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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Sunak came out and declared they're on for July 4th. Corbyn's now running as an independent. Andrew Feinstein is running against Starmer, and maybe he'll knock him out of his seat - who knows?

Are you excited, /leftypol/?


Corbyn's a joke at this point, I'm more interest in Galloway's workers' party.


I don't think Galloway's gonna run anyone against Corbyn in Islington North.


starmer might be a sock puppet for tony blair

>Corbyn's a joke at this point
Corbin stuck to his Palestine solidarity position during the massive zionist smear campaign, and now that the Zionreich did a genocide, he's been vindicated. So he might do better than expected.

>Galloway's workers' party.

Galloway isn't necessarily competing against Corbyn.

The UK's electoral system produces a binary polarization pattern. So far it's been
neo-liberal economics with liberal social values
neo-liberal economics with conservative social values

Corbin and Galloway could both replicate this pattern and both do soc-dem economics with liberal social values and conservative social values respectively.


How fitting they're doing it on Treason Day.
Labour will be rigged to sweep. Who the fuck wants the Conservatives except the most soulless monsters?


The left showpieces won't amount to much. I figure Corbyn would win because he sat in that seat forever, but he's just going to warm the seat and collect his paycheck.


>Corbin and Galloway could both replicate this pattern and both do soc-dem economics with liberal social values and conservative social values respectively.


>Blair is also far from a neutral voice on the issue of selling NHS health data. TBI’s principal donor is Larry Ellison, the world’s fourth-richest man and owner of the Silicon Valley giant Oracle which aspires to become the world’s most important online medical data company using its cloud technology. In 2022, Oracle bought the US electronic health records giant Cerner last year for $28 billion. The company’s ultimate goal is to build a united national health database amalgamating thousands of separate hospital databases.

Hoo boy…


It's looking more like Labour's victory will be milquetoast. Didn't the Greens gain a bunch recently? Labour will most likely beat the Tories, but might still not do that well, Starmer has really shot them in the foot.


I don't think you quite understand how utterly disgusting the past two Tory Prime Ministers have been. Not popularly elected, pushed horrifically unpopular agenda items because they had a free hand and knew Britbongs were mentally broken, and the guy they wanted was a hardline eugenist Trump parody from Eton.


I know, but Labour could still see mid results. Starmer's a piece of shit and everybody knows it.


Doesn't matter. Normal pieces of shit are valued more than extremely disgusting pieces of shit, and "normalshit" seems to be the political brand of the 2020s.


>suspend own party member for bullshit reasons
>launch an investigation
>keep saying the investigation is ongoing 5 months after it concludes


He's not normal, he's a racist Dalek with a sinus infection.


File: 1717071765960.png ( 89.86 KB , 1000x1239 , starminate.png )

>he's a racist Dalek
lel, that is so true








Owen Jones on last night's debates.


Early on in this debate - it's difficult to believe that "you're too scared to push the nuke button" isn't a planted argument.


>a planted argument.
Yeah definitely planted. These are not skilled debaters if they can be lead on by a poisoned premises. Any skilled debaters would have replied
<vote for me, unlike these morons i'm not going to get everybody killed in a nuclear war.


Voting Labour. Simple as.


Is it wrong to vote for whoever gets my dick hard?


And who is that?


Wasted vote.


George Galloway.


This. Why even bother making the effort to go to the polling station if you're just going to vote Labour?


Workers Party of Britain Manifesto Launch with George Galloway




Because I don’t want the Tories or Reform to win


What about the pro-Israel politicians in the Labor Party?


Luckily the outcome of this election was decided in a Masonic lodge several months ago. Your vote isn't going to change anything :)


>What about the pro-Israel politicians
You mean the Starminator ?
Yeah that one's a zionist sympathizer too.


I heard Feinstein may have more campaigners in Starmer's district than Starmer does.


File: 1719219882692.jpg ( 39.48 KB , 1200x1200 , thinks you think.jpg )

"Jeremy Corbyn says during a meeting with the Parliamentary Labour Party Committee he was confronted and asked to give assurances that as Labour leader - and potentially prime minister - he would automatically support any military action Israel undertakes"


>he was confronted and asked to give assurances that as Labour leader - and potentially prime minister - he would automatically support any military action Israel undertakes"
They basically asked him whether he would commit high treason, by handing over military command to another country.




So what the neo-liberal anti-democracy infiltrators ended taking over is now an empty husk ?

Can this be turned into a general strategy that defeats neo-lib take-overs ?

The neo-libs are power-brokers, they infiltrate organizations and capture important positions in order to sell-out the functions of their position to the highest bidder. So if the democratic people periodically dump the old org, and regroup in a new org, the neo-lib infiltration process will get interrupted and they will have to begin from scratch. By making democratic organization a moving target, will it become less vulnerable ?


>So what the neo-liberal anti-democracy infiltrators ended taking over is now an empty husk ?
Not quite, but let's hope it gets there.
>The neo-libs are power-brokers, they infiltrate organizations and capture important positions in order to sell-out the functions of their position to the highest bidder. So if the democratic people periodically dump the old org, and regroup in a new org, the neo-lib infiltration process will get interrupted and they will have to begin from scratch. By making democratic organization a moving target, will it become less vulnerable ?
In a sense, yes.


3 days


W-what happens in 3 days?


I will be voting for my town's independent candidate


You know what's happening.

Which flavour of independent? Vaccine schizo, old bloke kicked out of the Tory party for racism or local muslim leader running on freeing palestine and the ummah?

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