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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.483517[Watch Thread]>>483519

Happening tomorrow. Who's stoked to see it fall apart?


>>483517 (OP)
I would be stoked if there was something like a soc-dem reformer about to get into power to do at least some harm-reduction. Maybe do something to make access to medical care and housing cheaper, tone down the militarism, maybe a few infrastructure repairs and so on. But this is more like a horrific car-pile up, it's hard to look away, but there is no surplus enjoyment. No stoke.


It hasn't even started yet and there are already protests.


Seeing and hearing a lot of divisive idpol at this. Hope this doesn't speak to what's to come at the actual protests.


In fact, upon closer inspection it seems like literally every single speaker at this particular event has been a woman. What the fuck?


To prebunk any claims of the protestors being sexist against Harris.


Live from the DNC right now


The left is learning?


God college students should be taken out back and shot in the face. Anyone who supports this gay shit is fucking retarded.


Shut up Zionist


Why do you idiots think peaceful protest is anything but the imperial mark of shame? This isn't a protest against power. It's a facilitator of power, and always has been. They have you trained to assemble in school pep rallies where you can say nothing but "Big Brother is good".

When people are really going to fight, they dig in, build the barricades, and prepare for siege. They have guns, weapons, anything to stymie the imperial power. They don't out everyone in one place where they can be conveniently tagged. Resistances are always occult, and policed by secret societies in employ of the ruling power. Resistances don't spend exorbitant effort shouting at poor people and telling us to blame ourselves, in favor of some elite core that inevitably turn into agents of the ruling power. Resistances understood the first rule is that the lowest class is the target of the ruling power and always has to be. If it's too much for them to acknowledge the extent of what has been done - if they make those excuses to jump in front of what we've always known to be the root of this - they aren't a resistance to anything, and they laugh at anyone who thinks they will.

So "free Palestine?" There is no more Palestine, except as a historical fact. The Gaza strip is flattened. The West Bank has been invaded and settled, with the Palestinians regularly evicted with little to fight with. There is nothing left to free, except the bitter survivors who will never be able to stand freely in any settlement. It's easy to take broken and battered people and say "Free Palestine", to continue using them cynically as props. The people there hate that shit and will tell you this. They'll keep living, but they know those who survive will never be free. Slavery won. Eugenics won.
Someone can say "Free Palestine" as worthless words, but when you tell them a free Palestine in any sense means the Zionist Entity is forcibly dismantled, they show that it's just words. They think you can just make a law and policy and smile, after this much Israeli theft and punishment - punishment towards Palestinians who were trying to comply with the intolerable, where the Israelis violate their own law and gloat that they can. They comply because they didn't have a serious choice in the matter, rather than being a pathologically inferior race or natural slaves, as the Zionist/German ruling idea always states. Which, funny enough, is similar to how the Native Americans had to act, rather than this narrative of race-struggles and ideologies that was always alien to the conflict. Israeli proclaims it, but they've always been about pure theft, enclosure, and eugenics. Otherwise, they already have everything in Palestine that is worth anything, could easily have lived with the Gaza strip as a ghetto - except it wasn't enough for them if Palestinians wanted to do anything, after rounds of poisoning and torture to drive down living conditions further, mostly to test making that the new global normal.

If you even suggest anything about the Israeli entity, the protestors shirk immediately. It's all completely unserious, because so much of the protest culture is about opportunism. There are people involved who do have a stake - Palestinians who got out, who see their families evicted. Even there, the ones who "made it" know that this isn't about justice. This is always about survival and getting what's yours. That's how empires continue. Most of them only have a fickle hatred of Jews as competitors for their professional class positions, and an intra-Jewish rivalry that is stoked by the favored interests. It's amazing how few really give a shit, and at the end of the day, they conclude the Palestinians are to be treated like nigras (and who do you think pushes anti-black racism in the US more than anyone? who has the most to gain and a huge historical enmity with them?) But oh, that's "anti-Semitic", even though everyone in the Palestinian affair is a Semite by racial understandings.


That said, protest against the US government supporting this is very valuable; but the protests aren't about that. The people who really, really don't want to be sent to fight for Israel are suppressed and learn to shut up, and the fake protests are there to discredit very real disgust at Americans being made to pay for and fight for this shit, and a government completely subservient to Israeli agents who gloat that they will continue stealing everyone's shit. There is no good reason for the US to do this. It serves no interest in the country, except the Israeli-backed government and its Quislings. It's bad enough that quite a few in the US regime have stated they would be happy for Netanyahu to go. But, this isn't about small things. This is all the plan set in motion after 2001, the course set by Bush in 2001-2003, and certain assholes don't want anyone messing with the universe. It's disgusting that we were made to go through this - but it is not impossible to refuse them. It is impossible to appeal to justice and decency against enemies who laugh at the very idea.


Biggest example of this is the Chapo episode where they interview the pro-Palestine campus leaders.
Holy shit absolute idpol brained regards who don't know anything about the situation and are clearly just seeing the issue as "radical fad" of the day.


