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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.482869[Watch Thread]>>482876>>482886>>486352

Why did the Western far-left become the 2SLGBTQRPGMMO+++ rainbow mafia?
It genuinely is perplexing to me that Western leftists seem to hold even the most absurd AGP sex fetish shit and BPD tumblr furry xenogender larping as the most ultimate leftist purity test, yet then will accept literal fucking Capitalists into the movement wihtout hesitation.
I used to think this shit was exaggerated, but it's honestly not, most western leftist spaces are just rainbow mafia/idpol obsessed and you can't push back on even the most absurd, eye rolling narratives, without getting asked to leave, or if online, copping a ban, this includes communities like leftypol(dot)org.
Even holding the same policy positions, as most Communist Parties in the Global South, will get you banned from basically any Westoid "Leftist" space. Leftypol lets you claim Xi is based or whatever, but if you actually espouse his policies, enjoy your ban because it doesn't align with Western Idpol shit.
Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society? They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?


feds killed the movement in the 60s and 70s and this is what feeds on its corpse: mostly faggy students


>>482869 (OP)
Your talking about the dramatic increase of identitarianism ?

Identitarian politics aren't new and has persisted in all political camps to some extend
the basic operating principle is
<If you disagree with me, you are attacking me personally.

In contrast to formal logic, where you have statements, and those statements can be true or false for example. These statements are also treated as independent objects, not attached to a person. Extremely dedicated Logicians only have a box that contains all their opinions, and if a opinion is refuted they just remove it from the box and replace it with an updated opinion. It's not possible to make them feel personally attacked. This is why the Vulcans in star trek are the diplomat species. It has to be said that formal logical reasoning also has limitations, that make it impractical as a political philosophy in the real world.

I admit that i do not know what the change in material conditions was that made identitarianism so dominant in recent years.

An obvious factor is influence from the ruling class. They do not want a united working class, they much prefer a crab-bucket of ident-groups fighting among them selves for privileges. That's just a fancy way of saying divide and conquer, and that has existed forever, and doesn't fully explain recent developments. A part of the explanation is missing.

There is a lot of eloquent criticism of the Identitarian phenomenon, but not much that moves beyond critique. So another question arises, what would a political counter tendency look like that sees identities as prisons from which people ought to be liberated.


>>482869 (OP)
the Trump shooter appears to be more a neet incel cis straight male than an LGBTQ whatever

the major think that's changed is people insisiting over and over that the left is short haired female twinks when, as fantastic as that sounds, is not the reality on the ground. The left on the ground are just normal people watching people at the national level broadbrush them in a million different ways.




The "far-left" in the Empire never existed outside of ephemeral cells that were immediately snuffed out or re-directed. Every expression of that which was allowed to live was built as a straw man to be knocked down or channel dissenters to entirely useless ends.

The fag mafia is not really part of "political life". It is a very violent anti-politics, intrinsically supplicating to the institutions. When the left made its choice to value the institutions over the people, there was no more "left" at all, anywhere in the world. There was only the Empire, and its right wing vanguardists to tear down all forms of democratic expression. The fags are very much a construct of the right wing, and when you look at "right-wing radicalism" like the Nazis, they're drenched in faggotry hitherto unknown in human history. Fags - and I speak here of fags rather than the homosexual act in of itself - are always going to choose supplication to the state and the ruling institutions, and this is emphasized in every part of the "fag agenda" and the narratives for public consumption. It has always been a weapon of eugenics in particular, and to a lesser extent a defender of the ruling institutions in all circumstances - a call to lock ranks and enforce an anti-democratic lockout.

It's actually funny because if you look at the left and the "free love" types, they were usually far more anti-homosexual and disdained gay men in particular. Gay and bisexual men were seen as inherently treacherous, eunuchs who would ruin anything they touch. The right, historically, has always been strangely tolerant of homosexualism, and aristocrats have always enjoyed an exception to all of this stigma. It's one of the transgressions they celebrate to distinguish them from us, and homosexualism always was an aristocratic vice.

