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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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So in the copyrite regime everything that gets published gets copyrited by default, automatically, by the mere fact of publishing.

If somebody re-publishes something but fake-dates it to an earlier date than the original release. It creates contradicting copyrite claims.

This design flaw probably wasn't realistically going to be exploited in the analog days. But in the digital age where the copyrite regime has imposed many automatic guilty until proven innocent automatic copyrite censorship mechanisms. This can be exploited.

It could be avoided by creating a central copyrite claims office where people have to register for a copyrite claim. The central data-base would have an authoritative record of who actually published first, preventing contradicting claims. If copyrite claims have to be registered, they can't be the automatic default anymore. Many people simply would not bother registering. Many works would simply be released as public domain.

I'm sure people are abusing this already. However I'm wondering whether there is a way to use this to bring about beneficial changes to weaken the copyrite regime so it can't be used as a means for censorship, monopolism, frivolous litigation, etc.

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