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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.480313[Watch Thread]>>480314>>480687

How do leftists cope with being the useful idiots of capitalists? Comunistically speaking of course


>>480313 (OP)
The identitarianism onslaught damaged the struggle for raising class consciousness. IDK maybe we should have said prole is one race and booj is a different race.


By now "the left" has no press of its own. Its press is swamped this overwhelming barrage of "fake news" sites copy-pasting the same talking points to destroy any understanding, and what remains of the "natural left" is rife with its endemic infighting. So, you can't really say "the left" has dominated the press narrative. All of that news stuff is controlled by oligarchs and pushed a lot by internet troll farms that take their orders from Tavistock et al. If that is the left, it just shows how impotent and facile the left as an institution is, and that it's overt base doesn't know anything about anything and words can be put into their mouths. That tends to happen when your base has been defined legally as insane and retarded.

Simple reality of course is that the only war is eugenics war. Those selected to live knew what they wanted from this world and have marched in lockstep for 50 years. Everyone builds some other narrative to pretend that what is happening is not at all what is happening. There is no "class war", because there is no working class, let alone a united democratic movement of any sort. There is just what the liberals declared the people always were - an inchoate and scattered mass of competing interests with nothing to say for themselves. More often than not, labor submitted to the imperial project because they were told that they'd still have goodies if they were good boys and girls, and they were sold the false promise that even if their lives were toil, their children would be able to climb the educational ladder. As this is happening, the universities are the first to lock ranks behind eugenics and laugh at getting anyone to accept this scam, this naked power grab more or less done in front of everyone's faces. They were never going to let anyone in their society, and even those who thought they were "in" will have nothing to show for their membership. In this way, democracy can be defeated.


not reading all of that but it seems like defeatist cope


Say what you want but theyre not entirely wrong.

Things like race, gender, generation, nationality, or class is just more distraction.
People are craven to indignation.


1789 called, they want their memes back


The concept of social class presumed that someone was capable of knowing what social classes were in force, and did not need someone to define the whole society for them. Marx's analysis did not create categories out of whole cloth, but presumed the reader had prior understanding from common sense that could be elaborated on with historical knowledge. A lot of Marx's view of class struggle as a goal suggested the workers were a "class if of itself" but not a "class for itself" - that is, the workers had no institutions to call their own. That sort of thing - and this is my thinking - is not something you can make by some inner light or force that is unknowable, and I believe Marx was aware of the reality of the situation - that so long as the workers were mired in the game of property and the hitherto existing political order, the working class would be dependent on middle class collaborators, and those were the typical socialist politicians rather than rank and file workers from nothing. If workers did rise, that's great, but the workers were always expected to adopt the values of the bourgeois or intelligentsia and leave behind their old designation. In principle this applied to the few of the lowest class who showed they could survive, but in practice, the lowest class as usual is actively shunned by all political parties, regardless of any merit they might demonstrate or whether they have any point.


By the 21st century, the working class isn't just done - it has been thoroughly sorted into grades of civic worth, which the people of all classes overwhelmingly accept without even thinking about what they're doing. It "just is", and this has always been the goal.

Also, today's worker is very explicit a service worker, and industrial workers are made to see themselves as servants with no bargaining power, because they don't have any and they are expendable, replaceable, and not desired for the world to come.


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Attached file tells you how the ruling class sees the workers and they're very confident that they've won if they're this in your face about it.


>the working class
>has been thoroughly sorted into grades of civic worth
It's worth criticizing that because of the dehumanization, however it's always been like that, it ain't new.
>accept without even thinking about what they're doing
people accept the words but not the meaning.


Informally, this was always assumed and makeshift designations of who was better than whom have been a part of humanity since forever. The new thing is that this information has been catalogued thoroughly. The schools collect a permanent record on you, and they already went over to a caste system in all of their thinking. If you probe enough, they will just tell you this. They brag about the ultraviolence this entails.

I will never understand the obsession with denying what was done to the world, and why so many here are so passionate to defend this ritual abuse. But, failed race. It will never change, and I don't believe most of humanity wants anything else.


I think that cast-systems are a big structural disadvantage.

India held on to it's caste system, as in happenstance of birth deciding the station of people. While in China cast structures were sweap away, China is running circles around India now. Western capitalism used to be similarly unburdened by cast-thinking, that coincidentally also corresponded with the rise of western power. It's not decisive, but it is contributing to "systemic drag".

>I will never understand the obsession with denying what was done to the world

It was done to the west. Other places saw no change, some place saw progress.

