for the release of prisoners held by Israel without charge and for families to again be able to visit their loved ones in detention.

Relatives have been denied access to visit prisoners since October 7, when Israel’s assault on Gaza began following Hamas’s attacks.

Demonstrations were held to mark Palestinian Prisoner’s Day in cities including Ramallah, Hebron, Jericho and Nablus.

The marches this year took on added significance because thousands more people have been arrested in recent months.

According to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Club advocacy group, the number of Palestinian detainees and prisoners has risen to more than 9,000, compared with 5,200 before October 7.



Breaking news and analysis on day 194 of Gaza's Al-Aqsa Flood | The Electronic Intifada Podcast

Top US diplomat accused of ignoring accusations of Israeli abuses: Report

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has failed to take action against Israel for alleged human rights violations carried out by its forces against Palestinians, despite recommendations given to him by officials in his own department, a news report says.

A special State Department panel – the Israel Leahy Vetting Forum – made the recommendations in December to halt American aid to Israeli military and police units allegedly involved in abuses, but Blinken has not acted, current and former department officials told US news outlet ProPublica.

“They’ve been sitting in his briefcase since then,” one unnamed official is quoted as saying.

The allegations against Israeli forces include extrajudicial killings, torture and rape. The abuses occurred mostly in the occupied West Bank and before Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, it said.

A State Department spokesperson told ProPublica a “careful and full review” is under way.

Video said to show white phosphorus bombing of southern Lebanon

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have shared video footage which appears to show a white phosphorus bomb being used in an attack on southern Lebanon.

Israel’s air force said late on Wednesday that its warplanes had hit Hezbollah infrastructure sites north of Baalbek in eastern Lebanon and its forces had also removed “a threat” in the Kawkaba area of southern Lebanon.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Israeli forces in October of using white phosphorus munitions in Lebanon and Gaza. HRW confirmed Israel’s use of white phosphorus munitions at two locations along the Israel-Lebanon border and over the Gaza City port.

White phosphorus is a wax-like, toxic substance that burns at more than 800 degrees Celsius (nearly 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit). It is hot enough to melt metal, burn skin down to the bone, and its chemical ingredients can be absorbed by the body, causing dysfunction in multiple organs, including the liver, kidneys and heart.


Arrests reported amid Columbia University ‘Gaza encampment’ standoff

The New York Police Department is reported to have arrested four pro-Palestinian protesters outside Columbia University where people have gathered in solidarity with hundreds of students who are demonstrating inside the university’s campus.

According to a local reporter, one of the four arrested was a minor.

There is a large police presence around Columbia University where people have gathered in support of hundreds of students who have set up a “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” on the main lawn inside the campus.

University management has given the students a deadline to vacate their protest site, but the Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine group has called for more people to “bring a friend, bring blankets, and snacks” and join their demonstration.

Activist group say 28 Google employees fired after pro-Palestine protest

The activist group No Tech for Apartheid says that 28 Google employees have been fired in what it calls an “indiscriminate act of mass retaliation”.

Google employees yesterday held sit-ins at the tech giant’s New York and Sunnyvale, California, offices to protest against the $1.2bn artificial intelligence and surveillance contract between Israel, Google and Amazon known as Project Nimbus.

A Google spokesperson issued a statement earlier on Wednesday saying an unspecified number of employees were being laid off after “a number of our teams made changes to become more efficient and work better” and “remove layers”.

UNRWA appeals for protection at UN Security Council

Diplomats in the UN Security Council on Wednesday paused for a moment of silence for aid workers killed in Israel’s war on Gaza over the past six months.

After the reflection, the focus shifted to the work of UNRWA and Israel’s attempt to dismantle and discredit the organisation.

“The government of Israel seeks to end UNRWA’s activities,” the UN agency’s chief Philippe Lazzarini told the meeting.

“The agency’s requests to deliver aid to the north are repeatedly denied,” he said.

China supports Palestine’s full membership of the United Nations: Report

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Beijing supports Palestine becoming a full member of the United Nations.

Wang declared support for Palestine’s UN membership at a news conference with his Indonesian counterpart in Jakarta, China’s state-backed digital news outlet The Paper reports.

Wang also said Israel’s war on Gaza had created a humanitarian disaster and an “unconditional ceasefire” should be implemented immediately, the news outlet said.

The UN Security Council is expected to vote on Friday on a Palestinian request for full UN membership, a move that the US – Israel’s staunchest ally – is expected to block.

Israeli tanks push back into northern Gaza, warplanes hit Rafah

Much of Rafah, like the rest of Gaza, is now rubble.

Israeli air strikes have repeatedly targeted the area, levelling homes and killing thousands of Palestinians.

Tamam al-Handy, a displaced mother now seeking shelter in Rafah, told Al Jazeera that she fears Israeli forces will launch a ground invasion of the area where so many have fled to for safety.

“We are scared if an invasion takes place in Rafah. Where can we go?” she said.

Israeli Air Force pounds over 40 sites in Gaza in single day, war monitors report

Israel’s Air Force attacked more than 40 sites in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday as Palestinian fighters reported carrying out 14 mortar and rocket-propelled grenade attacks on Israeli forces in the territory’s northern Beit Hanoon city.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP), two US-based defence think tanks, said the Israeli air attacks targeted “explosively rigged buildings, observation posts, and underground military infrastructure”.

A group aligned with Hamas, the Popular Resistance Committees, also reported firing a barrage of rockets into Israel on Wednesday that targeted an Israeli military base in the Zikim area, located to the north of the Gaza Strip, the ISW and CTP said.

Deadly Israeli attacks on occupied West Bank must be investigated: UN

The spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says a surge in attacks by settlers and Israel forces in the occupied West Bank is “extremely worrying”.

“The killing of civilians is to be condemned and needs to be fully investigated,” Stephane Dujarric told a news conference at the UN headquarters in New York City.

At least 468 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers, settlers or both in the occupied West Bank since October 7, the Palestinian Health Ministry says.

The thousands of Palestinians Israel arrests, tortures, holds even in death

Local monitors say at least 9,500 Palestinians from the occupied West Bank are in captivity, a sharp uptick from the 5,200 who were in prison before October 7.

Many are held under “administrative detention” – a measure inherited from the British colonial mandate that Israeli authorities use to hold Palestinians captive without charge or process indefinitely.

Palestinians in administrative detention have no information about their situation, not being told the charges against them or the ostensible evidence.

“They don’t treat you like a human being in prison. They treat you like an animal,” Nada*, 24, a Palestinian who has been held under administrative detention, told Al Jazeera.

25,000 tonnes of explosives dropped on Gaza, ‘largely’ using AI: UN expert

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territory, has said that 25,000 tonnes of explosives have been dropped on Gaza, “largely identified as targets by artificial intelligence [AI]”.

Albanese added that 250 people were killed per day during the first weeks of Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip when she says 2,000-pound “bunker buster bombs” were “launched on densely populated areas”.

Albanese made the comments after Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, Tzipi Hotovely, told the UK broadcaster Sky News to “just imagine how things would have looked” if a huge missile fell “in the middle of a city like Jerusalem”.

“Just think about it hitting neighbourhoods and people and children,” Hotovely said.

Hotovely made the comments in an interview about the missiles and drones Iran launched on Israel on Saturday night, which she acknowledged caused “barely no damage”.

Far-right Israeli minister calls for ‘disproportionate’ attack on Iran

Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s hardline finance minister, says retaliation for Iran’s strikes must “rock Tehran so everyone there will realise they shouldn’t mess with us”.

Palestine Football Association calls on FIFA to exclude Israel over Gaza

A submission to the world football body by the Palestinian Football Association (PFA) highlights social media posts by officials in the Israel Football Association that “indicate strong support for genocide in Gaza”.

“All the football infrastructure in Gaza has been either destroyed or seriously damaged, including the historic stadium of Al-Yarmuk, which was turned by the Israeli occupation into a concentration camp, as documented by more than one international organisation,” the PFA said.

The Israel Football Association has failed to take action against discrimination and racism in its league, “which constitutes a direct violation of Article 3 of the FIFA statutes”, it said.

One Israeli team from Jerusalem “proudly sings about how it is the most racist team in Israel. They scream epithets such as ‘terrorist’ at the Arabs who play for opposing squads”, the PFA alleged.

The White House says it will soon announce a new round of sanctions against Iran

Professor Mohamad Elmasry, of the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, said it has been “fascinating” to watch as the US and allied countries refuse to condemn, or even acknowledge, Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus.

“They are turning a blind eye to Israeli aggression and they are throwing all of the blame on Iran, which was just retaliating,” Elmasry said.

“This is what US foreign policy does, and I think we can expect more of that unfortunately,” he told Al Jazeera.



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'Will Israel attack Iran’s nuclear plants?

The Middle East stands on the brink of a wider war following Iran’s retaliation against Israel for the attack on its consulate in Damascus on April 1 that killed seven members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp (IRGC), including three top generals.

The howls of condemnation of Iran from Israel, the US and their allies stand in stark contrast to their tacit support for Israel’s act of war and blatant violation of international law. The air strike not only violated Syrian sovereignty, as Israel has done repeatedly, but also constituted an attack on Iranian soil, as embassies are regarded by international convention.

The April 1 attack was not the first. Israel has been deliberately goading Iran into retaliation through a series of targeted strikes. In the past six months, while waging its genocidal war on Palestinians in Gaza, Israeli air strikes have killed at least 18 IRGC members, including key figures in Iranian relations in the Middle East. These include General Sayyed Razi Mousavi, who was regarded as Iran’s top commander in Syria.

Tehran has repeatedly declared that it does not want war in the Middle East. Its retaliation on Saturday was calibrated more to assuage public anger at home, than to inflict serious damage on the Israeli airbase that it targeted. The ability of the militaries of Israel, the US, Britain, France and other countries to shoot down virtually all of the missiles and drones launched by Iran stems above all from the fact that Tehran telegraphed details of its plans to several Middle Eastern governments knowing the information would be passed on to Washington.

Having established a pretext, Israel will undoubtedly strike back. Israeli chief of staff Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi said as much on Monday and the Israeli war cabinet has been in virtually constant session since Saturday. When and how will be determined by a multitude of political and tactical considerations and is the subject of widespread speculation in the Western media and think tanks.

What is not in doubt is that one of the prime targets of the fascistic Israeli regime is Iran’s nuclear program and its capacity to build nuclear weapons if it chooses to do so. It is an open secret that Israel has an arsenal of nuclear bombs, variously estimated at between 100 and 400, along with sophisticated delivery systems. It will stop at nothing to maintain its monopoly of nuclear arms in the Middle East, especially over Iran.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly declared that Israel will not permit Iran to develop a nuclear arsenal and is an open advocate of using military means to achieve that end. As such, Netanayahu has been a bitter opponent of the deal struck in 2015 between the major powers and Tehran, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which imposed severe limits on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for an easing of crippling sanctions imposed by the UN, US and EU. Trump unilaterally abandoned the JCPOA and Biden’s claims to resurrect the deal have foundered on his refusal to offer the slightest concession to Iran.

In an interview a year ago with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Netanyahu poured scorn on the nuclear deal with Iran, declaring “it would have paved their way with gold” towards achieving Tehran’s objectives. He then stated:

“If you want to stop Iran from becoming… military nuclear power, the only way that you can stop them is with a credible military threat. This is what worked against Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapon program in Iraq. That was done by us. This is what worked against Bashar al-Assad’s nuclear military plans in Syria. That was done by us.”

The references to Iraq and Syria make absolutely clear that what Netanyahu means by “threat” is a military attack. On June 7, 1981, Israeli war planes bombed and partially destroyed Iraq’s Osirak nuclear research reactor, killing 10 Iraqi soldiers and a French engineer. On September 2007, Israeli F-16 fighters bombed the partially completed al-Kubar nuclear facility near Deir ez-Zor in Syria.

The Israeli regime has now openly stated its determination to end Iran’s nuclear programs and that military strikes are the only means for achieving that end. It has already been engaged in a criminal war of assassination and sabotage inside Iran aimed at interrupting and slowing Iran’s progress.

Speaking to CNN, Netanyahu obliquely referred to Israel’s covert activities, saying that Iran lags behind its original plans because of “efforts that we made, which are many folds, some in the operational side, some in the economic and the political side… we were able to slow them down. But not able to stop them completely.”

There is a long list of murders, bombings and cyber-attacks inside Iran, never publicly acknowledged by Israel, but almost certainly carried out either directly by Mossad or its proxies—some in collaboration or by the US. To cite just a couple:

In November 2020, a team of assassins ambushed and killed Iran’s top nuclear physicist Moshen Fakhrizadeh in a brutal attack in Tehran in broad daylight. His car was raked by automatic weapons fire and a pickup truck loaded with explosives was blown up next to it. A year later, the New York Times, based on inside sources, acknowledged the murder was carried out by Israel and reveled in its ability in “methodically picking off” Iranian nuclear experts. Five had been killed to that point in targeted Israeli assassinations since 2007, and another wounded.
Of the many cyber-attacks on Iran, one of the most damaging involved the infection of 30,000 computers across at least 14 facilities with the Stuxnet virus in 2010. Initially uncovered at Iran’s nuclear power plant at Bushehr, it spread, including to Iran’s Natanz uranium enrichment facility, where, according to one estimate, it destroyed as many as 1,000 of the 9,000 centrifuges by causing them to spin out of control. Two years later, a detailed article in the New York Times reported the US and Israel were responsible for the sabotage.
Israel certainly has the stated determination to halt Iran’s nuclear programs and the means of carrying out a reckless and inflammatory attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. To do so, however, would be tantamount to a declaration of war that would likely rapidly spiral out of control. To inflict permanent damage, a massive strike would be required as Iran’s nuclear facilities are far more extensive than those of Iraq or Syria, and the most sensitive are buried deep underground.

While for political and tactical reasons Israel may decide to hold back at least in the short term, it is widely understood that the possibility of an attack exists. On Monday, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Rafael Grossi expressed concerns that Israel would strike Iranian nuclear plants where its inspectors were working. Grossi said Iran closed its nuclear facilities on Sunday over “security considerations” and that, while they reopened on Monday, he kept IAEA inspectors away “until we see that the situation is completely calm.”

Whatever Israel’s immediate response to Iran’s retaliatory strikes on Saturday, it will not be cosmetic. Having goaded Iran into striking back, and knowing that it has the “rock solid” support of US imperialism and its allies, it is likely that Israel will exploit the situation to inflict a serious blow against Iran or its regional allies—further escalating the widening regional conflict.



It sounds like Columbia students are really fed up with the bullshit.


I'm pretty sure that more than just students feel that way.

What I can't wrap my head around is why they would assault students and violate their political rights. It used to be the case that the powers that be, did not bother students about their political expression, because everybody knew that eventually careerism takes over and most of those political ideals go out of the window, all on their own.

By attacking these people, they broke that mechanism, because political Zionism now registers as immoral AND a career threat. This is how opinions solidify into unshakable convictions. Even disinterested bystanders that don't care about Gaza will conclude that interference from the Zionist lobby could potentially become a threat to them as well.

They're not getting compliance with that type of repression, they'll get political instability. If they make the leash shorter, more people will tug on it. If enough people tug, they'll be the ones that fall over.


>I'm pretty sure that more than just students feel that way.

>They're not getting compliance with that type of repression, they'll get political instability. If they make the leash shorter, more people will tug on it. If enough people tug, they'll be the ones that fall over.

It does seem incredibly stupid and short-sighted! It's very possible that it's just a replication of Zionist insanity in an environment where it is clumsy and registered as hostile. There are a couple other hypotheticals which come to mind, though:

First, I consider that this could be a game of trying to bait students through incredibly aggressive suppression, with the aim being to eventually get a hard enough response that the university can try to play the victim and act like they did nothing to provoke it. This will not work on most people at this point, but they could still be gunning for this.

Second, perhaps this is part of some broad scheme to sow political instability in the US in general. This one seems unlikely, since the Israelis seem to be able to control "stable" America just fine, but perhaps it's setup for a more repressive approach.


UN Security Council debates Middle East, Palestine


Russia spitting


Even Iran's saying some good stuff, Abdullah must be scared.


>It does seem incredibly stupid and short-sighted! It's very possible that it's just a replication of Zionist insanity in an environment where it is clumsy and registered as hostile.
Yeah this seems to be the most likely case.

>First, I consider that this could be a game of trying to bait students through incredibly aggressive suppression, with the aim being to eventually get a hard enough response that the university can try to play the victim and act like they did nothing to provoke it. This will not work on most people at this point, but they could still be gunning for this.

The crybully tactic has run it's course, pretty much everybody has been socially immunized.

>Second, perhaps this is part of some broad scheme to sow political instability in the US in general. This one seems unlikely, since the Israelis seem to be able to control "stable" America just fine, but perhaps it's setup for a more repressive approach.

I'm not sure who controle who or how such a tiny country could have so much influence over US politics, but it is undeniable that US support for the Zionist project in Israel is extremely self destructive.


They've got entire police buses arresting the students.


The US is reportedly planning to veto the UNSC resolution to recognize Palestine as a full UN member.


>The US is reportedly planning to veto the UNSC resolution to recognize Palestine as a full UN member.
I remember that not that long ago that the security council passed a resolution on Israel (sorry i forgot which one), and the US just declared it "non-binding".
What if the rest of the council just returned the Fuk-U and declared it a "non-binding veto".


Political Zionism is on the way out:
<Arrested for protesting against the Gaza genocide
+15% credibility bonus for future politicians


They should, but they won't.


US stops UN from recognizing a Palestinian state through membership

The US has vetoed a draft resolution that recommended to the 193-member UN General Assembly that “the State of Palestine be admitted to membership of the United Nations.”

Britain and Switzerland abstained, while the remaining 12 council members voted yes.



Russia slams US for rejecting Palestine’s bid for full UN membership

Russia’s ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia has spoken in favour of granting Palestine full membership to the Security Council, saying “an absolute majority of the global community” also supports it.

By exercising its veto, the US has demonstrated “what they really think of the Palestinians”, Nebenzia told the UNSC.

Washington thinks “they do not deserve to have their own state”, and it only realises “the interest of Israel”, he said.

Nebenzia said the US is turning a blind eye to the “crimes of Israel” against civilians in Gaza, as well as the continuation of the illegal settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.

“The aim is to break the Palestinians’s will, to force them once and for all to submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants and second-class persons, and perhaps, to once and for all force them out of their native territory,” he said.

However, he said, “that policy is only having an opposite impact”.



Reports of Israeli missile attack on site in Iran

US TV network ABC News, citing an unnamed US official, has reported that Israeli missiles have hit a site in Iran.

Iran’s Fars news agency said an explosion was heard at an airport in the Iranian city of Isfahan but the cause was not immediately known, the Reuters news agency reports.

Iranian state media also reports that flights have been suspended over several cities including Isfahan, Shiraz and Tehran.

Reuters said that several Iranian nuclear sites are located in Isfahan province, including Natanz, which is considered the centrepiece of Iran’s uranium enrichment programme.

Tension between Israel and Iran has grown in recent weeks leading to the launching by Tehran of hundreds of drones and missiles in a retaliatory strike after a suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian embassy compound in Syria on April 1.

Iran activates air defence over several cities: State media

Iranian state media reports that air defence systems have been activated over several cities after explosions were heard near the central city of Isfahan.

“Iran’s air defence has been activated in the skies of several provinces of the country,” the official IRNA news agency said.

The cause of the explosions heard in Isfahan remains unknown, according to Iranian media, though ABC News earlier reported a US official as saying that Israel had launched missiles against a target in Iran.

Palestinian’s bid doesn’t go any further than this, but level of support significant
Gabriel Elizondo
Reporting from New York, United States

This is how the process plays out in the Charter of the United Nations:

It first goes to the Security Council committee. If it doesn’t get consensus in the committee, it can then be forced to a vote.

That’s the vote that you just saw right now with the resolution put forward by Algeria.

The US decided to veto it. That’s it. It does not go to the General Assembly.

There’s no other avenue for Palestine at this point to get full membership unless the United States changes its position, but we don’t see that in the foreseeable future.

This was really a vote that was pretty overwhelmingly in favour of Palestine.

The fact that you saw Ecuador, Korea, Japan and France vote for this really shows how isolated the United States is on this issue.

Make no mistake about it: The United States would have preferred that this would not have gotten nine votes because then it would not have had to veto it.

We’re here every day at the UN. We talk to diplomats; we gauge the mood on a daily basis. And it wasn’t guaranteed that this was going to get nine votes. The fact it got 12 votes in favour of Palestine is very significant. Make no mistake about that.

‘Unfair, unethical and unjustified’: Palestine responds to US veto

The Palestinian presidency has condemned the US veto of the Security Council resolution that recommended full UN membership for a Palestinian state.

The presidency said in a statement the US veto was “unfair, unethical and unjustified”.

PRCS expresses ‘grave concern’ over safety of its detained members

The Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) says six members of its team are still detained by Israeli forces.

Their fate remains “unknown”, the group said in a post on X.

“Their families and colleagues are deeply concerned for them, especially as they are aware that they are currently being subjected to torture and humiliation based on the testimonies of their released colleagues,” PRCS said.

Israeli Air Force pounds Palestinian fighters as rockets fired at Israel

The armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad conducted two rocket attacks on southern Israel on Thursday as the Israeli military called in airstrikes against dozens of targets in the Gaza Strip, war monitors said.

In their latest battlefield assessment, US-based think tanks the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) report that Israelis forces concluded a week-long operation in Nuseirat in central Gaza to expand the Netzarim corridor, which cuts the Palestinians territory in two.

The corridor – a 6.5 km-long road (4 miles) built by the Israelis – runs from east to west and was designed to give Israel’s military rapid access to Gaza and too cut off Palestinian movement between north and south in the territory.

The ISW and CTP said previously that Hamas and other armed groups had likely used an area in the central Gaza Strip as a rear base to target Israeli forces in northern Gaza and to also slip into previously cleared areas of southern Gaza City.

Clashes reported in occupied West Bank’s Nur Shams refugee camp

Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces have engaged in gun battles in the Nur Shams camp, located to the east of Tulkarem city.

Footage verified by Al Jazeera Arabic captures the sound of heavy gunfire in the camp where overnight a large explosive device targeted Israeli military vehicles.

We will bring you more on the situation in Nur Shams as information emerges.

Saudi Arabia expresses regret over UNSC failure

Saudi Arabia has expressed regret over the failure of the UN Security Council (UNSC) to adopt a draft resolution accepting full membership of the State of Palestine in the United Nations.

The US on Thursday vetoed the draft resolution, a decision Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas’s office has called “a blatant aggression … which pushes the region ever further to the edge of the abyss”.

Australia tells citizens to leave Israel, Palestinian territory

“We urge Australians in both Israel or the Occupied Palestinian Territories to depart if it’s safe to do so,” says the government’s travel advisory website.

It added that Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport could “pause operations due to heightened security concerns at any time, and at short notice”.

“Reconsider your need to travel to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories overall due to the volatile security situation, including the threat of terrorism, armed conflict and civil unrest.”

Large blast targets Israeli military during raid in occupied West Bank

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have shared video footage that shows the moment a large explosion targets Israeli military vehicles during a raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem city.

There were no reports from the Israeli military of possible casualties from the attack.



‘Blatant aggression’: PA condemns US veto of Palestine’s UN membership

Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas’s office has called the US veto of full UN membership for Palestine “a blatant aggression … which pushes the region ever further to the edge of the abyss.”

“The fact that this resolution did not pass will not break our will, and it will not defeat our determination,” Palestinian ambassador to the UN, Riyad Mansour, said following the vote, the AFP news agency reports.

“We will not stop in our effort. The state of Palestine is inevitable. It is real,” he said.

“Please remember that once this session adjourns, in Palestine, there are innocents paying the price with their lives … for the delay in justice, freedom and peace,” he added.

Amar Bendjama, UN ambassador for Algeria, the country which introduced the draft resolution recommending Palestinian membership to the UN General Assembly, said that “overwhelming” support for Palestine “sends a crystal clear message” that the Palestinians belong as a full UN member state and that their supporters “will return stronger and more vocal”.

Mass arrests as New York police break up pro-Palestinian protest camp at Columbia University

The Associated Press (AP) has reported that New York police have removed a pro-Palestinian protest encampment at Columbia University and arrested more than 100 demonstrators, including Isra Hirsi, the daughter of prominent US congresswoman Ilhan Omar.

Police said 108 people, including Hirsi, were charged with trespassing at the university. Two people were charged with obstructing government administration, the AP reports.

Students involved in the protest said they also were suspended from Columbia and Barnard College.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said the city was asked in writing by university officials to remove the encampment.

Omar, a Democratic Party representative for Minnesota, had questioned Columbia’s president Nemat Shafik at a hearing on Wednesday in the US Congress about the school’s targeting of pro-Palestinian protesters.

Israeli leaders fear int’l arrest warrants over Gaza war: Report

Senior Israeli officials have discussed the possibility that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague will issue arrest warrants for senior politicians and military chiefs over the conduct of Israel’s war on Gaza, according to media reports.

The Times of Israel said that the office of Foreign Minister Israel Katz confirmed that a meeting took place this week during which discussions took place “about the possibility that warrants could be issued” for Israeli military officials.

Israel’s Channel 12 reported on Thursday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also raised the possibility of international arrest warrants for breaches of international law in Gaza during meetings with the UK’s foreign secretary David Cameron and German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock.

According to the Times of Israel report, Netanyahu “sought their help” with possible ICC warrants.

US embassy issues travel restriction for employees in Israel

The US embassy in Israel says it is restricting travel of US government personnel within Israeli territory, following reports that Israeli missiles targeted Iranian territory.

The restrictions bar US government employees and their families from moving outside the greater Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Be’er Sheva areas “until further notice”, according to the embassy notice.

The embassy said it was introducing the measures out of “an abundance of caution”.



No plan for immediate retaliation against Israel, senior Iranian official says

Iran has no plan for immediate retaliation against Israel, a senior Iranian official told Reuters on Friday, hours after sources said Israel launched an attack on Iranian soil.

“The foreign source of the incident has not been confirmed. We have not received any external attack, and the discussion leans more towards infiltration than attack,” the Iranian official said on condition of anonymity.

According to Reuters, an Iranian analyst also told state TV on Friday that mini drones shot down by air defences in Isfahan were flown by “infiltrators from inside Iran”.

Meanwhile, the Israeli hard right minister Ben Gvir has posted a one-word post on X on Friday: “Feeble!”

Islamic State group fighters on Thursday killed 28 Syrian

soldiers and affiliated pro-government forces in two attacks on government-held areas of the war-torn country, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reports citing a war monitor.

In one attack, “22 regular army soldiers and fighters from pro-government forces were killed when IS jihadists opened fire on a military bus in eastern Homs province”, said the Syrian Observatory for Human rights.

Most of those killed were members of the al-Quds Brigade, a group comprising Palestinian fighters that has received support from Damascus ally Moscow in recent years, according to the Britain-based monitor.

Separately, “six Syrian soldiers died in another IS attack against a base near Albu Kamal,” in eastern Syria, the monitor reported.

State media has yet to report on the attacks, say AFP.

==Israel carried out a missile strike targeting an air defence
unit in its south and causing material damage, Syria’s state-run Sana news agency quoted a military statement as saying on Friday.==

According to the Associated Press (AP), the warplanes were seen around the time loud noises and drones were reported near a major Iranian airbase and nuclear site early on Friday.

That area of Syria is directly west of Isfahan, about 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) away, and east of Israel.

Iran fired air defence batteries early on Friday and some flights were diverted or grounded after reports of explosions near a major airbase and nuclear site where drones were spotted, say AP.

Oman, which has acted as a mediator in the Middle East, condemned on Friday the Israeli attack on Iranian soil, as well as “the repeated Israeli military attacks in the region”, said a foreign ministry statement, according to Reuters.

Iran’s nuclear facilities are “secure”, officials have said, after Israel carried out airstrikes on the Iran province on Friday, according to US officials.

IAEA says no damage to Iran's nuclear sites

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says there is no damage to Iran’s nuclear sites.

In a post on X, the agency said it continues to monitor the situation very closely and calls for extreme restraint from all sides, stressing that “nuclear facilities should never be a target in military conflicts”.

Explosions were heard in the area of Isfahan, a site associated with the country’s nuclear programme.

Earlier, Iran state television described all atomic sites in the area as “fully safe.”

Gen. Siavosh Mihandoost, a local army commander, also said that the incident caused “no damage” around Isfahan.

Israel’s far-right national security minister Itamar Ben Gvir came under severe criticism for harming Israel’s strategy against Iran after he suggested Israel was behind Friday’s attack on Iran, reports Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Iran’s state media reported that there were explosions in the central province of Isfahan, while a section of US media quoting US officials reported Israel had carried out retaliatory strikes on Iran.

When contacted by AFP, neither the Israeli military nor the government offered comments on the blasts.

Ben Gvir, a member of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition, on Friday wrote a one word post on X that reportedly means ‘feeble’ in Hebrew slang, suggesting that Israel was behind the blasts but its action was weak, reports AFP.

His comment swiftly sparked reactions on social media and television channels.

“Never before a minister has done such a heavy damage to the country’s security, its image, and its international status,” opposition leader Yair Lapid wrote on X. “In an unforgivable tweet of one word, Ben Gvir managed to sneer and shame Israel from Tehran to Washington.”

Shaiel Ben-Ephraim, an academic and host of a podcast on geopolitics, said that Ben Gvir “confirms the Israeli operation and ridicules it”.

“By doing so he undermines Israel’s power of deterrence. An absolute disgrace for a minister,” he wrote on X.

However, Tally Gotliv, lawmaker from Netanyahu’s Likud party cheered the developments in Iran.

“A morning of pride,” she wrote on X. “Israel is a strong and powerful country,” added Gotliv, who is also a member of Israeli parliament’s foreign affairs and security committee.


Israeli raid in West Bank’s Nur Shams causes ‘worst destruction’ in decades
Zein Basravi
Reporting from Ramallah in the occupied West Bank

The Israeli military went into Nur Shams refugee camp late Thursday night, and on Friday morning, they were still there.

In 12 hours of raids, they destroyed roads, buildings, shops, and houses, and tore up sewage lines.

On Friday morning, the raids were ongoing.

Locals describe the mayhem being carried out by the Israeli military as the worst destruction of infrastructure they’ve seen in the West Bank since the destruction of the Jenin refugee camp during the second intifada in the early 2000s.

Residents say they are worried that this escalation and intensity is a signal that once the Israeli military is done with Gaza, the West bank will be next.

Biden mulling another $1bn in weapons sales to Israel: Report

The weapons deals being floated would provide Israel with $700 million worth of tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles, and less than $100 million in mortar rounds, according to US officials cited by the Wall Street Journal.

These proposed arms transfers could supplement those put forward in a separate bill by House Republicans that budgets $26bn in additional military aid to Israel.

Biden has faced growing backlash, even from leading figures in his own party, for continuing to supply Israel weapons even while raising concerns about Israel’s war conduct and the worsening humanitarian toll in Gaza.





Iraq's armed groups: Leader warns against Rafah operation


Johnson hawks $95 billion Israel, Ukraine aid package amid threats to speakership

Speaker Mike Johnson and other House Republican leaders released a $95 billion foreign aid package Wednesday that provides funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan – as Congress continues to grapple with a response to actions taken by Russia, Iran and China that have defied the international community.

The package includes $26.4 billion for Israel aid, including $4 billion to replenish Israel's Iron Dome defense system, $60.8 billion for Ukraine aid, including $23 billion for replenishing weapons and $8.1 billion for Indo-Pacific aid.

Johnson, who is facing a small revolt within his own conference and will need to rely on Democratic votes to advance the package, told members to expect a final passage vote on the package Saturday evening. But the path to getting there will be an uphill battle and could potentially cost the speaker his gavel.



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Leader of the Tulkarem resistance brigade killed by Israeli forces

As we’ve been reporting, Israeli forces have been conducting a raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp east of Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank.

Al Jazeera’s Zein Basravi, reporting from Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank, says in the last hour, four Palestinian resistance fighters have been killed by Israeli forces.

“One of them was the leader of the Tulkarem resistance brigade – the battalion of about 50 men strong that is based in Tulkarem – a man named Mohammed Jaber,” he said.

He added that the four bodies of the Palestinian fighters were taken into Israeli custody.

Jaber has been targeted in the past, and his brother was killed in December.

“This very dramatic escalation of events in the occupied West Bank in this ongoing raid seemed to have been successful in targeting Mohammed Jaber,” he added.

Gaza Freedom Flotilla participants prepare to embark

“Hundreds” of people have arrived in Istanbul, Turkey, to join a Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which aims to deliver “over 5,000 tons of humanitarian aid” to the besieged enclave.

“The Freedom Flotilla Coalition stands here to remind the world that with all the escalation between Israel and Iran, the killing is occurring in Gaza,” the coalition said in a statement.

“While those two countries go back and forth, we cannot let Israel distract the world from what is causing far more death, disease, and destruction: Israel’s policies of starving and continued bombardment of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza, mostly women and children.”

In the next three days, those joining the flotilla will undergo “non-violence” training and learn strategies to protect themselves in the event of an attack.

The cargo ship, which will be accompanied by two passenger ships, is expected to depart next week.

‘Israel is a creature of US foreign policy,’ says Irish MP

Irish Member of Parliament Richard Boyd Barrett says the US is “very committed” to defending the Israeli government and showed this last night when it used its veto to block Palestine from becoming a full UN member.

“The United States has been key to providing Israelis with the means and the impunity to continue its crimes in Gaza over the last six months, but also for many decades. So I don’t think anybody could be surprised, and in many ways, Israel is a creature of US foreign policy,” Barrett told Al Jazeera.

He added that European countries were currently discussing recognising the state of Palestine due to the growing awareness of the treatment of Palestinians during the war.

“But we do want it to be a substitute for the sanctions that need to be imposed on Israel. And I fear sometimes there’s a tendency, my own government, other governments in Europe, to give symbolic support for Palestine but not follow it up with what’s really necessary,” he added.



>Speaker Mike Johnson and other House Republican leaders released a $95 billion foreign aid package Wednesday that provides funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan – as Congress continues to grapple with a response to actions taken by Russia, Iran and China that have defied the international community.

They really gonna try to fight on 3 fronts ?


Lol I forgot how ridiculous the tone in that article was. The fuck did China even do that the article's implying they're mad about? Sail a boat too close to a US special forces op?

And to answer your question… no, I think that once Trump's in, they'll probably add in war with Mexico, so it'll be four fronts.


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>be Israeli
>family gets kidnapped
>own government shoots them
>get hit by car


>they'll probably add in war with Mexico, so it'll be four fronts.
For real ? Like with the US military going in ?
I'm out of the loop on that one, can you explain the context.


There are guys in the Trump camp who very openly have ambitions to just start opening fire on the Mexicans at the border, and for years they've been using rhetoric about it being an "invasion." A lot of people would just think it was hyperbole, but it's actually been saber rattling. Trump, for his part, was on his social network claiming that some of the people camped at the border were Hamas, which really gives it away.

There was also the bullshit "standoff" earlier this year over who gets to put Mexicans in cages; ordinarily, it would be unambiguous that national immigration is within the jurisdiction of the federal government, the law is fairly clear on this, but the Supreme Court was almost split. This whole thing was largely a diversion, a pissing contest between two thuggish organizations to distract from their genocidal agreements, but to the extent a 'difference' exists in the policy, it is that one policy is eager to cage Mexicans and disregard any sort of due process, and the other policy aims for the "state's right" to kill foreign nationals with impunity. Both are eager to use Mexicans as an "out group" to sic the populace against so that the populace is distracted and easier to rob.

Add to all of this the reminder that these people are all in the pocket of AIPAC and the MIC; they aren't joking around when they say stuff that sounds fascist, fascists literally paid for their jobs.


Forgot to mention, Craig Murray's running in Blackburn.


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Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Forces base rocked by blast

Reuters, citing army sources, reports that a huge blast rocked a military base used by Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) to the south of Baghdad.

A statement released by the PMF in the Babylon province, south of Baghdad, stated that “American aggression bombed the Kalsu military base”. No casualties were reported.

PRCS says it has lost contact with ambulance crews

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reports that it has lost contact with its crews inside the Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank’s Tulkarem after two ambulances entered to help injured Palestinians.

As we have reported earlier, a raid has been ongoing in the camp since Thursday. At least five people, including a teenager, have been killed.

Several killed in attack on southern Gaza’s Rafah

At least seven people have been killed in an Israeli air raid on the Tal as-Sultan neighbourhood in Rafah, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported.

The majority of those killed were “women and children”, it said, adding that a strike hit a residential home.

It said the death toll is likely to rise given the number of people who sustained injuries.

More Israeli military tanks seen headed towards Nur Shams refugee camp

Videos verified by Al Jazeera show a lineup of Israeli military tanks and bulldozers heading towards the Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank’s Tulkarem.

Video posted on Instagram and verified by Al Jazeera shows young men being arrested by Israeli troops.

As we’ve been reporting, the Israeli army raided the camp yesterday, and the raid is still ongoing. At least five people, including a teenager, have been killed.

Al Jazeera’s Zein Basravi, reporting from Tulkarem, said a short while ago the raid has caused some of the “worst destruction in decades”.


Quds Brigades claim attack on southern Israel

Earlier, we reported that air raid sirens sounded in areas of southern Israel surrounding the Gaza Strip, and that fragments of an air defence missile fell on a neighbourhood of Sderot, near the border.

The Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, has claimed responsibility for this attack, saying it “bombed” the Israeli localities of Sderot and Niram.

No damage or casualties were reported from the Israel side.

‘Hundreds’ suffering from respiratory illnesses amid lack of cooking gas

Gaza’s civil defence has called for the “urgent” entry of cooking gas, particularly to Gaza City and the northern parts of the Strip.

In a statement, it said families have resorted to cooking using plastic pots over charcoal and firewood for months, which have released “poisonous gas”.

This has caused a “new humanitarian and health crisis”, the civil defence said, adding that its teams have so far registered “hundreds” of cases of people suffering from respiratory illnesses.

Strikes on Iran could be part of Israel’s strategic signalling

Omar Ashour, a professor of security and military studies at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, has spoken to Al Jazeera about what we know so far about Israel’s reported strike on Iran and what it may have wanted to demonstrate.

Here is a short summary:

There was a suppression of Syrian air defences in the south, mainly to allow space for the Israeli air force to launch what seems to be Sparrow air-launched ballistic missiles from Iraq.
We know this because the Iraqis have shown part of a Blue Sparrow booster, which is an old missile designed to be a target for Israeli defence system training.
The Blue Sparrow replicates Shahed 2 and 3 munitions that the Israelis could practice shooting at.
We see now that it was used as an attack weapon. So there’s a bit of a question mark about whether there was, in fact, a payload.
According to some of the reports, there were three missiles launched, and they hit an air defence system near one of the nuclear facilities near Isfahan.
This is part of Israel’s strategic signalling that it has sophisticated capabilities. Its military suppressed Syrian air defences, went through Iraqi air defences unscathed and managed to reach an air defence system very close to an Iranian nuclear establishment.

PRCS says its ambulances barred from entering Nur Shams camp amid Israeli raid

The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) says Israeli army forces are still preventing its ambulance vehicles from entering the Nur Shams camp in the occupied West Bank’s Tulkarem.

As we’ve been reporting, the Israeli army raided the camp yesterday and the raid is still ongoing. At least five people, including a teenager, have been killed.

PRCS earlier reported that one of its volunteer medics was shot and injured while working at the scene, and that no ambulances have been able to reach him so far.

Iran’s military still on ‘high alert’

Al Jazeera’s correspondent Ali Hashem reports that Iran’s military remains on high alert for possible further attacks tonight, even as informed sources indicate a halt to direct confrontation with Israel.

Palestinian teen killed during Israeli raid on Tulkarem’s Nur Shams refugee camp

A 16-year-old Palestinian boy has been shot and killed during Israel’s ongoing raid of the Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank’s Tulkarem, the Health Ministry reports.

The boy – identified as Qais Fathi Nasrallah – arrived at the hospital in Tulkarem after already succumbing to his wounds, the ministry said.

He was shot in the head with live bullets, it added.



Student protest calling for ceasefire in Gaza continues at New York’s Columbia University

A protest in New York City calling for a ceasefire in Gaza has entered its third night, as students continue to occupy the central square of Columbia University.

The protesters denounced the decision of university president Minouche Shafik to authorise the police to arrest at least 108 demonstrators, who erected tents inside the campus to call attention to the Israeli war on Gaza.

The student protesters are also demanding that Columbia University divest from companies linked to Israel.

The university’s student publication, Columbia Spectator, reported that as of Friday evening, all individuals who were arrested have been released from custody.

But the publication said the university has also begun issuing formal notices of “interim suspension starting late Friday” to students who participated in Wednesday’s “Gaza Solidarity Encampment”.

Outrage over the arrest of the students has set off similar protests at other top US universities, including Harvard and Yale.


Child killed or injured every 10 minutes in Israel’s war on Gaza: UN

The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has warned that a Palestinian child is either killed or injured every 10 minutes in Gaza, according to data from the territory’s Ministry of Health.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) highlights the damning statistic on child casualties of Israel’s war on Gaza in its latest flash assessment of the situation in Gaza.

OCHA also points out that between April 1 and Friday, 15 percent of humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza and those to parts of southern Gaza that “require coordination have been denied or impeded by Israeli authorities”.

Gun battles continue in Nur Shams between Palestinian fighters, Israeli forces
Hamdah Salhut
Reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

Nearly 34 hours later, the Israeli army is still operating in the Nur Shams refugee camp.

At around 3am local time (00:00 GMT), confrontations between Palestinian fighters and the Israeli military broke out once again.

We are looking at, at least, five people killed and more than 60 military vehicles and bulldozers that have gone in and wreaked havoc on the Palestinian refugee camp.

Residents are saying that this is some of the worst destruction that they have seen in decades.

Since the war in Gaza started, the Israeli army has really stepped up these raids. Since all of the attention was on Gaza, there wasn’t really a lot of focus on the West Bank. So the Israeli military has been going in and killing Palestinians – at least 473 have been killed in these near-nightly raids that the Israeli military has been engaged in.

You are also looking at nearly 8,300 arrests and nearly 5,000 people who have been wounded as well.

During the war in Gaza in the last six months, the Israeli army has really stepped up these military operations.

Barbados officially recognises Palestine as a state

Barbados has formally recognised Palestine as a state, becoming the 11th Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member to do so.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Kerrie Symmonds said the country’s cabinet had “made the determination that the time is ripe for us to have a formal diplomatic recognition of the State of Palestine”.

Symmonds said Barbados has always maintained at the United Nations that there should be a two-state solution to the conflict.

“But ironically, despite having said to the world that we would like to see a two-state solution, Barbados itself has never recognised the State of Palestine. And therefore, there is an incongruity and inconsistency because how can we say we want a two-state solution if we do not recognise Palestine as a state?”

However, Symmonds stressed that the decision does not affect the relationship Barbados has with Israel.

In all, 140 out of 193 United Nations member states, including Barbados, now consider Palestine a state.

Attack on Iraqi base used by Popular Mobilisation Forces ‘not the first time’
Mahmoud Abdelwahed
Reporting from Baghdad, Iraq

The head of the security forces in Iraq’s Babil (Babylon) province says five explosions were heard following an attack on the military base in Camp Kalsu, which is being used by the Popular Mobilisation Forces.

The camp also houses an ammunition depot and a warehouse for tanks and other arms in the area.

Now, it is not confirmed yet whether the camp was hit with a drone or a missile.

This is not the first time that the Popular Mobilisation Forces was hit.

But also remember that the Popular Mobilisation Forces, including the Islamic Resistance, which includes Iran-aligned groups, have also been carrying out dozens of attacks against Israeli coalition forces and the US in the region over the past six months.

One killed, six wounded following blast targeting PMF in Iraq

Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), an official security force, said its command post at the Camp Kalsu military base south of Baghdad was hit by a huge explosion, which two security sources said came from an air strike.

One PMF fighter was killed and six were wounded, two sources at a hospital in the nearby city of Hilla told Reuters news agency.

Earlier, a statement released by the PMF in Babil (Babylon) province stated that “American aggression bombed the Kalso military base”.

The area is located near the town of Iskandariya around 50km (31 miles) south of the capital, Baghdad.

The PMF started out as a grouping of armed factions, many with close links to Iran, that was later recognised as a formal security force by Iraqi authorities.

Iran FM says response to Israel will be ‘maximum’ if ‘adventurism’ continues

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said Iran will respond to the “maximum” if Israel acts against his country’s interests.

“As long as there is no new adventurism by Israel against our interests, then we are not going to have any new reactions,” he said.

“If Israel takes a decisive action against my country and this is proven to us, our response will be immediate and to the maximum,” Amirabdollahian said, speaking through a translator, in an interview with the US’s NBC News.

The foreign minister was speaking following reports of an Israeli drone raid on Iran early on Friday.

Amirabdollahian, however, said the incident was “not a strike”.

“They were more like toys that our children play with – not drones,” he said.

Israel’s war on Gaza in numbers

The number of Palestinians killed in Israel’s six-month war on the Gaza Strip has reached 34,012, the territory’s Health Ministry said in its latest daily update.

The ministry said 42 people were killed and 63 injured in the past 24 hours. In the last two hours, the Palestinian news agency Wafa also reported at least seven people were killed in an Israeli air raid on the Tal as-Sultan neighbourhood in Rafah.

An additional 76,833 people have been wounded in the war since October 7.

The death toll is likely far higher with thousands of bodies buried in the rubble of buildings collapsed by Israeli strikes.



Those israeli fuckers bombed iraq??


WASHINGTON – The House is preparing in a rare Saturday session to approve $95 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel and other U.S. allies, Democrats and Republicans joining together behind the legislation after a grueling months-long fight over renewed American support for repelling Russia's invasion into Ukraine.

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson — putting his job on the line — relied on Democratic support this week to set up a series of votes on three aid bills, as well as a fourth that contains several other foreign policy proposals. If the votes are successful, the package will go to the Senate, where passage in the coming days is nearly assured. President Joe Biden has promised to sign it immediately.



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Victims of Israel's recent playground airstrike.


Pissing off Iran wasn't enough apparently


They've been bombing Iraq.
But yes.


>Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Kerrie Symmonds said the country’s cabinet had “made the determination that the time is ripe for us to have a formal diplomatic recognition of the State of Palestine”.
>However, Symmonds stressed that the decision does not affect the relationship Barbados has with Israel.
This will annoy the Zionists more than if they had given them the middle finger. The Zionists have been on a trip to make everybody pick a side.
>In all, 140 out of 193 United Nations member states, including Barbados, now consider Palestine a state.
I was unaware it's so many already, what a pleasant surprise


Israelis protest at prison where Gaza detainees held

Dozens of activists from left-wing Israeli associations and organisations have demonstrated at the entrance to the Sde Teman military prison in the Negev desert, where the Israeli authorities are holding hundreds of prisoners they arrested from the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators raised banners demanding the release of prisoners and an end to torturing them. Testimony was read from a relative of a previously released prisoner who spoke about the torture he was subjected to and the extremely difficult conditions that prisoners live in inside this prison.

According to Israeli media, the demonstration lasted only a few minutes.

This video, verified by Al Jazeera, shows the group of protesters.


Israeli settler militias attack multiple areas in the occupied West Bank

Israeli settler militias have attacked Palestinians on the highway between Ramallah and Jericho in the occupied West Bank.

Since the October 7 Hamas attack, settler attacks have increased in the occupied West Bank, but recently, violent settler militias have attacked Palestinian homes and properties after the disappearance of a teenage Israeli settler who was found dead last week.

Several attacks by settlers and Israeli forces have been reported today, including:

An Israeli settler attack in Turmus Aya in the northeast of Ramallah, where cars and other properties were destroyed.
Israeli forces stormed the village of at-Tawani in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron, raided a number of homes and closed all entrances leading to the town.
In the village of Al Saywah, locals reported that Israeli settlers were attacking people and homes with gunfire, with reports of at least three injuries among Palestinians.



The US House of Representatives approves billions of dollars in military aid for Israel

The House has voted to provide Israel with $26 billion in emergency assistance, including almost $14 billion in unconditional military aid.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the approval of billions of dollars in new military aid showed strong support for Israel and “defends Western civilization”.

In a post on X, he said: “The US Congress just overwhelmingly passed a much appreciated aid bill that demonstrates strong bipartisan support for Israel and defends Western civilization. Thank you friends, thank you America!”



That was a lot more horrific than i thought it was going to be.