The best protest Americans can make against Israel is to refuse to acknowledge their repeated threats and bullbaiting. That is all the Zionist fags have for us - threats and lies. Nobody needs to contribute their toil for this, while Israelis get a free ride through everything and come and go like we're the aliens in our own country. But, that's "nationalist", they will say. "You must be a fascist!" they squeal. It's disgusting that they keep doing this and so many are quick to enable it, out of pure cowardice. That's all it is. Just like they were cowards to allow all that happened in the past 50 years to go on, like it's too much to even allow us to live our lives. That's always been at the heart of the Israeli project - mafias holding a knife at the throat of the world, and threatening to start a world war. Well, they made their threat, and if you ask the people over there, they've been stuck in the third world war since 2003. The assholes of the 1990s who fed this cult are the worst of the worst, because they have no excuse that "it already started". They chose willfully to destroy the world for this filthy cause. Yet, to even speak of what it is, is reduced to "a distraction". None of this performative faggotry is a "distraction", somehow.

I believe that based on the actions of the contending parties in the region, Israel will not get what it wants. US would be very happy to terminate this "special relationship" it didn't ask for with Israel.


Yeah, and Chapo naturally puts the idiocy front and center to encourage it.
Really, the only business an American has regarding the Palestinian question is to say "hell no, we won't go", and to list all of the shit Israel has done to push Americans into sacrificing for this. It's not easy since the sitting government imposes threats against anyone who says no to Israel, and uses every agent to "teach the controversy" that we're supposed to regard Israel as anything but a fake mafia country. The good news is that enough people are sick of Israel's bullshit, and the powers that be don't need "Israel" for anything they want any more.
Simple truth is, US has no good reason to go to war with Iran. Iran does not want to fight the United States to topple its government - that's happening without their involvement, thanks to Shitraeli stupidity. Who wants more blood for the blood god? Certain interests in Israel, who are happy to throw their own people away for Netanyahu's continued theft. Guy is a product of the institutions through and through.




>Someone can say "Free Palestine" as worthless words, but when you tell them a free Palestine in any sense means the Zionist Entity is forcibly dismantled, they show that it's just words.

>If you even suggest anything about the Israeli entity, the protestors shirk immediately. It's all completely unserious, because so much of the protest culture is about opportunism.

Why do you think this? Because I don't think this is the case at all, why would they be chanting "Intifada revolution" then?


>That said, protest against the US government supporting this is very valuable; but the protests aren't about that.

They literally are about exactly that, though.


There is no "Intifada" - that was the declaration of the PLO, and the PLO lost all standing. Hamas espouses a form of Islamic government similar to that in Iran, which was their thing, and they eventually became the "big tent" of resistance against Israel. The Intifada is a relic of a time where Palestine could still resist Israeli encroachment.
In a vague sense it just means "resistance" or "rebellion", but if it becomes an empty word token, you can say "revolution", "rebellion", without any meaning. The period of Palestinian state resistance of the sort that is invoked - where they treat Palestine as if it were a nation-state - was crushed for good with the so-called "Arab Spring", or an incursion of CIA-backed protest movements to advance the long-run aims of social engineering. That and its aftermath are now the new "Resistance" in the region, and the result of that is that the Resistance is asking for Iranian hegemony over the region. This is exactly what the smart predictors said the outcome would be back in 2003. Why would Bush wage war against Iran with an Anglo-backed leader running the place? If he thought that was a good idea, he would have ended the United States then and there, which is pretty much what they accomplished.

Then why is it too hard to say "no troops in Iran?" Why do they want to make it about abortions and ideology which are known to be toxic? They put eugenics in front of everything to shitcoat the resistance, to say "you must have this very artificial and pro-Israeli agenda to be a REAL resistance!" There are people saying that they don't like these obvious agitators muddying the waters.

Obviously this is a protest of the DNC (which is obviously a stage-managed protest, trying to recreate that 1968 energy).


>Someone can say "Free Palestine" as worthless words, but when you tell them a free Palestine in any sense means the Zionist Entity is forcibly dismantled, they show that it's just words.
This literally isn't true at all.


>The best protest Americans can make against Israel is to refuse to acknowledge their repeated threats and bullbaiting. That is all the Zionist fags have for us - threats and lies. Nobody needs to contribute their toil for this, while Israelis get a free ride through everything and come and go like we're the aliens in our own country. But, that's "nationalist", they will say. "You must be a fascist!" they squeal.
Literally all you've got here is strawmen. If you paid any attention to the American protest movement, you'd understand that this "either/or" dichotomy in your head doesn't reflect the reality.


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Do you have a link to the Chapo thing? I still think you guys are tripping >>483535 if you don't support the students. I would go as far as to say that jews deserve to feel uncomfortable right about now.



Except it is, if you immediately insert an alien ideological narrative that is designed to be far removed from the grievances of the Palestinians and the Resistance and their stated aims. It's about making it about some pet liberal/socialist project of white people who insist it's all about them. They do this every time to shit up anything, make it into a joke, then diminish it. Then they turn around and tell the soldiers who will be sent to fight for this shit "they hate your freedom", and "there is no alternative". All the leftoids have to do is keep shitcoating and allow the cowards and enablers to keep the people in disarray, to see the cause of the resistance as alien, "queer", "bratty", and other such things.