That said, gay men tend to be dissatisfied with the status quo, so they can be drawn into radicalism of the left and right. In faggotry, political alliances are always alliances of convenience. They can wear a swastika or a hammer and sickle and change the slogans, for fags revel in the superficial and disdain any meaning. Gay men in general are, like any men, made to live in conflict and struggle, and they have been told that they must accept relationships and social status that make them live a lie - that their relations are anything other than perversions. In practice, this is all about social stigma and an inroad to MAKE them internalize the alien ethos. Most gay men would, in a sane society, not be locked into being "gay men". Historically, such men would have wanted to mate with women at some point, and were explicitly locked out of that - unless they were aristocratic. Look at high-status gay men like Greenwald and they have children, mate with women as they please. But homosexualism has always been a weapon, primarily used against men, because men have been throughout human history the primary political agent. Women usually are too smart to get mixed up in politics, and the "girlboss" is almost always a sign of imperial domination of the political. It's why the most prominent and effective female politicians are Margaret Thatcher and Hillary Clinton types, rather than rebellious women (most of whom openly disdain the name "feminist"). Women with a political mind usually operated in the shadows and let men be the face of whatever they wanted done, both because that was more effective and because they were locked out of political office for most of history - and also because, if they are alone as political leaders tend to be, they will be torn to shreds. Politics is an ugly business and personal virtue remains important. What we live in is an imperial system designed to strip out that virtue and destroy the public facing, so that power is held in secret. This is historically unusual, made possible because the Empire has concentrated more power and wealth in the ruling class than it ever has, and there is no way this can "end". In short, any possibility of a republican political form has been neutralized, likely forever. The rise of faggotry is linked to the rise of imperial politics, and the rainbow flag is a flag of Empire. Said faggotry is not particularly useful for gay men, who are very easy to make into ritual sacrifices, especially when you know the habits of pederasty linked to ritual sacrifice and the ugliest habits of the human race.


The people on the ground tend to be ordinary people trying to live, against the vanguard of the institutions who are shouting "DIE DIE DIE" in the open and glorifying the shouting. At this stage of history, "left" and "right" are more historical artifacts than genuine struggle. The left as a genuine political force was repudiated by the two world wars, and it chose to retreat to the institutions. As it did, it embraced all of the shibboleths of the arch-conservatives - retreat to the institutions no matter what, defeat of the people - and the right was propped up as "populist", dominated by the veneer of faggotry. That is Nazism and things like it, and it is common to fascist ideas.


Western Leftism is seemingly just based on Social Media narratives and youth "counter culture" trends. You can see that with the Chapo episode on Gaza where they interview activists from the student camps, and the students just spout Idpol buzzwords and don't actually really know anything about the history or ideology of the situation. If Israel wasn't so absolutely retarded and sociopathic and utilized progressive idpol bullshit more cynically, many of the pro-Palestine "left" crowd could easily have been swayed to a pro-Israel position.
LGBT and Blacks make up huge amounts of Zoomer/Millennial media and youth culture, so of course most "leftists" will simply care about gay and black stuff over everything else.


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You could say the same about the alt right then


>Western Leftism is seemingly just based on Social Media narratives and youth "counter culture" trends.
Anyone will a brain understands that there isn't going to be a
"class war" in the west. The only way to rile up a violent revolutionary spirit in the west is through identity politics i.e. replacing the economic issues of marxism with cultural issues or cultural marxism if you prefer.


Maybe they want to tie all the woke shit with leftism, like they tie zionism and judaism together. Then they can really crank up the ridiculousness of the woke shit to discredit the left.

That way a part of the population thinks that leftists are trying to turn their kids trans or whatever, and liberals (who will never be left because they aren't actually against the ruling class or their ideas) eat that shit up and make the woke shit a prerequisite part of being a left.

tl;dr: turn class rhetoric into identity politics.


They certainly do, but that doesn't explain why most self proclaimed leftists eat that shit up. We should want to distance ourselves from self-defeating idpol.


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I would say that fundamentally this kind of idpol stems from narcissism. I put forth a theory a while back that it's a reflection of the politics of dominant class in society. In post-industrial financialized economies, that class is finance capitalists. What are the psychological characteristics of finance capitalists? Always there is an obsession with image and presentation, advertising yourself to investors to a point where it becomes utterly phony and narcissistic. The ruling class then creates institutions that valorize and propagate these traits, in order to reproduce their class, until those traits start to trickle down into the rest of society. I never looked further into this, but it would be confirmatory if a place like Singapore had similar narcissist-driven politics and culture.

