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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.483823[Watch Thread]>>483827>>483829>>483834

Anarchists of the 19th and early 20th century: planting bombs, assassinating rulers, organizing radical unions
Anarchists today: wear leather jackets and doc martins, listen to Sex Pistols, maybe they'll spray paint some graffiti, otherwise do absolutely nothing

Not saying they were always engaged in effective activity (Propaganda of the Deed is the dumbest revolutionary strategy ever), but at least the original anarchists actually did something. It seems like in every lefty org I've been in the anarchists are the ones least likely to roll up their sleeves and actually get some work done.

What happened?


Did Punk music commodify anarchism into just another shitty consumer brand?


>>483823 (OP)
>Anarchists of the 19th and early 20th century:
>planting bombs, assassinating rulers,
Capitalism regenerates these, Soviets ran into similar problems during the cold-war, they knocked out the ruling class in some place, and then the imperial system reacted with CIA type shenanigans that spawned a new one.

Capitalism ate feudalism on a systemic level, if you want a new system, it has to eat the one that came before on a systemic level. Just plucking the baddies, doesn't have lasting effects.

>organizing radical unions

Neo-liberalism ate unions by sending all the means of production to China.
China will probably eat Neo-liberalism because it has all the means of production.

>Anarchists today.. nothing

>the original anarchists actually did something.
Sure but the original anarchists failed to account for imperialism setting off 2 world wars.


I live in Portland Oregon and the local anarchist set up a commune


>>483823 (OP)
It's hard to be an anarchist when you're a NEET who can't survive without government handouts.


>>483823 (OP)
I mean, there are still anarchist communes, and I think that's a very good thing, and anarchists seem to be good at it. And I could be wrong here, but I get the impression that anarchists have been among those helping to generally up the game when it comes to… anti-police activity. That said, this all is still obvious steps down, but it's more than the shallow stereotype alluded to in yr post.

I don't think punk was solely responsible, but "punk" politics are, and always have been, stupid, yeah. The punk "movement" is heavily romanticized as revolutionary when in reality it was mostly a bunch of aimless nihilists. It was firmly attached to an aesthetic identity, to youth and 'edge,' and this made most political expressions very shallow and juvenile even in cases where they were sincere.


This. Same applied to gangster rap, which is the black mans punk.
i think punk and gangster rap have ruined the avenues of youth engagement into politics.
Also alot of the avid hardcore fans of both genres are over twenty-five.


How'd it go?


interesting connection never thought of it like that but it's true. What would you consider fake norse shit like heilung and varg? nazi gangsta rap?


Assassinations went out of fashion, it's mostly arson now. You can get the news if you know where to look.


Seems like the kind of crime that'd be real easy to false-flag on someone else.


>set up a commune
I guess many end up like this instead of building orgs for nationwide revolution.


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>Anarchists of the 19th and early 20th century: planting bombs, assassinating rulers
Propaganda of the deed was a failed strategy.
However, Siegefags (a syncretic form of neo-Nazism) have tried to continue that strategy in an attempt to incite a race war through terrorism. As you can see, that shit isn't working, but I find it hilarious that they took one of the least effective parts of anarchism and decided to run with it.


that, along with the copying blac block, etc. has almost made them the new as-a-farce anarchists. hurr dur lets shoot down a power transformer. lets just put up some posters an d graffiti.
Honestly, the neo-nazis deciding that 'acktaully the cops and military and big business bad' castrated any chance of them pulling a brownshart corporate-backed coup, which is basically the only way neo-fascism has a chance in present conditions.

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