>playground airstrike

Israel was a mistake


It's completely horrible. I haven't seen all the footage, and I frankly don't want to, but of the stuff I've seen, that one's even worse than the shredded little girl hanging out of part of a ruined building one.


>They really gonna try to fight sell on 3 fronts ?
Damn bro, take a guess!


Law requires US to impose sanctions on Israeli military unit
Shihab Rattansi
reporting from Washington, DC

There’s been nothing from the State Department. Instead, they have leaked this information to a favoured journalist: We’re getting tough on a military unit in Israel as part of a third round of sanctions the Biden administration is imposing on Israeli violence in the West Bank.

But it’s not as simple as that. This isn’t part of some executive action by the Biden administration. This is simply what’s required by law.

And certainly, on the face of it, it seems the Biden administration and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in particular, have actively not been abiding by the law since December.

They were called out on Thursday when the US watchdog group Pro Publica published an extensive report based on the testimony of several current and former members of the State Department saying that the State Department got a panel together to investigate human rights abuses alleged to be committed by this Netzah Yehuda Israeli military unit and found in December that they were credible.

These are human rights abuses, extrajudicial murder – including of a Palestinian-American – rape and torture.

They presented that report to Blinken in December and in the words of one of the officials of the report, ‘It’s been in his briefcase ever since’.



$60.8bn Ukraine aid package approved by US House of Representatives

Where are they getting all this money??


From military power and petrodollar hegemony.


dat genocide is expensive as fuck


<sell on 3 fronts ?
>Damn bro, take a guess!
Even if this is just a big scam to funnel money into the MIC, and not a drive to war. Excessive spending on armaments is how you loose a cold war. The Soviets lost the first cold war and the cost of the arms-race was a significant factor.

The Chinese will continue to plow most of their surplus into growing their economy and uplifting the material conditions for the population. In a second cold war, they will be able to maintain strategic parity with the US while reducing the military expenses relative to the rest of their economy. That is a virtuous cycle. For the US it's going to be the opposite.
In 20 years China will spend 1% of it's budget on military and the US will spend 10%. For matching military power.


>Even if this is just a big scam to funnel money into the MIC, and not a drive to war.

I'd say it's both.


>I'd say it's both.
So the US will attack China in some form or another ?

Here's a small part of an interview Cockshott gave. (It's machine translated from Italian)
<struggle between imperialist powers at the last stage of capitalism?
>Even a struggle between the imperialist powers can promote progress. Japan's defeat of Holland and Britain in 1942 sowed the seed for the destruction of the colonial empires of those powers. Japan's defeat of Russia at Tsushima precipitated the 1905 revolution.
>The challenge to the European and American powers now comes mainly from China, which is not an expansionist imperial power. What American imperialism considers intolerable is the loss of industrial and technological superiority vis-à-vis China. It is likely that the American side will launch the aggression. The U.S. Navy’s military defeat in the South China Sea can become the American Tsushima, a moral blow that can turn the U.S. shaky structure into a civil war or revolution.

What do you think ?
IS that how it's gonna go ?


>So the US will attack China in some form or another ?
The US would probably prefer to bait China and then eventually attack.

>What do you think ?

>IS that how it's gonna go ?
I'd prefer we revolt before that happens.
When this occurs, I think the US won't allow it to be limited to US v. China in the sea, the US will aim to do maximum destruction. The interests leading the United States are philosophically in tune with the Israelis, they want to "bring the whole temple down" if they cannot maintain their domination over the American people and the world, and this philosophy is in tune with the old "ruin value" of the Nazis and a similar idea held by imperial Japan. Waiting for WWIII to start is not safe, and waiting for it to end is even worse.


>The US would probably prefer to bait China and then eventually attack.
The recent attempts at baiting China have not worked.
The last time the US took a jab at China,it ended with China negotiating a surprise peace agreement between the Saudis and Iran. And now the Saudis no longer regulate the oil-tap at the command of the US.

>I'd prefer we revolt before that happens.

Cockshott's political calculation is that a major defeat in an imperial advance, will be the catalyst to induce political change. Before that, change may not be possible.

>I think the US won't allow it to be limited to US v. China in the sea, the US will aim to do maximum destruction. The interests leading the United States are philosophically in tune with the Israelis, they want to "bring the whole temple down" if they cannot maintain their domination over the American people and the world, and this philosophy is in tune with the old "ruin value" of the Nazis and a similar idea held by imperial Japan. Waiting for WWIII to start is not safe, and waiting for it to end is even worse.

This is a valid point but WW3 has already begun. Our goal should be to find the best point to interrupt it and create an exit.
If you can find a point before the US and China do a big naval battle, all the better, but what's the catalyst then ?


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Nearly 200 bodies found in mass grave at hospital in Gaza’s Khan Younis

Palestinian civil defence crews have uncovered a mass grave inside the Nasser Medical Complex in Gaza’s Khan Younis, with 180 bodies recovered so far, Al Jazeera has learned, as Israel has continued bombardment of the devastated coastal enclave for more than six months.

The discovery comes after the Israeli military withdrew its troops from the southern city on April 7. Much of the Khan Younis is now in ruins after months of relentless Israeli bombardment and heavy fighting.

“In the hospital courtyard, civil defence members and paramedics have retrieved 180 bodies buried in this mass grave by the Israeli military. The bodies include elderly women, children and young men,” said Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Khan Younis.

34,097 Palestinians killed in Israel’s attack on Gaza

At least 34,097 Palestinians have been killed and 76,980 others wounded in Israel’s ongoing war on the Gaza Strip since October 7, its Health Ministry says.

At least 48 Palestinians were killed and 79 others injured in the past 24 hours, it added.

The death toll is likely far higher, with thousands of bodies believed buried in the debris of destroyed buildings from Israeli strikes.

“The Israeli occupation [forces] committed five massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, leaving 48 martyrs and 79 injured during the past 24 hours,” a ministry statement said. “Many people are still trapped under rubble and on the roads as rescuers are unable to reach them.”

Tulkarem governor calls for strike, day of public mourning over Nur Shams raid

Mustafa Taqatqa, the governor of Tulkarem, has called for a general strike in the occupied West Bank and a day of mourning on Sunday to protest an Israeli raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp that killed 14 Palestinians.

“All these crimes will not affect the determination of our people and their free will, leading to the end of the occupation and the establishment of our independent Palestinian state,” he was quoted as saying by the Wafa news agency.

Rampage missile used in Israel’s strike on Iran: Report

News reports say the weapon used in an attack on Iran last week was a sophisticated Israel-made air-to-surface missile that can apparently elude defence systems.

The Rampage missile is designed to penetrate well-protected areas such as bunkers, The Times of Israel reported. It weighs more than 500kg (2,200 pounds). The missile was identified from photos and matches the extent of the damage caused in the attack, the Kan broadcaster said.

The New York Times earlier reported the alleged Israeli strike near Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility used a high-tech missile able to evade Iran’s radar systems.

“The strike, two Western officials said, was calculated to deliver a message to Iran that Israel could bypass Iran’s defence systems undetected and paralyse them,” it said.

Israel has not officially commented on the strike while Iran has downplayed the incident.

Israeli warplanes target 3 towns in southern Lebanon

The Israeli military carried out air raids in southern Lebanon’s towns of Naqoura, Majdal Zoun and Aita al-Shaab.

Lebanon’s Bint Jbeil online media outlet shared a photo of the debris of a house in Majdal Zoun and photos of plumes of smoke rising from Naqoura and Aita al-Shaab.

Israel indicts sister of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh

Israel’s state attorney indicted the sister of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on charges of incitement and showing solidarity with a terrorist group.

The charge comes after Sabah Haniyeh allegedly praised Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel. She has been held in custody since her arrest on April 1, Israel’s Justice Ministry said.

The 57-year-old lives in the southern Israeli town of Tel Sheva. There was no immediate comment from her lawyer.

PA ministry assesses Israeli damage to Nur Shams refugee camp

The Palestinian Ministry of Public Works and Housing has begun cleaning up the camp following the destruction made by Israeli forces during their invasion over the past few days.

In a statement, Minister Ahed Bseiso said crews have begun working on opening roads, removing rubble, and assessing the initial damage to the infrastructure in the camp.

Bseiso said the damage is “severe” and includes roads, buildings and shops, and the electricity network.

Residents of the camp, whose homes have been destroyed in the Israeli military onslaught, are being aided with alternative accommodation as their homes get rebuilt, the ministry said.

Israeli police summons professor days after release from custody

Two days after being released, Israeli police have summoned Hebrew University professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian for another interrogation, according to her lawyer Alaa Mahajna.

As we previously reported, Professor Shalhoub-Kevorkian was released from custody after being arrested on April 18.

Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a vocal anti-Zionist, was arrested on suspicion of incitement after raising doubts about allegations of sexual assault during the Hamas-led attacks in southern Israel on October 7 and for allegedly calling Israelis “criminals”.

Shalhoub-Kevorkian is a Palestinian citizen of Israel. She is also a professor of law and an expert on trauma, state crimes and criminology, surveillance and genocide studies.

Israeli army spokesman praises Netzah Yehuda battalion, not familiar with US decision to sanction it

Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari has claimed on X that the military is unaware of a decision by the United States to impose sanctions on the Netzah Yehuda battalion.

“If a decision is made on the matter, it will be examined,” and “the Israeli army is working and will continue to work to investigate every unusual incident based on fact and in accordance with the law”, he said in Hebrew.

Hagari said that “Netzah Yehuda soldiers are now participating in the war in the Gaza Strip with courage and professionalism, while maintaining the values and spirit of [the Israeli army] and the principles of international law”.

Summer Lee’s primary race tests fallout for critics of the US’s Gaza policy
Joseph Stepansky

It was not a popular stance to take. Tensions were running high.

And yet, on October 16, less than two weeks into Israel’s war in Gaza, United States Representative Summer Lee joined other progressive Democrats in calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Palestinian enclave.

That caught Tanisha Long’s attention. A 34-year-old community activist from Lee’s district in western Pennsylvania, Long remembers admiring the representative’s willingness to take a stand.

After all, the bombs raining down on Gaza risked sparking a humanitarian crisis. But, few in Congress were criticising the military campaign at the time.

But Lee’s critical view of Israel’s war in Gaza has made her a target in the upcoming US election season. On Tuesday, Lee faces a competitive primary in her district as a fellow Democrat seeks to unseat her for being too “extreme”.

Israeli minister seeks sanctions against Palestinian Authority

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir demanded the imposition of “immediate sanctions” against the Palestinian Authority in response to “the Biden administration’s political decision” to blacklist the Israeli military’s Netzar Yehuda battalion.

The army unit stationed in the occupied West Bank has been accused of human rights abuses by officials in the US State Department.

Ben-Gvir said on X he wrote a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to convene a political and security cabinet this evening to sanction the PA, confiscating its funds, and formulating “a series of severe sanctions against the Palestinian banks”.

Aid group delivers food to northern Gaza; first time since October

“For the first time since October, and with thanks to your support, our #Gaza team has been able to deliver food parcels to people driven from their homes by the Israeli military in the north,” British charity Medical Aid for Palestinians said in a post on X.

Mahmoud Shalabi, from the charity’s Gaza team, said the packages will be delivered to 14 centres housing displaced people. The deliveries will help sustain midsize families for a week, he added.

Iran, Israel appear to pull back from the brink of war

Iran and Israel appear to have stepped back from the brink of broader conflict.

Iran downplayed Israel’s reported retaliation for its unprecedented drone and missile attack, tamping down fears that escalating attacks between the archenemies could tip over into a broader war in the Middle East.

However, a deadly blast at an Iraqi military base underlined the persisting tensions in the region, as did more deadly Israeli strikes in Gaza and intensifying clashes in the occupied West Bank. Hezbollah said three of its fighters were killed in an Israeli strike in south Lebanon.

“What happened last night wasn’t a strike,” Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian told NBC News of the apparent Israeli attack on Friday. “They were more like toys that our children play with — not drones.”

“As long as there is no new adventurism by Israel against our interests, then we are not going to have any new reactions,” he added.

US funds for Israel ‘an aggression against the Palestinian people’

Netanyahu has welcomed the billions of dollars in US assistance, writing on X it “demonstrates strong bipartisan support for Israel and defends Western civilization”.

But the Palestinian presidency condemned it as “an aggression against the Palestinian people” and a “dangerous escalation”.

The money would “translate into thousands of Palestinian casualties in the Gaza Strip” and the occupied West Bank, said Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.



Adalah petitions Israeli Supreme Court to allow MPs to visit Palestinian prisoners

Member of Knesset Ahmad Tibi, who is a Palestinian citizen of Israel, and Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel – have said there is an urgent need for these visits in light of the “harsh and inhumane” conditions in which Israel is holding Palestinian prisoners.

In the past six months, at least 13 Palestinians in Israel Prison Service (IPS) facilities have died.

The petition seeks an immediate halt to a policy implemented by the National Security Minister, the far-right Itamar Ben-Gvir, and the IPS, which has prevented Tibi from holding meetings with Palestinian prisoners for more than a year.

Tibi and Adalah are requesting a court order to allow him to visit prisoners, including Palestinian political leader and prisoner Marwan Barghouti, who has been subject to assaults by Israeli prison authorities, according to his family.

Rights group seeks probe into role of tech firms, media platforms in killings of Gaza civilians

A human rights group has said that the role of major technology companies and international social media platforms in the killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza must be investigated.

“These companies need to be held accountable if found to be complicit or not to have taken adequate precautions to prevent access to, and exploitation of, users’ information,” the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said.

There are frequent reports that Israel uses a number of artificial intelligence-supported technological systems to illegally track and monitor Palestinians, the group said.

“Google and Israel are collaborating on several technology initiatives, including Project Nimbus, which provides the Israeli army with tools for the increased monitoring and illegal data collection of Palestinians, thereby broadening Israeli policies of denial and persecution, plus other crimes against the Palestinian people.”

Parisians protest in support of Palestinians in Gaza

More than a thousand protesters marched in Paris against racism, islamophobia and in support of the people of the besieged Gaza Strip.

The 51 organisations dedicated the protest to the memory of all young “victims of police, judicial and prison crimes”, while also highlighting the plight of children in Gaza.

Palestinian health authorities say more than 34,000 people have been killed in Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip, roughly half of whom are children, according to UNICEF.

Al Jazeera airs footage of Qassam Brigades ‘ambush’ in occupied West Bank

The media network has obtained videos of a complex ambush carried out two weeks ago by the armed wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, in the town of an-Nabi Elyas in the northern West Bank city of Qalqilya.

The group said the ambush led to the injury of at least two Israelis, including a soldier.


Death toll from Rafah strikes rises to 22, including 18 children

Health officials in Gaza are now reporting that 22 people, including 18 children, were killed in the Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight.

The first Israeli strike in Rafah killed a man, his wife and their 3-year-old child, according to the nearby Kuwaiti Hospital, which received the bodies.

The woman was pregnant, and the doctors saved the baby, the hospital said.

The second strike killed 17 children and two women from an extended family.

A relative, Umm Mohammad, told AP that the oldest killed, an 80-year-old aunt, was taken out “in pieces.” Small children were zipped into body bags.

Mohammed al-Beheiri said his daughter, Rasha, and her six children, the youngest 18 months old, were among those killed. A woman and three children were still under the rubble.

Israel has carried out near-daily air raids on Rafah, where more than half of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million has sought refuge from fighting elsewhere.

It has also vowed to expand its ground offensive to the city on the border with Egypt despite international calls for restraint, including from the US.

Baby girl delivered from womb of Palestinian woman killed by Israeli attack

The mother was killed along with her husband and another daughter by an Israeli attack in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, Palestinian health officials have said.

The baby, weighing 1.4kg (3lb) and delivered in an emergency caesarean section, was stable and improving gradually, said Mohammed Salama, a doctor caring for her.

Her mother, Sabreen al-Sakani, had been 30 weeks pregnant.

The baby was placed in an incubator in a Rafah hospital alongside another infant, with the words “The baby of the martyr Sabreen al-Sakani” written on tape across her chest.

The baby would stay in hospital for three to four weeks, said Salama, the doctor. “After that we will see about her leaving, and where this child will go, to the family, to the aunt or uncle or grandparents. Here is the biggest tragedy. Even if this child survives, she was born an orphan,” he said.


The ICC can no longer ignore the genocide in Gaza
Anisha Patel and Hassan Ben Imran

Over the past few months, the International Criminal Court (ICC), under the leadership of Prosecutor Karim Khan, has come under heavy criticism for not taking any concrete steps to prosecute the crime of genocide in Gaza.

In November, six of its state parties led by South Africa referred the situation in Palestine to the court and urged it to act. The same month, three Palestinian rights groups submitted a communication to the ICC, asking it to investigate the crimes of apartheid and genocide in Palestine.

In December, Khan visited Israel and made a short trip to Ramallah, where he briefly met with victims of Israeli crimes. He then issued a general statement about investigating “allegations of crimes” that did not in any way refer to the mounting evidence of genocide being perpetrated in Gaza.

In January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declared that Israel is “plausibly” committing genocide in Gaza. That also did not spur the ICC into action. The court has not even attempted to justify why it has failed to investigate genocide or issue any arrest warrants.

Last month, our organisation, Law for Palestine, made the first in a series of submissions to the ICC, characterising the crime of genocide committed by Israeli leaders against the Palestinian people. The 200-page document, drafted by 30 lawyers and legal researchers from across the world and reviewed by more than 15 experts, makes a compelling case for the genocidal intent as well as for the prosecutorial policy that the court has followed in other cases.

If the ICC fails to act once again, it risks undermining its own authority as an institution of international justice and the international legal regime as a whole.

Proceeding from all this evidence and recognition, the case for the ICC announcing an investigation into genocide and issuing arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is indisputable, especially given its own standards of “reasonable grounds” as seen in the Bashir case.

The case for genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza is as compelling as any previously judicially successful case – if not more. Failure to announce an investigation into the crime of genocide will cause severe and long-lasting damage to the already seriously challenged image and legitimacy of the court.

Some would even argue that the ICC is heading for jurisprudential suicide by undermining the precedents set by the Darfur and Ukraine situations.

The question of Palestine is at the heart of the post-World War II international legal order and cannot be ignored. Amid the continuous erosion of the ICC’s legitimacy, the court and its prosecutor must urgently investigate the genocide unfolding in Palestine and issue arrest warrants against the Israeli war cabinet, if they are to restore the faith of the global majority in this institution of global justice.



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He's sort of right if Iran had nukes as well, it be a balance of power.

But there might be another way, it's possible to build a giant neutrino particle accelerator. Like a really really giant one. It could set off nukes with 1-5% of their nominal yield. Neutrinos pass through matter with almost no interaction, so it's mostly harmless and there's no shielding against it, you can aim the neutrino cannon straight through the planet.

It's very pricey, it would have to be a international project that involved most countries, but it would effectively prevent a nuclear rogue state like Israel from plunging the world into cataclysm. Neutrino-ing nukes would still make a huge mess, but it's much more survivable than a nuclear war, and it would preferably be used for deterrence.


>Rights group seeks probe into role of tech firms, media platforms in killings of Gaza civilians
>A human rights group has said that the role of major technology companies and international social media platforms in the killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza must be investigated.
>“These companies need to be held accountable if found to be complicit or not to have taken adequate precautions to prevent access to, and exploitation of, users’ information,” the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said.
>There are frequent reports that Israel uses a number of artificial intelligence-supported technological systems to illegally track and monitor Palestinians, the group said.
>“Google and Israel are collaborating on several technology initiatives, including Project Nimbus, which provides the Israeli army with tools for the increased monitoring and illegal data collection of Palestinians, thereby broadening Israeli policies of denial and persecution, plus other crimes against the Palestinian people.”

Almost over looked this.
this might get spicy


I can't tell if this is a joke.

He is right, tho. Iran having nukes would make the region, and the world, vastly safer. Palestine, Iran, Ukraine, if any of them had nukes, they would have been much less likely to get hit by a nuclear power.


Rockets fired from Iraq towards US base in Syria: Report

Two Iraqi security sources told the Reuters news agency that at least five rockets were fired from Zummar, in northern Iraq, towards a US military base in northeastern Syria on Sunday.

The attack, if confirmed, would be the first against US forces in the area since early February, after Iranian-backed forces stopped attacks they had been conducting.

The news of the attack comes after fears that violence between Iran and Israel could escalate into all-out war, following the Israeli killing of a top Iranian general in Tehran’s consulate in Syria, a direct Iranian attack on Israel, and reports of an Israeli attack on central Iran.

More details on reports that rockets were fired from Iraq at US military base

We are getting some more information regarding the reports that rockets were launched from Iraq’s town of Zummar towards a US military base in northeastern Syria.

Two Iraqi security sources and a senior army officer have told Reuters that a rocket launcher fixed on the back of a small truck had been parked in Zummar, a border town near Syria.

The military official said the truck caught fire after an explosion as warplanes were in the sky.

“We can’t confirm that the truck was bombed by US warplanes unless we investigate it,” said a military official on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the incident.

The reported attack comes one day after a huge blast at a military base in Iraq, which killed a member of an Iraqi security force.

Rafah operation ‘inevitable and imminent’

Mohamad Elmasry, a professor in the Media Studies programme at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, told Al Jazeera that he expects the Israeli military to launch its long-feared assault on Rafah soon, despite the humanitarian consequences for civilians.

“It seems like it’s imminent … Israel has been warning for many weeks now that it’s going to invade Rafah, and then a few weeks ago it said that it had identified a specific date for its invasion,” Elmasry said. “More recently, there have been reports to suggest that the United States may have signed off on the invasion of Rafah in exchange for Israel not escalating with Iran.”

With Israel still unable to achieve its war goals, including freeing the remaining captives held in Gaza and defeating Hamas militarily, Elmasry posited a few possible reasons for such an operation.

“From one perspective [Israel] can try to salvage something out of [its war on Gaza] militarily. Maybe that’s rescuing hostages, maybe that’s killing Hamas leaders and other possible things they could point to as evidence of victory,” he said. “Another way to look at it more cynically … Israel’s ultimate end game is to try to make life unlivable for Gazans so that Israel can implement its greater Israel plan. That means transferring the population outside of Gaza.”

Israeli drone downed in southern Lebanon: Hezbollah

The armed group says it downed an Israeli drone that was on a combat mission in southern Lebanon.

The drone that was brought down above the Al Aishiyeh area in southern Lebanon was “waging its attacks on our steadfast people”, a statement by the group said.

Majority don’t believe Israel is on verge of victory in Gaza: Poll

A poll conducted for Israel’s Channel 13 has 68 percent of respondents saying that they did not believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement that Israel was “one step away from victory” in Gaza.

Only 16 percent of respondents believed Netanyahu.

Separately, the poll predicts that Benny Gantz’s “National Unity” political alliance would emerge victorious in any parliamentary elections, with 30 seats; and Netanyahu’s Likud behind, with 20 seats. Gantz and his allies would likely have enough to secure a majority and dethrone the prime minister, reflecting public anger against Netanyahu.

Israeli air force strikes southern Lebanon

The Israeli military says that fighter jets have attacked a Hezbollah fighter who was operating a military structure in the area of Kfar Kila in southern Lebanon.

Earlier, the Israeli forces reported that they had struck a number of Hezbollah targets overnight and during the day.

Since October 8, the day after Hamas’s October 7 attack and Israel’s subsequent war on Gaza, Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and Israel have traded fire. In recent months, the frequency and severity of the attacks have increased, leading to fears of a greater regional conflagration.

Baby delivered after mother killed in Israeli strike is in ‘stable’ condition

We now have an update regarding the Palestinian baby girl, Sabreen Jouda, who was delivered prematurely after her mother was killed by an Israeli attack.

She has been placed in an incubator at the Al-Helal Al-Emairati Maternity Hospital in Rafah.

Mass graves ‘an indication that war crimes have been committed’

William Schabas, a professor of international law at Middlesex University London, spoke to Al Jazeera about the legal implications of the mass graves found in the Nasser Medical Complex.

He said mass graves have “always been an indication that war crimes have been committed, whether it was in the former Yugoslavia, Ukraine and now in Gaza”.

“There’s an obligation under international law to see that the dead are treated with respect and with dignity, that they’re buried according to rights, and that they can be identified by their next of kin. And none of that appears to be done. So Israel has a lot of explaining to do,” he said.

The fact that some of the bodies were apparently bound up or tied “points to summary execution” and calls for full-blown criminal investigation with a view to holding the perpetrators accountable, Schabas said.

The obvious institution to prosecute the perpetrators, he noted, is the International Criminal Court, which he said “jumped to attention” and immediately investigated the mass graves found outside Kyiv in 2022.

In the case of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, the US and plenty of Western countries expressed their outrage. In contrast, the lack of outrage expressed around the mass graves found in Gaza, Schabas says, points to “double standards” that have “always been a feature of the attitude towards Israel by its supporters, the various Western governments led by the United States”.



Relative of dead children asks: ‘What did they do?’

Reaction continues after an Israeli air strike on a family home killed 24 people, including 16 children and six women, in southern Rafah.

“These children were sleeping. What did they do? What was their fault?” asked one relative Umm Kareem.

Mohammed al-Beheiri said his daughter, Rasha, and her six children, the youngest 18 months old, were among the dead. A woman and three children were still under the rubble, he said.

Resident Umm Hassan Kloub, 35, said her children screamed when they “woke up to a nightmare of an explosion”.

“Every second we live in terror, even the sound of Israeli aircraft doesn’t stop,” she said.

Israel’s attack on Gaza has killed more than 14,500 children. The war has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians – at least two-thirds of them children and women – since last October.

Israeli shell hits al-Awda Hospital as gunboats target Gaza coast

We’ve been covering Israeli attacks across Gaza.

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic are now reporting that an Israeli shell has hit the upper floor of al-Awda Hospital in the Nuseirat refugee camp. AJA correspondents on the ground also say Israeli gunboats have been bombing the coastline of central and southern Gaza.

It is not immediately clear if there have been any casualties from the attacks.

We’ll bring you more soon.

Israeli military releases intelligence chief’s resignation letter

The resignation letter from Major-General Aharon Haliva has been provided to journalists.

“On Saturday, October 7th 2023, Hamas committed a deadly surprise attack against the state of Israel. The intelligence division under my command did not live up to the task we were entrusted with,” he said.

“I carry that black day with me ever since. Day after day, night after night. I will forever carry with me the terrible pain of the war.”

Haliva is the first high-ranking official to step down for failing to prevent the attack.

More on Israeli military intelligence chief’s resignation

The army said in a statement Major-General Aharon Haliva asked to end his service “following his leadership responsibility” after the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023.

Haliva, as well as other military and security officials, were widely expected to resign in response to the glaring failures that led to the attack. But the timing of the resignations is unclear because Israel is still fighting Hamas in Gaza to the south and battling Hezbollah in Lebanon to the north. Tensions with Iran are also high following tit-for-tat attacks.

While Haliva and others have accepted blame for failing to stop the October attack, others have stopped short, most notably Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has said he would answer tough questions about his role but has not outright acknowledged any responsibility for allowing the attack to unfold.

Students at MIT, Emerson and Tufts universities set up protest camps

Students at three prestigious universities in and near the US city of Boston have set up protest camps, demanding that their institutions cut off ties with Israel, according to campaigners.

The universities are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Emerson and Tufts, the National Students for Justice in Palestine said.

The moves come after students at Columbia University in New York launched a Gaza Solidarity Encampment at their campus. That protest is now in its fifth day. Some 100 students were arrested there on Friday.

US congresswoman slams $14bn for ‘death and destruction’ in Gaza

Delia Ramirez said “history books will write about” how US leaders “lacked the courage and moral clarity to stand up to” Netanyahu.

Ramirez, who represents a district in the state of Illinois, pointed out that Netanyahu had bombed the “safe zone” of Rafah just one day after the US House voted to give $14bn to Israel “in unconditional military funding to Netanyahu’s campaign of death and destruction”.

The congresswoman made the comments in a post on X, in response to reports that 22 people were killed in Rafah on Sunday night, including 18 children.

Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah resumes attacks on US forces

More on the rocket attack on a US military base in Syria.

Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah has issued a statement saying Iraqi armed groups have decided to resume attacks on US forces in the country after seeing little progress on talks to achieve the exit of US troops during a visit by the Iraqi prime minister to Washington, DC.

“What happened a short while ago is the beginning,” the group said in an apparent reference to the attack late on Sunday.

Kataib Hezbollah is part of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group that began attacking US forces stationed in Iraq and Syria in October, saying they aimed to respond to Israeli attacks on Palestinians in Gaza and to resist US forces deployed in Iraq and the region.

The group suspended those attacks in February amid fears of an escalation after three US soldiers were killed in an attack on a base in Jordan.

‘Pure revenge’: Residents of Nur Shams condemn Israeli raid, destruction

Palestinians in the occupied West Bank are used to Israeli forces destroying infrastructure but they say the scale of damage during the recent raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp – with homes demolished, roads dug up and power lines cut – is something they’ve never seen before.

“Even during the 1960s, the roads never looked like this,” said Mahmoud Khalifeh, an elderly resident of the camp. “They [Israeli forces] want to take us decades back.”

Munir Abdel Raheem, another resident, called the destruction “pure revenge”.

“It is our enemy and has been damaging our lives since 1948. I’m now 54 years old and have only been seeing the ugliness and torture of the Israeli occupation since I was a child.”

In addition to destroying infrastructure, Israeli forces also killed 14 Palestinians during the three-day raid on Nur Shams.


Sister of baby saved after mother’s killing wanted to name her Rouh

More on the baby girl who was delivered from the womb of Sabreen Al-Sakani, the Palestinian woman who was killed in an Israeli attack on Gaza along with her husband and young daughter.

Sakani’s daughter Malak had wanted to name her new sister Rouh, meaning “spirit” in Arabic, her uncle Rami Al-Sheikh told the Reuters news agency.

“What’s their fault? The whole family wiped out from the civil registry. And the only survivor is this small baby girl. Her sister Malak wanted to name her Rouh. And now Malak is gone. Only Rouh is left,” he said.

“The little girl Malak was happy that her sister was coming to the world,” he added.



>I can't tell if this is a joke.
It's real
>Radiations produced by neutrino-antineutrino annihilation at the Z0 pole can be used to heat up the primary stage of a thermonuclear warhead and can in principle detonate the device remotely. Neutrino-antineutrino annihilation can also be used as a tactical assault weapon to target hideouts that are unreachable by conventional means.

>He is right, tho. Iran having nukes would make the region, and the world, vastly safer.

That is true, but there is a downside more nuclear weapons also means more systems that might malfunction. Every new nuclear power will go through a learning phase where it has to figure out how to make their systems really reliable.

>Palestine, Iran, Ukraine, if any of them had nukes, they would have been much less likely to get hit by a nuclear power.

Palestine could not afford nukes, but it probably could be protected by a Iranian nuclear umbrella.

The Ukraine proxy war, was between nuclear powers, both Russia and the US had nukes, so you clearly are wrong. Nukes did not prevent the proxy war. It's also very deceitful to compare Ukraine to Palestine, after-all Ukraine was bombing the Donbass. Hence it would be more accurate to compare Ukraine to Israel and the Donbass to Palestine. Zelensky officially stated that he wanted Ukraine to be the Israel of Eastern Europe. So there you have it from the horses mouth.

If you are suggesting that the US attempt to install nukes in Ukraine, that would be nuclear brinkmanship like in the Cuba/Poland missile crisis of the first cold war. Where the US installed missiles in Poland and the Soviets installed missiles in Cuba, bringing the hole world to the edge of a full scale nuclear-extinction.


I didn't mean I couldn't tell if the tech was a joke, I mean the proposition. It's not practical, it would be easier just to make nukes and use those as a deterrent.

>That is true, but there is a downside more nuclear weapons also means more systems that might malfunction. Every new nuclear power will go through a learning phase where it has to figure out how to make their systems really reliable.

If you're Iran, you don't realistically have any other choices.

>Palestine could not afford nukes, but it probably could be protected by a Iranian nuclear umbrella.

Doesn't matter if they could afford them, someone could have given them some and that would have prevented this.

>The Ukraine proxy war, was between nuclear powers, both Russia and the US had nukes, so you clearly are wrong.

Ukraine doesn't. It's so callous to just count them out, they wouldn't have been invaded if they had nukes, and the US is primarily interested in prolonging the war. They're the ones fighting and dying over their own soil, and that land doesn't belong to the US or to Russia, no matter what "divine providence" any party may think they have over land on which others live. My point stands, the US and Russia are the irrelevant ones to the Ukraine question, Ukrainians are only victims of two countries who think the opposite.

>It's also very deceitful to compare Ukraine to Palestine, after-all Ukraine was bombing the Donbass.

Donbas was Ukrainian territory which was being terrorized by Russian separatists. I don't defend the shelling, but Ukraine was not the primary aggressor to begin with. Russian separatists, with Russia's backing, had started taking shit over the moment Yanukovych was ousted, and Russia invaded Crimea shortly after. Ukraine never launched a single aggression into Russia until after Russia started taking pieces off Ukraine. You can say the Donbas shelling was brutal and wrong, I'd agree, but much of Hamas's October 7th attack was brutal and wrong, too; it doesn't change the fact that both were in response to a nuclear-armed power stealing land through military force.

>Zelensky officially stated that he wanted Ukraine to be the Israel of Eastern Europe. So there you have it from the horses mouth.

Zelenskyy wants US backing, he's a kissass. He compares his country to other countries the US simps for for this reason. My position is that the US should back neither, but it's foolish to pretend like the US treats Ukraine like its own; Ukraine has no nukes, and if it did, the US would hate it because it would mean the US wouldn't be so able to keep printing money for the arms industry over this idiotic war. America's nukes are not Ukraine's to use, and this is completely deliberate.

>If you are suggesting that the US attempt to install nukes in Ukraine, that would be nuclear brinkmanship like in the Cuba/Poland missile crisis of the first cold war. Where the US installed missiles in Poland and the Soviets installed missiles in Cuba, bringing the hole world to the edge of a full scale nuclear-extinction.

I'm not suggesting that. I'm stating, factually, that nukes are the only hope countries, including Ukraine, have of deterrent against incursions by nuclear armed countries. Your analysis also totally neglects that NK attained nukes within the past 10-or-so years, and despite all the scaremongering, it arguably only managed to ensure that the US would stop trying to topple the NK gov't. NATO is a bigger actual threat to Russia than a nuclear armed Ukraine would be, as Ukraine's primary actual concern is maintaining independence, whereas NATO serves outside interests who want to use countries around Russia to attack Russia. Ukraine only tried to get in because they fear Russian incursion, which is based on a strong cultural memory of over a century of Russia messing with them, and you miss a lot by failing to consider Ukrainian interests in this, just as western chauvinists fail to admit that the Houthis and Hamas are not mere Iranian puppets.


Turkish media is reporting that Jewish extremists are intending to take over A-Aqsa during Passover. No idea if it's true.


>their own soil
It's always funny how spooky nationalistic bullshit like this seems to be applied one-sidedly. Ethnonationalists from Western Ukrainian trying to lay claim to territory they don't even live in… While true, this is still a surface-level analysis of the claim. It's really Ukrainian capitalists who were try to lay claim to the resources and industrial labor of the Donbass, under cover of standard nationalist rhetoric. You either apply the right to self-determination universally or you don't really believe in it.

>Donbas was Ukrainian territory which was being terrorized by Russian separatists.

Oh right, you're that sort of propagandist.


>It's always funny how spooky nationalistic bullshit
They live there.

>Ethnonationalists from Western Ukrainian trying to lay claim to territory they don't even live in

Ethnonationalists from Moscow do the same. I do neither. I point to existing borders, and I say that waging war to take territory is an illegal aggression for good reason, and I take that stance across the board. For example, it's the same way I feel about Indian reservations in the US and things like DAPL; if the US backed out of a deal to put another nation's pipeline on its own shores and the other country started building it anyway, it would correctly be considered an act of war, the US should uphold its treaties and respect the sovereignty of the tribes instead of constantly stealing from them and rejecting agreements. If a faction within a tribe wanted to cede territory to the US officially, it would not ever be a greenlight for the US gov't to fund and bolster that faction and start taking territory from them when the rest of the tribe rejected this.

Also, for the record, there were plenty of people in the Donbas & Crimea who did not identify with the Russian separatists. It wasn't like only Western Ukrainians were opposed to cutting those regions off, it was an issue of genuine disagreement even within those areas, and while those areas were within the borders of Ukraine, such unrest would be a cause for complaint if the Ukrainian gov't did nothing to stop it.

>It's really Ukrainian capitalists who were try to lay claim to the resources and industrial labor of the Donbass, under cover of standard nationalist rhetoric.

And it's Russian capitalists who contested that claim. And for all this talk of the horrible bombing of Donbas, you seem to ignore that Russian capitalists were even more brutal in suppressing nationalists in Chechnya, where independence from Russia was even more popular in the early '90s than annexation by Russia was in Donbas in the 2010s. If anyone asked Russian leadership to let them out of the federation, they'd get absolutely destroyed. I make apology for neither Russian brutality nor Ukrainian brutality, but I take issue with this notion that one is totally legitimate while the other is "totally nationalist spooks, maaaaaaaannnnnn." "Borders don't exist xD" is complete nonsense when you're trying to use it to justify one country expanding its own borders and taking control of another nation's population.


>It's not practical, it would be easier just to make nukes and use those as a deterrent.
That is true if you look at Iran's case in isolation, building a massive particle accelerator is more expensive than building nukes.

However there are many more countries in the world that do not have nukes and would likely pitch in to build such a device. In that case the accelerator makes a lot of political sense. While this thing can ignite nukes, it's technically not a real weapon, it can't destroy stuff on it's own (even civilian nuclear power facilities would not be affected). To all the countries in the "neutrino alliance" that do not have nukes, they experience no danger. While this thing is huge and expensive it's not a particularly big technical challenge (it doesn't need the level of precision and viability that scientific accelerators have), you don't need special resources either. It would be an underground facility so it's also hard to stop people from doing it.

There are powers with ageing nuclear weapons, like France India an Pakistan, who might find it cheaper to join the neutrino alliance over upgrading their nuclear stockpile.

Obviously this thing will not spell the end of strategic weapons. The Russians already have kinetic warheads that are slightly more powerful than low yield nukes and would not be affected by this. That said Kinetics don't incinerate cities, don't produce contamination, and would have orders of magnitude lower collateral damage.

We could imagine this thing as a shield generator. Then we have to ask about what happens when it get taken offline for maintenance or how robust it is against sabotage.

I'm not necessarily endorsing the neutrino shield, but i think it's worth a consideration.

My preferred solution is doing what already worked during the detente era. Disarmament through diplomacy with arms controle via international weapons inspectors. Israel gives up it's nuclear arsenal and in return they get appropriate concessions from Iran. It's in the interest of the Zionists and the US neocons to take this deal, because Iran can cuck Israel without nuclear weapons. Israel got no strategic depth, they'd be screwed against non-nuclear Iran too, it would just take a little longer. Cashing in the Samson chip for a diplomatic option, generates the most favorable outcome for them.

The reason i'm thinking about neutrino machines at all, is because i think zionists and neocons are a barely restrained irrational death-cult. If they go off the rails, neutrino-zapping a nuke, downsizes doomsday to a problem that's comparable to an industrial waste spill.



Has this ever been tested against incoming nuclear warheads? Even once?

I guess it's worth consideration, yes, but I can't see this idea making it very far beyond that.

Zionists and neocons are absolutely a barely restrained irrational death cult, no question there, I just really don't see this as viable. Some of them wouldn't want to get nuked… although it's very clear that Israel, the Zionists, have embraced a Nazi-style "national suicide if we lose" sort of policy, like in Germany there are likely elements within who would not want this to be carried out. IE I think there's still some weight to nukes as deterrent, and if there wasn't, Israel most likely wouldn't be so pissed about Iran potentially getting their own.


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Columbia University students defy crackdown, continue pro-Palestinian protest as solidarity actions spread to other campuses

Students and faculty at Columbia University are continuing to defy police state repression of pro-Palestinian protests, with students occupying the South Lawn for a fifth straight day on Sunday. Rather than silencing opposition to genocide, Columbia’s brutal attacks on democratic rights, orchestrated and backed by the Biden administration and both big business parties, have reenergized protests at campuses around the country.

Support is also growing within the working class in New York City and around the country for students and workers arrested, expelled or fired for peacefully demonstrating against the US/Israeli war of extermination in Gaza.


Amid a mass mobilization of New York City riot cops and surveillance teams, Democratic Mayor Eric Adams, a former cop, attacked pro-Palestinian protestors on Sunday, issuing a statement that ominously warned:

We will not be a city of lawlessness, and those professional agitators seeking to seize the ongoing conflict in the Middle East to sow chaos and division will not succeed.

In their statements, Democratic officials falsely implied that pro-Palestinian demonstrators were instigating violence. Meanwhile, the Democrats joined with Republican fascists in the House of Representatives to pass a series of bipartisan bills providing $95 billion to continue funding the US/NATO war against Russia in Ukraine, increase the supply of weapons for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and step up preparations for war against China.

The statements of Biden and Adams make clear that the attack on students at Columbia is not simply a matter of overreach by a university administration, but part of a coordinated political attack aimed at criminalizing and suppressing opposition to the policies of US imperialism.

Last week’s arrest of over 100 Columbia and Barnard students who were carrying out a peaceful encampment to protest the Gaza genocide marked a major escalation in the assault on democratic rights not only in New York, but across the country and internationally.

University President Minouche “Nemat” Shafik first suspended the students and then called the NYPD to remove them for supposedly “trespassing.” Students have reported being held by the police in zip ties for over seven hours.

Arrested Barnard students were evicted from campus housing, having been given just 15 minutes notice to remove their belongings. They also lost access to the university’s dining halls. Columbia students have thus far not been evicted and can still eat in the dining halls, but are locked out of all other campus buildings.

The police have imposed a lockdown on Columbia University. Hundreds of cops, many equipped with riot helmets and batons, have surrounded the campus. The gates to the campus remain sealed. Only students and faculty who show ID are allowed in. Faculty have reported losing card access to Columbia buildings and requiring security escorts to enter buildings.

According to an Twitter/X post by WKCR, the Columbia University student radio station, a security officer attempted to shut down live broadcasts of the protests, relenting only after a Columbia faculty member intervened.

Beyond Columbia, the assault on pro-Palestinian speech on American university campuses includes student suspensions at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee and Pomona College in Southern California, as well as the effective banning of all protests at the University of Michigan under the pretext of preventing “disruptions.”

University of Southern California valedictorian Ansa Tabassum has been barred from giving her commencement address due to her pro-Palestinian advocacy. A number of university professors at New York City colleges have been fired for speaking publicly in support of pro-Palestinian students.

The Columbia administration’s actions have been denounced by academics, students and youth across the country. Rather than quelling the demonstrations, they appear to have emboldened protestors. According to reports on social media, tents reappeared Sunday evening at Columbia to replace those torn down previously by the NYPD.

Several protests in solidarity with the victimized students have erupted both on campus and in the surrounding area. A “Gaza Solidarity Encampment,” similar to that which was busted up by the NYPD, has been erected at the New School, just a few miles from Columbia.

On Friday, hundreds of students at Yale University in Connecticut set up a solidarity protest outside of the Schwarzman Center, the main student life building. Students in Ohio and North Carolina have similarly set up solidarity encampments. Solidarity walkouts are planned this week, including Monday at New York University.

Faculty are also lining up in support of the democratic rights of Columbia protesters. On Friday, the Columbia and Barnard chapters of the American Association of University Professors issued a declaration denouncing the actions by Shafik and demanding the student suspensions be immediately lifted.

On Sunday morning, Dr. Tao Leigh Goffe, a professor at the City University of New York (CUNY) and artist-in-residence at Columbia, announced that she had quit her position at Columbia. More than 100 Public Interest Honorees, a designation awarded by Columbia Law School to students who complete pro bono work and fellowship programs related to specific social issues, published a statement denouncing the university’s attacks and withdrawing consent for their likenesses to be used in promotional materials for the university.

The crackdown at Columbia took place immediately following Wednesday’s McCarthyite congressional hearing with Shafik by the US House Committee on Education and the Workforce. The aim of the hearing was, as the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (IYSSE) wrote in its statement on the event, “nothing less than a purge of the faculty and student body at universities, in order to completely subordinate higher education to the war machine.”

As Socialist Equality Party (SEP) candidate for president Joseph Kishore explained in a statement:

The defense of democratic rights and opposition to war must be based in the working class, which produces all of society’s wealth and therefore has the power to counter the reactionary conspiracies of the capitalist oligarchs. The SEP calls on workers to mobilize and demand an end to the persecution of students. The youth cannot fight this battle alone! They require the support of the working class as a whole.

Richard, an unemployed worker, said:

It’s a rich man’s war, but poor people got to pay. We’re paying more for goods and services every day of the week, but our income doesn’t go up, opportunities don’t go up. Where in the city can you get adequate housing for the minimum wage? I’m looking for work and can’t find even a part-time job. Millionaire CEOs can’t say people are lazy and don’t want to work. It’s BS.

Susan, an urgent care worker who was on medical leave, told the IYSSE:

These students have the right to protest whatever they want, and they are doing the right thing by opposing an actual genocide. I think it’s great that the younger generation is getting involved in politics. Imagine if we had the power of all of the students in support of the working class as a whole. If workers everywhere decided to go on strike together, combined with all of the intellectual resources of the students, we could fix all of the problems of this world.



More bodies uncovered in the Nasser Hospital mass graves.


>Has this ever been tested against incoming nuclear warheads?
Neutrinos move close to the speed of light, all the equipment that directs the beam is solid state. Unless the incoming warhead moves at relativistic speeds, it might as well be stationary.


Columbia protests still going.


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>mass graves uncovered
this horror is so exasperating


>protests still going.
this is heart-warming


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Israeli ships, warplanes pound sites in Gaza’s north, centre and south overnight

We are receiving reports that Israeli naval ships are attacking Gaza’s central coast in the areas of az-Zawayda, Deir el-Balah and the Nuseirat refugee camp, while artillery and fighter jets pounded eastern areas of Khan Younis city in the south and Gaza City in the north of the Palestinian territory.

Wafa reports that gunboats opened fire at dawn, attacking sites on the beaches in the three central Gaza areas.

Israeli jets also attacked targets in Gaza City and southern Khan Younis, according to Wafa and Al Jazeera Arabic, resulting in deaths, injuries and destruction of civilian homes.

Israeli artillery also fired on the Zeitoun neighbourhood, southeast of Gaza City, according to the reports.

We will bring you more on the overnight attacks and casualties as information emerges.

Staff, students arrested at NYU pro-Palestine protests

Police have arrested staff and students protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza at New York University.

Earlier, faculty members reportedly joined a line of people holding hands to form a line to separate student activists from the police.

The activist group Within our Lifetime said police then “arrested all faculty who were protecting students at the encampment”.

Students at Columbia University and Yale University have also been arrested in recent days as pro-Palestinian student protests continue around the United States.

Columbia’s President Nemat Minouche Shafik said on Monday the university was cancelling in-person classes and moving to online teaching to “deescalate the rancour and give us all a chance to consider next steps”.

More than 100 students were arrested at the Columbia campus last week after Shafik called in police to clear a tent encampment set up in solidarity with the people of Gaza.

Academics voice support for pro-Palestine student protests

Academics and scholars at Columbia University have expressed support for the ongoing student-led protest against Israel’s war on Gaza at the university.

Professor and Al Jazeera UpFront host Marc Lamont Hill said he will no longer deliver the 2024 Mamie Phipps Clark and Kenneth B Clark Distinguished Lecture on race and justice at Columbia University on Wednesday. Lamont Hill also said he “will not accept the accompanying $10,000 award” in light of the present academic boycott of the institution.

Bassam Khawaja, who teaches human rights at the university, said in a post on X that there was a “massive faculty walkout” on Monday opposing the university calling police to remove the Palestine solidarity protests.

Israel failed to support its claims about UNRWA staff, report finds

Al Jazeera’s Diplomatic Editor James Bays says an independent inquiry found that the Israeli government has not provided “any evidence” for the allegations it made against the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA).

“They made very, very strong allegations that 12 UNRWA employees were directly involved on October the 7th,” Bays said.

“They then claimed that another 30 assisted those on October the 7th, and they made the allegation that 12 percent of UNRWA’s staff were in some way affiliated with Hamas,” he said.

Not only have the Israelis not given any evidence to the UN at any point regarding their allegations, they also provided no evidence to an independent inquiry the UN established to investigate the claims, Bays said.

US rights reports on Israel highlights judicial discrimination against Palestinians

The US State Department’s 2023 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices says Israel’s war on Gaza has had “a significant negative impact on the human rights situation”, while details in the report demonstrate systemic discrimination against Palestinians in the judicial process.