If this theory is correct, it highlight's Michael Hudson's frequent point about strategy: we may have to first win the war against finance capitalists. We may then be able to bring the class struggle back to workers vs industrial capitalists after the finance narcissists are no longer able to infect movements with this class-cracking bullshit.



Ah yes, the the throwing around of the word that sorta rhymes with anarchism.

That word doesnt really mean what you think it does.

Irony is, intellectual circles are often plagued with the same crimes they accuse the plebians of having.


>That word doesnt really mean what you think it does.
A vacuous assertion without an argument supplied.


Bruh youre the one making vacuous assumptions.


>>482869 (OP)
not homophobic or anything, but there is just something really off putting with liberal/hbtq-utopianism.


>Why is the Western left like this? Don't they realise that this shit makes them look like absolute pozzed student larping retards to the majority of the working class?
Always was.


Because it's basically Glowie shit for Westerners to pretend they are vastly superior people to anyone in the global south and that Western crimes against humanity were not as bad as anyone elses. Hence why for example Soviet "colonization" of Eastern Europe is treated as 100x worse than Western colonization of the Global South, despite Western colonization was actual proper colonization based on race science and basically turned a billion people into slaves with no rights living in abject poverty.
LGBT is the big western white wash of all their actions. Everything is justified because Westerners are just ideologically superior because gays can fuck on a parade boat in front of 5 year olds and Men can go into women's bathrooms and jack off in the stalls next to them.


why are imageboard leftists so obsessed with being anti-woke?


>Would most Western "leftists" even want to live in a Working Class led society?
No, most "leftists" hate the working class and believe they need to be "saved".
>They do realise the Working Class is largely soft-Socially Conservative right?
And you came to this conclusion how?


So is the Woke left finally on it's knees? It seems like everyone but Neolibs have realised that Troon shit and DEI wer absolute Tumblr brainrot cancer. Sadly there doesn't seem to be much of a movement beyond Wagenknecht to take advantage of the fact that the Shitlib Left are almost out of the game.


Because working class people in the West haven't voted Left for at least 5 decades, that leaves immigrants, ethnoracial minorities and gays to be the forces of revolution.


1% of the population will never be the force of revolution.


1. wokeshit is a genuine problem
2. its infinitely easier to whine about le bad people online than to do any serious analysis


>Because working class people in the West haven't voted Left for at least 5 decades
Nationally? Who has gotten through the filter?
Corbyn was actively sabotaged by the Starmerites with an insane smear campaign. The DNC likewise did everything in its power to keep Sanders from securing a nomination.

The only sort of "populism" allowed is spooked right-wing demagoguery, and it's not an accident. Pro-worker candidates are not allowed, and the electoral system is deliberately rigged to prevent any such serious candidate from getting equal air time and a fair shot at the ballot box.


But also I would add on top of this, the Left has a major issue where much of the mainstream left will actively sacrifice real material progress, for handwringing over fringe social "Woke" issues. Why in fuck IS the left tied to LGBT, Ethnoracial, immigrant etc politics? Materially this stuff doesn't even really make sense for the left to be all that associated with. Extremist LGBT stuff is just hedonistic Libertarian individualist fetishism mashed with metaphysical dualist woo. What people don't really realise is most 60s-70s Hippy shit was actually Rightoid-Libertarian adjacent, NOT left adjacent. Osho and such were explicity anti-Socialist and rabidly free market. So all these mindfulness, woo, individual spirit blah blah new age woo that morphed into modern LGBT shit actually came from the right.
Immigrant/Ethnic Minority politics is inherently antagostic to the native population, and for the most part leftists here are just being played as useful idiots by people who largely disagree with everything the Left actually stands for. Your average Black dude or Muslim chick opposes 90% of the shit Leftists or even Liberals believe in. Most of these communities simply have massive ingroup biases to an extreme level, so will vote for Liberal/Left parties if Rightoids disparage their ingroup, even if they disagree with most of what the left actually claims. You only have to look at areas like Dearborn, or Muslim heavy areas of Europe and the UK, to see as soon as Muslims though get a lick of their own institutional power, they go full rightoid in terms of policy, because shock horror, Islam is an extremely right wing, hyper-conservative ideology. You can't be a Muslim and not a right wing conservative demagogue at heart. Black culture is entirely based on hyper-sociopathic grifting free marking grind culture and strict "honor" based heirarchy over Leftist dignity culture, this is why blacks (and many other honor based minority cultures) are obsessed with beefing and murdering eachother over "disrespect". Again most minority groups have massive ingroup biases, and largely White liberal Europeans and White Europeans as useful idiots. Because they have such strong ingroup biases though, they also specifically largely target white people for petty crimes. White women are the main target for thefts, you would almost never ever see a Muslim moped bike thief target a Muslim woman, but white women are fair game. This adds even more antagonism.
The left honestly needs to push all these issues to the back, and start trying to build coalitions with the MAJORITY of Workers instead of playing to antagonistic antisocial groups that largely just use the left for their own narcisstic issues. Wokeshit needs to go, NOBODY but white liberal women and NGO minority grifters likes it. Find me 10 Muslim or black guys who actually agree with Woke shit behind closed doors and i'll find you a unicorn.


