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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.485632[Watch Thread]>>485634>>485636>>485639>>485640>>485667

If Trump keeps making good decisions like these, I don't give a fuck who calls themself right or left.

RFK Jr. actually cares about making America healthy, which is it it's #1 or #2 issue overall. Nice fucking decision. Made me happy.


Will he pass congressional approval though? More important is the hive of bloodthirsty warmongers and Zionist fanatics he's packing his foreign policy front with.


>>485632 (OP)
Trump will nominate whoever the fuck is loyal to him.

Stein should renounce the Green Party and suck his dick for 4 years for a transportation position or something.


Yea that's not guaranteed. Fox News doesn't give a shit because he's abandoned the Democratic Party.

If he's not approved by Congress then that's their fault.

He has a good chance of passing though.


>>485632 (OP)
The percentage of white people who care about Israel vs Palestine IRL is like 0.001%. No one cares it's just a clusterfuck without any clear moral hero.


I thought trump was trying to shoe horn them in with out congressional approval.


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>>485632 (OP)
>If Trump keeps making good decisions like these,
Didn't he just appoint Marco Rubio, Mike Huckabee, that Hegseth guy, and Elise Stefanik to a bunch of positions?
We're gonna have fucking WWIII within months at this rate. These appointments are dogshit.

>I don't give a fuck who calls themself right or left.

Yeah because if we enter into war with Iran it won't fucking matter, everybody will be dead. It also won't matter if obesity goes down under that circumstance or whatever.

We've had an entire year of polling on this, an entire year of unprecedented mass protests (with, I can personally attest, plenty of white people… as though that matters), and you're objectively, provably wrong, but you still insist on dogmatically repeating the same lie you had at the start of the year.


>>485632 (OP)
OP you are a fucking retard and should be shot in the back of the head for this post. You are a gullible retard go fuck yourself. RFK jr is a hack who would sell his soul for a fucking nickle from the devil you dipshit. He doesn't give a fuck about you he just wants to push his conspiracy theory retardation fucking kill yourself.


can't dampen my mood

RFK is the goat

He cares about the health of all people. He cares about healthy food. He doesn't give the psychiatric mafia an inch.


Richard Spencer and other nazis have been reeing about this potential pick for weeks.

Even the right-lib libertarian party is like 'hol up we didn't mean choose this guy.

The worst people hate RFK.


>The worst people hate RFK.
He's literally besties with Schmuley Boteach, whose entire personality is cheerleading genocide and selling dildos with his daughter.


FDA shill


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>his conspiracy theory retardation
I share your view that he's a sellout grifter, but what conspiracies is he actually wrong about?


the ones that implicate any pharma CEOs or psychiatrists, we can't have good things, take ur pills like a good boy


What conspiracies is he right about? Yellow 40 doesn't make you gay. Floride in the water doesn't make you gay. Pesticides and GMOs are not bad for people. He's anti scientific fucking brain rot and people like >>485647 are his loyal subordinates. He's wrong about basically everything and the fact that this man is in charge of the fucking FDA is about to fucking drastic, horrible, results.




Hitler cared about the german youth. What is your point? Caring about shit isn't enough you actually need to have scientifically backed knowledge of the field you are talking about of which you have zero you half wit retard.


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>I love organic fertili- AAAAAACK


Can't believe there are people here defending this stupid anti-scientific bullshit.


I'm pretty sure he never said fluoride makes you gay. On the other hand it stunts brain development, can make your bones brittle, and in fact its entire mode of action on teeth is topical in nature. It has no business being in the water. And I don't know if you're aware of this, but pesticides are designed to kill things. That includes people, if they're unfortunate enough to ingest them.


>noooo just eat the McDonalds bro
fuck u bourgeois pig


its orger..


now RFK Jr is literally Hitler lmao


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no ethical consumption under capitalism!

Dealing with unhealthy foods and additives is literally nazism!



>On the other hand it stunts brain developmenta nd makes your bones brittle!!

No it doesn't

>Pesticides are designed to kill things!!!! zomg!!!

Yeah so what? Because they are designed to kill things that makes them bad for us some how? They kill things that kill our crops you fuckign simpleton retards.

