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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I am a Liberal


y tho


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That's the NKVD for you.




I enjoy democracy, the rule of law, freedom of speech and freedom of association.


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for whom?




Anarchism is the highest order of liberalism.
Only anarchists are true liberals, you cannot have liberalism without socialism.


The nomenklatura only.


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holy shit vaushnig tier


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>Everyone. No, not you, prole.


vaushnig is a succdem


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Capitalism does more to address poverty than Communism does.
Western countries went from Nigeria-tier shitholes in the 1800s to what they are today because of Capitalism. Africa today is developing because of investment from China, which is CAPITALISM.


Capitalism is progressive but only relatively, that's why backwards nations benefit from it, but once those nations reach an equilibrium the only way forward to communism


so too did Russia when it went from a shit hole to the second world power. Capitalism introduced in the Soviet Union impoverished it.


Is this like some big brained attempt at trolling or are you really a liberal?


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Has never existed


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>Capitalism introduced in the Soviet Union impoverished it.
Only in backwater countries that relied on Russia for gibs.
and how would that work?
>hey guys just stop selling stuff and potentially starve yourself to death instead!
Socialism is a stepping stone towards communism. Socialist states like China and the USSR always ended up having massive famines and political purges, which means that communism can't work unless you live in a city state filled with NPCs who all believe the same thing. If the stepping stone has failed then the end goal must be retarded.


In actual fact, the USSR ended the routine famines that characterized most of east European history.


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not true Russia was completely fucked on every metric. capitalism benefitted very few and continues to be a hindrance to Russian production.


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>muh gdp
what's that from the late soviet union after perestroika? russian fed has just barely recovered from the disaster of capitalism


yeah? and where do you live that you enjoy all of these?


liberal and retarded



most capitalist countries allow the non-productive poor to exist unlike most socialist countries, where they are forced into mental hospitals or jails

i think it's less a feature of capitalism, and more a feature of not-being-socialism

regardless the poor would fare the best with the means of production being given to some class other than the worker class or the business class

like the a collection of old liberal women who aren't in business roles owning the means of production


So according to you in socialist countries people get mental health treatment and in capitalism they get homelessness and crack, am I getting that right?


Sounds about right. But it's not the hole story. The main cause of homelessness isn't mental illness. It's economic precariousness.


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Return the jacket back to the museum 1st, you reactionary lumpen bueraucuck (served you right btw).


>I enjoy democracy
No you don't. Democracy means Tr*mp will be the next president.

>the rule of law

No you don't. Rule of law means all the BLM monkeys will be in jail.

>freedom of speech

No you don't. Freedom of speech means there's no such thing as "misgendering" or "medical misinformation".

>and freedom of association.

No you don't. Freedom of association means no more hiring diversity.

>most capitalist countries allow the non-productive poor to exist unlike most socialist countries, where they are forced into mental hospitals or jails
>i think it's less a feature of capitalism, and more a feature of not-being-socialism
It's a feature of capitalism being so efficient that enough surplus wealth is generated so not everybody needs to work. And conversely socialism is so inefficient that there is not enough wealth unless everybody works a minimum amount. Which is the opposite of how marxists wish it was but that's reality.


That's gonna b3 a yikes from me dawg.

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