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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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It's a very odd deal.
The criminal Biden admin is letting Assange go in exchange for a guilty plea.



File: 1719320307588.jpg ( 36.03 KB , 640x963 , sunray-peaking-through-the….jpg )

This sure sounds like good news.


I honestly never expected Assange to agree to a plea. Thought he was too stubborn and principled. He's surely earned the right to do whatever he wants after all he's been through though.

He's headed for US territory now, so don't celebrate until he's finally safe at home in Australia. There could always be a bait-and-switch to force him to Virginia, or the CIA could simply murder him like they've been wanting to since the Vault7 exposures.


This seems like it's the end of his career as a journalist. If he continues what he used to do, they can just point to his admission of guilt and go after him again.


>don't celebrate until he's finally safe at home in Australia
>thinking he will be safe in Australia


You're right, at this point he should probably just apply for citizenship in Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.


Assange is a spook




>thinking he will be safe in Australia
They didn't drop the charges he admitted guilt in exchange for getting out of jail. They could haul him right back in as soon as the election is over.

>he should probably just apply for citizenship in Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.
Well not North Korea he will starve in a communist country. I bet staying in Australia is probably part of the deal though.


The famine in the DPRK ended a long time ago, and their economic outlook is positive now that they've re-established diplomatic relations with Russia.


Kevin Gosztola made an interesting point on a journalist panel today: He and likely other peers have been spending all their time the last several days listening to each other, the sources they actually trust to cover Assange honestly and fairly. Conversely, they have spent very little time assessing the corporate mass media's reaction to it. I sure hope someone has been cataloging all the recent libel and slander slung at Assange, these propaganda outlets and propagandists need to be held to account for the immensely destructive things they've done to the journalist profession.

Link to stream:



>the corporate mass media
>the immensely destructive things they've done to the journalist profession.

There used to be journalistic activities within that structure, but is that still the case ? Before we yell at these people for failing at journalism, we have to ask our self whether we're not complaining about how spoons are terrible shovels.

Maybe we should consider whether they are more like PR companies now.

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