The protest cage creates that "contradiction", this narrative, when the true causes to fight for are (a) people who resist eviction from their land, and (b) people who have no reason to serve that cause for the benefit of Israel alone. There is (c) the stated intention of the same people supporting Israel to repeat the process anywhere in the world where they can steal someone's stuff. That should be the center of every protest against Israel - not this fantasy narrative of ideology that plays directly into the Israeli version of history. The Israeli strategy won't work, by the way, but people who goad and bullbait to insinuate that it is "default" will keep doing this until they are shouted down, then turn to disruption of communication to sow FUD. It's not my place to join or direct the protest against Israel - I'm not reliable as a leader for that. But, I can tell you the MO of the shit-stirrers, because it used for EVERYTHING done to support the agenda Israel represents, and it's hasbara's standard playbook. There is a reason why this works, which so many don't like acknowledging.

The Zionists want Jews to feel uncomfortable, to press them into supporting the Entity more and break up any alliance they would make to the contrary. Again, it won't work the way they think it will, but there are a lot who want to have their cake and eat it too.


>Then why is it too hard to say "no troops in Iran?"
They literally say "hands off the middle east" all the time. The US has been bombing Iraq, Yemen, and Syria, it comes up constantly.

>Why do they want to make it about abortions and ideology which are known to be toxic?

Who? Like they've got some people who talk about that, but it's not a constant. This seems more like you being offended by the very presence of anyone saying a word you don't like rather than any kind of coherent critique of the protests.




>Yeah, and Chapo naturally puts the idiocy front and center to encourage it.
>Really, the only business an American has regarding the Palestinian question is to say "hell no, we won't go", and to list all of the shit Israel has done to push Americans into sacrificing for this. It's not easy since the sitting government imposes threats against anyone who says no to Israel, and uses every agent to "teach the controversy" that we're supposed to regard Israel as anything but a fake mafia country. The good news is that enough people are sick of Israel's bullshit, and the powers that be don't need "Israel" for anything they want any more.
Besides your characterization of Chapo being misleading (they talk about exactly the same stuff you're talking about!), I actually disagree about the powers-that-be. I think you're too optimistic in this area; Israel is useful to the powers-that-be for a couple reasons. The first is to sell toys: Israel is great for stoking war and selling and testing bombs.
The second is to launder Fascist influence. This 2nd factor is not necessarily perceived as a benefit by all factions of the ruling classes in the west, but it seems to be perceived as a benefit to enough of them who want to pivot away from any pretense of the United States as a republic. Israel's export of the Zionist ideology offers a convenient opportunity for racists, ethno-nationalists, and general nihilistic oligarchs back here in the USA to hide their popularly discredited ideology behind "the Jews," even as many Jews object very strongly to this. For neo-Fascists, Israel represents a roundabout way to push American politics towards Fascism without having to take credit for it - it's not Fascism, it's being pro-Israel and adopting Israel-esque policies, and having close military relations with Israel, and having police trained by the IDF. Since the media is in the pocket of this Zionist project, most Americans wouldn't even know just what policies Israel was exporting until it was too late… but there are people in the MIC, in business, in politics in America who are completely in favor of these policies and this sneaky way to launder their influence, so I'm skeptical that the US is on the cusp of abandoning Zionism. History shows that these policies yield poor results, but that doesn't mean the US won't destroy itself trying to adopt them in full.


That itself is an infantilization. They never say "this war serves no purpose for us". Only "war is mean because it feels bad". This is the start of it - the destruction of any principle or backbone, replacing what actually happens in war with pathological cowardice. It's what they do to disrupt any opposition to war, to convince people that "right of transgression" is sacrosanct, instead of it being bullshit to kill poor people.

Israel has been a liability. There are enough in the US brass who will say how sick they are of Israel's bullshit and the position Israel put the US in. There is no American interest, nor is the overall Empire better for it. This is for the sole benefit of the mafiosi in Israel and the racket they have run - a racket which is no longer tenable. From 1979 on, anyone who really cared to rule the Middle East saw Iran as the preferred client, but Israel has a lot of threats to call on to prop itself up. That's all it is - threats and lies and pornography and child sacrifice. There's no "ulterior motive" about Israel. That's what they are.


>Except it is, if you immediately insert an alien ideological narrative that is designed to be far removed from the grievances of the Palestinians and the Resistance and their stated aims. It's about making it about some pet liberal/socialist project of white people who insist it's all about them. They do this every time to shit up anything, make it into a joke, then diminish it. Then they turn around and tell the soldiers who will be sent to fight for this shit "they hate your freedom", and "there is no alternative". All the leftoids have to do is keep shitcoating and allow the cowards and enablers to keep the people in disarray, to see the cause of the resistance as alien, "queer", "bratty", and other such things.

This is literally just you sperging over a strawman you've created without having participated. Nobody else gives a shit if like 1/1000 people protesting has pink hair or some shit. We don't care, we really don't, there's a diversity of opinions united around this, when you have unions, religious groups, multiple political parties, civil rights groups, Palestinian diaspora groups, anti-war groups, etc. all getting together on something, occasionally you'll hear someone say something you don't fully agree with. That's just a consequence of how big the anti-genocide tent is. People have been remarkably capable of getting over the "divide and rule" stuff you're talking about, and the characterizations you're talking about are largely just coming directly from the sort of Zionist propaganda you supposedly are aware of, and yet you buy it pretty uncritically here.

>It's not my place to join or direct the protest against Israel - I'm not reliable as a leader for that.

Ok, great, good to know you're doing nothing. At least like get a gun or something, dude, or get to work on some sort of productive militia activity if you think all this sunshiney protest stuff isn't good enough. Like, I think in one of your previous posts you communicated that that sort of thing would be useful; ok, I agree with you on this, I think protest alone without some more militant backing is probably not enough, maybe you could help!


