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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Our society is organized by identity. We have systems that recognize somebodies identity and that grants/denies access to powers and resources. While that mostly works, we might be able to do better. I propose as an alternative that we organize around deeds instead, and have systems recognize actions rather than identities.

History of identities
Early tribal societies used identities and lineages to prevent inbreeding. In slave societies identity was used to keep track of slaves. And in feudal societies identities were used to attach hereditary political power to people. Identity also served persecution alot, for example: which hunting, or in ww2 the Nazis holocausting the Jews. States use identity to attempt to conscript-nap people and force them to wage wars.

This is what enabled many slaves to free them selves. It is what enabled many Jews to evade the extermination camps. It also is necessary for democracy, because votes have to be anonymous in order to prevent coerced votes. Anonymity became a political value during the beginning of the bourgeois revolutions, and are conceptually based on early cities where masses of people had to cooperate without being able to know everybody.

examples for proof of deed, recognize action instead of identity
We already use some systems that recognize action but not identity. For example when you buy a ticket for amusement rides, the ticket grants you access by proving that you payed for the ride, and there is no need to recognize your identity. Voting systems can also work entirely without identity, people vote anonymously, then stick their thumb into a die that stains the skin for a few days and prevents voting more than once.

Political intentions
Proof of deed systems are better at enabling rewards for beneficial actions, while proof of identity systems skew a lot more towards punishment. Proof of deed systems are less easily abused for persecution. Identities also get abused to establish aristocratic domination (privilege for me and burden for thee). So less persecution, more fairness and motivation by the carrot rather than the stick.

A society of the deed would be anonymous safe for interpersonal relations, and perhaps counter-intuitively also more orderly, since it operates on actions directly. One would have to try it out to know for sure.

technical considerations
Proof of Identity systems have a tendency to fall for the bio-metrics scam. When the Bio-metric identification security features get defeated. There is no simple and cheap fix, like changing the combination on a lock or getting a new set of keys. People can't change their biological features and so it requires replacing the hole system. Proof of deed systems are less likely to fall for that cyclical bio-metrics churn.

Obviously we would have to experiment with action-recognition and proof of deed on a small scale, something where the stakes are low and failure is an option, Maybe some kind of website or video game might do. I'm looking for suggestions.


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holy hell nig next you're going to tell me that objective truth doesn't exist you Machfag


>objective truth doesn't exist
Where do see that in the opening post ?

Why do you think this proposal would philosophically break with materialism and a conception of objective reality ?


Ok I re-read your op. I thought that you were suggesting that systems of identification drove historical development instead of relations of production.
Is your post instead about information technology? I'm confused about the applications of 'deed actions'. If there were to be incentives for a public program it would need financing whether that be in money or labor time. If that's the case then a coupon only system would shut an organizing party out of doing analytics which would be important for evaluating success outside of a raw number of times a program was accessed. What would be the benefit?


>I thought that you were suggesting that systems of identification drove historical development instead of relations of production.
No, i just added the historic bits for context.
>Is your post instead about information technology?
I suppose it would also have an effect on that as well, to be honest i haven't thought that far ahead. I ranted about bio-metrics because i think that it is foolish, and this was just another opportunity to bring that up.
>I'm confused about the applications of 'deed actions'.
You are going too fast, I'm not yet thinking about applications, to me this is in the stage where we think about the philosophy of organizing principles. Most of our current systems of organizing, at the most fundamental level begin with detecting the identity of people interacting with it. I think it's possible that we might do better with systems that center on detecting actions instead of identities. Conceptually the next thought would be to figure out all the ways to recognize an action.
>If there were to be incentives for a public program it would need financing whether that be in money or labor time.
Not yet, i think we would have to begin experimenting in a setting where the stakes are lower. I think this is a very novel idea and it will require trial and error to get a bearing on what works and what doesn't.
>If that's the case then a coupon only system would shut an organizing party out of doing analytics which would be important for evaluating success outside of a raw number of times a program was accessed. What would be the benefit?
This is a reasonable starting point. A coupon for a deed, that would be a system that centers on recognizing actions. Obviously that won't be sufficient. The coupon system would fall short in many ways. Once you collected experience, you can formulate additional structures to compensate for those shortcomings. Figuring this out would be a process. It's not going to be just one mechanism, it'll be multiple ones working in concert.

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