According to the State Department, there were several reports that the Israeli government or its agents had “committed arbitrary or unlawful killings during” 2023, as well as “disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities”.

The report also addressed the conditions in Israeli jails and the treatment of Palestinian prisoners, saying that “there were numerous reports that authorities held some prisoners in conditions that harmed their health, including severe overcrowding”.

“Military law allowed the indefinite administrative detention without charge or trial of Palestinians from the West Bank or Gaza detained or imprisoned within Israel,” the report states.

“Israeli citizens who committed crimes within the West Bank were subject only to Israeli law and could only be tried in civilian courts within Israel, whereas Palestinians in the West Bank were subject to trial in Israeli military courts.”

5 shot as Israeli forces open fire on cars, storm West Bank refugee camps

Israeli forces have shot two people during early morning raids on the Aqbat Jabr and Ein el-Sultan refugee camps located to the north and south of Jericho city, Wafa reports.

One of the injured was shot in the chest and another was hit in the abdomen, Wafa reports, adding that the victims were receiving treatment at the Jericho government hospital.

Earlier in the night, three people were injured – two women aged 63 and 30 and a 19-year-old man – when Israeli forces opened fire on cars travelling on the Halhul bridge north of Hebron. They were said to be in “moderate” condition at a hospital in Hebron.

Dozens more bodies recovered from Nasser Hospital mass grave

At least 35 more bodies have been found in a mass grave at Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, according to civil defence crews, bringing the total number of bodies recovered there to at least 310.

Relatives of Palestinians killed in Khan Younis have been painstakingly searching for their loved ones’ remains, including around Nasser Hospital, since earlier this month when Israeli forces withdrew from the city.

The impact of 200 days of Israel’s war on Gaza

Israel’s military has dropped 75,000 tonnes of explosives on the Gaza Strip, turning much of its civilian infrastructure to rubble, apart from the devastating human toll, according to figures released by the government media office in the besieged territory, marking 200 days of war.

In total, the Israeli attacks have damaged or destroyed:

380,000 housing units
412 schools and universities
556 mosques
three churches
206 archeological and heritage sites.
In addition, the attacks have knocked 32 hospitals and 53 health centres out of service with 126 ambulances also targeted.

This destruction amounts to at least $30bn in economic losses, the media office said.

Displaced Palestinians ‘terrified of looming Rafah incursion’
Stefanie Dekker
Reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

We’re getting leaks now from various media organisations on plans by the Israelis to evacuate an estimated 1.4 million Palestinians from Rafah before attacking. This is going to be extremely complicated and it’s going to take two or three weeks.

Unnamed Egyptian officials are quoted as saying the military operation could last up to six weeks.

The Associated Press has analysed satellite imagery around the area of Khan Younis. This is also – according to American leaks – where the Israelis want to evacuate Palestinians to. Tent cities are reportedly being built.

The Americans are telling the Israelis to not undertake a large-scale operation, but they support a smaller scale, more targeted attack on Rafah. Israel says Hamas still has four battalions operating in the area, and most of the Israeli captives are being held there.

But you have 1.4 million Palestinians internally displaced. These people are terrified of a looming Rafah incursion.

Finland reiterates support for UNWRA following independent probe

Finland says it supports UNRWA activities in war-ravaged Gaza.

The statement comes after an independent review found Israel provided “no evidence” of any wrongdoing by staff of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

“10% of our UNRWA support is now earmarked for risk management to prevent abuses,” the country’s Foreign Ministry posted on X.

Ville Tavio, Finland’s minister for development cooperation and foreign trade, met with Heli Uusikyla of UNRWA’s Gaza office, who visited the Finnish capital, Helsinki, it said.



What is Leahy Law, which could stop some US funding to Israel?

Under the so-called “Leahy Law” the US government must automatically stop providing funding and training to foreign security forces where there is “credible information” they have committed “gross violations of human rights”.

The law, named after former Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, covers human rights violations including “torture, extrajudicial killing, enforced disappearance, and rape”.

It has previously been used to halt US support to armed groups in countries including Azerbaijan, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan and Mexico.

Sarah Elaine Harrison, a former Defence Department lawyer who worked on Leahy Law issues and is now a senior analyst with the International Crisis Group, told the Associated Press news agency that the law had not previously been invoked against the Israeli military.

That could now change, after the investigative news organisation ProPublica revealed a US State Department panel had found credible evidence implicating Israeli military and police units in rights violations.



US student protesters see Washington’s ‘dishonesty’ over Gaza

Hassan Barari, a professor of international relations at Qatar University, says pro-Palestine protests that are snowballing across elite US universities are “not surprising” given the “scope of the genocide taking place in Gaza”.

“It’s obvious to many students that the American administration has been providing lip service when talking about humanitarian aid and the need to stop the war” – even as it keeps funding Israel with billions of dollars, said Barari, who taught at Yale University.

Dozens of pro-Palestine protesters have been arrested at Yale University, Columbia University and New York University as they held Gaza solidarity demonstrations.

Antiwar protests have also spread to Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of Michigan.

Satellite imagery shows tent city being built near Khan Younis

Satellite photos analysed by The Associated Press news agency appear to show a new compound of tents being built near Gaza’s city of Khan Younis.

The AP report comes as the Israeli military continues to threaten a ground invasion of nearby Rafah city, where about 1.5 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering.

Images from Planet Labs PBC show the tents first being set up on April 16. On comparing them with the images taken on Sunday, the compound appears to have grown.

The Israeli military said it wasn’t involved in constructing the tent city. Israel earlier said it planned to evacuate the hundreds of thousands of civilians from Rafah before its invasion. The US, however, says it has yet to receive a viable plan of how it will do so.

Khan Younis has been the repeated target of Israeli attacks since December.

Irish FM accuses Israel of deliberate attempt to undermine UNRWA: Report

Ireland’s foreign minister and deputy prime minister Micheal Martin has accused Israel of deliberately undermining the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in a bid to remove “the right to return” for Palestinians.

Martin said by attempting to “remove UNRWA”, Israeli had hoped to “essentially remove the right to return” for Palestinian refugees, Ireland’s state broadcaster RTE reports.

UNRWA collectively recognises millions of displaced Palestinians who have a right to eventually return to their occupied land as stipulated under UN Resolution 194.

Martin, who is in Egypt and will visit the Gaza border crossing at Rafah, said Ireland’s decision to increase funding to UNRWA – despite the Israeli allegations that 12 staff had taken part in the October 7 attack – was now vindicated.

“We took an opposite view to most countries, we actually increased our aid at that time, and I’m hoping now as a result of the publication of this report that some countries who have paused their support will now allow their support,” he said.

Gaza death toll hits 34,183 during Israeli attack

The number of people killed in Israel’s war on Gaza reached 34,183, the Palestinian territory’s Health Ministry says.

The death toll includes 32 people killed in the past 24 hours. Another 77,143 have been wounded in the six months of the war.

More than 14,500 children and 9,500 women are among the dead, Gaza authorities say.

The death toll is likely far higher, with thousands of bodies believed buried in buildings destroyed in Israeli military strikes.

Iran calls EU sanctions ‘regrettable’ after attack on Israel

“It is regrettable to see the [European Union] deciding quickly to apply more unlawful restrictions against Iran just because Iran exercised its right to self-defence in the face of Israel’s reckless aggression,” Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on X.

“It is also regrettable that while the Israeli regime continues its genocide against the Palestinians through different war crimes, missile attacks & famine, the EU’s reaction to such crimes is almost nothing more than hollow words.”

He suggested sanctions on Israel instead.

Palestinian snipers, rockets, mortars target Israeli forces in Beit Hanoon battles

Israeli forces operating in northern Gaza’s Beit Hanoon city on Monday came under sniper fire as well as mortar and rocket-propelled grenade attacks by Palestinian armed groups, war monitors report.

Fighters with Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the self-claimed military wing of Fatah, reported several attacks carried out against Israeli units in Beit Hanoon and east of the city, which is located in the northeastern corner of the Gaza Strip.

According to the US-based military think tanks Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP), Israeli forces have carried out “multiple raids targeting Palestinian militias in Beit Hanoun in recent weeks”.

Yet, the Palestinian resistance continues in Beit Hanoon.

“These attacks and the [Israeli military’s] raids indicate that Palestinian militia cells remain in Beit Hanoun,” the ISW and CTP said in their latest Gaza situation report, noting the situation in the city remains as “previously assessed”.

EU humanitarian chief urges countries to restore UNRWA funding

“I call on the donors to support UNRWA – the Palestinian refugees’ lifeline,” Janez Lenarcic, the European commissioner for crisis management, has said on X.

The plea comes after an independent review said yesterday Israel had provided “no evidence” of any wrongdoing by staff of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees.

The EU official said he welcomed the agency’s “significant number of compliance systems in place as well as recommendations for their further upgrade”.

Israel in January made the allegation that some UNRWA staff participated in the October 7 attacks, which led to numerous donor states suspending or pausing some $450m in funding.

Many have since resumed funding while others – including the US, the largest donor – have not.

The review led by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna found that “Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence” for its claims.



So a foreign government's lobbyists want to use the American military against Americans… there should be a greeting card for this kind of predicament.


This sounds insane.
Violent crackdown against peaceful anti-war protesters, didn't that flop already during the Vietnam war ?


Apparently Shafik, Columbia University's president, who suspended student demonstrators so that she could have them arrested for "trespassing" on campus grounds, hadn't actually completed a number of the suspensions at the time that she made the call. She had students arrested for being suspended who she hadn't actually suspended yet, and then later cited the arrests, made for suspensions which did not yet exist, as the reason for their suspension after the fact.


kek incompetent totalitarianism


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US Senate votes overwhelmingly to advance Israel aid

Billions of dollars in foreign aid for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan have advanced in the US Senate, heading for a final vote just days after the House of Representatives abruptly ended a months-long stalemate and approved the assistance.

The Senate voted 80-19 in favour of advancing the package of four bills passed by the House, far more than the 60 votes needed to pave the way for a final vote as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday.

One of the bills would provide $26bn for Israel.

Biden has promised to sign the legislation as soon as it passes the Senate.



the lost opportunity cost of blowing so much dough on late stage imperialism, instead of investing into society will be staggering.


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Renewed protests in Jordan’s capital Amman

Local media reported that protesters again have come out to the streets of Amman in support of Palestinians in Gaza, a near-daily occurrence over the last few weeks.

The protesters routinely march towards the Israeli Embassy in the capital and have been met with residence and crackdowns by police. Demonstrators often call for a cancellation of Jordan’s peace treaty with Israel and for a lasting ceasefire in Gaza.

‘Highest ever’ number of Palestinians held in administrative detention, prisoners group says

There are more than 3,660 Palestinians held in administrative detention by Israel, the Palestinian Prisoners Club, an advocacy organisation, says.

The unprecedented figure includes Palestinians from the occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the besieged Gaza Strip. Among them are 22 women and more than 40 children, it said.

Prior to October 7, some 1,320 Palestinians were held in administrative detention. The widely criticised practice involves holding Palestinians on secret evidence, without charge or trial, indefinitely.

Google fires more workers who protested its deal with Israel, activists say

A group called No Tech For Apartheid says Google fired at least 20 more workers in the aftermath of protests over technology the company is supplying the Israeli government amid its war on Gaza.

It said that brings the total number of terminated staff to at least 50.

This is the latest sign of internal turmoil at the tech giant centred on “Project Nimbus,” a $1.2bn contract signed in 2021 for Google and Amazon to provide the Israeli government with cloud computing and artificial intelligence services.

Workers held sit-in protests last week at Google offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California. The company responded by calling police, who made arrests.

Unions speak up for students disciplined for pro-Palestine protests

Unions representing tens of thousands of student workers are demanding “the immediate reinstatement of all student and student workers disciplined for pro-Palestine protests and the end to the repression of protest on Columbia’s campus”.

The unions represent students at Johns Hopkins University, the University of North Carolina, New York University and Harvard University, among others.

Last week, Columbia University President Nemat Minouche Shafik called in New York police to clear a tent encampment that protesters had set up on Columbia’s main lawn to demand the school divest from Israel-related investments.

The school said the encampment violated rules. Police arrested more than 100 students from Columbia on charges of trespassing. Columbia and the affiliated Barnard College have suspended dozens of students involved in the protests.

The union representatives said they “stand in solidarity” with those who were arrested and face suspension. “An injury to one is an injury to all,” they said in a statement.

Euro-Med warns of imminent Israeli ‘massacre’ in Beit Lahiya

The Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor says the Israeli military will likely carry out a “new massacre” in northern Gaza’s Beit Lahiya, after the army issued new evacuation orders to people who have remained in the area.

Israeli forces will be “wipe out the last remnants” of Beit Lahiya, and will cause yet another wave of mass displacement in the area, where some 50,000 Palestinians reside, the monitor said in a statement.

Earlier, Israeli army spokesperson Avichay Adraee said on X the military “will use extreme force against terrorist infrastructure and subversive elements in the region”, telling residents to “evacuate the area immediately and head towards known shelters in blocks number 1770, 1766”.

However, rights groups have repeatedly said that “nowhere is safe” in the besieged territory, pointing to Israeli attacks on places previously deemed “safe”.

The shelters the Israeli army asked Palestinians to flee to, Euro-Med said, are destroyed areas that are “unfit for any form of life, and lack water supply as well as functioning sewage systems”.

Pro-Palestinian protesters planning New York street closure over Gaza war

A coalition of Jewish groups opposed to Israel’s war on Gaza says the demonstrators plan to risk mass arrests by closing down the Brooklyn street where US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer lives.

The protest, planned on the second night of the weeklong Jewish feast of Passover, is one of a dozen to be held in cities around the country, including Portland, Oregon and Seattle.

In Brooklyn, protesters plan a Passover Sedar, a ritual holiday meal and service, while urging Schumer, the highest-ranking elected Jewish American, to support an end to providing US weapons for Israel’s war in Gaza, organisers said in a statement.

“Hundreds will risk arrest while demanding Senator Schumer, who has recently spoken sharply against Netanyahu, take the next step and stop arming Israel,” the statement said, referring to the Israeli prime minister.

Israeli protesters gather in Tel Aviv, demanding return of all captives in Gaza

Hundreds of Israeli protesters in Tel Aviv are calling for the release of captives taken on October 7 and criticising Netanyahu’s leadership.

They have gathered outside the Israeli defence ministry building, demanding a final exchange deal.

Demonstrators, some of whom are relatives of captives, chanted slogans demanding the Netanyahu government return captives held in Gaza immediately. Many held signs, while some wrote messages on the floor of the road facing the ministry with slogans including, “We have been abandoned.”

Relatives of captives and their supporters have been rallying for months, calling on Netanyahu to take action and bring their loved ones home. Demonstrators have resorted to blocking highways and burning barrels in a show of protest.

US ramps up sanctions against Iran

The US has designated four people and two companies it says were “involved in malicious cyber activity” on behalf of the country’s military.

“These actors targeted more than a dozen US companies and government entities through cyber operations, including spear phishing and malware attacks,” the US Treasury Department said in a statement.

The individuals and companies were working on behalf of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Cyber Electronic Command (IRGC-CEC), Treasury said.

The sanctions are the latest to be levied against Tehran by the US and its allies for its retaliatory attack on Israel this month and for supporting anti-Israel proxies in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia condemns discovery of mass graves in Gaza’s Khan Younis

Saudi Arabia has decried the discovery of mass graves in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis, where some 310 bodies have been recovered from the vicinity of Nasser Medical Complex so far.

“We affirm that the failure of the international community to activate accountability mechanisms in response to Israel’s breaches of international law, will only result in more violations,” the ministry said in a statement.

Norway urges donors to resume funding for UNRWA

Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide has said that UNRWA is the lifeline for the 2.3 million inhabitants of Gaza, calling on “countries that have still frozen their contributions to UNRWA to resume funding”.

“The situation is catastrophic. Gaza is in ruins. The population lacks everything, and many are starving. UNRWA’s presence is also crucial for other humanitarian organisations’ efforts in Gaza,” he said in a statement.

“UNRWA is much more than a humanitarian organisation. Mandated by the UN General Assembly, UNRWA is the international community’s commitment to Palestine refugees and their rights.”

Egyptian women arrested while demonstrating in solidarity with Gaza and Sudan

A human rights lawyer says Egyptians have gathered outside the UN Women office in Cairo in solidarity with women in Gaza and Sudan.

“In response, Egyptian authorities arrested a number of participants, including … Lobna Darwish,” who works on gender issues for the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, Mai El-Sadany said in a post on X.

The detained include lawyers, journalists and civil society leaders, El-Sadany said.

ICRC expresses concern about West Bank violence

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has drawn attention to the “recent escalation of violence in multiple areas” of the occupied West Bank in an X post.

Since early last year, Israel has intensified raids in the West Bank, which were accelerated after Israel launched its war on Gaza on October 7. At least 482 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank by Israeli forces or settlers since the war began.

But last week, attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinian communities ramped up significantly, and a raid by Israeli forces that lasted several days on the city of Tulkarem and its Nur Shams refugee camp killed 14 people.

In its post, the ICRC said that over the weekend, two medics from the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) were harmed while trying to respond to calls for help.

“One volunteer suffered a gunshot wound while serving as a paramedic on a PRCS ambulance in Tulkarem. Mohammed Awad Allah Musa was killed while providing medical support on a private ambulance in Nablus,” the organisation said.

“Ambulances and medical workers are not a target,” it added.



Jamaica recognises the State of Palestine

The Jamaican government says it has “taken a decision to recognise the State of Palestine” amid concerns over Israel’s war on Gaza and the “ever-deepening humanitarian crisis” in the Palestinian territory.

“The decision is aligned with Jamaica’s strong commitment to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, which seek to engender mutual respect and peaceful co-existence among states, as well as the recognition of the right of people to self-determination,“ the country’s ministry of foreign affairs said in a statement.

Jamaica’s Foreign Minister Kamina Johnson Smith said her country wanted to see “a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through diplomatic dialogue rather than military actions”.



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US police arrest Pro-Palestinian Jewish protesters outside Senator’s New York home

Hundreds of protesters were reportedly arrested after holding a demonstration on the “doorstep” of US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s home in New York’s Grand Army Plaza.

Organised by the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) lobby group, the protest was presented as a “seder on the street” on the second night of the week-long Jewish feast of Passover.

Following speeches from writers, performers and rabbis, protesters moved to block the streets surrounding the Plaza and arrests were made by the New York Police Department, according to the Reuters news agency.

The JVP shared photos on social media of the arrests and police moving demonstrators taking part in a sit-down protest and chanting: “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea”.

According to JVP, the protesters were demanding “the US stop arming and funding the Israeli government as it carries out a genocide” in Gaza.

Post-1948 world order ‘at risk of decimation’ amid war in Gaza, Ukraine: Amnesty

Amnesty International has accused the world’s most powerful governments, including China, Russia and the US, of leading the global disregard for international rules and values enshrined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights amid wars in Gaza and Ukraine.

The war in Gaza, which began on October 7, was a “descent into hell”, Amnesty’s Secretary-General Agnes Callamard wrote in her preface to her organisation’s annual report, noting that “the ‘never again’ moral and legal lessons [of 1948] were torn into a million pieces”.

Callamard said Israel’s “campaign of retaliation” following the October 7 attack by Hamas had become a “campaign of collective punishment”.

And as Israel continues to disregard international human rights law, the US and other countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, were now guilty of “grotesque double standards”, Callamard said, given their willingness to back Israel’s war on Gaza while condemning war crimes by Russia in Ukraine.



>US police arrest Pro-Palestinian Jewish protesters outside Senator’s New York home
has anybody tried accusing them of committing antisemitic hate-crimes, because they're arresting Jews that protest against Genocide.


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‘Countdown to catastrophe’ amid reports of imminent Rafah attack

Israeli media are reporting a military invasion of southern Rafah will happen “very soon”. Outcries have grown around the world against such an assault, with more than one million Palestinian civilians sheltering there.

“Everybody seems to be on a countdown to war across the largest displacement camp on Earth, which is Rafah,” said Norwegian Refugee Council boss Jan Egeland.

A ground assault on Rafah would be an “apocalyptic situation”, Egeland warned, adding humanitarian groups “are completely in the dark on how to mitigate this countdown to a catastrophe”.

Hezbollah launches deepest attack inside Israel since Gaza war began

The Lebanese group says it launched drone attacks on Israeli bases north of the city of Acre in retaliation for the killing of one of its fighters – marking the deepest attack into Israeli territory since the Gaza war began.

The Israeli military said it had no knowledge of any of its facilities being hit by Hezbollah, but had said earlier that it intercepted two “aerial targets” off Israel’s northern coast.

Bodies in Nasser Hospital mass grave ‘unrecognisable’
Hani Mahmoud
Reporting from Rafah, Gaza

As the day progresses, we are finding out more shocking details and revelations about the mass grave at the courtyard of Nasser Hospital.

Many of the bodies retrieved inside plastic bags have been largely [decomposed] to the point they are not recognisable at all. Their identities are lost.

Families gathered at the hospital’s courtyard trying to find [the bodies of their] children or other relatives, whom they have been searching for over the past 70 days, are unable to recognise them. There have only been a few cases of parents being able to recognise the bodies of their children from the clothes they were wearing.

Tragedies keep unfolding across the hospital’s courtyard, where the fourth mass grave has been discovered within the past 12 days.

Wave of Israeli air raids hammers southern Lebanon

The Israeli military has carried out more than a dozen simultaneous air attacks on southern Lebanese towns, reports Lebanon’s An-Nahar media.

The strikes have taken place near the southern towns of Ayta ash Shab, Ramyah, Jabal Blat, and Khallet Warde.

The reported attacks come after an Israeli military statement said its forces were in the process of striking Hezbollah targets.

Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr, reporting from Marjayoun in southern Lebanon, said the strikes were part of a “pattern of sporadic escalation” along the border.

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Gaza’s death toll rises

At least 34,262 Palestinians have been killed and 77,229 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, its Health Ministry says.

The ministry added that 79 people were killed and 86 injured in the latest 24-hour reporting period.

EU joins calls for probe into mass graves at Gaza hospitals

The European Union wants an independent investigation into mass graves uncovered at Gaza’s Nasser and al-Shifa medical facilities.

“This is something that forces us to call for an independent investigation of all the suspicions and all the circumstances, because indeed it creates the impression that there might have been violations of international human rights committed,” EU spokesman Peter Stano said.

Earlier, the UN also demanded a transparent inquiry into the mass graves, where Palestinian civil defence crew say they found more than 300 bodies. Any investigation, according to the UN, would need to involve international investigators “given the prevailing climate of impunity”.

UN human rights office spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said some of the bodies at Nasser Hospital were allegedly “found with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes”.

UNRWA: ‘High-risk’ aid delivery made to Jabalia

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), along with the UN children’s fund (UNICEF), have completed a joint aid delivery mission to Jabalia in northern Gaza, according to the UNRWA.

The delivery on Tuesday brought “life-saving medical and water-purification” supplies to residents of Jabalia, said the UNRWA, where aid shortages are among the worst in the enclave.

While aid delivery to all of Gaza has been challenging, getting supplies into the north has been especially strained due to tight Israeli movement restrictions and military operations.

Arab League demands restoration of UNWRA funding after report

The league’s Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit says an independent review of the UN Palestinian refugee agency shows Israel’s allegations were baseless and part of a “systematic campaign” to close it down.

Aboul Gheit urged all countries that suspended funding to urgently resume financial assistance to UNRWA, calling it a “humanitarian necessity and a moral duty”. He specifically urged UNRWA’s largest donor, the United States, to reconsider.

The independent probe earlier this week found Israeli provided no evidence for its allegations that some UNWRA staff collaborated with Hamas during the October 7 attack.

Israel’s accusations led to 16 donor countries suspending or pausing funding to the refugee agency, leaving it with a gap of some $450m as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians struggle to survive war and starvation.

‘It is as if the war started again’

Palestinians are fleeing their homes in northern Gaza just weeks after returning due to Israeli bombardments, which have once again resumed there. Many say it is just as intense as at the start of the war.

Residents in the suburbs of Gaza City in particular reported heavy shelling.

“We don’t know why this is all happening. Is it because we returned home and we finally got some aid through after months of starvation and the Israelis didn’t like that?” Mohammad Jamal, 29, a resident of Gaza City near Zeitoun, one of Gaza’s oldest neighbourhoods, told the Reuters news agency through a messaging app.

“It is as if the war started again, as if it is just happening. They burned up the place.”

Israel renewed its attacks in the area this week after some time of relative calm, having previously withdrawn many of its troops from the north of the Strip.

Egyptian police crack down on pro-Palestine demonstrations

Egyptian authorities have arrested activists at a protest held in solidarity with Palestinians in war-torn Gaza.

Lawyer Khaled Ali said at least 18 activists, mostly women, were detained when police broke up the protest outside the regional office of the UN Women agency in Cairo’s Maadi district on Tuesday. There was no comment from the government.

Protesters called for the protection of women in Gaza. Although Egypt’s government has condemned Israel’s campaign in Gaza, it has largely banned public demonstrations against the war. Criticism of the country’s ties with Israel, with which it signed a peace accord in 1979, is highly sensitive.

Iran and Pakistan call on UNSC to take action against Israel

In a joint statement after Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s three-day visit to Pakistan, the two countries accused Israel of a “major escalation in an already volatile region” after “illegally” targeted neighbouring nations and foreign diplomatic facilities.

“The two sides strongly condemned the attack on the Consular Section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, which was an unacceptable violation of the sovereignty of Syria and undermined its stability and security,” the statement, published by Pakistan’s foreign office, read.

It added: “Both sides expressed their strong and unequivocal condemnation of the ongoing Israeli regime’s aggression and atrocities against the Palestinian people, along with the inhumane blockade of Gaza that has resulted in widespread death and destruction as well as displacement of millions of Palestinians.”

University of Michigan announces restrictions to ‘limit disruptions’ at ceremonies

The university, where students have held pro-Palestine protests in recent days, says it is committed to “free speech” and will allow protests at upcoming ceremonies, including commencement, adding they must take place in “designated areas” to “limit disruptions”.

While the university said in a statement posted on its website that its officials “will generally be patient with lawful disruptions”, they will step in to “de-escalate” and address any interruptions that “significantly impede” ceremonies.

Flags and banners, it added, will not be permitted at the commencement events.

In addition to pro-Palestine rallies being held at the university, several dozen of its students have set up a tent encampment on campus to call on the institution to divest from pro-Israel companies.

They join students at dozens of US colleges and universities who have taken action over the Gaza war, including dozens arrested at Columbia University, New York University and Yale University.

Israeli forces seal off Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque to Muslims

The mosque, considered one of Islam’s holiest sites, will be shuttered to Muslims today and tomorrow as Israeli forces reserve the complex for Jewish settlers marking Passover, reports the Wafa news agency.

Israeli troops have ramped up restrictions and closed checkpoints leading to the religious site, which is known to Israeli Jews as the Tomb of the Patriarchs.

Access to the religious complex is a flashpoint issue in occupied Hebron, where some 700 Jewish settlers live, with Israeli forces closing it to Muslims for about 10 days each year coinciding with Jewish holidays, according to Wafa.

Germany says it will resume coordination with UNWRA in Gaza

The move comes as an independent probe earlier this week said that Israel did not provide any evidence after alleging that some UNWRA staff had collaborated with Hamas during the October 7 attack. The review, headed by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, made some recommendations on toughening up safeguards in certain areas.

“Against this background and in support of these reforms, the Federal Government will shortly continue its cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza, as Australia, Canada, Sweden and Japan, among others, have already done,” a statement from the Germany’s Federal Foreign Office and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development read.

‘They’re protesting new horrors every day’

Wadie Said, a professor of law at the University of Colorado, says escalating demonstrations and sit-ins in the US over Israel’s war on Gaza have now turned into a battle for constitutional rights.

“The First Amendment is the hallmark of freedom that America puts forth as how it sees itself in the world – the home of freedom of speech. You see that being curtailed based on viewpoint discrimination, which is something not supposed to be allowed under the First Amendment,” Said told Al Jazeera.

US university administrators are “selectively applying” restrictions on pro-Palestine supporters, he said.

“The response by the students has been to double down and insist on their right to protest in solidarity. After all, what they’re protesting is, in fact, a genocide where new horrors appear every day. The fuel for this is the war on Gaza, and administrators don’t seem interested in allowing students to express their views.”

What are US colleges’ financial ties to Israel?

Student protests across the United States are targeting financial ties between universities and Israel. But information about these links isn’t clear-cut.

The US Education Department requires colleges to report gifts and contracts from foreign sources, but a lot of underreporting takes place, with institutions dodging reporting requirements by steering money through separate foundations that work on their behalf.
According to an Education Department database, about 100 US post-secondary schools have reported gifts or contracts from Israel totalling $375m over the past two decades.
As one example, some student protesters allege the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has accepted more than $11m from Israel’s Defense Ministry over the past decade to work on projects related to drone navigation and missile systems.
Students at the University of Michigan cite investments in companies that produce drones or warplanes used in Israel, as well as surveillance technology used at checkpoints into Gaza. University of Michigan officials, however, say they have no direct investments with Israeli companies.



People have pointed out the irony, yeah, but most people aren't as cynical as the sociopaths running these institutions are.


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"New York University constructing a border around sites of popular support for anti-Zionism. All the walls will fall, free Palestine, end the genocide of Gaza, and may the students be victorious"


>New York University constructing a border around sites of popular support for anti-Zionism
Zionists used to be smart, they're not anymore. It's a political battle, this is how you loose political battles.




Houthis say they carried out military operations in Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean

Yemen’s Houthi group has said its fighters targeted the Maersk Yorktown ship and an American warship in the Gulf of Aden.

The group also targeted the Israeli ship MSC Veracruz in the Indian Ocean, its military spokesman Yahya Sarea said in a televised speech.

The Houthis have been attacking commercial and military shipping in the Red Sea since the early days of Israel’s war on Gaza, prompting airstrikes by the US and UK on targets belonging to the group inside Yemen. The group says the attacks will continue until a ceasefire is reached in Gaza.

Texas deploys police as pro-Palestine student protests spread

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of Texas have been in a tense standoff with mounted state troopers, the latest in a series of confrontations rocking campuses across the United States.

As students at the university staged a walkout chanting “down with occupation,” state troopers on horseback were making their way through campus – while elsewhere police in riot gear were pushing back protesters, AFP reported, referencing social media footage.

At least two people had been arrested, the student newspaper The Daily Texan reported.

The standoff in Austin comes as ongoing protests at New York’s Columbia University amid Israel’s war on Gaza have sparked intense attention from media and politicians – and similar demonstrations across the country.

University of Sydney students set up Gaza solidarity camp

Students and activist staff at Australia’s University of Sydney (USyd) have set up a Gaza solidarity encampment in support of Palestinians and similar student-led protests in the United States.

According to the university’s student newspaper, Honi Soit, the camp was established on the university’s campus on Tuesday when tents were pitched “emblazoned with graffiti reading ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘from the river to the sea’”.

Students form several Australian universities were in attendance for the launch of the encampment, which was inaugurated with a student activist “speak out” on the subject of the war on Gaza and the demand for USyd management to drop any ties to the state of Israel.

According to the student newspaper: “Many chants that were used on US campuses in the past week were repeated at the encampment tonight like “disclose, divest, we will not stop, we will not rest” followed by “Albanese/Sydney Uni you will see, Palestine will be free”.



"University of Texas students chanting “You don’t scare us” and “Get off our campus” to state troopers sent by Gov. Abbott with support of Biden and Democrats. But students can’t defeat the state on their own or on the campuses. They must turn to the working class to defend their rights and defeat imperialist war"



Number of bodies recovered from Nasser Hospital rises to 324

Palestinian Civil Defence teams have recovered 324 dead bodies at Nasser Hospital as of Wednesday, the UN humanitarian agency, OCHA, has said in its latest daily update.

OCHA cited Palestinian Civil Defence as saying women, elderly persons and patients were among the people found buried at the hospital, and noted, “only few were identified”.

UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Tuesday called for “independent, effective and transparent investigations” into the deaths.

“Hospitals are entitled to very special protection under international humanitarian law, and the intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are hors de combat is a war crime,” Turk added.

Israeli shelling, raids in central and northern Gaza

Israeli artillery have shelled several sites in Deir el-Balah and Wadi Gaza in the central Gaza Strip, Wafa reports.

In eastern Jabalia and Gaza City, in the north of the Gaza Strip, there are reports of artillery shelling and Israeli raids, especially in the Zeitoun neighbourhood and in the northwestern side of Gaza City, Wafa also reports.

Thousands of students remain at USC protest after arrests

We told you earlier that there was a group of students here who had committed to being arrested.

That group has been completely removed now. The last student was just taken away minutes ago.

The only thing that’s left now is a Palestinian flag crumpled on the ground.

There are still thousands, perhaps, of other students outside the police perimeter here who have been chanting ‘Let them go’.

The protests, of course, centred around Israel’s war on Gaza.

The students are demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to US support in terms of weaponry for the Israeli military, and closer to home, demanding that the university itself divest from any ties to Israeli institutions.

Gaza solidarity camp set up at Sciences Po in Paris

Students at Sciences Po in Paris have set up an antiwar camp in solidarity with the people of Gaza.

Video clips shared on social media show tents pitched inside the university’s Saint Thomas campus and Palestinian flags hanging from buildings.

According to the French news agency AFP, the protesters are demanding that Sciences Po management cut all ties to Israeli universities and companies that are “complicit in the genocide in Gaza”, and are also calling for an end to “repression against pro-Palestinian voices on campus”.

US military says downed missile ‘likely targeting’ US ship

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) says a ship from its Red Sea coalition downed a missile fired by Yemen’s Houthis over the Gulf of Aden on Wednesday.

CENTCOM said the missile was “likely targeting the [Maersk] Yorktown, a US-flagged, owned, and operated vessel with 18 US and four Greek crew members”.

The Houthis earlier claimed they had targeted the Maersk Yorktown ship and a US warship in the Gulf of Aden, as well as the Israeli ship MSC Veracruz in the Indian Ocean.

University of Texas professor witnesses police attack on pro-Palestinian student protest

Speaking from Austin, Texas, Professor Jeremi Suri said he had just finished teaching a class at the university’s history department when he saw a group of about 200 students demonstrating peacefully on a grass lawn.

“These students were shouting ‘free Palestine’, that’s all. Maybe they had one or two signs. They were saying nothing anti-Semitic. They were saying nothing that was threatening. And as they were standing and shouting, I witnessed the police – the state police, the campus police, the city police – an army of police almost the size as the student group … many were carrying guns, many were carrying rifles, and then, within a few minutes, this group of police stormed into the student crowd and started arresting students,” Suri told Al Jazeera.

The students “were loud, but they were peaceful”, he said, “and the police just started attacking them. And that led to more shouting. More students then arrived when they saw this and the situation became more violent”.

“But it became more violent because the police had attacked the students, not the other way around”.



Belgian aid worker killed in Rafah bombing

Israeli forces killed a Belgian aid worker and his seven-year-old son in an attack in Rafah, southern Gaza, Minister of Development Cooperation and Urban Policy Caroline Gennez says.

“It is with great sadness that I was informed that last night one of our staff was killed by an Israeli bombardment,” Gennez wrote on X.

“Abdallah Nabhan and his 7-year-old son Jamal were killed in an attack on Rafah,” she added.

At least seven people were killed by the strike on a building that housed about 25 people, including displaced Palestinians from other parts of the Gaza Strip.

Belgium summons Israeli envoy after aid worker killed in Gaza

Foreign Minster Hadja Lahbib has summoned Israel’s ambassador after an employee with the Belgian development agency Enabel and his son were killed in an Israeli strike on southern Gaza.

“Bombing civilian areas and populations is contrary to international law. I will summon the Israeli ambassador to condemn this unacceptable act and demand an explanation,” Lahbib said on X.

Protests over captives have morphed into antigovernment demos
Hamdah Salhut
Reporting from Occupied East Jerusalem

The Israeli government has maintained its position that military and political pressure are the only ways to ensure the release of the remaining captives held inside Gaza.

But families of the captives and the Bring Them Back Now movement – the protest movement that has been demonstrating for months – say the government should enter a new deal.

The protest movement, which was just about bringing back the captives, has morphed into antigovernment demonstrations, calling for new governance within the state of Israel so that they can enter into a deal to bring back the captives.

The Israeli prime minister has maintained for some time that Hamas is the reason why there is no deal while Hamas has said that Israel is the reason why there hasn’t been a deal.

Nonetheless, families of the captives are incredibly fed up with the government’s inability to achieve the goals of the war, one of them being to bring back the remaining captives.

At this hour, the Israeli war cabinet is meeting at the Kirya – that’s Israel’s version of the Pentagon – the defence ministry in Tel Aviv, and there are protests right outside, calling for a deal to bring them back immediately.

US weapons manufacturers set to rake in huge profits

Two of the largest US weapons manufacturers – Lockheed Martin and RTX – are in for a major boost in sales as the US demands more pricey military equipment to send to Ukraine and Israel.

On Wednesday, Biden signed a law that designates $17bn in new military aid to Israel and $61bn to Ukraine.

That means the US will need to buy and restock military equipment, including missiles and drones produced by RTX and interceptors that arm the Patriot missile defence system produced by Lockheed Martin.

Lockheed CEO Jim Taiclet told investors this week that the new demand will “provide a strong underpinning for future growth” in the upcoming years.

Lebanon ‘on the brink of imploding’

Jan Egeland, secretary-general of the Norwegian Refugee Council, warns the war in Gaza has pushed Lebanon to “the brink of imploding”.

“It simply cannot continue like this,” said Egeland, following a visit to the country. “People fleeing southern villages in search of a safe place end up in overcrowded shelters. Their livelihoods have been destroyed, but we have insufficient funding to help them.”

More than 90,000 people have been forced to abandon their houses in southern Lebanon since October 7. There have been nearly daily attacks by Hezbollah and the Israeli army.

On Tuesday, the Iran-backed group said it struck Acre, marking its deepest attack into Israeli territory since the conflict began.

20 bodies in mass graves may have been ‘buried alive’: Palestinian Civil Defence member

Ten bodies found in Gaza’s mass graves had their hands bound while others still had medical tubes attached to them, indicating they may have been buried alive, Palestinian Civil Defence member Mohammed Mughier said.

“We need forensic examination for approximately 20 bodies for people who we think were buried alive,” Mughier said.

Children among those buried in Gaza mass graves

Some of the bodies found in mass graves at Nasser Hospital belong to children, said Palestinian Civil Defence member Mohammed Mughier, who provided photographic and video evidence of several of their remains.

“Why do we have children in mass graves?” he said, adding that the evidence shows Israeli soldiers committed “crimes against humanity”.

Four Palestinians attempting to return home killed by Israeli tank fire

In central Gaza, four people were killed in Israeli tank shelling and their bodies were brought to a local hospital.

Family members told The Associated Press news agency they were killed as they tried to move to northern Gaza, where Israel’s military is preventing people from returning to their homes.

Earlier, Palestinian hospital officials said Israeli air strikes on the southern city of Rafah killed at least five people.

The bodies of 43 people killed in Israeli strikes have been brought to local hospitals over the past 24 hours. Hospitals also received 64 wounded people, Gaza’s Health Ministry says.

CENTCOM says coalition shoots down drones, missile targeting US-flagged vessel

US-led coalition forces say they have shot down four drones and an antiship missile launched by Yemen’s Houthis.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a statement on X the missile likely targeted the MV Yorktown, a US-flagged shipping vessel. Four drones were also destroyed.

Most of 392 bodies found in mass graves unidentified: Gaza civil defence

Out of 392 bodies recovered in Gaza’s mass graves, only 65 have been identified by relatives, said Yamen Abu Sulaiman, head of Khan Younis’s civil defence department.

The majority of the bodies remain unidentified because of advanced decomposition or mutilation, said Abu Sulaiman, pointing to evidence that some victims may have been tortured.

Abu Sulaiman called on the international community to exert pressure to “put an immediate end to this aggression against our people”, as well as for humanitarian organisations and international media to be let into Gaza to “examine these crimes”.

Indications of ‘field executions’ at Gaza mass graves

Palestinian civil defence officials are holding a press conference in Gaza’s southern district of Rafah regarding the discovery of mass graves around Gaza’s Nasser and al-Shifa hospitals.

Yamen Abu Sulaiman, the head of the civil defence department in Khan Younis, where Nasser Hospital is located, said three separate mass graves have been found at the facility – one behind the morgue, one in front of the morgue, and one near the dialysis building.

Bodies were “stacked together” in the mass graves and showed indications of field executions having taken place, said Abu Sulaiman.

34,305 Palestinians killed in Gaza since Israel’s war began

At least 34,305 Palestinians have been killed and 77,293 wounded in Israel’s attack on Gaza since October 7, the Health Ministry says.

The tally includes at least 43 deaths in the past 24 hours, a ministry statement said.

Among the dead are more than 14,500 children and 9,500 women in Gaza. The death toll is estimated to be far higher with thousands believed buried in the debris of buildings collapsed during Israeli strikes.

Lebanon-Israel border conflict entering ‘different phase’
Zeina Khodr
Reporting from Marjayoun, southern Lebanon

This is becoming a higher-intensity conflict on both sides. In recent days, we’ve seen an increase in attacks by the Israeli military and Lebanese armed group Hezbollah.

Yesterday, Israel carried out the largest number of strikes in a single day. In a matter of minutes, it hit 40 targets belonging to what it says were Hezbollah positions. The air strikes continued into the early hours, not just targeting front-line villages, but targeting eastern Lebanon. It seems to be a different phase.

What Israel wants is for Hezbollah to pull back a few kilometres but Hezbollah is still here firing rockets south of the Litani River. Fighters are still being killed in their homes.

So there are two options on the table: Either escalation to try and force Hezbollah back – so far that has not worked – or we are going to see an escalation to improve negotiating positions to try to find a diplomatic settlement.

What is clear is this conflict is tied to what is happening in Gaza. Until there is a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the Lebanon-Israel border will remain an active front line.

Over 100 students arrested in California, Texas as Gaza protests in the US intensify

Police in the United States have arrested dozens of protesters at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Southern California as student-led demonstrations against Israel’s war on Gaza intensify.

After visiting Jewish students at Columbia University in New York, House Speaker Mike Johnson suggested calling in the National Guard to put down the protests.

‘Biden has betrayed the soul of our nation’: Muslim rights group

President Joe Biden and many members of Congress have “passed the moral point of no return” by unconditionally providing billions of dollars in military aid to Israel as it continues to kill and maim Palestinians in Gaza, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says.

“By signing legislation that gives Benjamin Netanyahu another $17bn blank check for his genocide, President Biden has betrayed the soul of our nation and disregarded the will of the American people, who overwhelmingly support a ceasefire and oppose unconditional aid to Israel,” CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said in a statement.

“Giving the Israeli government billions more in weaponry despite all of those war crimes is unconscionable … Concrete steps to end the occupation that has trigged cycles of violence for generations … must end once and for all, here and now.”

Grim mass grave search continues at Nasser Hospital
Hani Mahmoud
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

It’s the sixth day in a row where medics and civil defence workers are still recovering bodies from this mass grave – bodies of children, women, the elderly. Bodies of patients with bandages and catheters attached.

Survivors have described the horrors of the Israeli raid on the hospital with people dragged outside and executed. When we visited the mass graves we saw family members searching for missing loved ones. Some identified relatives from the clothes they were wearing because the bodies were too badly decomposed.

This is not the first time a mass grave has been discovered, with another at al-Shifa Hospital with about 400 people reportedly killed and buried there.



Israeli settlers enter Al-Aqsa Mosque compound

More than 430 Israeli settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem.

A video verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad fact-checking agency shows settlers walking through Al-Aqsa. The Palestinian news agency Wafa reports the settlers were under “heavy protection” from Israeli forces.

The settlers performed rituals of the weeklong Jewish holiday known as Passover. Under a longstanding status quo agreement, prayer at Al-Aqsa is reserved for Muslims.

Hamas willing to lay down arms if two-state solution implemented: Report

A top Hamas official, Khalil al-Hayya, has said the group was willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and transform into a political party if a two-state solution is implemented, The Associated Press news agency has reported.

Al-Hayya, who made his comments in an interview with the AP in Istanbul, said Hamas wants to participate in the formation of a unified government for Gaza and the West Bank.

“All the experiences of people who fought against occupiers, when they became independent and obtained their rights and their state, what have these forces done? They have turned into political parties and their defending fighting forces have turned into the national army,” he said.

Al-Hayya also said Israel’s planned ground invasion of Rafah would not succeed in destroying Hamas.

Israeli forces “have not destroyed more than 20 percent of [Hamas’s] capabilities, neither human nor in the field,” he said.

“If they can’t finish [Hamas] off, what is the solution? The solution is to go to consensus,” he added.

Students want universities to cut ties with global companies arming Israel

A growing number of students are calling on their universities to end investments and partnerships with weapons manufacturers they say are profiting from Israel’s war in Gaza.

At Cornell University in New York, just under 70 percent of students who voted in a recent referendum said the university should divest from companies supporting the ongoing war in Gaza. The question specifically named several companies including BAE Systems, Boeing, Elbit Systems and Lockheed Martin.

Meanwhile, in Australia, students participating in a Gaza solidarity encampment at the University of Melbourne issued a statement calling for their university to cut ties with companies including BAE Systems, Boeing and Lockheed Martin.



>The European Union wants an independent investigation into mass graves uncovered at Gaza’s Nasser and al-Shifa medical facilities.
>Earlier, the UN also demanded a transparent inquiry into the mass graves, where Palestinian civil defence crew say they found more than 300 bodies. Any investigation, according to the UN, would need to involve international investigators “given the prevailing climate of impunity”.
So they're expecting worse shit to get unearthed ?

>UN human rights office

probably needs a elite strike force that goes after those people that make mass graves, or else this'll keep happening.

>Foreign Minster Hadja Lahbib has summoned Israel’s ambassador after an employee with the Belgian development agency Enabel and his son were killed in an Israeli strike on southern Gaza.
Zionist keep killing aid workers yelling at the ambassador probably isn't enough.


>Lebanon ‘on the brink of imploding’
Which part ? Lebanon has like 2 governments, a official one and a unofficial one that is associated with Hezbollah.



Atlanta police today tasing a student protestor while he's handcuffed on the ground at Emory University.


The Taser™ has morphed into the high-tech equivalent of a whip for corporal punishment.
As a electricity-enjoyer i strongly disapprove


Mass grave body count at Nasser alone now up to 700 https://twitter.com/democracynow/status/1783476584608895010


BRUTAL Crackdown On Gaza Protests Exposes 'Free Speech' Hypocrites - Owen Jones


Israel places ‘roadblock’ to delay ‘Gaza Freedom Flotilla’: Aid coalition

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC), a movement composed of campaigns and initiatives working to end the Israeli blockade of Gaza, says its aid ship bound for the enclave has been delayed from leaving Turkey.

The coalition said in a statement, “All the required paperwork has been submitted to the port authority, and the cargo has been loaded and prepared for the trip to Gaza.”

“However, today we received word of an administrative roadblock initiated by Israel in an attempt to prevent our departure”.

“Israel is pressuring the Republic of Guinea Bissau to withdraw its flag from our lead ship – Akdeniz [“Mediterranean]. This triggered a request for an additional inspection, this one by the flag state, that delays our April 26 planned departure”.

The coalition said this was another “example of Israel obstructing the delivery of life-saving aid to the people in Gaza who face a deliberately created famine”, adding that it was not the first time Israel had used “these kinds of tactics to stop our ships from sailing”.

Aid workers from 40 countries are due to deliver 5,000 tonnes of aid to Gaza using the Akdeniz.

US State Department Arabic spokesperson resigns in opposition to Gaza policy

The Arabic language spokesperson of the US State Department has resigned, citing her opposition to Washington’s policy related to Israel’s war on Gaza.

Hala Rharrit was also the Dubai Regional Media Hub’s deputy director and joined the State Department almost two decades ago as a political and human rights officer, the department’s website showed.

She wrote on LinkedIn, “I resigned April 2024 after 18 years of distinguished service in opposition to the United States’ Gaza policy”.

Nearly a month earlier, Annelle Sheline of the State Department’s human rights bureau announced her resignation, and State Department official Josh Paul resigned in October.

A senior official in the US Education Department, Tariq Habash, who is Palestinian-American, had stepped down in January

How Gaza’s children are preparing for Israel’s invasion of Rafah

As an Israeli ground assault on Gaza’s last “safe zone” looms, two children in Rafah brace for it.
“We’re afraid people will resort to killing each other for food,” 11-year-old Husam says as he recounts his daily battle to secure basic necessities like food, water and sanitation in Rafah during Israel’s war on Gaza.

