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Iran is bombing Israel. what do you think? I stand iran.


Israel must go


The war is real and official.

If US comes in, game over.
US will die.
Masters are burning the country.


Never let it be forgotten, in case you faggots try to steer - Bush and Cheney are the instigators who thought this was cute, along with the rest of the Neocon ghouls. They did it for eugenics more than anything else.

The more excuses you make the more I will never shut up.

Three world wars is enough.


>what do you think?
Iran's counter-attack was heavier then i thought it was gonna be, i guess appeasement is over.
The Iron-dome didn't seem to have caught very many, there's rumors about Israeli air-force jets having been destroyed. Seems like this was geared towards degrading Israeli offensive capacity, those usually have a second wave, so this might not be over yet.

Iran and Lebanon practiced restrained and the result was Israel went on the attack.
Lets see how Israel reacts now, as in do they react differently to a show of force ?

>If US comes in
They probably won't, they'll probably just fly sorties over Jordan. And make it rain missile-husks on the Jordanians. Keep in mind that the Russians were in Iran a few months ago, where they installed a bunch of military equipment. So the Iranians have "great-power backing" too.


Iran was responding for the killing of Haniyeh by Israel in Tehran, the killing of Nasrallah, and the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

What I think is mostly irrelevant to that point. Iran had every right, and their attacks appear to have largely hit a couple of the air bases which have terrorized the entire region.

But to answer your question, this is a fucking disaster. The US wants war. Anyone who's celebrating now is shortsighted - the Palestinians in the IDF's death camps have a right to rejoice as IDF planes burn, but we don't have the luxury here. What is coming is more horror and there is no certainty that it will end in anything good.

We need to stop the supply of bombs and finances from the US to Israel. We know where the factories are, we know where the guilty banks are, we had no fucking excuse to let it get this far.

>those usually have a second wave, so this might not be over yet.
Iran has said it's over. Israel and the US have vowed to respond. This attack was not telegraphed like the last retaliation, but Iran still doesn't want all out war. This could end right now with Israel withdrawing from Lebanon, stopping the genocide, and ceasing aggressions against Syria, Yemen, and Iran.

>They probably won't, they'll probably just fly sorties over Jordan. And make it rain missile-husks on the Jordanians. Keep in mind that the Russians were in Iran a few months ago, where they installed a bunch of military equipment. So the Iranians have "great-power backing" too.

This is dangerous underestimation of the American state. They want war. Nothing about their actions has said otherwise, not one thing. The US has already been bombing on Israel's behalf for months. They're constantly looking for a pretext, and they might just make one up, they're not above that.


I hope that the US isn't getting involved. My instinct is saying they won't, but that might be false hope and I know that very evil forces are at work with this.

Unless the US regime openly collapses soon, which isn't likely, they only know how to escalate and make the world suffer.

I'm glad you are getting that this doesn't stop until the US bombs stop coming.


>Iran was responding for the killing of Haniyeh by Israel in Tehran, the killing of Nasrallah, and the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.
Officially, but if you look at it from a strategical point of view, it looks more like an attack designed to blunt Isreal's advance into Lebanon.

>Iran has said it's over. Israel and the US have vowed to respond.

So it's not over ?

>Iran still doesn't want all out war.

They don't but this looks like the new Iranian head of state took the backseat and told the Iranian military to do what they think is appropriate.

>This could end right now with Israel withdrawing from Lebanon, stopping the genocide, and ceasing aggressions against Syria, Yemen, and Iran.

Yes but they won't until somebody makes them.

>This is dangerous underestimation of the American state. They want war.

The neocons want war but the US military doesn't want to invade Iran.

>The US has already been bombing on Israel's behalf for months.

Yes but they have been bombing people that don't have weapons that can destroy aircraft carriers or the many US military bases in the region, the Iranians probably do have that, especially if the Russians are in on it.


>I hope that the US isn't getting involved. My instinct is saying they won't,
Well it's the rational course of action to not get dragged into this.
>Unless the US regime openly collapses soon, which isn't likely
i agree the collapse scenario is unlikely, unless they do something really stupid like try to draft young people (that hate their guts) for a ground invasion.


They don't believe in rationality up there. They believe in making the world suffer for bullshit. Only reason why this was initiated instead of Netanyahu doing some bombing, declaring victory, and saying how great he is.

There is no way to do a ground invasion. Conscripts will not fight, will run from the draft. If you instate a draft in these conditions, you will have a civil war, and need to draft more people… to kill Americans.

And that's what they want. To activate eugenic creed, the filth who pushed this for 50 years and gloated about what they did to us. They can't get them to fight a foreign war, but they can get them to kill for domestic eugenics. They can get the true believers activated and tell them to go after the honest, get everyone killing each other.

