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Is it here yet?

pic unrelated


>Next Depression thread


If the economy crashes it may push the needle to Trump again and other unpredictable events as Joe is still president and can affect Kamala by proxy.


not trying to be snarky but when are we not living in recession?


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>when are we not living in recession?
The World Wars


I think the recession started something like 2 or 3 years ago.


I'm still betting on Trump even if the economy doesn't crash.
There's literally no reason for a new thing to happen to swing the needle towards Trump, we've never been in a position before where the sitting president is getting sued for genocide and his chosen successor has to keep covering up the fact that the sitting president is way too senile to serve competently. The stink of Biden is all over her. More than any electoral significance, the next recession will most likely cause absolute chaos.


Right now, honestly. Like, the economy has been lackluster for decades, now, but this isn't, like… 2008-tier. Getting a job now is way easier.

There was an actual recession 4 years ago circa COVID, essentially a simultaneous COVID-related recession & gas-related recession, but it was conveniently contained through the COVID procedures. Tbh that itself was sort of an economic blessing, as there was already a recession on the way, and they'd probably have struggled much more to shorten a more 'normal' recession. That sudden wave of massive, rapid, temporary unemployment could well have interrupted the natural course of capitalist bedshitting and delayed the inevitable by a few years.


>the economy has been lackluster for decades
Recessions are caused by investment strikes, most of the time.
The neo-liberal period is one of reduced investment into the productive forces. So if you really stretch the definition, you could maybe say neo-liberalism is a long recession.

>There was an actual recession 4 years ago circa COVID, essentially a simultaneous COVID-related recession & gas-related recession, but it was conveniently contained through the COVID procedures.

So basically you're saying they blamed, the recession that was already happening, on covid.


>So basically you're saying they blamed, the recession that was already happening, on covid.
Not exactly.
There was a recession which was (probably) already happening, but the massive hits to the hospitality industry, hits to travel, massive deaths, changes to procedure which slowed production, and massive labor shutdowns were all things specific to COVID. Even if the stuff with Saudi Arabian & Russian petrol had snowballed, it wouldn't be likely to be that dramatic, but there would still have been at least some downturn that year even without COVID, and it's possible that worse would have come that year or shortly after if COVID hadn't had such a rapid, dramatic effect.

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