Husam is one of more than 600,000 children who have sought refuge in the city, the designated “safe zone” in southern Gaza. But since March, the Israeli government has threatened to extend a military invasion there, too, casting a shadow of fear that has been building for months. “A person’s psyche wears out with fear. It’s a slow death,” Husam says as he reflects on what lies ahead.

Houthis claim to have targeted a ship in the Gulf of Aden

The spokesperson for the Iran-aligned group, Yahya Saree, says it targeted an Israeli ship, the MSC Darwin, in the Gulf of Aden.

Britain said on Thursday the Royal Navy warship HMS Diamond had shot down a missile fired by the Houthis from Yemen targeting a merchant vessel.

Saree said the group had also fired a number of “ballistic and winged missiles” at several targets around Eilat in southern Israel.

Pier site in Gaza comes under fire during UN visit

A UN spokesperson says a UN team in the Gaza Strip visiting the site for a pier and the staging area for maritime aid operations had to seek shelter in a bunker “for some time” yesterday after the area came under fire.

Two rounds landed about 100 meters (300 feet) away, but there were no injuries and the team was eventually able to continue the tour, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.

The pier has been criticised by the UN and aid agencies as a complicated workaround for delivering aid via existing land routes, as calls on Israel to allow sufficient aid into the Gaza Strip through its land borders continue.

US says Gaza aid pier construction has begun

Pentagon spokesperson Major General Patrick Ryder told reporters that construction of the pier, announced in March by US President Joe Biden, has started.

The pier will receive ships carrying desperately needed aid for the people of Gaza, thousands of whom are facing imminent famine.

“I can confirm that US military vessels, to include the USNS Benavidez, have begun to construct the initial stages of the temporary pier and causeway at sea,” Ryder told reporters.

The UN has warned Gaza faces famine and has complained of “overwhelming obstacles” to getting aid into and distributing it around the enclave.

Ryder said the Pentagon was tracking some type of mortar attack in Gaza that caused minimal damage in the staging area for the pier. The UN stated earlier today that one of its teams, inspecting the staging area, had to take cover for several hours when bombs struck nearby.

Ryder added that US forces had not started moving anything to that area yet and there were no US forces on the ground.

France threatens new sanctions against Israeli settlers

President Emmanuel Macron’s office says France is considering extending sanctions on Israeli settlers behind violence against Palestinian civilians in the occupied West Bank after the prime minister spoke with Jordan’s King Abdullah II.

The two leaders “firmly condemned recent Israeli announcements about settlements” in the occupied West Bank, “which are contrary to international law”, Macron’s office said in a statement.

On February 28, “extremist Israeli settlers” were banned from entering French territory. Last week, the EU imposed sanctions on four Israeli settlers and two settler organisations for violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

Since the start of the year, Israeli authorities have declared nearly 1,100 hectares (2,720 acres) of the West Bank to be “state land” – twice as much as in the previous record year in 1999, according to the settlement watchdog Peace Now.

US campus protests for Palestine spread to the University of Pennsylvania

Social media video verified by Al Jazeera shows students at UPenn setting up a “Gaza encampment” the likes of which have been seen at Columbia University and on other campuses.

Many student protests have been met with violent crackdowns by local police departments.

Police use tasers, pepper spray at Emory University pro-Palestine demonstration

Video footage, verified by Al Jazeera, shows police using pepper spray and Tasers against students at a demonstration in support of Palestine at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

Activists on the ground say tear gas was also employed.

The protesters at George Washington University are not planning to leave anytime soon
Alan Fisher
Reporting from Washington DC, US

The students here at George Washington University have the same template as the students at Columbia.

They’re looking for the university to divest, to declare what interests they have in companies linked to Israel, and also, they’re looking to make sure that anyone who is involved in these protests will get an amnesty afterwards.

However, in the last hour or so, we’ve also seen a number of barriers placed on the edge of the square. They were very quickly removed, but they’re not far away.

The number of police in nearby streets has increased. We are told the Secret Service was here as well, but they have cycled away and are no longer on site.

A number of accesses to the square have been blocked, and in the building over my shoulder, the police have set up essentially a temporary command structure where they are talking about what they can do.

Now, seven o’clock local time … was given essentially as a deadline for the encampment to go away. It’s not clear then what the university administrators will do.

What is clear is that the Metropolitan Police Department has been called in to help because the numbers are just too big for George Washington’s own police to deal with.

The mayor has said that it has to be done peacefully if the protesters are to be moved.

The people here are not planning to leave anytime soon. They will stay until the university meets its demands.

Gaza Civil Defence issues heat warning to displaced Palestinians

As temperatures soar in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Civil Defence has warned that conditions are ripe for “the expansion of the spread of epidemics and diseases among [displaced Palestinians], especially among children and pregnant women”.

“Drink plenty of water, try to ventilate the place, keep children away from the sun’s rays, especially at peak heat times, and be sure to wipe their bodies with cold water constantly”, spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said in a statement on Telegram, speaking to the thousands of displaced Palestinians currently sheltering in tents.

Chef Jose Andres mourns WCK workers killed in Gaza

Celebrity Chef Jose Andres says the seven aid workers killed by Israeli forces in Gaza were “the best of humanity” during a memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral that was attended by hundreds.

The attack on an aid convoy for Andres’s charity, World Central Kitchen (WCK), earlier this month prompted worldwide condemnation.

At the service, Andres praised each of the workers – Saifeddin Issam Ayad Abutaha, John Chapman, Jacob Flickinger, Lalzawmi Frankcom, James Henderson, James Kirby, and Damian Sobol – during an emotional eulogy, his voice cracking repeatedly.

“The seven souls we mourn today were there so that hungry people could eat,” he said, referring to residents of Gaza. “They risked everything to feed people they did not know.

“They were the best of humanity. Their examples should inspire us to do better, to be better,” he said.

Andres said WCK continues to demand an investigation into the actions of the Israeli forces against its workers and that the official explanation was not good enough.

“There is no excuse for these killings. None,” he said.

It is not antisemitic, pro-Hamas to point out number of Palestinians killed, wounded in Gaza: Sanders

US Senator Bernie Sanders has told Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in a post on X, that it was “not antisemitic or pro-Hamas” to point out that “in a little over six months”, his “extremist government” has killed 34,000 Palestinians and wounded more than 77,000.

In an attached statement, Sanders said his comments were in response to the Israeli prime minister’s remarks yesterday that criticism of the Israeli government’s policies was antisemitic.

“Mr. Netanyahu. Antisemitism is a vile and disgusting form of bigotry that has done unspeakable harm to many millions of people. But, please do not insult the intelligence of the American people by attempting to distract us from the immoral and illegal policies of your extremist and racist government,” Sanders wrote in his closing remarks.

It’s time to declare Israel a rogue state
Somdeep Sen

Another day, another tragedy in Gaza. At the time of writing, rescuers were pulling bodies out of the rubble after an Israeli air strike on a residential building in southern Gaza’s city of Rafah.

Meanwhile, a few miles away in Khan Younis, the grisly effort of digging up bodies buried in mass graves on the grounds of the Nasser Hospital continues.

The Palestinian death toll is now more than 34,300, and 1.1 million people in Gaza are experiencing catastrophic levels of food insecurity.

The world is also on edge, as many fear a wider regional war after Iran sent a retaliatory barrage of drones and missiles into Israel following Israel’s strike on the Iranian consular building in Damascus.

Since then, Iran’s air defences brought down three suspected Israeli drones over the central city of Isfahan. Ignoring calls for caution from around the world – including from its closest partner and protector, the United States – Israel remains determined to conduct a costly ground operation in Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of civilians are sheltering.

Commentators and political figures have declared that Israel is a “liability” and that its leaders have “lost” their way.

Pro-Palestine student demonstrators in Washington, DC say they are ‘facing repression’ from their universities

Students from several universities in the Washington Metropolitan Area have joined forces to demand their schools cut ties to Israel and for an end to Israel’s assault on Gaza.

Yasmine, a student leading the protests that have grown into an encampment, says they are calling for their universities to “divest from any companies that sell weapons or technology” to Israel.

They are also calling on their universities to drop all charges against students “who spoke up or students who are pro-Palestine”, Yasmine told Al Jazeera.

“Many of us are … facing repression and charges and hearings from our universities for simply protesting,” she said.

Many of the protesters, she added, wear masks because of the “heavy targeting and the heavy doxing … against us”.

Students do expect the police to intervene later today in a bid to break up the gathering, according to Al Jazeera’s Patty Culhane, reporting from Washington, DC.

Israeli gov’t seeks another extension on ultra-Orthodox conscription dispute

The Israeli government has sought another deferral on a looming Supreme Court-enforced deadline for it to come up with a new military conscription plan that would address mainstream anger at exemptions granted to ultra-Orthodox Jews.

The court, hearing appeals that described the decades-old waiver as discriminatory, had given March 31 as the original deadline. That was extended to April 30 at the request of the government, which argued it was busy waging its war on Gaza.

In a new request, the Justice Ministry asked for a deferral to May 20, citing a lag in appointing a government lawyer and “significant national-security events” of recent days that had halted government work on a conscription blueprint.

The ultra-Orthodox conscription waiver has become especially charged as Israel’s armed forces, made up mostly of teenage conscripts and older civilians mobilised for reserve duty, are overstretched.

The ultra-Orthodox make up 13 percent of Israel’s 10 million population, a figure expected to reach 19 percent by 2035 due to the community’s high birth rates.

Israeli forces arrest children in the occupied West Bank

Israeli forces have arrested three children from the Jalazone refugee camp, north of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, Palestinian news agency Wafa reports.

It added all three boys were 13 years old and were taken from a main road near the entrance of the camp.

Israel has ramped up its raids on Palestinian towns and villages in the West Bank since October 7. It has also arrested significantly more Palestinians – more than 7,300 – from across the West Bank, with many held without charge or trial.

According to Palestinian Prisoner rights group Addameer, there are at least 200 children currently held in Israeli jails.



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Deadline passes for pro-Palestinian student protesters to clear George Washington University
Alan Fisher
Reporting from Washington, DC

We are an hour past the deadline that the authorities said they wanted the people to move out of College Square right here in the heart of Washington DC – to clear the encampment.

Just in the last hour we have heard from the university saying that the occupation is illegal, is against university policy, and they are continuing discussions with the metropolitan police – the local police department in Washington DC – about how best to clear the area and return it back to the way it was 14 hours ago.


Well that's ironic.


if Owen Jones is right about one thing, it's that by bullying all those people, they really have cemented opposition to Zionism.


‘Gaza Freedom Flotilla’ prepares to challenge Israeli blockade

The Akdeniz, a vessel with the Gaza “Freedom Flotilla”, is being loaded with 5,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid supplies for delivery by sea to the war-torn Palestinian territory.

Lawyers, aid workers and activists are aboard the ship in preparation for efforts by the flotilla to break the Israeli air, land and sea blockade of Gaza.

Mandla Mandela, the grandson of former South African president Nelson Mandela, is part of the flotilla that plans to soon set off for Gaza.

“For us South Africans, the Palestinian issue has always been close and dear to our hearts,” Mandela said, noting that this grandfather had also said “our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people”.



"Emory's Caroline Fohlin is knocked down by the police while shouting: “I’m a professor!!” Hear the disbelief in her voice. She never expected to be treated like this by her own university for protesting Israel's slaughter.

But remember, democracy is on the ballot in Nov…"


>She never expected to be treated like this by her own university for protesting Israel's slaughter.
Yeah touching the "professorial privilege" to not get beaten up by goons was not a clever move.

You know, up until now there really has been just Norman Finkelstein, doing intense scholarly investigation of Zionism. At least in the western intellectual sphere. That is about to change. The calculation is now that the intelligentsia has to destroy the political viability of Zionism in order to regain their physical safety.


ICJ to rule on Tuesday in Nicaragua’s case against Germany, accusing it of aiding Israel’s ‘genocide’

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) says presiding Judge Nawaf Salam will read out the ruling on Nicaragua’s case against Germany at 13:00 GMT on Tuesday.

This month, the ICJ held hearings in the case, and Nicaragua asked the top UN court to impose emergency measures to stop Berlin from providing Israel with weapons and other assistance, which it said was in breach of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Nicaragua requested five emergency measures, including that Germany “immediately suspend its aid to Israel, in particular its military assistance, including military equipment”.

Berlin has denied breaching the convention and argued that Israel’s security is at the “core” of its foreign policy and Nicaragua had “grossly distorted” Germany’s supply of military aid to Israel.

Up to 14 years to clear Gaza rubble including unexploded ordnance

That’s the assessment of a UN official, who has said that Israel’s devastating war has left an estimated 37 million tonnes of debris in the Gaza Strip.

Pehr Lodhammar, senior officer at the United Nations Mine Action Service, told a briefing in Geneva that although it was impossible to determine the exact number of unexploded ordnance found in the widely urbanised, densely populated territory, it was projected that it could take 14 years under certain conditions to clear debris.

The would include rubble from buildings destroyed in Israel’s bombardment that has reduced much of the narrow, coastal enclave to a wasteland with most civilians homeless, hungry and at risk of disease.

“We know that typically there’s a failure rate of at least 10 percent of land service ammunition that is being fired and fails to function,” Lodhammer said. “We’re talking about 14 years of work with 100 trucks.”

Israeli police detain several rabbis marching towards Gaza crossing

According to local media and social media posts, the rabbis from Israel and the US were peacefully marching towards the Erez or Beit Hanoon crossing, carrying food items for people in Gaza and calling for an end to the war.

Footage posted online showed Israeli forces detaining several demonstrators.

‘Responsibility’ to hold institutions to account for ‘war crimes’, UCL protester says

As we’ve been reporting, Palestinian solidarity rallies have been spreading outside the US.

In the UK, pro-Palestine protesters are demonstrating in front of the campus of University College London (UCL), calling on the educational institution to stop its collaboration in research with arms companies that supply the Israeli army with components.

“We believe that as students, we have a responsibility to hold our institution to account for its complicity in genocide and in war crimes, and in occupation and in apartheid,” James Collinson, a member of UCL Action for Palestine, told Al Jazeera.

“Our main aim is always going to be to uplift Palestinian voices and bring attention to the issue of Israel’s occupation of Palestine,” he said. “It is a very important cause, and it’s about, in a wider sense, letting students know we are part of systems that uphold genocide and apartheid. So it’s all about raising awareness.”

EU announces $73m in extra aid to Gaza

The European Union says the new aid package will be channelled through local partners on the ground and focus on food deliveries, clean water, sanitation and shelters.

“In light of the continued deterioration of the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and the steady rise of needs on the ground, the [European] Commission is stepping up its funding to support Palestinians affected by the ongoing war,” a statement from the bloc said.

“This support brings total EU humanitarian assistance to 193 million euros for Palestinians in need inside Gaza and across the region in 2024.”

Baby rescued from dead mother’s womb after Israeli attack dies

Sabreen al-Rouh Jouda, a premature baby who was rescued from her dying mother’s womb after an Israeli air attack on Gaza, has died, according to a relative and a doctor.

The little girl was pulled out alive just moments after her pregnant mother, Sabreen al-Sakani, was killed.

Sabreen’s home was hit by an Israeli air strike on Rafah on Saturday.

She has now been buried next to her mother.

Baby Sabreen al-Rouh ‘joined her family as a martyr’

The doctor who was caring for little Sabreen al-Rouh says she suffered respiratory problems and a weak immune system.

“I and other doctors tried to save her, but she died. For me personally, it was a very difficult and painful day,” Mohammad Salama, head of the emergency neo-natal unit at Emirati Hospital, told Reuters by phone.

“She was born while her respiratory system wasn’t mature, and her immune system was very weak and that is what led to her death. She joined her family as a martyr,” Salama said.

“[Her] grandmother urged me and the doctors to take care of her because she would be someone that would keep the memory of her mother, father and sister alive, but it was God’s will that she died,” Salama added.

As we’ve previously reported, the mother, who was 30-weeks pregnant, died of her wounds but doctors were able to save the baby, delivering her by Caesarean section.

Palestinian academics in UK call for protection of universities in Gaza

Nearly 30 Palestinian academics in the UK have called for “swift” action to safeguard universities in Gaza.

The statement, whose signatories include Ghassan Abu Sittah, who has worked at al-Shifa and Alhi Arab hospitals in Gaza during the war, urged “friends and colleagues to take immediate steps to defend the integrity of Palestinian universities in occupied Palestine against the current plans and measures seeking to destroy them”.

It added: “Having turned the universities of Gaza into detention centres before demolishing them, forcibly rendering Palestinian scholars, scientists, researchers and students homeless once again, Israel’s campaign of scholasticide has turned its attention to eliminating future independent Palestinian educational life in Gaza.”

IRC backs call for investigation into Gaza mass graves

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) has become the latest organisation to call for an urgent international and independent investigation into mass graves found at Nasser and al-Shifa hospitals in Gaza after the withdrawal of Israeli troops.

Bob Kitchen, vice president of emergencies, said the IRC was “horrified” at the news of the mass graves and echoed the call by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk for a “thorough” investigation.

“The recent reports of more than 320 bodies recovered so far from Nasser Hospital are devastating and confirm the worst fears of our team at the time: that those left behind in the hospital were at risk of serious harm. We had lost contact with health workers and patients at Nasser and now fear they are amongst those killed,” Kitchen said.

“Alongside the need for an immediate international and independent investigation into these latest devastating incidents, we continue to reiterate our call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to ensure no further loss of life.”

Israeli forces prevent young worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque

Footage published online and verified by Al Jazeera shows Israeli soldiers preventing a number of young men from entering the mosque and assaulting some of them.

Still, thousands of people made it to Islam’s third holiest site to perform Friday prayers.

In recent months Israeli authorities have imposed restrictions on Muslim worshippers wanting to pray at Al-Aqsa. Only men over the age of 55 or women over 50 are allowed to enter and all must have a valid permit. This means that the site is not accessible to the vast majority of Palestinians.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Waqf department on Thursday said more than 1,000 settlers stormed the courtyard of the mosque.

Biden administration puts Netzah Yehuda Battalion sanctions on hold: Reports

The reports come after days of speculation that Washington was poised to sanction the ultra-Orthodox battalion after determining it had committed rights abuses in the occupied West Bank.

Netzah Yehuda soldiers were involved in the death of a 78-year-old Palestinian-American, Omar Assad, who died of a heart attack in 2022 after he was detained, bound and gagged.

While US laws prohibit Washington from providing military assistance to individuals or units that commit gross human rights violations, they have never been used against Israel.

US-based ABC News reported that despite the State Department determining that such violations had been committed by the unit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told a congressional leader that no military aid deliveries will be affected.

Al Jazeera has reached out to the State Department for comment.

Pro-Israeli counter protest in Paris creates a tense atmosphere
Natacha Butler
Reporting from Paris, France

Let’s talk you through what is happening outside Science Po University, one of the most prestigious universities in France, where many of the country’s political elites have been.

Behind me, there are scores of protesters, pro-Palestinian protesters, young people and students sitting down in the street behind a long line of police officers.

Those police officers moved in a short while ago because they wanted to stop a counter-protest by a group who said they were there to call for the release of captives, a pro-Israeli group.

At one point, things got a little bit tense, so police moved in to try to separate these two groups.

For now, it is a calmer situation, but you have to wonder how it’s going to end because you have these two groups on either side of the street with the police in the middle.

Tunisian student union calls for solidarity rallies

The Tunisian General Union of Students (UGET) has praised the pro-Palestine protest movement sweeping US universities and urged its own students to take similar actions.

In a statement on Facebook, UGET said it expressed “gratitude and admiration for the student movements at American universities, drawing inspiration from their remarkable history of war rejection, as witnessed during the Vietnam War”.

UGET called on Tunisian university students to likewise organise protests, vigils, and seminars “in support of the Palestinian liberation cause”, and for the establishment of a “national day of solidarity with Palestine in all universities”.

Israeli police arrest 2 protesters outside Gantz’s home

The demonstration in front of the house of war cabinet member Benny Gantz was attended by relatives of captives held in Gaza, as well as activists and soldiers in the reserve ranks.

Protesters demanded Gantz’s resignation if no deal is reached for the exchange of those still held in Gaza.

They also maintain that the current composition of the emergency government harms Israel’s security and the public’s confidence in the political system.

Hamas responds to 18 countries’ appeal for captive release

The group’s statement comes a day after the countries released a letter urging it to accept the terms of a deal that would see a pause in fighting in return for the release of captives.

In response, Hamas said it regretted that the letter did not address basic issues facing people in Gaza. It added that the letter failed to stress the necessity of a permanent ceasefire in the enclave and a full withdrawal of Israeli troops.

Hamas said it remained open to any proposals that took into account the rights of Palestinians. The statement further called for the safe return of internally displaced people in Gaza and aid for reconstruction, as well as a pathway towards self-determination.

The countries that signed the letter to Hamas all have citizens believed to be still held captive in Gaza. Signatories included Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand, the UK and the US.

Far-right Israeli Minister Ben-Gvir’s car overturns in Ramle

Israeli media report the incident happened as the national security minister was visiting the Israeli city where a woman was stabbed earlier in the day.

Ben-Gvir was hospitalised with minor injuries, according to public broadcaster Kann, which posted a video of the overturned vehicle.

Israeli PM says ICC decisions will not affect actions

Benjamin Netanyahu says any rulings issued by the International Criminal Court will not affect Israel’s actions but would “set a dangerous precedent”.

Last month, the Law for Palestine organisation made the first in a series of submissions to the ICC, accusing Israeli leaders of committing the crime of genocide committed against Palestinians.

“The 200-page document, drafted by 30 lawyers and legal researchers from across the world and reviewed by more than 15 experts, makes a compelling case for the genocidal intent as well as for the prosecutorial policy that the court has followed in other cases,” the group’s Anisha Patel and Hassan Ben Imran wrote in an opinion piece published by Al Jazeera.

“If the ICC fails to act once again, it risks undermining its own authority as an institution of international justice and the international legal regime as a whole,” they said.



>EU announces $73m in extra aid to Gaza
>aid package will be channelled through local partners on the ground and focus on food deliveries, clean water, sanitation and shelters.
>total EU humanitarian assistance to 193 million euros for Palestinians in need inside Gaza and across the region in 2024.”
This sounds great, does this mean that the Zionist blockade was defeated and that aid deliveries are now going through ?


>Up to 14 years to clear Gaza rubble including unexploded ordnance
Too optimistic, they'll still be defusing duds, they dig up 50 years from now.


>Israeli PM says ICC decisions will not affect actions
The fact that he came out to make that statement means that it actually might have an affect.
>Benjamin Netanyahu says any rulings issued by the International Criminal Court will not affect Israel’s actions but would “set a dangerous precedent”.
Ending genocidal violence is a danger ?
what a psychotic world view.


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>I'm a professor!!!


USAID concludes Israel in violation of White House directive: Report

The report by Devex comes after the White House issued a national security memo that told US Secretary of State Blinken to “obtain credible and reliable written assurance” that governments that receive weapons from Washington will abide by international humanitarian law.

But in a paper delivered to Blinken, the US aid agency said Israel is not demonstrating “necessary compliance” with the directive. Specifically, they point to the requirement that Israel fosters, and does not hamper “the transport of delivery of United States humanitarian assistance”, according to Devex.

In the coming weeks, Blinken is required to certify to Congress compliance with the White House directive.

Devex also cited a separate memo to Blinken from experts at USAID and the Department of State, which assessed international observers will declare “ongoing famine” in Gaza at the beginning of next month.




Maybe 80 tbh. It's a small area, but the amount of bombs they've dropped is absolutely insane.

It will have an effect, it just won't immediately stop them. It will absolutely fuck dude up if a bunch of countries are obliged to arrest him if he visits them.

>Ending genocidal violence is a danger ?

what a psychotic world view.
Everything's a danger. Students protesting genocide are EXACTLY like Adolf Hitler!
He's completely full of shit.



They made an actual language police. Radiating antidemocratic terror-regime energy.


Germans be Germin'


Their will be more college protests next week, mostly in state and public universities.
t SJP member


>Maybe 80 tbh. It's a small area, but the amount of bombs they've dropped is absolutely insane.
80 yrs is how long it took to get most of the 'baggage' from WW2 dealt with, but if you allow for some technical progress, 50 yrs sounds about right.


Yemen’s Houthis claim direct hit on ship in Red Sea

Yahya Saree, the Houthis’ military spokesman, says the group targeted a British oil tanker – the Andromeda Star – in the Red Sea with “a number of naval missiles” and achieved a direct hit.

He also said the group had shot down an American UAV in the airspace of the Saada Governorate in Yemen.

The Houthis have been attacking ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November in what they say is a campaign of solidarity with Palestinians and against Israel’s continuing war on Gaza.

Protesters at Columbia won’t leave until they see a commitment to divest from Israel
Kristen Saloomey
Reporting from New York, United States

It is day 10 of this demonstration, and it’s a beautiful Friday afternoon here in New York.

The students are praying on campus now. There is a Muslim evening prayer happening right now, and in a couple of hours, there will also be a Shabbat Jewish dinner, this evening.

The students say there is growing camaraderie among the group, and it’s very welcoming, not hostile, not anti-Semitic. They’re trying very hard to fight these accusations, and they say that anyone who makes that accusation should come and see what’s happening here.

But getting to those all-important negotiations, the students told me that they spent 11 hours with the administration yesterday and another hour here this morning.

There’s some possibility that those discussions will continue over the weekend. They have not been given a deadline to leave or face eviction. However, they haven’t been promised that that won’t happen either.

The university made some offers to the students, saying that they would agree to look at divestments and start the process of reviewing them and talking about them with the students.

But the students said that’s not good enough. They want a commitment to divest from Israel.

University of Texas professor says protests have been ‘nothing but peaceful’

The University of Texas at Austin has been a main flash point of protest across US college campuses, with the public institution’s president Jay Hartzell facing calls to resign following a police crackdown on peaceful demonstrators.

The president initially supported the police action, which saw several violent arrests, but has since said he supports the right to protest on the campus.

But faculty member Pavithra Vasudevan, an assistant professor of women’s and gender studies, said outrage remains over how the president has responded to “protests that have been nothing but peaceful”.

“They have been nothing but a spontaneous and organised expression of people’s feelings about what’s happening,” she told Al Jazeera from the university’s campus.

The protests arose, she added “at a time when the university is fully repressing any conversation about Palestine, faculty are scared to mention the word Palestine in their classes. People don’t want to talk about the genocide. There has been strong indication from the university since October 7 that this is not our topic of conversation.”

Netherlands will consider resuming support to UNRWA

The Dutch government says it will consider resuming funding for UNRWA in Gaza if the agency implements recommendations to strengthen its neutrality.

The decision follows an investigation by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna released on Monday into whether some UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 attack by Hamas.

The review supported by three Nordic research institutes showed that Israel failed to support its claims about UNRWA staff belonging to either Hamas’s military wing or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.



Hamass is the problem
I can't even spell his name right
@everyone there is a lot of disinformation out there.

Don't support the terrorists.


With Jews Under Attack, Biden Could Look to Ike’s Example
Like segregationists in the 1950s, today’s antisemitic protesters are violating civil rights and other laws.


>Don't support the terrorists.
don't worry nobody here supports the Zionist terror regime, that is terrorizing the Palestinians with areal attacks and the western democratic protests with political repression.


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lol the jidf isn't sending their best


Iran is explicitly trying to, in their words, "wipe Israel off the earth".

A war between Israel and Palestine has been going on and is unrelated to the Israel attack of October 7th.


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all nazis will hang


I'm done with this. Now you're agreeing with Biden.
Different war
I'm talking about Iran attacking Israel
You're talking about an internal conflict in Israel

This isn't even about Palestinians. Sure that's happening but there are two distinct topics here. Iran attacking Israel is different from Palestinians attacking Israelites.

I think you need some help…
These are two different wars. If you can't see this then I'm done.



>today’s antisemitic
Yeah there is rampant antisemitism that is conflating Zionism with Judaism.
It's really bad they are trying to blame the Jews for the genocidal crimes of the anti-democratic Zionist regime that has a hold on Israel and parts of Palestine.

>violating civil rights and other laws.

Yeah it's really bad the Zionist lobby is pushing for draconian anti-democratic violations of democratic rights of the people expressing democratic opposition against the Genocide of the Palestinian people.


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Nooooo not my proxarino! what am I going to do with all my tax money? I have to support my national bourgeoisie for this one!


Israelites didn't do that
Hamas did it


"raided by Israel" is a misnomer. They were raised by Hamas.


>Iran is explicitly trying to
Don't worry Iran isn't stupid enough to fall for Netanyahu's war-baiting. And the US is currently not able/willing to attack Iran on behalf of Israel. While there is a risk of a regional escalation, it's not as spicy as the political rhetoric makes it appear.

>A war between Israel and Palestine has been going on

Yes the apartheid regime has been doing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, off an on since 1948. It's particularly bad at the moment.


Yes I want to pursue the truth. But you keep insisting you're right and I'm insisting I'm right. This just causes war.

Zionism is "the right for Jewish people to have a religious state."


Gaza ‘Freedom Flotilla’ blocked in Turkey

A flotilla aiming to deliver aid to Gaza has been blocked in Turkey after the West African country of Guinea-Bissau withdrew its flagged vessels.

At an Istanbul news conference, about 280 volunteers – activists, lawyers and doctors – who had hoped to join the ships shouted slogans including “Flag the flotilla”, “We will sail” and “Free Palestine”.

“Sadly, Guinea-Bissau has allowed itself to become complicit in Israel’s deliberate starvation, illegal siege and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza,” said the Freedom Flotilla Coalition.

“The Guinea-Bissau International Ships Registry (GBISR), in a blatantly political move, informed the Freedom Flotilla Coalition that it had withdrawn the Guinea Bissau flag from two of the Freedom Flotilla’s ships, one of which is our cargo ship, already loaded with over 5,000 tons of life-saving aid,” the coalition said.

The group said the Guinea-Bissau authorities made several “extraordinary” requests for information including destinations, potential additional port calls, cargo manifest, and estimated arrival dates and times.

Three of the flotilla’s ships have been docked for a week at the port of Tuzla, south of Istanbul. They had planned to set sail Friday.

Protesters demand Israeli authorities release body of deceased prisoner

Hundreds of Palestinians inside Israel have demonstrated in the western city of Baqa to demand that Israeli authorities release the body of the prisoner Walid Daqqa, who died in an Israeli hospital.

Daqqa, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, had been imprisoned since 1986. He had terminal cancer, but Israeli authorities refused to release him on humanitarian grounds.

When he died on April 7, authorities also refused to release his body to his family for burial.

Pro-Palestine protesters at Columbia publish list of demands

As we’ve been reporting, pro-Palestinian students have set up an encampment at Columbia University, which has led to other universities across the US taking a similar stance.

The students at Columbia have released their five demands from the university, including the institution to divest from companies that aid the Israeli government, sever ties to Israeli universities and stop the policing of “Palestinian students and allies on and off campus”.

They also call on the university to release a public statement calling for an “immediate, permanent ceasefire” in Gaza.

The protesters also demand that Columbia stop the displacement of residents in Harlem, a borough in New York, through expanding campuses without local community control.

Lebanon moves towards accepting ICC jurisdiction for war crimes on its soil

Lebanon has moved towards accepting the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction to prosecute violations on its territory since October, in what Human Rights Watch said was a “landmark step” towards justice for war crimes.

Lebanon has accused Israel of repeatedly violating its sovereignty and committing breaches of international law over the last six months, during which the Israeli military and Lebanese armed group Hezbollah have traded fire across Lebanon’s southern border in parallel with the war in Gaza.

That cross-border shelling has killed at least 70 civilians, including children, rescue workers and journalists, among them Reuters reporter Issam Abdallah.

Lebanon’s caretaker cabinet voted to instruct the Foreign Ministry to file a declaration with the ICC accepting the court’s jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute crimes committed on Lebanese territory since October 7.

Pro-Palestine rally under way in Sweden’s Gothenburg

Dozens of people are marching through the streets of the Swedish city to express support for Palestinians and call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, according to a live feed of the rally posted by the European Palestinian Media Centre.

The protesters can be seen with Palestinian flags and keffiyehs, holding up banners stating slogans such as “Free Palestine”, “Boycott Israel”, and “Ceasefire now”.

Weekly marches in solidarity with the Palestinians have been taking place in cities worldwide since the start of the war, while pro-Palestine demonstrations that started in US universities in recent weeks have expanded globally.

‘We see you, we hear you, we stand with you’

As tens of thousands of people are expected to march in central London in support of Palestinians, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)’s director Ben Jamal says the movement wants to deliver two main messages.

“One is for the Palestinian people, a message of solidarity,” Jamal told Al Jazeera. “We see you, we hear you, we stand with you.”

The second message, Jamal said, is addressed to the British political establishment “to end their complicity with Israel’s genocide against Palestinian people”.

The PSC’s chief dismissed critics saying that protests have been anti-Semitic.

“This tactic of conflating anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the State of Israel is a very familiar one, and is used globally by Israel to silence those who are advocating for Palestinian rights,” he said.



>Now you're agreeing with Biden.
Biden is sending weapons to Israel, nobody here agrees with that.

>I'm talking about Iran attacking Israel.

Apparently so but everybody here is puzzled as to why you would talk about that. Iran currently isn't looking to start a war with Israel, they're raking in the money from the risen oil prices and they're busy using it to boost their economy.

>You're talking about an internal conflict in Israel

It's very nasty to try to erase Palestine from the discourse.

>This isn't even about Palestinians.

The IDF mass murdering Palestinians made it about the Palestinians.

>These are two different wars. If you can't see this then I'm done.

Maybe we're a bit too cynical here, but you're not selling anybody here on a war with Iran, by un-linking the Palestine narrative from the Iran narrative. In our minds this all blends together as the Zionist "fucking shit up in the middle east".


Your definition of "Misinformation" appears to be
<political opinions that differ from your own
We probably should avoid using that word altogether, because all too often it gets invoked by censorious people intending to violate the rights of freedom of expression.


It would be nice if I had citation for all the things I've said. It's harder and harder to find the actual truth.

Anyway, if you're going to keep trying to argue that's your prerogative. That entire argument is written in a misleading way and I can see that just with the text preview.


dead website


"Yet to prove"
The phrase means they are hiding something, simple as that.

They are intentionally holding information back

Everyone is lying, don't trust anybody.



>Yes I want to pursue the truth.
You want to establish your narrative as the truth.

>But you keep insisting you're right and I'm insisting I'm right.

>This just causes war.
You see people that are sane, would call this a difference of opinion, not war.

>Zionism is "the right for Jewish people to have a religious state."

You're talking to communists, we don't particularly like bloodthirsty theocracies, we prefer secular states that uphold human rights, so you're not getting anywhere with this line.

Zionism is not doing anything on behalf of Jewish people. Most Jewish people around the world live in a Jewish diaspora in many nations. They strongly oppose the Zionist regime in Israel claiming that they slaughter Palestinians on behalf of Jews, that rhetoric is very antisemitic.

To be honest i think Zionists are doing it on purpose to provoke antisemitic reactions, because they want to force Diaspora-Jews to migrate to Israel. I think that's wrong, Jewish Diaspora assimilation within other nations appears to be a successful model, most people seem to live good lives within this structure. There is no reason to sabotage this.

Zionism is an offshoot of Judaism that originated 70ish years ago, and it doesn't appear to be a very successful model. There's too much killing and destruction. The carnage never stops, for so many decades Zionists keep telling us they need to keep spilling blood. It's become unbearable.


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Glad to see the Hasbarists are finally here.

Wrong again, pal.


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Yeah, if bombing the shit out of a captive population of millions who you've surrounded with walls, barbed wire, and guard towers worked, it would have worked by now. I wonder where Israel got the inspiration for this incredible, brutal, failure of a strategy they're employing.

If we're getting into the history of Zionist ideology… picrel is very relevant. Guy tried to ally with Hitler during WWII repeatedly and Begin gave him a postage stamp.



>Zionism is an offshoot of Judaism that originated 70ish years ago, and it doesn't appear to be a very successful model. There's too much killing and destruction. The carnage never stops, for so many decades Zionists keep telling us they need to keep spilling blood. It's become unbearable.

I don't know about Zionism per se, but its current political form arose out of 19th century German nationalism as Jewish bourgeois and petite bourgeois cross pollinated with the German b and pb classes in German universities. The foundational argument for Jews to have their own homeland is based on the ideas of Blut and Boden, and that the Jews need their own land to preserve their "blood" and prevent them from degenerating by hybridizing with foreign nations.

As far as Israelis are concerned, diaspora Jews aren't "real Jews." At best they're just a resource for Israel to use, but unless they're working for Israel's greater interests diaspora are just mongrels.



Anybody can write propaganda, it's fake news. Think about it, if they say one thing, then don't they mean another thing? Biden lies.


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Israel's a fake country. Avraham Stern was a real guy, though, Lehi was a real organization, and Stern did indeed try to ally with Hitler multiple times.

Here, buddy, this is a flattering Times of Israel write-up on your piece of shit Nazi national hero from 2012:

Stern, whose writing was filled with death and the undying glory of valor, was intensely revered by a smattering of followers and widely detested by the majority of Jews in Palestine. He had, after all, advocated for a deal with Nazi Germany, arguing that the Jews in the land of Israel, under the boot of the British, should seek “the least of all evils” and make a pact with the enemies of their enemies, the Nazis, believing that he could oust the British from Palestine and help the Nazis rid Europe of its Jewish presence by moving them to the Hebrew state.

Even your country's press tries to "both sides" this guy, and it's god damn sickening. The facts of his intent to collaborate with Nazis, though, are undisputed, even if some Israelis think that was cool.

As for "Biden lies" - yes. Biden has consistently repeated Israeli propaganda (occasionally retracting it later, as in the "beheaded babies" libel which was disproven even in Israeli media), and has "put his fingers in his ears" about Israeli war crimes to the point of making himself criminally liable for continuing to aid that country in violation of US law. He is a liar and a criminal and he is not going to last, nor will any other president who engages in such evil things. The era of presidents bought by the war machine and foreign lobbies is coming to an end.


Four US state depts raise concerns in internal memo that Israel may be violating international law in Gaza

Some senior US officials have advised Secretary of State Antony Blinken that they do not find “credible or reliable” Israel’s assurances that it is using US-supplied weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law, according to an internal State Department memo reviewed by Reuters.

Under a National Security Memorandum (NSM) issued by President Joe Biden in February, Blinken must report to Congress by May 8 whether he finds credible Israel’s assurances that its use of US weapons does not violate US or international law.

By March 24, at least seven State Department bureaus had sent their contributions to an initial “options memo” to Blinken.

“Some components in the department favoured accepting Israel’s assurances, some favoured rejecting them, and some took no position,” an unnamed US official quoted by Reuters said.

A joint submission from four bureaus raised “serious concern over non-compliance” with international humanitarian law during Israel’s prosecution of the war on Gaza.

The assessment from the four bureaus said Israel’s assurances were “neither credible nor reliable.” It cited eight examples of Israeli military actions that the officials said raise “serious questions” about potential violations of international humanitarian law.

These included repeatedly striking protected sites and civilian infrastructure; “unconscionably high levels of civilian harm to military advantage”; taking little action to investigate violations or to hold to account those responsible for significant civilian harm and “killing humanitarian workers and journalists at an unprecedented rate”.

Protests in Israel constant reminder to the gov’t that it remains very unpopular
Bernard Smith
Reporting from Tel Aviv, Israel

There were perhaps as many as 30,000 people earlier on, both here outside the Defence Ministry and in front of the Tel Aviv Museum of Modern Art, where the families of the captives gather every night.

These protests are gathering momentum. They have been here since long before October 7. I was here this time last year as people protested against the government and its attempts to change the way judges were appointed to the Supreme Court.

They picked up again in recent months as people called for an end to the war in Gaza and the resignation of the government, particularly [Prime Minister] Benjamin Netanyahu.

Many of the protesters here saying that Netanyahu is deliberately prolonging this war in Gaza, because it saves him from the ultimate reckoning at the ballot box.

The difference this year from last year is that there’s a more mixed crowd because many people have lost faith and Benjamin Netanyahu.

All the polls say that if there’s a new election, then he will almost certainly lose.

Police staying away from Emory University after Thursday’s violent scenes
Phil Lavelle
Reporting from Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Over the last hour or so, the number [of protesters has] steadily been growing. At the moment, it’s probably more of a gathering than a protest.

But this is very much a peaceful affair, and that’s been very much what the organisers have been selling it as on social media. [They say] come along, bring a blanket, bring some food, bring something to drink, sit on the ground, make some posters, write some slogans on the floor with chalk, just show your solidarity through peaceful motives.

There’s also a significant lack of police here. The occasional officer walks by, but compared to Thursday, when we saw those scenes and those mass arrests, the police are very much staying away.

The president of this university is coming under increasing pressure because he is the man who said that the police were right to be here on Thursday when we saw those violent arrests. Yesterday, one of the faculties here held a motion to hold a vote of no confidence in him.

491 Palestinians killed in West Bank since Oct 7: Ministry

The Palestinian Authority (PA) Ministry of Health has said that the number includes 123 children, five women, five elderly people and 10 detainees in Israeli prisons.

Earlier today, we reported that Israeli troops killed two men, ages 20 and 21, in Jenin, and injured two others moderately, according to medics at Jenin’s government hospital.

Palestinian journalists call for boycott of White House correspondents dinner

More than two dozen Palestinian journalists have called for a boycott of the upcoming White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, which annually brings reporters, politicians and a glitzy array of celebrities together.

With President Joe Biden heading a long list of VIP guests, Palestinian journalists penned an open letter urging their American colleagues not to attend the dinner.

“You have a unique responsibility to speak truth to power and uphold journalistic integrity,” said the letter. “It is unacceptable to stay silent out of fear or professional concern while journalists in Gaza continue to be detained, tortured, and killed for doing our jobs.”

According to the New York-based Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ), at least 97 journalists – including 92 Palestinians – have been killed since October 7. At least 16 others have been wounded.

In addition to the boycott call, an antiwar coalition is planning a demonstration not far from the Washington Hilton hotel where the dinner will take place.

The antiwar group Code Pink, part of the coalition, said it planned to “shut down” the dinner to protest “the complicity of the Biden administration in the targeting and killing of Palestinian journalists by the Israeli military”.

Israeli settlers again attack Palestinian farmers

Israeli settlers have attacked Palestinian farmers in residential areas in the occupied West Bank.

“The settler attacks occurred in the Jordan Valley [north], Hebron, and Bethlehem [south],” the Colonisation and Wall Resistance Commission (CWRC) and the Wafa news agency reported.

In a statement, the commission said Israelis from illegal settlements had “raided the homes and tents of citizens in the Jordan Valley area and destroyed their belongings, and attacked shepherds in the area”.

It added that the attack affected “the residence of citizen Fuad Draghmeh in the Ein al-Hilweh community in the northern Jordan Valley, and the tent of citizen Mohammed Abu Mta’awe in Al-Sakout area.

A witness also told the Anadolu news agency that armed settlers had attacked several Palestinian farmers inside their fields in the town of Nahalin, west of Bethlehem, to force them to leave.

Photos: Rabbis arrested trying to bring food into Gaza



>I wonder where Israel got the inspiration for this incredible, brutal, failure of a strategy they're employing.
lol, i like your rhetorical style.

>I don't know about Zionism per se, but its current political form arose out of 19th century
i did not know this had it roots in the 19 century.

>As far as Israelis are concerned, diaspora Jews aren't "real Jews."

So they inverted Judaism ? Wasn't living in the Diaspora like one of the core values for Jews for thousands of years ?. I'm rather ignorant about religious tenets but i do remember reading something about a "divine command" about dispersing around the world.


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White House calls for ‘peaceful’ university protests as hundreds are arrested

The White House says pro-Palestinian protests that have rocked American universities in recent weeks must remain peaceful after police arrested 275 people on four separate campuses over the weekend.

“We certainly respect the right of peaceful protests,” National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told ABC’s This Week programme.

The wave of demonstrations began at Columbia University in New York but have since spread rapidly across the country – even globally.

While peace has prevailed in many campuses, the number of protesters detained – at times by police in riot gear using chemical irritants and tasers – is rising fast.

They include 100 at Northeastern University in Boston, 80 at Washington University in St Louis, 72 at Arizona State University, and 23 at Indiana University.

Among those arrested at Washington University was Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, who faulted police for aggressive tactics she said provoked the sort of trouble they are meant to quell.



>Among those arrested at Washington University was Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein
This has Nelson Mandela energy. He went from political prisoner of an apartheid regime to the president of the democratic post-regime country. Stein's case is less dramatic, but it's got a similar energy to it.


Palestinian President Abbas says only US can stop Rafah invasion

The Palestinian leader, who is in the Saudi capital to attend the World Economic Forum, said he expects an assault in Gaza’s southern city in the coming days.

More than 1.4 million people are crammed in Rafah. Considering such population density, human rights groups and UN agencies have repeatedly warned that any military operation there would cause a humanitarian disaster.

Rights group says Washington must act on evidence Israel is blocking US aid to Gaza

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) says the US government is required to act on “extensive evidence” that Israel is blocking US humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Sarah Leah Whitson, DAWN’s executive director, in response to a Reuters report, said the “State Department’s leaked confirmation that Israel has restricted the transport and delivery of US humanitarian assistance leaves no doubt: US law requires the suspension of military aid to Israel”.

The US-based advocacy organisation cited Section 620i of the US Foreign Assistance Act, which prohibits the US from providing assistance to countries that “[restrict] the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance”.

Hundreds of Israeli settlers reportedly enter Al-Aqsa Mosque

More than 270 settlers have entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, the Palestinian Wafa news agency reports.

The settlers performed Talmud rituals in the mosque’s courtyard under the protection of Israeli soldiers, Wafa quoted local sources as saying.

The military also tightened restrictions at the Old City’s gates for Palestinian worshippers to enter the site – Islam’s third holiest – located in the occupied East Jerusalem.

Thousands rally in cities across Israel to demand captive deal

Thousands of protesters have rallied across Israeli cities to pressure the government to do more to secure the release of dozens of captives still held in Gaza.

Demonstrations took place on Saturday night as Hamas and Israeli officials renewed truce deal efforts.

Calls for talks were also re-energised after the Palestinian group’s military wing published a video purporting to show two captives appealing to the Israeli government to secure their release.

“Seeing my father today only emphasises to all of us how much we must reach a deal as soon as possible and bring everyone home,” said Ilan Siegel, the daughter of one of the captives who appeared in the Hamas video.

Antigovernment protests in Israel gain momentum
Bernard Smith
Reporting from Tel Aviv, Israel

Videos showing two captives in Gaza are a reminder that if there is any military operation in Rafah, captives are as much on the line of fire as the more than one million Palestinians sheltering at the Egyptian border.

We had an indication on how difficult those [captive] talks are from Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Majed al-Ansari. In his first-ever interview with Israeli media, he said every time we get close to a deal it gets sabotaged by both sides.

He says Israel and Hamas are not showing enough commitment to reach a ceasefire and a deal for the captives’ release.

Adding to the pressure on Netanyahu, these gatherings are gaining momentum, calling for an end to the war, for him to resign and for early elections to take place as there is a shared belief that he is deliberately prolonging the war to save himself from a reckoning at the ballot boxes.

Israeli gov’t received indications ICC could issue arrest warrant for Netanyahu, ministers: Report

The Israeli government has received indications from senior legal officials that the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor is considering issuing arrest warrants for Israeli officials, including PM Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a report by Israel’s Channel 12.

The ICC is currently investigating Israel’s actions in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

In addition to Netanyahu, these investigations could lead to arrest warrants being issued for Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi.

The Israeli newspaper Maariv also reported that Netanyahu is “frightened and unusually stressed” by the possibility of an ICC arrest warrant.

On Friday, Netanyahu posted on X that under his leadership, “Israel will never accept any attempt by the ICC to undermine its inherent right of self-defense”.

The ICC case is separate from several ongoing cases against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), including one brought by South Africa that alleges that Israel is committing the crime of genocide in its continuing war on Gaza.

The ICJ was created to resolve conflicts between states; the ICC prosecutes individuals for crimes.

Saudi Arabia warns of economic fallout from Gaza war

Saudi Arabia has called for regional “stability” as it warned of the effects of the ongoing war in Gaza on global economic sentiment at the start of a summit attended by regional and global leaders.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Palestinian leaders and high-ranking officials from other countries trying to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas are on the guest list for the summit in the capital.

