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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Just 9-10 years ago Reddit was campaign central for Bernie Sanders. Now if you advocate for a left-wing presidential candidate they'll downvote you so much that Reddit's algorithm bans you from the platform.

And not just Reddit, Jill Stein and Cornel West have *terrible* net favorability polling (-16), in every single net favorability poll. The only candidate who ever had worse net favorability was Trump after J6.

I don't really buy the spoiler argument either, the left-wing candidates positions are very far from Harris. Sometimes Democrats will claim they are the last defenders of the American welfare state, but I can't see any of it left, public housing is only open in my area 2 hours per decade.


>they'll downvote
there's no reason to think that's real people
there's "services" that sell reddit down/up-votes.

>And not just Reddit, Jill Stein and Cornel West have *terrible* net favorability polling

I'm not sure what exactly the "net favorability" thing is.

But it is reasonable to assume that there is machinery that's trying to create the illusion for popular support for the entrenched status quo political candidates, as well as machinery that's trying to create the illusion that reformer political candidates lack popular support. Because the system does not want to be reformed and it tries to trick all the people who want reform into thinking they're alone.

Don't base your political opinions on appearances on social media, that is something that can be manipulated.

>I don't really buy the spoiler argument either

This sounds like you are trying to do some kind of electoral math.

If you think Stein and the green party are the right choice, you should help them organizing.

The bourgoisie political spectacle can only be a means to build political organization. The system will not give you political power unless it has no other option but to yield concessions.

First you have to get organic political power and then the electoral system may grant you representation. When it does, it's because it thinks its more favorable to have you inside the system, than outside. If too many organized people are kept outside the system they risk people boot-strapping an alternative system.


>I'm not sure what exactly the "net favorability" thing is.

Favorability - unfavorability.

-16.6 for Stein, multiples worse than the two major parties

similar with West, who also has terrible net favorability



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So Eglin Air Force Base's social engineering experiment? Are we supposed to take seriously anything that happens there?


No, tell me why this thing means anything to you, what reason do you have to trust it ?

My assumption would be that it's a 2 party system that doesn't want to share political influence with a 3rd party and therefore it tries to create the impression that nobody wants a 3rd party in order to make people who strive towards making a 3rd party viable feel hopeless and give up. Like making up some number that says "Third parties are -16 don't bother"

They made up bold face lies when they tried to link Sanders, Stein an others to "Russiagate" a few years ago, as a result i'm now assuming that they lie unless there is a specific reason to think they're not lying.


I'm sure it's partly the product of a media demonization campaign. Recall how people felt about Ralph Nader in 2004 after the media engaged in a relentless campaign to turn him into some kind of horrible irresponsible monster for "spoiling" the 2000 election for Gore.


>Just 9-10 years ago Reddit


Multiple independent polling organizations reached the same conclusion. None did not reach that conclusion


Massive smear campaigns, especially the idea she's a scammer or that she's somehow a puppet of Putin, also people have become far more partisan and and now brainwashed into party cultists by Trump Derangement Syndrome.
There is no good argument for not voting Green or PSL as a left winger. Lesser evil voting makes no fucking sense in any coherent worldview (vote for the Dems who offer nothing and who are trying to court the right because the right are super dangerous, give a mandate to policies you despise because that will actually make them want to drop the policies and move left, despite those policies and moving right won them power).
A point about third party voting is that especially in swing states, it will have some influence on policy from the majors in the future. Libertarian party has had massive influence on the Republicans in the past decade by acting as a much bigger spoiler for them.



Vote for Dems to stop the right-wingers they elevated in order to save the Dems so they can elevate more right wingers they need to stop right-wingers from stopping Dems stopping the right-wingers they elevated in order to save the Dems so they can elevate more right wingers they need to stop right-wingers from stopping Dems stopping the right-wingers they elevated in order to save the Dems so they can elevate more right wingers they need to stop right-wingers from stopping Dems stopping the right-wingers they elevated in order to save the Dems so they can elevate more right wingers they need to stop right-wingers from stopping Dems stopping the right-wingers they elevated in order to save the Dems so they can elevate more right wingers they need to stop right-wingers from


Issues the working class care about:
>No housing (because immigration)
>No jobs (because immigration)
>High crime (because immigration)

Issues left-wing politicians care about:
>global warming
>gender ideology

If only the "right-wing" have a solution to immigration while the left pretends it isn't a problem then it's obvious who people are going to vote for.


