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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The U.S. military ran a secret anti-vaccination campaign at the height of the pandemic in the Philippines and other nations to sow doubt about COVID vaccines made by China, according to a new investigation by Reuters. The clandestine Pentagon campaign, which began in 2020 under Donald Trump and continued into mid-2021 after Joe Biden took office, relied on fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to target local populations in Southeast Asia and beyond. The campaign also aimed to discredit masks and test kits made in China. "Within the Pentagon, within Washington, there was this fear that they were going to lose the Philippines" to Chinese influence, says Joel Schectman, one of the Reuters reporters who broke the story. Schectman says that while it's impossible to measure the impact of the propaganda effort, it came at a time when the Chinese-made Sinovac shot was the only one available in the Philippines, making distrust of the vaccine "incredibly harmful."


>The campaign also aimed to discredit masks and test kits made in China. "Within the Pentagon, within Washington, there was this fear that they were going to lose the Philippines" to Chinese influence.

Did it ever occur to these people that what they were doing was going to discredit the US and push the Philippines towards China.


No, and tbf they were probably right not to expect that.
When that happens, it'll probably be because of even worse stuff.


>No, and tbf they were probably right not to expect that.
why ?
Are they so arrogant that they think that they're above it all, that their manipulations aren't being accounted for by other countries ? Even if they think the Filipino government can't penetrate US psy-ops the Chinese government almost certainly can and is likely to tip off the countries the US fucks with.
>When that happens, it'll probably be because of even worse stuff.
It kinda depends, the Filipino government may ask the question, what if this had been one of those terrible plagues that wipes out half the population unless people get vaxed. At the very least there is now uncertainty about the level of belligerency they ought to expect from the US.

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