>>485698 (OP)>they don't give a fuck about the huge amount of homeless men, The fix for this is a public housing program and everybody gets a natural right to a house, then there won't be anymore homeless people.
>how women avoid sentences and get far less harsh sentences (I work in a prison and everyone here speaks of it and it is materially very blatant), Many have pointed out that there's people putting the thumb on the scales of justice. Like rich people get away with murder and poor people get booked for minor victimless crimes. War-criminals go free while the journalism that investigates get jailed. Wall-street crashed the global financial system and nothing happens, while small commerce gets scrutinized to 4 decimal points.
There's probably too many people imprisoned in general. I think a reasonable reform would be to put an upper limit. Like for example, you can't imprison more than 0.1% of the population. I pulled that number out of my ass but definitely below one percent.
As far as other biases go, i don't know how to fix that. There is a concept where you make a legal system with a base law that deals with all universal serious crimes like murder, and that applies to everybody the same. And then there would be the lesser crimes that are not universal. There would be multiple legal systems that define lesser crimes, and people could choose which of these systems they would submit too. That probably would make it harder to put prejudices into laws.
Another point is that current legal systems only have a whip to punish people if they don't follow the rules, but there is no carrot to reward people that do follow the rules. Introducing rewards probably would lead to significantly better results.
>how women's wellbeing both physical and mental are prioritised while men's frequently targetted with the aim of making them worse;I'm not sure what exactly you mean, but there probably is a need to create rights that protect the mind. Like the state isn't allowed to intimidate people or use psychological war-fare tactics and so on.
>how in spite of all the alleged progress men are still fully expected to provide That is pretty easy to explain, capitalists do not want men to reproduce unless they produce surplus for capitalist or are capitalists them selves. For women the expectation is to raise children and also work for capital, that's pretty shit as well.
I guess you are not wrong to point out how expectations have been turned against people.
>and suck all up; the unnamed androcides which are falsely called 'wars' and so much more.Not sure i understand, i don't know that word, it probably doesn't mean the targeted eradication of androids, but it seems like you're trying to end wars which sounds good.