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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.485607[Watch Thread]>>485608>>485609>>485618

Reddit is showing their true colors.
Theyre going full attack on Gen Z males just becase a prominent minority of them voted for Trump.

Both sides beat up the youth for anything and everything.

And the sad part is, this time, the people doing it are Millennials, the ones who influenced ther liberal policies onto Gen Z.

For thr past eight years, Millennials accused Fen Z of being SJWs.
Now they do a 180 amd say tgat they were reactionaries?

And all the things millennials accuse Gen Z being?
Millennials were accused of the same fifteen years ago.


>>485607 (OP)
Generations aren't real. It's a made up identity. People don't necessarily have the same political opinions, cultural values, or philosophical outlooks just because they have roughly the same age. I don't know who came up with it, but it probably was marketing people or perhaps low-brow trash-culture-exploitation media. And for some forsaken reason the meme stuck.

A long time ago in the agricultural age when most people lived on farms with their extended family and households contained like 3 or 4 actual generations, where the word meant a distinction between children, parents, grandparents and great grandparents. It sort of made sense.

In the present situation it makes more sense to at look this from a class perspective. You seem to be accusing one group of chastising another, maybe look at the material interest of these groups instead, and ignore the made up dividing line based on a age-bracket.


>>485607 (OP)


Unfortunately, the Reddit libs whom prize themselves on long term cultural memory are woefully ignorant of this


As a long term skater, there is definitely share cultural traits and experiences that exist along generational lines. For a while, every single Zoomer skater, literally every one I met and talked to, claimed they were non-binary or trans despite presenting entirely as their sex. It was pretty hilarious watching all the 16-17 year old Zoomer skaters guys literally go to "Women and Trans/Non-Binary" skating only events at indoor skateparks, just to hit on girls.
There was nothing like this among Millennials, during our teenage years faggot was probably the number 1 most used insult and anyone who even cared about dressing well was called a fag or "Metrosexual".


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Anon when are you going to stop using "whom" incorrectly? I feel so bad for you.


Millennials as adults are doing and promoting that though.
Millennials are doing the trans-age thing.

35 year olds claiming to be 22.


Dude, cringe tribalism you partook in as an adolescent isn't an identity, it's an anecdote.

>the trans-age thing.
Seriously he can be an adult and a skater wear shoes that have wheels. That's perfectly fine. Don't sour his hobby by making up belittlement-words.


>>485607 (OP)
First of all in my opinion Reddit is the worst website on the internet. My account there is 14 years old at this point and idk if that site was ever good but I certainly had fun there when I first joined. But as the feds and their shill bots and content administrators took over it became clear that the website has one basic strategy: to make you believe that everyone thinks a certain way or believes a certain thing (usually some sort of state department line, like siding with Ukraine and Russia/China bad). The job is to firmly set the goalposts for what is acceptable to think. Anything within that can be endlessly debated. Anything outside is completely ignored, deleted or down-voted to the bottom.

Reddit accomplishes this by creating the illusion that there is a consensus of opinions where there isn't by using shill accounts to spread their message in the comments, using bots to upvote their message and anyone supporting it, and also tactfully creating relevant-looking content that is really propaganda and putting into every popular subreddit, even irrelevant meme ones. The problem is they try to make it look organic and unless you were on the website before this was thought of or technologically possible, you might not actually understand the scale of it: on any contentious issue, you can safely assume that there are no real posters in the comments. It's dead internet.

Anyways I'm saying all of this to you OP because what you saw might be just that: feds gaslighting you into thinking that millenials hate genz, and creating yet another divide in the population.

But the smug liberal type that sides with the current establishment and the neoliberal capitalist system as a whole certainly exists in real life too. There are people who are really snakes that talk about progressive issues but do not want any real change. In fact they actively wreck movements and at the very least stand by and watch the government commit atrocities without lifting a finger against it all while claiming to care about people of color, women and lgbtq people.

There are people that are gaslighting arabs saying "we supported you on the gaza issue and you didn't vote for the democrats, now i hope gaza burns to the ground". These are the same people that say they want to help black people but do not actually think of them as equal human beings. Zizek goes into this mentality quite a lot, he tells this anecdote of refugees in Sweden (I think) not being held accountable for assaulting some girl because basically the whites don't think the browns have the capacity to understand laws. It's a deep rooted racism that comes out.

I hate these people. They are the true fascists but they are even more dangerous. First of all they try to win arguments with bad logic. They side with the system so they don't have to respect their opponent in a debate. Second of all they are snakes: they don't say what they really think. I hate these people more than I hate /pol/tards and racist conservatives because at least those people are honest about it. And third they slip up and do or say things that are fucked up and racist and get called out hard on it, they play the victim card and start calling the cops or something.

I used to want to debate libs but it's pointless, causes me to get angry, causes them to get angry and the only way to deal with them is to kill them.


>Dude, cringe tribalism you partook in as an adolescent isn't an identity, it's an anecdote.

Not everything is cringey teenage fads though.

>Seriously he can be an adult and a skater wear shoes that have wheels. That's perfectly fine. Don't sour his hobby by making up belittlement-words.

Stop fwisting my words. Adults being skaters hasnothing to do with wgat Im saing.
Im saying that the cringey shit we accuse teens of doing was created and promoted by adults

Shilkbots may be a aprt of it, vut this feels genuinely organic even if its brainwashed.

Alot of the hatred for Gen Z on Reddit is the same nasty contempt that I see on other site, especialy imageboard.

Its just prime age adults having a premature midlife crisis amd attaking ther juniors for being the new kids on the block.
Remember how back in 2018, Millennials accused Zoomers of being SJWs.
Millennials are just brainrotten from idpol and projecting onto their juniors


Reddit is just very, very hateful. More so than 4chan. Just keep that in mind.


Nah. Reddit for all its faults couldnt touch 4chan in toxicity.

But both sites are obnoxiously self-isolative and harbor main character syndrome for the Millennial persuasion.
Both sites were made by Millennials, after all.

Both the SJWs and alt-right are Millennial/Gen X shenanigans that went too far.


Reddit is over-promoting the "brain development" theory as a infantilising put down against teenagers

There's posts claiming teens cannot do any research or have political preference etc

Progressives preach about equality but deny it to the ones who need it most: young people.

Irony is the same paternalistic contempt they show the young is the exact same that reactionaries use to punish young people for being progressive.

And the usual whining about muh TikTok from both sides yet Millennials also use it

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