Will the Vichy government in the US abandon Zionism? Not without a lot of resistance - resistance that these narratives, these excuses, always terminate. If it weren't for that, you would have no argument. You're opposing me entirely because I'm Eugene, I'm marked as "other", I don't support the eugenic creed. It's always about that - retrenchment of the eugenist alliance and opportunists who think they can still curry favor with it. Who think they can pretend what was done to the world in the 80s and 90s can be memory holed if they just keep lying and killing off all of the people who were selected to die. Eugenics knows no other way. That's what infuriates me - you're more interested in stopping it the moment it comes to what Israel stands for, WHY Israel does it. It's reduced to a just-so story that "human nature" dictated the war, and that somehow, the war can never truly end. Simultaneously, the idea that the end of Israel has real consequences is wiped out of existence. It becomes a magic trick, suitable for cajolers to do what they were doing before 10-7-2023.

I am not a Palestinian, nor a Muslim, and make no pretense that I exist to serve them. If you did care, the best thing you can do for them as an American is to not advance these toxic narratives and stop sabotaging yourself, stop feeding the beast that wants to evict you, too. The Palestinian, the Arab, was never your enemy. They have made this clear many times - that the American people are far removed from the problem, and for them, this is as simple as refusing to support the present government of the US regarding this. Americans going over to "jump in front" of Muslim militias is some white savior horseshit and they know it. If you're serious about joining their cause, on their side, and have someone to vouch for you, sure, they'd take you. But, the way you insinuate, it's the same cajoling behavior eugenists and imperialists always do. That's the most basic ideology of British imperialism - what they preached during the 19th century, that it was the "white man's burden to civilized the world", that sort of thing. Now they made it woker but it's the same pompous shit.


If I were for whatever reason going to convert to Islam and serve Iran - and if you think it's anything else, you're a fucking idiot - I'd still have no fucking idea what I'm doing there, and no cause other than choosing where I will piss into the winds of fate for some cause that is not my own. I don't think I'd be much use to them except as a body for whatever purpose they have in mind.

In any event, Iran has the upper hand in this. They don't need my help in their army. As an actual army, the Iranians are pretty good these days - lots of doctrine with drone warfare, been doing this since 2003. Israel relies on the US to do everything. It's a shit army that exists for porn.


>That itself is an infantilization. They never say "this war serves no purpose for us". Only "war is mean because it feels bad".
Even if this was true (and it's not, there's plenty of realist-oriented analysis of why the US going to war with Iran and continuing to back Israel is a net drain on the US population; in fact, it's constantly pointed out that Israel has public healthcare and we don't), this would still literally just be you being mad about somebody's tone. It's not a critique, it's just totally vapid, and it doesn't even reflect the scope of sentiments expressed.

>Israel has been a liability. There are enough in the US brass who will say how sick they are of Israel's bullshit and the position Israel put the US in.

There are plenty of people in the "US brass" who are glad to sit back and make money off of this shit. If you look at some guys who've come out of it like Larry Wilkerson, they'll point that out; the reality of the American military establishment is that a lot of it has been corrupted by the political and financial interests which have corrupted about everything else.


Where I would do good is here, not there - and the cajolers want to tear down the US for the thrill of faggotry, saying it's "anti-imperialist". I can tell you right now, the empire isn't going anywhere. They're going to cut a deal with Iran because this war is fucking retarded, and Netanyahu's bullshit has been enabled for far too long.


They'll make money off of it, but they won't think that Israel's existence is an existential danger to the United States or themselves - except for the knife they hold at everyone's throat to go along with any of this.

It's amazing how much you want to deny, deny, deny that I'm right, purely because I'm Eugene. It's just pure egotism and "me wantee" at this point. It's too much for you to acknowledge that I am ever right, in favor of this fag theory that is self-serving and pathetic. It's exhausting to have to say this basic, basic shit to people about what would motivate anyone to fight. Basic shit. That's what they always do - fill the zone with bullshit to insinuate, to mollify dissent, to weaken resolve, until all of the "nos" become "yes". It's a raper's mindset, which is also what Israel is.


Seriously, I don't know why it's too hard to say "Israel is a mafia state". There's always this excuse that they're part of the "human family" with a special "right to exist" that no other country has, and if you say otherwise, you must be a fascist or bad person. It's insane. Israel will be destroyed, by its own insistence that it would fight an open-ended race war. It's not my problem if they all die, but it is my problem if they insist on starting shit here or in every country of the world, or the whole world, to go down in flames. I'm not going to be cowed by the same threats I've heard all my life. Eventually, that stops working, and they're going to get their war - unless people have enough sense to not be sniveling fags, stop making excuses to defend "the narrative". That's my objection to the protest cage - they exemplify self-defeat and failure from their first statement, to make any opposition to eugenics inadmissible.

The moment you see the centrality of eugenics to this mission, world history is far more sensical.


That said, if Israel did stand down, dissolved the ethnostate project, and stopped insisting on dragging the world into this shit, I wouldn't say "death to all Israelis". It's not a blood vendetta for me, even though I have more than enough right to hate their filthy country forever. They want it to be a vendetta - they thing like a retarded mafia that has always been enabled, rather than smart mafias that learn to roll with the punches.