1. We have more houses and vacant units than we do homeless people. Immigrants are a convenient scapegoat for land speculators.

2. Land speculation drives up the cost of doing business. Greedy landlords jack up business location rental rates in cities and literally choke out businesses. It happens regularly, and it results in rows of empty storefronts which sit vacant for years.

On top of that, the only negative impact which (undocumented) immigrants have on jobs is that they are used, by employers, to undercut documented labor. Undocumented migrants are easier to exploit, and will often be willing to work for less accordingly. This problem disappears with stronger enforcement of existing labor law, but the powers-that-be don't want that because it would mean their rich buddies get punished hard for hiring undocumented workers and doing wage theft. Accordingly, the people who scapegoat immigrants for unemployment also don't want to making getting citizenship easier because it would make it harder to exploit migrant labor if they were all on the radar and in the country legally.

3. The vast majority crime in the US is done by legal citizens, it's got fuck all to do with immigration. If you buy the idea that it's an immigration issue, I have a bridge to sell you. You can scapegoat literally any group of people by pointing to crimes a few of them have done and ignoring the rest of the crimes everyone else is doing. Joe Biden is literally breaking the Leahy law right now. His son is a fucking crack addict. Both Biden and Donald Trump are rapists. You're god damn retarded if you think this is just a problem with Venezuelans or something. Get fucking real.

>Issues left-wing politicians care about:

Stein's key issues are public healthcare and opposition to war and opposition to foreign military aid lol. She supports raising the minimum wage and strengthening unions. These are incredibly popular policies.
She's literally the actual frontrunner of America First policy and you're too retarded to even notice it.


>We have more houses and vacant units than we do homeless people.
You don't have more houses than people in africa though. Unlimited immigration is inherently unsustainable. And what's your explanation for landlords sitting on empty houses instead of renting them for literally any amount of money to make a profit? Unless you mean vacant land rather than actual inhabitable buildings. Then we need to talk about building regulations and unions which prevent construction of inhabitable buildings on the vacant land.

>Land speculation drives up the cost of doing business. Greedy landlords jack up business location rental rates in cities and literally choke out businesses.

People are forced to hold onto hard assets as a hedge against inflation which is caused by your communist central bank but that's a different discussion. It again makes no sense that landlords would rather make $0 than simply lower rent.

>On top of that, the only negative impact which (undocumented) immigrants have on jobs is that they are used, by employers, to undercut documented labor.

That's clearly not true when the government is using tax money to give the immigrants free food and housing. Even if they do have legal jobs they're not exactly going to be 6 figure engineers paying more into the system than they're taking out.

>3. The vast majority crime in the US is done by legal citizens, it's got fuck all to do with immigration.

Per capita or are you just comparing a big group against a small group? It's common sense that immigrants commit more crime. Just like how people piss on the floor in public bathrooms but don't piss on the floor in their own house. On the one hand you have a native person who was born here, grew up here, has friends and family here, has a job here, owns property here etc. And on the other hand you have a person who has none of that. Obviously the latter has less reason to follow the rules and care about the consequences.

It's funny because as a leftist you understand the dangers of international investors. They swoop in, buy up local industry, strip everything and sell it off to make a quick buck. They don't give a flying fuck what effect that has on the country because it's not their country. Now apply the same logic to 20yo street thugs instead of 60yo businessmen.

>Stein's key issues are public healthcare and opposition to war and opposition to foreign military aid

If the state is going to steal 40% of my income I would prefer it goes to "healthcare" than bombing children in the middle east.

>She supports raising the minimum wage and strengthening unions. These are incredibly popular policies.

That should be unpopular with anybody who understands basic history and economics but whatever.

>She's literally the actual frontrunner of America First policy and you're too retarded to even notice it.

Nationalist socialism is still socialism. I take your point about the military industrial complex though, they will literally shoot candidates rather than let them talk about ending wars.


