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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.483673[Watch Thread]

>Jon Elmer. A senior Israeli officer predicts Israel's collapse within a year from attrition

>the war of attrition against Hamas and Hezbollah continues, Israel will collapse within no more than a year.

>Terror attacks are intensifying in the West Bank and inside the country,
>the reservist army is voting with its feet following recurring mobilizations of combat soldiers,
>the economy is crashing.
>Israel has also become a pariah state, prompting economic boycotts and an embargo on arms shipments.
>We are also losing our social resilience, as the growing hatred between different parts of the nation threatens to ignite and bring to its destruction from within.

So it appears that the Yahu is ramming Zionstan into the abyss. Iran is probably timing it's retaliation to help that process along.

The upside will be a sharp drop in hollowed out child-skulls, haniballed hostages, murdered journalists and exploding hospitals/schools. I guess the US will swoop in to secure the military bases. It will be a free-for-all mayhem to fill in the political vacuum in "Postrael".

Now the (for us) interesting question: what happens in the west when the Zionist lobby collapses ?

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>Jon Elmer. A senior Israeli officer predicts Israel's collapse within a year from attrition
There are many possible political reasons why an Israeli officer would say something like that. They're Israeli and therefore can't be trusted as they lie all the time.

Whether or not you think Israel will collapse should have nothing to do with the opinion of some lying yahood.

I think it could be destroyed, but a big deciding factor is whether Hezb and Iran actually get serious. Collapse is less likely in the short and mid term and is a common element of hopium narratives where Israel goes away without "WWIII" happening.

>what happens in the west when the Zionist lobby collapses

This is NOT going to happen, period. If Israel collapses or is destroyed, the Zio mafia will remain in power and would actually focus their efforts on formally and openly implementing "ZOG" in the Americas and Europe. They would facilitate mass migration of millions of Israeli criminals into places like Florida, New York, California, Argentina, Germany, Ukraine, UK, etc where they would then proceed to treat the locals exactly the same way they have been treating Palestinians for the past century.


>There are many possible political reasons why an Israeli officer would say something like that
Fair enough you got a point there, but you gotta admit, if it wasn't at least a little bit plausible he probably couldn't say it.

>I think it could be destroyed, but a big deciding factor is whether Hezb and Iran actually get serious.

More pressure from Iran and Hezbollah would certainly exasperate the combat erosion effect on society. But politically an outside enemy can be unifying. Not sure what to make of this.

>This is NOT going to happen, period.

Sounds like doomium, the Zionist lobby isn't invincible.

>the Zio mafia will remain in power and would actually focus their efforts on formally and openly implementing "ZOG" in the Americas and Europe.

The only reason why the Zionist lobby is so powerful, is because they have an external state apparatus that's running interference for them. Once that's gone they'll be reduced to a regular lobby org. They made a lot of enemies by playing really dirty. So they'll have less power and face a stronger headwind.

>They would facilitate mass migration of millions of Israeli criminals into places like Florida, New York, California, Argentina, Germany, Ukraine, UK, etc

Well the pro-zionist right wing, only supported the Zionist cause because they saw it as a vehicle to ship Jews to the middle east. So what used to be a pillar of support will become a determined opponent.

>where they would then proceed to treat the locals exactly the same way they have been treating Palestinians for the past century.

You think along the line of the Zionist lobby trying to import colonial occupation jack-boots. That would fail spectacularly. Playing "the violent outsider" usually isn't a very healthy strategy. I think that in this scenario we would have to struggle for establishing a clear political distinction between Zionist and Jew. In order to protect regular Jews from getting thrown under the bus alongside with violent "import-Zionists".

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