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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.485698[Watch Thread]>>485704

How did genderism and transgenders become associated with and straight up completely dominate the left? They're regressive ideals. When I was growing up, I was advocating that people should be free to express themselves no matter their sex. I thought it was the progressive consensus at the time. Now they push for identitarianism and I myself frequently suffered abuse at their hands as an androgynous intersex gay man being strongly pushed not only to identify as a woman (because men are le bad(? - I think anyway)) but also pressured to claim to be attracted to female sex characteristics if the owners didn't claim to identify as women, which would be quickly called homophobic and therefore a bigotry in the past but now is being pushed and homosexuals are called bigots for being homosexual.

The 'leftist' politicians no longer even seem to do anything but peddle the culture war focused on gender, especially transgenderism. The liberals don't even seem to believe in it, they just peddle it, with the new man vs woman divide being mostly men vs non-men but when it comes down to it they divide it as 'amab' vs 'afab'.

There are many issues disproportionely affecting men, but no one speaks about it on the left anyway, no one acknowledges many female privileges which become extremely prelavent when the society is struggling: they don't give a fuck about the huge amount of homeless men, how women avoid sentences and get far less harsh sentences (I work in a prison and everyone here speaks of it and it is materially very blatant), how women's wellbeing both physical and mental are prioritised while men's frequently targetted with the aim of making them worse; how in spite of all the alleged progress men are still fully expected to provide and suck all up; the unnamed androcides which are falsely called 'wars' and so much more.

This isn't to even mention how worldwide collectively male genital mutilation is widely encouraged, misnamed to a 'circumcision', but also including nearly all intersex people who will be operated on to make their genitals appear female, no matter the price (health, chronic pain and so much more) - I myself fell a victim a few months ago when a surgeon during a surgery on my urethra decided to perform a partial vaginoplasty without my consent and hide behind my intersex disease claiming it was needed even though I didn't have a vagina and I cannot even fathom how one could rule making one could ever be medically necessary, yet the hospital complaints board is dismissing me, as are solicitors, because it is fine to mutilate males - I can guarantee if anything like this in reverse was done to a female it would cause a huge backlash.

How did this happen? Why do you get silenced when you try to speak of it in leftist spaces even though it is a culturally regressive movement (genderism), sexist and homophobic?


>I myself fell a victim a few months ago when a surgeon during a surgery on my urethra decided to perform a partial vaginoplasty
dare I say


Like I'm sorry for your loss I hope when they gave you the vagina it was free of charge


>>485698 (OP)
>they don't give a fuck about the huge amount of homeless men,
The fix for this is a public housing program and everybody gets a natural right to a house, then there won't be anymore homeless people.

>how women avoid sentences and get far less harsh sentences (I work in a prison and everyone here speaks of it and it is materially very blatant),

Many have pointed out that there's people putting the thumb on the scales of justice. Like rich people get away with murder and poor people get booked for minor victimless crimes. War-criminals go free while the journalism that investigates get jailed. Wall-street crashed the global financial system and nothing happens, while small commerce gets scrutinized to 4 decimal points.

There's probably too many people imprisoned in general. I think a reasonable reform would be to put an upper limit. Like for example, you can't imprison more than 0.1% of the population. I pulled that number out of my ass but definitely below one percent.

As far as other biases go, i don't know how to fix that. There is a concept where you make a legal system with a base law that deals with all universal serious crimes like murder, and that applies to everybody the same. And then there would be the lesser crimes that are not universal. There would be multiple legal systems that define lesser crimes, and people could choose which of these systems they would submit too. That probably would make it harder to put prejudices into laws.

Another point is that current legal systems only have a whip to punish people if they don't follow the rules, but there is no carrot to reward people that do follow the rules. Introducing rewards probably would lead to significantly better results.

>how women's wellbeing both physical and mental are prioritised while men's frequently targetted with the aim of making them worse;

I'm not sure what exactly you mean, but there probably is a need to create rights that protect the mind. Like the state isn't allowed to intimidate people or use psychological war-fare tactics and so on.

>how in spite of all the alleged progress men are still fully expected to provide

That is pretty easy to explain, capitalists do not want men to reproduce unless they produce surplus for capitalist or are capitalists them selves. For women the expectation is to raise children and also work for capital, that's pretty shit as well.
I guess you are not wrong to point out how expectations have been turned against people.

>and suck all up; the unnamed androcides which are falsely called 'wars' and so much more.

Not sure i understand, i don't know that word, it probably doesn't mean the targeted eradication of androids, but it seems like you're trying to end wars which sounds good.


There is no such thing as "intersex" humans. There are things like androgen insensitivity syndrome, Kleinfelter syndrome, etc., but those are all disorders of sexual development. Intersex is a completely inappropriate term to apply to humans and as a biologist I would ask that you stop abusing it it. Male mayflies can be intersex. You are not an aquatic invertebrate that has a single day at maturity to trick females into letting you get close enough to fertilize their eggs before you run out of energy and die.


>Intersex is a completely inappropriate term to apply to humans and as a biologist
No you fucking aren't lmao
"Hey I'm a biologist and I'm 5 years old and I have never heard the term intersex used for people before"
Fucking clown.


Seethe all you want idpoler, when we use it in the biological sciences we mean something more specific and meaningful than the half-assed parlance thrown about for the latest sociological fad.


>latest sociological fad.
This literally was the terminology before you were born. If you go back far enough, they were called hermaphrodites or pseudo-hermaphrodites, but we were calling them intersex over 20 years ago. ISNA was founded in 1993. You know nothing about this and it's transparently obvious that you're just pretending to be an expert because you want to moralize about a natural phenomenon which you personally think is freakish. I was probably reading the ISNA's site before you were even born, that's how long this has been the standard terminology. Where'd you go to school for biology, Bozo's Circus Academy for Dipshits?


