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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Masoud Pezeshkian was elected the new president of Iran on Friday. He's reportedly a moderate. What do you think of him? Will he be up to the challenges ahead for Iran, in its struggle against imperialism and Zio-fascist savagery?


I think he'll be open to restoring relations with the US. Although not at the expense of Iran's relations with Russia or China. He'll likely pursue an open foreign policy, but only to the extend it excludes foreign impositions. Basically this is an offer towards the US to choose economically beneficial relations rather than block-confrontation.

Everybody in Iran sees Israel the way Europeans saw Nazi Germany at the end of ww2. Evil and weakened. Basically Israel either gives up its malevolent comportment in the region or it chooses to self destruct with a Lebanon war. In the latter event, Iran would emerge as the uncontested regional hegemon. Israel doesn't have the leverage to get concessions from Iran.

Iran has all the components for building nukes, they're offering to remain a non-nuclear power as long as Israel doesn't threaten them with nukes.

From the perspective of the west this is the best deal we'll get. And the price is exceptionally cheap: bully Israel to turn down the belligerency-knob.




Didn't Gaddafi increasingly demilitarize toward the end of his life? We saw what happened to Libya.


>Didn't Gaddafi increasingly demilitarize toward the end of his life?
Qaddafi gave up on Libya's nuclear weapons program. And that likely did shorten his life.

The golden path would have been to max the pursuit of a Pan African Union, and make Libya the center of an African block, that played all the other power off each other. He'd have gotten nuke-technology and imported industrial development out of that.

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