I really have the question the faggotry that thinks pointless death cultism is good in-of-itself. I do say "if you're not willing to destroy the world for your cause, you are not serious". Here, they're destroying the world for a very shitty cause, and the cause of "not destroying the world for this" is somehow made foolish and inadmissible, and you're making endless excuses to defend the cowardliness and cajoling behavior instead of stamping it out as basic sense would tell you. If you're not at all serious about that - if you're not even suggesting there are stakes to this, that it's "not really there, tee hee" - you're just an asshole. You're worse than the Israelis, who have something tangible to fight for at least.


I made a choice a while back to hate and rail against the enablers more than the eugenists themselves, since humanity is too cowardly to even say the word "eugenics" with meaning. Hence, I will always call them fags. That's the best word to describe this enabling behavior, done for pure pissant reasons and posturing. It's a disease.


>Will the Vichy government in the US abandon Zionism? Not without a lot of resistance - resistance that these narratives, these excuses, always terminate. If it weren't for that, you would have no argument. You're opposing me entirely because I'm Eugene, I'm marked as "other"
Lol no. I agree with you sometimes when you're right about stuff. In this instance you're just talking out of your ass.

>I am not a Palestinian, nor a Muslim, and make no pretense that I exist to serve them. If you did care, the best thing you can do for them as an American is to not advance these toxic narratives

Literally every time I go to a demonstration there are Palestinian refugees & the descendants of Palestinian refugees there leading, and I carry a sign that says "end all U.S. aid to Israel" and none of them seem to be bothered by that "toxic narrative."

>The Palestinian, the Arab, was never your enemy. They have made this clear many times - that the American people are far removed from the problem, and for them, this is as simple as refusing to support the present government of the US regarding this. Americans going over to "jump in front" of Muslim militias is some white savior horseshit and they know it.

Listen, Eugene. This bit is literally all in your head. This idea that the protest movement has some sort of unconditional universal anti-Americanness or that we think we can personally intervene is a fantasy. This is all strawmen you've concocted. We want the US gov't to stop wasting resources and supporting atrocities, we want to get rid of AIPAC, and these are the uniting positions. That's it. That's what gets the thousands out. The stuff you're talking about is some guy on twitter-core.

As for me personally, I see Zionism and a US gov't in its pocket as a domestic threat, and am I wrong? The US gov't flagrantly backing genocide this hard is an ill omen of what's to come when the iron heel comes down. When I personally talk about militant preparation, don't think I'm talking about some other thing than precisely what I have said. Shutting down the organs of state which are powering this would be much more helpful than shipping out to get bombed with the weapons those organs are producing.


See, this is you going off on tangents about shit nobody even suggested.

>They'll make money off of it, but they won't think that Israel's existence is an existential danger to the United States or themselves - except for the knife they hold at everyone's throat to go along with any of this.
What are you even trying to say here?
"They'll make money off of it, but they won't think Israel is an existential threat, except they'll be under pressure from it still" - you write this like it's supposed to contradict what I've said, but it doesn't.
To date, the US MIC has done very little to mitigate any of this, all while the US continues to uncritically arm Israel and bomb countries on Israel's behalf. You're too optimistic if you think the pattern won't continue.


>Israel is useful to the powers-that-be for a couple reasons.
It used to be, but not anymore, Israel's hyper-aggressive stance is uniting the Arab world against a common foe. Undoing centuries worth of divide and conquer.

If the present trajectory continues the west's influence in the middle east will be largely marginalized in 2 to 3 years.

If a larger M.E. regional war breaks out, that will shift opportunity to China, they will be able to export idle construction capital that is left over from China's massive infrastructure projects to rebuild the middle east. They will become the dominant influence in the region, for a bargain. That's super-leverage to unceremoniously cancel the neo-con's project Taiwan-war.


No more need of divide and conquer when the Empire has indeed conquered - installed whomever they like on all of the thrones. The Empire doesn't need "Israel" or its project in any way, and Israel remains a liability to everyone they work with.

China is another cop in the imperial system. They don't want to dick around with the Middle East or a "crusade" to tell people in the region what to do. They want to keep selling stuff and getting rich, preferably with no one interfering with Chinese politics and with Taiwan rejoining China.
I imagine re-uniting with Taiwan comes about by reconciling with the GMD and basically saying "we're not doing communism any more, so you don't have any real cause to oppose us". China isn't interested in telling Israel or anyone in the Middle East what to think or which god to pray to. They're more than happy to sell Israel more drones and bombs, to pick up the slack where the US won't supply since it's been sucked dry.


Israel is hyper-aggressive because if they don't threaten the world, Israel has no reason to exist. Nobody fucking likes this eugenist mafia state of perverts.

I'm saying you overestimate how much these people will stand and die for Israel due to "corruption" (really just the MIC doing what it always does, selling bombs and not caring what they're used for as long as they kill poor people). The escalation from Israel is entirely on Israel, for its own interests, and Israel calls in the threats to get more bombs and aid money. No one in Washington actually thinks Israel serves a single US interest, nor does anyone think Israel as "Israel" is necessary for the empire - except the fucking eugenists who will sit pretty and continue their Satanic project under new guises. They always do.