The Gaza war, along with conflicts in Ukraine and elsewhere, put “a lot of pressure” on the economic “mood”, Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan said at one of the first panel discussions of the two-day World Economic Forum (WEF) special meeting.

“I think cool-headed countries and leaders and people need to prevail, and you need to make sure that you actually de-escalate,” al-Jadaan said. “The region needs stability.”

Israel may be violating international law in Gaza: US officials in internal memo

Some senior US officials have advised Secretary of State Blinken that they do not find “credible or reliable” Israel’s assurances that it is using US-supplied weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law, according to an internal memo reviewed by Reuters.

Other officials upheld support for Israel’s representation.

Under a National Security Memorandum (NSM) issued by Biden in February, Blinken must report to Congress by May 8 whether he finds credible Israel’s assurances that its use of US weapons does not violate US or international law.

By March 24, at least seven State Department bureaus had sent their contributions to an initial “options memo” to Blinken. Parts of the memo, which has not been previously reported, were classified.

The submissions to the memo provide the most extensive picture to date of the divisions in the department over whether Israel might be violating international humanitarian law in Gaza.

A joint submission from four bureaus – Democracy Human Rights and Labor; Population, Refugees and Migration; Global Criminal Justice and International Organization Affairs – raised “serious concern over non-compliance” with international humanitarian law during Israel’s prosecution of the Gaza war.

The assessment from the bureaus said Israel’s assurances were “neither credible nor reliable”. It cited eight examples of Israeli military actions that the officials said raise “serious questions” about potential violations of international humanitarian law.

On Thursday, the Arabic language spokesperson of the department resigned, becoming the third official to resign in opposition to Washington’s policy on Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7.

Emory student lays out protesters’ demands

Maysam Elghazali, an organiser of protests at Emory University in Atlanta, said the demonstrating students have three demands.

“Number 1, that Emory disclose all of its financial investments. Number 2, that they divest from all Israeli companies and number 3, that they provide continued amnesty and protection to all the students who were unjustly arrested,” she told Al Jazeera.

Elghazali said a police crackdown on the protest on Thursday, during which dozens of people were arrested, was “very traumatic… completely violent and against completely peaceful demonstrators”.

Students at Canada’s McGill set up protest camp

Canada’s first campus protest camp for Gaza has sprung up at McGill University in Montreal.

The CBC broadcaster said protesters are demanding McGill and Concordia universities “divest from funds implicated in the Zionist state as well as [cut] ties with Zionist academic institutions”.

The university said such encampments are not permitted and they increase “the potential for escalation and confrontation, as we have seen at some colleges throughout the US”, according to the AFP.

US professor cancels students’ final project in response to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests

An assistant professor from the University of Southern California (USC) has announced the cancellation of students’ final project in response to the crackdown on pro-Palestine protests at the university.

“Our university administration decided to bring riot police onto the campus instead of tolerating anti-war, anti-genocide protests of students, many of whom have gone into considerable debt to even attend USC,” Sarah Kessler posted on X addressing her students.

“How are you supposed to take exams with LAPD helicopters loudly circling overhead,” she asked.

“I went into this line of work because I actually care about education, but I’m finding USC’s business as usual inhospitable to critical thinking and action at the moment.”

‘We’ve had death threats,’ says suspended Cornell student protester
Momodou Taal, a PhD student at Cornell University in the state of New York, said students protesting Israel’s war on Gaza have received threats and been subjected to doxing, but received no protection from their school.

“We’ve had death threats. We’ve had – while we were praying Salat al-Jum’ah – we’ve had police videoing and take pictures of us… other students take pictures of us, dox[ing] us,” he told Al Jazeera. “We no longer have faith in the administration to be a place safe for Muslim students, for Arab students, for Palestinian students and by and large those students of colour and pro-Palestinian students.”

Taal was among four students Cornell “temporarily suspended” on Saturday for setting up an encampment on the university’s campus. He said some of the consequences of that move is that he “might have to repeat a semester… and graduate later than expected”. That’s “quite a serious thing”, he added.

Biden makes no mention of Gaza in speech at White House correspondents dinner

The US president has spoken at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner, offering a toast to “press freedom and democracy” but making no mention of Israel’s war on Gaza that has killed at least 97 journalists.

That’s despite demonstrations outside the hotel which is hosting the dinner, denouncing the Biden administration’s handling of the war and urging guests to boycott the event.

Biden spent most of his speech poking fun at his predecessor and rival, former President Donald Trump, but he also paid tribute to journalists “who literally risked their lives” in their line of work.

“Many have suffered grievous injuries, others have lost their freedom. Journalism is clearly not a crime. Not here, not there, not anywhere in the world,” he said, without specifying where “there” was in reference to.

Huge Palestinian flag unfurled at hotel hosting White House correspondents dinner

More from the protest outside the Washington Hilton.

Members of the feminist organisation Code Pink have dropped a huge Palestinian flag from a top floor window of the hotel, according to a video posted on X. The group said members involved in the action managed “to get out quickly and without arrest”.

The protesters are gathered outside the hotel to express solidarity with the dozens of Palestinian journalists killed in Israel’s war on Gaza.

Displaced Palestinians in Gaza thank student protesters

Displaced Palestinians at camps in southern Gaza’s Rafah are thanking student protesters in the US for their solidarity.

At the al-Quds refugee camp, displaced people have been displaying messages of gratitude on their tents. One of the messages reads, “Thank you, students in solidarity with Gaza. Your message has reached.”

Takfeer Hamad, the director of the camp, said, “This idea came to us after seeing the news and the media, especially the support from the students of the world, especially the students of Columbia University for standing with us, with their humanity, their hearts, and their compassion.

“We hope for the world to stand united with them. We hope for the world to support them, not to arrest them and imprison them,” he added.

Could Netanyahu also face arrest in Israel?

We have reported on the possible arrest warrant by the ICC for Israeli PM Netanyahu. Israel is not a member of the court and does not recognise its jurisdiction.

However, the embattled PM is currently in the midst of a domestic corruption trial in which he has been charged with fraud, bribery and breach of trust in three cases filed in 2019.

If convicted in a bribery case, he could be sentenced to up to 10 years in jail.

Netanyahu has denied the charges and claimed that the indictments were part of a politically charged witch-hunt by rivals.

Netanyahu has been accused of using a controversial judicial overhaul plan – which has sparked more than a year of protests in Israel – to circumvent his legal troubles.

Gaza aid pier to become operational in ‘two-three weeks’

The White House says a US-made pier it says will boost aid to Gaza will become operational in a few weeks.

“It will take probably two to three weeks before we can really see an operation,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said on ABC News.

Kirby said that while the pier will bring more food and other essentials into Gaza, it has limits.

“Nothing can replace the ground routes and the trucks that are getting in,” Kirby said.



It would be a fair comparison if Mandela was an ethnically Boer person as well as an anti-aparthide activist?


Democracy Now! piece on the Atlanta arrests from a day or 2 ago.


Mandela wasn't an anti-aparthide activist?

That level of democracy repression will convince more people that the Zionist lobby is too hostile to have around.


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Iran condemns police crackdown on US student protests

Iran has slammed police crackdowns on pro-Palestine student protesters in the US, saying the American government had “ignored” the principles of democracy it “professes”.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani said Tehran “does not at all accept the violent police and military behaviour aimed at the academic atmosphere and student demands”.

“What we have seen in American universities in recent days is an awakening of the world community and world public opinion towards the Palestinian issue,” Kanani said.

“It is not possible to silence the loud voices of protesters against this crime and genocide through police action and violent policies.”

On Sunday, hundreds of people demonstrated in Tehran and other cities in solidarity with the US protests.

Difficult night for civilians in Rafah
Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

It was an extremely difficult night for civilians in Rafah, where the Israeli military targeted multiple areas with air strikes. At least 20 Palestinians were killed, including five children, after Israel bombed three separate houses in Rafah.

Hospitals in densely populated areas were flooded with people and bodies piled up in morgues before being taken for burial.

We have also been hearing about artillery attacks on other areas in the territory, including in the Bureij refugee camp.

Battles were also raging overnight between Hamas fighters and Israeli soldiers close to Nuseirat junction in central Gaza, where, according to Israeli media reports, at least two Israeli soldiers were killed while eight others were wounded. They were evacuated by Israeli helicopters for medical treatment.

The Israeli army also fired artillery shells on border towns, including Beit Hanoon and Beit Lahiya in the north, which suffered widespread destruction during the earlier phase of the war. Israeli forces also targeted houses in Gaza City, where people are still stuck under the rubble.

Hamas armed wing says it fires rockets from southern Lebanon

The Qassam Brigades says it has targeted an Israeli military position with a salvo of missiles from southern Lebanon, according to a post on its Telegram channel.

UN agency estimates 37 million tonnes of debris in Gaza

The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) estimates that 37 million tonnes of debris litter the streets of Gaza, which will take more than a decade to clear up.

The debris includes up to 10,000 unexploded ammunition, according to Federico Dessi, Humanity and Inclusion’s Middle East director.

Dessi said the NGO works on the assumption that there have been something between 50,000 and 100,000 bombs dropped on Gaza in the past six months.

“From 9 to 14 percent of these bombs did not go off – so potentially we are talking about up to 10,000 or a bit more of unexploded bombs, shells and mortars in Gaza,” Dessi told Al Jazeera.

Equity firms pause funding after boycott campaigns over Gaza war

The Financial Times reports that equity firms General Atlantic and CVC are pausing a multimillion-dollar stake in sales in US fast food brands in Indonesia and Malaysia due to boycotts over Israel’s war on Gaza.

In Muslim-majority Indonesia and Malaysia, consumers have boycotted US brands, including Starbucks, KFC and Pizza Hut, over Washington’s support for Israel and as part of a wider campaign of boycotts over brands that support Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

In December, General Atlantic, a US equity investor, paused the sale of its 20 percent stake in Starbucks operator Map Boga Adiperkasa, according to two people familiar with the situation.

According to two other people with knowledge of the decision, CVC Capital Partners, one of Europe’s biggest private equity firms, also cancelled the sale of its 21 percent stake in Malaysia’s QSR Brands, the operator of KFC and Pizza Hut, due to the boycotts.

UK maritime body receives report of incident near Yemen’s Mokha

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) agency says it has received a report of an incident 54 nautical miles (100km) northwest of Yemen’s Red Sea port of Mokha.

It said authorities are investigating and vessels are advised to transit cautiously and report any suspicious activity to UKMTO.

Israeli forces arrest Palestinians, destroy roads during raids on West Bank

Israeli forces continued raids across the occupied West Bank overnight, arresting several young Palestinian men and destroying roads and farmland, according to the Wafa news agency.

Those arrested included two young men taken from their homes in the town of Arraba, south of Jenin, five from the Old City of Hebron, and one from a military checkpoint east of the city of Tulkarem.

In Jalbun village, northeast of Jenin, Israeli forces bulldozed agricultural land, electricity poles and parts of the main road, Wafa reported.

Students at Yale University set up new protest camp

Students protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza have pitched a new encampment on Yale University’s campus in the northeastern state of Connecticut.

The move comes a week after Yale police broke up a protest camp at the university and arrested 44 students for trespassing, according to the Yale Daily News.

University authorities again urged students to disperse, the news website said, adding they risked arrest and suspension if they failed to do so.


Pro-Palestinian protests not a ‘threat’ to Jewish students: Australian Jewish Council

The Australian Jewish Council has rejected claims that pro-Palestinian student protests in the country are a “threat” to Jewish students and staff.

“Attempting to silence or censor these protests by deceitfully accusing them of antisemitism is a dangerous overreach that if acted upon, risks stifling free speech on campuses. Universities must be places where diverse perspectives can be voiced and debated openly,” the council said in a statement on Monday.

“We should be proud of all of the students, many of whom are Jewish, who are speaking out against this unfolding genocide,” Elizabeth Strakosch, executive officer of the Jewish Council of Australia, said.

“The right to peaceful protest is a fundamental democratic freedom that universities should uphold and defend. The student protests against the unfolding genocide in Gaza are legitimate expressions of political speech and human rights advocacy.”

Students from universities in Australia have joined their global peers in organising on-campus protests in solidarity with Palestine.

900 arrested in pro-Palestine campus protests since April 18: Report

The number of arrests throughout the US has surpassed 900 since New York police removed a pro-Palestinian protest encampment at Columbia University and arrested more than 100 demonstrators on April 18, The Associated Press reports.

Meanwhile, colleges around the country are imploring student protesters to clear out tent encampments with rising levels of urgency as classes wrap up for the semester and campuses prepare for graduation ceremonies.

Students and others have been protesting over Israel’s war on Gaza, its mounting death toll and deteriorating humanitarian situation. Many students are demanding universities cut financial ties with Israel.

Demonstrators have accused universities and authorities of infringing on their right to protest freely.

US Congress needs to look into State Department’s inaction on Israeli abuses, says lawmaker

Katie Porter, a congresswoman from the state of California, has questioned why Blinken has failed to take action against Israel despite State Department officials raising concerns over possible Israeli rights violations in Gaza.

Her comments to MSNBC came amid reports that officials at the State Department told Blinken they do not find Israeli assurances of using US-supplied weapons in accordance with international law to be “credible or reliable”.

Congress “needs to be asking what happened here”, said Porter.

“After all of this extended process, after Israel was given a chance to address violations, to hold people accountable, when it goes up to the secretary with the recommendation from all of these different departments at the State Department that aid must stop – the law is clear here – what is not clear, is what has happened at the State Department and who, if anyone, besides Secretary Blinken may be implicated in this decision.”

US senator questions if State Department is properly assessing Israeli conduct

Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat, has questioned whether the Biden administration is properly assessing Israel’s compliance with international law, following a report from the Reuters news agency that some senior US officials did not find the country’s assurances credible.

“This reporting casts serious doubt on the integrity of the process in the Biden administration for reviewing whether the Netanyahu government is complying with international law in Gaza,” he said in a statement.

The Reuters report found that some senior State Department officials have advised Secretary of State Antony Blinken that they do not find “credible or reliable” Israel’s assurances that it is using US-supplied weapons in accordance with international humanitarian law.

Blinken must tell Congress by May 8 whether he finds Israel’s assurances credible. According to an internal State Department memo, several bureaus within the agency did not find Israel’s statements credible, citing military actions that raised questions about potential violations of international humanitarian law.

Van Hollen said the Reuters report had found that the recommendations of those bureaus “were swept aside for political convenience”.

“The determination regarding compliance with international law is one of fact and law. The facts and law should not be ignored to achieve a pre-determined policy outcome. Our credibility is on the line,” he said.

Red Cross has no mandate to replace UNRWA in Gaza, ICRC chief says

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) does not have a mandate to replace the UN agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza, its director general says.

“We have completely different mandates,” ICRC Director-General Pierre Krahenbuhl told the Swiss daily Le Temps in an interview.

UNRWA was swept into controversy in January when Israel accused 12 of its 30,000 employees of being involved in the October 7 Hamas attacks, which led to the deaths of 1,139 people, mostly civilians.

Israel’s retaliatory offensive has killed nearly 35,000 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, according to the Strip’s Health Ministry.

The UN immediately fired the implicated staff members and launched an internal investigation to assess the agency’s neutrality.

Last week, an independent review for the UN led by a former French foreign minister said Israel has given no evidence UNRWA staff were linked to “terrorism”.

The claims against the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees led to a massive funding deficit as donor countries announced funding suspensions.

Arrests in New Orleans after activists try to set up protest camp

Police in the US city of New Orleans have arrested 10 people during a pro-Palestine protest in Jackson Square, according to local media.

The arrests came after some three dozen protesters attempted to set up a protest camp, by pitching tents in the square, located in the city’s French Quarter, an area popular with tourists, reported the NOLA news website.

The police were quoted as saying they tried to clear the square at 7pm, when it closes each night, but protesters resisted, “striking officers with various items”.

Videos posted on X show scuffles as police tried to break up the camp.


Imprisoned Palestinian writer wins top fiction prize

Palestinian author Basim Khandaqji, who has been imprisoned by Israel since 2004, has been named as the winner of the 2024 International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) for his novel A Mask, the Colour of the Sky.

Khandaqji’s publisher Rana Idriss, of the Lebanon-based Dar al-Adab publishing house, accepted the award on his behalf at a ceremony in Abu Dhabi.

The book tells the story of Nur, an archaeologist living in a Palestinian refugee camp in Ramallah, who adopts a “mask” when he finds a blue identity card belonging to an Israeli in the pocket of an old coat.

Born in Nablus, Khandaqji has been imprisoned by Israel since he was 21 years old. He studied political science at Al-Quds University from prison with a thesis on Israeli studies and has published several poetry collections and novels.

In an interview in January, Khandaqji’s brother said his family had not been able to speak with him for four months, a problem many Palestinians held in Israeli prisons have faced since October 2023.

Khandaqji wrote the award-winning book in prison in 2021, when he would manage to write about two pages each day between 5am and 7am, although “very often, the papers are taken from him and destroyed by the guard”, his brother said.

Biden administration ‘terrified’ of war’s impact on election prospects

Rami Khouri, a distinguished public policy fellow at the American University of Beirut, says the Biden administration is concerned that its support for Israel will impact their hopes for re-election in the 2024 US presidential race.

“What’s fascinating here is the involvement of a third party, which is the United States. This is [a] war between [the] United States, Israel on the one side and Hamas, and other armed groups, on the other,” Khouri told Al Jazeera.

“The US is worried about many things. They are terrified of the Iranian-Israeli exchange of fire, even though they were both controlled. They are terrified of a wider war in the region, with the impact of this on oil flows, investment and global trade. It will be [a] catastrophe.

“The US government, led by the Democrats and Biden, are terrified of the impact of this war on the election prospects in November. Polls show 81 percent of young people, 81 percent of all Americans, not just Democrats, between the ages of 18 and 34, think that the war is being badly managed and they disapprove of the way the war is going and American support for it.

“This is a huge thing for American politics. And they are finding that… they don’t have the same clout that they used to.”

Being anti-Zionist is not same as being anti-Semitic, says Jill Stein

The Green Party’s presidential candidate in the US, who was briefly detained at a student-led protest at Washington University in Missouri, said legitimate criticism of Israel is often incorrectly deemed as anti-Semitism.

“Zionism is not Judaism,” Stein, who is Jewish, told Al Jazeera. “And Zionism has been controversial within the Jewish community. In fact since its origins in the 1800s, and that controversy continues today. And the consequences of Zionism is that Jews came in as refugees and said, ‘This land is ours, and we are ethnically cleansing this land.’ And that’s not OK.”

Stein said the current crisis did not start with the Hamas attacks in southern Israel.

“October 7 was just the latest phase of violence that has been mostly perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinians, starting from the Nakba, some 75 years ago. And unfortunately, Jews – and I know myself because I was raised as part of this – have been taught a certain version of history which is not quite accurate. As more and more historical documents come to light, it’s very clear there has been an outrageous tradition of violence against Palestinians from the get-go.”

She added, “So Zionism is something that needs to be debated and being anti-Zionist is not the same as being anti-Semitic.”



>argument bad because source bad
>Shared Palestinian And Israeli Perspectives On A New Path To Peace
>Professor Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi
>Mohammed Dajani Daoudi is a Palestinian professor and peace activist
This is erasure of Palestinian voices.
>Dajani also elucidates his rejection of the common accusation by Palestinian leaders who brand Israel an apartheid state demanding the severing of all ties with Israel.
From an actually existing Palestinian person. Maybe listen to the people you so vehemontly defend and orientalize? Palestinites are not a monolith just like how Israeli human beings aren't.

>Ms. Lucas’ antipathy for Israel is clear. So deep that, like Oxfam that followed her, she is willing to sacrifice 600 Palestinian jobs in order to demonize Israel.

Biden regime won't let you find out the truth. They are funneling money towards terrorists.

Asking Americans to boycott McDonalds is like asking Asian/Latino people not to eat rice.
Furthermore, as said in https://jcpa.org/pdf/Defeating_Denormalization_Final_22_january.pdf
>Shared Palestinian And Israeli Perspectives On A New Path To Peace
>Is the existence of a McDonald’s fast food branch in any of the approximately 100 disputed areas of the world a violation of international law?
I will answer that for you, it's not.
>Why aren’t Ms. Lucas and her BDS friends screaming for boycott of McDonalds? Is the existence of an Apple store in Ukrainian Crimea, Western Sahara, Tibet, or Nepal a violation of international law?
Oh no no no no no
Virtue signalers don't know how to answer this one!


>continues quoting neocons
I've got some Iraqi WMDs to sell you.

>This is erasure of Palestinian voices.

Everybody take a look at this. This is the kind of Hasbarist they're sending when they want to appeal to leftists. They're not sending their best. Laugh at his copped sensitivity-training language, for it is doofy.

>Biden regime won't let you find out the truth. They are funneling money towards terrorists.

The only true thing this guy ever says is that Biden is a liar and is funneling money towards terrorists. That bit is true! Biden recently approved $26,400,000,000 in US free guns-and-money for the IDF. It is correct to describe this act as funding terrorism.

It would also be correct to point out that the Netanyahu gov't, which Biden has been funding, has openly funded Hamas and advocated publicly for doing so as recently as 2019.

Astute observers will also note that the entire last paragraph of the Hasbarist's post is literally just him talking to himself and greentexting his garbage neocon snotrag. Sad!


Anybody can edit words and make it look real. Pic related.

>Iraqi WMDs

Iraqi soldiers literally let babies die so they could take the incubators. A young woman personally saw this and testified under oath. She was lucky to even survive to tell her story. Shame on you for making light of this. Furthermore, Saddam Hussein was committing human right violations. Ask Iran.
Hot take but was what the US was doing really that bad? Look at the following article:
Two decades of feminist struggle in post-invasion Iraq | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

Hamas is a U.S. designated terror group that murdered over 1200 innocent people, raped countless women and girls, and kidnapped over 200 people into Gaza.
Are you denying this? Yikes. So much for social justice. What do you think socialism is?
IDF is the military of the Israeli state (Israeli Defense Force). Israel has a right to defend itself in an unfortunately uneducated backward swath that we call the Middle East.
>inb4 muH RaCiST
You commies have been oppressing religion anyway. Just ask the Orthodox Church, Tibetan Buddhists, Nepali Buddhists, etc.

And nobody still hasn't answered on how an McDonalds restaurant that brings nutrition, joy, employment and economic development to the area is somehow MUh hUmaN RigHTs Bio-Laotians.


ok troon why don't you go back to dilating on reddit


>Biden regime won't let you find out the truth. They are funneling money towards terrorists.
Ironic you'd say this, considering how many billions Biden just gave Israel.
Do you have no self awareness ? Do you have propaganda brain all the way through ?


>Iraqi soldiers literally let babies die so they could take the incubators
Seriously ?

The babies out of incubators story was fiction, even mainstream media had to retract it.


Source? Are you denying the lived experience of a Kurdish woman? Kurdish people are an oppressed minority in Iraq. Historical context matters.


The Washington Post is owned by Bezos, a capitalist. Are you sure you wanna use this source? Lol


liberal opinions beget liberal sources you faggot


> October 10, 1990
<Human Rights Violations in Kuwait
>The Congressional Human Rights Caucus conducted a hearing to investigate alleged Iraqi human rights violations in occupied Kuwait. Cases of rape, execution, imprisonment and the destruction of hospitals in Kuwait were heard by the committee.
This is what you're denying? Literally Nuremburg tier. Ironic because you're all rabid anti-Semetics.


My executed Israeli children story was untrue, admits ZAKA's Yossi Landau


File: 1714415257970.mp4 ( 6.8 MB , 640x360 , 1714415243224.mp4 )

is this nazi poster trying to make us hate Jews or something? because there are plenty of good working class jews who don't stand for zionfags


Dude give it up this hoax was debunked so hard it's never coming back, you can't seriously hope to bring back neocon lies from the BUSH era.
see even the imperialist capitalist media had to admit it
you are persistent, i'll give you that. However this just proves those sick fucks abused a child to spew war propaganda lies.


zionists and their american masters always accuse their enemy of what they themselves do


>Anybody can edit words and make it look real.

Yet you're the only one doing it. Funny!

None of this was a secret. In March 2019, Netanyahu told his Likud colleagues: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

Netanyahu himself readily explained: “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state must support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. That’s part of our strategy…” Building his whole career on divide-and-rule strategies vis-à-vis everyone around, including Israelis, Netanyahu, like his cronies and like Hamas leaders, will never leave of his own volition.

In 2019, Mr Netanyahu told colleagues in his ruling Likud party: "Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas… This is part of our strategy - to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank."

It’s also true that, for more than a decade, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has explicitly sought to bolster Hamas in order to divide Palestinians against one another and discredit the Palestinian cause. As recently as 2019, Netanyahu is on record telling Likud Party representatives in the Knesset that “anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is a part of our strategy.” Indeed, it has been part of Israeli hard-liners’ strategy since Hamas’s origin.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,” Netanyahu

When he took office as prime minister for the second time in 2009, Netanyahu developed a perverse political doctrine that held that increasing the rift between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority would be to Israel’s advantage. That way, the diplomatic paralysis created would eliminate the possibility of negotiations with the Palestinians about the division of Israel into two states.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. This is part of our strategy –to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank,” he declared years later.

One aspect of Netanyahu’s Churchill complex is his colossal self-assurance, and he was unflinchingly confident in his “conception.” As he reportedly put it in a Likud meeting, “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state must support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. . . . This is part of our strategy.” Last December, he told an interviewer for Saudi television, “I think my record speaks for itself. The last decade in which I led Israel was the safest decade in Israel’s history. But not only safe and secure for Israelis, also safe and secure for the Palestinians.” It was a litany of bad faith, deception, and delusion, with disastrous consequences.

Absolutely horrid.


It's amazing how true "every accusation is a confession" rings.


>is this nazi poster trying to make us hate Jews or something?
Could be, dumb fuck probably doesn't know we don't do scapegoats.

>because there are plenty of good working class jews who don't stand for zionfags

We probably should draw a clear distinction between Zionists and Jews, and accuse everybody of antisemitism for suggesting otherwise. So Israel's war-crimes don't get pinned on Jews.


Why are Israeli people not allowed to have a state?


Zionists (including Evangelical Zionist sickos) are pretty much the only people who try to blur the line. Jews are among those leading the way against this absolute abominable evil which the Zionist warmongers are trying to do in their name, and it's absolutely sick the way that Zionist Israeli chauvinists try to throw diaspora Jews under the bus. Zionists should be ashamed, but unfortunately that feeling is alien to them. I do really feel sorry for people who've genuinely been indoctrinated into this cult, where they feel like the only way to express their religion and culture is by subservience to a 20th century militarized nation state created by British imperialism. Even those presently indoctrinated by Hasbara bullshit have a chance to see the light some day, but if they ever recover from this insanity then the horror at realizing what they have done will be unbearable.


The Zionists are committing a genocide in their pursuit of ethno-nationalism. You can forget about legitimizing that crap. They made such a huge bloodbath, that it'll never wash out.

>Zionists (including Evangelical Zionist sickos) are pretty much the only people who try to blur the line. Jews are among those leading the way against this absolute abominable evil which the Zionist warmongers are trying to do in their name,
Yes that seems to be the case.
>and it's absolutely sick the way that Zionist Israeli chauvinists try to throw diaspora Jews under the bus.
Yeah we need to update the definition of antisemitism to reflect that.

> I do really feel sorry for people who've genuinely been indoctrinated into this cult, where they feel like the only way to express their religion and culture is by subservience to a 20th century militarized nation state created by British imperialism. Even those presently indoctrinated by Hasbara bullshit have a chance to see the light some day, but if they ever recover from this insanity then the horror at realizing what they have done will be unbearable.

Yeah that's gonna be a rough awakening.


Houthis claim attack on two vessels, two US destroyers

Yemen’s Houthis targeted two US destroyers and the vessel CYCLADES in the Red Sea as well as the MSC Orion in the Indian Ocean, the group’s military spokesman Yahya Sarea said.

The Houthis, who control the most populated parts of Yemen, have carried out dozens of attacks on vessels with commercial ties to the US, the UK and Israel in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden since November.

The group says the attacks are a response to Israel’s assault on Gaza.

US says Houthis sent drone towards navy ships, ballistic missiles fired at merchant vessel

The US military said Houthi forces in Yemen fired three antiship ballistic missiles and directed three armed drones to attack a Greece-owned ship travelling in the Red Sea.

CENTCOM, which commands US forces deployed in the Middle East, said the Malta-flagged MV Cyclades was able to continue its journey and there were no reports of injuries resulting from the missile attack.

Earlier on Monday, US forces engaged and destroyed a drone which was “on a flight path towards” two US Navy ships – the USS Philippine Sea and USS Laboon – in the Red Sea.

“There were no injuries or damages reported by US, coalition, or merchant vessels,” CENTCOM said in a post on social media.

Yemen’s Houthis say their campaign in the Red Sea targets shipping either owned by or which has links to Israel and Israeli ports, and is in retaliation for Israel’s war on Gaza.

ICC war crimes prosecutors interviewed Gaza hospital staff: Report

Prosecutors from the International Criminal Court (ICC) have interviewed staff from Gaza’s two biggest hospitals, two sources have told the Reuters news agency.

The prosecutors from the war crimes court in The Hague have reportedly spoken to staff from al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City and the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, Reuters said.

This is the first confirmation the ICC is speaking to medical staff about possible crimes in the Gaza Strip, Reuters said, though it noted the sources asked not to be named due to the sensitivity of the subject.

The ICC’s office of the prosecutor said it could not comment due to the need to ensure the safety of victims and witnesses.

Israel has repeatedly besieged hospitals in the Gaza Strip, with Palestinian officials calling for investigations in recent days after hundreds of bodies were exhumed from mass graves at both Nasser and al-Shifa Hospitals following the withdrawal of Israeli forces from both locations.

US hypocritical over ICC probe into Israel war crimes in Gaza: Russia

Russia says the United States is being hypocritical by opposing the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) investigation of Israel but supporting its arrest warrant for President Vladimir Putin.

The ICC – which can charge individuals with war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide – is investigating Hamas’s attack and Israel’s devastating military assault on Gaza, now in its seventh month.

“Washington fully supported, if not stimulated, the issuance of ICC warrants against the Russian leadership,” Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a post on Telegram.

But “the American political system does not recognise the legitimacy of this structure in relation to itself and its satellites”, Zakharova said, adding such a position is intellectually “absurd”.

White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said the US doesn’t support the ICC’s investigation of Israel as it doesn’t have jurisdiction.

Disease spreads as 10,000 bodies decompose in blown-up buildings

More than 10,000 missing Palestinians are buried under the debris of hundreds of destroyed buildings in Gaza.

The territory’s civil defence agency made the statement on X as the death toll from the war rose to 34,535.

“The continued accumulation of thousands of bodies under the rubble has begun to cause the spread of disease and epidemics, especially with the onset of summer and the rise in temperatures, which accelerates the process of decomposition,” it said in a statement.

Students, teachers hit with tear gas at Hebron school: Report

Israeli forces stormed a secondary school in Hebron in the occupied West Bank and fired tear gas at the institution, reports the Wafa news agency.

The tear gas hit dozens of students and teachers at the Tariq bin Zayad school with many needing medical treatment from inhaling the gas.

The incident comes as Israeli forces carry out a round of familiar raids in and around Hebron in the occupied West Bank. Earlier, we reported Israeli forces ransacked homes in Hebron and killed a Palestinian man 22km (14 miles) from the city.

Notorious Israeli battalion may still get US military aid
Stefanie Dekker
Reporting from occupied East Jerusalem

The US is considering sanctioning the Netzah Yehuda battalion, the ultra-Orthodox Israeli army unit accused of rights abuses against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

One of the incidents believed to be part of the charges against the unit is that its forces killed a 78-year-old Palestinian American dual citizen in 2022. They bound him, gagged him and left him to die in sub-freezing temperatures.

Four other battalions the US State Department also found responsible for “gross violations” have not been named. But the State Department says those units have “remediated” – meaning they’re now fine and will continue to receive American military aid.

The Netzah Yehuda last week wasn’t going to receive military assistance. Now the US State Department has given Israel more time to look into the allegations against it because of a massive backlash.

China says Hamas and Fatah met for discussions in Beijing

The rival Palestinian groups met in China’s capital recently for “in-depth and candid talks on promoting intra-Palestinian reconciliation”.

“Representatives of the Palestine National Liberation Movement [Fatah] and the Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] recently came to Beijing,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian said, adding that “positive progress” was made in discussions.

“China and Palestine share a traditional friendship. We support Palestinian factions in achieving reconciliation and increasing solidarity through dialogue and consultation. We will continue to work actively towards that end,” Jian added.

‘Walls closing in’ on those committing grave violations in Gaza war

Salman Shaikh, a former Middle East peace envoy with the UN, says Israel’s conduct in Gaza is increasingly under the spotlight worldwide and international courts are expected to hold Israeli officials accountable.

“The walls are closing in. International law has to be administered. Otherwise, we will see Western countries effectively cannibalising international law and the rules-based international order, which they themselves set up after the horrors of the second world war,” Shaikh told Al Jazeera.

“We have ample evidence and those who have committed grave violations of international humanitarian law – whether they are Hamas or other Palestinian groups but also the Israeli army. This cannot continue.”

Western nations should be extremely concerned about their support for Israel during its six-month attack on Gaza, he noted. “European capitals and Washington need to think really hard about their actions, including the supply of offensive weaponry to the Israeli army.”

Journalism professors call on New York Times to review October 7 report

Fifty-nine journalism professors from top US universities have called on The New York Times to address questions about a report that described a “pattern of gender-based violence” in the October 7 attacks on Israel.

The professors said they felt the need to issue a letter to the newspaper after coming across “compelling reports” challenging the integrity of the story.

“The Times’ editorial leadership appears to have largely dismissed these reports and remains silent on important and troubling questions raised about its reporting and editorial processes,” they wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained and posted online by The Washington Post.

“We believe this inaction is not only harming The Times itself, it also actively endangers journalists, including American reporters working in conflict zones as well as Palestinian journalists (of which, the Committee to Protect Journalists estimates, around 100 have been killed in this conflict so far),” the professors said.

A spokeswoman for the Times said the paper has “reviewed the work that was done on this piece of journalism and [we] are satisfied that it met our editorial standards”, the Post reported.

Students hang banner renaming Columbia’s Hamilton Hall to ‘Hind Hall’

Student protesters at Columbia University unfurled a banner to cover the name of the historic administrative building, Hamilton Hall, according to posts on social media verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad agency.

The banner covering the name of the building reads “Hind Hall”, in commemoration of six-year-old Hind Rajab, who was killed by Israeli forces in Gaza.

The building is being occupied by the students as demonstrations against Israel’s war on Gaza continue to rage at the campus and other universities in the US and beyond.



Why do they need a state? They can't live in peace with other people?


IMHO you are asking the wrong question.

The Zionist state was created because the British empire wanted a imperial outpost in the middle east and they had the power to do it. When the British empire fell apart the US empire took over.

The Zionist project was modeled on the colonial subjugation model, which is what the British empire used for most of it's reign. This is also the reason why the Zionist project is unraveling now. Colonial domination was based on the fact that the colonial powers had a huge advantage in industrial production compared to the countries they subjugated. But today that industrial differential is no longer there. Most countries in the world are industrialized and can project hard power with industrial proficiency too.

The best course of action likely is to de-zionify the Israeli state and remove all the apartheid stuff from the official ideology, demilitarize and create a Palestinian state as well. And shift the focus of international struggle towards diplomacy and trade.

So the right question to ask would be what kind of state(s) does this region need.


>MuH Two-State Solution!!!
>MuH Single Palestinian State and Israeli stATE abolishmeNt Solution!!!
Pure ideology, as commie Zizek would say. How do we have a guarantee that the Palestinian government won't simply do the same? Out of the goodness of their own heart? They could be just as bad. To say otherwise is idealism.


I disagree. Iran should wipe them out and send them packing back to new york


I'm answering a question with a question.

>What kind of state(s) does this region need

There was already a Palestinian state there, either you respect their independence or you're a colonizer.

>The Palestinian government won't simply do the same
And they would be completely justified.


There'll be no New York to go back to because of anti-semetism.

Yikes, going mask off here. Colonialism/imperialism but make it diverse and done by Middle Eastern people. Real classy.

Iran is explicitly trying to, in their words, "wipe Israel off the earth"

I support the people of Israel who are under attack by Iran and Hamas.
As far as the Palestinians go, that's a different issue that existed even before the attacks of October 7th.

What happened to Palestinian territory is not related, or at least not caused by, the October 7th attack. It's a different story.

Isreal and Pallestinians need to figure their own shit out there. America needs to not get involved with any of this. Hamas Terrorists want to erase Isreal off the map. This is an attack on Judaism.


the real reason he likes Israel is because they let him dilate and call him a woman


>How do we have a guarantee that the Palestinian government won't simply do the same?
You are operating with an erroneous premise.

If the Zionists remain in power in Isreal, they will continue and likely even expand their hostile stance towards everybody else in that region. The result will be that they will get brute-forced out of power and the people they have terrorized (which is not just the Palestinians) will be returning the favor. And no Israel's nukes do not change that outcome, just delay it.

However if the US and the other western powers agree to pull the plug on Zionism now, they'll take part in architecting the new structure, and thus can ensure that there will be no revanchism.

>I disagree. Iran should wipe them out and send them packing back to new york
At the moment the Netanyahu regime is looking to start a war with Iran, while Iran doesn't appear to be particularly keen on that. And from the looks of it, the US doesn't appear to be interested in such a war either. So Genocideyahu appears to be shit out of luck on that front.


difference is that Bibi is fooling himself into thinking he can win by beating Iran but he will get annihilated if he tries. Then the options for Iran are to let the conflict continue to destroy the Palestinian civilian population or to win a war against Israel and maybe Britain


>Yikes, going mask off here
>Oooh yikie wikey NOOOooo only my chooosen people are allowed to do ethnically cleanse
Get fucked
In the ass, you sound like a redditfag.

>I support the people of Israel



>There was already a Palestinian state there, either you respect their independence or you're a colonizer.
I see your point, however the priority always is about creating good material conditions for the people that live there. Correcting a historic wrong is secondary. If the Zionist apartheit/supremacy apparatus gets dismantled and Israel gets demilitarized, and all the people there get full political rights and good living conditions, that's a supreme victory.

On some level this is a battle between those people that create a pleasant environment where people thrive and those others that seek to create a hostile environment where people suffer.

The Zionists clearly are creating hell on earth, that's the reason why they are unfit to rule.


>difference is that Bibi is fooling himself into thinking he can win by beating Iran but he will get annihilated if he tries.
I wouldn't be so sure, there always is the possibility that Netanyahu knows that Iran would win decisively, and that he just doesn't care. His calculation may simply be that starting a war with Iran halts the corruption charges against him. If Isreal gets destroyed, he exits with a golden para-shoot and retires. The outcome where Israel survives but Netanyahu gets prosecuted for corruption may simply be a less desirable outcome from his perspective.

>Then the options for Iran are to let the conflict continue to destroy the Palestinian civilian population or to win a war against Israel and maybe Britain

To be fair the US could pull the plug on Zionism and set in motion a diplomatic restructuring of the regional state structures. All the countries in the region including Iran would strongly prefer that.
By the way the UK is not going to enter a war, their industries are depleted, and the military age population will not fight.


>I wouldn't be so sure, there always is the possibility that Netanyahu knows that Iran would win decisively, and that he just doesn't care. His calculation may simply be that starting a war with Iran halts the corruption charges against him. If Isreal gets destroyed, he exits with a golden para-shoot and retires. The outcome where Israel survives but Netanyahu gets prosecuted for corruption may simply be a less desirable outcome from his perspective.

He doesn't give a fuck. He will happily endanger Israel if it means he gets to stay in power, and I'll add that he would happily destroy Israel if it means he gets to die quickly rather than rotting in prison.

Ya'll are replying to Hasbara posts like they're serious. Nice of you!


Ministry of religious affairs accuses Israel of desecrating Palestinian bodies

The Gaza Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs has issued a statement accusing the Israeli military of mutilating the bodies of hundreds of dead Palestinians, including carrying out postmortem decapitations and dismemberment.

It called the alleged mutilation of corpses a violation of the sanctity of the dead, which is “a religious, humanitarian and moral crime”.

The ministry also said that since October 7, Israeli forces have “committed atrocities the likes of which history has not witnessed, with global cover, blatant American support, and shameful silence from international organisations”.

People are not given proper burials, it added, “as the Israeli military uses bulldozers to throw bodies into a large pit and then cover them with garbage. This was documented in al-Shifa Medical Complex, Nasser Medical Complex, and Kamal Adwan Hospital.”

Portuguese-flagged ship is hit in Arabian Sea

The container ship has come under attack by a drone in the far reaches of the Arabian Sea. That corresponds with a claim early Tuesday by Yemen’s Houthi rebels that they assaulted the ship there.

The attack on the MSC Orion, occurring some 600 kilometres (373 miles) off the coast of Yemen, appeared to be the first confirmed deep-sea assault claimed by the Houthis since they began targeting ships in November.

It suggests the Houthis have the ability to strike out potentially into the distances of the Indian Ocean as the rebels previously threatened in their continuing campaign over Israel’s war on Gaza.

Law enforcement action at US universities ‘disproportionate’: UN

The UN has voiced concerns regarding the treatment of pro-Palestine protesters at US universities.

The spokesperson for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Marta Hurtado, said “We are concerned that some of law enforcement actions across a series of universities appear disproportionate in their inputs.”

Protests have swept through US higher education institutions, with many erecting tent encampments on campus grounds after about 100 protesters were first arrested at Columbia University in NewYork on April 18.

At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, police moved in on Tuesday morning to clear one encampment, detaining some protesters.

TV footage showed police at the Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond on Monday evening pushing and shoving away protesters, with students saying tear gas and pepper spray were deployed.

At the University of Texas at Austin, police also clashed with protesters on Monday, including using pepper spray, and made arrests while dismantling an encampment, adding to hundreds detained nationwide over the weekend.

ICJ rules against halting German arms exports to Israel

The World Court has ruled against issuing emergency measures over German arms sales to Israel.

“The circumstances are not such as to require the exercise of its power under Article 41 of the statute to indicate provisional measures,” presiding Judge Nawaf Salam said.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague made its ruling on Nicaragua’s request that emergency measures be imposed on Germany over its support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

Nicaragua argued during two days of hearings earlier this month that Germany violated the 1948 Genocide Convention and international law by supplying Israel with arms, accusing Berlin of being well aware there was a risk of genocide.

Germany denied the accusations, and its lawyer argued that Nicaragua’s case was rushed, based on flimsy evidence and should be thrown out for lack of jurisdiction.

Germany is one of Israel’s biggest military suppliers, sending it $353.7m in equipment and weapons in 2023.

Protesters gather in Tel Aviv, demand immediate return of captives held in Gaza

Some 200 protesters have gathered outside the Israeli Ministry of Defence building in Tel Aviv, calling on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to finalise a deal with Hamas that ensures the return of captives held by the group in Gaza.

Family members of the captives and their supporters have been demonstrating for months for the return of their loved ones.

They are now demanding a meeting with Netanyahu to find out more about the status of the deal, which is being negotiated in Cairo.

A Hamas delegation is meeting with mediating parties there, but has repeatedly said any deal must include a permanent ceasefire and a withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, which have been major sticking points in negotiations.

Israel ‘a hostage of irresponsible lunatics’, says opposition leader

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid says Israel has become “a hostage of irresponsible lunatics” in his latest post slamming Prime Minister Netanyahu.

“You can’t go on like this. A minister with a criminal record stands in the prime minister’s office and threatens the prime minister with the consequences if he does not do what he is told,” Lapid wrote on X.

“[Itamar] Ben Gvir tells the whole world and the whole region that Netanyahu is weak and works for him. It is unbelievable that he is not fired on the spot.”

Earlier, Ben Gvir said Netanyahu had “heard” his words and understood the consequences if the Rafah operation did not happen.

Far-right ministers, including Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, have both threatened to leave Netanyahu’s coalition government if the military operation in Rafah does not occur.

Lebanese students hold first coordinated university protests over Gaza

Hundreds of students have gathered at various university campuses in Lebanon to protest against Israel’s war on Gaza.

Students, alumni and other Lebanese waved flags and posters at campuses in the capital, Beirut, and elsewhere, with some demanding their universities boycott companies that do business in Israel, Reuters reported.

At the American University of Beirut, some 200 people gathered in a campus square where they had been given approval by the administration to protest for two hours.

Campus security barred protesters or journalists from venturing further into the university grounds and shepherded reporters off campus as the allotted window to demonstrate came to a close.

Demonstrations took place at other universities including the Lebanese American University.

German envoy chased off Palestine museum grounds over country’s war stance

Footage from the Birzeit University grounds shows the German representative to the Palestinian Authority being chased out of the Palestinian Museum by a crowd of students over his country’s support for Israel.

The museum is on the premises of the educational institution, located north of Ramallah.

Oliver Owcza is seen being jeered by a group of students who told him, “Get out!”

Owcza is then forced to head to his vehicle while a crowd runs after him. Some students are seen hurling objects at the car as it drives off.

The envoy later posted on X: “Peaceful protest & dialogue always has its place. We regret that today’s meeting of EU Heads of Missions at the National Museum in Birzeit was unduly interrupted by protestors. Nevertheless, we remain committed to constructively work with our Palestinian partners!”

France deploys riot police to quell campus protests over Gaza
Sania Mahyou

Paris, France – Tensions are rising between the French state and students at top universities who are staging pro-Palestine protests amid Israel’s war on Gaza, inspired by their American counterparts.

As well as an end to Israel’s war, demonstrators called on school administrators to cut ties with Israeli institutions and other businesses they see as complicit in the war in Gaza, which to date has killed about 34,500 Palestinians, mostly children and women.

$267m in UNRWA funding still suspended

While many countries have reinstated funding to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), the agency still has $267m in committed funds held up, mostly by its chief donor the United States, said agency chief Philippe Lazzarini.

While UNRWA has enough funds to keep running until the end of June, bolstered by more than $115m in recent private donations, it has limited visibility after that, Lazzarini said.

In January, more than one dozen countries suspended funding to UNWRA due to Israeli allegations that 12 of its staff members took part in the October 7 attack, with 190 others offering intelligence and logistical support. However, more than three months later, Israel still has not presented credible evidence for the claims, according to an independent review for the UN, and the UN probe has since dropped or suspended cases into several of the accused employees.

182 UNRWA staff members killed in Gaza war

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), the largest aid group operating in Gaza, has had 182 staff members killed during the war, according to its chief Philippe Lazzarini.

Israeli military attacks in Gaza have also damaged 160 of the agency’s facilities, killing a total of 400 people sheltering inside the buildings, he added.



Israeli parliament member says police beat her at rally

Naama Lazimi, a member of Israel’s Knesset representing the left-wing Labor Party, says she was accosted and beaten by police at a rally in Tel Aviv that called for an immediate captive release deal.

In a post on X, Lazimi said police “lost all restraint” while trying to break up the protest on Monday night, beating her as she tried to help a protester who had been arrested.

“The violence on the part of the cops was unrestrained; we all felt it was much much different from previous protests,” Lazimi told Israel’s Kan radio.

“To think that the police force, the body that is supposed to protect me, is something I should be afraid of, that protesters should be afraid of, is a reality that cannot be.”

Thousands of Israelis, including the relatives of some captives still held in Gaza, have been staging regular protests in Israel calling on the government to secure the release of Israeli captives or a Gaza ceasefire.

‘1 in 3 Palestinian child prisoners are in administrative detention’

Defense for Children International – Palestine has said that Israeli forces have dramatically escalated their military operations in the occupied West Bank in the last six months.

“DCIP has been monitoring Palestinian child administrative detainees since 2008, and the numbers have never been this high,” it said in a statement.

Sixty-one children are currently held by Israeli forces without charge or trial, equivalent to about one in three out of all Palestinian child detainees, the organisation said.

DCIP called administrative detention “a cruel tool” because the children and their lawyers aren’t privy to what are deemed “secret charges”.

Administrative orders can also be renewed indefinitely, “creating an unbearable environment of anxiety for parents and children who don’t know when they will be able to go home”.

Sciences Po loses funding over Gaza protests

“I have decided to suspend all regional funding for Sciences Po until calm and security have been restored at the school,” Valerie Pecresse, the right-wing head of the greater Paris Ile-de-France region, says on social media.

The suspension came as demonstrations against Israel’s war on Gaza last week shook one of France’s most prestigious educational institutions.

The university’s acting administrator, Jean Basseres, lamented the decision.

“The Ile-de-France region is an essential partner of Sciences Po, and I wish to maintain dialogue on the position expressed by Mrs Pecresse,” he told the French daily Le Monde.