Who benefits? Israel.


Ultimately this comes from Americans not loving Israel enough - because Israel is slavery. Literally, it's aligned with the same people who backed the South in the first civil war.


need more footy


Not a fan of Iran because its just another capitalist country. Still I like when Israel is being bombed.


Israel acts the way it does and does whatever the fuck it wants cause big brother USA is always there to back them up. If the US abandoned and they got the same treatment that was given Russia internationally, they'd tone it down real quick


>Israel acts the way it does and does whatever the fuck it wants cause big brother USA is always there to back them up.
There probably are some limits to US support for Israel. There definitely are limits to US power. When Israel does whatever the fuck they end up harming US interests, like with those booby-trapped communications devices. US tech exports will suffer as a result of association with Israel making their products appear unsafe.

>If the US abandoned and they got the same treatment that was given Russia internationally, they'd tone it down real quick

Never mind sanctions, if the US pulls out, Israel goes bankrupt.


when u discover Nick Land for the first time


>Israel will never lose
If they were smart about it, normalizing relations with the surrounding countries and becoming the main economic hub of the region, i'd agree. But what they are trying, is use excessive violence in order to get the region to acquiesce. Aaand that won't work.

They're loosing military advantage and their economic strength is declining too. The US's ability to squeeze Iran's economy with sanctions is slipping away, because sanctioning Russia had the effect of kicking off an alternative economic sphere on the other side of the sanctions-curtain. Iran's military advantage appaears to be growing too.

I think it has reached a poin where Israel is risking it's existence with all this beligerancy.




Israel as "Israel" won't have shit. They've been a parasitic drain on the Empire, the darling of every syndicate who wants more porn and drugs and nothing else. The Empire would, if it could, remove the Zionist Entity as this drain and go direct to the Muslim states, which is what it has been doing. They don't need "Israel" for anything and haven't for many decades. Israel is now lashing out to remain relevant, as are its legions of porn addicted mind-slaves.

"Israel" is losing, but the rot that is its constitution, that finds a new form, for the Empire loves the rot. They just don't like the consequences of it, if those consequences cannot be directed towards the enemies of eugenics. Now they are in a situation where the insinuation machine is not working, for most of humanity has no reason to go along with this program, and the program has nothing to say for itself but violent recapitulation of its insane tenets. So, war, death, and pointless turmoil. All for eugenics.


>There probably are some limits to US support for Israel. There definitely are limits to US power. When Israel does whatever the fuck they end up harming US interests, like with those booby-trapped communications devices. US tech exports will suffer as a result of association with Israel making their products appear unsafe.
The US leadership is insane.
They don't behave rationally. The most rational thing they do is trying to convince the American public that they have US interests in mind. That makes it much easier for them to direct the country into national suicide.


>When Israel does whatever the fuck they end up harming US interests
That thresold was crossed a long time ago. Israel is mostly a liability.




>The US leadership is insane.
Well if they let them selves get dragged into regional war against Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and so on, then yes, they are indeed.

>That thresold was crossed a long time ago. Israel is mostly a liability.
True, i wonder what these people are thinking



So the military media is a buzz with rumors that the Iranian missile barrage did a lot of damage. It appears to be somewhat credible although nothing has been proven as of yet. Now everybody is wondering how the Iranians knew where all the high value targets were.

Alexander Mercouris is speculating that either the Russians have given the Iranian intelligence data, or the Iranians have a sophisticated spy-network on the ground in Israel.

That is very plausible, however i want to add a another potential option:

Isreal is a very high-tech society and they all have those networked gadgets with sensors like smartphones, internet-connected surveillance cameras, and all that jazz. They gather enough peripheral data to make it possible to correlate tactical information indirectly. Like networked microphones might triangulate the location of jet-fighters. Most of that stuff is proprietary tech and likely compromised via backdoor by the Israeli surveillance complex. It's reasonable to assume that Iran might be using those tech back-doors to gather intelligence about where all the valuable military assets are. IT-security researchers have been warning for many decades that putting back-doors into consumer tech will inevitably lead to a massive self-own.


US wants to deal with Iran. They're fucking sick of "Israel", but certain assholes insist "Israel is eternal" and want to have it every way they want it.

The Empire as a whole owns both Iran and Israel, and loves setting up these Plan Wars, with the organizers being UK-based. The US, what's left of it, has long despised Israel and the Israel influence has always required Israel to be the utmost alien to the US while insisting we're supposed to love Israel and be Israel. Israel has always hated the Americans and sought to loot all of our shit.

So my money is, someone attached to US command is giving Iran any information it needs, and likely "pushed" Hamas to act at that time and place.

Israel is throwing everything to break the US to make it commit seppeku and commit to a land war with Iran at the worst time. I don't see Iran going this far if they did not have assurances that they can survive this. They're not that suicidal. The retarded Vichy government in Washington is always about bluster and self-abasement.


