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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.480299[Watch Thread]>>480332

>visit for first time since split
>ancient threads
>3posts per day
>schizouyghotry rampant
>unironic /pol/ memes
>still shilling haz

Wow so this is the power of mod democracy. Incredible, good job faggots no wonder only the reactionaries moved here and the rest of the userbase stayed. Get fucked.


fuck u, insolent majmun. just wait til u get banned from ogre, u'll eat ur words. .net pride


>unironic /pol/ memes
>still shilling haz
u wut m8?


ogre troons banned memes awhile ago. now every meme is a "pol meme" including the soyjak in OP which is funny


>my toddler came out as trans


yaaaas queen cut it off now before she kills herself! END TRANS GENOCIDE


OP bring your faggotry elsewhere.


>>480299 (OP)
<still shilling haz
it's your faggot board who still shills that retard


>op has nothing to do with trans
>replies immediately start on about transhumanists
<nooo we are not like /pol/

Lmao the jokes write themselves


>mod democracy

You have the wrong board you dumb ape uyghur.

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