Regional financial support for Science Po includes 1 million euros ($1.07m) earmarked for 2024, a member of Pecresse’s team told AFP.

The demonstrations echoed many currently taking place on university campuses globally.

French Higher Education Minister Sylvie Retailleau said the French government has no plans to suspend funding for Sciences Po.

Suspect in Jerusalem stabbing attack identified as Turkish national: Israeli police

Israeli police say the man who carried out a stabbing attack on a police officer in the Old City of Jerusalem was a visiting Turkish national, aged 34.

As we reported earlier, the alleged assailant was shot dead by Israeli border police.

US under pressure to protect Israeli officials from ICC arrest?

Reports that the International Criminal Court (ICC) may soon issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials over the war on Gaza should be read with scepticism, an analyst says.

“We should take this ICC arrest warrant story to some extent with a grain of salt. We may get different news in the coming days or weeks. But it’s not really clear where this is coming from beyond Israeli sources, or possibly Israeli officials leaking to the press to try to put pressure on outside forces, namely the United States,” said Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist and author.

“The US has hated the ICC for years because they don’t want their own soldiers, or generals, or politicians to be put on trial for what happened, for example, in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last 20 years.”

ICC arrest warrants? Netanyahu phones Biden: Report

US news outlet Axios reports PM Netanyahu phoned President Biden to ask for help in preventing the International Criminal Court (ICC) from issuing arrest warrants for Israeli officials over the grisly war on Gaza.

Two unnamed Israeli officials were quoted as saying the phone call took place on Sunday amid increasing alarm that senior figures may face international justice for the attack that has killed tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians.

The Axios story comes after Reuters reported ICC prosecutors interviewed staff from Gaza’s two biggest hospitals about possible crimes committed in Gaza. More than 300 bodies were uncovered from mass graves at Nasser Hospital after Israeli forces withdrew on April 7.

Tulane University encampment continues despite calls from school administration to halt protest

Students at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, have gathered to protest Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza as pro-Palestinian demonstrations sweep college campuses across the country.

Videos verified by Al Jazeera show police setting up barricades and a large sign set up near the gathering that reads: “No trespassing”.

In a letter, the university administration confirmed the suspension of five students and urged protest organisers to end their sit-in. It further threatened university staff and employees who joined the protest with disciplinary measures, including dismissal, if they do not halt their participation.

New Yorkers march in support of students protesting for Gaza

Footage shared by journalists on social media shows a crowd marching through the streets of New York City, stopping at a number of university campuses.

The march began at New York University, where dozens were arrested last week after the school administration called for police to break up pro-Palestine demonstrations.

The march will end at Columbia University where earlier today, students occupied a building belonging to the university, saying they would not leave until their demands – divestment of the university from Israel, financial transparency from the university, and amnesty for students so-far disciplined in pro-Palestine protests – are met.


Travis County, Texas urges UT Austin to compromise with protesters

Travis County Attorney General Delia Garza has urged the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) to settle with protesters who are demonstrating against Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza.

She confirmed police arrested 97 students.

Yesterday, police, some in riot gear, detained dozens as they dismantled an encampment set up on campus by students calling on their university to cut ties with Israel.

Garza said that 65 of those arrested were charged with criminal trespass.

“Cycling people in and out of jail on low, low-level charges and dwindling our criminal justice resources for the rest of the community will do very little to maintain the public safety of our community,” she said.

Garza said it is not the role of the criminal justice system to assist the Texas governor in efforts to “suppress nonviolent and peaceful demonstrations”. She was referring to remarks made by Governor Greg Abbott, who last week called for the arrest and expulsion of students protesting at the university.

US rights group criticises anti-Semitism bill that cleared House Rules panel

DAWN has said that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of anti-Semitism, which the US House of Representatives Rules Committee is trying to codify through a bill, is “problematic and contentious” and “is being used to stifle speech by Palestinians and Palestine advocates”.

Human rights and civil rights organisations, including Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN), have said that the IHRA’s working definition of anti-Semitism has been misused to falsely label any criticism of Israeli government policies as anti-Semitic.

“Attempts to push criticism of Israel out of the legitimate discourse are particularly worrying at a time when US support for Israel is itself one of the most pressing foreign policy issues facing our nation,” said Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, the director of research for Israel-Palestine at DAWN.

“The young people of this country deserve better than to be told that they are anti-Semites for questioning how and where their tax dollars and university tuition are invested.”

Pro-Palestine protesters urge Olympic officials to limit Israel’s participation in Paris Games

About 300 people have rallied at the headquarters of the Paris Olympics’ organising committee, waving Palestinian flags and chanting slogans against Israel’s “institutional participation” in the games as it continues its war on Gaza.

The protesters said that Israeli athletes should compete in Paris under a neutral flag, similar to the rules the International Olympic Committee applied to Russian athletes after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

French President Emmanuel Macron said Israeli athletes will compete in Paris under their country’s flag.

The Olympic Games in Paris will take place from July 26-August 11.


Dozens arrested, loaded onto police buses, at Columbia University

We’ve been reporting on police entering Columbia University to dismantle a pro-Palestinian protest there.

Al Jazeera’s Teresa Bo who is at Columbia University says police are saying least 50 people have been arrested, with the students taken away in two police buses.

Columbia president asks police to remain on campus until May 17: Report

Nemat Minouche Shafik, the president of Columbia University, has asked New York police to remain on the university’s campus until May 17 to “ensure encampments are not reestablished”, the AFP news agency is reporting.

Students previously re-established their Gaza Solidarity encampment on the lawns of Columbia University after it was dismantled by police on April 18, in a move that saw about 100 arrests and spurred a protest movement across many other US universities.

Handling of Columbia protests a ‘betrayal’ of university’s history, memory of Edward Said
A graduate of Columbia told Al Jazeera’s correspondent Kristen Saloomey that the administration’s handling of the student protests was a betrayal of the university’s history and one of its finest scholars – the late Edward Said.

“Columbia is the university of Edward Said – a great scholar of Palestinian history and its people,” the student, who only gave his name as Henry, told Al Jazeera.

“That’s a history that has been totally betrayed by the university.

“And it was betrayed before. In 2019, the students voted overwhelmingly for divestment.

“We were told the university doesn’t get involved in politics.

“To me, this is politics [the police action against protesters].

“The Tel Aviv Global Centre [a Columbia research hub in Israel] is politics.

“The fact that there are students here who can’t participate in the full breadth of what Columbia offers because they partner with a country with race laws, with apartheid – a well-established fact – that, to me, is despicable.

“I didn’t like the old administration. I definitely don’t like how [Columbia’s President Nemat Minouche Shafik] is handling this.”

Freedom of speech, expression ‘supposed to be prized’ in US: Columbia student

A Columbia University student spoke to Al Jazeera’s correspondent Teresa Bo outside the campus about the events that led to the latest police incursion.

“A lot of students went into Hamilton Hall yesterday and occupied and [renamed] it as Hind’s Hall,” said the student who did not want to be identified by name.

“They were there all day long. All of us were hoping that the administration would behave like adults and negotiate in good faith with the students and find a compromise, find a way forward to get these students safely back to their classes where they belong.

“But a lot of us were very disappointed, obviously, and shocked, to see the police return to our campus – an American institution where freedom of speech and freedom of expression are supposed to be prized.

“Earlier today, via social networks, we were told that they expected the police to come so we came out here to demonstrate our support [for the student protesters], and for me personally for the American values that I believe in.

“I’m horrified by the decision-making process here. This isn’t Moscow. This isn’t Tehran. This is New York City. We should be able to protest peacefully.”



KHAN YOUNIS, 25 April 2024 – Children are living amid rubble in streets of total devastation in Khan Younis, the second largest city in Gaza, according to Save the Children staff returning to the city for the first time since the war started over six months ago.

Prior to the 7 October attacks and war in Gaza, the city in the southern part of the Gaza Strip had a population of more than 200,000 people, including about 100,000 children.

Now Khan Younis is a ghost town, with people returning in small numbers to protect what remains of their properties or retrieve belongings while lone children roam the streets seeking water and other supplies. Media have recently reported that satellite pictures show rows of tents on a site to the west of Khan Younis.

Sacha described the scenes as apocalyptic:

“I actually felt physically sick – my body’s reaction to seeing this absolute brutality, for this total disregard for human life.

“I’ve been to a lot of warzones and disasters, but I’ve never been in a situation where as far as the eye can see, every building is rubble. In some conflicts, you will see devastation, but there are gaps between damage and buildings still standing. Here – you turn 360 degrees - every single building is either severely damaged or rubble on the ground. And not just one or two streets, but dozens of streets. It’s everywhere.

“I was also struck by the numbers of lone children. You are driving through what feels like an empty street and then suddenly you see children climbing out of the rubble. I saw so many children carrying containers, I guess of water - I don’t know for how far they were carrying them – all by themselves, through these destroyed streets. You could see the containers were heavy and hard for the little kids to manage. It was eerie and terrible to see so many children by themselves, knowing how dangerous it is to be in those collapsed and semi collapsed buildings.”



DATA LEAK: How is Israel accessing WhatsApp to find targets in Gaza?

WhatsApp (owned by Mark Zuckerberg's company) is being used for data by Israel to kill Palestinians.


So spying on people's private data with AI-Hitler, in order to mass-murder them. Is that sufficient abuse of power, to justify getting our privacy back ?

Because it looks like Gaza is something like a testing ground for the methods they're intending to roll out on the rest of the world.


The Wars Come Home
<Weapons, tactics, techniques and, maybe most importantly, ideology are already spreading in the US and across the Collective West from the Ukraine and Gaza Conflicts.

I hope that Gallagher's prediction turns out to be wrong, but yeah shit looks grim dark


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Turkey will intervene in ICJ genocide case against Israel: Foreign minister

In a statement quoted by Reuters, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says the country has “decided to get involved in support of South Africa’s appeal against Israel” at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

The ICJ, a UN court that rules on disputes between nations, ordered Israel in January to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention, in an interim ruling to a case filed by South Africa.

Despite the ruling, Israel has since continued to kill thousands of Palestinian civilians in daily military assaults on the besieged territory.

Since the start of the war, Turkey has been one of Israel’s fiercest critics on the international stage, with its President Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeatedly calling Israel a “terror state”.

Israeli settlers attacked Jordanian aid convoys, dumped supplies: Report

Two Jordanian aid convoys carrying food, flour, and other humanitarian aid were attacked by Israeli settlers this morning on their way into Gaza, reports Jordan’s state-run Petra news agency, citing the Foreign Ministry.

The convoys, one taking the Beit Hanoon crossing and another taking the Karem Abu Salem crossing from Israel into Gaza, were targeted by the settlers who dumped some of their cargo and damaged the trucks, said the ministry, noting that the trucks continued the aid delivery mission.

In a statement carried by Petra, ministry spokesman Sufyan Qudah said, “The extremists’ attack on the two convoys, and the failure of the Israeli authorities to provide protection for them, undermine all the Israeli government’s claims and commitments to allowing aid to enter Gaza.”

Netanyahu tells Blinken he will not accept deal that ends war in Gaza: Report

Israel’s prime minister has told Blinken he will not accept a deal that includes ending the war on Gaza, Israeli media has reported.

According to senior American and Israeli officials, Netanyahu said that if Hamas insists on ending the war, the deal will not be accepted and Israel will be forced to launch a military offensive in Rafah, Israeli news agency Walla reported.

Blinken met with Israeli leaders in his push for a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas, saying “the time is now” for an agreement that would free hostages and bring a pause in the war.



Here we go, Turkey being a UKUS NATO puppet again. What do you even gain out of supporting Israel and denying genocide? Actually, just answered my own question…


What? That's literally the exact opposite of what Turkey is doing.


My apologies, I misread the headline and skimmed the rest…


US warns ICC against arrest warrants after Israeli threat: Report

After a threat against the Palestinian Authority (PA) by Israel, the US has reportedly told officials with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in private that issuing arrest orders for top Israeli government and military officials would be a mistake.

“We are quietly encouraging the ICC no to do it. It will blow up everything,” US outlet Axios reports, citing unnamed US officials.

It said Israel believes that the PA has been encouraging the ICC, which is based in The Hague in the Netherlands, to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others, and is therefore ready to retaliate.

The retaliation could come in the form of cutting off the transfer of tax revenues that Israel collects for the Palestinian organisation, which could potentially lead to its collapse.

Israeli settler attack on aid convoys ‘warrants global condemnation’: Jordan FM

The Jordanian foreign minister says the “despicable attack by radical Israeli settlers” on two Jordanian convoys taking desperately needed humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza “warrants global condemnation”.

“Protecting the convoys is a legal obligation of Israel as the occupying power,” Ayman Safadi wrote in a post on X after the Jordanian foreign ministry officially condemned the attacks.

Safadi said one of the attacked trucks was the first to enter Gaza through the Beit Hanoon (Erez) crossing, which has just been reopened.

Colombia’s president says country will sever ties with Israel

Colombian President Gustavo Petro says he will break diplomatic relations with Israel over its actions in Gaza.

Petro has already heavily criticised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and requested to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide at the International Court of Justice.

More on the opening of the Beit Hanoon (Erez) border crossing

The Gaza Strip’s northern border crossing with Israel has been opened for the first time since the beginning of the war on Gaza last October.

Jordanian public service media outlet Al-Mamlaka TV reports that a Jordanian aid convoy consisting of 31 trucks entered Gaza via the Beit Hanoon crossing, known as the Erez crossing to Israelis.

The Times of Israel quoted army Colonel Moshe Tetro, head of Israel’s Coordination and Liaison Administration for Gaza, who said he hopes the crossing will be open every day and will help reach a target of 500 aid trucks entering Gaza daily.

UN calls for end to West Bank violence after 14 killed in refugee camp

Amid daily violent raids on occupied Palestinian territory in the West Bank, the latest Israeli military raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp left 14 Palestinians dead in late April.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) has released images showing the aftermath of the raid that also destroyed UN buildings, and has called for an end to the violence.

“Everyone in this area was in danger. It was just terrorising, no more, no less. Just terror,” said Musa Salah, a resident of the camp.

Haniyeh’s sister moved to house arrest after being charged with incitement

An Israeli court has ordered the release of the sister of Hamas’s top leader to house arrest after she was indicted for incitement and identification with a “terror group”, Israeli media report.

Sabah Haniyeh, 57, the sister of Ismail Haniyeh, was born in Gaza but has Israeli citizenship and lives in southern Israel. She was arrested in early April, indicted on April 21 and released to house arrest today.

According to the indictment, she sent several messages praising Hamas’s October 7 attacks to WhatsApp groups that seem to include members of the extended Haniyeh family.

Ismail Haniyeh lives in exile in Qatar.

Khamenei slams Israeli-Saudi normalisation efforts

Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says efforts that are under way to forge a normalisation of ties between Israel and Arab countries will not resolve the crisis in the Middle East.

“Some people think that by forcing neighbouring countries to normalise their ties, the problem will be solved,” Khamenei said while addressing a crowd. “They are wrong.”

His comments come after Blinken said the US is nearly ready to offer Saudi Arabia a security package if it normalises relations with Israel.

Talks over a potential normalisation with Israel came to a halt on October 7.

‘Time to recognise State of Palestine is now’: UN ambassador

Riyad Mansour, Palestine’s ambassador to the UN, is calling on the countries that have not recognised a State of Palestine to do so now.

This comes after Barbados and Jamaica became the latest to recognise Palestine, joining 140 others.

“For those who have not yet recognised a State of Palestine, we say there are no grounds for further delay. Those who want to destroy a Palestinian state and with it any chance for peace are not waiting,” Mansour said during a speech at UN headquarters in New York.

“If you wonder if you are on the right side of history, ask yourselves one question: ‘Is what I’m doing advocating freedom and peace or enabling continued oppression and conflict?’ You should ask yourself that question.”

Guterres: UN committed to peace ‘based on end to occupation’

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has reaffirmed the organisation’s “hope” for a two-state solution, calling it the only long-lasting path to peace for both Israelis and Palestinians along with the whole region.

“The UN is totally committed to supporting a pathway to peace, based on an end to the occupation and the establishment of a fully independent, democratic, viable, contiguous and sovereign Palestinian State, with Gaza as an integral part,” he said in a statement.

Hezbollah attacks homes in Israel

A statement from the group says its fighters have attacked two homes in the Israeli town of Shtola.

It said the strike was in response to “the Israeli enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes” in Lebanon.

No casualties were immediately reported, but we will update you on this strike as information comes in.

Gaza filled with more debris and rubble than Ukraine: UN

The United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) says that the mammoth task of clearing Gaza’s debris is made all the more costly and dangerous by the sheer amount of asbestos and unexploded ordnance.

Nearly seven months into the war, UNMAS estimates the amount of debris in the Gaza Strip at 37 million tonnes in mid-April, or 300 kilogrammes per square metre (60 pounds per square foot).

“Gaza has more rubble than Ukraine, and to put that in perspective, the Ukrainian front line is 600 miles [nearly 1,000km] long, and Gaza is 25 miles [40km] long,” said Mungo Birch, head of the UNMAS programme in the Palestinian territories.

But the volume of rubble is not the only problem, UNMAS said.

“This rubble is likely heavily contaminated with UXO [unexploded ordnance], but its clearance will be further complicated by other hazards in the rubble,” Birch told journalists in Geneva.

“There’s estimated to be over 800,000 tonnes of asbestos, for instance, alone in the Gaza rubble.” The cancer-causing mineral used in construction requires special precautions when handling.

It is generally estimated that 10 to 15 percent of the munitions fired do not explode on impact and therefore represent a lasting danger for civilian populations.

1,000 Gaza workers in Israel ‘remain missing’: Palestinian rights groups

Palestinian human rights organisations have said that there is no information available about 1,000 workers from the Gaza Strip who were working in Israel on October 7.

The Commission for Detainee’s Affairs, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, and the Addameer Foundation for Prisoner Care and Human Rights said in a joint statement that the number of Palestinian workers from Gaza who were in Israel before October 7 was approximately 10,300.

They added that “3,200 [workers] of them were released at the Kerem Shalom [Karem Abu Salem] crossing at the beginning of November 2023 from the detention centres where they were being held, some still wearing zip ties on their wrists bearing numbers.

“Approximately 6,441 workers were deported to the West Bank, and approximately 1,000 workers remain missing in light of the ongoing crime of forced disappearance against Gaza detainees.”

The organisations said that Israel has so far refused to disclose their whereabouts or information about their well-being, only saying that there are two military camps for Gaza detainees – one near Be’er Sheva, and another near Jerusalem.



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New Yorkers rally in support of Palestine on May Day

A large crowd gathered today at New York City’s Foley Square for a protest entitled “Student and Workers Unite for Palestine”.

Posts from protest organisers say that this rally is being held in sympathy not only with Palestinians in Gaza, as they continue to endure Israel’s ongoing military campaign, but also with students on US university campuses, who are currently facing harsh police crackdowns as they demand their institutions divest from business ties with Israel.


Palestinians thank students protesting worldwide for their support

Palestinians have demonstrated in the city of Deir el-Balah in central Gaza to show their support for pro-Palestine protests at universities worldwide.

Demonstrators of all ages held Palestinian flags and signs with names of universities such as Columbia, UCLA, the University of Minnesota and Yale.

Student rallies have spread to dozens of schools across the US in recent days expressing opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza. Students in universities across the world have also joined by staging protests.



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Vote for Joe Biden to violently suppress college students, smear American protestors as anti-Jewish racists, and bomb these very children beyond the point where they are even recognizable as human corpses.


>US warns ICC against arrest warrants after Israeli threat: Report
>After a threat against the Palestinian Authority (PA) by Israel, the US has reportedly told officials with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in private that issuing arrest orders for top Israeli government and military officials would be a mistake.
>“We are quietly encouraging the ICC no to do it. It will blow up everything,” US outlet Axios reports, citing unnamed US officials.
>It said Israel believes that the PA has been encouraging the ICC, which is based in The Hague in the Netherlands, to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others, and is therefore ready to retaliate.
>The retaliation could come in the form of cutting off the transfer of tax revenues that Israel collects for the Palestinian organisation, which could potentially lead to its collapse.

All this arm-twisting of the ICC means that there is real momentum for going after Netanyahu.




Turkey halts all trade with Israel citing Gaza war

Turkey stopped all exports and imports to and from Israel because of the “worsening humanitarian tragedy” in the war-battered Gaza Strip.

“Export and import transactions related to Israel have been stopped, covering all products,” Turkey’s Ministry of Trade said in a statement. “Turkey will strictly and decisively implement these new measures until the Israeli government allows an uninterrupted and sufficient flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

The two countries had a trade volume of $6.8bn in 2023. Turkey last month imposed trade restrictions on Israel over what it said was Israel’s refusal to allow Ankara to take part in air-dropped aid operations for Gaza.

Houthi leader says over 600 missiles launched since October 7

Abdel-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the Houthis in Yemen, says the group has launched 606 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones in its attacks since October 7, which the group says are carried out in opposition to the deadly war on Gaza.

He said in a speech that 111 of the projectiles were directly launched at Israel, with the rest targeting warships belonging to Israel’s allies in the region, along with other vessels traversing the waters near Yemen.

Al-Houthi claimed that the group has so far targeted 107 ships linked with Israel and the US, and that it launched 33 missiles and drones in eight attacks in the past week in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and Israel.

“There is considerable annoyance and concern among the enemies due to operations extending to the Indian Ocean,” he said.

Syria says eight soldiers wounded after Israeli air strike

The Syrian Ministry of Defence says in a short statement that eight soldiers were wounded after the Israeli military launched an air strike from the occupied Golan Heights.

The attack hit an area in the vicinity of the capital Damascus, and there were also some “material losses”, it said, according to state-run SANA broadcaster.

UN rapporteur says ‘no Palestinian is safe’ after doctor’s killing

The UN rapporteur for occupied Palestinian territories says she’s “extremely alarmed” by reports of the killing of Dr Adnan al-Barash in an Israeli prison.

“While I acquire more information, I urge the diplomatic community to intervene with concrete measures to protect Palestinians,” Francesca Albanese wrote in a post on X.

“No Palestinian is safe under Israel’s occupation today.”

Hamas condemns doctor’s killing, calls for international intervention

Hamas says in a statement that the killing of Dr Adnan al-Barash in an Israeli prison is another episode of the “horrific war crimes” committed against Palestinians.

The group said many, including children, are regularly detained by Israeli forces from schools and hospitals and taken to detention centres where they lack the most basic rights.

“Among them are doctors whose crime was performing their humanitarian duty towards their wounded and sick people,” Hamas said.

Its statement called on the international community to condemn the arbitrary arrest and subsequent deaths in detention of Palestinians, and force Israel to reveal the fate of thousands of prisoners and return them to their families.

Earlier, the Reuters news agency had cited an unnamed security source as saying that the Israeli strike had hit a building operated by Syrian security forces on the outskirts of Damascus.

Iran university promises free education, stay to expelled Western students

Multiple universities in Iran are taunting their Western counterparts by promising to accept students who are expelled for participating in pro-Palestine protests.

The Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) in Tehran, one of Iran’s top universities, announced on Thursday that it will welcome students turned away from universities in the US and across Europe.

“We have considered scholarships for these students and will fully pay for their education, dormitory and stay,” said SBU President Mahmoud Aghamiri, according to state-linked media.

“We will also especially support Palestinian students who are facing challenges,” he said without elaborating.

Dozens of universities across Iran were the scenes of widespread student demonstrations – and clashes with armed security and arrests – during nationwide protests that rocked Iran in 2022 and 2023.

At least 2,000 arrested at US campus pro-Palestine protests: Report

A tally from the Associated Press found that 2,000 people have been arrested since mid-April, when students at Columbia University in New York occupied their campus and kicked off a wave of student-led pro-Palestine protests across the US.

Earlier today, at least 200 were arrested at the University of California, Los Angeles, in the latest incident of mass arrest at a campus protest.



>Multiple universities in Iran are taunting their Western counterparts by promising to accept students who are expelled for participating in pro-Palestine protests.
Assuming this is a realistic offer (language barriers ?) that's sort off a gigachaad brain-drain move.


‘Islamic Resistance in Bahrain’ claims first attack on Israel’s Eilat

A group identifying itself under the umbrella term the “Islamic Resistance in Bahrain” has claimed its first attack on Israel.

The group, called Saraya al-Ashtar or al-Ashtar Brigades, released a video showing a drone being launched, allegedly at the Israeli port city of Eilat, on Saturday. Israel has not commented on any such attack.

The group said it “targeted the headquarters of the company responsible for land transportation in the Zionist entity [Trucknet] in the city of Umm al-Rashrash [Eilat] in occupied Palestine”.

Trucknet, which is an Israeli transport company, signed an agreement in March to transfer oil between Israel and Arab countries. Saraya al-Ashtar is designated as a “terrorist” organisation by the US, which says it has ties with Iran.

Hezbollah claims two attacks on Israeli positions
The Lebanese armed group says it launched two strikes on Israeli positions on Thursday afternoon.

The first attack used artillery shells to target a site in Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms and it achieved a direct hit, Hezbollah said.

“Appropriate weapons” were fired in the second strike on a position in the Kfarchouba hills, it added.

Iran slaps sanctions on US, UK over Israel support

Iran has announced sanctions on several American and British individuals and entities for supporting Israel in its war on Gaza.

The Islamic Republic, the regional arch foe of Israel, unveiled the punitive measures in a statement from its Foreign Ministry.

It said the sanctions targeted seven Americans, including General Bryan P Fenton, commander of the US special operations command, and Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, a former commander of the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet.

British officials and entities targeted include Secretary of State for Defence Grant Shapps, commander of the British army strategic command James Hockenhull and the UK Royal Navy in the Red Sea.

Penalties were also announced against US firms Lockheed Martin and Chevron, and British counterparts Elbit Systems, Parker Meggitt and Rafael UK.

The impact of these measures on the individuals or entities, as well as their assets or dealings with Iran, remains unclear.

Gaza death toll rises

At least 34,596 Palestinians have been killed and 77,816 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, its Health Ministry says.

The ministry added that 28 people were killed and 51 injured in the latest 24-hour reporting period.

Portland police begin clearing student-occupied campus building

Scenes posted by US journalists and media outlets on X show the local police in the US state of Oregon surrounding and beginning to evacuate a library on the campus of Portland State University.

Students had occupied the building on Monday in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Earlier today, police told the students inside to leave or face arrest.


Boy loses limbs after ‘hidden explosive charge’ in food aid detonates

A teenage Palestinian boy is the latest to be severely wounded while opening “booby-trapped food”, according the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

“A 14-year-old boy was seriously injured and sustained limb amputations after opening a booby-trapped can of food found while looking for his belongings in his house that had been shelled by Israeli forces in Khan Younis,” OCHA said, citing Gaza authorities.

The boy, who was wounded in the blast on Monday, is just one of “many people recently injured” from aid supplies rigged with hidden explosive charges, the UN agency added.

Israeli army still finding debris from Iranian missiles

The Israeli military has released images it says show the remains of another surface-to-surface missile fired by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) during its attack on Israel on April 13.

The Israeli military used a crane to clear out the missile debris, which it said was cleared of hazardous materials, near the southern city of Arad.

The Iranian attack was carried out in retaliation for the April 1 destruction of an Iranian consulate in Syria, which killed seven IRGC members, including two generals in charge of operations in Syria and Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia cracks down on criticism of Israel online: Report

Saudi Arabia has stepped up arrests for social media posts about the war in Gaza, Bloomberg News reports.

Among the recent detainees was an executive with a company involved in the kingdom’s Vision 2030 economic plan who “expressed views on the Gaza conflict deemed by authorities to be incendiary”.

Other people arrested include a media figure who said Israel should “never be forgiven” and an individual calling for the boycott of American fast-food restaurants in the country. The recent spike in arrests are motivated by security concerns, according to Riyadh-based diplomats and human rights groups, Bloomberg said.

The arrests come as Saudi Arabia signals “a readiness to agree to diplomatic relations with the Jewish state – if it commits to Palestinian statehood”.

Doctor killing takes medical sector death toll to 496

The killing of Dr Adnan al-Barash in an Israeli prison that we reported on earlier has taken the total death toll of medical personnel since the start of the war on Gaza to 496.

Gaza’s health ministry said in a statement that about 1,500 medical workers have also been wounded, and 309 remain imprisoned in Israeli jails.

“The killing of Dr al-Barash would not be the last crime in light of the complete secrecy of the condition of prisoners in prisons, especially those arrested from the Gaza Strip,” said the ministry.

It also called on the international community and health and human rights organisations to intervene and protect prisoners held by Israel.

Al-Bursh, 50, was the head of the orthopedic department at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. He was arrested by the Israeli army last December as he treated patients at al-Adwa Hospital in northern Gaza.

Israeli man detained for trying to attack Netanyahu’s convoy: Report

Israeli broadcaster Channel 12, citing local police, reports that a 58-year-old man was detained after an incident involving the Israeli prime minister’s motorcade in Tel Aviv.

Few details are available at this time, but we will continue to update you on this incident.

==Three arrested for protesting at weapon manufacturer’s building in Bristol
The Palestine Action protest network says three demonstrators have been arrested by British police for protesting in front of the Bristol headquarters of Elbit Systems.

Some had perched themselves on top of a van in order to block what they said was the only entrance into the building. Protesters said the weapons manufacturer is actively arming a “genocide” in Gaza.

Elbit Systems, which produces some of the most advanced drones in the world, proclaims on its website that its unmanned aerial vehicles are “the backbone” of the Israeli military.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest mandatory conscription

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has secured another two weeks of time to deal with the hot-button issue of mandatory conscription for ultra-Orthodox Jews, but they are continuing their protests in the meantime.


US sanctions five people over support for Hezbollah

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller says the United States is sanctioning five people for “enabling [Hezbollah] financial advisor Hassan Moukalled and his company to continue supporting the terrorist group and its senior officials”.

Some in Gaza ‘tasting fresh bread for the first time in six months’

Shaza Moghraby, a spokesperson for the World Food Programme (WFP), says humanitarian access to Gaza is improving relative to where it has been, but it’s still not enough.

Yesterday, the first aid trucks entered Gaza via the Beit Hanoon (Erez) border crossing in the north for the first time since October 7.

“We have seen improvements but we need the routes to be opened all the time,” she said.

According to Moghraby, WFP has been able to open four bakeries in northern Gaza where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are in dire need.

“So for the first time, people in the northern areas who were using extreme measures to make bread, using animal feed and bird seed to make bread, for the first time they are tasting fresh bread in six months.”

Dozens of Israeli settlers tour, pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque: Report

Israeli settlers have carried out a tour at Al-Aqsa Mosque and performed Talmudic rituals in the vicinity of Bab ar-Rahma prayer area, the Wafa news agency has reported.

The Jerusalem governorate said about 163 Israeli settlers participated in the provocative tour, protected by Israeli police.

Under the status quo, only Muslims are allowed to pray at Al-Aqsa Mosque which includes its courtyard.

Israeli police also increased their military deployments near Al-Aqsa Mosque, preventing young Palestinian men from entering, Wafa reported.

Palestinian embassy seeks temporary status for those who entered Egypt

The Palestinian embassy in Egypt is seeking temporary residency permits for tens of thousands of people who have arrived from Gaza during the war, which it says would ease conditions for them until the conflict is over.

Diab al-Louh, the Palestinian ambassador in Cairo, said as many as 100,000 Palestinians had crossed into Egypt, where they lack the papers to enrol their children in schools, open businesses or bank accounts, travel, or access health insurance – though some have found ways to make a living.

Al-Louh stressed that residency permits would only be for legal and humanitarian purposes, adding that those who arrived since the war began on October 7 had no plans to settle in Egypt.

It will take until at least 2040 to repair destroyed homes in Gaza, UN says

If the war in Gaza stopped today, it would still take until 2040 to rebuild all the homes destroyed in Israel’s bombardment and ground offensives, according to UN estimates.

“Every additional day that this war continues is exacting huge and compounding costs to Gazans and all Palestinians,” said UN Development Programme Administrator Achim Steiner.

At least 370,000 housing units in Gaza have been damaged, including 79,000 destroyed completely, according to a new report by the UNDP and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia.

After previous wars on Gaza, housing was rebuilt at a rate of 992 units year. Even if Israel allows a five-fold increase of construction material to enter Gaza, it would take until 2040 to rebuild the destroyed houses, without repairing the damaged ones, the report said.

Two Palestinian detainees from Gaza die in Israeli prisons: Prisoner’s Society

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society says that one of the detainees who died was Dr Adnan al-Barash, the head of the orthopaedic department at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, the largest medical complex in the besieged and bombarded territory.

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied territories, said she was “extremely alarmed” by the information and urged the diplomatic community to intervene with concrete measures to protect Palestinians.

“No Palestinian is safe under Israel’s occupation today,” she wrote on X.

UNRWA shows extent of damage in Gaza


White House says Gaza pier to open in days

A maritime pier constructed by the US military to speed the flow of humanitarian aid in Gaza should be open within a matter of days, despite poor weather that is hampering preparations, White House national security spokesperson John Kirby has said.

“We were hoping within days. I think that’s still a hope,” Kirby said at a news briefing.



Iraqi fighter groups claim missile attack on Tel Aviv

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of Iran-aligned armed groups, has said it launched multiple cruise missiles at Israel on Thursday, the Reuters news agency reports.

A source from the group told Reuters that al-Arqab-type cruise missiles were fired at the city of Tel Aviv for the first time. Israel has yet to comment on the attack.

The Iraqi armed groups have claimed multiple attacks on US forces stationed in Iraq and Syria, as well as targets in Israel, since October.

US military says it destroyed three Houthi uncrewed aerial systems in Yemen

The US military’s Central Command (CENTCOM) has said that it “engaged and destroyed” three uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.

“It was determined these systems presented an imminent threat to US, coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region,” CENTCOM wrote in a post on X.

California Republicans want university leaders fired over antiwar protests

Republican party leaders are calling for the removal of university administrations in California, saying they should have prevented campus protests against Israel’s war on Gaza from escalating into “lawlessness and violence”.

According to The Associated Press news agency, Republicans want the leaders at universities such as the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt removed, and are also pushing for a proposal that would cut pay for university administrations.

US senators meet ICC over potential Israel arrest warrants: Report

A group of both Democratic and Republican US senators reportedly held a virtual meeting with senior officials from the International Criminal Court (ICC) over potential arrest warrants being considered for top Israeli officials.

The meeting took place on Wednesday shortly after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to multiple senators, reports the US news site Axios, citing three unnamed sources.

Republican lawmakers have reportedly threatened to pass legislation against the ICC if it moves forward with the warrants.

Axios earlier reported that Biden administration officials have also privately warned the ICC against the move after a warning by Israel that it could cut off tax funds it collects for the Palestinian Authority, which could cause it to collapse.

Students erect pro-Palestine encampments across Canadian campuses

Students at the University of Toronto set up an encampment in a fenced-off grassy space at the school’s downtown campus where some 100 protesters gathered with dozens of tents.

According to a statement from organisers, the encampment will stay until the university discloses its investments, divests from any that “sustain Israeli apartheid, occupation and illegal settlement of Palestine”, and ends partnerships with some Israeli academic institutions.

“If public disruption is the only way to get our voice heard, then we are willing to do that,” said University of Toronto graduate student and encampment spokesperson, Sara Rasikh.

Students also set up encampments at McGill University in Montreal, the University of British Columbia and the University of Ottawa.





Trinidad and Tobago recognises the State of Palestine

The government of Trinidad and Tobago has announced that it is officially recognising the State of Palestine, a move it said would help to achieve a “lasting peace”.

A news release from the Caribbean country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the move strengthened the “growing international consensus on the issue of Palestinian statehood”.

“Recognition of Palestine is moral and just and demonstrates Trinidad and Tobago’s acknowledgement of and support for the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian People,” the statement said.

European Union Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell said on Monday that several EU countries are set to recognise Palestine as an independent state by the end of May. The countries are yet to be confirmed but are believed to include Ireland, Spain, Belgium, Malta and Slovenia.

In April, the US vetoed a UN resolution that would have paved the way for full membership for Palestine, saying statehood must be achieved through direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine.



CNN DISGRACES Itself Over Gaza


File: 1714735492437.jpeg ( 51.23 KB , 830x553 , stallman.jpeg )

Is there a time when it didn't?


Nope, but this is still really disgusting stuff.


I feel like it's gotten worse over time.

You used to be able to get some information from sources like that, you just had to reverse their spin in your mind.

Some time later they began omitting so much context that it became empty, people talking about events without saying anything.

At present it sometimes feels like watching these can be a mind-danger. Like a Greek mythological creature that has a negative effect on people who just look at it. I wish i know how this got so spooky.


CNNN pissed me off so badly with this bullshit.
Like I used to watch major cable news networks like this to at the very least keep my pulse on the fifth branch of the government and the hegemonic state of our society, but. I'm not even going to so much as bother with them now. It's so blatant and apparent at this point they might as well have just got on camera and said "WE ARE LITERALLY AN APPARATUS OF THE STATE AND CAPITAL" Their in the exact same category as Fox news now to me.


They literally just went on air and started fucking lying.




Democracy Now!: Meet Hala Rharrit, First U.S. Diplomat to Quit over Gaza

ICC demands end to ‘retaliation threats’ over Gaza

The prosecutor’s office at the International Criminal Court (ICC) has appealed for an end to what it calls intimidation of its staff.

The Hague-based office of ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan said in a statement all attempts to impede, intimidate or improperly influence its officials must cease immediately.

While the prosecutor’s statement did not mention Israel, it was issued after Israeli and US officials have warned of consequences against the ICC if it issues arrest warrants over Israel’s war on Gaza.

‘An entire family wiped out’

Gaza resident Sanaa Zoorob said her sister and six of her nieces and nephews were killed in an Israeli attack on Rafah. Two of the children “were found in pieces in their mother’s embrace”, she said.

One of the children was six years old and another was handicapped.

“An entire family wiped out. I just want to convey a message – what is the fault of these children? What have they done to have their building bombed by three rockets? These children were sleeping. Their remains were collected in one bag,” said Zoorob.

She appealed for “a permanent ceasefire and a full withdrawal from Gaza” of Israeli troops.

Palestinian family forced by Israel to demolish shops in occupied East Jerusalem

Israeli authorities have reportedly forced a Palestinian family to demolish three shops they owned for decades in the town of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem.

The Israeli municipality in the area ruled the stores must be destroyed because they were built without a permit, the Wafa news agency quoted Yassin Qaraeen, a family member, as saying.

The shops were there for more than 30 years and the family had to demolish the businesses themselves in order to avoid paying heavy fines to the municipality if it carried out the process, said Qaraeen.

Israel promises Rafah attack in a week unless Hamas agrees to terms: Report

Israel has reportedly given Hamas one week to agree to a truce and prisoner-captive exchange deal, threatening it will begin its ground invasion of Rafah otherwise.

Egyptian officials conveyed this message from Israeli leaders to the armed Palestinian group on Thursday, according to the Wall Street Journal, which cited unnamed Egyptian sources briefed on the matter.

Publicly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has continued to promise an invasion of Rafah regardless of a deal with Hamas. The Palestinian group has said it’s “looking positively” at the latest proposals mediated through Egypt.

An earlier news report said CIA Director William Burns is now in Cairo, and a Hamas delegation is expected soon as well.

Halted Israel trade aimed at ‘forcing’ a Gaza ceasefire: Erdogan

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says the move to halt trade with Israel, which has angered Israeli officials, is aimed at achieving a ceasefire in Gaza.

“We have taken some measures to force Israel to agree to a ceasefire and increase the amount of humanitarian aid to enter” Gaza, Erdogan told businessmen in Istanbul. Trade between the two countries is worth about $7bn annually.

“We will oversee the consequences of this step we have taken in coordination and consultation with our business world.”

He later told reporters: “Up to now, Israel has killed 40,000 to 45,000 Palestinians without mercy. As Muslims, we could not stand by and watch.”

Erdogan said Turkey knows “we did the right thing”, but the move has left Israeli officials fuming with Foreign Minister Israel Katz calling the president a “dictator”.

Qassam Brigades launches missiles at Israel from southern Lebanon

The military wing of Hamas says its fighters have managed to launch missiles at Israel from southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah is engaged in fighting along the border with Israel.

Footage obtained by our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic shows volleys of missiles developed by the Qassam Brigades being launched from Lebanon, purportedly at Israeli military targets.

The Qassam Brigades also said its fighters inside the Gaza Strip launched “heavy-calibre mortar shells” at the so-called Netzarim Corridor of the Israeli military, which runs east to west through the besieged enclave, separating its north and south.


Houthis say ‘millions’ march again in Yemen in support of Gaza, military ops

Houthi-run media have released images from another weekly march in Yemen, saying “millions” of people again took to the streets to express solidarity with Palestinians.

The al-Masirah broadcaster also reported demonstrators announced their support for more naval operations by Houthi forces, which said they will extend their attacks to all ships linked with Israeli ports if Israel launches a ground invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza.


Iran slams US for cracking down on pro-Palestine student protests

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani has condemned US authorities for violently suppressing the protests of pro-Palestinian students across the country.

He wrote on X: “The move of the US government authorities to distort the truth and describe genuine student and academic anger and protests as anti-Semitism, in order to justify and use of violent suppression tools to silence the peaceful protests and gatherings of pro-Palestine students, does not diminish the ugliness of their actions.”

“A significant number of Jewish people, including Jewish students, have declared their disgust with the hateful crimes of the Zionist regime and the US government’s shameful support for the regime,” Kanaani said.

He added that the “mask of hypocrisy” has been removed “from the faces of the false defenders of freedom of speech and human rights”.

Rafah invasion could lead to a ‘bloodbath’: WHO

The World Health Organization (WHO) says it’s deeply concerned a threatened Israeli ground invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza “could lead to a bloodbath”.

“Only 33 percent of Gaza’s 36 hospitals and 30 percent of primary healthcare centres are functional in some capacity amid repeated attacks and shortages of vital medical supplies, fuel, and staff,” it said.

“As part of contingency efforts, WHO and partners are urgently working to restore and resuscitate health services, including through expansion of services and pre-positioning of supplies, but the broken health system would not be able to cope with a surge in casualties and deaths that a Rafah incursion would cause.”

Netanyahu is the obstructionist in negotiations: Hamas official

Husam Badran has accused the Israeli prime minister of issuing statements aimed at undermining prospects for a truce.

The senior Hamas official told the Agence France-Presse news agency that the group was in the process of conducting internal dialogues among its leaders and with allied groups before negotiators return to Cairo to continue negotiations towards a truce.

But he warned that Netanyahu’s repeated statements insisting he will send forces into Rafah were calculated to “thwart any possibility of concluding an agreement”.

“Netanyahu was the obstructionist in all previous rounds of dialogue and previous negotiations, and it is clear that he still is,” Badran said in a telephone interview.

“He is not interested in reaching an agreement, and therefore, he says words in the media to thwart these current efforts.”

Badran reiterated that Hamas’s goal remains a lasting ceasefire and “a complete and comprehensive withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip”.

Body of Israeli previously presumed a captive is found

An Israeli citizen who was previously believed to have been kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 has been declared dead after his body was found in Israeli territory.

The Israeli military said on X that the death of Elyakim Libman was confirmed based on “findings that were identified following a complex investigation” carried out by the army, police, forensic authorities and the Health Ministry.

The victim’s family has been informed. Libman reportedly was working as a security guard at the Supernova desert dance party on October 7.

‘Only violence we’ve seen has been against college encampments’: CAIR

Ahmed Rehab, the executive director of the US-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, weighed in on the debate on violence at pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the United States.

“The only violence we have seen has been violence against encampments, whether by pro-Israeli mobs at UCLA – as was widely reported – or by the police who come in a militarised fashion,” he said in an announcement from Chicago.

Palestinian employee of German development agency ‘abused’ in Israeli jail
Ruairi Casey

Berlin, Germany – A Palestinian employee of Germany’s state-funded development agency has been imprisoned in Israel for more than a month, where she has been beaten and subject to abusive and humiliating treatment, her family members and lawyer say.

Baraa Odeh, 34, works for the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and was detained by Israeli border guards on March 5 while returning to her home in Ramallah from a work trip to Germany.

Mahmoud Hassan, a lawyer for Odeh who has spoken to her in prison, said she has been physically assaulted and subject to inhumane conditions.

Israeli military held woman in Gaza to force brother’s surrender: Rights group

The Israeli army has held a Palestinian woman in Gaza for hours to force her brother to turn himself in, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

Enas Abu al-Moazza was travelling south towards Rafah with her husband, Palestinian photojournalist Muhammad al-Hajjar, and their children to eventually escape Gaza by moving abroad.

They were stopped at gunpoint at a checkpoint near the Netzarim Corridor, which the Israeli military has set up to separate northern and southern Gaza.

Al-Hajjar was driven away while al-Moazza was reportedly held until her 21-year-old brother surrendered. The family said her brother has no ties to armed or political groups.

“The Israeli army held al-Moazza for roughly 12 hours before seizing all of her belongings, including cash, gold and cell phones, and ultimately releasing her. She was given only her ID card,” the Geneva-based rights group said.

“Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor stresses that holding a person hostage to force their family member to ‘surrender’ is a war crime. Civilians should not be used as tools of war or put in danger during military operations.”

‘Extremist settlers undermining security and stability,’ UK’s Cameron says

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron says Israel’s “extremist settlers are undermining security and stability and threatening prospects for peace” in Palestine.

His statement came after the UK announced the new sanctions that we reported on earlier against several groups and individuals behind the violence against Palestinians in the region.

“This latest package of sanctions targets two groups leading these attacks and four individuals who are directly responsible for egregious violence against Palestinian civilians,” Cameron said.

The four individuals named by the UK government included Noam Federman, a “radical settler activist”, and Neria Ben Pazi, who is said to be responsible for “illegally constructing three illegal outposts”, according to a UK government statement

Federman’s son Ely Federman was among four people the UK sanctioned in February.

Also named was Eden Levi, who the ministry accused of taking part in “assaults and intimidation of Palestinians as part of a wider intimidation campaign to drive their population out of the area”.

The fourth individual was Elisha Yered, accused of “inciting religious hatred and violence”.

The two groups named were Hilltop Youth and Lehava, which the EU has also placed on its blacklist.

US military says pier construction halted, moved to Israel due to bad sea conditions

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) says soldiers “temporarily paused” the offshore assembly of a floating pier they’ve been building for weeks to get more aid to Gaza because of unsafe sea conditions.

“The partially built pier and military vessels involved in its construction have moved to the Port of Ashdod, where assembly will continue, and will be completed prior to the emplacement of the pier in its intended location when sea states subside.”

The US military said once fully constructed, the pier will allow “the delivery of large quantities of humanitarian aid from ship to shore by truck, with vehicles driving directly off ships and across the temporary pier to a marshaling yard ashore”.

International aid organisations and say deliveries by land are by far the most effective way to get humanitarian relief to besieged Palestinians.



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Gaza death toll rises

At least 34,622 Palestinians have been killed and 77,867 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, its Health Ministry says.

The ministry added that 26 people were killed and 51 injured in the latest 24-hour reporting period.

Bahrain-based group likely claimed attack to ‘deter overland Israeli trade’

An Iran-aligned Bahrain-based group called Saraya al-Ashtar published a video of a drone, allegedly targeting a company facilitating overland trade in the Israeli port city of Eilat.

A report by the Critical Threats Project says the company, Trucknet Enterprise, signed several agreements with Emirati companies in December 2023 to organise overland trade to the Gulf and mitigate the impact of attacks on shipping by the Houthis in Yemen.

“Houthi attacks have reduced commercial operations at the port of Eilat and thus driven Israel to rely more on land routes through Jordan and the Gulf states to the Persian Gulf,” it says.

“Saraya al-Ashtar likely claimed the attack, regardless of whether it occurred, to deter companies and the Gulf states from supporting overland Israeli trade.”

Time to give Gaza access to international media’: UNRWA chief

Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), says Palestinian journalists in Gaza should be joined by their international peers to report on the war.

Marking World Press Freedom Day, he noted the highest number of journalists killed in any conflict is by the Israeli military in the besieged enclave.

“Without the courage and the determination of Palestinian journalists, we wouldn’t know and comprehend the extent of the tragedy unfolding in Gaza,” he wrote in a post on X. “Time to give access to international media to complement the work of their local peers.”



>Gaza death toll rises
this is at this point a severe undercount. it hit 30k months ago and then the zionists destroyed/killed almost all of the infrastructure/people in charge of the death toll.