It seems like you're deliberately misreading my post out of some emotional, identarian attachment to a word. That's fine but you should really try to understand that terminology in biology (or any other hard science) is about removing emotions and subjectivity, in order to describe an aspect of the natural world in the most precise and consistent way possible. Precise and consistent language is key in exchanging ideas and testing hypotheses. In biology we do not use intersex to refer to disorders of sexual development, we use it to refer to a widespread aspect of a species' biology that exists because natural selection deemed it to have some kind of fitness advantage.


You're literally just making a delusional semantic argument based on a fantasy idea of biology.

Nothing I say is identitarian; I'm dealing in the objective facts, and that is that this has been the terminology for longer than there's been any kind of retarded "debate" around it. You are basing your disingenuous argument in an ahistorical lie, which is so steeped in contemporary culture war nonsense that you literally refuse to process any fact which contradicts it.

>In biology we do not use intersex to refer to disorders of sexual development,

And yet it's used that way in medicine, and it has been used that way in medicine for longer than you've been alive. Even if your claim that it's not used that way in human biology was correct (and your claim is clearly not), you are in no position whatsoever to lecture anyone about terminology when another hard science, which applies to human medical conditions rather than those of other species (and the author of this thread was, importantly, a human) uses it in the way you claim it isn't used.

>natural selection deemed it to have some kind of fitness advantage.

This also isn't how natural selection works. This is remarkably spooked language coming from someone claiming to be a "biologist" when the reality is that evolution proceeds as incremental mutations which only gradually lead to broadly shared traits. There is no way whatsoever of deciding definitively in a single lifetime whether certain mutations in a species have a functional purpose, and to the contrary we see intersex conditions appearing in the human race over and over again for the entire course of human history. There is no sentient natural selection to appeal to here - it is a largely random force which only makes sense when looked at as a historical process, and if you try to establish that it ""deems"" anything to be a fitness advantage, you'll find that it regularly replicates traits which you yourself would try to define rigidly as disorders. It's magical thinking to assume that evolution, in spite of all evidence, can always be separated neatly into disorders vs. a normal orderly course of progress. Natural selection isn't some guy who decides what stays or goes, it's a process defined after-the-fact by humans observing traits shaped by centuries of species interacting with their environment and slowly changing. You know, if we're being semantic!
With that being said, human disorders are still the domain of medicine, and the term for intersex conditions in medicine is, and has been for decades, intersex. If you want to talk about bugs, make a thread about bugs, provided you actually know any more about them than I do (you don't seem to :]).


>and it has been used that way in medicine for longer than you've been alive
And it has been used in the study of arthropods in a much clearer defined way for an order of magnitude longer than that. Sociology is a very recent appropriation of the term. I find it especially hilarious that you tried to support your case with a Wikipedia link, when right in the very article they direct you to an alternate article, "Intersex (biology)", in clear acknowledgement that it's a distinct concept in biology. Even Wikipedians agree that it needs to have a separate article to delineate it from your imprecise co-opting of the term in sociology.

>pseudointellectual screed about evolution

Seems we've hit on an insecurity here. There are in fact many ways to establish the selective advantage of a given trait in a population, especially where it occurs in large numbers and you can measure it across generations (unlike for example exceptionally rare disorders found in human populations). Another fun fact about intersex conditions in animal populations: unlike humans with disorders of sexual development, the animals presenting intersex traits are generally not sterile. That is how they persist across generations.


>How did genderism and transgenders become associated with and straight up completely dominate the left?
1: Western Leftist isn't based on Materialism, but is very much an "outcast" counter-culture that ranks heiarchy based on "oppression". This means leftist spaces find it near impossble to gatekeep against crazies, if those crazies check certain oppression boxes. This is easily manipulated by malicious power hungry types, for decades the black and muslim community who would use the left for their own idpol agendas then stab the left immediately in the back the moment they sniffed power or money, now it's the LGBT community.
2: Modern LGBT movement is essentially Narcissism the movement, and 98% of Transgenderism is viciously Narcissistic Cluster B fuelled AGP and extremely thin skinned autists who think playing a girl is life on "easy mode". Being terminally online, while also pushing all the right oppression boxes, and being experts in tumblr woo academia woke speak and manipulation of statistics and victim narrative, Troons literally took over the entire online left, completely silenced and purged anyone who even just dared questioned their clearly horseshit, delusional claims and mass gaslighting. I mean, look at the "Trans genocide" claims and then realise, Trans people literally have some of the lowest rates of abuse, hate crimes or crime against them of any demographic. Troons a near equal to Zionists in the sheer ability to crybully and spout memorized hasbara horseshit.
This also flows into real life orgs due to number 1, throw on the fact that LGBT today is also the compelte Vanguard force of modern Liberalism and most Western leftists are shitlibs, this means nobody can really stand against them.
To understand how absolutely pathetically dogshit troons are at debating, look at this Trans rights activist just completely fall apart from being asked basic questions and some light pushback against their questionable logic
This is why Troonies always scream "TERF" and try ban literally anyone who even dares question some of their logic, because there really is no material coherent basis. It's completely incoherent horseshit and literally based on metaphysical feels.


> I was probably reading the ISNA's site before you were even born,

people often learn about things years after it happens.
People can be ignoranr of phenomenom or terms that have been around since their prime.

Chances are, the peron youre arguing with could be as old or older.

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