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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What made old /leftypol/ good?

Pull examples from the archives, the booru, wherever and whatever. Hell, even just tell a story.

Was it the PDFs? Was it the artists making memes? Was it people's willingness to repost them? Was it the raids and antics? Was it the people who brought esoteric niche history and theory to light? Was it the crazy Trump election drama and racial uprisings in the US? Was it the proximity to all kinds of communities, with all of 8ch coming in to give their shit opinions and getting dogpilled into submission?


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The diversity, the well-readedness of various contributors, the (relative, at peak) lack of restriction or direction, the (natural, not forced) edge.

All that plus the sheer size… and this last point is the easiest one to learn from. When OG BO had their meltdown, part of the group was lost. Every subsequent "split" and "crackdown" had the same effect. Leftypol/leftpol split - users are lost/divided. 8ch dies - users are lost. Bunkerchan owner stabbed in the back - users are lost. .org mods go batshit insane - users lost, activity suppressed on the larger of the two sites. Each step of the way, you lose folks who would contribute patient, thoughtful discussion as well as folks who come to joke around, you lose diverse voices (not counting Nazis here; I'm thinking more along the lines of Bookchinites, Georgists, leftcoms, anyone who was at all sympathetic to Rojava during OG BO's meltdown, etc.), and you punish creativity. Size matters a lot!


Community participation and collaboration beyond shitposting and being rude dickheads to each other because of "board culture."

There's a lot of chan baggage that needs to be discarded if leftypol is going to recover.


>chan baggage
Get a loada this faggot.


I for one got called a liberal f*ggot and that made me leave whatever iteration that was for at least a year, so that anon has a point.


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My wise decision making.


Something that's weird to me is that .org, the place which seemed the most eager to pay lip-service to this idea, does seem like the most "toxic" iteration. Even before they completely lost it all the way, I remember being really put off by how much threads seemed to just be filled with random negging, I honestly thought it was like feds or something trying to sow distrust and misery, and then it turned out a lot of their mods act like that too.


>Was it the PDFs?
>Was it the artists making memes?
>Was it people's willingness to repost them?
>Was it the raids and antics?
>Was it the people who brought esoteric niche history and theory to light?
>Was it the crazy Trump election drama and racial uprisings in the US?
>Was it the proximity to all kinds of communities, with all of 8ch coming in to give their shit opinions and getting dogpilled into submission?
Also this


>all of 8ch getting dogpilled into submission



liberal faggot


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>What made old /leftypol/ good?
not being an anal echo-chamber where unaccountable leftoid jannoid cliques run amok

being a part of the wider 8chan community, having a higher authority at least with some pretense of neutrality, that could reign jannoids in in case they go nuclear

userbase won by pitting leftoid jannoids against 8chan administartion, by them constantly being at each others throats

the moment jannoid bitches conspired (as they always do) to forcefully move the userbase to their controlled echo-chamber, I saw the writing on the wall

I saw everything in that moment, all the shit jannoid drama, all the cringe, all the splits

I predicted EXACTLY what would happen

I wish 8chan was still alive. 8chan was what made leftypol so great. If 8chan didn't go down, jannoids would've failed, and bunkerchan would've remained a barren wasteland that nobody cares about.

Closed systems always die, that's what happened. Thermodynamics, bitch!


fucking vanguardoid conspiratoid bitch

first as tragedy (Soviet Union), then as farce (leftypol)


You're a fucking retard bro


nah, I'm actually very smart


no chan was ever that great

but old leftypol was better because there were OC memes that weren't cringe

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