>No housing (because immigration)
Housing got bought up by finance hedge-funds. There's now more empty houses for real estate speculators than actually homeless people that need houses. Do not scapegoat others, it's not a demand problem. Even if it was, you could always build affordable public housing. Like slightly nicer versions of commie-block apartment complexes can be done for a small budget.

Given our technology it's now trivially easy to make sure everybody can live in a house, so one has to ask whether they're doing that on purpose.

>No jobs (because immigration)

It's true that immigration increases competition between workers and that erodes wages. But even if you remove immigrant workers from the equation, you would still have a capitalist class that wants to withhold jobs because they want to erode wages and they want to have jobless people on standby in case they need to hire extra help.
You have to understand that it's always possible (without exception) to do full employment and give everybody a job with a good wage. It's a political decision. They're just choosing not to do it. Out of malice, i might add, because full employment economies also perform better than partial employment economies.

>>High crime (because immigration)

High crime correlates with high wealth inequality.
Animosity between locals and foreigners leads to lots of unpleasantness but it's not the source of crime. You can look at the data, in places where inequality is low, influxes of outsiders does not lead to an increase of crime. In contrast high inequality always leads to high crime, that remains true even in cases where you have negative immigration.

Keep in mind that roughly 3 quarters of problems in most societies can be traced back to the means by which a ruling class entrenches power and extracts wealth. So if you find a problem, you should always check first whether it's caused by the ruling class before you look elsewhere. People at the bottom of society usually don't have the power to cause problems, so that's usually the last place you have to look.


>global warming
Climate change is an argument for leaning in to nuclear power, and that means loads of really cheap electricity.

Doing the atomic-age for real this time, means you can get electricity prices low enough that diy synthesis of chemical fuels like methanol or kerosene at home is viable if you're dead set on using combustion powered machines.


>Climate change is an argument for leaning in to nuclear power
Tell that to Extinction Rebellion and the other Soros brownshirt groups.

>Doing the atomic-age for real this time

Malthusians don't want you to have cheap energy they want you to die.


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>You don't have more houses than people in africa though.
All the people in Africa aren't coming to America.

>Unlimited immigration is inherently unsustainable.

And it's not unlimited now, and it won't be.

>And what's your explanation for landlords sitting on empty houses instead of renting them for literally any amount of money to make a profit?

That's literally just the model. Owning a ton of land and buildings enables a few people, and corporations, to control supply, and by holding it for longer, they artificially drive up prices. They also find zany, creative ways to drive up prices without reducing supply, too:
Investing in land long-term can suppress land use by making it more profitable for extremely rich people to hold than to rent.

>People are forced to hold onto hard assets as a hedge against inflation

Investment firms holding massive amounts of fixed resources as "investments" and not investing in higher-risk stuff like labor and production causes inflation.

>It again makes no sense that landlords would rather make $0 than simply lower rent.

Because they aren't making $0. They're making larger gains in the long term, which encourages them to hold vacancies over long periods as long as they aren't losing more than they're projected to gain. It's easy for someone who has very little to invest to fuck this up, but for people who already have bottomless capital, it's much harder to lose a substantial sum doing this.

>That's clearly not true when the government is using tax money to give the immigrants free food and housing.

Completely fucking miniscule, if it even exists as described, compared to what the US spends on idiotic foreign wars in Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. The highest figure I've ever seen conservatives cite wrt supposed immigration payments, without even checking to see if it was legit, was in the millions. The US spends billions on foreign wars every year, and it also literally creates mass migration by spending those billions to destroy other countries. That's not even getting into the trillions in unaccounted for federal funds which vanish in the Pentagon regularly.

The US's welfare state is completely fucking miniscule compared to other developed nations. Even countries like Israel and Taiwan, who we are paying billions to, have more robust welfare & healthcare systems than the US does. Maybe there's a special cut-out for immigrants, but I doubt it, and, as I said, it still is totally dwarfed by the handouts the US gov't idiotically spends on foreign wars. The US could give every migrant free meals, a house, and a Porsche, it would barely make a dent in the budget compared to all the other stupid shit the gov spends on.

