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So I noticed another topic which is forbidden to discuss on leftyogre. Recently it was revealed that the far-right party AfD in Germany is infiltrated with chinese glowies. Jian Guo is an actual spy of the chinese ministry of state security. Another interesting fact is, that Alice Weidel, a top member of the AfD has lived in China and speaks mandarin. Well guess what, it is forbidden to talk about this on leftyogre. Just mentioning this, will get you banned immediately and the mods will delete your posts.


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>The Socialist Reich Party (German: Sozialistische Reichspartei Deutschlands) was a West German political party founded in the aftermath of World War II in 1949 as an openly neo-Nazi-oriented splinter from the national conservative German Right Party (DKP-DRP). The SRP achieved some electoral success in northwestern Germany (Lower Saxony and Bremen), before becoming the first political party to be banned by the Federal Constitutional Court in 1952.

>According to Martin A. Lee, although the SRP was anti-communist, it focused on criticizing Britain and the United States for "splitting their beloved Fatherland in two" and avoided criticism of the Soviet Union in the hope that a future deal could be made with the Soviets to reunite Germany. The SRP took the stance that Germany should remain neutral in the emerging Cold War and opposed the West German government's Atlanticist foreign policy. In case of war between the Soviet Union and the West, Remer "insisted that Germans should not fight to cover an American retreat if the Russians got the upper hand in a war", and said that he would "show the Russians the way to the Rhine" and that SRP members would "post themselves as traffic policemen, spreading their arms so that the Russians can find their way through Germany as quickly as possible". Martin A. Lee alleges that these statements attracted the attention of Soviet officials, who became willing to fund the SRP for tactical reasons. According to Lee, for a few years in the early 1950s the SRP received Soviet funds while the Communist Party of Germany did not, due to being purportedly viewed as "ineffectual"

the history is repeating (again), lmao


based afd


Out of the loop. Mind explaining ?
>has lived in China and speaks mandarin.
I'm ignorant about this story, but you are sort of accusing the Chinese of being bad at the spy-game, by picking the guy that really stands out. If I were a Chinese spook handler, my spy would be the guy that's leading the hunt for Chinese spies.


Yeah, just wait until the CPC will start funding fascist-libertarian parties in your country.


Seems like a pretty sus assertion OP. The kind of assertion that would be made by NATO propagandists, in fact.


>by picking the guy that really stands out

It's not just one guy, there are multiple people in the party, who have connections to China. But the real deal is the recent discovery, that an actual spy fom the MSS is in the party. His name is Jian Guo.


I don't think so. The mainstream parties in Gernany are full with US-glowies. So where are the chinese glowies are supposed to go in? Into the biggest opposition party of course. The CPC doesn't care about ideology, they have a long history of backing fascists, like Pinochet for example.


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Literally Duginism


All innuendo and of-course-X-would-do-this fallacies. Reminds me of Russiagate.


The US has a long history of meddling in other countries. In the age of multipolarity, you don't believe, that the other great powers will not do the same? From a strategic point of view, it would be stupid not to do it. And I don't think, that Putin and Xi are stupid.


>The kind of assertion that would be made by NATO propagandists, in fact.
You think it's a party internal political purge ?
The pro-Nato wing trying to get rid of the anti-Nato wing.
That could be plausible, assuming the people being accused are opposed to Nato.

So we have:
a guy speaking mandarin and living in China for a while.
another guy with a Chinese name.
and unspecified connections to China.

Doesn't sound like that would be enough to bring out the accusations of treason.
At best this is a conflict of interests.


>it was revealed that the far-right party AfD in Germany is infiltrated with chinese glowies


UNITA, Mujahideen, Pinochet, Khmer Rouge. And today AfD. But yeah, this is totally necessary to establish communism. And anyone who disagrees, is just a NATO-cuck!


Sorry anon, I had a Trot pull that bullshit argumentation on me at the height of the Russiagate hoax too. Their fallacious line of argument was the same: "Of course Russian capitalists are gonna be trying to do bad things, therefore you should believe without evidence this idiotic assertion that just happens to favor the interests of your Western ruling class." I will await serious evidence when assertions evoke serious geopolitical consequences.



There's a NYT article about this.
It reeks of somebody trying stirr up anti-China hysteria, it's reminds me of those Russia conspiracy theories in 2016.

The only concrete claim is that they suspect somebody of industrial espionage. Which isn't worth the political circus, industrial espionage is ubiquitous and goes both ways. It's just a really fucked up way to share technology. Even during the Cold war the KGB got the blueprints of every major western technology, and the CIA got the blueprints of every major Soviet technology.

The US is trying to get Europe to break up economic ties with China, but China is the center of the world economy and nobody can afford that.


>The US is trying to get Europe to break up economic ties with China, but China is the center of the world economy and nobody can afford that.

Nobody here is denying this. But from a strategic point of view, it makes perfectly sense, that the CPC is supporting the AfD. Xi is not an idiot. All competent leaders are machiavellian pragmatists deep in their heart. I don't blame the CPC for supporting UNITA or the Afd, because it is totally rational from their perspective. The CPC supported the Muhjahideen (Taliban) during the sovjet-afghan war, when it suited them. Then they stopped and now they are back with supporting the Taliban again. That the US has an strategic interest in cutting europe from China or Russia is a no brainer, but there is no contradiction with the above mentioned.


Still waiting on your evidence.


You claim that China is actively trying to interfere with the internal politics of Germany, that seems rather unlikely.

However there are some indicators that cia glowies might have gotten to the German green party.


