▶ No.481515>>481656
>What do you have to say to those people?
By the tone of your post, I'm not sure. I was honestly under the impression that this is true, at least partially. Using the heaviest possible weapons on a civilian uprising in the US would probably be kind of a stupid decision, at least immediately resorting to it would, but there's no guarantee whatsoever, that I'm aware of, that you'd be spared having to fight against weapons like that, so I'm not going to offer any such guarantee. If I'm wrong not to offer such an assurance, then I'm wrong.
What I will say, to anyone who will listen, is that it does not matter. Not one bit. I tell you this: the American state is very powerful. It is powerful technologically, it is powerful economically, it has a huge army, it has a massive surveillance state, etc. It has the advantages, and I'll tell you that whether you are a revolutionary in the US, or the UK, or Russia, or Germany, or France, or Saudi Arabia, your government has the advantages. In all likelihood, if you take part actively in a revolution, you will die doing so. Chances are high, even now, that you will fail. This is only the truth, and it's a truth which anyone who is serious must look right in the eye so that, rather than cowering in fear or proceeding to failure in denial, they can take what measures they can to best prevent the most likely outcome, which is failure.
Another truth which I cannot deny is this: the power of these states, the US in particular, is largely matched by their evil. The American state, its once-thinly-veiled oligarchs, its military industrial complex, its political class and enforcers, kills millions. Whether or not you participate in revolution, the American state will fuck you over. Whether or not it kills you, you are likely to know someone who it kills, whether in its idiotic wars, its violent suppression of the populace, its extractive real estate schemes, its rolling recessions, or its allowance of the very-rich to kill millions in the name of profit and get off with fines, as did the Sackler family of Purdue Pharma fame. Abroad, its wars and war profiteering cause great chaos, killing many more, and inflaming tensions which return to America in the form of mass-migration and impotent terror attacks. The American state's divide-and-conquer political tactic, by which it separates people into marginalized identity groups and sics them on eachother to prevent a united workforce, likewise results in blind, idiotic violence and grave dehumanization of the inhabitants of an incredibly diverse nation. Petty differences are used to coax people into committing senseless acts of brutality upon one another while they are all robbed more and more by the landlords and capitalists, who grow constantly more greedy and more eager to stir up great violence to consolidate their power and crush any potential for opposition.
For a great many Americans, there is no "up" side, and that number grows larger every minute. For those of whom I am writing, the truth is that they will most likely die crushed under the wheels of this machine whether or not they rise against it. The difference, then, is that they will either rise, and have a slim chance of dismantling this machine and creating something better, or they will lie down and have no chance. They will either organize, and find a common purpose, or they will try desperately to live without purpose, and die miserable, atomized deaths for a lost illusion of comfort. For those who know what I'm talking about, I want them to understand that even though the odds are stacked against them, the way things are is still a decision. It doesn't have to be this way, people don't have to live like you've lived, but my position is that changing it won't be a cakewalk.
The necessity of what must be done is entirely unrelated to the level of ease of the task; if you've faced the truth of the situation, then you are at an obligation to either do what must be done or to die trying to reconcile the contradictions without action.
I know a lot of people are trying that second option. Through suicide, recreational drugs, useless consumption, psychiatry, crime, identitarianism, hate, they seek to escape or obfuscate, to themselves, the role they are playing in their own disenfranchisement, as obedient accomplices to a state which is taking every opportunity to rob them blind of every right, opportunity, and dignity. This is an important thing to me, because there are so many people who, in the pointless destitution of their lonely lives, have fully embraced their desire to die, but have not yet come to understand the real power which this affords them. The disenfranchised, conditioned to always blame themselves for circumstances beyond their control, who wake up every day to the most terrible humiliation of not yet having killed themselves, whose every moment of their life is an insult to their being, have the greatest latent power in the world: they do not fear death. This is the power which is spreading, now, as more and more people realize the scope of the evil being done.
So, in my view, it is true that the state is very powerful, and odds are stacked in its favor against the populace, and Apache helicopters can never protect the state from them. Nor can tanks. Nor can the police, nor the national guard, nor the marines. Nor can the CIA, nor the NSA, nor the DHS, nor the FBI. Nothing in this world can protect the state from reconciliation at the hands of an organized populace who are not afraid of death, even if many things can make it extremely difficult for said populace to win.
I am a pessimist, and I feel that to be a pessimist is realistic, and this is very different from being a defeatist. Defeatism is an idiocy peddled to people who have not yet accepted how bad it really is.
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