>>483782 (OP)Fred Hampton a communist of the Marxist Leninist kind and a civil rights fighter did more or less what you suggested. I think he called it the Rainbow-coalition. (to avoid confusion this was many decades ago when "Rainbow" had a different political meaning than today). He was successful, he got the Arian-brotherhood to talk to the Black-panthers. Sort of like a peace-maker that ends the clan-wars type of deal.
Fred Hampton also got gunned down by some kind of police agency, might have been the FBI, i might not remember the details correctly. There is some speculation that the US ruling class did this because maintaining racial conflict is like one of the pillars of political controle with parallels to cast systems.
Btw: "Pan Africanism", was the ideology related to Muamar Gadafi's project to create a political super-structure in some ways similar to the European Union, but for Africa. This was mainly about creating regional economic integration, to make Africa a big economic block. He also wanted to have a common currency called the Gold-Dinar. I think it was also backed by gold, since Libya (the country Gadafi ruled) has a lot of gold mines. I did not investigate this in depth but it seemed like a perfectly reasonable idea, nothing ominous like you suggested. Maybe there's people using the same word for something else ?
>How do you get them to realize they have a lot more in common with the white proletariat than the black bourgeosie?Honestly i don't really know, solidarity is hard, in both directions.
Maybe there's a economic development in medicine or bio-tech that necessitates negating the racial stuff. Wouldn't that be convenient !
Maybe you could repackage Hampton's strategy, in a way that makes it less hazardous to implement.