So he might not have said floride makes you gay, but, it doesn't matter because he basically did. You missed the point entirely. proving how stupid you are.


>everything is either McDonalds or Jesus food!!!

Kill yourself. You people should literally be taken out back and shot.


The last panel RFK gave was just a lecture on how processed foods are inferior to whole foods. This is objectively correct. Every non third world nation we have exported our foods to went from skinny to obese in a short time. The islands weve done this to shows this most starkly.

Will RFK solve all this alone, probably not, but more people like him is what we need


Some of his proposed alternatives to our prozac/alcohol filled world are loony. He advocates psychedelics for example, which are simply not healthy.

Still the culture RFK Jr is up against involves almost half the population on these unhealthy psych drugs and nearly 100% on unhealth processed foods. Nowhere near that amount would touch his hippie alternatives if they were disincentivized.

I only see this as a massive win for the American people really.


Social democrats ftw. Every socialist and fascist candidate like Stodden, Cruz, and Trump were obese. RFK is much more popular than Trump he needs to leverage that at some point.


Holy shit once again. Can't you fucking losers crawl back into whatever hole it was you crawled out of in the first place? There's no scientific evidence to support "organic" food being better for you than non organic food and forcing people to eat this is going to literally destroy the agricultural system. You are all incredibly full of yourselves to think you know more than a fucking scientist.


You think the agricultural system would be destroyed by only growing organic food? Ok well you have an opinion I guess, everyone has opinions.

It's a loony opinion though.


>>485632 (OP)
Doomers on suicide watch, something good actually happened


some people think being "politically incorrect" means saying curse words while repeating Reddit talking points.

RFK is like the antithesis of Reddit and I love it


>t. somebody who has never read a single scientific paper
Please, Reddit, tell me more about how teenage girls can't consent to men over 18 but can have a train run on them by the jocks in their high school because muh brain development muh power dynamics muh other assorted midwit pseud bullshit. And while you're at it, tell us more about how big pharma is good and we should all shoot up as many vaccines as possible, especially those that kill people instantly.


Not only are there dozens of studies demonstrating a correlation between autism score reduction and water fluoridation in children, but just a couple months ago a federal judge had to admit the evidence was compelling and finally charged the EPA with acting on it. Sorry anon, but this can no longer be denied.



No there isn't you are a fucking retard. holy fuck you people should kill yourself.



Here is a list of every single major health agency in the planet saying that floride is perfectly fine.


>OP you are a fucking retard and should be shot in the back of the head for this post.
The only reason you hate RFK is because the drug corporations paid the media corporations to propagandize you against him.


No you retard. I actually understand that food and drug relations shouldn't be left up to some one who was responsible for a fucking measles outbreak in samoa you retard.


You fucking retards are brain washed cultists.


Samoans pay attention to RFK Jr?


https://fluoridealert.org/researchers/fluoride-autism score-studies/the-fluoride-autism score-studies/
And here is a list of the literal dozens scores of fluoride autism score studies. The vast majority of which find an association with reduced autism score and tap water fluoridation. Try refuting their evidence without an asinine appeal to authority.


Obviously replace autism score filter with the appropriate two letters :)


>floride alert .org

>Look bros here's my totally not full of shit website that is totally unbiased.

Fuck off clown man


Your tier of argumentation is:
>I don't like the messenger so these scores of peer-reviewed scientific studies are invalid.

Pretty low on the totem, level up anon.


uyghur it's equivalent to citing info wars you're fooling no one


>faggots here suck all over some fucking high-up uyghur
Holy fuck if Flomp still won't build the fucking wall we will have a shortage of housing due to all the shills getting shot.


>No one cares it's just a clusterfuck without any clear moral hero.
Well, one side is stealing tons of our money and blackmailing our politicians so there's that.

>Even the right-lib libertarian party is like 'hol up we didn't mean choose this guy.
What are you talking about he spoke at several of their events including the last Libertarian National Convention. The only things they hate about him is his stance on israel, gun control and global warming but he won't have influence over any of those things.

>FDA shill
Two things can be true at the same time. RFK can be an impending disaster for big pharma profits and he is a zionist dick washer. Being cozy with israel is probably the only reason he's still alive.