Friendly reminder, campism stifles your critical thinking abilities. If you don't think, that great powers will do ANYTHING to maximize their influence, you are naive and you don't understand politics.


>muh evidence
Just google it, bro. Sovjet-afghan war, UNITA, pinochet. The CPC is famous for supporting reactionary forces all around the world.


>Just google it, bro.
Not my job, present your argument if you actually want to be taken seriously. Tip: an assertion with nothing to support it is not an argument.


You are making the assumption that subverting and regime changing other governments is actually a good strategy. The US is doing this type of stuff allot and their influence is shrinking. If China is maximizing its influence why would they pursue such a sub-optimal strategy ?
consider the following
All of China allies experience improved economic growth.
All of the US allies experience economic decline.

That's how China maximizes influence. People choose growth and prosperity over security, if that wasn't so, we'd have moved into underground bunkers after the invention of nukes. And beside strengthening your allies is a superior strategy, to weakening them.

I'm sure the Chinese have loads of spy shenanigans going on as well, but if I were to make a guess most of that is focused on Taiwan right now. The Chinese want advanced technology from the west, their first choice probably is to just buy it, but if they get cut off they'll likely go for espionage.


>The US is doing this type of stuff allot and their influence is shrinking. If China is maximizing its influence why would they pursue such a sub-optimal strategy ?
Mein Gott, the ideology

But they are not losing because they are toppling and subverting states. You've literally answered your own question. US fucked up because they can't handle the country after the coup.

If China can do coups better and smarter way then why they shouldn't?

And they don't even need to overthrow the BRD government, since they are economically dependent on the PRC, lol. They just need to push them the right way, lmao.


Leftypol is run by Satanists. Nazis. They steer everything so much it's practically a whitelist now. At least I managed to disrupt their fag chamber and made them go to a secret forum.


>But they are not losing because they are toppling and subverting states.
>US fucked up because they can't handle the country after the coup.
So your hypothesis is that the US has just become an incompetent empire ? What if the material conditions are changing such that imperial domination is become a defunct strategy ?

>If China can do coups better and smarter way then why they shouldn't?

There is no indication that they want to do that tho. The Chinese approach seems to be: it's better to trade with capitalist powers then to war with them. I'm sure they are mobilizing soft-power towards that end. But they have not shown any indication that they want to export their system.

I could imagine that China might consider regime changing Taiwan if the US neocons got too close to implementing the Ukraine model of instigating war. But that's the only place and circumstance i could see that happening. And its somewhat likely that the new government that the PRC would install in Taiwan would be very similar to the currently existing one, in order to not upset the Taiwanese population. Their goal would be to remove US military presence from Taiwan, but they don't seem to care much about systemic homogenization. Even in Mainland China there are huge differences between provinces, so a Taiwan province with very distinct Taiwanese characteristics wouldn't stand out. The Chinese state structure delegates a lot more decision making to the local and regional levels than for example the federal system in the US.


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Because .ogre is, once again, a fucking propaganda bot farm for imperoid underdogs who bought up the libshit modocrats & exploit that pile of crap to the fullest since then. Just check up what nazoid cringe do they pour on booru all the time.
So ofc they would immediately shut down ANYTHING that goes against their semi-official narrative, their modocrat cocksuckers would be eager to do that for another month batch of anti-imperialist neetbux.


>pooteen und zee
Here's another one.


>peepull chooooooooooz chynah you gweilo!1
No Zhao, I don't believe your shit. You gotta woerk harder for the 50 United States' cents they pay you you lazy cunt. Ask Ivan for help or something, if he's not being mandatorily assraped again, that is.

This entire thread is already being derailed by faggots who just cannot shut the fuck up about rooshia rooshia muhrooshia rushiagayte chynah.
Thanks for pumping up op's credibility you automatised faggots! No need to check anything kek


Org is too censorious indeed.

But you're behavior sucks too. You are trying to use social censorship by which-hunting people in this threat, simply for not believing the official story.

People are just trying to humanize Russia an China because they want diplomatic solutions to conflicts. The other side has to be considered human in order to enable diplomacy.

You're appear to be towing the official line of the neocons which is
<Any body that disagrees with neocon foreign policy is "foreign-bot"
Does that make you a propaganda shill ?

BTW Russia-gate was a massive conspiracy theory lie, used as political weapon to violate democratic discourse. The democratic decorum requires you debate the merits of policy proposals not engage in which-hunting.


>Russia-gate was a massive conspiracy theory lie

How should one know the truth about this? Russian glowies deny it, american glowies say it's real. So who is right?


Because every assertion behind the overall narrative has completely failed to stand up to scrutiny over the course of eight years now.


Ok lets talk glowies.
The Soviet KGB had the strategy of confusing people, they give people kaleidoscope information that would leave them wondering. If the Russian glowies still operate in this way, they will not have committed to a definitive story.

The US glowies have the strategy of manipulating people by changing their basic assumptions of reality. Basically they want that you think their bias is just how the world works.

In conclusion it's usually pointless to listen to glowies.

The primary reason to think Russia gate was a conspiracy hoax is because they never proved it. And many of the claims the Russia gaters made got debunked.
The secondary reasons are:
The corporate media just repeated it endlessly, in their usual consent manufacturing style.
It's patently absurd to think the Russians could install a puppet president in the White house but have otherwise zero influence on the US state machine. Nobody installs a head of state unless they compromised like half the government already.
It was used to smear political opposition that advocated for peace and diplomacy, that's always a red flag.

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