So Israel bombs what was officially their land - all of this war is to fight what is an internal affair according to Israeli policy. They are stuck for this long in what is their own back yard. That tells you how shitty Israel's position actually is. They can't do much to Lebanon let alone Iraq and Iran without dragging the US into it.
The US really does not want to commit boots to the ground, in the middle of their confrontation with Russia. Do not want to cannibalize what's left and have nowhere to go. Certain people want to burn everything into the ground (FUCKING eugenists, assholes!), but anyone with something to lose thinks that is retarded and ends exactly as you'd expect. Too many people have too much to lose for the kind of eugenism Israel is pushing for us.

Main outcome then - civil war in the US. It's what the Satanists always wanted.

Then shit gets really ugly.


The aim of the eugenic creed is to always select who lives and who dies. That's locked in. They did this to us since the 1990s, and to this day, no one wants to acknowledge it except the damned, who have nowhere to go. It's right in front of your faces, but you'd rather believe in "the narrative". Anything to ignore what you did to the world. The poisoning, the lying, the laughter as we screamed in terror. When you forward these lies, it's in defense of the thrill of torture. That's what you're getting for all of your efforts. That's why I am so disgusted at this cowardice continuing.

I expect that at the fake DNC protests and this sad piece of political theater. I don't expect people to actually go along with this unless they're incorrigible fags.


>when the Empire has indeed conquered - installed whomever they like on all of the thrones
The Saudis have gone from compliant US client-state to almost neutral.
Iran is turning into a regional power that can increasingly often ignore US demands.
So you're wrong in that regard.

>I imagine re-uniting with Taiwan comes about by reconciling with the GMD and basically saying "we're not doing communism any more

The Chinese are not exporting communism anymore, that's the concession they granted, that's a big one indeed , but i don't see any evidence that China internal politics are up for debate. Since Xi took over, more state powers have been delegated to provincial governments, which if anything makes it harder to exert transnational influence, and probably increases the political power of the local demos.

I think the time-table for Chinese communism is a long one. They'll continue the current system till 2035, after that they have planned extensive expansion of social welfare type stuff, which will be fully implemented by 2050. The first glimmer of what can be considered orthodox communist economics shows up in the time-table for 2078. Full communism is marked for the mid to late twenty second century. On the one hand, so far they've stuck to their time-tables to a tee, some of their goals get completed up to a year ahead of schedule. But communism several generations down the line i grant you the skepticism.

Anyway back to the topic, the amount of leverage the US had on the Taiwan question has decreased since the Ukraine and Gaza crisis. The US has lost a lot of international diplomatic capital and they burned hard-power capacity on those 2 crisis too, so there is also less hard-power available for making threats.

>China isn't interested in telling

>anyone in the Middle East what to think or which god to pray to.
OK but nobody said anything of that sort.

>They're more than happy to sell Israel

So far the Chinese have mostly bought a lot of weapons from Israel, which may have been a means to get their hands on US designed weapons.

The Ukrainians have used a lot of Chinese made DJI drones, that's the closest thing you can find to China supplying a war-zone. It has to be said DJI drones are civilian and definitely not weapons. I don't think you can accuse the Chinese for other parties weaponizing this. Almost everything can be weaponized.


>The Saudis have gone from compliant US client-state to almost neutral.
They are compliant to the Empire and know it. The US' interests, if you really look at how they've acted, like the Saudi monarchy much more than "Israel".
The "Israel is Eternal" narrative suggests that there is some sort of affinity between Americans and Israelis, when Americans and Israelis fucking hate each other. It's true of their respective masses, and it's true of their political classes. The Israel dual-citizens are despised by everyone who see them granted promotions, who treat American offices like they are foreign property, up to the point of cheering for Israeli Nazism and death squads in US Congress. That's not about the people of Congress loving Israel or sharing interests. That is Israel terrorizing the political class to get with the program or else - a program which sees the American natives as subjects and treats them accordingly.

I don't think you are capable of getting out of this narrative - or your opportunism is that crass and you always think you're getting in on something. What you think you're getting, I do not know. It's clear that no one believes "the US" is the center of anything at this time.

>the time-table for Chinese communism

This is more of a timetable of imperial strategy. The current stage of democide is transitioning to overty democide. By then, "Chinese communism" will no longer exist. They only keep it around because memory of Mao is that strong, after all this time. There are people who lived through the Cultural Revolution who are still around with memory of what it was for, and that's the last thing holding up communism. 2035 is about the time the last memory will have faded.
2078 is about the time the democidal stage of human history would end. That's going to be for the whole world. The real elites will come out, successfully editing history to emerge as gods, fulfilling the fantasy they always had about themselves. If you went along with it, you're a fucking retard and they laugh at you.


Ya'll fags know you can just ignore the verbose schizo, right? You don't have to reply.




>The Saudis
>are compliant to the Empire
Nope definitely not, when the US demanded an Oil-price cap, the Saudis went "fuck that" and then they agreed to a Chinese brokered peace-deal with Yemen.


Live now


You think China is anything other than the good cop to the American bad cop? Lol. Your brain on narratives.


Weird for me to see the young gun I remember with gray hairs now.


>progressive cucks of America
>our cuckalution
>Ryan "the cuck" Grim
>whole bunch of members of the Black Misleadership Class
Jordan has a lot of shit guests on today, I think I'm gonna pass until the Jill Stein appearance tomorrow.


Some protesters attempted to breach the fences yesterday. Can you spot the fed(s)?


I have to hand it Jordan that he's talking about environmental disasters in a time where the ecology narrative has been guns blazing.

