>>484928The point of denying the cure isn't an ulterior motive. Denying the cure, making the people suffer, is the point. There is a minimum that societies require to main intact, but beyond that, rulers do not want the people to be happy or content.
Insulin can't be patented (yet), and there is no reason why it is so expensive. It can be produced so cheaply that it would cost more to put a price tag on it. So you have the treatment known for decades, but there is a force that says it must be denied because "those people aren't supposed to live". That's why I keep going on about the centrality of eugenics, because every time you try to deny it, you just prove how fickle you are about anything changing.
If societies were interested in something productive or useful, they would be very different creatures. Very likely, given human history and their conduct, humans would have little reason to speak to each other. They would quietly carry on, out of some sense that we did not need to live in shit. But, some things, they've gone on for so long that humans don't know anything else. They really don't. The simplest way to solve the problem, and this has been borne out time and time again, is that there are no people to suffer. That will be the ultimate solution - that humanity will quit living, starting with ceasing reproduction and then losing any desire to continue living around these people. You'd have to be crazy to want to coexist with these monsters. But, some will persist in living, and arrive at the same conclusion. Humans are a failed race, primarily because they chose to be this way and weren't allowed to choose otherwise. To do otherwise would be to repudiate the entire human project, and certain people can't stand that. They'll torture us to ensure that "history is corrected". That is the final word. We have had countless decisions where this could have been averted, but that is too much for certain people. Denial of the centrality of eugenics is one reason why we're doomed to this. If we did, we would question whether humans should go on, and if forced collective self-termination were not the correct course of action. But, I believe in the end, a small number of humanity, seeing that this is hopeless, will endure after the exhaustion of having been made to do this, conclude that it was failed, and seek nothing more than preventing the same cycle from continuing in the way it has. There simply wouldn't be many people, and those people would view life as a temporary malady. We could live effectively forever if we wanted to, but they will find the future worth living is not with other humans. All of this would be seen as a temporary condition.
If you wanted to end monopolies, it would start with circumventing their actions. When you're dependent on their laws and their institutions, and refuse to acknowledge anything outside of them, you're just making the situation worse for everyone.
All of that said, I don't see any of these legends about capitalism continuing. It was insane that it went on this long, when since 1970 the ruling elite have shouted "DIE DIE DIE" at full blast and we're supposed to believe this is totally normal and not an insane race that must be exterminated to restore some decency to the world. Yet, to even say that is beyond the pale, while this insane cult keeps pressing and immediately the "opposition" makes excuses for their enemy. What sort of faggotry is that?