>Per capita or are you just comparing a big group against a small group? It's common sense that immigrants commit more crime. Just like how people piss on the floor in public bathrooms but don't piss on the floor in their own house

This is fucking dumb.
"It's true because peepee poopoo."
If you concede that most of the crime in America is not being committed by first gen immigrants, then you cannot fucking solve crime in America by just targeting immigrants. You're singling out people who do like 1% of the crime. That's not effective. Even if you think immigrants, in general, are inherently bad because peepee poopoo, you still would have most of the crime even if you had none of the immigrants. This obviously isn't a problem you have with crime, it's a problem with specific people for things unrelated to crime itself.

>It's funny because as a leftist you understand the dangers of international investors. They swoop in, buy up local industry, strip everything and sell it off to make a quick buck.

National investors literally do exactly the same shit. Like don't get me wrong, Chinese, Japanese, etc. "investors" shouldn't be buying US factories, farms, etc., but big American investors also mismanage and raid stuff all the time.

>That should be unpopular with anybody who understands basic history and economics but whatever.

Not unpopular with workers.


>Malthusians don't want you to have cheap energy
Sure but it doesn't have to go their way.

There is this strange phenomenon where the nuclear industry somehow doesn't play to win. At least that is how it appears to me.

The fossil fuel industry is the opposite of that, they're organizing wars to claim resources. They do industrial infrastructure sabotage like blowing up pipeline of competitors. Really brutal hardcore stuff.

I'm not saying the atomic power people should terrorize the planet like the fossil-fuel-gang, but a little more ruthlessness is probably necessary to play in the capitalist sandbox.



Stein's platform plank she talk the second most about is 15 million new public housing units, a homes guarantee, and expanding the HCV program (formerly section 8). I don't know why anyone ever talks about it because it's way more than even Sanders proposed.

I feel like people should be barred from discussing politics until they at least read the candidates position pages andin full.

Anyway, Stein's proposals, if enacted, would fully end involuntarily homelessness and most if not all underhousing as well.

Even fascists understood the importance of public housing. But not these Milton Friedmanesque freaks in the Republican and Democrat party.



>All the people in Africa aren't coming to America.
I don't understand why you defend western immigration polices what do you think you are getting out of it? Is it literally just the ego-boost of calling yourself an "anti-racist"?

>Owning a ton of land and buildings enables a few people, and corporations, to control supply, and by holding it for longer, they artificially drive up prices.

That's not what's happening. Prices go up because the government is spending way more money than it has and the deficit is filled in by creating new money out of nothing. Anybody with a brain trades their government tokens for hard assets like real estate to avoid getting fucked by inflation. If the value of money was stable then owning property for no reason would be nothing but a liability and supply would open up to people who actually use the property.

>Investment firms holding massive amounts of fixed resources as "investments" and not investing in higher-risk stuff like labor and production causes inflation.

Source? I've never heard an economist define inflation like this.

>Because they aren't making $0. They're making larger gains in the long term

Fine they "make" $10,000 by holding the property and they could make $10,000+$10,000 by holding the property + renting it. Your argument is incomplete. There has to be some political force behind why they're not renting. Unless you've changed your mind about evil landlords being greedy profit maximizers.

>The highest figure I've ever seen conservatives cite wrt supposed immigration payments, without even checking to see if it was legit, was in the millions

Correct millions. Per day.
As I understand it the BBC is your official state propaganda ministry so if anything the number is probably higher.

>The US spends billions on foreign wars every year

One doesn't justify the other. We should stop both.

>"It's true because peepee poopoo."

I made a perfectly rational argument. If you don't have a counter-argument then take some time to think about it instead of acting like a child.

>If you concede that most of the crime in America is not being committed by first gen immigrants

Do you not understand what per capita means? Look it up in a dictionary.

>you cannot fucking solve crime in America by just targeting immigrants.

Nobody said anything about "solving" crime you are substituting the question. We have a choice to let guests into our country or not and their propensity for crime should be a factor in that decision.

>you still would have most of the crime even if you had none of the immigrants

Your point is that 1000 rapes happen anyway so if there is one more rape you could prevent it is not worth preventing because 1 is an insignificant number? Do you really not see how morally reprehensible your position is?