lol abba literally signs about money and rich dudes


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>Osho and such were explicity anti-Socialist and rabidly free market.
The Rajneesh guy?

>So all these mindfulness, woo, individual spirit blah blah new age woo that morphed into modern LGBT shit actually came from the right.

That doesn't really follow, actually. I don't think Osho and whatever other spiritual guys were the entire force behind hippie politics, and the Yippies were explicitly anti-capitalist. If we're looking at actual radical gay movement stuff from around that time, too, associated with the hippies, the Radical Faeries were (and are) anarchists and not "ancaps" or anything like that. This isn't to say any of this wasn't or isn't flawed, but I don't think it's accurate to say it was all born out of right-wing politics.

>You only have to look at areas like Dearborn, or Muslim heavy areas of Europe and the UK, to see as soon as Muslims though get a lick of their own institutional power, they go full rightoid in terms of policy,

Wtf are you talkin bout Willis?
Dearborn's representative is Rashida Tlaib, easily one of the least right-wing American politicians.

>You can't be a Muslim and not a right wing conservative demagogue at heart.

I wish I could say this was one of the dumbest things I've read today, but I've been following the news so it isn't. If I wasn't reading quotes from Marco Rubio, it would be in the running, though!

>Black culture is entirely based on hyper-sociopathic grifting free marking grind culture

t. someone who only knows black people from TikTok

I feel weird having even dissected these bits above after reading the rest of your post, because it's just a bunch of idpol horseshit from that point on, and it's not even coherent. Your argument is this bizarre mishmash of "woke is bad and must go!" and "Muslims aren't true leftists because they all universally hate woke and didn't vote for Holocaust Harris or something." Make up your mind! Meanwhile, if every American demographic voted like Muslims, Jill Stein would have won the 2024 election with better numbers than Obama in '08.


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this is why i prefer sailor moon to abba


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less cringe image


These are both extremely cringe.


>But also I would add on top of this, the Left has a major issue where much of the mainstream left will actively sacrifice real material progress, for handwringing over fringe social "Woke" issues. Why in fuck IS the left tied to LGBT, Ethnoracial, immigrant etc politics?
Exactly. This should have never been tied to us in the first place. I suspect it was done on purpose in order to discredit the left like what happened to Occupy Wall Street, but people should have been smart enough not to fall for it.


what the fuck am i even looking at?


i can't unsee the cat with the Nazi-collar


>I suspect it was done on purpose

Oh for sure


imo this isn't a conspiracy, it's an authentic expression of the failure of the left, if it looks like a conspiracy its because opportunists and grifters took advantage of this like they always do with everything
the 21st century left is an exaggerated reprisal of the 20th century left, with all the same failings pushed to excess, the same split between old left workerism and new left idpol hysterics
a simpler way to explain this is by calling it 'capitalist realism', politics is dominated by the perception that there is no alternative to capitalism, leftists are paralyzed by this lack and end up regressing into reactionary politics, we're chained by the weight of our history, its no coincidence that the decline and degeneration of socdem parties preceded the collapse of the USSR
ultimately socialists desperately need a serious and innovative 21st century political economy to move beyond this retarded memelarp politics, they should start critically analyzing flawed or abortive attempts at an alternative like cybersyn or rojava for inspiration instead of just dismissing everything like cynical faggets (a.k.a. last men, nietzsche was right)