Michigan is cursed. It really is.
I've heard a rumor - and it's been reproduced on the internet - that there's a "cabal of tyrannical lesbians" in high places in this cursed state. I have reasons to believe it, but no proof. No one's going to say it and it'll never be acknowledged.


Why you gotta post the boomernews upload?

>progressive cucks of America
>our cuckalution
>Ryan "the cuck" Grim
What does this even mean lol


The point i was trying to make was that the Saudis shifted to a more neutral geo-political position.

Seriously quit trashing one of the few peace initiatives that succeeded in recent years. It's one less war and fewer people getting destroyed.


>Can you spot the fed(s)?
Not really, maybe the guy that sprayed the cop with a drink ?


Night 2 protests live now


Bold choice directly confronting the cops when the turnout is lower than day one by a difference of thousands.


I totally missed this story from weeks ago:

Chicago creates new court to handle the expected mass arrests during Democratic National Convention

Chicago courts and police are preparing for potential mass arrests outside the Democratic National Convention in a city where violent images of officers beating demonstrators at the turbulent 1968 event have loomed ahead of this year’s conference.

Court officials have announced that a defunct courtroom at a Chicago police station will temporarily reopen to process and release dozens of people, if necessary.

Chicago police — which paid out millions of taxpayer dollars to defend and settle lawsuits related to misconduct during 2020 protests — also vowed to respect demonstrators’ civil rights and have prepared for unrest with live drills featuring actors playing screaming protesters.

But civil rights groups and the city’s police watchdog have raised “serious concerns” about “mass arrest” policies and law enforcement’s capacity to responsibly handle potentially thousands of people marching in the streets and near the United Center, where the convention will be held.

Dozens of groups are planning to protest Democratic support for Israel’s war in Gaza during the convention.


"DNC members held up a “Stop Arming Israel” banner while DNC delegates worked to block it with “We Love Joe” and “USA” signs.

Wild scene:"


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>go on /pol/ to see how they're reacting to this
>find threads about Kamala's supposed intention to jack up corporate taxes and capital gains taxes (more false promises)
>see "anti-establishment" /pol/tards simping for corporations and billionaires

I hate both sides viciously, but I'm increasingly hoping Kamala wins because these faggots are annoying me more at the moment. In fact, there are also a significant amount of /pol/ posters who despise these people. nu-/pol/ is so obnoxious that even regular /pol/ can't stand them.


Man, if you're going to hope then hope for something good. Don't hope Kamala Harris wins just to spite the most retarded fucking shills on Earth, that just makes you a person who sets their hopes in accordance with the reaction you expect to get from the most retarded shills on Earth. Be something other than a mirror for stupid.


By now /pol is led by shills and the fags follow anything they're given. Pure slop, very homosexualist. We would have ignored them, but evil does not allow itself to be ignored forever.

This is where there has to be people willing to say what this has been, stop going along with any of this insanity, and see that there are no terrible consequences for saying what this has really been. None of this fear of the threat. But, if they do that, they have to reckon with certain actors who will amplify the terror machine and insist we have to go along with this, and they have a lot of money and a lot of fags in their employ. It doesn't change that better people should have not let it come to this, and can stop any time. All they think of is that they hate the poor and suffering more than they hate the people doing this to the world and to anyone who wants one iota of anything different.
I do vastly underestimate just how many of humanity are pure, unrelenting evil, who were always given over to this and couldn't be anything else. Anyone who had one iota of interest in anything other than "more blood for the blood god" really should see that this is a bunch of malarkey. Not asking them to like me, asking them to stop allowing this shit to spread for the sake of anything worth keeping. I don't know why they are so focused on the idea that they can keep kicking down and get along with the intolerable. But, if that happens, humanity is split permanently, and the demonic hold monopoly. There is no way out now, and perhaps there never was.

Anyway, I have no expectation that this shit show will speak of a single thing anyone other than fascoids want. It does tell something about what particular evil they're going to do next, since they like gloating that we can't stop any of it and feed the wank chamber that goes along with it. That's what politics is for humans. Anyone going along with any part of this process is stupid, and the bastards that rule want you to see this. That way, people will give up everything to dictatorship and the same opportunists can continue their grift. They're stupid cowards for doing it, but they stopped thinking of anything else a long time ago. Anything else would be deemed retarded.


>By now /pol is led by shills and the fags follow anything they're given. Pure slop, very homosexualist.
I get it you're saying this to annoy the pol-sters, but still.

>I do vastly underestimate just how many of humanity are pure, unrelenting evil, who were always given over to this and couldn't be anything else. Anyone who had one iota of interest in anything other than "more blood for the blood god"

I think it's not that simple. This shit comes in phases.
After WW2 everybody was like: Fuck war, never again
We gotta figure out how to get back to that sentiment and hold on to it.


Looks like the Grayzone's DNC protest stream from Monday evening got censored. Here's the former link:


Yep seems to be gone. Do they upload to other places ? If they censored it, it must have been good stuff.




Not everyone was, obviously. The instigators of that made sure the next time they'd get everything they want and no one telling them no. They didn't like anyone saying no to eugenics and immediately began rewriting history, to overwrite what people saw and said immediately after the war. It began with the intellectuals who were always for eugenics and the maximal program. They never had any other idea.

Under these conditions, war is not the sole menace. Peace under eugenics is as horrible, if not moreso, than war. For us, the result is the same. You get an orderly humiliation, "peace" with a knife at your throat and barking mania from cradle to grave, with nothing to show for it; or you get wars planned when that "peace" fails. Humans don't know anything else.


