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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.483794[Watch Thread]>>483797>>484247

Remember when people thought this guy was some kind of lefty?


Huh? Redpill me on this, I thought he was cool? He took pictures with Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro and the Pink Tide stuff.


Brazilian supreme court just finished affirming the ban of Twitter (after another social media site) and fines against anyone who tries to access it over VPN. And he supports it with the same bullshit rhetoric against "misinformation" being used to crack down on speech in Anglo countries right now.


>>483794 (OP)
He is a lefty you fucking leftoid cuck. Now go on & enjoy your leftism (liberalism) some more, faggot.


show me a leftcom state


Acho que meu IP foi banido do leftypol por spam, confesso que meu autismo apitou um pouco quando vi vários fios com o número 500 e queria testar uma coisa, mas acho que no fim não deu muito certo kkkk.
aqui tem um fio do Brasil, se não tem achoq eu deveria ter.


Lula stayed the course on Brazil's integration with BRICS. That's an important struggle for keeping Brazil somewhat independent economically, he gets some points for that.

He's also dragging his heals on some lefty economic domestic policies that were promised, he looses some points for that.

The lula government is doing repression against the Bolsonaro gang, which when in power, politically imprisoned Lula for over a year. So they had it coming.

Unfortunately the Lula government is doing it the wrong way by fucking with the internet. Maybe they think it's more gentle than the usual methods. However punishing people for things like using a VPN or whatever is just plain retarded. There's no victim, no damage, no creation of an unjust power-dynamic, no coercion and so on, so it can't really be a crime.

The lesson that we keep forgetting, freedom of expression is characterized by the demonstrable impossibility of censorship/intimidation, everything else becomes censorship.

If they actually wanted people to get off twitter, they could just set up a competing platform or do one of those federated alternatives, and shill the fuck out of that, make sure it's populated with interesting content.


Honestly, almost everything you said is wrong about Lula and his actions. I don't think you're Brazilian.

Lula is a rogue neoliberal, and his speech outside Brazil is one thing and his practice in Brazil is completely different.

Everything Lula says about BRICS is nonsense, because Brazil is not breaking its dependence on rich countries. At most, it is perhaps only changing the 1st world's dependence on China, which is like swapping six for half a dozen.

In fact, the Brazilian Supreme Court banned VPNs, but that decision has already been overturned. Our Supreme Court is literally just applying Brazilian bourgeois law. There is nothing extraordinary about that. Something similar happened with Telegram a few years ago, and on the same day, Telegram complied with the court's decision and created a department for our country.

Lula is not punishing Bolsonaro or his legion of fans, even with our "Capitólio Day" that took place on January 8, 2023 in Brasília, they are already talking about amnesty for these criminals, in other words, crimes happen and nothing is done again.


You claim to be knowledgeable about Brazil and say Lula is no good.

In the back of my mind is that half a year ago Lula sensibly¹ compared Israel to Nazi Germany and the Gaza genocide to the holocaust during ww2, he also found very unmistakable words to describe Netanyahu. Brazil also recalled diplomats from Israel. So that upset the Israeli propaganda machine to the nth degree. They might still be running smear campaigns against him because of that.

You are probably wrong about BRICS and China. Brazil having a second option for stuff from advanced economies, probably does help a lot.

You state that Lula isn't retaliating for the political imprisonment that was inflicted on him, can you explain why ?

I don't know what "rogue neoliberal" means, can you say something about his economic policies.

(1) it is sensible to make those comparisons because they are trying to use the holocaust as a justification


He's nothing but a corrupt grifter


>>483794 (OP)
It's actually interesting if you read Lula's electoral history, he originally ran in 1988 as a full-blown socialist and gradually moved to the center with each election to gauge how left-wing you could get and be elected president. He won in his fourth attempt.


In fact, Lula criticized Israel and made a fair comparison, and I fully support what he said, but Lula didn't go beyond his words. Not only did Brazil not break off relations with Israel, but it almost bought 250 million dollars in weapons from Israel. I have the impression that this contract was postponed. In addition, Brazil is the 4th largest exporter of oil to Israel.
Perhaps worse than all this, Lula didn't call on the people to take to the streets to defend Palestine. I attend almost all the acts of solidarity with Palestine where I live and the acts are ridiculously small. Meanwhile, the opposition attacks Lula and Lula does nothing to retaliate. It was almost like an impeachment process was being carried out to overthrow Lula for his speech about Israel.

Having China as an option for developed countries is better than not having it, but the development of our country will not come from outside, but must be built by our people. China has a relationship of colony and metropolis, where Brazil exports soybeans and iron ore and imports electric cars, solar panels, cell phones and other cheap products from China.

Lula is a rogue neoliberal because the economic policy of Hadda, his Minister of Economy, has the same policy as Bolsonaro. Lula approved the fiscal framework, which is a policy to limit government spending, when he could very well end it. In addition, he is cutting resources for health and education, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.


Saying that Lula was a socialist in 1988 might be pushing it a bit, but he was certainly much more to the left.


He mishandled the floods


What about this
Lula signs off on debt relief to state affected by floods


debt relieve sounds good.
We like hearing that.


"Pai dos pobres, Mãe dos ricos."


É verdade camarada anão.


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Looks like the diamond billionaire caved and complied with Brazilian demands to ban accounts the government doesn't like.


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Y'all should get into Brazilian Maoismo

Procurem estudar o Maoismo



Just two short articles for fellow Brazilians to remember who Lula really is as our country continues to get raped by Bankers with the unconditional support by our Father of The Poor (trademark)



Lula é um comunista lixoso. Deu dinheiro para Maduro, Irã, puxa o saco da Russia. Apoia o ativismo juridico do stf e do cabeça de rola, so sabe cobrar imposto e aumentar burocracia, indicou advogado ao stf. Sem falar que ele É o protagonista dos dois MAIORES escandalos de corrupção da historia do pais e so esta solto porque tem amigos no STF que o soltaram. Petistas, pau no cu de vcs

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