>US wants to deal with Iran. They're fucking sick of "Israel", but certain assholes insist "Israel is eternal" and want to have it every way they want it.

Too optimistic. The US political class is captured by MIC (profiteer) & Israeli interests.

>Israel is throwing everything to break the US to make it commit seppeku and commit to a land war with Iran at the worst time. I don't see Iran going this far if they did not have assurances that they can survive this. They're not that suicidal. The retarded Vichy government in Washington is always about bluster and self-abasement.

I don't think Iran has any assurances, and if they did, they have enough knowledge of history not to trust them. If I was the leader of Iran and the US assured me that I could retaliate and the US wouldn't attack me, it would have little bearing on what decision I made. I think the main calculation here, by Iran, has been based on seeing if Iran could get leverage out of holding off on its retaliation to prevent further escalation and stop the Gaza genocide, and so they only retaliated (and hit military targets) when it was totally clear that the US was going to continue to back Israeli expansion.


>US wants to deal with Iran.
They tried once with the JCPOA nuclear deal.

>They're fucking sick of "Israel"

Yeah that relation is strange and really abusive.

>The Empire as a whole owns both Iran and Israel

Nah the Iranians are not a US vassal or client state. While you could say the empire owns Israel, it's unclear to what extend it has controle.

>Israel is throwing everything to break the US to make it commit seppeku and commit to a land war with Iran at the worst time.

seppeku ? is that the new Sudoku ?
But yes Isreal trying to drag the US into war Iran is malicious

>I don't see Iran going this far if they did not have assurances that they can survive this.

Nobody trusts imperial assurances.

Iran's survival is not at stake, the Russians need a friendly state to guard their geo-strategical flank and the Chinese need it for their Belt-and-Road project. They won't let Iran fail. However Iran would suffer serious war-damage in a big war, that's incentive enough to move with caution.

The way i see it, Iran wins a war against Isreal, even if the US commits significant support. Iran would be able to organize a nuclear deterrent as well. Israel's malignant foreign policy demonstrates a lacking sense of self-preservation.

>The retarded Vichy government in Washington

Interesting comparison, I've heard it before, you're not the only one that's thinking this.


>If I was the leader of Iran and the US assured me that I could retaliate and the US wouldn't attack me, it would have little bearing on what decision I made.
I think the previous case of a "choreographed theatrical retaliation" where the Iran negotiated the details and timetables of the attack with the US could have become a blue-print for defusing escalations. While in the end it did not work, it was definitely worth the attempt of turning war-fare in a spectacle without much real destruction. It's a shame the jedi-mind trick didn't work on the warmongers.

Iran now seems to be aiming for a strategy of degrading Israel's offensive capabilities. Like damaging air-bases. While they currently are on a wave cadence, I think they'll end up on a constant slow attrition strategy that puts pressure on Isreal's re-supply. The US and most of the western weapons industry is having difficulties of organizing timely production of those very complex weapons systems, because of the neo-liberally eroded industrial base. Slowly depleting the offensive potential also was the strategy of the Russians during the middle part of the Russian-Nato-proxy-war in Ukraine.


History does not repeat nor tolerate the present state Israel wishes to impose on it.

With what Iran is building up, I would not be surprised if they flatten Israel and rain hellfire, and US looks the other way.


I don't think Iran really intends to "flatten" Isreal. They're looking for deterrence primarily, and if they can't have that they'll attempt to destroy Isreal's capacity to attack other countries in the region, while preserving Isreal's viability as a state.

They do have the fire-power to obliterate Isreal, but that won't come into play unless Isreal tries to use nukes. Some of the ultra Zionist hardliners want to use nukes in Lebanon, not because it serves a military objective, but rather as an attempt to intimidate.

If that happens Iran would switch it's economy to a war-time command economy, begin underground nuclear weapons testing and start continuously hammering Israel with conventional weapons, this time with the aim of destroying Isreal's viability as a state. I.d.k. if the US pulls out and looks away, but it's definitely possible, it's not worth it for the US to throw down on behalf of Israel, not economically and especially not politically.

At the moment this scenario is not very likely, the US military probably would act resolutely to frustrate any use of nuclear weapons they haven't approved. The other factor, as Alexander Mercouris puts it: "Russia's long shadow descending upon the middle east", is changing the power equation in a major way.


File: 1728313731227.webm ( Spoiler Image, 3.51 MB , 480x848 , bezos gettin wild man💀💀☠.webm )

>i support one militant anticommunist hellhole against the other militant anticommunist hellhole, in words


What's grosser than the turd was the way the foreskin was peeling outward over the glans.
Also, something tells me that turd was fake.

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