>Not unpopular with workers.

It would be unpopular if they understood basic economics and history.


>Just 9-10 years ago Reddit was campaign central for Bernie Sanders.

Yeah, and the bourgeois response to that was to purge Bernie supporters and leftists in general from reddit, and that drive continues apace with the rest of the internet as the ruling class tries to maintain control.


>the bourgeois response to that was to purge Bernie supporters and leftists in general from reddit
All alive and kicking. The only people where ever a real threat to the reddit shareholders and were actually purged from the platform were Trump supporters and /r/The_Donald


>communist central bank
Oh it's retarded.


>That's not what's happening. Prices go up because the government is spending way more money than it has and the deficit is filled in by creating new money out of nothing. Anybody with a brain trades their government tokens for hard assets like real estate to avoid getting fucked by inflation. If the value of money was stable then owning property for no reason would be nothing but a liability and supply would open up to people who actually use the property.
Kek. Libertarians are smarter than basically anything this sub produces and they're kooky. You know the government can just allow more housing and those investments are poof and those investment aren't as reliable as it would seem and a cursory search and first gen immigrants have not been more likely to be imprisoned since 1880. Word salad =/= rational argument.
Then left wingers saying increase in immigration (supply) decreases wages (price) ignoring the ceteris paribus part of the law. I guess I can also be a billionaire if I'm the only one on say one of the military bases China is building in the Spratlys but it's not looking like any of the soldiers there are millionaires. Left wing and right wing horseshoe turds on the internet sure are interesting.


I sure do hope that the leftwingers engage smartly (doubt) with the guy who think all sources are propaganda outside "obvious" "sources" like peeing on the public toilet floor is more popular than at home in an obvious case of projection. I'd just be disappointed. This mistaken perception of a source, I wouldn't brand you as having understood basic economics and history. The peeing in a public bathroom guy would just be branded wrong as seen from his lack of basic understanding of immigration economics. (which isn't an argument btw and something you like to do.)


It's as if I can live in la la land and pretend ceteris paribus doesn't exist. Ha! I can't let go. Maybe I'm part of the brainrot system. Replace capitalist with brainrot, maybe a more passable view.


You forgot ChapoTrapHouse's wrongful suspension. This is erasure of one of the premier vanguards of the US' peasant and working class people.


Subreddits that outran their purpose, a wage work reform sub, and a navel gazing sub

r/austrianeconomics is the largest sub on Reddit devoted to a singular economic school

Reddit is a right-lib site now


>communist central bank
Point 5 of the communist manifesto is monopolizing money creation under a central bank controlled by the state.

>Oh it's retarded.

Don't worry I'm sure you're not the only person around here who pretends to read Marx.

>You know the government can just allow more housing and those investments are poof and those investment aren't as reliable as it would seem
Is this supposed to be english? I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>a cursory search and first gen immigrants have not been more likely to be imprisoned since 1880

Oh really, did google tell you the same thing as every other corporate news and big tech platform. That's weird.

>Then left wingers saying increase in immigration (supply) decreases wages (price)

That's why it's so insane that leftists fight this hard for immigration. They've brainwashed the chickens to walk into KFC.

>like peeing on the public toilet floor is more popular than at home
People value other people's property less than they value their own property. It's human nature. The way you get so angry about it suggests to me you know you can't debunk it.

And it's not a race thing either. Round up a gang of 20yo rednecks and dump them in the middle of Tokyo. What do you expect them to do except chase girls and cause trouble.

>Chapo Trap House is aligned with the dirtbag left, a style of contentious left-wing political discourse that eschews civility in favor of casual, blunt, often vulgar expression
Sounds like they were banned for being jerks rather than for being socialists.

>r/austrianeconomics is the largest sub on Reddit devoted to a singular economic school
>Reddit is a right-lib site now
</r/AustrianEconomics/ 1,278 readers
</r/Marxism/ 54,628 Comrades
It would have taken you 5 seconds to check.


>Sounds like they were banned for being jerks rather than for being socialists.
I'm not gonna pretend chapotards are terribly enlightened on theory, but you really shouldn't try to justify censorship like this. You wouldn't tolerate -banned for being a jerk- on an image board, would you?