The propaganda political spaces get inundated with aren't capitalist realist, they are more insidious caricatures of society that attempt to prevent us from conceptualizing it accurately by appealing to our organically developed beliefs. It's very easy to imagine the end of capitalism, just not accurately.


you are correct, unfortunately the way that capitalist realism is defined is quite idealist, fisher and zizek dropped the ball with their contribution here but this was to be expected
i try to imagine it in a historical materialist way, i feel like it has explanatory power wrt the practical activities of contemporary socialists and socialist-adjacents, they are wholly immersed in capitalist politics and that can obscure the historical material causes of it
a lot of this can be traced to the political legacy of the comintern and eastern bloc as well as the new left, recent conflicts like syrian civil war or russia vs ukraine/nato or palestine exemplify this, a lot of was ultimately over which western capitalists were the most progressive and therefore worth siding with, but obscured by taking on the appearance of a split between anti-imperialist and anti-fascist camps


capitalism itself is idealism




truth hurts

and you are just coping


yes and yes, also could you explain what you mean by saying that capitalism itself is idealism


I don't know if I'm just having a reading comprehension problem so it could be an issue on my end, but I get the feeling you should proofread your posts more.

But disregarding that, what are you referring to regarding the split between anti-imperialist and anti-fascist camps?


Short answer: Lots and lots of right-wing psyops. "Alternative sexuality" has always been a right-wing framing.

Longer answer: Sexual depravity has always been a force in radical politics and its forebears. It could be relied on to push any "other system", and the depraved tend towards a few outcomes and can be induced towards a single outcome, which feeds them back into the ruling regime and its ideas. The "LGBT" or "gay" thing is a red herring, for it is sexual depravity and sodomy that are the problem rather than an identity or "inborn orientation". A lot of homosexuals have no interest in politics whatsoever, with many of them defaulting to conservatism rather than any "radical" outlook, since homosexualism tends to favor the established order or encourages the catamites to supplicate to their masters. But, for the majority of them, there is no political goal whatsoever. They, like most people, are removed from political life. For a long time, sexual depravity was such a liability that it was forbidden for deviants to enter political life, and so promoting sodomy was a way to mark those who would not be allowed political or religious education of any sort. You have Tavistock bragging that they'd make us all fags, and look at where we are now. There is no "normal" to go back to. That has been destroyed. The best men can do is become eunuchs to rid themselves of the problem, and not allow this disease to spread further. We are not going to have any of the niceties that were entertained in the past. It is due to eugenics that sexual rejection became total rejection. In another time, "failed men" could have most of the rights that any man had, and there was something reliable about men who were detached from the rat race. Now, under the eugenic creed, lacking "social proof" marks someone for rejection from all social life, even innocuous things.

In practice, this cannot go on forever, and there has been a growing, silent opening of online communities to the "incels", so long as they don't go on a rant about the injustice of it all. We're all getting older, and it's silently expected that we are alone. Occasionally it comes up in conversation, and it no longer incurs the shame it did during the height of the eugenic purges. We're already dead, after all. But, if we speak of anything real, if it is too unpleasant to hear, that is haram. We're only allowed so much of a life, and the rejection/shame routine is always ready to attack. For my part, I just avoid talking about women. It hasn't come up in a long time, and if anyone starts that shit, I immediately terminate the conversation, banhammer them (helps to have moderator power and only speak in places where you hold mod power), and give the virtual death stare to anyone joining that shit. I don't have any patience for that shit after all of the damage these people did to the world.


Dude it's just buttsex.


sorry let me rephrase, there isnt exactly a split between anti-imperialism and anti-fascism (honestly that would be too coherent). what i mean is just that all the old theoretical issues and propaganda (united front, popular front, national liberation, internationalism, anti-imperialism, anti-fascism, "no war but class war", "the personal is political" etc) return in contradictory and comically absurd forms
>ukraine is run by nazis
>critical support for assad (over 1 gorillion military bases)
>if you dont vote for biden you aint black are a fascist
its like some disco elysium shit where history (of the left) melts together into one big surreal tragicomedy, but that masks what's really going on in the left which is just capitalist politics - the double blackmail, negotiation through violence/displays of strength, spectacles and aestheticization, etc.
the causes are ultimately material but this is obscured by a century of retarded politics/economics, ending with dengism/neoliberalism and eventually the collapse of the ussr.