>why so many here are so passionate to defend this ritual abuse

You're misreading the intention, we did take note of this development, but we also consider it unlikely that it can be overcome in a battle of words. Cast systems build social walls that go through society, shouting at those walls doesn't do much. You have to find the holes in the wall, point those out to people, so they may slip through, widening the passage until it's as brought as a well traveled road.


It doesn't matter how advantageous it is. There is no competition to this, so it appears to be the default of the human race that violently insists on "regression to the mean".


>so it appears to be the default of the human race that violently insists on "regression to the mean".
we'll return to egalitarian hunter gatherer tribes ?


Those tribes were not a "natural" thing. The niche that allowed for cooperative, nomadic hunter tribes was particular to a time and a place. The nomadic "primitive" people today usually aren't hunter-gatherers, but pastoralists - that's what a lot of the African tribes that remain out of civilization do, they herd cattle and that is a marker of prestige and status. They're still tribes without a very clear political hierarchy or classes as such, but there is wealth, status, and competition.

Usually the hunter-gatherer band was egalitarian because there were too few members to create a division of labor, and no way to enforce it, and such a construct would have been counterproductive. It was never a natural proclivity or some sort of ideology that was imposed on them (who would impose it?) Egalitarianism made sense in that place, and continued to make sense to the laboring classes for a long time. Anything that broke them into grades of civic worth and told them to attack each other on that basis only weakened their position, and so this "contradiction" was provoked violently and with trained influencers and agentur insinuating ad nauseum, and then mandating it in state education, that you're supposed to be with your caste. But, that situation where workers could form associations, and where workers had access to written knowledge and could become scientists, was also an adaptation to that time and place.

Caste is the human "mean" in civilization, because it is rooted in the aristocratic view of thought itself, and how the mind and its processes would be segregated. Absent anything restraining it, humans default to the same sort of organization, whether it is the tripartate version or the five-caste version which subsumes the whole society and locks in the lower two castes. They really don't know anything else, and when people have these ideas of the "true form" of civilization, they always in one way or another revert to a caste system, because they have already regimented their thinking to value the primordial betrayal above all else, and regard property as superior to commerce in whatever form it takes. The interests of labor are always dismissed, and the lowest class is defined specifically as a suffering class to remind everyone what this really was about. Humans love kicking down too much to ever give that up, and anything that doesn't do this is considered an imperfection in the "default" mind. The only people who ever really wanted it to be different were in the lowest class, because everyone else in the end is beholden to play this game if they don't want to be lumped with the lowest class. There are the rare people who have nothing to lose and strike a blow against aristocracy, knowing that their cause was always doomed by the end, but humans really went out of their way to uphold this caste view even though it served no genuine function and has been ruinous every time it has asserted itself. We were trained to not think it was the "mean" because human societies have never been particularly stable and were often forced to mitigate this quality since caste society is ruinous for any protracted struggle. The moment it became possible to enclose the world, humanity returned to its typical behavior - caste, aristocracy, viciousness, and cruelty for no reason. That's what humans are.


The rich, lily white revisionists that have fallen prey to capitalist identity politics and now act as controlled opposition.

Sadly, every socialist movement that exists in the west is perhaps mortally wounded by this currently.


>>480313 (OP)
If anything, the unrestrained march of idpol only showed the absolute bankruptcy of the l*ft as a whole. It would be good to have even 0.5% of population to be confidently, revolutionally educated in the matter of class relations & how these relations can be possibly supported. Alas, >a half of them would be schizophrenics or just fucked up in the head too much by their previous experiences with the world to be of any good use.
Tl;Dr They were never our allies in the first place, so nothing's lost.


The "class conscious" ideologues don't even know what a social class is and keep relitigating who is in the working class based on their preferred models of reality. If you were really interested in class struggle, you would see that there is no working class any more, and the remnants of it have been utterly defeated. They were openly abandoned by all political factions a long time ago. There isn't going to be a form of mass politics ever again, or at least not for a very long time, and never again on the same basis you believed to be operative. If there is any mass politics, it will be far in the future, and the entities who would be political agents would be very different creatures from us, in a different situation. At this point, mass politics is so far removed from any reality we live in, and that was the goal above any other in social engineering. You people shit on democracy because you're fags, and think this is about your fake parties - faker than most college leftoid groups.


If you are so weak that "idpol" is a threat to your movement, it shows just how toothless "the left" has become. But, that was always a red herring, an excuse and talking point so that rightoids could enter the socialist area and spread stupidity and faggotry.


>How do leftists cope with being the useful idiots of capitalists?
By forming unions.


That's not really cope that's doing what we can.

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