It's likely 100-200k palestinians dead by now. maybe more.

death to israel
death to america


>ICC demands end to ‘retaliation threats’ over Gaza

>The prosecutor’s office at the International Criminal Court (ICC) has appealed for an end to what it calls intimidation of its staff.

>The Hague-based office of ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan said in a statement all attempts to impede, intimidate or improperly influence its officials must cease immediately.

I wonder what happened there. Did this go down like in the mafia movies ? Did they send Jimmy Snipsnip with a hedge trimmer, to threaten the staff with cutting off their pinky fingers ?


>It's likely 100-200k palestinians dead by now. maybe more.
It's probably double the reported number, so ~70k
But given the extremely adverse conditions in Gaza, it's likely that delayed consequences will drive up the death toll. So you may not be far off by guessing 200k


Interesting article from Craig Murray:

Worse Than You Can Imagine

Governments cannot take big decisions extremely quickly except in the most extreme of circumstances. There are mechanisms in all states that consider policy decisions, weigh them up, involve the various departments of the state whose activities are affected by that decision, and arrive at a conclusion, though not necessarily a good one.

The decision to stop aid funding to UNRWA was not taken by numerous Western states in a single day.

In the UK, several different government ministries had to coordinate. Even within only a single ministry, the FCDO, views would have to be coordinated through written submissions and interdepartmental meetings between the departments dealing with the Middle East, with the United Nations, with the United States, with Europe and then of course between the diplomatic and development wings of the ministry.

That process would include seeking the views of British Ambassadors to Tel Aviv, Doha, Cairo, Riyadh, Istanbul and Washington and to the United Nations in Geneva and in New York.

It is not necessarily a lengthy process but it is not a day’s work, and nor would it need to be. There was no practical impact to making the announcement of cutting UNRWA funding a day sooner or a day later.

Consider that the parallel process had to be completed in the United States, in Canada, in Germany, in Australia and in all the other Western powers that contributed to starvation in Gaza by cutting aid to UNRWA.

All of these countries had to go through their procedures, and it could only be by prior coordination – weeks in advance – between these states that they announced all on the same day the destruction of the life support system for Palestinians, then in absolute need.

And then consider that we now know for certain that the Israelis had produced no evidence whatsoever of UNRWA complicity in Hamas resistance, on which these decisions in all those states were allegedly based.

I have no doubt at all that the Western political elite, paid tools of the zionist machine, are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians and ethnic cleansing of Gaza at a much deeper level than the people have yet understood. The refusal by Starmer and Sunak to contemplate ending arms sales and military support to Israel is not due to inertia or concern for the arms industry. It is that they actively support the destruction of the Palestinians.

The coordinated decision of the Western nations to fast track famine by stopping UNRWA funding was announced within an hour, following the ICJ ruling that Gazans were at immediate risk of genocide, and drove from the media headlines the adverse ruling against Israel.

This sent the clearest signal in response that the Western powers would not be stopped from the genocide by international law or institutions.

Read more:


Video clip captures moment of Israeli missile strike on Gaza refugee camp

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have shared video footage that captures the exact moment an Israeli missile destroys a house in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip.

Audio on the clips appears to indicate that the missile was launched from an Israeli jet fighter.

Additional video footage shows the vast destruction caused by such attacks on civilian targets.


Cuban students hold pro-Palestine rally in Havana

Hundreds of university students held a pro-Palestine rally in the Cuban capital Havana on Friday. The demonstrators also criticised police repression against students and professors at universities in the US.

During the rally, which was held at the University of Havana, the students called for a ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza.

“We consider it inexcusable to wake up one more day knowing about the genocide that is taking place today in Gaza, knowing that children, young people, the elderly are continuing to die,” said Jose Alberto Almeida, president of the University Student Federation at Havana University.

Trinity College students set up Gaza solidarity encampment, demand divestment

Students at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) have established a Gaza solidarity encampment on their campus to demand the iconic Irish university cut ties with Israel.

“Trinity College Dublin tonight, after students set up an encampment for Palestine, demanding that their university cut ties with Israel as per BDS principles supported by the vast majority of students and staff,” the college’s student union president Laszlo Molnarfi said in a post on social media.

Video footage of the encampment shows tents pitched on a grass lawn near a library where the Book of Kells – a 9th-century manuscript and one of the country’s most visited tourist attractions – is housed. The protesters also placed wooden benches in the doorway entrance of the library, saying the location was “now closed indefinitely”.

“No business as usual during a genocide,” Molnarfi wrote on social media, and called on the university’s administration to “cut ties with the genocidal state of Israel”.

Pro-Palestinian protests grow despite police crackdowns

Despite a police crackdown on student protests in support of Palestine, demonstrations continue across the United States and in other places across the world.

In many universities across the US, pro-Palestinian rallies, sit-ins and police clampdowns on them have upended the final days of the school year.

More than 2,400 protesters have been arrested on campuses across the US to quell the largest student protests since the anti-Vietnam war protests in the 1960s and early 1970s.

Some universities have been forced to cancel their graduation ceremonies, while others have seen entire buildings occupied by protesting students.

Across the Atlantic, police entered France’s prestigious Sciences Po university in Paris on Friday and removed student activists who had occupied its buildings overnight in protest against Israel’s war on Gaza.

In Berlin, German police broke up a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Humboldt University in central Berlin on the same day, arresting several protesters.

Pro-Palestinian protests have also spread across British universities as tent camps grow at universities in London, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, Leeds, Warwick, Swansea and Bristol, according to local media.



I don't know what to think, many countries pulled the plug on UNWRA funding but then they re-instated it


>Pro-Palestinian protests grow despite police crackdowns
Solidarity reflex got triggered, that's an encouraging development


Turkey's justice minister calls for ICC case against Israel

Yılmaz Tunc, Turkey’s justice minister, has called on Karim Khan, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), to complete an investigation into Israel’s crimes in the war in Gaza and open a case against the country.

He said on X: “Preventing the crime of genocide is the raison d’être of the International Criminal Court. The culprits are clear, an investigation should be opened urgently, precautionary measures should be taken, and the criminals should be arrested.”

He added that the delay in the case encouraged Israel’s attacks, diminish the trust in the international law and made the ICC ineffective.

“If no action will be taken regarding the bombardment of refugee camps, when will it be taken?”

Israel bombs farmland as hunger spreads to southern Gaza

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic report that an Israeli raid hit agricultural land near the Egypt-Gaza border, south of Rafah.

Israel has for weeks insisted on launching a ground invasion into Rafah, despite UN agencies and aid groups warning it would result in “catastrophe” for the more than 1.5 million people sheltered there.

Hamas: If US decides ‘that this must stop, it will happen’

Osama Hamdan says that during three months of negotiations to end Israel’s war on Gaza, there have been “some forward steps”.

“I think the mediators, our brothers in Egypt and Qatar, they are doing a good job. This is why we are still hoping to achieve the main goal, a complete ceasefire and withdrawal from Gaza,” he said.

However, Hamdan said the war could end immediately if the US decided it should.

“We have to talk about the real position of the United States because that is the main issue which will affect the position of the Israelis, and mainly Netanyahu,” Hamdan told Al Jazeera. “If the United States administration has said clearly to Netanyahu, enough is enough… I assure you that will happen.”

Unnamed Israeli official says army will move ahead with Rafah invasion: Report

Israeli news media are reporting that Israel will not agree to end the war and that the army will go through with its planned incursion into Rafah.

“Contrary to publications, Israel will not agree to the end of the war – the [Israeli army] will enter Rafah whether or not there is a truce for the release of our hostages,” Israel’s Army Radio said on X, quoting a “political source”.

Channel 12 News also posted on X a quote from a “political official” responding to reports of progress in the ceasefire negotiations: “We will not agree to the end of the war, we will enter Rafah.”

Israeli forces target journalists covering West Bank

What we do know is that they’ve been stopping ambulances from going in, and they’ve also been targeting the news teams that are inside the village (Deir al-Ghusun) and carrying out any sort of news gathering that they can at this stage.

We know at least one news crew had their camera shot and damaged, and we do know that they’ve been targeting … according to reports from the news teams on the ground inside the village … snipers positioned on rooftops have been trying to zero in on the news teams that are on the ground inside the village at this time.

Israel tightens controls around Jerusalem’s Old City: Report

The Israeli forces have tightened their checks around Jerusalem’s Old City for Christians who want to celebrate the “Great Saturday”, a holy day linked to the Orthodox Easter, according to the Wafa news agency.

Local sources told Wafa that Israeli troops ramped up controls at the entrances of the Old City, and prevented many Christians from entering the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

Pro-Palestine supporters demonstrate in Austrian capital

Online videos, verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking unit Sanad, show dozens of pro-Palestine supporters protesting in Vienna while calling for an end to the war in Gaza.

Images show demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and holding signs saying, “Free Gaza”.

Israel has a ‘deliberate plan to kill children and women’: UN official

Figures from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees show 37 children in Gaza lose their mother every day. It’s being described as a “war on women”.

“In no war in recent history have we seen this appalling, deliberate targeted attack on women and children as we’ve seen in the war on Gaza,” said Reem al-Salem, the UN special rapporteur on women and girls.

She said Israel has been targeting Palestinian women for decades, but the current war shows zero consideration for their safety. “They are experiencing a full-blown genocide, they are being exterminated. There are few places in the world where we’ve seen something like this.”

Al-Salem noted nearly 15,000 children and 10,000 women have been killed in seven months of Israeli attacks. “If this is not a deliberate plan to kill children and women – the foundations of Palestinian life and society – then I don’t know what is really.”

‘Invading Rafah will not be a walk in the park’: Hamas

A senior Hamas official warned Israel against attacking Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah where 1.5 million people are sheltering from incessant strikes.

The comments come after a day of apparently fruitless negotiations in Egypt with both sides unwilling to move from their core demands.

“We confirm that invading Rafah will not be a walk in the park and the occupation will pay a heavy price for any adventure it embarks on. It will end in failure,” the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said.

If no ceasefire deal is struck, Israel would bear “full responsibility for insisting on entering Rafah instead of ceasing the aggression”.

‘Negotiate now, resign later’: Israeli protesters demand action from PM

Several thousand people demonstrated in Tel Aviv in favour of a negotiated release of Israeli captives held in Gaza.

There was also loud criticism of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calls for new elections. Protesters held banners and signs saying, “Negotiate now, resign later.”

The father of one of Israeli captive said the far-right government’s own survival seemed more important than the hostages. He called on the government to agree to a ceasefire in exchange for their return.

‘A deal on the table, government needs to go ahead and sign’
Mohammed Jamjoom
Reporting from Tel Aviv, Israel

There has been a sense of growing frustration. We’ve heard from demonstrators throughout the evening because they’re saying this is a critical time, a crucial moment, and a ceasefire should be entered into.

Over the last hour, we’ve heard chants over and over again from people saying, “look there’s a deal on the table, the government needs to go ahead and sign”. They’re afraid if a deal doesn’t get done now, it may never come to fruition.

The crowd here wants to see a delegation sent to Cairo. The government has said for days now, it won’t send a team to Egypt until it gets a positive response from Hamas to the latest offer. News reports in the last hour say far-right ministers are thanking Netanyahu for not sending a delegation to Cairo.

Far-right ministers in Netanyahu’s coalition have repeatedly said they don’t want a ceasefire, which would mean an end to the war and no invasion of Rafah. It’s a very complicated situation, a very fraught moment.

Hamas: Israel still refuses to end war during ceasefire talks

A senior Hamas official tells Al Jazeera, “The occupation is obstructing an agreement by insisting on continuing the war. The Zionist entity is seeking a deal to recover its captives without linking this to ending the aggression.”

The Hamas official, speaking on condition of anonymity, reiterated the group will “under no circumstances agree to an agreement that does not explicitly include stopping the war on Gaza”.

He accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being the main obstacle to getting a deal done. “Our information confirms Netanyahu is obstructing an agreement for personal reasons.”

Netanyahu – who faces criminal trials in Israel and potential war crimes charges abroad – has been accused of extending the attack on Gaza to remain in power.

Violence breaks out as Israeli forces raid occupied West Bank town

Video taken by Palestinians and shared online show clashes erupting between residents and Israeli forces in the town of Beita after a raid on the area.

Israeli incursions in the occupied West Bank have intensified since the war on Gaza started on October 7. More than 490 Palestinians have been killed and about 8,500 arrested over the past seven months.

Palestinian doctor denied entry to France after working in Gaza

Ghassan Abu-Sitta, a doctor who spent 43 days in Gaza helping treat those wounded in Israel’s war, said he is being denied entry to France where he was scheduled to make a speech at the Senate.

Abu Sitta was placed in a holding zone at the airport and will be expelled, according to French Senator Raymonde Poncet Monge.

“Fortress Europe silencing the witnesses to the genocide while Israel kills them in prison,” the renowned British-Palestinian plastic surgeon said.

Students in Switzerland join Gaza protests

About 100 students occupied a building at Lausanne University in a move to protest the war in Gaza, demanding an end to scientific cooperation with Israel.

“Palestinians have been dying for over 200 days, but we’re not being heard,” one protester told Swiss television. “Now there’s a global movement to get governments to take action, but it’s not happening. That’s why we want to get universities involved now.”

The university said the occupation could continue until Monday provided it did not disrupt work on campus. “We universities are not called upon to take political stands,” the rector Frederic Herman told RTS radio.

Students in Ireland join Gaza protest wave

In Dublin, students at Trinity College built an encampment on Friday that forced the university to restrict campus access today and close the Book of Kells exhibition, one of Ireland’s top tourist attractions.

The camp was set up after the student union said it had been fined 214,000 euros ($230,500) by the university for losses caused by protests in recent months, not exclusively over Gaza.

The protesters were demanding that Trinity cut academic ties with Israel and divest from companies with ties to Israel.

Student union President Laszlo Molnarfia posted a photograph of benches piled up at the entrance to the building housing the Book of Kells, an illuminated manuscript created by Celtic monks in about 800 AD.

Trinity College said it had restricted access to students, staff and residents to ensure safety, and that the exhibition would be closed on Saturday.



Israeli government votes to shut down Al Jazeera: Reports

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that the Israeli government has voted unanimously to shut down Al Jazeera in the country.

The Reuters news agency also reports that the Israeli cabinet has decided to close down Al Jazeera’s operations.

More on Israeli cabinet’s decision to close Al Jazeera

The Reuters news agency now reports that Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet voted unanimously to close Al Jazeera’s operations in Israel, according to a government statement that did not stipulate when the decision might take effect.

The cabinet vote came after Israel’s parliament passed a law allowing the temporary closure in Israel of foreign broadcasters considered to be a threat to national security during its war on Gaza.

More details on the move to shut down Al Jazeera

Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that the government has authorised Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi to order the cessation of the channel’s broadcasts in Israel, both in Arabic and English language; to close its offices in Israel; to confiscate equipment used by its personnel with the exception of telephones and computers. The communications minister has also been asked to limit access from Israel to the network’s website.

According to the Israeli government decision, Karhi has the authority to ban the channel from operating for 45 days, relying on the recently adopted law regulating the closure of media institutions.

Israeli forces strike town in southern Lebanon: Reports

We are receiving reports that Israeli fighter jets have targeted the town of Meiss el-Jabal in southern Lebanon.

The Lebanese Civil Defense has reported injuries.

Since October 8, Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the Israeli military stationed in northern Israel have traded fire, killing hundreds and displacing thousands on both sides. In recent months, the severity and frequency of the cross-border attacks have increased, leading to fears of a greater regional conflagration.



Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan on the ban

The Knesset [parliament] passed a law on April 1 that allowed the prime minister to ban Al Jazeera. He has now enacted that law.

Let me take you through some of the definitions within the law:

They have banned our website, including anything that has the option of entering or accessing the website, even passwords that are needed, whether they are paid or not, whether they are stored on Israeli servers or outside. The website is now inaccessible.

They are also banning any device that is used for providing content that includes my mobile phone. If I use that for any kind of news gathering then Israelis can simply confiscate it.

Our internet access provider, which simply hosts aljazeer.net is also in danger of being fine if it hosts the website.

The Al Jazeera TV channel is completely banned, and transmission by any kind of content provider is also banned. And holding offices or operating them in the territory of Israel by the channel.

It’s a wide-ranging ban and we do not know how long it will be in place for.



Sixty-five rockets fired from Lebanon at Israel: Army

Sixty-five rockets have been launched from Lebanon at northern Israel in one of the largest attacks since the start of the war, according to an Israeli military statement quoted by local media.

Earlier, aerial alert sirens sounded in a number of settlements close to Israel’s border with Lebanon, warning of incoming rocket fire.

Israeli civil rights group requests High Court delay gov’t ban on Al Jazeera

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports that the Association for Civil Rights in Israel has submitted to Israel’s High Court a request for an interim order to delay the government’s decision to close Al Jazeera.

On its website, the association says the ban – which it labelled the “Al Jazeera law” – “violates freedom of expression, the right to information and freedom of the press, and blocks citizens and residents from receiving a variety of information that does not fit the Israeli narrative or is not broadcast on Israeli media channels”.

Satellite, cable providers take Al Jazeera off air in Israel

Messages have appeared instead of Al Jazeera’s broadcast on a number of satellite providers, including “Yes” and “Hot”.

The message displayed by Yes read: “In accordance with the government decision, the Al Jazeera station’s broadcasts have been stopped in Israel.”



Funny Cornish man discusses the very odd conduct of Columbia university's Rebecca Weiner: professor/lawyer/NYPD Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence and Counterterrorism/Israeli agent extraordinaire. That's gotta be like growing up to be an astronaut ballerina pirate mermaid from Castle Grayskull.


>The Knesset passed a law on April 1 that allowed the prime minister to ban Al Jazeera. He has now enacted that law.
<worst april fools joke
The attack on press freedom comes ahead of the Rafa massacre. Which makes it look like they're planning for a really big blood bath.


<an astronaut ballerina pirate
To be honest that sounds kinda awesome, and not something you'd use to describe these Zionist tools.

Cornish man is correct it does appear like she's a Zionist foreign agent. But she probably could not do this unless the US state security apparatus tolerates it.


>The attack on press freedom comes ahead of the Rafa massacre. Which makes it look like they're planning for a really big blood bath.


Yemen’s Houthis say insiders working with US, Israel thwarted

The Houthis in Yemen have suggested that they have uncovered and stopped Yemeni agents who worked with the US and Israel to derail the group’s attacks, which it says are aimed at stopping the war on Gaza.

The Houthi-run Saba news website said security services will on Monday reveal details about “thwarting the intelligence activities of the American and Israeli enemy”.

Nasreddin Amer, a top executive at Saba and the vice chairman of the Houthi media authority, said in multiple posts on X that details will be revealed about “spies” who collaborated with the US and Israel to “strike the capabilities of their country and to stop our support operation for oppressed people in Gaza”.

He added that “they tried to strike at our operations at sea and stop the missiles” in reference to the dozens of attacks the group has launched in waters near its shores.

Hamas rocket attack kills three Israeli soldiers, wounds 11 others

The 10 rockets that Hamas launched at the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing between Gaza and Israel have left three Israeli soldiers dead and 11 others wounded, according to the Israeli military.

Military spokesman Daniel Hagari said in a statement that three staff sergeants, namely 19-year-old Ruben Marc Mordechai Assouline, 19-year-old Ido Testa and 21-year-old Tal Shavit, were killed.

The 11 soldiers who were wounded include two soldiers from the 931st Battalion and a soldier from the Shaked Battalion who are listed as in serious condition.

Israeli officials had claimed the attack had targeted “humanitarian aid”, with Hamas saying it hit a military headquarters at the crossing – which has now been closed by Israeli authorities.

Qassam Brigades says Israeli soldier sniped in central Gaza

The armed wing of Hamas in the Gaza Strip has released a video that shows one of its fighters sniping an Israeli soldier in the central part of the enclave.

The Qassam Brigades said the Israeli soldier was hit south of the TAl al-Hawa neighbourhood along the so-called Netzarim Corridor that the Israeli military has constructed across Gaza to separate the northern and southern parts.

The video then showed a military ambulance deployed to transport the soldier.

Israeli settlers attack Palestinians in multiple West Bank towns

Israeli settlers have been behind several new attacks on Palestinians across the occupied West Bank as the war on Gaza rages.

Settlers attacked farmers in the past few hours in the town of Kafr Ra’i south of Jenin, according to the Wafa news agency, which said the farmers were prevented from entering their lands.

It also reported settler attacks on two Palestinian-owned homes in a Bedouin community northwest of Jericho, coming hours after members of the community received notices from Israeli authorities to demolish eight homes, a sheep barn and a solar energy complex.

Settlers also reportedly attacked Palestinian civilians’ vehicles west of Nablus and threw stones at them.

Greek FM says now is not the time for a review of Israel defence deals

Foreign Minister Giorgos Gerapetritis spoke with Al Jazeera about Greece’s close ties with Israel and peace efforts in the Middle East.
Gerapetritis emphasised his country’s robust defence ties with Israel amid its war on Gaza. He asserts now is not the time to revisit their largest defence deal, including a $1.6bn contract for Greek air force training.

Iran’s Zarif takes jab at Arab normalisation with Israel amid Gaza ‘genocide’

Javad Zarif is taking apparent aim at Saudi Arabia and Jordan for mulling political normalisation with Israel amid the war on Gaza.

“American student protestors being brutalised by US security forces have a much greater claim to protecting Palestinians than the Custodians of Holy Mosques,” the former Iranian foreign minister says in a post on X.


Reporters Without Borders condemns Israel’s Al Jazeera shutdown

The French-based organisation said it “strongly condemns freedom-threatening legislation that censors a TV network for its coverage of the war in Gaza”.

The Qatar-based network Al Jazeera described the move by the Israeli government as a “criminal act” and warned that the country’s suppression of the free press “stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law”.

Israel continues to ‘deny humanitarian access to UN’: Lazzarini

The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) says Israeli authorities continue to deny humanitarian access to Gaza.

Philippe Lazzarini himself was denied access to the besieged enclave for the second time this week, he said, also reporting “an increase in the denial of humanitarian access and attacks on humanitarian workers and convoys”.

“Only in the past 2 weeks, we have recorded 10 incidents involving shooting at convoys, arrests of UN staff including bullying, stripping them naked, threats with arms & long delays at checkpoints forcing convoys to move during the dark or abort,” Lazzarini said on X.

Al Jazeera banned by Israel for ‘brave journalism’: ECFR’s Bildt

Carl Bildt, co-chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), points out that Al Jazeera has been reporting from inside Gaza throughout the war, showing the disturbing realities of Israel’s war to the world.

“You might agree or disagree with [Israel’s] policies, but it has been brave journalism,” the former Swedish prime minister wrote in a post on X.

“As a result they are now banned by the Israeli government.”

Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Israel’s decision to shut Al Jazeera

The watchdog group says the move could set a dangerous precedent for other international media and news outlets working in the country.

“CPJ condemns the closure of Al Jazeera’s office in Israel and the blocking of the channel’s websites,” Program Director Carlos Martinez de la Serna said in New York.

“This move sets an extremely alarming precedent for restricting international media outlets working in Israel. The Israeli cabinet must allow Al Jazeera and all international media outlets to operate freely in Israel, especially during wartime.”

‘Israel should stop committing atrocities rather than silencing’: HRW

Omar Shakir, director of Israel and Palestine for Human Rights Watch (HRW), has slammed Israel’s decision to shut down Al Jazeera’s operations, saying that the network has been a critical source of information on Israel and Palestine and a main source of news for Arab audiences.

“Their offices have been bombed in Gaza. Their staff have been beaten in the West Bank. They’ve been killed in the West Bank and Gaza,” he said, adding that Israel is trying to set a precedent to muzzle the media and cover up its atrocities.

“Rather than trying to silence reporting on its atrocities in Gaza, Israel should stop committing them.”

Israel joins ‘dubious club of authoritarian governments’ after Al Jazeera closure: FPA

The Foreign Press Association – which represents the international media working in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory – has published a statement in which it says Israel’s ban of Al Jazeera “should be a cause for concern for all supporters of a free press”.


Shutting of Al Jazeera like closing down ‘free press’

Israeli journalist Gideon Levy has called Israel’s shutdown of Al Jazeera a “shame”.

“I can tell you as a viewer … not as a commentator, and not as a writer, that for me the last seven months Al Jazeera English … was one of the most important sources of information about what’s going on in Gaza,” he told Al Jazeera.

“To close it down means closing down the option of a free press.”

Levy, a columnist at Israeli newspaper Haaretz, speculated that the shutdown may be politically motivated to pressure Qatar in the ongoing truce negotiations.

“Al Jazeera is a Qatari network. And Qatar is one of those [countries] that are pulling and pushing for a settlement [to reach a truce deal in Gaza], some deal,” he said.

“[Israeli PM] Netanyahu is doing everything possible in the last two or three days to sabotage a deal.”

Still no response from US on shutting down of Al Jazeera in Israel
Rosiland Jordan
Reporting from Washington DC

We’re still waiting for some sort of comment from the US government. We’ve reached out to the White House. We’ve reached out to the State Department, but … it is still early on Sunday here in the United States. So it may be a while before we get some sort of comment.

Now, of course, there has been some reporting earlier on in the war in Gaza suggesting that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had made appeals to Qatari officials to put pressure on journalists at Al Jazeera to tone down some of their rhetoric in their reporting.

The State Department has refused to confirm that this conversation ever took place.

US stopped delivery of ammunition to Israel: Report

US President Joe Biden’s administration halted a shipment of American-manufactured ammunition bound for Israel last week, US media outlet Axios has reported, citing unnamed Israeli officials.

According to Axios, this is the first time since the war on Gaza began last October that the United States has prevented a weapons shipment to the Israeli army.



11 homes in Rafah hit as Israel intensifies attacks

Gaza’s civil defence office said its crews in Rafah are dealing with “several attacks” on inhabited and uninhabited homes in the southern city.

It said Israeli forces have hit 11 homes between Sunday evening and the early hours of Monday. The attacks have resulted in dozens of people killed, wounded, and missing under the rubble, Palestinian officials said.


Hezbollah claims rocket attack on Israeli settlement

The armed Lebanese group has claimed a 10th and final attack for today on Israeli positions, saying it used rockets to target the Margaliot settlement in northern Israel.

It said the attack is in response to Israeli attacks on villages and civilian homes in southern Lebanon, especially on the town of Meiss el-Jabal.

Hezbollah used dozens of rockets in its strikes today, with the Israeli military confirming that more than 60 were fired. In response, Israel said it struck some of Hezbollah’s launch sites, in addition to mounting attacks on Hezbollah military infrastructure.

Israeli military shells Syria after rockets fired at occupied Golan Heights

Israeli media reported earlier that rockets were fired from Syria at the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

The Israeli military has now confirmed that two rockets were fired from Syria and that they hit open areas near the northern community of Ramat Magshimim without inflicting casualties or damage, the Times of Israel reports.

It also said the military shelled the launch sites inside Syria with artillery strikes.

Several rocket attacks have been launched from Syria on the occupied Golan Heights since the start of the war on Gaza, with the Israeli military retaliating.

Israel has also been significantly ramping up its decade-long bombing of Syria since the start of the war, especially hitting targets linked with Iran or Lebanon’s Hezbollah.



Israeli military orders Palestinians to evacuate from eastern Rafah: Reports

Israeli media outlets are reporting that the Israeli military has begun ordering Palestinians living in neighbourhoods in eastern Rafah – near the perimeter fence with Israel – to evacuate from the area.

Israel’s Army Radio said the order comes before a “military attack” and that the Palestinians are being told to move towards camps for displaced people in Khan Younis and al-Mawasi areas.

Israeli designated evacuation zones are not safe for Palestinians
Hani Mahmoud
Reporting from Rafah, Gaza

This evacuation order follows what seems to be the failure of ceasefire talks in Cairo, and the insistence of the Israeli prime minister on expanding the ground invasion into Rafah city.

It also comes in the aftermath of the Hamas attack on the Karem Abu Salem crossing, and an intense Israeli response, in which they carried out 11 air raids, targeting areas in the eastern parts of Rafah city.

And this seems to be the targeted area now.

Local residents of the eastern parts of Rafah City have been ordered by the Israeli military to evacuate sharply and immediately to the western part, to the evacuation zone al-Mawasi, an area has previously been designated by the Israeli military as a safe zone.

Now it’s important to point out that so far all the evacuation zones designated by the Israeli military has not been safe for the displaced families. In fact, these areas have been constantly under attack, whether in western Khan Younis or here in Rafah, where 1.5 million people are sheltering.

It is also worth pointing out that in the last couple of days, people have started moving on their own volition, because of the lack of progress in the ceasefire talks. They have started packing their stuff up and started moving, but not necessarily to the evacuation zone, because of their mistrust in believing the Israeli narrative.

Netanyahu’s insistence on Rafah offensive stalls truce talks: Report

The New York Times reports that an Israeli official who spoke on condition of anonymity and Mousa Abu Marzouk, a senior Hamas official, both blamed the Israeli prime minister for stalling the current truce talks.

The Israeli source is reported as telling the newspaper that the two parties were close to an agreement a couple of days ago, but Netanyahu’s comments about a planned Rafah offensive had forced Hamas to “harden” its demands.

Abu Marzouk told the newspaper, “We were very close, but Netanyahu’s narrow-mindedness aborted an agreement.”



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Netanyahu asked Qatar to fund Hamas in 2018 letter: Report

The Israeli prime minister in 2018 asked the Qatari government to continue transferring $30m to the Gaza Strip monthly, the Israeli Ynet news site has reported, citing “a secret letter” sent to the Gulf state’s leadership.

The publication said the letter has only been seen by a handful of people since being sent by Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the letter, the prime minister said funding Hamas would preserve regional stability and avert a humanitarian crisis, according to Ynet.

After Qatari officials demanded further assurances, the US government agreed to a request from Netanyahu and sent an additional letter to Doha that, in effect, ensured Qatar that funding Hamas would not be considered funding terror, the report said, adding that the letters from Netanyahu and then-US Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin ultimately “satisfied the Qataris”.

Israeli defence minister tells US counterpart Israel had ‘no choice’ over Rafah offensive

Yoav Gallant has told his American counterpart, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, that Israel was left with “no choice” but to launch its offensive on Rafah.

In an overnight phone call, ⁠Gallant updated Austin on Sunday’s rocket barrage launched from Rafah on an Israeli army position on the border, his office said.

The minister is reported to have blamed Hamas for refusing any proposal that would allow for a temporary ceasefire proposal.

⁠Gallant’s office said Gallant then told Austin, “There was no choice left, and the meaning was the start of the Israeli operation in Rafah.”

Israel says ‘around 100,000’ will be evacuated from eastern Rafah

A spokesman for the Israeli military told journalists it is evacuating “around 100,000 people” from eastern Rafah, ahead of an expected ground assault there.

The international community has warned Israel that a military operation in Rafah, where 1.5 million Palestinians are sheltering, would be “catastrophic”.

Palestinian group claims to destroy Israeli army site in central Gaza

Palestinian armed group Mujahideen Brigades has said that its fighters destroyed a military site in central Gaza with a barrage of short-range rockets.

The group said on X that the strikes in the so-called Netzarim corridor were carried out together with the Brigades of the Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa, another armed group.

The corridor, named after the Netzarim Jewish settlement in Gaza that was dismantled in 2005, was built by the Israeli army to separate northern Gaza from its southern part.

Palestinian armed groups carry out frequent attacks against Israeli forces around the corridor.

Netanyahu heckled at Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony

Israeli media outlets Haaretz and Channel 12 have posted a video on X in which a man is seen calling on Netanyahu to resign as he was about to lay the state wreath at an official Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony.

“How many signs does it take for a prime minister to go home?” the man shouted.

Tens of thousands of antigovernment protesters have regularly marched in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, calling for new elections and accusing Netanyahu of prolonging the war on Gaza to keep himself in power.

Holocaust Remembrance Day is observed as Israel’s day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

https://twitter.com/thelitt80824365/status/1787399883852300386 (repost)



>Netanyahu heckled at Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony
Genocide Ben going to a Holocaust Remembrance ceremony while he orchestrates another one. Such incandescent hypocrisy, you'd think he'd have melted or combusted


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*ϟϟreal would've been the best present for mr. Shitler.
<I tried to stop them my fellow goys! Now look what happened!


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So it seems in another stunning display of self-awareness, it's been decided that this year's Pulitzer prize for journalism has been rewarded to the New York Times. Even though they're currently embroiled in a story fabrication scandal so conspicuous that even their comrade-in-propaganda the Bezos Post is commenting on it. Pulitzer has decided to award the Times for their "international reporting of the Hamas attack on Israel and the war in Gaza."


Yeah they turned the Pulitzer price into a farce by not giving it posthumously to the journalists that were murdered in Gaza while trying to get the word out.

It looks like people in these positions of power are increasingly living in opposite-world where up is down


>>481267 meant for >>481266


The Pulitzer has been a farce for a long time, this one is a real mask-off moment though.


Displaced Palestinians in central Gaza rejoice amid Hamas acceptance of truce proposal

Video footage obtained by Al Jazeera shows displaced Palestinians living in tents at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah celebrating Hamas’ss announcement.

“We are living with great joy, and we thank Qatar, Egypt, and everyone who stood with us to stop the war,” Abeer Salibi told Al Jazeera.

“It is an indescribable feeling … and we hope that any truce will continue.”

Maha al-Sarsak, a displaced woman from the Shujayea neighbourhood in Gaza, said she had been displaced for seven months.

“We hope the ceasefire efforts will continue until we return to our homes,” she said.

Israel has yet to respond to Hamas, but a short while ago said its negotiating team is “studying” the proposal agreed to by the Palestinian group.

Haniyeh to Iran’s foreign minister: ‘Ball in Israel’s court. We are honest in our intentions’

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has spoken to Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh after the latter said the Palestinian group has agreed to a ceasefire proposal made by mediators.

Amirabdollahian said he was told the following by Haniyeh: “We sent Hamas’s response to the plan proposed by Egypt and Qatar to stop the attacks of the Israeli regime, exchange prisoners, lift the human blockade, and … now the ball is in the opposite court. We are honest in our intentions.”

After evacuation order, Israeli army announces strikes on Rafah

The Israeli military says it is currently conducting targeted strikes against targets belonging to Hamas in the eastern part of the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

The army, in a brief statement, said that more details would follow.

‘Nonstop’ bombing of eastern Rafah ongoing
Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

There has been an escalation of air raids and artillery bombardment in the eastern part of Rafah.

We’re talking nonstop bombing of residential houses. The vast majority of residents there have started to flee the area where the Israeli military is trying to mobilise more troops.

Eyewitnesses that we have been in contact with say they have heard movement of Israeli military tanks across the Gaza separation fence with Israel.

That’s absolutely terrifying … and contradictory to the general atmosphere of positivity around the negotiations.

Israeli war cabinet decides to send negotiators for talks, continue Rafah operation

Ofir Gendelman, the Arabic language spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, says on X that the proposal Hamas agreed to for a ceasefire in Gaza is “far from Israel’s necessary demands,” but that a delegation will be sent nonetheless.

“The war cabinet unanimously decided that Israel would continue the operation in Rafah in order to exert military pressure on Hamas,” Gendelman added “with the aim of pushing forward the release of our kidnapped and achieving the goals of the war”.

Hezbollah claims three attacks on Israeli positions

After a day of ramped-up attacks on Sunday, the armed Lebanese group had a more subdued Monday in its border fighting with Israel, claiming three attacks in its end-of-day report.

Hezbollah said it launched “dozens of Katyusha rockets” at an Israeli military headquarters located in the occupied Golan Heights, in response to an earlier Israeli attack that hit the Bekaa region in Lebanon.

Claiming a new attack on the Metula settlement, the group said it hit a group of Israeli soldiers and their vehicles, inflicting casualties and damage.

Lastly, Hezbollah claimed a direct hit on “technical equipment” on the Israeli-Lebanese border.

Syrian soldier dies after Israeli raid: Monitor

A Syrian soldier has died of his wounds after Israeli raids on the country’s south, which came in alleged retaliation for rocket fire, a war monitor has said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the country’s 13-year-old civil conflict, reported late Sunday that “groups affiliated with Lebanon’s Hezbollah shot three rockets from Syrian territory” towards the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

In response, Israeli forces targeted “three positions in Deraa province” in southern Syria, said the Britain-based Observatory.

It said that “a member of the [Syrian] regime forces was killed” after being wounded in the bombardment.

Palestinians killed as Israel continues to bomb Rafah

Gaza’s Civil Defence announced on its Telegram channel that its crews are “still recovering a number of [dead] and injured people” from under the rubble of a house hit by Israeli warplanes a short while ago.

It added that it was able to control a fire that broke out after the strike.

Al-Quds Brigades fires rockets towards Israel

The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad says it has launched rockets from Gaza towards southern Israel in response to Israeli air strikes on the Strip.

“We have targeted Sderot, Nir Am, and settlements in the Gaza envelope with rocket barrages,” the al-Quds Brigades said in a statement, referring to a zone of southern Israel close to Gaza.

The Israeli army said sirens sounded in communities near the besieged and bombarded territory.

Iran welcomes Hamas response to ceasefire proposal

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman says in a short statement that Iran welcomes the Hamas response to “stop the genocide machine of the Zionist regime” in Gaza.

Nasser Kanaani called the move by Hamas significant in terms of the “political intelligence of the resistance”, and a different representation of its success on the field of battle.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran supports the plan presented for the realisation of the rights of the Palestinian people, including the immediate and sustainable cessation of attacks and crimes by the Zionist regime, the lifting of the cruel blockade against the Gaza Strip, the release of Palestinian prisoners, the complete and unconditional withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the Gaza Strip and the reconstruction of the ruins”, the statement reads.

Jordan’s FM says Netanyahu risking ceasefire by bombing Rafah

“Tremendous effort has been made to produce an exchange deal that’ll release hostages & realize a ceasefire,” Ayman Safadi said on X after the Israeli army announced it would be carrying out strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza’s southern city.

“Hamas has put out an offer. If Netanyahu genuinely wants a deal, he will negotiate the offer in earnest. Instead, he is jeopardizing the deal by bombing Rafah,” Safadi said.

Hamas says Palestinians ‘will not back down from demands’

Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh has had a phone call with Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad on the group’s acceptance of a proposal by mediators.

Hamas said in a statement that the two leaders emphasised that “resistance factions will not back down from their demands”, including a ceasefire, a comprehensive withdrawal of Israeli troops, an “honourable” exchange of prisoners, reconstruction of Gaza and the lifting of the siege.

“The two leaders also reviewed the procedures required to ensure the implementation of the agreement after the resistance took its decision based on a conscious vision of developments in the current situation at all levels,” a statement from Hamas said.

‘Cabinet must turn Hamas acceptance into a deal’: Captives’ families

The main organisation created by the families of captives who are still held in Gaza has welcomed the Hamas announcement.

“Now is the time for the Israeli government to prove in action its commitment to its citizens,” the Hostage and Missing Families Forum said in a statement.

“The cabinet must take the acceptance by Hamas and turn it into a deal for the return of all of them. The return of the abductees is the key to Israeli security.”

The families have been behind dozens of large-scale protests calling for the return of the captives since the start of the war on October 7 and have been ramping up pressure on top Israeli officials to agree to a deal.

‘The country will burn’: Families of Israeli captives demand a deal

Several families of Israeli captives held in Gaza have blocked the major Begin Road in Tel Aviv to demand that authorities agree to a deal to bring back their loved ones.

In a televised interview with Channel 12 that is being widely shared online, the mother of captive Matan Zangauker directly addressed Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say he needs to be a “leader” and reach an agreement.

“If our government and prime minister miss this chance, which is probably my last chance to see Matan return home and for other families to see their loved one return home, I will bring out all Israelis,” said Einav Zangauker.

“The streets will burn, the country will burn… You cannot play like this with people’s lives.”

Conservative US judges boycott Columbia graduates over campus protests

A group of 13 conservative US federal judges promise they will not hire law students or undergraduates from Columbia University due to pro-Palestinian protests on campus.

In a letter to Columbia President Minouche Shafik and Law Dean Gillian Lester, the judges, all appointed by former US President Donald Trump and most based in Texas, called for “serious consequences” for students and faculty who participated in demonstrations.

“Both professors and administrators are on the front lines of the campus disruptions, encouraging the virulent spread of anti-Semitism and bigotry,” the letter reads.

The university earlier on Monday cancelled its main graduation ceremony due to the ongoing protests.

Pulitzer board awards ‘special citation’ to journalists covering Gaza

The 2024 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation has been awarded to “journalists and media workers covering the war in Gaza”.

The board of the prestigious awards did not name specifically “Palestinian” journalists – a record number of whom have been killed by the Israeli military in Gaza since the start of the war.


Ceasefire proposal includes three phases, including permanent ceasefire

Sources have told Al Jazeera that the Egyptian-Qatari proposal Hamas has agreed to would include three phases, with each lasting 42 days.

A truce would begin in the first phase, along with an Israeli withdrawal from the Netzarim corridor that Israel uses to divide northern and southern Gaza.

A second phase would include the approval of a permanent cessation of military and hostile operations, and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

The proposal also includes a provision approving an end to the blockade of Gaza in the third phase.

Hamas deputy leader says US President Biden personally committed to implementation of ceasefire deal

Khalil al-Hayya confirmed to Al Jazeera that there are three phases to the ceasefire deal, but added that mediators had told Hamas that the United States president was committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement.

There has been no confirmation of this from the American side.

Al-Hayya added that the first phase would see the return of displaced Palestinians in Gaza to their homes, and the flow of aid, fuel and relief materials into Gaza.

He added that 50 Palestinian prisoners would be released for each female captive held by Hamas in that first phase. In the second phase, Hamas would release male captives for an undetermined number of Palestinian prisoners.

The third phase of the agreement would include the start of the implementation of a reconstruction plan for a period of three to five years.

‘We will survive until we get our freedom’

A young Palestinian man says he wants the world to know that Palestinians will survive the war on Gaza.

“We feel so happy that finally Hamas has agreed about the ceasefire but now we are waiting for an Israeli agreement and we hope that they will say it,” he tells Al Jazeera from Rafah.

“It’s after 212 days of genocide, of displacement, of killing of children, women and elderly, even nurses and doctors. It’s about time we have shown the world that we have survived.”

“Gaza is so small but we have survived after 212 days of attacks by the most advanced technical weapons against us. We will not forget and we will not forgive. Everything we have witnessed in this war will be written in history. Palestinians will survive until we get our freedom.”

“We have survived to return to our lands.”

Cheering Palestinians react to news of ceasefire agreement

Displaced Palestinians are ecstatic after hearing that Hamas has agreed to a deal for a ceasefire, especially after fearing an imminent ground offensive on Rafah.

“We hope Allah will facilitate this and we can return to our homes,” a man from Gaza City in the northern part of the enclave told Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum in Rafah.

“All praise be to Allah that they didn’t invade Rafah,” a Palestinian boy said. “We would like to thank all those who stood by our side and stood by Gaza.”

“We want a political solution, not just a military solution,” another Palestinian said. “For that, we must struggle to have independence from the Israeli occupation and to stop the aggression in both Gaza and the West Bank.”

“We want to see the international community stop Israel’s escalation on the Gaza Strip,” he continued. “We want to go back to our houses. Our families are very sad, but this evening after this announcement ,we see the majority of our people happy.”

Hamas statement on ceasefire in full

“The mujahid brother Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Hamas movement’s political bureau, had a phone call with the Qatari Prime Minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, and with the Egyptian Minister of Intelligence, Abbas Kamel, and informed them of the Hamas movement’s approval of their proposal regarding the ceasefire agreement.”

Released captives, families demand ‘truth’ on negotiations: Report

Six Israelis released from captivity in Gaza, along with the families of those remaining in the enclave, have reportedly written a letter to war cabinet members Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot to demand the “truth” about mediated negotiations with Hamas.

They blame Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for deliberating sabotaging an agreement and effectively “abandoning the hostages to their deaths”, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

“We watch in horror at what is happening, and demand to know what happened on Saturday,” the letter reads.

They also deem the planned offensive on Rafah at this moment a death sentence for the captives.

“Why aren’t you telling the Israeli public that they can allow themselves to stop the war in exchange for a ceasefire?” they asked in their letter. “And why did you support action in Rafah when it is clear that it endangers the hostages and distances the possibility of their return? Go public and tell the truth.”

Israel keeps main humanitarian aid crossing into Gaza closed for second day

The Israeli military confirms that it has kept the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, the main aid crossing from Israeli territory into besieged Gaza, closed for a second day due to “security reasons”.

The Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) office, which is in charge of organising aid entry into the Gaza Strip, said 35 aid trucks crossed into northern Gaza today via the Beit Hanoon (Erez) crossing that was reopened last week for the first time since the start of the war.

The Karem Abu Salem crossing was closed on Sunday after Hamas fired 10 rockets at a military installation near the crossing, killing four Israeli soldiers and wounding at least 10 others.

A short while ago, the White House said that Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu told US President Joe Biden that he had agreed to reopen the crossing.

UN experts condemn Israel’s ‘sexual assault and violence’ in Gaza

Seven UN special rapporteurs have issued a statement condemning “unacceptable” violence by the Israeli army against women and children during the war on Gaza, particularly sexual violence and enforced disappearances.

“We are appalled that women are being targeted by Israel with such vicious, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks, seemingly sparing no means to destroy their lives and deny them their fundamental human rights,” they said

The statement pointed to “continued reports of sexual assault and violence against women and girls, including against those detained by Israeli occupation forces”. It also cited UN reports saying women and girls in Gaza were victims of enforced disappearances.

Special rapporteurs are independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council. They do not speak on behalf of the UN.

Referring to Hamas, Israel’s mission in Geneva alleged the experts had “once again chosen to ignore Hamas’s systematic militarisation of health facilities and civilian infrastructures in the Gaza Strip, voluntarily and actively using the population as human shields”.

“In issuing such a statement, the signatories try to create an alternative narrative, parroting the agenda of a terrorist organisation that is actively destroying the lives of the Palestinian population in Gaza,” the Israeli mission said.

Belgium working on more sanctions against Israel, deputy PM says

The comments came from Petra De Sutter after she met with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki, adding that the two had “discussed how Belgium can help to end the atrocities” in Gaza.

“We will continue to push for recognition of the State of Palestine, and full UN membership,” she added in a social media post.

MSF call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
Doctors Without Borders, known by its French initials MSF, says a military offensive on Rafah would be “catastrophic” in light of more than one million people residing in the southern Gaza city, most of them displaced.

“People in Gaza need an immediate and sustained ceasefire,” the group said on X.

‘We hoped this day would never come’
Save the Children is warning that time has run out to protect children in Rafah following Israel’s evacuation order in advance of the looming ground assault.

“We hoped this day would never come,” said Inger Ashing, CEO of the charity, warning that an incursion would not only risk the lives of more than 600,000 children but would also severely affect the humanitarian aid response for Gaza.

“Forcibly displacing people from Rafah while further disrupting the aid response will likely seal the fate of many children,” Ashing added, urging countries to “act now” to protect civilians and prevent atrocities.

“The government of Israel must abide by the prohibition of forcible transfer and deportation of civilians under international humanitarian law and provide civilians with essential necessities for survival. Now more than ever we need an immediate, definitive ceasefire, implemented by warring parties. There is so much more that can and must be done to save children’s lives.”

US Republican senators threaten ICC over Israel arrest warrants: Report

The threat came in a letter sent by 12 Republican senators from the United States, including former Senate leader Mitch McConnell and Texas’s Ted Cruz. The letter admonished International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan for reports that the body was investigating Israel for war crimes committed in Gaza.

“Target Israel and we will target you,” the senators said in the letter, obtained by the news website Zeteo. “If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employers and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States. You have been warned.”

The ICC has demanded an end to threats against it last week. Media reports have indicated that the ICC might issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.



Two explosions reported near ship travelling south of Yemen’s Aden

The UK’s Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) agency said it has received a report of two explosions in close proximity to a merchant vessel traveling some 150km (82 nautical miles) south of the Yemeni city of Aden.

According to the UKMTO, the “master of the merchant vessel” said all crew and the ship was safe following the explosions, the Reuters news agency reports.

Houthi fighters in Yemen have launched repeated drone and missile strikes on shipping in the Red Sea, Bab el-Mandab Strait and Gulf of Aden that they say have links to Israel.

Staunch supporters of the Palestinian cause, Houthi officials say the attacks on shipping will end when Israel ends its war on Gaza.

Israeli envoy says US must ‘completely stop funding’ UN if Palestinian statehood endorsed

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan has denounced a UN General Assembly (UNGA) draft resolution that would recognise Palestine as qualified to become a full UN member, saying it goes against the organisation’s founding Charter.