>You wouldn't tolerate -banned for being a jerk- on an image board, would you?
No but reddit is not an imageboard. It's full of normies trying to virtue signal and score upvotes from each other. I get the impression it's the kind of place that would rather see a politely worded lie than a blunt truth.

Is there any pro-Trump content on reddit? Because that's what a political purge is.


the political purge happened when r/ChapoTrapHouse was banned
it was banned for being a powerhouse for western leftism and agitprop


>It's full of normies trying to virtue signal and score upvotes from each other.
It's full of Eglin Air Force Base workers trying to look like normies trying to virtue signal and score upvotes from each other.


I knew someone was going to claim r/Marxism is an economic school subreddit.

It is not. It's a navel gasing sub.

The first page of r/Marxism right now for example is entirely the following

* debate over the meaning of political ideologies
* people asking why other people dislike Marxism
* How to draw a hammer a sickel symbol
* Multiple complaints about the density and outdatedness of writing in Marxist books
* Questions about political policy Marx never opined on
* Discussion of how much they personally like the personalities of people who advocate Marxism
* and people who seem to be asking homework questions about phrasing

r/Marxism is not an economics forum!



>the political purge happened when r/ChapoTrapHouse was banned
Banning a relatively small group of rube obnoxious leftists is not a political purge. A political purge would be anybody who says anything positive about Bernie getting booted off the platform. You know, how anybody who says anything positive about Trump actually is booted off the platform.

I hate to break it to you but you're not the rebels you think you are.

>It's full of Eglin Air Force Base workers trying to look like normies trying to virtue signal and score upvotes from each other.

Reddit astroturfing is so absolute it's probably the reddit algorithm itself that is manipulating which political views get boosted or hidden rather than outside parties. Why waste your time paying people to create fake accounts when you can just pay reddit directly. It's a hell of a business model when you think about it.

>I knew someone was going to claim r/Marxism is an economic school subreddit.
If you really want to go down that road then marxism is not an economic school anyway.

>Reddit is a right-lib site now

</r/AustrianEconomics/ 1,278 readers
</r/Economics/ 4,761,467 readers
The numbers still don't add up.


Those aren't really left wing subreddits compared to ones like r/GenZedong which was quarantined. Which was based btw I don't really care what anyone says.

Reddit allows liberal thought, but not revolutionary leftist thought or optimism.



>R/GenZedong has long been a haven for those who are skeptical of Uighur oppression in China.
There you go it was the CCP and/or Chinese investors who pressured reddit into that decision. Nothing to do with "muh revolution".


>skeptical of Uighur oppression in China
That's a weird way to say "not falling for western propaganda bs"

And nowhere in your Time article (itself a propaganda outlet) does it say that Chinese investors pressured reddit to take down /r/genzedong.

You're saying
>there you go
like you conclusively showed me something, why are you acting so smug?


>You're saying there you go like you conclusively showed me something
<Chinese company owns 8.5% of reddit
<reddit bans a sub critical of China's oppression of the Uighur
This isn't rocket science my dude.


>reddit bans a sub critical of China's oppression of the Uighur
So genzedong was saying they are NOT oppressing uyghurs. Reddit doesn't ban subs that claim they do, precisely because that was the current propaganda talking point at the time.


>genzedong was saying they are NOT oppressing uyghurs
Good point I didn't read it properly.


The Uighur situation was like this:

Presumably the CIA or something similar tried to foment religious fundamentalism in the Xinjiang region in China. Most likely because that is the largest hub in the Belt and Road project. Which is a industrial development program the Chinese are building for economic soft-power influence. For the most part this is a mutually beneficial arrangement, the Chinese get influence and secure supply-lines while regions who partake see economic development and rising standards of living.

Basically the CIA (or whoever) tried to create "Asian ISIS" to disrupt rival economics. To some extend it worked because there were a lot of terror attacks in Xinjiang. The Chinese countered that by flooding the major city and industrial hub in that region with police and security overkill. That is very expensive and suffocating for the residents and to some degree this was a minor victory for the CIA-terror campaign because they managed to degrade socio-economic efficiency. But overall the Chinese won that round because the Belt and Road project was not disrupted.