Are you saying that the left has a problem with false consciousness?

Dengism and neoliberalism are smart if you're one of the proprietors who implemented them, the propaganda saying they're good for poor folk is retarded.


What distinguishes Sodomy/sexual depravity from LGBT/gay?


i dont enough about false consciousness to answer you
>neoliberalism was bad for the poors
ill play devils advocate: compare living standards in china from before deng to now. neoliberalism was a rational response to the crises of the 70s, to the degeneration of fordism. stagnation and collapse wouldn't benefit the poor, just look at the soviet union.


Are you trolling?


Why are we lumping dengism and neoliberalism in the same category?

as >>487497 rightfully points out living standards in China are through the roof today compared to the 70's but that is not because of neoliberalism.

In the same time frame wages have stayed stagnant in neoliberal countries.


>Why are we lumping dengism and neoliberalism in the same category?
It's understandable on some level if you're just looking at the ideological dimension, because both talk about markets. But if you look at the material reality, Dengism or (reform and opening up in Chinese parlance) meant that Chinese workers got higher wages. While neoliberalism in the west meant western workers go lower wages. So in that dimension it's sort of the opposite.


indeed dengism and neoliberalism (in the way you two are using it) had significantly differences in implementation and outcomes, however they were directly related and more than just ideologically, consider how the chinese reforms influenced the united states and vice-versa. this is how im defining neoliberalism, though theres probably a better term to describe the global shift in political economy that occurred throughout the late 20th century


>Why are we lumping dengism and neoliberalism in the same category?
Please look up when both orders started, and remember that the economy for the past few centuries has been international in scope. If you look at many of the products in our post neoliberal world you might notice that many of them say made in China.

>living standards in China are through the roof

Can you go into detail about what that means in practice?

>In the same time frame wages have stayed stagnant in neoliberal countries

Why is your default metric for the virtue of a political order are the wages it's workers receive?


>Why is your default metric for the virtue of a political order are the wages it's workers receive?

I meant
Why is your default metric for the virtue of a political order the wages it's workers receive?


>Why is your default metric for the virtue of a political order the wages it's workers receive?
Not that anon, technically the metric would be delta-wages, as in how much do wages increase over time.

I think that after decades of real wage stagnation under Neo-liberlaism it should be obvious why.


I know what the wage system entails, and it is obvious to me that it is not good for the people it entraps no matter what they are bribed with.


Because of some insecurity and standard set up by the previous imageboards they went to, desperately not wanting to be anything like the sjw boogeymen. It's also a very easy and smart way for right wing opportunists to sneak in reactionary viewpoints against minorities or other people, "You don't want to be 'woke', right?"
>Immigrant/Ethnic Minority politics is inherently antagostic to the native population, and for the most part leftists here are just being played as useful idiots by people who largely disagree with everything the Left actually stands for. Your average Black dude or Muslim chick opposes 90% of the shit Leftists or even Liberals believe in.
Like this absolute fucking anti materialist ooga booga spiritual trite. You side with this dude and get rid of black or muslim dudes, you crippled your own movement by getting rid of people who relate to you on class boundaries, and then he'll get rid of you when you only got reactionary idpol'ers left. Ironic,because this is LITERALLY what many right-wing gays say about nonwhite people, though he probably thinks they're all "faggots" and not in the imageboard sense.
Anyways, I think it's fucking retarded and even though I think a lot of the gay shit is silly and irrelevant(even when not talking about working class issues specifically, you can't compare transphobia to shit nonwhite people have faced, hell unscratch that, their issues are directly connected with labor 9/10 times), I won't pretend they're worse than people who will actively violently refuse leftist issues and solutions. I don't give a shit, I prefer them and their cringe flags over that. Attacking them for their gay shit helps no one, it just gives the right more talking points and seem like their valid in picking boogeymen.


>CIA/NSA chat room overrun by Troons
>They literally turn it into a creepy polyamory kink sex grooming chat.
>Bunch of the shit in there is literally gay conversion therapy talking points.

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