“If it is approved, I expect the United States to completely stop funding the UN and its institutions, in accordance with American law,” Erdan said.

US law stipulates that Washington can’t fund any UN body if it grants full membership to any group that lacks “internationally recognised attributes” of statehood.

The resolution, which UN General Assembly members could vote on this Friday, will serve as a global survey on support for the Palestinian bid.

If passed, the resolution would recommend that the UN Security Council (UNSC) “reconsider the matter favourably”, after the US vetoed the Palestinian application for full membership last month.

Any application to become a full member requires approval from all 15 UNSC members and then the UNGA.

Israeli tanks enter Rafah, push close to border crossing with Egypt: Report

A Palestinian security official and an Egyptian official have told the Associated Press (AP) news agency that Israeli tanks have entered Rafah, reaching to within 200 meters (almost 220 yards) from Rafah’s border crossing with neighbouring Egypt.

The Egyptian official told AP that the operation appeared to be limited in scope. The official, as well as Al-Aqsa TV, said Israeli officials had informed the Egyptians that its forces would withdraw after completing the operation.

The Israeli military declined to comment on the reported tank incursion.

AP said the Egyptian official, located on the Egyptian side of Rafah, and the Palestinian security official spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to the press.

Columbia cancels graduation ceremony in wake of protests

Columbia University has said that it will cancel its main graduation ceremony following weeks of intense pro-Palestine protests on its campus.

The graduation ceremony – normally attended by more than 50,000 people – was set to take place on May 15, but the university will now hold smaller, school-based events.

“Holding a large commencement ceremony on our campus presented security concerns that unfortunately proved insurmountable,” said university spokesperson Ben Chang.

“Like our students, we are deeply disappointed with this outcome.”

MIT student calls on university to end ‘drone swarm’ research with Israeli military

MIT science student and pro-Palestinian protester Darsh told Al Jazeera’s correspondent Teresa Bo that the university must divest from Israeli interests, particularly ending research with Israel’s military.

“The obvious objective of this encampment is to stand with the people in Gaza and also to ask MIT to divest from the [Israeli military]. It takes money from the [Israeli military] to do research on drone swarms,” Darsh said.

“We don’t want that happening any more.

“There has been so much support from the community today, it was beautiful to see. When they threatened [protesters with] suspension and arrest and eviction from the encampment, there were only 30… And now we see many people who came in really quickly to help support us.

“I think what’s going on now is bigger than any type of graduation or arrests that may happen. There are 5,000 university students in Gaza that have been killed. That’s the same as the MIT undergrad population.

“There are so many children that can’t go to school in Gaza because their schools got bombed and flattened… I don’t think anyone in the world deserves to go to school as long as they [students in Gaza] can’t.”

MIT students defy deadline to end Gaza solidarity encampment
Teresa Bo
Reporting from Cambridge, Massachusetts

It’s been a tense day here at [the Massachusetts Institute of Technology] campus mostly because students have set up an encampment where I am standing right now.

This encampment was later on surrounded with a fence by the police, and students took that fence down and retook this part of the campus after being told that they were going to be evicted by the police.

Students here are demanding an end to the war on Gaza.

They are demanding divestment, which is an end to the use of university funds being invested in companies that students say are profiting from the war.

They are also singing, “Hands off Rafah”, among many other things.



>Israeli envoy says US must ‘completely stop funding’ UN if Palestinian statehood endorsed
israel throwing a fit


Israelis invade Rafah in south Gaza as Palestinians continue to fight in north

Antony Loewenstein, author of The Palestine Laboratory, which focuses on Israel’s military-technological complex, said the Israeli attack on Rafah comes at a time when Hamas fighters were continuing to operate in the north of the territory, which demonstrates that Israel will not succeed in eliminating “the idea” of Hamas.

“I think what Israel will find, even if they go into Rafah with lots and lots of troops and they try to destroy more tunnels or try to get more Hamas leaders, what they’ll find, as the US found in Iraq or Afghanistan after years of occupation, you cannot actually successfully occupy territory without insane amounts of troops. Millions of troops, which Israel does not have,” Loewenstein told Al Jazeera.

“Even if Israel is in Rafah, what we are already seeing in other parts of Gaza – the north and elsewhere – is Hamas forces still operating, still existing, still fighting. That will continue,” he said.

“It is impossible to finally, militarily destroy Hamas. You can degrade them, to be sure … But you cannot destroy the idea of what Hamas is – for better or worse,” he said.

Gaza aid halted as Israeli tanks take control of Rafah border crossing

Reuters reports that aid flow to Gaza has halted through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt following Israeli forces taking control of the Palestinian side of the frontier.

Three sources in humanitarian relief told the news agency that shipments of crucial supplies had halted.

Senior UN officials have repeatedly warned of a humanitarian catastrophe in Rafah should Israel launch a ground invasion of what was until recently a last refuge from Israeli attacks.

WATCH: Israeli protesters call on Netanyahu to accept truce deal
Pressure is building on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at home, after Hamas agreed to a ceasefire proposal brokered by Qatar and Egypt.

Thousands of people held demonstrations in Tel Aviv, demanding the government accept the deal and bring the captives held in Gaza back home.

Video clip captures moment of fierce Israeli strikes on Rafah

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have verified and shared a video clip of Israeli strikes on Rafah in the south of the Gaza Strip where Palestinians have started to flee before an Israeli military ground invasion.

Israel has announced the start of its military operation against Rafah, despite warnings from the UN, US, the EU and international humanitarian organisations that an attack on Rafah would be catastrophic for the estimated 1.4 million people sheltering there.


Dutch police end pro-Palestinian demonstration at Amsterdam university

Dutch riot police have ended a pro-Palestinian demonstration at the University of Amsterdam this morning, arresting some 125 people in sometimes violent clashes, according to authorities.

In messages posted overnight on X, police said they had to act to stop the event and dismantle tents set up by protesters, who used violence against police at the site.

“The police’s input was necessary to restore order. We see the footage on social media. We understand that those images may appear as intense,” police said.

Local media showed demonstrators shooting fireworks at police officers but there were no immediate reports of injuries on either side.

“All is now quiet … police stay in the vicinity of the Roeterseiland campus,” police said later on X.



palestine forever !!!


>Pulitzer board awards ‘special citation’ to journalists covering Gaza
>The 2024 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation has been awarded to “journalists and media workers covering the war in Gaza”.
>The board of the prestigious awards did not name specifically “Palestinian” journalists – a record number of whom have been killed by the Israeli military in Gaza since the start of the war.
kek they heard you >>481269
They're giving the Gaza reporters the consolation prize

>Hamas deputy leader says US President Biden personally committed to implementation of ceasefire deal

>Khalil al-Hayya confirmed to Al Jazeera that there are three phases to the ceasefire deal, but added that mediators had told Hamas that the United States president was committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement.
>There has been no confirmation of this from the American side.
I doubt it, if Biden was committed to a ceasefire, he'd could easily make the Zionist cease firing.

>Belgium working on more sanctions against Israel, deputy PM says

>The comments came from Petra De Sutter after she met with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki, adding that the two had “discussed how Belgium can help to end the atrocities” in Gaza.
>“We will continue to push for recognition of the State of Palestine, and full UN membership,” she added in a social media post.
Based antigenocidal waffles


Could you imagine the Zionist lobby getting it's wishes and the US pulling out of the UN. And the plot-twist is China stepping up. And then the Chinese don't put the thumb on the scale in favor for Israel.


>I doubt it, if Biden was committed to a ceasefire, he'd could easily make the Zionist cease firing.
Very true!


I didn't even think of that! lmao


A new Kyle Kucklinski episode going over some of the recent developments - he catches a story I hadn't heard around 18:24. Apparently an Israeli organ-trafficking ring was just busted in Turkey.

Police in the Turkish city of Adana detained 11 suspects, five Israeli and two Syrian, on allegations of organ trafficking, the Daily Sabah reported on 5 May.

The Provincial Directorate of Security’s Anti-Smuggling and Border Gates Branch began investigating after examining the passports of seven individuals who arrived in Adana from Israel about a month ago by plane for the purpose of health tourism. The two Syrian nationals, ages 20 and 21, were found to have fake passports.

Further investigation revealed that Syrian nationals had each agreed to sell one of their own kidneys to two of the Israeli nationals, ages 68 and 28, for kidney transplants in Adana.

During searches at the suspects’ residences, $65,000 and numerous fake passports were seized.

Israel has long been at the center of what Bloomberg described in 2011 as a “sprawling global black market in organs where brokers use deception, violence, and coercion to buy kidneys from impoverished people, mainly in underdeveloped countries, and then sell them to critically ill patients in more-affluent nations.”

The financial newspaper added, “Many of the black-market kidneys harvested by these gangs are destined for people who live in Israel.”

The organ-trafficking network extends from former Soviet Republics such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova to Brazil, the Philippines, South Africa, and beyond, the Bloomberg investigation showed.

Accusations of Israeli involvement in organ trafficking also apply to the occupied Palestinian territories.

In 2009, Sweden’s largest daily newspaper, Aftonbladet, reported testimony that the Israeli army was kidnapping and murdering Palestinians to harvest their organs.

The report quotes Palestinian claims that young men from the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by the Israeli army, and their bodies returned to the families with missing organs.

Bostrom also cites an incident of alleged organ theft during the first Palestinian intifada in 1992. He says that the Israeli army abducted a young man known for throwing stones at Israeli troops in the Nablus area. The young man was shot in the chest, both legs, and the stomach before being taken to a military helicopter, which transported him to an unknown location.

Five nights later, Bostrom said, the young man’s body was returned, wrapped in green hospital sheets.

Israel’s Channel 2 TV reported that in the 1990s, specialists at Abu Kabir Forensic Medicine Institute harvested skin, corneas, heart valves, and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians, and foreign workers without permission from relatives.

The Israeli military confirmed that the practice took place but claimed, “This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer.”

Israel’s assault on Gaza since 7 October has provided further opportunities for the theft and harvesting of Palestinians’ organs.

On 30 January, WAFA news agency reported that the Israeli army returned the bodies of 100 Palestinian civilians it had stolen from hospitals and cemeteries in various areas in Gaza.

According to medical sources, inspection of some of the bodies showed that organs were missing from some of them.

On 18 January, the Times of Israel reported that the Israeli army confirmed reports that its soldiers dug up graves in a Gaza cemetery, claiming its soldiers were trying to “confirm that the bodies of hostages were not buried there.”



People still watch this loser?


I do sometimes!


Of course they also do organ harvesting, why stick with the horror of a genocide when you can do all the other horrors as well.

The ones exhuming bodies from graves, must be extremely retarded, if they're doing that to steal organs.


File: 1715139018860.jpg ( 42.44 KB , 412x436 , Reuven Kahane real estate ….jpg )

Now this is interesting.

Apparently, in New York, a real-estate developer drove into anti-genocide protestors today. He's also a relative of Jewish fascist and convicted terrorist Meir Kahane.

CUAD and independent reporter Talia Jane said the driver is a relative of the late Meir Kahane, an American-born Israeli far-right extremist.

The driver's "actions today model a trend in which Zionists weaponize their discomfort over political slogans as an excuse to assault Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, Black, brown, and dissident Jewish protesters in violent retaliation for imagined threats," said CUAD. "Just as white supremacists ran over a protester in Charlottesville, Zionists on the streets and in police precincts have declared open season on young people fighting for Palestinian liberation."

Here's an interesting tidbit:
Interviewer: The New York Post wrote in 2013 that you made a $2.25-billion offer on the Empire State Building.

Reuven Kahane: This is the way crazy rumors, real estate myths and urban legends start. The whole story is funny because my brother read that front-page article the day after I asked him to go 50-50 on a $100 birthday present for our sister. The truth is that I did make an offer to the broker, but it was on behalf of a group of Israeli and Ukrainian businessmen I had known for years through my dealings with Likud. They needed someone local to make the offer. If they had won the bid, I suppose I would have owned .00001 percent of it.

More about his relative, Meir:
A number of the JDL's members and leaders, including Kahane, were convicted of acts related to domestic terrorism.[48] In 1971, Kahane was sentenced to a suspended five-year prison sentence and fined $5,000 for conspiring to manufacture explosives.[6] In 1975, Kahane was arrested for leading the attack on the Soviet United Nations mission and injuring two officers, but he was released after being given summonses for disorderly conduct. Later the same year, Kahane was accused of conspiring to kidnap a Soviet diplomat, bomb the Iraqi embassy in Washington, and ship arms abroad from Israel. He was convicted of violating his probation for the 1971 bombing conviction and was sentenced to one year in prison.[49] However, he served most of it in a hotel, with frequent unsupervised absences, because of a concession over the provision of kosher food.[50]

In a 1984 interview with Washington Post correspondent Carla Hall, Kahane admitted that the JDL "bombed the Russian [Soviet] mission in New York, the Russian cultural mission here [Washington] in 1971, the Soviet trade offices".[51][52]

Kahane held the view that most Arabs living in Israel are enemies of Jews and Israel itself, and believed that a Jewish theocratic state, where non-Jews have no voting rights, should be created.[1]

The Kach party has been banned by the Israeli government. In 2004, the U.S. State Department designated it a Foreign Terrorist Organization.[2][3] In 2022, it was removed from the U.S. terror blacklist due to "insufficient evidence" of the group's ongoing activity, but it remains a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity.[4]

The Otzma Yehudit party, which has been called Kahanist and anti-Arab,[5][6] won six seats in the 2022 election and is a member of the current Israeli government. The party, and the Kahanist movement as a whole, have been described as espousing Jewish fascism.[7][8]


>Israeli and Ukrainian businessmen
Nazis think alike eh.


I thought that was weird, too. The ties between Israeli fascists and Ukrainian ones are incredibly creepy.


Report: US indefinitely delayed report on whether Israel violating international law

The US news outlet Politico has reported that the Biden administration has indefinitely delayed the release of a State Department report on whether Israel is violating international law in Gaza. The administration gave no reason for the last-minute change.

“The State Department was supposed to issue the report today,” reads the article, which cites three Senate aides and one House aide. “If it had concluded there was a violation, the U.S. would be expected to stop sending Israel military aid.”

The reporting comes as Israel pushes forward with military operations in Rafah, where the international community and the Biden administration have warned that an Israeli incursion could have disastrous impacts on hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians who sought refuge there under Israeli instruction.


MSF relocating staff to Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis

Doctors Without Borders, known by its French initials MSF, says it has begun discharging patients from Rafah Indonesian Field Hospital and is suspending its activities at Shaboura Clinic given the escalation in Rafah.

It said in a statement it will be handing over its activities at Al-Helal Al-Emairati Maternity Hospital to the Ministry of Health on Wednesday and will relocate its staff to Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis “to continue to support maternity care in a safer area”.

“This movement was planned before the recent evacuation orders. Additionally, MSF is considering establishing two new field hospitals in the Middle Area/Deir Al-Balah,” its statement read.

UNRWA HQ attacked in East Jerusalem

The head of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, says a group of Israeli protesters have attacked the agency’s headquarters in occupied East Jerusalem after calls for protests against UNRWA by an Israeli municipal official.

“This protest called by an elected member of the Jerusalem municipality is nothing less than harassment, intimidation, vandalism & damage to UN property,” Lazzarini said in a social media post.

“It took place today at the UNRWA Headquarters in East Jerusalem under the watch of the Israeli Police. This has nothing to do with freedom of expression. Host countries, in this case Israel, are expected to protect United Nations premises, operations and staff at all times.”


Blocking Gaza aid violates UN court orders: Rights group

By preventing the transfer of much-needed humanitarian aid into Gaza, Israel is violating orders handed down by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Human Rights Watch says.

“Despite children dying from starvation and famine in Gaza, the Israeli authorities are still blocking aid critical for the survival of Gaza’s population in defiance of the World Court,” said Omar Shakir, a director at Human Rights Watch.

“With each day that Israeli authorities block life-saving aid, more Palestinians are at risk of dying.”

The ICJ has twice ordered Israel to do more to allow aid into Gaza. The closure of land crossings into Gaza is “unacceptable”, the White House said earlier.

Israel bombs Rafah municipal building

Al Jazeera’s correspondent reports that Israeli army artillery fire has hit the headquarters of the local government in Rafah, as it steps up strikes on the southern Gaza city.

We will continue to bring you more on Israel’s attacks on Rafah as information comes in.

‘They have gone crazy’: Intense tank fire on Rafah

Rafah residents report heavy tank shelling in the evening in some areas of eastern Rafah.

“They have gone crazy. Tanks are firing shells, and smoke bombs cover the skies and with smoke over al-Salam and Jnaina neighbourhoods,” said Emad Joudat, 55, a Gaza City resident displaced in Rafah.

“I am now seriously thinking of heading north, maybe to the central Gaza area. If they move farther into Rafah, it will be the mother of massacres.”

About 1.4 million people have been crammed into tent cities and makeshift shelters and are suffering from shortages of food, water, medicine and other essentials.

Israel’s military says it is conducting “a limited operation” in Rafah to kill Palestinian fighters and dismantle infrastructure used by Hamas. It ordered civilians to go to what it calls an “expanded humanitarian zone” 20km (12 miles) away.

Israeli captive dies of wounds from Israeli attack: Hamas

Hamas says the captive died of injuries sustained in an air strike a month ago.

Abu Ubaida, a spokesperson for the Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s armed wing, identified the deceased as Judy Feinstein, 70, saying she and another captive sustained serious injuries in an Israeli attack on a site where they were held.

Hamas is believed to be holding more than 130 captives taken from southern Israel during its October 7 attacks.

Pro-Palestine protesters gather in Paris

Video posted on X, and verified by Al Jazeera, shows a large gathering of people showing support for Palestinians in Gaza and for an end to Israel’s war at Place de La Republique in the French capital.

Early in the war, France banned protests against the war and cracked down heavily against demonstrators. However, by the beginning of November 2023, protests in solidarity with Palestinians were allowed.


German police break up pro-Palestine protest at university in Berlin

German police broke up a demonstration in solidarity with Gaza at the Free University in Berlin, where protesters wearing keffiyehs chanted, “Viva, viva Palestina.”

Pro-Palestine protesters have faced crackdowns by authorities in Europe and the US, but opposition to Israel’s war in Gaza, which has killed nearly 35,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, has continued to grow.

In recent weeks, pro-Palestine encampments on college campuses across the US have also been cleared out by police.

“An occupation is not acceptable on the FU Berlin campus,” Free University President Guenter Ziegler said in a statement. “We are available for academic dialogue — but not in this way.”

Hundreds march in New York City against Israeli incursion into Rafah
Teresa Bo
Reporting from New York City

We are right here in downtown New York City where hundreds of people gathered in Union Square to demand an end to the war. To demand an end to the incursion in Rafah, in southern Gaza.

Hundreds of people have started marching all around this area.

We’ve already seen at least four people being arrested.

The police are saying that people need to be marching where people are marching right now, if not, they will be detained. They cannot block the road.

There has been a lot of tension… As I said, four people have been arrested and this just adds up to what we have been seeing in this city in the past few days.

University campuses with encampments and students being evicted, suspended, expelled, arrested in many cases.

‘The goal is to destroy Gaza’: Why Israel rejects a truce with Hamas
Mat Nashed

For many analysts, the Israeli government’s message is clear: there will be no permanent ceasefire, and the devastating war on Gaza will continue.

“The last couple of days have proved that Israel was not really negotiating in good faith. The moment that Hamas agreed to a deal, Israel was willing to blow that up by commencing their assault on Rafah,” said Omar Rahman, an expert on Israel-Palestine with the Middle East Council for Global Affairs, a think tank in Doha, Qatar.

Columbia Law School defends students after conservative judges say they will not hire former students

Columbia Law School has said that graduates are “consistently sought out”, after a Monday letter from 13 conservative federal judges said they would not hire former Columbia students due to pro-Palestine protests on campus over the last several weeks.

The letter called the campus, where administrators have called in police to clear out antiwar demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza, an “incubator of bigotry”.

Law Dean Gillian Lester said in a statement today that Columbia law students were “consistently sought out by leading employers in the private and public sectors, including the judiciary”.

Clashes break out in pro-Palestinian rally in Greece

Clashes broke out between police and protesters during a pro-Palestine rally in central Athens. More than 300 people carrying Palestinian flags and banners reading “Hands off Rafah!” rallied outside the parliament building in the Greek capital.

“We are here in solidarity and we will respond any time the Palestinians call [for solidarity],” said protester Antonis Davanellos, a 60-year old pensioner.

Police fired tear gas to disperse a small group of protesters who climbed up the gate of the Egyptian embassy opposite parliament. The clashes were brief.

Israeli settlers attack aid convoy on way to Erez crossing

Jordan says Israeli settlers have attacked a humanitarian aid convoy on its way to Erez crossing in northern Gaza and “tampered with its contents” in the second such incident in less than a week.

Foreign ministry spokesperson Sufyan Qudah said the convoy, which drove through the Israeli-occupied West Bank from Jordan, later managed to continue its journey and reach its destination in war-devastated Gaza.

“Jordan holds Israel responsible for the attack by extremist settlers … it constitutes a breach of its legal obligations as an occupying power,” Qudah said.

US Congresswoman calls on Biden to ‘use his power’ to stop Rafah assault

US Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley has called on President Biden to use his leverage with Israel to stop an assault on Rafah, where Israel had previously instructed displaced Palestinians to seek shelter. Palestinian sheltering there have nowhere left to go and humanitarian officials have warned that an Israeli assault would be a disaster for civilians.

“Israeli forces are attacking Rafah, the final place of refuge in the Gaza Strip,” Pressley said in a social media post.

“Over 1.4M Palestinians are sheltering there & are facing more death & destruction. @POTUS called an Israeli invasion of Rafah “a red line” & must use his power to stop this attack. #CeasefireNOW”.

US completes construction of aid pier: Pentagon

The US military completed construction of its Gaza aid pier, but weather conditions mean it’s currently unsafe to move the two-part facility into place, the Pentagon says.

“As of today, the construction of the two portions of the JLOTS – the floating pier and the Trident pier – are complete and awaiting final movement offshore,” Deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh told journalists, using an acronym for Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore – the official name for the pier capability.

Aid groups warn the $320m pier is far less effective than land routes that Israel continues to heavily restrict with truckloads of aid for Gaza waiting to get in.

PM Netanyahu ‘stands to pay a very, very significant personal price’

Ori Goldberg, an Israeli political commentator, says the current ceasefire proposal on the table has been agreed by both sides, but Israeli officials are backtracking to stall for time.

“Based on Israel’s record in these affairs in past wars, this is last-minute posturing. This is an attempt to appear tough and also an attempt to appease Netanyahu’s base, the right-wing elements inside Israel,” he told Al Jazeera.

But the fact that an Israeli delegation is now in Cairo for talks shows it has “little manoeuvrability left”.

“I think it’s been made very clear to Netanyahu that he stands to pay a very, very significant personal price if something doesn’t happen very soon,” said Goldberg. “The Israeli-American relationship is probably the worst its ever been.

“There is no victory in this [for Israel]. None of the goals set out have been met. The management of the war has been catastrophic to say the least.”

Red Cross chief says Rafah escalation puts ‘many lives at risk’

Secretary-General and CEO of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Jagan Chapagian has said on X that any disruption to the operations of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt will hamper the delivery of life-saving aid to hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in need.

“The Rafah border crossing serves as a vital lifeline,” he said in his post. “There is a lack of food, drinking water, sanitation, health care, and safety”.

Earlier today, the Israeli military seized and closed the border crossing, effectively cutting off the entry of aid to Gaza.

“I urgently appeal to all parties for the safe release of all the hostages, for the protection of civilians, healthcare workers, and facilities, as well as unhindered access for organizations like [the Palestine Red Crescent Society] in the entire Gaza Strip, to save lives and alleviate suffering”, he said.

Small protest held in Tel Aviv against invasion of Rafah

A handful of Israeli protesters gathered in Tel Aviv in opposition to the invasion of Rafah, calling for an end to the war.

Video shared by Israeli photojournalist Oren Ziv shows a crowd of demonstrators with signs reading “Stop the war”, “freedom, equality, return”, and “Biden, you can stop the war, don’t choose the wrong side of history.”


End of the war means ‘accountability’ for Netanyahu

Marc Owen Jones, an associate professor of Middle East studies and digital humanities at Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar, says there appears to be a “blame game” being played between Israel and Hamas regarding the ceasefire talks.

He said it is clear Netanyahu is not interested in a ceasefire, as has been the case since the start of the war. An end to the conflict would mean “accountability, not just domestically for his various criminal accusations, but now potentially by the International Criminal Court”, Jones said.

Biden administration denies that Hamas accepted ceasefire proposal

The Biden administration has denied in a news briefing that Hamas accepted a ceasefire proposal yesterday.

“[State Department spokesperson] Matthew Miller said that Hamas did not accept the ceasefire proposals, it responded and in their response made several suggestions. This is very different interpretation of what Hamas itself thinks that it did, and is certainly the kind of comment that could have an impact on what is happening in Cairo at present,” Al Jazeera correspondent Mike Hanna reported from the State Department in Washington, DC.

Report: Biden administration delaying bomb shipments to Israel

The US media outlet Politico reports the Biden administration, which has enabled Israel’s war in Gaza through massive weapons and funding transfers, is delaying the shipment of two kinds of precision bombs to try to pressure Israel.

The story, which cites an anonymous US official and six others familiar with the issue (anon's note: why?), was published as Israeli officials pledged to move forward with an assault on Rafah, an area of Gaza where it had previously told hundreds of thousands of displaced people to relocate for their own safety.

International organisations and foreign governments, including the US, have warned against an attack on the tightly packed area, saying that it would be a humanitarian catastrophe. The Biden administration, however, has given no indication that it will cut off weapons supplies if the assault moves forward.

‘Israel will not end the war’: Former diplomat

Alon Liel, the former director general of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, says Israel is “ready to pay the price, even if it’s high” internationally to go into Rafah.

“Israel will not end the war and there will be no wording in the agreement to release hostages for any permanent ceasefire, any permanent ending of the war. Everybody can just forget about it. The Israeli government is not strong enough to sign such a deal, it will fall if it does,” Liel told Al Jazeera.

“Only if there’s meaningful change to the text that exists now that Hamas agreed to, then we might see a deal. Israel sees this Hamas so-called acceptance of the deal as a Hamas offer, not as an American-backed deal. And this cannot be accepted,” he added.

The former diplomat noted it’s Holocaust Day and the US government will not pressure Israel. “The feeling is here if Israel is not accepting [the deal], the Americans will not push further, especially on such a day.”

‘Forced displacement is a war crime’: UN

Israel has strict obligations under international humanitarian law to ensure the safety of civilians in Gaza, a spokeswoman for the UN human rights office says.

The comments came hours after Israeli forces seized the Rafah border crossing with Egypt in a push against the southern city.

Ravina Shamdasani said that, according to international law, Israel must ensure civilians have access to medical care, adequate food, safe water and sanitation.

“Failure to meet these obligations may amount to forced displacement, which is a war crime,” Shamdasani said. “There are strong indications that this [Rafah offensive] is being conducted in violation of international humanitarian law.”

‘Deliberately’ intensifying Gaza war: Brazil condemns Israeli incursion

Brazil has condemned the start of operations by Israeli armed forces in the city of Rafah, saying it could compromise ongoing ceasefire efforts.

Israel has chosen to “deliberately intensify the conflict in an area known to have a high concentration of the civilian population”, disregarding calls from the international community, including its closest allies, a Brazilian Foreign Ministry statement said.

The Israeli military took control of the vital Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt, pushing into the southern Gaza town after a night of air strikes and as prospects for a ceasefire deal hang in the balance.

‘There is no Plan B for the people in Rafah’

More than 30 British NGOs have signed a joint statement urging the UK government to work urgently to prevent any further assault on Rafah.

In their statement, the signatories including Action Aid UK, Christian Aid UK, Care International UK, International Rescue Committee UK, Medical Aid for Palestinian, Oxfam GB and Save the Children UK said repeated statements by British politicians “have been ignored by Israel”.

“The failure of our leaders to back words with meaningful action is glaring,” the groups said, calling on the government to “finally act to stop the slaughter”.

“The UK must work urgently to stop any further assault on Rafah from going ahead, demand an immediate lasting ceasefire, resume funding to UNRWA, and suspend arms sales to Israel for as long as there is a risk they may be used to violate international humanitarian law,” they added.

“A ceasefire is the only way to stop the death and destruction, get more aid to those who desperately need it, and safely release the hostages.

“There is no Plan B for the people in Rafah.”


I think it's frankly one of the most conspicuous and revealing aspects of the last decade of geopolitics. Leftists who want to make a point about how capitalism and fascism function from a systemic perspective should be seizing on the supportive relations between Nazis in Ukraine and fascists in Israel and rubbing it in people's faces.


>The driver's "actions today model a trend in which Zionists weaponize their discomfort over political slogans as an excuse to assault Palestinian, Muslim, Arab, Black, brown, and dissident Jewish protesters in violent retaliation for imagined threats," said CUAD. "Just as white supremacists ran over a protester in Charlottesville, Zionists on the streets and in police precincts have declared open season on young people fighting for Palestinian liberation."

The Zionists used to get away with their shit because they acted intelligently, calculating to never go to far, avoiding to rouse the attention or suspicion of the large block of the less interested. Given these violent an hateful outbursts, they're bound to make a lot more enemies than what ever people they manage to intimidate.


To be honest, not many people were looking into that kind of thing, because few expected transnational fascist alliances of this type.


Actionists smash through the roof to expose the contents inside Leicester’s Israeli drone factory #ShutElbitDown


Fighter jets, artillery strike Hezbollah in southern Lebanon: Israeli military

The Israeli army claims it has struck more than 20 Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon.

It says these targets included weapons storage facilities and other military infrastructure.

Since October 8, when Hezbollah launched attacks on Israel in solidarity with Palestinians, the Lebanese armed group and the Israeli military have regularly traded fire.

Hezbollah claims several attacks against Israeli forces

The Lebanese group says it launched a short-range Burkan rocket at Israel’s Biranit military base near the Lebanese border and hit it “directly”.

Hezbollah also said it targeted Israeli troops in the Kfar Shuba Hillso, which Lebanon claims at its own.

Earlier, the group claimed a “precise” drone attack on a newly established Israeli command centre in the western sector of the border.

Third mass grave found at al-Shifa Hospital: Gaza’s media office

Medical teams have found a third mass grave inside Gaza City’s al-Shifa Hospital, with 49 bodies so far recovered, according to the Government Media Office in Gaza.

It said the team expects to find dozens more as the process of retrieving bodies continues.

The media office said there have been a total of seven mass graves found inside hospitals so far.

“We condemn in the strongest terms the crimes of genocide and the continuous killing committed by the occupation army against our Palestinian people,” it said in a Telegram post.

“We hold the US administration, the international community and the occupation fully responsible for these mass graves and this blatant aggression.”

Some recovered bodies at al-Shifa Hospital found ‘without heads’
Tareq Abu Azzoum
Reporting from Rafah, southern Gaza

The vast majority of the 49 Palestinian bodies so far recovered from the grave in al-Shifa Hospital were decomposed.

Gaza’s Government Media Office has confirmed they found bodies without heads. That’s absolutely terrifying and gives a clear reflection about what was happening inside the compound [during the Israeli raid].

That brings the total number of recovered bodies to 520 bodies that have been recovered from al-Shifa Hospital, Nasser Hospital in the south alongside Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern parts of the territory.

It’s absolutely terrifying as Israeli bombardments across the territory have not stopped in the last 24 hours.

No aid entering Gaza: UNRWA

“We’re not receiving any aid into the Gaza Strip,” says Scott Anderson, deputy director of UNRWA affairs in Gaza, in a post on X, talking about a situation proving “disastrous for the humanitarian response”.

While aid supplies are cut off, the area around the Rafah border crossing has come under “continued bombardment” today, Anderson added.

Senior UN officials have warned that if aid to Gaza remains blocked, critical diesel fuel supplies would run out by the end of the day, forcing the closure of a major water-production facility and cutting off drinking water supply in northern Gaza.

Most US Democrats say Israel is committing genocide: Survey

The majority of voters from President Biden’s Democratic Party agree that the US ally is committing genocide in Gaza, a new study shows.

The survey by Data for Progress, in collaboration with Zeteo, found that 56 percent of Democratic respondents agree with genocide accusations against Israel, while only 22 percent reject them.

Overall, a plurality of 39 percent of respondents said Israel is carrying out a genocide in Gaza.

The UN defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”, including killings and measures to prevent births.

The findings could spell political trouble for Biden who has been facing increasing pressure from his Democratic base over his “ironclad” support for Israel, months before the presidential elections in November.

The survey, which included responded from 1,265 likely US voters, also found that 70 percent of respondents support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Islamic Jihad’s armed wing says it fired mortars at Israeli soldiers near Rafah

Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, says it has fired “heavy-calibre mortal shells” at Israeli soldiers operating to the east of Rafah near the site of Gaza’s derelict airport.

Meanwhile, Israeli strikes in the municipality of ash-Shawka in eastern Rafah killed at least one Palestinian, report our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic, adding to dozens who have been killed and injured since Israel launched an incursion in the east of the province earlier this week.

Switzerland lifts ban on UNRWA donations, offers half its original pledge

The government of Switzerland is proposing to give $11m to UNRWA, only half of the initial amount set to be paid to the agency for Palestinian refugees in 2024.

A statement said, “Switzerland’s 10 million Swiss francs contribution to UNRWA will be restricted to Gaza and will cover the most pressing basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, basic healthcare, and logistics.”

In January, Israel accused about a dozen of UNRWA’s 13,000 Gaza employees of being involved in the Hamas-led attack on October 7.

This led many donor nations, including the US and Switzerland, to abruptly suspend funding to the agency, threatening its efforts to deliver desperately needed aid in Gaza.

An independent review group of UNRWA, led by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna, said Israel had yet to provide evidence for its chief allegations.

Main maternity hospital in Rafah stops admitting patients

The main maternity hospital in Rafah has stopped admitting patients, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has told Reuters.

The UNFPA said Al-Helal Al-Emairati Maternity Hospital had been handling some 85 births each day out of a total of 180 births in Gaza prior to an escalation of fighting between Hamas and Israeli troops on Rafah’s outskirts.

Support from lecturers and no arrests as Spanish students rally for Gaza
Graham Keeley
Reporting from Madrid, Spain

Huge Palestinian flags are hanging on campuses across Spain as thousands of students protest against Israel’s war in Gaza.

Some classes have stopped this week as students demonstrate in Barcelona, Valencia, the Basque Country and Madrid.

Across Europe, similar sit-ins have taken place at universities in the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark and Germany, as young people join their United States peers who are facing a violent police response.

In Amsterdam, police arrested about 125 activists as they broke up a pro-Palestinian camp at the University of Amsterdam on Tuesday.

But in Spain, a country that historically supports the Palestinian cause, police have so far not been involved in trying to break up the protests.

US pause of Israel weapons shipment due to Rafah plans: Austin

Biden’s decision to hold up the delivery of high payload munitions to Israel was made in the context of Israel’s plan to carry out an offensive in Rafah, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said.

“We’ve been very clear … from the very beginning that Israel shouldn’t launch a major attack into the Rafah without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battlespace. And again, as we have assessed the situation, we have paused one shipment of high payload munitions,” he told a Senate hearing.

“We’ve not made a final determination on how to proceed with that shipment.”



Rafah Invasion Shows Israel Has LOST - Owen Jones

New US bill aims to deport international students arrested at Gaza protests

The measure was introduced by Republican Congressman Andy Ogles amid a bipartisan US push to punish student protesters and accuse them of anti-Semitism.

The proposed legislation calls for revoking the visas of international students who have been arrested “while establishing, participating in, or promoting an encampment on the campus of an institution of higher education on or since October 7, 2023”, according to a copy of the bill published by The Daily Caller right-wing publication.

US authorities have arrested more than 2,000 students over the past weeks to break up encampments across the country that urged their universities to end investments in Israeli firms and weapon manufacturers.

Ogles faced backlash earlier this year when he said, “I think we should kill them all”, when asked about the killing of children in Gaza.


Here's Every Ceasefire Deal and Prisoner Exchange Hamas Has Offered Israel Since October 7th - BreakThrough News

src on 2nd: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/8/israels-war-on-gaza-live-calls-for-israel-to-open-border-crossings-grow


>The proposed legislation calls for revoking the visas of international students
<who showed solidarity with Palestine
The US as the center of the biggest empire of the world has the privilege of being able to recruit brains from all over the world. This was enabled by wealth, but also intellectual liberties. Trashing that valuable brain-magnet because Zionists are seething about protests seems short sighted.


>Across Europe, similar sit-ins have taken place at universities in the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Finland, Denmark and Germany, as young people join their United States peers who are facing a violent police response. In Amsterdam, police arrested about 125 activists as they broke up a pro-Palestinian camp at the University of Amsterdam on Tuesday.

>But in Spain, a country that historically supports the Palestinian cause, police have so far not been involved in trying to break up the protests.

What makes Spain different ?
How'd they manage to keep Zionists from screwing with political rights ?


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Hezbollah says it carried out 12 attacks against Israel

The Lebanese armed group says it targeted various Israeli positions across the border, including buildings housing Israeli troops in the towns of Manara, Metula and Shlomi.

Hezbollah said it also deployed suicide drones to target spying equipment on the eastern side of the border.

For its part, Israel said it hit Hezbollah-linked targets in south Lebanon. We reported earlier that Hezbollah announced the killing of two of its fighters as Palestinian Islamic Jihad said three of its fighters were also killed in Lebanon.

Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging fire since October 8, sparking fears of an all-out war.

The Lebanese group says it will stop its attacks after a lasting ceasefire is reached in Gaza, but Israel has pledged to push Hezbollah off its border.

Tunisia calls on ‘free world’ to unite against genocide in Gaza

The Tunisian Foreign Ministry reaffirmed what it called its “unconditional support” for Palestinians and urged the international community to uphold international humanitarian law against Israel as it carries out its assault on Rafah.

“Tunisia calls upon all the free people of the world to stand united against the genocide and forced displacement being carried out by the Zionist occupation forces,” the ministry said in a statement.

“Tunisia maintains its steadfast and supportive stance with the Palestinian brothers towards establishing their sovereign State on the entire Palestinian land, with al-Quds Al-Sharif [Jerusalem] as its capital.”

Ohio attorney general warns students in masks could face felony charges

Ohio’s top lawyer advised the state’s public universities that a law written to deter Ku Klux Klan demonstrations could be used to impose felony charges on students who wear face coverings while protesting the war in Gaza.

In a letter sent Monday, after weeks of pro-Palestinian campus protests around the country, Republican Attorney General Dave Yost advised the presidents of Ohio’s 34 public universities to forewarn students about the 1953 law.

“In our society, there are few more significant career-wreckers than a felony charge,” the letter said. “I write to you today to inform your student bodies of an Ohio law that, in the context of some behavior during the recent pro-Palestinian protests, could have that effect.”

Violating this “anti-disguise” law is punishable by a fourth-degree felony charge, up to $5,000 in fines and five years on community control, Yost wrote.

College campuses around the world have exploded in recent weeks in protests by pro-Palestinian students and faculty members against Israel’s war on Gaza, in which more than 34,000 people have been killed.

Israel ‘not serious’ about reaching truce deal: Hamas official

Izzat al-Risheq says Israel is using ceasefire talks as a cover to invade Rafah city and occupy its crossing with Egypt.

“Netanyahu is trying to create excuses to avoid negotiations and putting the blame on Hamas and the mediators,” al-Risheq, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, said in a statement.

“Hamas’s acceptance of the mediators’ proposal disoriented Netanyahu and put him in trouble. Hamas is sticking to its position that it conveyed to the mediators.”

Earlier this week, Hamas said it accepted a ceasefire draft deal put forward by Qatar and Egypt that would see the release of Israeli captives in Gaza and an unspecified number of Palestinian prisoners, as well as an eventual end to the war over three phases.

CIA Director William Burns has been in the region to iron out the agreement. Israel rejected the Hamas-approved proposal but said it would engage in further talks to reach a deal.

US confirms report on Israel compliance with laws of war will be delayed

The State Department says it will miss a “self-imposed deadline” for a report to Congress on whether Israel is complying with international humanitarian law, which is due today.

In February, the Biden administration issued a memorandum, dubbed NSM-20, requiring credible, written assurances from the recipients of American weapons that the arms are not being used in rights violations.

The report, which will be submitted to Congress, would assess if the Israeli assurances are credible.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said there will be a “brief delay” in submitting the report without setting a new deadline for it.

Rights advocates say apparent Israeli violations of international humanitarian law run the gamut: accusations of targeting civilians, torture, extrajudicial executions, indiscriminate bombing and disproportionate attacks.

International humanitarian law is a set of rules meant to protect non-combatants in armed conflict. It consists of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and subsequent international treaties aimed at limiting civilian suffering during war.

Liberal pro-Israel group backs Biden for halting arms shipment

J Street, a US Jewish group that describes itself as pro-Israel and pro-peace, welcomed the pause on one weapons shipment to Israel that the Biden administration said it halted in opposition to the Rafah offensive.

“J Street supports the Biden Administration’s decision to halt the transfer of certain munitions to Israel to signal deep concerns over the potential of a full-scale Israeli assault on the city of Rafah,” the group said in a statement, calling the move a “measured step”.

“The United States has made clear to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that it cannot support such military action without a credible and executable evacuation plan for the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians sheltering in the area.”

Unlike with military aid to Ukraine, the US does not detail its arms transfers to Israel, so the significance of pausing one shipment relative to the broader assistance remains unclear.

Rockets from Rafah again target crossing: Israel

The Israeli army says the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing, which has been key to Gaza aid operations, was again targeted by rocket fire that “lightly injured” one soldier.

“Eight launches were identified crossing from the area of Rafah into the area of Kerem Shalom,” a military statement read, adding that “as a result of the launches, an [Israeli army] soldier was lightly injured”.

Last week, Israel closed the crossing point for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza after rockets were fired at a military base in southern Israel near the site, killing three soldiers.

Biden says bombs US ‘paused’ to Israel have killed Gaza civilians

The US president says the powerful bombs that Washington supplied to Israel and now are suspended have been used to kill Palestinian civilians.

“Civilians have been killed in Gaza as a consequence of those bombs and other ways in which they go after population centres,” he said in an interview with US news outlet CNN when asked about 2,000-pound bombs sent to Israel.

“I made it clear that if they go into Rafah – they haven’t gone in Rafah yet – if they go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities, that deal with that problem.”

Earlier, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed the US “paused” a weapons shipment of powerful bombs to Israel.

UAE condemns Israeli assault on Rafah

The United Arab Emirates has joined countries across the world in voicing opposition the Israeli offensive against the crowded southern Gaza city.

“The UAE has condemned in the strongest terms the Israeli forces invasion and seizure of the Rafah border crossing in southern Gaza, and warned against military escalation that threatens to cause the loss of more innocent life and exacerbate the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip,” the UAE foreign ministry said in a statement.

“Furthermore, the UAE stresses the need to ensure the safe and unhindered flow of humanitarian aid and delivery of life-saving supplies to the population in the Strip.”

The UAE established formal diplomatic relations with Israel in 2020 and has since deepened its economic and political ties to the country.

‘We are losing them,’ says grandson of Israeli captive

The grandson of Israeli captive Oded Lifshitz, 84, says his family has not heard anything about the condition of his grandfather in six months.

“It’s unimaginable that my grandfather is the only great grandfather held hostage in the world. That’s a horrible title to have,” Daniel Lifshitz told Al Jazeera. “Every day we are losing them. I don’t know the real number [of captives] there, but I’m sure many of them are not alive any more.”

He added the negotiations for the release of those taken are “under fire”.

“It’s impossible that we are even speaking seven months after about the release of old people. It’s against humanity … I prefer there will be no more suffering for civilians on the Palestinian side and our side and there’s an agreement to end that.”

‘This is how negotiations are done in the Middle East’

While some Israelis are calling for no ground invasion of Rafah, others are demanding the government and military to press ahead.

“We applaud the Israeli government and the [Israeli military] for going into Rafah,” said Mirit Hoffman, a spokesperson for Mothers of IDF Soldiers, a group representing families of serving military personnel, which wants an uncompromising line to pressure Hamas to surrender.

“We think that this is how negotiations are done in the Middle East.”

The opposing pressures mirror divisions in Israel’s war cabinet between centrist ministers concerned at alienating Washington – Israel’s most vital ally and supplier of arms – and religious nationalist hardliners determined to clear Hamas out of the Gaza Strip.

Ex-Israeli army chief says captives cannot be freed without stopping war

Aviv Kochavi was quoted by Israeli media as saying “total victory” in Gaza will take “years” to achieve.

“I don’t think there is a way to bring back the hostages without halting for the time being the war,” Kochavi said in remarks aired by Channel 12.

Kochavi’s term ended early in 2023, months before the outbreak of the war on Gaza.

‘A problem in Washington, not just in Tel Aviv’
Marwan Bishara
Al Jazeera's senior political analyst

An editorial in the Haaretz newspaper today accused Benny Gantz, who is supposed to be the moderate in the Israeli war cabinet, of lying to the Israeli people when he says, “We are attacking Rafah to save the captives” – because he is lying. Netanyahu is lying. War cabinet minister Gadi Eisenkot is lying.

They are lying when they say we do not accept a prisoner deal in order to save the captives. Israel’s policy towards its own captives has been criminal.

Hamas accepted the deal, provided to it by the United States, by William Burns, director of the CIA. The fact that we are going back again to the cycle of diplomacy – as if nothing happened two days ago – tells me there’s a problem in Washington, not just in Tel Aviv. Why is Burns being stabbed in the back by his own administration?

When he reached the deal, it was on the basis that the Egyptians, the Israelis, the Qataris, and Hamas are on board. Burns brought them a deal that is excellent for everyone and brings the captives back and releases Palestinian prisoners, and ends the unfolding genocide in Gaza.

Israel rejected it and the US administration didn’t stand behind its CIA director.

‘No to Rafah’: Protesters take to the streets of Tel Aviv

Video shared online show hundreds of Israelis calling on the government to secure a deal to bring home the captives held in Gaza by Hamas and other groups.

Family members of those taken were also among the demonstrators, the footage shows.




Owen Jones - Biden PANICS Over Israel's Genocide

Iran says it will build a nuclear bomb if its existence is threatened

An adviser to Iran’s supreme leader has said the country will have to change its military stance against building a nuclear weapon if the country faces existential threats.

“We have no decision to build a nuclear bomb, but should Iran’s existence be threatened, there will be no choice but to change our military doctrine,” Iran’s Student News Network reported Kamal Kharrazi as saying on Thursday.

In the early 2000s, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a fatwa banning the development of nuclear weapons, saying it is “haram”, or forbidden in Islam.

But in 2021, Iran’s then-intelligence minister said Western pressure could push the Islamic republic to seek nuclear weapons.

Syria says ‘some material losses’ suffered in Israeli missile attack

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reports that air defence forces shot down Israeli missiles launched from the occupied Golan Heights in northern Israel that were targeting a building on the outskirts of Damascus.

“Our air defence forces intercepted the [Israeli] missiles and shot down some of them,” SANA reports, quoting a military source.

The attack, at about 3:20am local time (00:20 GMT), caused “some material losses”, SANA said.

Since October 7, Israel has intensified years of clandestine attacks on targets in Syria that it claims are linked to Iran.

On April 1, a suspected Israeli air strike hit the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, killing a senior commander in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps as well as other military officers. The attack triggered a retaliatory operation from Iran and what was the first direct attack on Israeli territory by Tehran.

Ships attacked by Houthis in Gulf of Aden ‘Panama-flagged’: Report

Two vessels attacked by the Yemen-based Houthis in the Gulf of Aden were “Panama-flagged container ships” operating for a Geneva-based company, the Associated Press news agency reports.

Earlier we reported that Houthi spokesperson Yahya Saree had described the vessels – identified as the MSC Diego and MSC Gina – as “Israeli”. He also said the Houthis had fired missiles and drones at the ships in “accurate” attacks.

The Joint Maritime Information Center, a US-led coalition of nations responding to Houthi attacks on shipping in the Middle East, said the attacks were launched on Tuesday morning, but “neither were hit and all crew on board are safe”.

It added that the vessels were “likely targeted due to perceived Israeli affiliation”, without confirming whether the vessels have links to Israel.



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Are you implying that representative Oogie doesn't know what he's doing?

Idk. A few European countries seem to have done better on this… I get why Ireland has solidarity with Palestine, but I'm not precisely sure why Spain does. Maybe it has something to do with the memory of Franco or something like that, I have no idea.

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