This is not where this story ends, most of the people who got sucked up into "Asian ISIS" belonged to a group that is called Uighurs. And the Chinese began rounding up a lot of them and stuffed them into re-education camps. Basically a closed boarding-school for adults. These people obviously were deprived of their freedom, however making them go to skill training courses and accompanying educational lectures, isn't the same as Nazi extermination camps , which was the propagandist deception in the mainstream media. False claims of upto 2 million dead were made based on testimony of some guy called Adrien Zense (unsure about the spelling). That lie was too big. The mainstream media looked like massive bafoons for just making up a genocide where there was none. They shifted the narrative to "cultural genocide". The amount of eye-rolling that induced globally, caused so much friction-heat form billions of eyeballs rubbing against skull sockets that it probably contributed to climate-change.

Side-note: Adrien Zense was a total nut-job who also claimed to be on a holy mission to bring down the CCP. I'm still wondering what the Canadian Canoe Patrol did to him to warrant such hatred.

The take-away is about how to deal with an ISIS type situation.
The Cia also did an ISIS in Syria a few years before all of this. The response from the Syrian and the Russian government was to pound them into oblivion with heavy weapons. While that was effective too, one has to note that the Chinese method was significantly gentler. While reducing the harshness of the counter-measures represents progress. We also have to keep in mind, that the ultimate goal is to frustrate CIA-shenanigans without bothering the population. Winning means that everybody lives a pleasant live without getting any of their civil liberties stepped on.

Without getting into the details of reddit. You are proposing a hypothesis that China is able to influence western media. Given how much anti-China sentiment there is, that seems unlikely.

American and western media influence has become so dominant because it has been relatively open and you can find almost any information there. As long as that doesn't change there is little pressure for significant migration to Chinese media.

However there are attacks on digital freedom in the west, if those succeed it could very-well be that the Chinese realize the opportunity and make their media the free and open one and then they become dominant


>Basically the CIA (or whoever) tried to create "Asian ISIS" to disrupt rival economies.
Sounds like something Obama would do.

>However there are attacks on digital freedom in the west

If Elon hadn't bought Twitter there would be no major western platform to discuss the Palestinian situation without Zionist censorship.


>If Elon hadn't bought Twitter there would be no major western platform to discuss the Palestinian situation without Zionist censorship.
relevant vid from Glenn Greenwald
The thing is tho, if the censorship gang is siding with the Zionists, they're likely going to be considered complicit in the genocide. At least that's how it went historically with such cases. And then censorship will get politically burned and it goes back into the box for 50 years. The dynamic is not new.

To some extend it also depends on the outcome of the fighting. Israel can't win this, if they don't quit now and call it a draw, they're gonna get a crushing defeat, which would collapse the Zionist lobby. If they're the driving force behind the censorship, it'll go away with them.


They do if you actually engage in conversation on the site. Redditors are almost universally opposed to public housing, non-austerity fiscal budgeting, rent control, degrowth, decoupling of labor from survival, ending private land ownership, and healthy skepticism of corporate media


Maybe dats cuz your fucking uyghuruyghurs on the parliamental payroll have completely lost their fucking credibility by showing off th@ no good goy in the gubbmint can actually change shit 4 the part of soyciety they somehow represent? Fucking uyghur kys faggot uyghur uyghur uyghur uyghur uyghur.
Cocksucking fucks who you call your fellow humoids are doing the same shit they did back @ the outbreak of the 1st imperialist slaughterfest - cuck down to the gr8 [woe]man of the hour who can save the crumbling system right from the tv set, you just have 2 behave like a good goy & w8 until our grorious military will crush the subhumans from the neighbouring shithole & take their unjustly owned stuff. Let the bloodthirsty fucking cattle perish in billions, lest they will think th@ new hitler really did save them.

Th@ vietanon nutsoy faggot had something very different 2 say on this matter, specifically about mujahideen training camps built by ccp 4 their fight with ruzzoid red imperialism. Keep tearing your ass apart further, bottom.

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