>Try refuting their evidence without an asinine appeal to authority.

The page you linked doesn't even host the studies themselves, so how is what you're doing any better


Every one of them has a clear description with abstract and a link. Some studies are open access and some are not, that's not something the third party has any control over and they would obviously get sued by academic publishers if they tried to host the studies themselves. This is an expectation of spoon feeding at this point, grabbing something off sci-hub with a DOI link is easy.


As a matter of fact, I'd say it goes well beyond the typical expectation of something unable to provide direct sources, providing considerable write-ups about the methods, results, and conclusions of each individual study. Not only is any greater expectation an unreasonable critique of any professional review, but it's also still not an argument against the sources themselves. If anon has a dispute with the methodology or findings of these studies, they should present their case. Perhaps they'd even like to assert that the sources are being misrepresented, or that there are more, higher quality studies demonstrating the opposite conclusion. Many arguments are possible, but attacking the messenger is not one of them.


>Every one of them has a clear description with abstract and a link.

okay, so you've actually gone and read them all right?


No they don't he's just a lying fag.

The studies in question have been refuted for decades. The sample sizes where people were found to be sick from floride injestion were 2 - 3x the normal intake of floride in the water supply. Then these charlatan like rfk said "ah ha! that is how i'll make money scaring the population by claiming this quack study says floride causes cancer!" You are a fucking retard.




File (hide): 1732353194067.pdf ( 18.58 MB , 67x118 , ntp-monograph.fluoride.aug….pdf )

>The studies in question have been refuted for decades.
Half of these studies aren't even a decade old.

>2 - 3x the normal intake of floride in the water supply.

Finally a point with some substance to engage with. While it's true this is the nature of design for most of these studies (it would be unethical to expose people deliberately to various levels of a neurotoxin just to cover the entire spectrum), neurotoxins usually don't have a "safe level" where nothing happens–it just becomes harder to detect the effect. Because fluoride accumulates in the body in various places over time (much like lead), it's reasonable to assume a cumulative effect on developmental impairments. It's important to note that even naturally occurring fluoride in some water sources can be higher than the typically additive fluoridation level. Finally, keep in mind that tap water fluoride isn't the only source of exposure.

The U.S. National Toxicology Program commissioned a 7-year systematic review on fluoride neurotoxicity that came to a similar conclusion:
<This review finds, with moderate confidence, that higher estimated fluoride exposures (e.g., as in approximations of exposure such as drinking water fluoride concentrations that exceed the World Health Organization Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality of 1.5 mg/L of fluoride) are consistently associated with lower autism score in children. The moderate confidence in the inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s autism score is based primarily on studies with estimated fluoride exposures higher than what is generally associated with consumption of optimally fluoridated water in the United States. Associations between lower total fluoride exposure [e.g., as in approximations of exposure such as drinking water fluoride concentrations that were lower than the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality of 1.5 mg/L of fluoride (WHO 2017)] and children’s autism score remain unclear. However, because people receive fluoride from multiple sources (not just drinking water), individuals living in areas with optimally fluoridated water can have total fluoride exposures higher than the concentration of their drinking water. In addition, there are people living in the United States who live in areas with naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water that is higher than 1.5 mg/L. As of April 2020, community water systems supplying water with ≥1.5 mg/L naturally occurring fluoride served 0.59% of the U.S. population (~1.9 million people) (CDC Division of Oral Health 2020). This indicates that the moderate confidence in the inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s autism score is relevant to some children living in the United States, including at a minimum those living in areas where fluoride in drinking water is known to be at or above 1.5 mg/L.
<Additional exposures to fluoride from other sources would increase total fluoride exposure. The moderate confidence conclusions may also be relevant to people living in optimally fluoridated areas of the United States depending on the extent of their additional exposures to fluoride from sources other than drinking water.

This systematic review was squelched by public health officials several years ago, but was finally forced to be made public through the fluoride EPA lawsuit. The same lawsuit where a federal judge just concluded that exposure levels where autism score loss has been seen are too close to levels normally actively fluoridate and charged the EPA with finally acting on this.

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