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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Mass shootings are passè. Self-immolation is vogue. Just stop being a retard. people like to watch stuff burn


If a ruling class represses a population.
The wrong reaction N1: destroying random people
The wrong reaction N2: destroying yourself

The correct reaction: destroying the power of the ruling class


Bring back Propaganda of the deed


Terrorism is cringe and turns the working class away from realization of their interests and conditions.


He was unambiguously right, and it's not even a question, and there was already a Bushnell thread. Guy successfully raised awareness without hurting anyone, and what he did was less self-harm than self-salvation; he was a part of a structure which is presently murdering humanity, and he opted out the most effective way possible. Fwiw, there was even a self-immolation in front of the Israeli consulate in Atlanta months earlier by a Palestinian-American (I believe) woman… Bushnell amplified it, taking the sentiment of the oppressed, who would be ignored and suppressed in their actions, and recreating it in a form which the ruling class could not ignore: a white American soldier, burning for the crimes of our idiotic, despotic leadership. Even then, they tried to suppress it, but they could not do so without revealing to the masses what enemies the American state are to the American people. The cowards-that-be hide behind our military and send it to go flail at reeds, and they resent the prospect that anyone in its ranks could ever feel the sense of responsibility which they, our professed "leaders," lack, for the actions they are made to perform.

Calling self-immolation "vogue" is moronic, but OP knows that. Aaron Bushnell is a hero and what he did was justified, that is all. The fire he ignited still burns and will never go out so long as there is injustice against the people of Palestine and callousness among our criminal political class. OP is a cretin & bad faith jackass for trying to make a comparison to mass shootings.


killing yourself isn't revolutionary


>Aaron Bushnell is a hero and what he did was justified
>OP is a cretin & bad faith jackass for trying to make a comparison to mass shootings.
I agree with that.

But he's dead now, and the slaughter in Gaza continues.
We need the good guys to live to build a better world.


>But he's dead now
beyond fucked


>We need the good guys to live to build a better world.
This. Suicide is selfish nihilism.


I rememeber my ninth grade homeroom teacher saying somthing along those lines.

Rememeber the self-immolation act back in 2011 when someone was protesting some international affair?

That incodent sparked more indignation against the oppressors than terrorist acts.



<suicide is selfish nihilism

>has never been through serious crisis before


File: 1714955998246.png ( 3.15 KB , 202x154 , 1714617039278518.png )

>Rememeber the self-immolation act back in 2011 when someone was protesting some international affair?

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