If it were going to be different, history for the past 200 years looks very, VERY different. This wouldn't be a question we teach as controversy. The eugenists would be dragged out and shot without remorse. We have our excuses for the terror and hold them to be self-evident, but we need no "excuse".


But it's not going to be different, because that's not what humans are. They simply aren't, even though this would be a lot easier for everyone. Very likely, eugenics will get the world they want, and the rest of us will hate them forever. Their victory will be nothing but bitterness as we resort to the true "final solution" - to spend all of our remaining energy tearing down this beastial form of government, until it reaches the only outcome it was ever going to actually have. At that point, the matter is settled as much as it will be for us. We have no reason to regard this abomination any further, and can wash our hands clean of it when we die. Maybe, in the future, humans will see what they did and finally "do the right thing", instead of telling us to love any part of this. We could have not done any of this stupid shit, because no one got a single thing out of it and it produced nothing new in the world. It was designed speficially to ensure that nothing new was ever possible, except on the terms of eugenics.


And, we can still go in another direction with this. It ends when humans really want it to be different and think about what that would mean. But, if there is a "way out", it would pertain to a very different situation, and the entities doing this would no longer be "human" in some of the respects we consider default and Absolute under the eugenist race-concept of humanity. Already you're seeing some indicators of what that would entail. Humans already see their "self" as pointless, and this "century of the self" was an imposition of technocratic subjectivity rather than anything inherent to us or natural. They have a very bizarre notion of what the self or person is compared to what humans were historically, and the concept of personhood and the soul that motivated humanity for most of recorded history. It was a marked break, and not a good one. It is also not a condition that can be restored, and it was never "purified" as the narratives of history recapitulated. Humans in the past were different from each other, and this was expected and not intrinsically a political matter. False egalitarianism is a eugenist claim rather than a technocratic claim, but the technocrat had to impose their order on a world that was still largely "barbarous" and had no buy-in with the values of civilization.


Yeah, that's part of it. Looks like they've got the whole stream cut up into parts as Rumble uploads. Glad to see they're finally uploading their stuff on other platforms.


>Not everyone was, obviously. The instigators of that made sure the next time they'd get everything they want and no one telling them no.
After WW2 "the instigators" as you call it, which is a fitting term indeed, suffered a total political defeat. The UN got created and so on.

I would say the acceptance for war peaked in the 2010s, and it's been on the downturn, since. In the US it was the forever-wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, that has created deeply routed war-exhaustion. In Europe a small taste of war-time shortages from the rising energy costs that resulted from the Ukraine-happening, caused war acceptance to plummet.

>war is not the sole menace

>"peace" with a knife at your throat
it's not peace then


Eugenics wanted that war. The UN was helmed by eugenicists who used that as their guise to rehabilitate what they had done, starting with the first lie of what the Nazis were, what fascism was. Immediately, the revision of history was undertaken in the intellectual circles, who very much defended what the Nazis stood for. Rewriting history protected the intellectuals' role, and it was so successful that everything the public believes about the instigators is "not even wrong". The Nazis were the darlings of the intelligentsia and bragged that they would get away with their outright theft.

See, this is why discussions on this are intolerable. The truth was made inadmissible. We cannot speak of any of this as what it was, in favor of this fantastical narrative that relies on creating epicycles and grand cosmologies that assert what reality is by decree. Should this continue, and it will, humanity will never be anything else. History will have been fully edited. Failed race.


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Wish you'd posted it when it was going, I didn't even see it.


Day 3 seems to be bigger than day 2.


Live Status Coup analysis starting now. Guests include Steven Donzinger and Jill Stein.


Heated exchange between youths with large egos and old oligarchs.


DNC delegates covering their ears and mocking demonstrators who are reading out the names of dead Palestinian children.


Ignorance is Strength


Looks like it was indeed YT banning them from covering the DNC. Fucking bizarre.


Katie Halper DNC review live now


Blind speculation, but… the DNC letting Ruwa Romman speak a day late is such a low, inconsequential bar that if I thought they were actually trying to win, I'd guess they'd do it. As is, I don't think they will, but it would be such a low effort, easy, empty political win that I won't totally rule it out. They could be building it up as if it's a big concession so they can be theatrical about it and claim that they're doing it because UAW asked, which would be good theater for the base, but I don't think they will.


Live now, day 4


Last day live now


Twitter's allegedly messing with the Uncommitted movement's page, now.


Just watched Kamala's speech. She came off as if pleading for votes, but she was at least more coherent than Trump has been lately. His age is starting to show, and the Kamala camp will hammer him on this now that he's the oldest candidate running. Trumpfags are trying to say it was some kind of huge bomb, but I'm not seeing that. She probably succeeded at appealing to the demographics that she needed. Hasan Piker may not be happy with it, but nobody who isn't extremely online gives a shit about Hasan Piker. We'll see how she does at the debates, but it's highly possible that she could win.


Giving a better speech than Trump is an extremely low bar. Wouldn't be surprised if she managed it, but I'm not gonna bother watching. So far she's been Biden on genocide, and from what I can glean nobody takes her speech as any kind of assurance that that's going to change.


There won't be debates most likely. Trump and Harris both have plausible "dodges", plus, no one really cares about that shit any more.


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